#cpc nellie
avuck · 2 months
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With CPC ending, I guess there's no better time than now to post what I had drawn for Nell and Jolie's wedding. This was originally intended for the fourth day of @cursed-princess-club's CPC Week back in September of 2023, but I got caught up in life events and put off finishing it until today.
Thank you, Lambcat, for crafting such a beautiful story. It's been a fun run keeping up with the series, and now that it's over it feels bittersweet. I can't wait to see what other projects are to come ♥
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cornus27florida · 1 year
x"D IDK what's this anymore : Episode 147th The BBQ (Barbeque) part 1
-> no Patreon leak image for the change, I forgor where and I feel it will be nice to have Curtis in appron (actually not the first time, we seen once before when Nell warning him about Gwen going to the barn with were-spider Prez inside) - as the first image of the post. Also I want do simple for the change
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Curtis looked nice with an apron there, but Syrah - he definitely won’t wear that apron `kiss the cook` you prepared ahahahah. Also foods in Whitney’s slumber party really banging it, if only I didn’t need to watch my calories intake (and diseases histories in my family lineage) - I’ll inhaled those perfectly cooked meat steaks, burger patties, french friends, cheeses and more! Also bag of chips sounds nice as well for warm welcome and nice barbeque >w<
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Laverne really clings to Whitney ahahaha, very fluffy Llama kinda like a very warm and thick blanket that wrapped Whitney from his head to mid body with a very tight nuzzle there -> like many confused where Laverne's appendages where as it seems seeped inside to Whitney hahaha
Also nice to see NelLie again! and poor Renee, your best friend currently going to Pastel palace with likely headaches due to reading some diary in a rushing carriage without blinking there! -> Renee’s note kinda cute there:
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Bernadette and the OP background character congratulating Prez’ that she didn’t turns to be were-spider this month, but Prez looks unhealthy (few waves of intense cramping and splitting headaches every minute of every day) - I really hope that she won’t be turned to be were-spider anytime, because that cursed transformation makes her uncontrollable unlike Monika when turned to be crow. Later on Prez looks healthy enough when giving a demonstration though.. so I think she kinda OK, and even if worse will happen (feels like want to enters period, I think the answer is for her taking the delaying period pills again -> the side effects could be much worse, but the most important thing is Prez could keep her mind and avoids to do things that uncontrollable for her (like, I know some wished for Leland to be killed by Prez in cursed form or something, but that’s not the answer as making Prez a murderer (even though we know how evil Leland is) will affecting her really greatly in bad ways).
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Now Frederick’s time! Poor the tiniest prince with the tiniest voice and his worst enemy: terrifying skill of communication - and I try to react his interactions with CPC members in parts ; with the trio (Abbi, Syrah, Monika), Saffron, and Prez.
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A) With the trio Abbi, Syrah, Monika: Frederick hesitated because he thinks he’ll ruin the good mood of them during the slumber party, but turns out they are also missing and wondering about Gwen’s too that hasn’t shown up since ‘the romantic, end-of-the-night rendezvous. Syrah’s comment ``We get it, you two lovebirds are probably making out every day and we’re not gonna pry`` makes me giddy in chuckles. But IG the misunderstanding with the trio due to Frederick’s reply in tomato face, ``I haven’t seen her at all! I’ve been locked in a dungeon by my dad ever since the gala!`` → made the trio think the reason that Frederick locked up is due to being grounded because something too intimate makes Frederick and Gwendolyn need to be separated.. <Hence the blushing face of the trio espc from Monika there> 
Oh boi, if only that’s the case but the locked up is literal punishment by Leland to Frederick’s “failures” and to make sure he won’t mess things up again - This my attempt to find excuse of the somewhat seeming OOC-ness of the trio to not thinking that Frederick being locked up seriously, they simply misunderstanding things espc after Frederick outburst with red face telling that he never seen Gwen since the gala due to being locked up by his dad
B) With Saffron -> thanks a lot for being supportive, bro!
