#cpl. hicks x reader
fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Goodness, there isn't enough love for the US Colonial Marines out there (and I've looked!) so I'm loving all of your headcanons! I did see the one you did for Hicks and autumn/Halloween, which was so cute... would you be wanting/willing to do a headcanon for the Marines with a SO who is alllll about the enthusiasm for the Christmas holidays and getting into the festive activities? (If not, that's perfectly a-okay!) 💛
Let me give it a try, it's been awhile and I'm hella rusty so excuse that. Also, I'm drunk af. Again, sorry.
US Colonial Marines Dealing With You Being A Huge Nerd About the Holidays
Headcanon - USCM x reader - SFW
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Pvt. Drake
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Drake is all about being aggressively prepared for the holidays.
He can get a little too into neighborhood decoration contests.
He goes out of this way to make sure you both have the best decorations on the block and establish holiday dominance.
He is 1000% Clark Griswold about the holidays. His love language is effort and the Holidays are his way of putting in the work for his loved ones and the perfect Christmas.
Also, he prides himself on making the best hot chocolate and made a point of saving his grandmother's secret recipe.
Lt. Gorman
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Gorman is absolutely the type to stress himself out about getting you the perfect gift, like to the point that it is messing with him if he doesn't feel confident about the gift.
He gets nervous about doing any of the creative processes involved with the holidays, like decorating. He largely leaves you to the planning of it while he supports and does what you feel is best. Decisions stress him the fuck out and he trusts you. Whatever you end up doing he thinks is amazing.
While it stresses him out immensely, when it goes right, it makes his year.
Pvt. Hudson
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Hudson can be really dense. He definitely can let the subtleties go over his head which can be stressful.
But at the end of the day, he has good intentions and is very sweet.
He definitely says low-key inappropriate shit in front of your family. But after they get to know him, they love him regardless of him being rough around the edges.
He might get you a really dumb gift but usually the thought behind it is actually so sweet.
Pvt. Vasquez
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Vasquez isn't big on Christmas. But if you're into it, she goes along with it, even if it isn't her thing personally.
She isn't the biggest fan but eventually the spirit gets to her. Whether it is the 15th cup of hot cocoa or a really great night by the fire, eventually she gets a little into it and enjoys herself.
She loves cuddling by the fire and how you know how to make her cocoa just how she likes it.
The way the holidays affect you is what she loves. She loves that you want to make her feel included and special.
Cpl. Hicks
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Hicks is definitely someone who thinks Christmas has become too commercialized. Charlie Brown hit him hard as a kid.
Yet, he still loves the holidays, he's just weary of the commercial aspect. He doesn't entirely see the point of expensive decorations and gifts, but you do prove him wrong when you turn the front yard into a Christmas wonderland.
He wants to focus on family largely and prioritizes time over novelties.
He loves watching old Christmas movies and is a master at hiding presents and Christmas surprises.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Would you do the marines dating someone whose really energetic? But like in a way where they’re constantly working and they need to slow down. Please and thank you 🙏🙏🙏😚😚😚
The US Colonial Marines With An Energetic S/O
Headcanon - USCM x Reader - SFW
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AN: This is a really neat idea, thank you for the inspo Anon. Hope you enjoy!
Lt. Gorman
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You straight-up overwhelm and confuse him.
He highly respects you because of your incredible work ethic and often makes comments about wishing more of your fellow marines could be as on-point as you, regardless of the fact that you're both a thing.
But after awhile, even he is like, "Hey, calm yourself." He starts asking you to save up the energy for when you really need it.
He doesn't understand how you are this lowkey manic all the time.
However, even if it is too much sometimes, he still really appreciates you. You move way too fast for him and he tries to be understanding even if its difficult.
Especially during arguments, your excessive energy and rapid speaking shut him down and nearly give him a panic attack. He doesn't handle being yelled at well.
It's not like Gorman is a nun, but your libido is definitely overwhelming to him as well.
Pvt. Drake
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Drake is all about the high energy vibe you have.
