#cow beaf
banepenis · 10 months
You know all beef is ground beaf because that's what those cow are eating. - michael myesrs
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dasanikunal · 7 years
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yadavdheer · 7 years
Rigveda (6/17/1) says "Indra used to eat the meat of cow, calf, horse and buffalo". Is it true?
Please read my explanation here
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fuimadane · 5 years
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Got me a new pair of socks! #meat #beaf #socks #cow #imhungry #luckyme #fuimadane https://www.instagram.com/p/B1tmkz4nApT/?igshid=v0gpnw2s6apa
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yaspup9000 · 7 years
Katamari Damacy: chapter 55, A song fit for a Princess?
((The next day, Prince and Domino finally got out of the hospital and Head for the the castle, while on the way Gin starts to open her eyes a bit more. When Gin looks up to the sky, she starts wondering what are those shiny things and why are they up there. When Prince and Domino finally got to the Castle, Prince looks at Gin inside her little Ducky cradle to check to see how she’s doing.))
((Once Gin sees Prince’s face, She then starts to grabing and touching Prince’s stubble beard to see how harry it is.))
Prince: *Smiles* Well Gin, We’re Home!
((When Prince, Domino, And Gin gets inside of the castle, the castle hasn’t really changed a bit.. in fact it was right where they left it.))
((Domino then Turns back at Prince.))
Domino: *Sighs* It’s sure is Swell to be back ay Prince?
Prince: *Smiles* Yup It sure is..
Domino: Hm.. Gin doesn’t seem to have beaf with anything… You know somethin’ Prince, Parenting seems like an ankle in the park.
((But then as if it was on cue Gin starts to cry.))
((Prince looks at Domino and then he gives Domino that look.))
Prince: A Walk in the Park huh?
Domino: Hm Yeah well, Maybe Gin’s a bit hungry? Or even A bit sleepy?
Prince: Hm.. to come to think of it, Gin hasn’t really eaten anything since we’ve left the hospital.
((As Domino Takes Gin to a Different room, the bell starts ringing and as Prince Opens the door, There was The King and Queen of all cosmos but this time Princess and Ruby the cowbear decides to come over.))
Princess: Oh Hello Prince, sorry That I couldn’t See the new arrival on a sort notice.. I mean Ruby and I were just helping out Some Cows for the milky way.
Prince: Um.. Well there’s no problem! Come in! Make yourself comfortable.
((As the King and Queen of all cosmos, Princess and Ruby takes a seat and make themselves comfortable, Domino comes Out of the Room with Gin in hand.))
Domino: There you go Gin, You’re was just a bit hungry that’s all..
((Gin starts looking around and sees some of the same people from the hospital and Something new.))
King of all cosmos: Ah yes, We haven’t Sing the Song to our new Granddaughter Yes?
((Prince gives off an concern look Whenever The king Starts singing that song. Why yes he Has good intentions but still That song always feels a bit awkward to him even back when he was a baby, but who knows Maybe Gin “"might”“ like it.))
((Once the king of all cosmos start to sing A song for the King of kings, The king starts Marching to his song and sings his heart out. And As For Gin, She was Getting more and more comfuse by the minute and The king’s singing was so loud and to exciting that Once He was Finally finished with the song As if it was on cue Gin start to crying again.))
Prince: … Um maybe Gin’s a bit sleepy after she was feed.. so I’ll Try to make her Go to sleep or at least put her in a good mood.
((Once Prince Takes Gin to the other room, there was nothing but awkward silence.))
Domino: … Um That was um.. Quite a Swell show you’ve um.. yeah..
((There was more silence))
Princess: .. So.. Anygood Movies?
Welp hope you guys liked the chapter or at least tolerated. Please tell me what do you guys think? And remember to stay tuned for more as the Journey continues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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naijaforbz · 4 years
Stop Eating Cow Meats For Now - Yahaya Bello
Stop Eating Cow Meats For Now – Yahaya Bello
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Gov. Yahaya Bello & Asuku (chief of staff)
The executive Governor of Kogi State Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello has advised Nigerians to stop the consumption of Beaf meats till coroner is over.
He said this as a result of recent high numbers of cow’s dying for reasons yet to be confirmed, he added that for healthy purposes we have to be careful about cow meats for the moment.