Sorry I have nothing much to say because it's distracted to Saffron's heart-shaped 'tattoo' - RIP Saffron's first date ;-;
C) With Prez -> sadly Prez still not grabbing the situation, but one thing I love is we finally have more deeper interactions between her and Frederick (like, I am counting the days when Frederick realizes from Prez retelling that Gwen shackled her own self-worth's opinion to him and his love - similar to what Lilyth does to Jackie) - she even saying things that total opposite of what Frederick used to hear (small, weak boy).
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Well at least Frederick won't be throw up vomiting due to being 'flipped over by princesses' because he likely been days starved by Leland at the prison *smiling sadly in anguish*
=========================================== Theory's ramble portion - is about Frederick to his brothers
Frederick trying to explain that he ruined everything with Gwen (as he thinks he's the sole reason of all of her pains and sadness, when we know things actually more complex than that : blaming solely Frederick isn’t the answer) and there’s fights between Pastel princesses and Plaid princes - that he thinks because the awful thing that he did when first meeting Gwen (calling her ugly), but CPC already knew it - so it’s the reason why he got attacked when first meeting CPC
The trio still thinking Frederick misunderstanding things, but one thing is clear: he finally connected the dots of the reason Gwendolyn is the part of the CPC (ran down after crying heard that she’s called ugly - into the forest and stumbled upon CPC ‘really kind people that helped her in a lot of ways’ + Gwen confronted about it to him once already, but due to their poor communication skill - Gwen cutting the confrontation speeches while Freddie thinks she confronted him due to pulling off to cliff not the awful comment) and why CPC is so hostile towards him the first time they’re meet -> Agreed with comment that Freddie isn’t playing dumb during CPC intruder arc), he’s just truly dumb there (but to be fair on idiocy level, he’s smarter than Jackie because he realized what’s wrong about their love interest much quicker and also more aware of things around) TvT
 Poor Frederick sprawled in the ground part 1
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When Abbi reassure Freddie to chills out and forget everythings the night (even handed a bag of chips, that later on be comedic aspect as breathing bag for Freddie who got panic attack later on), Frederick stands up instantly and exclaimed there’s no time to chill - as Leland, Blaine, and Lance are on their way to Pastel palace to do something to the Pastel Princesses. He doesn’t know because purposely not getting in the plan, but I hope the conversations in the prison could helps Frederick to connecting dots which are; Leland want Frederick to stay back so his plan won’t be ruined anymore [but here we are with Frederick out there, the catalyst of Leland’s plan breakage], coming to the Pastel kingdom tonight is considered ‘an errand’ but there’s troop involved, everything that Plaid kingdom do is for power - the all-knowing power/the Omniscient Clam, the big event is tomorrow at Corduroy canyon and Frederick will be included.
The engagements were fake (told by Leland actually, and we know Blaine and Lance doesn’t give definite answer to how they actually feeling for the Princesses) -an act `of affections for few princesses`, their relationships for Leland is just some scheme for Plaid kingdom’s power grab → actually we know it’s more petty obsession to wrecking Jack 
his brother told him themself, for the power grab by Leland
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That’s one thing that Frederick (and us readers as well) could misunderstand, does Blaine and Lance really couldn’t care less about an alliance between the Pastel and the Plaid kingdom - or about Frederick? As at the Gala, CPC teamed up with Blaine and Lance to stop the bullies to harassing him.. but there’s concern which could make it or break it the piece of trust that Frederick to his brothers, which as the followings that Syrah said;
`Frederick's a part of the Plaid kingdom, and we'll rip the limbs off of anyone who interferes with the Plaid kingdom`
Because that statement will strengthen Frederick’s trust _if_ Blaine and Lance considers him as their precious little brother Poor, but will breaking the trust in dust _if_ Frederick spat out to not being part of Plaid’s kingdom anymore <which I feel the latter is likely that will happen due to me tend to be pessimistic, and Blaine that likely spat out that while Lance keep silent again/could he finally stands up for his lil’ bro?