He tries to match your pace and work it out with you.
It's an element he wishes he had in himself, and therefore he really appreciates it in you.
Often, when you're over there doing your over-the-top thing, he just stares with a goofy smile on his face, admiring you for being who you are.
He rarely ever tries to simmer you down unless it is clear to him that you have taken on too much and are overwhelmed. In that case, he loves to be your support and drive home the point that you already are doing far more and shouldn't feel bad about underperforming to your own high expectations.
Drake absolutely loves how this element of your personality translates into the bedroom. He loves it when someone can wear HIM out.
Cpl. Hicks
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Hicks might rag on you with the others about your over-the-top energy. But he actually finds it really charming.
He sees that you have a lot of drive and dedication to your position and respects you for it.
He often jokes that doing years of work in one won't get you out of your service any quicker.
Some might think you're a show-off but he just laughs because he knows you're just genuinely like that and really aren't trying to be one.
If anyone tries to talk more serious shit about you because they're jealous, he shuts it down and calls them out: "You're just mad because they make you look bad."
Even though he respects the hell out of you, he still is honest with you when he thinks you're taking on too much.
He really does want to see you succeed and do your thing, but he is honest about when he thinks you're biting off more than you can chew, because in a critical situation that could put your squad in danger.
Pvt. Hudson
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At first, Hudson couldn't stand you. He thought you were a big show-off trying to make everybody else look bad.
He would make fun of you for it all the time, calling you a 'spazz'.
There were times he was one of the marines that Hicks had to shut down.
But after awhile, he got to know you and realized that was just you, you really weren't trying to be a kiss-ass or overly competitive.
He still poked fun at you for it, but only in a loving, sweet way.
As a partner, there were many times where he'd be like "Yo, chill the fuck out." He was a lot more easy going.
Sometimes, he would get playfully competitive with you just to get you going but you always outdid him and he would laugh it off.
After awhile you found that he would actually come to you for advice on how to stream line his shit and appreciated the help you gave him.
Swallowing his pride wasn't easy for him, but for you, it was worth it.
Pvt. Vasquez
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At first, you are way too much for Vasquez. She takes things very seriously and you seem like you're trying to be a kiss-ass.
She's not mean to you but she has doubts about your abilities when shit hits the fan.
However, after some of your first missions, you proved yourself to be incredibly serious about your position and you earn her respect and a little trust.
It takes a while for her to warm up to you and fully trust you, but once she did, she would take a bullet for you no question.
Once she realizes that you are for real, she really respects you and your work ethic. She even comes over every so often to show you some tricks and tips that help you out a lot.
She is also very protective of you. She sees that you haven't yet been jaded by the grueling military life and somehow maintain optimism and excitement that gives the squad a morale boost.
She often comes to comfort you when you're being hard on yourself or you take another marines jokes about you too seriously.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Would you mind doing cuddling hcs for the marines please?
Cuddling With The US Colonial Marines
Headcanon - US Colonial Marines x Reader - SFW
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AN: Thank you for the inspo Anon. And no, I will never mind :) Enjoy!
Pvt. Drake
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Drake is big on cuddling. He loves being close to you and making you feel loved.
There are quite a few times, you try to proceed to sex, but he explains that he's not in the mood because just being close is nice.
He's big into physical affection and loves to give you forehead kisses and rub your back.
He loves that he makes you feel safe and comfortable and loved and basks in it 100%.
He also loves cuddling after sex, it makes him feel so close and intimate with you.
Lt. Gorman
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Gorman is not a big cuddler. His relationship with non-sexual physical affection is a difficult one.
Let's be honest, this man was not hugged enough as a kid.
That kind of intimacy is very much out of his comfort zone. He's more the kind of guy who likes to side hug or maybe hold hands.
But he really tries to become comfortable with it if you really want it. It's just really difficult for him, because it makes him feel so vulnerable and that can be really triggering for him.
Cpl. Hicks
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Hicks really enjoys being physically affectionate, even if it is subtle.
