#cowboy rides his lil horsie!!!!!!!!!
chronicowboy · 1 year
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fatesinthenight · 7 years
Ed's Son
Ed gets in his truck and picks up his son. “Hi there son hop in now.” His son slides into the truck and smiles at his father.
“You look like your in a good mood. Did you finally get an offer for me?” Jr saids half joking half serious.
“No. We are going to meet some people today and it is really important to me.” Ed saids taking a deep breath.
“Is this about the person you have been seeing recently? Am I finally getting to meet them.” Jr. is curious now.
“Yes sir. We are going to the park right now to meet them and their lil girl.” Ed saids happily but nervous.
“Dad are you ok? You look nervous.” Jr. looks at his dad surprised. He was usually the kind of guy who didn’t let something like this get to him but it clearly was. 
“Me na! Im good son.” Ed pauses for a moment then decides to be honest. “Truth be told I am nervous. It’s just I never been with someone before and I have been casually datin but this one took me away let me tell ya. They were really putin on the charm there. I was getting smitten with them but I didn’t want to continue until I knew they were ok with you first.”
Jr. did not expect that from his dad. The man that has put him up for sale and sometimes still tries to bargain him wanted his ok first before getting serious with someone. “Dad I didn’t know you thought that way. You really wanted me to give the ok if they are good?”
Ed drives into the parking lot and finds a spot. He turns off the car and looks at Jr. “Son even if I have tried to give you away at times that doesn’t mean I don’t love ya any less. Your my blood son and your opinion matters to me.”
Jr. smiles at his dad and leans in to hug him. “I love you too dad.” He lets go and looks out a the park. “So does it look like they are here?”
Ed scans the park. “Yea there they are.” He points at the swing set. There you are with your daughter. You push her on the swing and she giggles happily. She looks back at you and tells you she wants to go higher. You tell her to hold on tight and push her more and she laughs out loud when she goes higher. Jr smiles at the sight and looks at his dad. Ed looks at you with a big grin. Even if he is wearing sunglasses Jr. can tell his father has a look in his eyes that saids he really likes you.
“Well lets go then. Ready dad?” Jr looks at Ed.
“Always son.” Ed saids confidently.
The two get out of the truck and walk up to the playground. Your daughter sees Ed and stops swinging. “Cowboy is here!!” She jumps off her swing and runs up to Ed very excited. She comes up to Ed bouncing. “Are you a real cowboy!!”
“Well maybe I am little lady.” Ed tips his hat to the little girl and smiles.
“Sweetie don’t run off without me. Hahaha sorry she was really excited to meet you as you can see.” You say holding your daughter.
“Not a problem. She has fire in her I can see.” Ed saids. He motions to his son. “(Y/N) this is my son Jr.”
You shake Jr. hand and smile. “So this is the famous boy I keep hearing about. Your father talks about you all the time. I feel like I know you already.”
“He really talks about me a lot?” Jr. looks at Ed. “Did he make a good offer on me?”
“Hahahaha no he didn’t. If anything he was saying how proud he is of you and how he has such a good boy.” You motion to your daughter. “This is my cutie Katie. Katie this is my friend Ed and his son Jr. can you say hi to them.”
“Im Katie. Im six years old and I like horsies!!” Katie jumps happily.
“Well its nice to meet ya Katie. Your parent talks about you so much. Do really like horsies?” Ed kneels down to meet Katie at eye level.
“Yes!!! They are so pretty and they run fast and they go neigh neigh and jump over stuff.” Katie gets more excited talking about horses. “Do you have a horsie Mister Ed?”
“Well I don’t sorry little lady.” Ed confesses. Katie starts to pout. “But I know where we can see some and ride them.”
Katie starts jumping again and looks to you. “Are we going to see the horsies!!! Please please please!!!”
You pat her head. “Yes we are cutie. Ed is taking us to go see them as a surprise for you. Remember the thank him.”
“Thank you Mister Ed!!” Katie runs into Ed’s arms and hugs him.
Ed is surprised by that and freezes for a moment. He looks up at Jr. still surprised and Jr. smiles at his dad nodding to get him to hug Katie back. Ed hugs Katie softly. “Your welcome Katie.”
You smile at them. You had never seen Katie take to someone so fast before. You hope this means that this will go well and look at Ed. He lets go of Katie and she looks at Jr. “Are you a cowboy too?” She tilts her head.