The governor…
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folombas · 6 years
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I love pets. I love cows! So I accidentally met this lovely cow during a walk in the center of Moscow. I kissed this cow, this is my love for the cow. I love milk and just adore roast beef! #pets #cow #animal #milk #beaf #cowlove #street #walk #moscow #center #city #winter #december Я очень люблю домашних животных. Обожаю коров! Вот я встретил случайно во время прогулки по центру Москвы эту милейшую коровку. Я поцеловал эту коровку, это моя любовь к корове. Я люблю молоко и просто обожаю жареную говядину! #коровка #буренка #говядина #домашнееживотное #рогатая #корова #коровадаетмолоко #любовькживотным #любовь #прогулка #зима #декабрь https://www.instagram.com/p/BrfkSD-FHsP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z958tfmjo1b8
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Dev-Marathi Shabd-KoshSwargatil Devanchi Kavitanchi Dictionaryदेव-मराठी शब्द-कोष स्वर्गातील देवांची कवीतांची डिक्ष्नरीSUNIL M PALASKARसही शाही ऊन्हानी न्हाईल म मर्हदेव महादेव पहा फलाफला असा आला अला हं असा साकार शंखकर शिकवाया शिक्षण खरोखरCopyright ©2013 Sunil M Palaskar at Smashwords Edition Smashwords Edition, License Notes. In case of difference of opinion arises, please feel free to send me email. If possible, The Author Sunil M Palaskar shall correct his statement in the forthcoming editions, Otherwise the court jurisdiction shall be Kalyan, Thane, and Mumbai only. Email [email protected] All rights reserved. PRINT BOOK ISBN-10: 1491278803 PRINT BOOK ISBN-13: 9781491278802 ebook ISBN:10 First Edition: .Copyright ©2013 self publisher Author Mr Sunil M Palaskar. All rights reserved by self publisher Mr Sunil M Palaskar of M/S. Sunil M PalaskarNo part of this publication may be reproduced,recreated Distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written Permission of the Publisher Mr Sunil M Palaskar of M/S. Sunil M PalaskarDeclaration from The Author.This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, place, and incidents are the product of the Author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual earthly events, locales, or persons, individual or societies, living or dead, is coincidental.Please remember history, historical events, name, characters, places, incidents including everything mentioned in this book, in this world repeats itself, and having recurring nature, for that only, ‘The creator of this universe, God’ is responsible. This Author is neighter responsible, no punishabe anyway. The Author is only the medium of expressions of Godly thoughts. The main purpose and emphasize of the ‘Gods Dictionary series’ of book including this book, is to make-you-aware the ‘Gods & goddesses culture, their history, and teach you their ancient language and its grammar’ only.The Author has avoided, as far as possible comments against present days’ situation of Maharashtra, India or any government organization / agencies’ political / financial / foreign affairs policies, custom. The mention of ‘Maharashtra’, ‘India’ or ‘name of any country, provience’ or ‘any Government Organization / any religion / section of society / agencies’, ‘political / financial / foreign affairs policies of any Government’, ‘custom / incidence’ mentioned in this ‘Book’ is merely a ‘co-incidence’ and pertains to another ‘ Similar Earth’ of ‘Another planetary system’ and does not pertains to ‘THIS EARTH’ (where we live) of ‘This planetary system’. Please point out any violation by sending me email, if possible, I will correct the mistake in the forth-coming editions of this book; otherwise Court Jurisdiction shall be Bhiwandi, Thane, and Mumbai (India).The book pertains to ancient God-maratha or ancient-96 kuli dev Maratha warriors or ancient manuists or ancient Vedics only. The book does not pertains to the present day’s modern 96 kuli Marathas or modern Marathas