orokay · 9 months
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I just hit a follower milestone so lets pretend I didn't start this weeks ago and that this redraw is in honor of that. Anyway, throwing this to the pinterest and wattpad girlies like chicken feed, I hope they love this just as much if not more than the og. This ones for you!
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antikorg · 4 months
Bibliothèque municipale de Courry : RAPPEL matinée jeux
La Ludo’Cèze revient à la bibliothèque et vous propose demain matin de 9h30 à 12h, une matinée pour découvrir le jeu sous toutes ses formes (jouets de construction, symbolique, sensoriel, jeux de société, livre-jeu …). C’est gratuit, et bien évidemment, ouvert à toutes et tous ! N’hésitez pas à diffuser l’information autour de vous. Caroline DUCOS Bibliothèque municipale de Courry 141 route des…
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midnight-stormm · 7 days
Kindness should go both ways. I understand that the ppl participating is eager to win the 100k prize money even that courri guy but It doesn't hurt to be kind and show good sportsmanship. What happen was uncalled for.
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444names · 9 months
towns and cities in both the republic of ireland and south korea BUT excluding "h"
Abbey Abbeyrang Abric Abrin Abristoo Aburnelis Acasslay Adeonstles Aesan Agalan Aggus Agock Aguntiogue Aigurnfor Ailconbon Aisslane Amnam Ampyeck Andown Angdon Angimon Anglegue Ankidge Apopo Apoqua Ardford Aretty Arnam Ateenon Ateenvoree Aullastow Ausejon Avangan Bacen Baeju Bailma Bairroe Balbon Baleaustlen Balinbrin Ballack Ballaggyeon Ballan Balle Balled Balleelgen Balleryeon Balletown Ballier Ballies Ballieunine Ballim Ballimstoe Ballin Ballis Ballogee Ballongder Ballounlin Balls Ballston Balltumsam Ballus Bally Ballybore Ballyclod Ballyga Ballygard Ballyjan Ballylas Ballylongju Ballyma Ballynague Ballyneen Ballyr Baltinju Baltor Baltys Bandung Bangjumbet Bansuir Barry Bawlestown Bayan Beaggyeon Begang Begocknon Begyeon Belan Bellang Beltowne Bergure Blannyan Blastleent Bliannisbuk Blinry Bofins Boollyclow Boseju Branacasan Brate Briff Brissintim Brock Brumnaslin Buamp Bubla Bubladfin Bublinam Buksteragu Buyeon Bwollan Béall Carbal Cardfen Carey Carnarri Carriell Carrit Carriterst Carry Cascroe Caseok Caskeen Cassand Castletran Castoe Castown Casunling Caulspitty Ciallyla Ciamyan Cilculliff Civock Clack Clactur Clagra Clalle Clang Clangjine Claskermann Cleckrag Clian Cliestown Clinastel Clinewtown Clock Cloeung Clogo Clogord Clomon Clond Clong Cloodewon Clougue Cloungyeon Clourn Clourt Clous Cloylard Clurri Cnockman Cobel Colelly Colgyane Coman Comeara Congdeon Congown Contbridge Coomakeslay Coomitim Coote Coree Corgu Courry Cries Croman Cromeers Crosam Crossmord Crout Crovints Culard Curboft Curne Daebelculla Daill Damgry Dampary Darva Delan Doode Doodes Doong Drang Drateenses Dridlen Drock Drood Dross Drossmore Drumbel Drumord Drumovilda Drumurs Dunce Dúnacaul Edmormong Enamp Eongaklaguk Ernaewong Eumkeel Eungbuk Falveelle Fedmous Forman Framseon Freen Furcollyon Furet Furry Gakert Garoire Garridgead Garry Gater Geationju Geonaju Getood Geupseock Gijan Glinala Goksan Gollise Gormisron Gormo Gorown Gorryknon Gortbrossax Gosker Grang Gransan Gungju Gwangsangan Gwomany Gwongi Gyang Gyeon Idgeon Iksaggla Iltown Inagane Injeon Innisong Innyallen Inseon Ireekstown Janewan Jangaklong Jangi Jannaskilla Jeong Jeonnitrot Jikste Jineystown Jings Jintown Jockan Judim Keixna Kiend Kilcodeon Kildan Kildcas Kildoncrity Kildton Kilemonbu Kilen Kilermor Kilferood Kilfin Kilfing Kilfinseon Kilfwaw Killa Killas Killemyvan Killsan Killy Killyo Kilmall Kilmeare Kilmell Kilminden Kilmon Kilmory Kilmu Kilmulsan Kilmun Kilnanju Kilstong Kilstown Kiltown Kiltyforeek Kines Knocard Koreastle Labragap Ladaeig Lascrosack Lassangju Leddeona Linan Lindang Linroe Liseusk Litrat Littaneyre Logum Logyan Longney Loomore Loong Mackmarna Maklogore Mallone Marry Meastown Meensan Merry Meste Midge Milculebrum Mitasky Modeon Mollenna Morkeent Moung Mourry Muiwoo Mulintuam Mulleong Mullitinaga Mullysaney Mulsane Munce Murne Nagan Namel Namyan Nangsok Nastlecknay Nesunt Newballa Nockraire Nogujeon Norring Nurráirí Oegson Offall Oindon Olycung Petoad Pillary Pills Pogyeon Porooldcast Porrang Promaller Prossbrid Pyeon Pyerneg Quaittemar Ragarvan Raigort Rangburel Rangne Rannigan Rastle Rasundroe Raterfor Ratow Reseone Riddy Rivoy Robworryle Romoy Ronaylan Rootee Roseonvord Rowkee Ruselgappo Saclouiry Sanlon Sapyeongju Scoobirt Scoot Seolene Seonbridge Seone Seumly Seung Seusk Seylin Sinew Skesung Slarrand Sokstown Spamcon Spare Spettleison Spidgeon Spite Stleela Stongork Stown Swaylin Taekpo Tainstobel Tastier Tastown Teeltown Timord Tionack Tonampiter Toodastown Tumkeeksam Turne Turry Uingseon Uncen Vilennagard Villenna Vilwawn Wacklood Wayane Wayannaggle Weldy Yeomailes Yeone Yeong Yeongay Yeongtown Yeonn