“Well not really but I know who to ride pretty darn well.” Jr. saids.
That makes Katie smile. “You ride horsies.” Jr. nods. Katie runs up to Jr. happily. “I wanna learn to ride one. Will you teach Jr.?”
“Sure I can.” Jr. saids smiling.
As Katie starts to ask Jr. a thousand questions you stand beside Ed. “I haven’t seen her this excited since we went to go see Finding Dory in the theater.” You look at Ed. “You really didn’t have to go through all that trouble.”
“Not at all. Now that old Darkipoo is in a slightly less scary mood because of his darlin I got him to fix this up. Had to ask when his darlin was there though just for good measure for protection.” Ed admitted.
“He still scares you?” You look at him smirking. “You said you can take him if he came toe to toe with you.”
“Well ya know… I can but still he can be a dirty fighter so even my revolver might not be fast enough to get him.” Ed tries to cover up.
You laugh at him and he turns slightly red. “Ok whatever you say Ed.” You reach out and hold his hand. “I’m glad we are doing this.”
“Me too (Y/N). Me too.” Ed smiles at you and his thumb brushes your hand as he holds it.
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fatesinthenight · 7 years
Ed's Son (part 2)
You make it to the small ranch. Katie is wiggling so much in her seat ready to burst with excitement as you park. You let her out of the car and take her hand walking to meet Ed and Jr.at the front. "Here we are." Ed saids.
You look around and see a large open field filled with some horses grazing at the grass. Some people were already riding in a ring and at another ring was where some children riding on the horses. There was even a pen with some ponies trotting around. You look at Katie who is absolutely loving everything. 
"Horsies!!!" Katie is jumping so much like a jackhammer.
"You ready to see some?" Ed looks at Katie. She nods fast and you giggle at her happy expression. You all walk into a barn where the man in charge is.
You wait with Katie and Jr. in the front of the barn as Ed walks up to the owner and talks to them. "So Jr. you have done this before?" You look at Jr hoping to get to know him.
"Yea I have. Dad thought it would be funny if we tried to act like real cowboys so we took some lessons. Turns out I'm better at it than him." Jr. saids smiling.
"Really? He never mentioned that." You are curious.
"No he wouldn't mention that. Basically he was more nervous and when he got close to the horse was really hesitant. Then he couldn't get on for the life of him. And when he did he didn't put the saddle on right and slipped off instantly. I have evidence." Jr. pulls out his phone and shows you pictures of Ed closing his eyes with a hand extended out to pet the horse. Another is of him over the horse  like a sack of flour. Then multiple photos showing him slowly slipping off the horse with the saddle.
"Hahahahaha wow he sucks." You joke.
"He really did but he eventually got the hang of it. If he knew I had these pictures he would make me delete them instantly. He likes to look cool to others." Jr. saids.
"He doesn't know you have these. Hahaha do you use it for blackmail?" You ask.
"I did once to get out of school for a day and he called to say I was sick when I actually went to a concert." Jr. said proud of himself.
"Wow those pictures hold power." You say. "Did he get mad when you came back home?"
"Dad and I don't live together." Jr. saids. "He lives with the other egos and I live on my own."
"O I didn't know that sorry." You feel like you said something wrong.
"O no its ok. He comes to see me as much as he can when he isn't busy." Jr. shrugs. Even if he looks fine with you can tell there is a bit that does mind. Ed never mentioned he doesn't live with his son.
Ed comes back to them with a big smile. "Alright everyone lets saddle up. I made a good bargain with the owner so we got four hours of ridding for half the price." Ed tugs his suspenders proudly.
"I thought you said Dark already set everything up?" Jr. asks.
"He did but the devil ended up giving me the bill and even tried to get the guy to charge me extra." Ed huffed.
Somewhere in the ego house Dark is laughing softly to himself hoping that will teach Ed to use his darling to get to him.
"How did you get him to lower the price?" You ask.
"I may of may have not offered free labor for a month..." Ed saids. "It was eather that or pay the full price and that was a bunch of bull-" Ed stops himself remembering there was a small child around. 
"O don't worry about that she already heard me curse before." You say shamefully. "Yea I got in trouble for that when I went to her school and the teacher said she yelled out "O shit" when she dropped a book. Im a really bad influence."
"That's a bad word." Katie gasps at you.
"I know cutie. im sorry." You apologize.
"You need to put a dollar in the jar again." Katie saids crossing her arms.