or any other present day’s modern religions or modern sect. or modern casts or modern creeds or modern Vedics or modern-manuists, If any mention in this book is only name-sake and is coincidental.Differences & Points Please notice the following differences to be noted before reading this book.1)As per this book, the ancient 96-kuli-dev-Marathas were cannibals, cow eaters, pig eaters etc. (९६ कुळी = शव्वानव कुळी = शव अन्न हान हाव खाल खोली = total 96 types of animal’s beaf & carcase eaters). Eaters all sorts of animals, fish, birds etc. available on this earth. Moreover the Maratha God has created all sort of animals on this earth including human for eating purpose only. The bio-degradable, non-poluting, eatable, living kindom of The Male Maratha God. स्वर्गातील मराठे हे नरमांस भक्षीय आहेत. कारण स्वर्गात नरमासाशिवाय कोणताही आहार उपलब्ध नाही. ज जू न तह स्वर्गात जमिनीवरील मानव प्राण्याशिवाय ईतर प्राणी रहात नाहीत. तसेच स्वर्गातील देव- मराठे हे पृथ्वीवरील सर्व प्रकारचे प्राणी, पक्षी, जलचर यांचे मांस खाणारे आहेत. स्वर्गातील देव हे धान्य, फळे व प्राण्यांचे मांस सर्व पृथ्वीवरून अदृश मालगाडीने स्वर्गात न्हेतात.. देव मराठे हे जीवो जीवस्य जीवनम् या तत्वाचे पालन करणारे आहेत.) Whereas the modern 96-kuli-dev-Marathas are non-cannibals, non-cow eaters, non-pig eaters, non-carcase eaters. (only selected animal eaters) hence both the Marathas are different.2) As per this book, (the ancient 96-kuli-dev-Marathas) verses (Vedic-GHOU), are hardcore enemies. स्वर्गातील मराठे हे पृथ्वीवरील ग, ह, ओ, उ, आई, आय हार (घौरीहर)चे कट्टर दुश्मन आहेत. तसेच देव-मराठे हे पृथ्वीवरील ब्राह्मण वेदिक धर्माचे दुश्मन आहेत. Whereas (the modern 96-kuli-Marathas) and (Vedic-GHOU) may not be enemies or may not be friends. पृथ्वीवरील मराठे हे पृथ्वीवरील ग ह ओ उ चे कट्टर पाठीराखे आहेत. तसेच पृथ्वीवरील ब्राह्मण वेदिक धर्माचे पालनकर्ते व आश्रय दाते आहेत.3) As per this book the ancient 96-kuli-dev-Marathas were ‘Maratha, by religion. In heaven their is no cast & creed separation. स्वर्गवासीय ‘मराठे’ हे हिंदू धर्मीय नाहीत. ते ’स्त्री दाक्षिण्य, स्त्री सन्मान, ब्राह्मण सन्मान, स्त्री पुरुष समानता, देवी भक्त, मातृ भक्त, मूर्ती पूजा, गाय पूजा, वृक्ष पूजा, जपजाप, समाधी, पालखी, साधू, संत, बाबा, गुरु यांचे उपासनेस विरोध करणारे आहेत व त्याची खिल्ली उडवणारे आहेत व प्रसंगी त्यांना खतम करून त्यांचे मांस खाणारे आहेत. थोडक्यात देव मराठे हे हिंदू धर्माचे पालनकर्ते व विश्वास ठेवणारे नाहीत. सबब ‘स्वर्गातील मराठे’ व ‘पृथ्वीवरील हिंदू-मराठे’ हे वेगवेगळे धर्म आहेत.त्यांचा एकमेकांशी नाम सदृशाशिवाय काही सम्बंध नाही.Whereas the earth habitat modern 96-kuli-Marathas are ‘Hindu by religion & ‘Maratha’ by cast. पृथ्वीवासीय ‘मराठे’ हे हिंदू धर्मीय असून ते हिंदू धर्म’, ’स्त्री दाक्षिण्य, स्त्री सन्मान, स्त्री पुरुष समानता, देवी भक्त, मातृ भक्त, मूर्ती पूजा, जपज���प, समाधी, पालखी, साधू, संत, बाबा,गुरु यांचे उपासक आहेत. थोडक्यात पृथ्वीवासीय मराठे हे ‘हिंदू धर्माचे’ पालनकर्ते व विश्वास ठेवणारे आहेत. सबब ‘स्वर्गातील मराठे’ व ‘पृथ्वीवरील मराठे’ हे वेगवेगळे धर्म आहेत.4) As per this book the ancient 96-kuli-dev-Marathas were having ‘Maharashtrian Nationality or महाराष्ट्रीयन राष्ट्रीयत्व’ or ‘Citizen of nation called Maharashta’ or ‘ मर्हा- राष्ट्रीयन’ or ‘पुरुष राष्ट्रीयन’. स्वर्गातील मराठे हे महाराष्टीयन आहेत. स्वर्गातील मराठे हे हिंदुस्तानी अथवा हिंदुराष्ट्रीय नाहीत. स्वर्गातील मराठे हे हिंदुस्तानचे कट्टर दुश्मन आहेत. Whereas the modern 96-kuli-dev-Marathas are having ‘Indian nationality भारतीय राष्ट्रीयत्व’ or िहंदूस्तानी’ or ‘Citizen of nation called India’. पृथ्वीवासीय मराठे हे हिंदुस्थानी अथवा हिंदुराष्ट्रीय आहेत.पृथ्वीवरील मराठे हे हिंदुस्तानचे प्रेमी आहेत.5) As per this book the ancient country called ‘Maharashtra’ was meant for only one ‘Male dominated country’ or मर्ह राष्ट्र or मर्द राष्ट्र’ or ‘पुरुष राष्ट्र’ , Whereas the rest of world ‘Saurashtra’ or ‘सोऊ राष्ट्र’ or ‘स्त्री राष्ट्र’ were meant for ‘women dominated countries’. 