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courry30 · 3 days
Résultats des européennes 2024 Courry
100% des résultats publiés Jordan BARDELLAdéplier LA FRANCE REVIENT ! AVEC JORDAN BARDELLA ET MARINE LE PEN Rassemblement national – groupe Identité et Démocratie (ID) 26,74% 46 votes Raphaël GLUCKSMANNdéplier RÉVEILLER L’EUROPE Parti socialiste, Place publique – groupe Socialistes et Démocrates (S&D) 17,44% 30 votes Léon DEFFONTAINESdéplier GAUCHE UNIE POUR LE MONDE DU TRAVAIL SOUTENUE PAR…
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evoldir · 1 year
Fwd: Graduate position: CNRS_Montpellier.GrapeOliveTreePaleoGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: CNRS_Montpellier.GrapeOliveTreePaleoGenomics > Date: 21 June 2023 at 05:16:21 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Ph.D. Student Position: Paleogenomics of Grape and Olive tree in France > > Our project "Modelling Interactions between Climate change and Agriculture > in the ancient West", supported by the French National Agency for > Research, opens a CNRS 3-year position (fully financed) for a PhD thesis > on the paleogenomics of grapevine and olive trees. The research will be > carried out by a nice collaboration between the French Research Units : > ISEM, AGAP and EDB in Montpellier, and GATK in Toulouse. > > You will find the description of the PhD subject and conditions here : > https://ift.tt/nUleDHN > > > The program requires the candidates to formally apply through the CNRS > system by 10th July 2023 (button "Apply" or "Postuler" according to the > chosen language). You will need to open an account but it is easy. If > you find it difficult or if you have preliminary questions, you can > write before the 3rd of July directly to Laurent or me (adresses below). > > > We wish to start the PhD in October 2023. We will accept candidates > online up to July 10th, and we will interview the candidates just after. > > Thanks to All if you can kindly transfer our offer to your best students. > > SIncerely, > Laurent Bouby, Roberto Bacilieri > > > #### > > > Bonjour > > Dans le cadre du projet MICA (Modelling Interactions between Climate > change and Agriculture in the ancient West) financ� par l'ANR, notre > �quipe "�tudes du pass�, patrimoines, cultures" de l'UMR ISEM, ouvre un > nouveau contrat doctoral (CNRS), pour une th�se sur la pal�og�nomique > de la vigne et de l'olivier. Le travail se fera dans le cadre d'une > collaboration entre les UMR : ISEM, AGAP et EDB de Montpellier, et GATK > de Toulouse. > > Le descriptif du sujet de th�se est dans le lien suivant : > https://ift.tt/nUleDHN > > > Pour postuler, les candidats doivent s'inscrire sur le site du CNRS > et suivre la proc�dure. Si vous avez des questions pr�liminaires, > vous pouvez nous �crire avant le 3 juillet (courri�ls dessous). Nous > souhaiterons que la th�se commence � partir d'octobre 2023. Nous > accepterons les candidatures jusqu'au 10 juillet, et auditerons les > candidats tout de suite apr�s. > > Merci de la diffusion que vous voudrez bien faire � vos �tudiants. > > Bien cordialement > > Laurent Bouby, Roberto Bacilieri > > -- > Laurent Bouby > Ing�nieur de Recherche CNRS > Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution - ISEM (UMR 5554) > > Universit� Montpellier > Place Eug�ne Bataillon > B�t 22 - 3�me �tage - CC 065 > 34095 Montpellier cedex 5 France > [email protected] > ResearchGate > > > Roberto BACILIERI > INRAE/CIRAD - UMR 1334 AGAP - B�t 3, B103 > TA A-108/03, Avenue Agropolis > 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, FRANCE > T�l. : +33 4 67 61 49 31 > E-mail: [email protected] > https://ift.tt/usTcBro > > > > > > Roberto Bacilieri
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jloisse · 1 year
Gros Scandale France : la société médicale qui a porté plainte contre Raoult a touché 800.000 euros du labo GILEAD, selon Martine Wonner
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Raoult Raoult continue toujours de tirer sur la vaccination de masse qu’il considère d’ailleurs comme une expérimentation.