"I know I know." You scratch your head.
"Seems we got a word sheriff here." Ed saids laughing.
"Bad words are bad." Katie saids.
The person in charge of the children riding the horses saids she is ready for Katie. The lady helps put on a helmet and elbow and knee pads first and leads her to the ring. There you, Ed, and Jr and waiting at the fence of the ring watching Katie. She turns to you and waves shyly and you tell her to have fun. Another person brings out the horse, its a brown mare with a white line going down from its forehead to nose. Katie looks at the horse in awe but becomes nervous when she sees how but it is. The lady said Katie can pet it if she wants and Katie sort of freezes.
"Is something wrong?" Jr. notices something off.
"I don't know she was so excited to do this." You get worried and start walking to the gate of the ring. "Cutie are you ok?"
Katie shakes her head no and looks at her feet. She starts to sniffle. One of the helpers open the gate to let you in and you kneel to look at your little girl. "Cutie whats wrong? I thought you wanted to ride a horse." You hold her hands.
"Im scared..." Katie admits. "Everyone at school said I wouldn't be able to do it and the horsie will kick me off..."
"What? Why would they say that?" Katie usually tells you what happens to her at school.
"Because everyone saids im a big baby and I cant do it. but I really wanna but what if I fall..." Katie tears up.
You know Katie is a brave girl, braver than you who still cant handle shots but your daughter takes it like a champ. When you got her a bike and she fell over you panicked but Katie just got up and dusted herself off and got back on it. Did the other children at school bother her so much that they made her confidence go down you think. You feel horrible for not knowing about this but just as you are about to say something Ed comes beside you and kneels to look at Katie.
"What seems to be the problem lil lady?" Ed saids carefully.
"I..i... im scared mister Ed." Katie saids sniffling.
"Well that's ok. Can I tell you a little secret?" Ed looks around and then back at Katie with a smile. "I was scared too."
"You were?" Katie tilts her head. "But your a cowboy."
"I know but sometimes even good old cowboys can be scared of things. Its ok to be scared sometimes." Ed saids softly.
"But.. but everyone at school saids I will fall." Katie saids sadly.
"What! Those guys don't even know. Have they ever ridden a horse?" Ed asks. Katie nods her head no. "Then what do they know. They are just a bunch of darn chickens I tell ya." Ed gobbles and it makes Katie start to giggle. "So are you going to let some lil chickens tell ya what you can and cant do?" Katie nods no. "Then get on up that horse and show them you can."
Katie smiles and wipes her tears. "Thank you mister Ed." She puffs out her chest and stands up straight. "O got this!" She walks back to the handler. The handler puts her on the horse and begins to walk the horse around the ring. Ed and you walk out the ring and lean on the fence with Jr. Katie is smiling so wide and waves at everyone when she passes by.
"Thank you for that Ed." You look at Ed happy.
"Its not problem. I was nervous too at first." Ed saids.
"Darn so much for the blackmail." Jr sighs.
"O no that still works. Come on Jr be good to your old man." Ed takes off his glasses and gives his son puppy eyes.
"Hmmmm naw." Jr saids smirking.
"I can never bargain with this boy." Ed looks defeated putting on his sunglasses.
You laugh at them. They look like they get along well but still you cant help but feel there is still a slight tension there. You stop thinking about it when you feel Ed place his hand on yours that's holding onto the fence. You look at him and he is still trying to bargain with his son. You smile at them seeing them go back and forth neither of them giving up.
"Look im riding the horsie!!" Katie calls out.
"Good job little lady." Ed saids watching her. Jr. Give her a little clap and you smile at her. After a while she gets off and runs to you.
"I did it!!" She looks so happy.
"I'm so proud of you cutie." You hug her.
"I told you you can do it." Ed saids.
I did it mister Ed because you said I can." She hugs Ed's leg. "Thank you mister Ed."
Ed smiles at Katie and gets down to meet her. "I knew you were a brave one." He helps Katie out of her helmet and ruffles her hair and she giggles. You also kneel to meet them and laugh with her also messing her hair. Jr. Watches this with a hint of jealously. He knows his dad is trying to be nice but for some reason he feels he hasn't really had something like that with his father. They don't see each other often enough and when they do it only lasts for a couple of hours. He shakes his head thinking not now it isn't about you right now. But when he sees Ed and you laughing and smiling with Katie he feels a little ping in his chest.
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