-> Learning that CPC+Blaine+Lance might kill the bullies, Frederick fell to panic attack again and wondering if the bullies even still alive (imho doesn’t matter, as long the bullies out of the sight and never appears again)
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Frederick sprawled in the ground part 2
===========================================I also want to talk about 2 biggest cockblocker in CPC history told in this episode: Saffron's cursed hand (fanon named: Thaddeus) & Curtis (for WhitnErnia ship) - haha poor them
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Welp well like what Whitney's feeling, I feel now enough. ADIOS
I am leaving but if anyone want to interact anything be it comment - reblog - or anything, I am still there ><
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escudodeluz · 4 years
Dicen que escribir también es sanar. Hay una historia albergada en mi corazón hace mucho tiempo y hoy viéndola desde más lejos, con otra perspectiva, quiere darse.
Un 8 de diciembre, hace ya 2 años, mi mamá me llama para contarme el principio de una de las enseñanzas más importantes en mi vida (hasta ahora). “Su alma ya eligió” fueron las palabras de mi vieja. Una sabia. Era el principio de una lucha, tiempo de ponerse el escudo de luz. Mater, en dónde me estás metiendo en este día, tu día.
Soy misionera, pero en ese momento quizás lo fui un poquito más. Y también digo literalmente misionera, GM 15. Además de mi escudo para defenderme frente a la lucha, también tenía que usar mis pies y manos, mi corazón, no frenarme, dar dar dar. Desde mi luminosa juventud a otros jóvenes que la necesitan, dar dar dar. Pero en ese dar siempre hay un recibir, solo si estamos con los ojos del alma bien abiertos. Después de terminar ese 8 de diciembre en el que me levanté y di lo mejor de mi, un brillito me muestra una canción navideña de toda una primaria: “Stille Nacht-Noche de paz”. Lo que ella no sabía es que en cada una de esas vocecitas me estaba regalando una luz de esperanza, me estaba regalando verdadera paz en la lucha que recién empezaba. Las formas en que Dios mueve las fichas para enseñarnos lo más importante son muy misteriosas. Y la certeza que me dejó en ese comienzo del adviento es que este tiempo debería ser siempre así: dando, compartiendo, buscando y encontrando La Paz.
Curiosamente la navidad de ese año no me regaló el arbolito de luces encendidas en casa, tampoco una mesa larga con mis abuelos primos y tíos. Me regaló mucho más: El reencuentro corazón a corazón con mi tía que latía por seguir despertando, en los Aires Buenos. Me regaló charlas que hoy son tesoros. “Mati, cómo se reza?” “Mati, por qué en el Padre Nuestro decimos que El está en el cielo si debería estar en cada uno?” “Peque, todavía no amaste de verdad, y tampoco te amaron de verdad.” “Peque, no cometas los mismos errores que yo.” - Revuelvo este cofre, soy millonaria en enseñanzas. Gracias por este regalo de navidad Dios.
Y llega el 25, parto de nuevo a Córdoba para irme a misionar, sola, lejos de festejar el vitel tone de la noche anterior. Era una navidad muy distinta. Era yo en un colectivo leyendo “Para ser Cristiano”, un libro que me compre en el cpc en el puestito de usados (me costó $10, pero lo valió todo en ese momento). “...un amor que concentre todas las energías de la naturaleza humana. Pero, ¿somos capaces de amar así? ¿Está en nuestro poder dirigir todas nuestras fuerzas para hacerlas confluir en un amor tan absoluto?” Cada palabra de ese libro lo valieron todo en ese momento, 10 horas de viaje y con toda una lucha encima. Esas palabras, entre tantas más, fueron el impulso a algo grande, la muestra de amor absoluto.
La misión de GM15 en Dean Funes fue muy distinta a las anteriores. Fue ir con un corazón partido a la mitad, porque una estaba con mi Tia y mi familia en Buenos Aires, por supuesto. Pero en esa grieta entró luz. Nada más que luz. Otro impulso.
Y después llegué al Sur. Escaparme para adentro en el afuera más amplio, entre tanto cielo de montañas con pinitos a mochila la sonrisa y una flor. Y toda carga, alzarla. Y todo abrazo, recibirlo. Y cada risa, valorarla. Y cada aventura, compartirla. Pero sobre todo, en cada hombro descansar. 4 personas de fierro escalando conmigo, otro impulso.