Qui veut la peau du professeur? Pourquoi l’Etat veut à tout prix le punir?
Si, pour le moment, nous ne détenons pas la réponse à ces questions, n’oublions pas qu’en novembre 2022, l’ex députée, LREM, Martine Wonner, a été suspendue un an par l’Ordre des Médecins pour ses positions jugées complotistes.
Lecourrier-du-soir.com tient à rappeler à ses lecteurs qu’en septembre 2020, Martine Wonner avait fait une révélation explosive sur un financement du laboratoire Gilead à une société savante française qui poursuit le professeur Didier Raoult en justice.
Excellente lecture.
Lire 👉
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zehub · 1 year
L'État va mesurer les consommations réelles d'énergie des logements rénovés
Le ministère de la Transition énergétique a lancé, le 6 avril, une campagne de mesures pour évaluer les économies d'énergie générées par les travaux de rénovation énergétique. Un million de ménages français viennent de recevoir un courrie
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benprenart · 4 years
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Fashion illustration sketch based on a photo of Kasiasmulska for Courri collection ss2020
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Aujourd’hui dernière garde de ma vie d’externe. Les dernières 24 heures à faire le larbin.
J’espère juste que le chef de garde ne sera pas celui qui me déteste, et que personne ne souviendra de ma crise de nerfs il y a deux semaines...
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orokay · 4 years
Yearly Courri question; what is her back story?
Courri is my first ever d&d character. She was originally a paladin in my first ever playthrough but in pretty much every playthrough since, she’s been a druid. Here’s her tag and here’s her pinterest if you’re interested in seeing more stuff about her. 
I had to dig through my old character sheets to find her Official ™ backstory because it’s been Years since I’ve played her. I’ll put it below the cut because it’s kind of long. The tl;dr of it though is she was born into a cult of Tyr and was meant to be a chosen paladin for them but she didn’t want to so she ran away and became a hermit. She’s been running from all of her problems ever since.
The long version is that Courri was born into a militant cult which worshiped the god of justice, Tyr. The cult believed that it was their job to do the ‘dirty work’ for Tyr and be a fist of justice on the world. Her parents were devout heretics in the cult so, when Courri had a vision from Tyr when she was 15 where he called her to become his paladin, she was sent to a nearby knights order to train. As one of the first members of the cult to be called by Tyr himself to service, she was regarded as the Chosen One and was expected by many in the cult to become the Prophet General  who would lead them to war and exact justice on the world in a great purge of sorts once she returned. 
Unfortunately for them, Courri wasn’t really feeling it. She eventually snuck out of the temple where she had been training and spent a good period of time trying to get as far away as possible before breaking into an old hovel in the forest that she stumbled upon, believing it to be abandoned. The old druid woman who the hovel belonged to beat Courri over the head for breaking into her home, but eventually agreed to take the young girl in and train her in exchange for company and doing a lot of the more labor intensive work around to hovel that the old druid woman could no longer to as easily due to her age. 
After her mentor passed, Courri began traveling again out of fear that the cult was still searching for her and she’s been on the move on and off ever since. She’s currently being tracked by two different contingents from the cult, one group headed by her parents who are trying to bring back the cult’s Chosen One and the other group sent by the current leader of the cult to kill her, fearing that she’ll return and usurp his position. 
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atasc13 · 4 years
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Et pour ici, c’est où ?
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antikorg · 6 months
Bibliothèque municipale de Courry : Concours de lecture Festival du Livre Cèze Cévennes
Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Le festival du Livre Cèze Cévennes (qui se déroule les 24 & 25 mai 2024 à Barjac) vous propose de participer à un concours de lecture jusqu’au 30 avril 2024. Comment participer ? 1 – Vous inscrire à la bibliothèque (par mail, par téléphone ou sur place aux horaires d’ouverture). 2 – Lire sur la période impartie, les 5 livres sélectionnés par le jury parmi les…
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aroaceacacia · 4 years
I mean, if the coat is too big for him just throw Grian at it. Grian’s got tailoring skils iirc due to the whole “outfit for every occasion” thing even including a tailoring outfit which he used to get Ren a new skin. But yeah, none of the hermits are slouches at RP, Ren is absolutely great at that. ... Pogtopia hiding in the hermits’ basement. Also, Grian being a go-to for rapid courrying/death-item-drop recoverer. Question is what the heck is Fruitberries doing? What does he do?
fruitberries is hanging out with h! while h makes weird death minigames fruit is there helping him out. he'd also hang out with sapnap when he's around, and we can see him spending time with sam and figuring out redstone with him. fruit probably would stay neutral on the war until a hermit or h asked him to join one side or another
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ecco ora penserò tutto il giorno a the long goodbye e al courry brand cat-food
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courry30 · 24 days
Rendez-vous le 1er mai
Pour une journée champêtre: 9h Rendez-vous à la Mairie de Courry 9h30 Départ pour une balade aux Dolmens 12h Pique nique à la Cocalière (repas sortir du sac) Participation de 4€ Organisé par le Comité des fêtes de Courry
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