6) As per this book, the ancient 96-kuli-dev- Marathas मर्ह-religion was the base-religion of the world from which all modern religions were originated or all modern religions were evolved. Formation of new religions from the oceon of ‘original मर्ह-religion’ and modification of ‘existing मर्ह-religion’ and diversification of ‘existing मर्ह-religion’ are continuous processes. But ‘Maratha मर्ह’ religion remains the ‘base’ of all religions, Since it is the Maratha God’s own religion. Whereas Formation of new religions and modification of existing religion and diversification of existing religions are  continuous processes. So everybody must have proud of their own religion and respects other’s religions.7) As per this book the ancient 96 kuli Dev-Marathi was the base-language of the world from which all modern languages have been evolved, Whereas, formation of new languages and modification of existing languages and diversification of existing languages are also a continuous process. So everybody must have proud of their own language and respects other’s languages.8) After conquering the greedy danav residing inside your own mind and leading the life with total renounce ness and sacrifice, you too can one day become the Maratha Gods or goddesses.9) The Author is personally not against any language and religion or society, or cast, or culture or customs or rituals or race nor do under estimate any individual and their feelings, moreover Author largely believe on universal brother hood. The Author further believe that all human beings are brothers and sisters and children of the ‘Maratha Almighty God’ and have equal right to live and let live. Whereas ‘God Sunil Maruti Palaskar’ does believe in equality but, ‘God Sunil Maruti Palaskar’ believe that all human beings, animal beings are equally inferior to him. 10) But the Author does hate the greedy people (danavs) and the greediness (danavi) hidden inside every bodies mind. In this case the Author mind is like Marathi-Dev, who were hating and were killing the ancient danavs, so drive away the excessive greediness from your mind and come on the path which leads to Godly hood and become friend of Almighty God.Yours beloved ‘The sweet-miraculous human form solid body God (दगड देव = देह गढ़ देव = The human body form of God)’!!.)11) As per this book the ancient 96-kuli-dev- Marathi was the base-language of the world from which all modern languages had evolved. Formation of new languages from original dev-marathi language  and modification of existing dev Marathi languages and diversification of existing dev-marathi  languages are also a continuous process. But ‘dev Marathi’ language remains the base of all languages, Since it is the God’s own language.12) The Author is personally not against any language and religion or society, or cast, or culture or customs or rituals or race nor do underestimate any individual and their feelings, moreover author largely believe on universal brother hood. The Author further believe that all human beings are brothers and sisters and children off the Maratha Almighty Gods & goddesses and have equal right to live and let live.13) But the Author does hate the greedy people (Dons,danavs) and the greediness (Dons,danavs) hidden inside every bodies mind. In this case, the Author’s mind much resembles to the mind of  Maratha - Dev. The Devs’ & devis’ main job was to kill the danavs. So please drive away the excessive greediness from your mind and come on the path which leads to Godly hood and become friend of Almighty God (ए पहा जलला आला मी घाटी गढी मराठी गूढं देव ) O people ! see I the dead & the burnt in last birth and again I took the new body form and came back again from my miraculous fortress, your own beloved ‘the sweet-stone-god THE MARATHI GOD’!!.)14) After conquering the greedy danav residing inside your own mind and leading the life with total renounce ness and sacrificial life, and reading my ‘Gods series of books’, you too can one day become the Maratha Gods or goddesses. 