He's definitely the kind of guy that likes to rest his hand on your thigh if you're sitting next to him or play with your hair to get your attention.
He likes to be close to you and lavish his partner with affection. He's def like a sloppy kisser but also a good kisser.
He loves to run his hands through your hair and stare deep into your eyes while holding you.
Pvt. Hudson
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Hudson definitely cuddles but always tries to move on to sex.
His love language is cracking jokes and crushing guts, he doesn't entirely understand cuddling for cuddling's sake.
After sex, he's usually pushed himself so hard that he immediately passes out unless it's like midday.
However, when you sleep in the same bed he does love to spoon you or lay his head on you which is kind of cuddling and he loves that it makes him fall asleep faster.
Pvt. Vasquez
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Vasquez surprises you. While it takes awhile to gain her trust, once you have it, she is very loving to her partner.
When it comes to cuddling, she's still realistic and if the body heat is too much or her arm is going numb, she's going to stop. She likes to be comfortable when she cuddles you.
She is also a fan of forehead kisses, giving or receiving. Also, she likes to be the big spoon or have your head resting in her lap.
She definitely gives a killer back rub if your feeling tense or tired and likes to help you fall asleep if that's what you need.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Autumn With Cpl. Hicks
Headcanon - Cpl. Hicks x Reader - SFW
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He does like Fall and Halloween. Let's be honest, Christmas and the 4th of July are his favorites, but Halloween is a close second.
He loves watching horror movies with you, cuddling up on the couch over a bowl of popcorn, but the gory/messed up ones really bother him. They kind of trigger his PTSD, so you try to avoid them.
His favorite horror movies are the retro b-movies that you can both rag on.
He's so down to go on hayrides and do corn mazes. He's infuriatingly good at them, to the point that he has to purposely pretend to be lost so that it's more enjoyable.
He loves caramel apples and pumpkin pie and when you surprise him with them he gets giddy like a little kid on Christmas.
He loves Halloween parties and getting dressed up to do fun couples costumes.
He knows you like scare attractions and insists on going through them with you, even though he doesn't like the stress of it. He has to work hard to fight the instinct to punch the scare actors when they jump out of nowhere.
He loves carving pumpkins with you and decorating for Halloween.
He also loves to go for drives to show you the gorgeous fall foliage.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
hi again! love your blog and i am glad to see another person who loves the same movies as me. anyway i was wondering if you would write hicks and hudson with a reader who has insomnia but bad nightmares when they do sleep. thank you! have a wonderful day/night 💞
Hicks and Hudson With SO With Insomnia/Nightmares
Headcanon - Hicks x Reader, Hudson x Reader - SFW
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AN: Hi @johnnyringodarlin, thanks so much for the request hope you enjoy!
Cpl. Hicks
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Hicks is definitely someone who tries to be his best for the people around him even when its incredibly hard.
Having his own struggles with PTSD definitely gives him an edge in trying to help and support you through this condition.
He will often get up with you, even though it exhausts him, just so you don't suffer alone.
You talk him into keeping his sleep even when you have your bouts of insomnia for the greater good. However, if you're clearly struggling with nightmares, he is up with you and you cannot argue with it. He knows you need comfort and he wouldn't feel right if he wasn't there to provide it.
If you're upset, he holds you and gives you forehead kisses until you can calm down.
He always offers to make you sleep aid teas that he hopes might work for your insomnia. He tries different brands in hopes they might help. This ends up with you both having an entire cupboard of sleepy time teas.
He is always nagging you to go to the doctor or to talk to a therapist, but you're convinced nothing works.
He goes out of his way to find home remedies or try different techniques to help you sleep and avoid the nightmares.
You feel like when nothing works, he'll get tired of dealing with your issues. But he assures you that that's not the case. He holds you and reassures you that he'd rather be in Hell with you than Heaven with someone else.
He gets frustrated sometimes and but makes clear it's towards the situation and not you.
Pvt. Hudson
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When the insomnia and nightmares start, you assume this may be the end of things with Hudson because he does not handle stress well.