Lo loco fue que mi pasaje de avión de vuelta resultó ser distinto, otra vez viajar sola a Córdoba (para después volver a despegar ese mismo día directo a mi guerrera favorita en Buenos Aires). Cómo me amargué no me lo olvido, pero menos me olvido estar en mi asiento con la vista al cielo bien celeste entre nubes, escuchando la primera canción de la lista de reproducción que el avión me ofrecía: Diego Torres. “Aquí estoy yo, vengo a cantarte con el corazón para entregarte todo lo mejor, aquí estoy yo. Ahí estaré, para cuidarte y no dejarte caer. Si tu te pierdes yo también lo haré. Ahí estaré lo sabes bien.” No podía ser otra cosa que no sea Dios. ¿Cómo decirle que no a llegar a casa, cambiar de valija y volver a salir corriendo a abrazarla? Y si, fue difícil. Eran 7 días durmiendo en una habitación de hospital en un sillón (single) viendo cómo mi tía de a poco dejaba de ser mi tía. No hay palabras. Pero Dios estaba ahí, y en eso tampoco hay palabras. Solo hay fe, hay amor absoluto.
Dios estaba en cada charla profunda con mi viejo, siendo pilar el uno del otro. Siendo PAPÁ e HIJA. Entre tanto, entre todo, el me decía: “Lo que disponga Dios mañana es algo del mañana.” “Uno tiene que aprender a leer la vida.” En esos días Dios era mi viejo.
Dios estaba en los chistes con mi abuela poniéndole onda y evadiendo todo.
Dios estaba en Nelly y su poesía cuando nos hablaba:
“Me fui al río. Miré el agua con la mente en blanco. Le tiré una flor y me la devolvió, la agarré y la volví a tirar, me la devolvió. La agarré de nuevo con las dos manos y la volví a tirar, me la devolvió de nuevo. Ahí entendí que me pedía que no le tire más flores, que no llore más.”
Dios estaba en mi hermana que llegaba y compartía el balcón conmigo en el desayuno, al frente de un árbol muy verde.
Dios también estaba en cada abrazo lleno de amor que me esperaba en Córdoba.
Dios estaba y está en Vicente.
Dios estaba,
Dios está,
Dios existe
y de eso no tengo dudas.
‘, con E.
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gigglesndimples · 6 years
12 Stoner Songs for the High Holidaze
For cannabis enthusiasts—especially in California, where 2018 will mark the legalization of “adult use” sales—who really want to celebrate the holiday season, “yule” get higher than a partridge in a pear tree listening to the following dozen seasonal tokin’ tunes.
L.A.-by-way-of Mississippi ukulele auteur Dent May evokes Phil Spector’s Wall of Sound with this poppy piano-driven ode to being home for the holidays. “So I’m trying to get lifted with you now/We broke into my cousin’s stash/We’re having a blast,” he sings “Got an angel on my treetop/And a devil on my mind/Have a smoke and pour a big shot/’Tis the season to be high.” Being the nice young man he is, Dent then apologizes to his mother.
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Originally written for Saturday Night Live in 1994, this has become Jewish stoners’ favorite holiday number (to go along with the “Dreidel” song). “So drink your gin and tonic-ah,” Sandler jokes. “And smoke your marijuana-kah.” His riotous roll call of famous members of the tribe includes “All three Stooges!” 
Let Willie Nelson (in an Arab keffiyeh) be your Santa Claus on this 2008 tune written for A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All! He solemnly touts his gift to the baby Jesus, “a plant that smokes more sweetly than either frankincense or myrrh,” as Colbert deadpans like the choirboy he once was, “You’re really high/I’m going to tell your Savior,” and Nelson concludes, “And let not mankind bogart love.”
The legendary “Muggles” stoner jazzman delivers this 1955 chestnut, written by Raymond Scott and Mitchell Parish, in his inimitable hoarse growl. “Everyone will be all lit up,” “Pops” sings, pausing just long enough to chuckle, “like a Christmas tree.” Makes you want to smoke the mistletoe.