15) Please consider this an opportunity or Invitational challenge to you to become, another God (Dev) and goddesses (Devi), since the recruitment to become another God and goddesses never been stopped. Moreover the earth is made for making the Gods and goddesses from ordinary human beings, that is the main purpose only for creating this universe by Almighty Maratha God. The new generations of danavs are always taking birth. The potable drinking water is always get polluted, but you have to again repeatedly filter it and repeatedly kill the bacteria by use of chlorine (say ‘Maratha’ system replacement for ‘Sita’ system) in water filtration plant. Moreover, it is a natural phenomenon, also to go on continuing of killing the danavs is also a natural phenomena. Please note that the earth is a living object. Every living animal has it’s own excreta, similarly the danavs are the excreta of earth that must be removed from the body of earth, to keep the earth’s health fit and sound. The killing of danav is a must to keep the human society clean. The war against the greedy danavs is never ending. Moreover, is still on,and will be there until the end of universe. In order to save you and your step children and your beloved home (planet earth) from the clutches of greedy danavs it is your duty to continue the fight for generations together. That is the main theme and motto of writing down all these ‘Gods Dictionary’ series of books.Only The Marathas got the history.Others got only the geography.A prayer to the God १)गूढ़ं देवा ओऽ गहऩ देवा.(O God, you are difficult to understand and your knowledge is very secret)२)घोङ गॉड़ देवा.(O horse riding Lord Khandoba the sweet God)३)जागेवर सोड़ देवा.(Please carry me safely to right destination, O Lord Khandoba)४)गजब अजब देवा.(O Lord Khandoba, you are full of miracles)५)गूढं घोङं दौङं.(O Lord Khandoba Your horse quality we cannot understand) (Your miraculous horse-ride)६)जागेवर ऊङं ऊधळ देवा.(O Lord Khandoba you & your horse is such that you lifts to air at the same place)७)जागेवर दग्ध देवा.(O Lord Khandoba You can burn anybody instantly since you are an angry god)८)जागेवर दगङ देवा.(O Lord Khandoba, you can turn anybody into stone)९)गोसावङं देवा.(O Lord Khandoba, You look like gosawi) (Monk) having full hairs on head१०)गोङं घाटी देवा.(O Lord Khandoba, You are sweet and stay on mountains)११)ऊधं ऊधं ओऽ गजर.(There is constant sound of wake up O Lord Khandoba -wake up O Lord Khandoba (udho-udho))१२)गुळं खोबरं उडं देवावर.(Every time there is offering of jiggery and dry coconut)१३)हळदं भंडारा ऊधळं देवावर.Everywhere there is shower of Turmeric (Haldi) powder on Jejuri fort)१४)गुढं गॉड ख़ंडोबा देवावर.(Over the Lord Khandoba)१५)दग़ड देवा दानव गाडं देवा.(O Stone God bury the Dons (greedy people)१६)जेजूऱं गड़ावरं देवा सागुती बोकूड़ं पूङं.(On the Jejur fort, we get food of mutton-goat with spicy masala)१७)सांगाती सह्याद्री दगङं धोन्ड घोडं.(You accompany the horse and stones of Mountain Sahyadri of Maharashtra)१८) जेजूऱी भंडारा ऊधळं,गणं गौळणं गडावरं माळावरं.(The haldi (turmeric)-powder is sprayed everywhere on Jejuri fort by the male and female devotees)१९)म्हाळसां गङावर, बानो पहार्यावर, घोड्यावर, नज़र कड़ी कपाऱावऱ, दर्या खोर्यावर.(The Lord Khandoba was being Maratha warrior God he used To stay on fort Jejuri, he was having two warrior wives called Mhallsa and Bano, sometime Mhallsa stays on fort with God Khandoba while the other wife Bano gives constant strict security, and vigil from the cliff of Jejuri fort on the horse back & vice versa)२०)गोड़ं खंड़ोबा धडपड़ गोधड़ीवऱ, ड़ोक़ पड़ दग़डावर.(The God Khandoba while taking rest he used to sleep on cotton bed-sheet (Called godhadi in Maharashtra) and head on, the woolen bed-sheet (called Ghongadi) kept on the stones to rest the head.२१)दगड ओऽ दगड देव ओऽ देव.(O Khandoba you are stone-God)२२)गोड़ गोड़ ओऽ द गढ़ं ओऽ दरड.>(O Khandoba you are holy stone)२३)भगाडं भगदडं ओऽ धुऴवडं.(In my whole life there is lot of ruins and I am on constant run away and my life turn into full of ashes)२४)भोग व भूक.