#courf vlogs
awreckfics · 4 years
My sister made fanart for this fic of mine! It’s for this scene:
[Courfeyrac is filming as he walks into the living room, which is filled with light and birds are chirping outside. Enjolras and Grantaire are still sleeping on the opened couch. Enjolras is turned towards Grantaire, so their cuffed hands could lie in the middle comfortably. Enjolras’s fingertips scrape Grantaire’s wrist lightly. Enjolras is sleeping with his mouth slightly open, his hair is draped out around his head. His other hand lays between him and Grantaire on the bed, just a few inches from Grantaire’s side. His blanket is covering him from the waist down. Grantaire is sleeping on his back. His blanket is also pushed down to his waist. His left hand is laying on his pillow over his head. His fingertips touch the end of Enjolras’s hair. Courfeyrac gives out a shrieking sound behind the camera. The time in the corner of the picture reads 9:00.]
Courfeyrac (from behind the camera): Aw, how cute! Good morning guys! Wakey, wakey! Rise and shine!
[Enjolras slowly blinks open his eyes, which widen as he sees Grantaire laying on the bed beside him, then quickly flick over to Courfeyrac. He growls at him then goes back to watch Grantaire with a soft smile on his face. Grantaire rolls to his side to face Enjolras, still not opening his eyes. His left hand goes up to rub his eyes. He blinks up at Enjolras, then Courf.]
Grantaire (groaning): Don’t film this, you monster! Go, make us coffee instead!
[Courfeyrac laughs behind the camera.]
There are a few artistic changes but it’s just perfect 😍
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courfeynated · 8 years
Les Mis Ice Skating AU
as presented by @maraudeuselunaire and me. Disclaimer: Our complete knowledge about ice skating comes from watching YOI and youtube videos. We know nothing, bear with us. (This got way out of hand. Go under the cut for a way too detailed list of headcanons)
Courf and Ferre started out as rink mates and quickly became friends on and off the ice
But when Ferre hit puberty and his first growth spurt his doctor advised him to quit competitive skating as it was becoming too much for his body
So instead of competing himself he started to help Courf with his programs
Eventually he became his full time coach and also boyfriend
As they both are huge nerds Courf's routines often are themed after their favourite films (and sometimes downright disturbing because "Mars Attacks!" is a great film, no matter what everyone else is saying, dammit!)
There was only one program in Courf's professional career which he created in secret from Ferre
It was an exhibition piece to the Jurassic Park main theme and Courf wore a dinosaur costume
Ferre proposed after this
Bahorel cried and also may or may not have ripped off his shirt and thrown it on the rink
Since then their fans throw dinosaur plushies on the rink
Courf is actually well-known enough to have his own fan club
Its only member is a journalism student named Marius Pontmercy
It's not an official fan club
Marius scheduled an interview with Courf who had just returned from Nationals a few years back and somehow seemed to find himself more in a coffee date situation and a sudden, unexpected love for figure skating routines
(He went to every competition Courf was in ever since)
(Maybe not literally)
Marius gets to know Cosette by throwing a plush bear at the rink after seeing her skate for the first time. It was an accident. He panicked, okay?
When Cosette smiles at him and picks the plushie up to take it to the kiss and cry, Marius is afraid his face will never turn back to its normal color again
Turns out Cosette and her dad-coach Valjean are an actual enigma of the figure skating world. No one actually knows anything about their private lives. This is even more so confusing as Cosette has a popular Youtube channel where she gives training advice and vlogs about competitions??? How do they manage to keep so private??
It's no surprise that Courf is delighted to get to know Cosette, drags Marius right along with him, and secretly documents their first ever conversation so that he'll be able to screen it at their wedding. He's a man who thinks ahead, okay?
One of Courf's most favourite opponents is Jean Prouvaire. One time they both earned a podium finish with Courf slightly ahead and Courf cried
Who can blame him though?
Jehan is widely acclaimed for their elegance, posture, and ballet performance, and they only ever do their programs to screamo metal
Their coach is Bahorel, who 100% supports this choice and the goth costumes coming along with it (Jehan: That's great, but can we add some fake blood? Bahorel: LET'S ADD A FUCKING STAB WOUND)
In the year of their senior debut, figure skater Montparnasse has a meltdown in front of his coach Claquesous because goddammit this is his branding! (If physiotherapist Babet and fan club manager Guelemer are present too, it's because it's an emergency)
The resolution they arrive at is to fucking double the goth and add some glitter while they're at it, which ultimately results in the most dramatic costume fight the figure skating world has seen so far
It seems to culminate at an event where Jehan's costume seems to be nothing but a human skull placed on their head and is completely drenched in fake blood
This is when Montparnasse decides to do a number in black light in a skeleton suit – and is left dumbfounded at the next competition where Jehan turns up wearing a full-on medieval bridal gown including a fucking veil and with actual leaves sewn onto it and proceeds to skate to a melancholic N'Sync medley played on the flute
Montparnasse, afterwards: That was sick. Why would you do that. That wasn't. I couldn't believe my eyes. The fuck
The time Jehan wins the Grand Prix Final is when they and Bahorel choreograph a program to the reading of a Romantic poem though. No music, just the words. It's stunning.
Grantaire used to skate as a kid and was pretty good but stopped when he was about fifteen because he felt like he could not actually compete with his peers
That was partly because Eponine, who he used to skate with since they both were very young, had to give up skating because her parents couldn't afford the lessons anymore and R on his own had little to no self-esteem (it's way better nowadays)
But they both never stopped loving the sport so eventually they decided to open up a dance studio
Their studio is quite popular (they do not teach aspiring skaters only, in fact they mostly teach children, but they are renowned for their skills and often recommended among skaters when it comes to ballet)
Also R is at absolutely every competition to cheer on his boyfriend Enjolras
Although that doesn't stop him from teasing Enjolras whenever he can, especially as R can be pretty graceful off ice but Enjolras, unless he concentrates really hard, has the natural gracefulness of an old potato
Enjolras is that one contestant who is a gold medal candidate in every event he shows up
Everyone thinks he has no chill whatsoever
He always seems 100% unimpressed in interviews before the competition starts (Journalist: Are you nervous?, Enjolras: Why?)
Only his physiotherapist Feuilly knows he's a massive dork
Most people have already forgotten the complete mess and lineup of failures his senior debut season was
Nowadays, the only controversial topic his performances spur is his apparent weakness for dramatic musical theater numbers as well as for “well-hidden” symbolism
Professional in hijacking interviews to comment on political and social topics
He becomes friends with Courf and Ferre at the banquet after the first ever senior competition they are in together, first observing them from afar for good thirty minutes and then walking straight up to them like “hello you are my friends now”
Naturally, Courf and Ferre adopt him on the spot
Feuilly knows Musichetta from physiotherapy school
Nowadays Musichetta organises LGBT+ positive sports events
When she is planning a same-gender pair skating grand prix she calls Feuilly to ask for his help
That's how special guests Enjolras and Courf end up doing a routine together
This is also where they meet Bossuet and Joly (or as they are called by their fans "The Eagle and the Cricket") who gave up professional skating in order to be able to skate together
There are too many "Spread Eagle" puns to be counted, Grantaire is delighted
Enjolras is secretly relieved to meet Bossuet who just like him is super graceful on ice but lacks general control over his limbs whenever he steps outside the rink
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awreckfics · 5 years
What are we thinking? Halloween with Courfeyrac?
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awreckfics · 5 years
One last before the end of the year! Hope you’ll all have a fun night and a wonderful next year!😘😘
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