However, he surprises you. He has had similar struggles with PTSD and immediately sets in to deal with it head on, aggressively.
He insists on going to a doctor even if you don't think its going to work. He will not back down on it and you get into a couple fights over it.
When you wake up from the nightmares, he tries his best but sometimes he's too sleepy to get up fully. Sometimes he passes out while holding you or trying to comfort you.
When he gets up, he likes to keep track of whether you slept or not, looking for any kind of pattern.
He offers that a good solution he found was to get drunk before going to bed. You can't often do that but when you do it works like a charm.
He makes jokes about the situation to try to make it better.
He gets really good at anticipating accidents when you're extremely sleep deprived, often guarding your forehead with his hand when you're about to walk into something.
He tries to get you to sleep even though the nightmares fill you with dread. He'll stay up and keep an eye on you, looking for visual signs you're having one to wake you up.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Would you do first date hcs for the marines? Please and thank you brewski 😊
First Dates With The US Colonial Marines
Headcanon - USCM x reader - SFW
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AN: Great inspo for a headcanon Anon, you are more than welcome. Enjoy!
Pvt. Drake
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It would definitely be a more casual date. Fancy dates, to him, are just a preference. But if you express that that is your preference, he would be down with it 100%.
Drake would definitely take you do something like paintball or go-karts. He wants to have fun with you and get to know you. It doesn't have to be some formal, awkward thing.
After that, he'd probably take you to a really good Mexican restaurant that you'd never heard of.
If you were really having fun, he would be 100% down to go do something else after dinner or go on a random adventure to check something out you both stumbled on.
At the end of the night (or early in the morning if you end up staying out all night), he walks you to your door and gives you hug. If you're down with kissing he gets really excited because he doesn't expect it.
Lt. Gorman
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Gorman is very formal. He shows up very stiff in a suit and hands you a bouquet of flowers.
He starts the evening with dinner out at a nice Italian restaurant where he makes sure to pull your seat out for you.
He asks a lot about your career and what your plans for the future are. He's very attentive and makes great eye contact.
He will mention basics about himself, but tries to focus more on you.
He refuses to let you pay and makes sure to open every door for you.
Then he will probably take you out to a movie; PG-13.
He gets nervous if you guys reach in the popcorn bucket at the same time and your hands touch.
He drives you home and on the way back to your door, he gives you a firm handshake and asks if you'd like to go out again.
Cpl. Hicks
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Hicks would show up a little early and a little nervous, probably in a clean button up with slacks.
He rushes to open the car door for you.
He takes you out to a nice restaurant on the beach side, the kind with a patio and strung up lights.
He's a little awkward at first, making small talk. However, after the first glass of wine, he starts to open up and ask all about you.
You have a great conversation and after your plates are empty, he asks if you want to get up to dance with the other couples.
He might accidentally step on your toes once in awhile but is incredibly apologetic.
He really is a great conversationalist and getting to know him is really a joy.
After he pays the check and leaves the waiter a generous tip, he asks if you'd like to take a walk down the beach.
You both walk down the beach, holding hands and talking well into the night.
When he drops you off in the early morning hours and walks you to the door, he nervously asks if you'd like to see him again.
If your answer is yes, he doesn't even try to pretend he's not a little giddy over it.
Pvt. Hudson
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100% this date is either a train wreck or a beautiful disaster. But either way, at least you didn't have to get dressed up for it.
He shows up like 15 minutes late, but is incredibly apologetic.
He takes you out to a movie; rated R and if your suggest anything tamer, he calls you a chicken.
After the lights dim in the theater, he starts reaching into his coat and pulls out at least twenty of those mini-bar bottles of liquor. It seems incredibly immature but he was right, the movies are a lot more fun if you're drunk.
He definitely does the old 'oh I'm yawning or stretching and now my arm is around you' move.
He would take you bar-crawling afterwards, paying for all your drinks and coaching you how to play pool.