Electronic music trio Major Lazer (Diplo and DJs Jillionaire and Walshy Fire) provides a Jamaican dancehall vibe for this 2016 track on which guest toaster Protojie raps: “What a merry Christmas would be/If mi get a ganja stalk/Fia Christmas tree/And New Year’s Eve/When them a count down/Me a count pounds/A the brown brown… Love it from the day/Mi Daddy show me marijuana.”
Thales the Musician’s A Very Green Christmas: The World’s First Cannabis Christmas, features this lilting, reggae-inflected song with the infectious chorus, “Santa brought me weed for Christmas/He took the tiniest little seed and turned it to a big, green leafy tree.” The album also includes “Let’s Smoke a Bowl This Christmas, My Friend,” “Feeding the Reindeer Magic Brownies,” “I Wish I Could Give The World a Spliff,” “O Dankest Weed” and “Silent Vape, Holy Vape.”
The artist formerly known as Calvin Broadus predictably rhymes “big dick” with “We was hoping to get some of that good shit from old jolly Saint Nick” in this 2012 holiday classic. “Yo Santa whussup?/Did you bring me some chronic/And Tanqueray gin I can mix with my tonic?” Who needs egg nog when you’ve got Snoop Dogg?
The noted chanteuse dons a green marijuana-leaf suit and hits the streets of New York City in this 2015 plea for legalization with the mid-song protest rap, “Fuck the rigged vote-flippin’ and the prohibition/Schedule I has got to go.”
The comic rapper who was ready to storm the world with his pro-pot anthem, “Because I Got High,” before 9/11 got in the way offered this acoustic goof on his 2006 holiday album, A Colt 45 Christmas. “From Amsterdam to the CPC,” Afroman rhymes. “Can’t wait to pick yo’ stems and seeds.”
Comic rapper Abby Dorsey gets “sucked into a Hanukkah cannabis trance,” and battles being a Jew at Christmastime with a dollop of “Hava Nagila” and a round of infused potato pancakes.
A lilting ska beat underlines this paean to pot from “Canada’s best party band,” featuring JibJab-ish dancing elves, steel drums and a legalization plea with the singalong refrain, “All I want is some real good weed,” punctuated with bubbling bong hits.
Colorado crooner Smooch McGee and Perfectly Whelmed celebrated the state’s legalization initiative during the holidays of 2014 by admitting, “We’re getting pretty wasted,” over a perfectly pleasant acoustic guitar. “Do you remember the other Decembers/We could’ve been busted for this/We’re feeling regal/Now that it’s legal/Come share our infinite bliss.”
  The post 12 Stoner Songs for the High Holidaze appeared first on Freedom Leaf.
Source: http://www.freedomleaf.com/stoner-songs-for-the-high-holidaze/
12 Stoner Songs for the High Holidaze is courtesy of Giggles N Dimples
from Giggles N Dimples - Feed https://gigglesndimples.com/2017/12/16/12-stoner-songs-for-the-high-holidaze/
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apostleshop · 7 years
Audio CD-Faith Hope Love - Jekob
Great News has been shared on https://apostleshop.com/product/audio-cd-faith-hope-love-jekob/
Audio CD-Faith Hope Love - Jekob
When Je’kob stepped into the music industry he had no clue what he was getting himself into, or the journey that lay ahead of him. He was 1/3 of the group “Souljahz” who released their first major label record on Warner Bros/Word Records in 2002.
During his four year stint at WB he garnered two Dove Awards & performed alongside some of the biggest names in the music industry, including John Mayer, Nelly, Ja Rule, Chicago, Toby Mac, Casting Crowns & many more. In early 2013 Je’kob teamed up with Save The City Records to release his first solo project “Faith Hope Love”. The record can be best defined as “Eclectic & Honest, Feel Good Music.”
The heart of this ambitious album comes from 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 which is summed up in the last verse that states, “And now these three things remain: faith, hope, & love. But the greatest of these is Love.” With this groundbreaking project Je’kob hopes to renew the deep passion believers should all have for these three things.