(In my life lot of pain and all types of hungers)२५)धग व दाग.(Lot of fire-burns and black torture signs on my body)२६)मी गीङगीङ व गदगद. (I knelt down before you with watered eyes)२७)दगङ गॉङ भगवान (माझे) भोग ओऽ गाङ. (O Lord Khandoba please vanish all my pains and drive away my sorrow)२८)दूःख व दर्द ओऽ दङव. (Please take away and hide my sorrow and pain)२९)शिव दगङ ओऽ देव दग्ध गुढं रोग ओऽ भगव. (After touching the holy stone (pindi) of lord Shiv (Lord Khandoba) my burning mysterious deceases should go away)३०)गोप गोपीक़ा-ईश ईश-दिशा ओ ऽ ईश-भाव ओ ऽ दाव. (We are all devotee (गोप गोपीक़ा) O Lord Krishn (Lord Khandoba) please show me the path to become God like you.३१)हे!गोकुऴ देवा ओऽ!,गोपाऴ देवा ओऽ!,गुढं देवा ओऽ!,अल्ला हं देवा ओऽ!,खुदा देवा ओऽ!,ईश्वर देवा ओऽ! या ओऽ! अबाऴ ओऽ, गबाऴ देहा ओऽ!, ज़गव ओऽ!, ज़ग ओऽ! ज़गव ओऽ!!. Lord Khandoba (Lord Shiv, Lord Krishn, The God, The Allah, The khuda, The Ishwar similarly lacks of incarnations of God) please take care of this body (The world) my body (my own body, my society) so that I and we will live longer since I / we am / are become very weak and malnutrition, please save me and our planet earth, save our mother nature from the tyrancy of GHOURHar defects and take revenge of GHOURHar Tyrancy घ ओऽ सूड GHOU o cood, GH o d, GOD.Sunil M. Palaskar (EMAIL [email protected])DEDICATION देव देवी येदी खालती कापलं, त खाटीक, त होणं (Dev-devi-edi-khalti-kaapal-t-khatik-t-hon = In the memory of those Honest Gods and goddesses sacrificed under the culling blade of Danavs.etc. Danavs are the enemies of the God. The Maratha warriors became martyrs and subsequently become Gods / goddesses. You also try to follow the path of God and goddesses. You also try to kill those enemies of God and goddesses. This must be your dedication or aim or goal of life. But you never try to become yourself the enemies of God by your act. Else you will be butchered and eaten by the Gods and goddesses. देव देवी, येडा येडी कापलं त कपाटी खाल त होणं, The balance of your flesh shall be stored in fridge of Gods and goddesses for lateral eating. The dried flesh and bones shall be used as medicine in medical store. (Medical store = मरल येडा येडी सूकल िदसल खाल लाश साठ पेटी पेटार)The list of enemies of the God(enemies = हे नही मराठी आईचे, = हे नही मराठी माईचे = हे नेहमीचे एैशे =  हे नही मराठीचे = Those people are non-marathi.Those are luxurious people)Dons (Danavs = देव ओऽ न = Non-God = Dons = vdanav वढनव= wood नव = After death of those money sucker danav-human.The Maratha God give them birth in the plant kingdom thus they become tree and then to wood forever then to earth / clay)*, Dion (Danavi = देवी ओ ऽ नस = Non-goddess = Dion = पूरूषाचे बरोबरी पेक्षा जास्त ऊजव्या स्त्रीया = दया याना न, दाया या अन्न हा! = The Maratha God said “Those women who cause atrocities over male by using money or political system. Those women do not remain on ‘left’ side of man or listener or useful to man but always remain on right side of man or ordering or torturing to the man. So those woman are no more ‘bayaबाया but turned into ‘daya दाया’”. ( बाया very good natured women servent = बाह्या helping hands to me, पायह्या caring me खाया देई या gives food to eat, घालायला देई या gives cloths to wear also giving cheap sex too) (daya दाया very arrogant woman servent = सूड revengeous natured आया पै money thief, खै food thief, गाई cow thief, ढापाढापी house hold utencil thief आया always threatening the male owner to lodge false police case of fake rape charge and blackmailer to grab owner.) Thus the Maratha God said “I will not show mercy towards those ‘daya-women’ since those woman are no more ‘baya or woman or स्त्री आता बाई राहीली नाही, ती आता दाई झाली आहे, डायन झाली आहे’ and are useless for me. They did not show mercy to me, now they turned to my enemies. So I must kill them and eat their flesh since they have now became my food” = डायन), Mad, Mud िचखल माती ( मर्ह पढं, दाम-दास, धडपड, फोदा