Even though you're not having sex on the first date, the night will no doubt end up so chaotic you wake up in his bed the next morning.
Pvt. Vasquez
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She'd probably just want to meet up with you at the bar. Greets you with a side hug and asks what you want to drink.
You'd take turns grabbing rounds and she would challenge you to a game of darts. You guys laugh and talk about your day over a game of pool.
She is a great listener and you get the sense she really wants to get to know you and cares about what you have to say.
At some point you would be arm wrestling her. She wins every time. But she's not even super cocky about it.
Later on in the night, you guys have a deep conversation about your lives and you bond over it.
If anyone at the bar is rude to you, she tells them off to the point that they cry and it's awesome.
She's just such a cool person and you have such a fun time. She has a great dry sense of humor.
At the end of the night, she gives you a full hug and you exchange numbers and go your separate ways.
But when you get home, she's already called to make sure you got home alright.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Would you do marines getting walked in on during seggs pwease 😎
Walking In On US Colonial Marines While They're In The Act
Headcanon - USCM x reader - NSFW
The following fiction contains explicit content that is not suitable for minors.
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Pvt. Drake
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Drake would probably be chill. He wouldn't be cool with you being a creep about it. But if it was a genuine mistake, he'd laugh it off and joke about it.
If him and his partner were down, he might even invite you to get freaky.
Lt. Gorman
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Not gonna lie, Gorman would have a literal panic attack. He would super freak out.
Being that he does handle humiliation or criticism well, he would probably legitimately consider reassignment.
Cpl. Hicks
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Would definitely yell at you to get out in the moment. He would want to protect the privacy of himself and his partner.
However, later on, as long as you weren't being weird about it, he'd probably apologize for yelling at you, he just didn't expect it.
At the time, he would be mad, but once it was understood to be an accident, he would laugh about it and it would become an inside joke.
Pvt. Hudson
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Hudson would have no shame at all. He probably would go harder knowing someone was watching because he's a big bragger.
If y'all were into it, he'd probably ask if you wanted in on the fun.
He'd joke about it all the time after that, and if you joined in, he'd brag about having gotten you laid.
Pvt. Vasquez
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1000%, you would get punched.
Even if it was an accident, you better fucking run.
She would not be cool with you after that. She is a very private person and would be pissed you invaded that privacy.
If you were being a creep, even in the slightest, you would not live to see the next day without a severe limp and several broken ribs.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Could I please have the marines with “omg there’s only once bed what will we do” and how they’d respond. Lob u bunches boiii
The Classic "Uh-Oh Only One Bed" Scenario With the Colonial Marines
Headcanon - Reader x USCM - SFW
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AN: Thank you so much Anon :) Enjoy :)
Pvt. Drake
He immediately chuckles at the situation.
He makes a joke about sharing the bed but makes clear he will take the floor or couch (if one is in the room).
He will set up his bed elsewhere unless you clearly ask him to share the bed with you.
If that's the case, cuddling will most likely ensue.
Pvt. Vasquez
She immediately rolls her eyes and insists on a game of rock-paper-scissors to see who gets the bed.
If you try to keep talking after you both have made your beds, she's going to get annoyed and tell you to stfu because she's trying to get some sleep.
Especially if this is during a mission or any kind of intensive days, she is not going to want to mess around, whether she likes you or not. She knows how important a good night's sleep is.
Pvt. Hudson
Immediately does the sarcastic "ooooooo".
If the bed is large enough, you're sharing. It's not like he has creepy intentions, but if there is a full or larger in the room, it doesn't make sense not utilize it fully.
While you both act like you're really trying to sleep, you keep egging each other on with jokes or flirting.
If the flirting escalates, you're both probably going to end up making out like horny teenagers.
Cpl. Hicks
Hicks is such a gentlemen, he does not even allow a discussion over who takes the floor. He immediately insists on taking the floor.
If you manage to talk him into sharing the bed (because it is large enough), he will insist on making sure you are completely comfortable with the arrangement.
He is very considerate and makes sure to stay on his side of the bed and not to hog the blankets.