Extended Catalog Item
By: Jekob Publisher:  Provident Distribution Group
ISBN: 124357 ISBN-13:  0859708877380 CPC: Contemporary / Pop
Weight: 0.2 Item: ANC124357
*If an item states “Extended Catalog Item”, please allow up to 4 weeks for arrival.
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apostleshop · 7 years
SPAN-Audio CD-Cedarmont Kids/American Songs - Cedarmont Kids
Great News has been shared on https://apostleshop.com/product/span-audio-cd-cedarmont-kidsamerican-songs-cedarmont-kids/
SPAN-Audio CD-Cedarmont Kids/American Songs - Cedarmont Kids
1. Yankee Doodle 2. Fue En La Escuela 3. Dios Marchando Esta 4. Una Bicicleta Hecha Para DOS 5. Oh Bandera de Estrellitas 6. La Vieja Yegua Gris 7. Hay Un Hoyo En El Fondo de La Mar 8. Oh, Hermosa America 9. Reunidos Pedimos 10. Yendo Por La Ribera 11. Donde, Oh, Donde Estas Dulce Nelly? 12. Mi Bandera Es Un Emblema de Honor 13. Es Rodeando La Montana Que Vendra 14. Ruth, Ella Es Mi Amada 15. El Circo Yo Visite 16. Un Regalo Sencillo 17. Un Dia En La Calle 18. Mi Patria
Extended Catalog Item
By: Cedarmont Kids Publisher:  Provident Distribution Group
ISBN: 038416 ISBN-13:  0084418029921 CPC: Children’s
Weight: 0.2 Item: ANC038416
*If an item states “Extended Catalog Item”, please allow up to 4 weeks for arrival.
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apostleshop · 7 years
Audio CD-Sing Along-Hymns Of The Cross-Piano With Voices - Worship Service Re
Great News has been shared on https://apostleshop.com/product/audio-cd-sing-along-hymns-of-the-cross-piano-with-voices-worship-service-re/
Audio CD-Sing Along-Hymns Of The Cross-Piano With Voices - Worship Service Re
20 Favorite Hymns, featuring beautiful piano accompaniment with voices Track List
1. Are You Washed in the Blood? (3 verses, Ab) Elisha Hoffman
2. At Calvary * (4 verses, C-Db) William Newell/Daniel Towner
3. At the Cross (4 verses, Eb) Isaac Watts/Ralph Hudson
4. Christ Arose * (3 verses, Bb-C) Robert Lowry
5. Christ the Lord is Risen Today (3 verses, C) Charles Wesley
6. Covered by the Blood (3 verses, Ab) Nellie Edwards/Ran C. Storey
7. Glory to His Name * (4 verses, G-Ab) Elisha Hoffman/J. H. Stockton
8. He Loves Me * (4 verses, F-G) Isaac Watts
9. I Will Praise Him * (4 verses, D-Eb) M. J. Harris
10. Jesus Paid It All * (4 verses, Db-Eb) Elvina M. Hall/John T. Grape
11. Lead Me to Calvary * (3 verses, D-Eb) Jennie E. Hussey/William J. Kirkpatrick
12. My Savior’s Love (4 verses, Ab) Charles H. Gabriel
13. Near the Cross (3 verses, F) Fanny Crosby/W. H. Doane
14. Nothing But the Blood * (4 verses, F-G) Robert Lowry
15. Redeemed (4 verses, Ab) Fanny Crosby/William Kirkpatrick
16. The Old Rugged Cross (3 verses, Bb) George Bennard
17. The Way of the Cross Leads Home * (3 verses, G-Ab) Jessie Pounds/Charles Gabriel
18. There is a Fountain * (4 verses, Bb-C) William Cowper/Traditional
19. There is Power in the Blood (4 verses, Bb) Lewis E. Jones
20. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross * (4 verses, F-G) Isaac Watts/Lowell Mason
*Denotes a key change in the song
By: Worship Service Re Publisher:  Worship Service Resources
ISBN: 127263 ISBN-13:  CPC: Inspirational
Weight: 0.2 Item: ANC127263
*If an item states “Extended Catalog Item”, please allow up to 4 weeks for arrival.
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