पदरा आड दड, फोदा ओढ मढ = The Marathas educated money slaves, money crazy, sex crazy people & war betrayals & war runners = living corpse ), Yed yedas ( येद येड , देह येड, येद, देह दास = The yedic-crazy, believers only on enjoyments & sex, the lazy people, too much caring and spending money on their body-look, the luxurious life styled people) , Shaitans ( शाही तं ठाणं = The costly life styled people ), Haiwans ( हाय वह न = Those people are having resources but does not want to give / share with other), Rakshas ( परका शक्स = The outsider of Maharashtra ) ,महाग माग = costly too much spending people and always demanding one thing or other thing to donor ( देव होनार ), but never get selfsatisfaction, type of people.ABOUT THIS BOOK1) During those encient time the Maratha God said “The book is ‘A fictional historical novel’ of ancient cannibal Gods and goddesses and should not be considered as pure history book. As such no documentary evidences or proof or back references are necessary for support about my comments or statements in this book.”2) During those encient time the Maratha God said “The books highlighted heroes (the maratha Gods and goddesses warriors) were the ancient 96-kuli Dev maratha warriors (Dev & Devi) hailing from the Indian mythological characters, the era dated back to more than 100000 years of (B.C).So no concern or connection to the modern world.”3) During those encient time the Maratha God said “The books all situations and incidents are from Dev-lock ( देवलोक = देह (human body), ह (Hinousness etc), ह हाव (The affinity towards H defects), ग (G), ग हाव (The affinity towards G defects), बाई, भाव (The affinity towards w’O’men.Male listeners to the w’O’men’s order बाईलByl बूदेbd हेHe, बाई लबाड हे, व्हई येड झवे, पै ला पाहील हे भाई भढवे पाय धूव ये, खायला पै ले खाईल हे बोकड हे, गायला गोड गाईल हे गळे काढे.), पै, पैहाव, पैहनाव हाव (The affinity towards money, wealth, royal dresses), हे सूदैव झाल ओऽ खाक (O! I am so fortunate that all the above mentioned defects are burnt out and thus now I become Martyr soldier for Maharashtra and Thus I become Dev. ) = The world of Gods, goddesses who faught for freedom of Maharashtra and died and become martyr the resident of Dev-lock. ). Dev always fight with demons, danavs, demonesses, danavis also always fight with or among with each others too.So no concern about the planet earth or human and their languages, their beliefs and their religion etc.”(Sunil Palaskar)
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bbvvvbbbvvbbv-blog · 7 years
if (document.all || document.getElementById) { document.write('<i><font color="'+neonbasecolor+'" size="6">'); for (m=0; m<message.length; m++) document.write('<span id="neonlight'+m+'">'+message.charAt(m)+''); document.write(''); } else document.write(message); beginneon();
We are Anonymous hackers from around the world We saw your crimes against humanity. After BJP becoming Indian govt minority cannot live peacefully You killed farmers with your shit police , You killed Muslims, Christians and communists because of their faith. You killed people for cow while India is the 3rd biggest country for exporting beaf We cannot tolerate any more! Attack against bjp is endless! Expect Us! We Are [ Anonymous Ghost | AnonGhost Philippines | AnonGhost ] [ Minion Ghost | Anonymous Greece |Indenosia Figher Cyber | BlackHat Jokers ]
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creativephototeam · 8 years
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They are anywhere. Holy cows in India. • Там они повсюду. Священные коровы. Манали, Индия. #индия #манали #священнаякорова #india #holycow #holycows #beaf #говядина #animals #creativephototeam #travel #travelindia #travelling #путешествие #путешествия #himachalpradesh #travelphoto #streetphoto #streetphotography #животные #рогаткопыта #zoo #streetzoo (at Manali, Himachal Pradesh)
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