Lt. Gorman
At this point, he apologizes constantly for the mix up or mistake in sleeping arrangements. He immediately takes the floor even if the bed is large enough.
There is no talking him into sharing the bed. He will just thank you for your concern but insist you both need sleep and that is the end of the discussion.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
This might sound weird but would you please do marine hcs where they first realize they have feelings for the reader and how they confess? Thank you for all your effort and writing.
US Colonial Marines Realizing/Admitting They Have A Thing For You
Headcanon - USCM x reader - SFW
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AN: Thanks Anon! And not weird at all, enjoy! :)
Pvt. Drake
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Drake starts off being good friends with you. Then while you're hanging out at a bar, he begins to realize he's starting to like you as more than a friend.
He tries to downplay it at first, unsure if it was just a drunken whim or real feelings.
But his feelings for you grow over time. He wants to always hang out with you and be around you. You notice that you've started to catch him staring.
He has a hardcore crush on you but he's a little nervous because he doesn't want to ruin your friendship which is very important to him.
Then one night at the bar, Hudson outs him in front of you. He goes red for a second and steps away, calling Hudson an ass.
But then he talks to you privately later on in the night and explains that Hudson was right, but if you don't feel the same way he doesn't want it to be a big deal. He'll just drop it.
But of course you feel the same way and plant a kiss on his cheek and he is immediately all giddy and asks you out on a date.
Lt. Gorman
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Gorman is definitely the type to suffer in silence. He's not a confident man and would be terrified at the prospect of anyone finding out he had feelings for them.
For him, it's almost love at first sight with you. But he keeps it to himself, assuming you'd never be into someone like him, especially since you are surrounded by heroic marines that he assumes you would be far more likely to like than him.
He is incredibly awkward around you and very stand offish.
When he's around you, his hands get sweaty and he stutters a little when he speaks.
Every time he feels like he said something stupid in front of you, he's always chastising himself in private, "You idiot. You absolute fucking idiot!"
You assume that like he hates you or something but then he'll pay you really nice compliments when you do well and it confuses you.
He holds onto to his silent crush for months until you and the marines are on a mission.
You and him get separated from the group and cornered with low ammo. He assumes you're both going to die and as he shields you with his body, impulsively yells over the gunfire, "I'm in love with you."
But then you're saved by your fellow marines and he gets really pale and sweaty and looks like he's going to pass out.
He about has a panic attack and looks like he's trying to not throw up until you whisper in his ear, "Love you too, Gorman."
His face goes blank with confusion and his immediate response is, "Wait, really? Why?"
Cpl. Hicks
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Hicks notices you immediately. However, it isn't initially romantic. He just gravitates to you in a platonic way.
He likes to hang out with you and work with you. You both get along really well.
However, after a few months of being pals, he starts to see you as more than a friend. There are so many things about you that he finds charming.
You catch him staring and he doesn't look away, he just smiles because you're looking at him.
He respects the hell out of you and goes out of his way to offer help whenever you need it. Sometimes, he even offers help when you don't need it just as an excuse to be around you.
However, eventually you're a little insulted by it, like he doesn't think you're capable and you confront him about it.
When you confront him, he chuckles and explains that its not that he doesn't think you're capable, he just wants to make your life easier and make sure you're all good.
You tell him he doesn't have to worry that much or help you that much and you can see that makes him a little sad. He misinterprets it as a sign that you're not into him.
He really holds back after that, now going out of his way not to bother you. He's still friendly and polite but like not as much as before.
You ask him what's up with him and why he's acting weird. He sighs and explains that he had a thing for you and because you weren't into it, he didn't want to bug you.
But you correct him and walk away. He's stunned for a minute and then runs after you, "Hey, wait, do you wanna go on a date?" Hudson laughs at him in the background.
Pvt. Hudson
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Hudson is low-key a sad boy. His obnoxious sense of humor is his defense/coping mechanism.
You're someone he often butts heads with because you're also a strong personality. But he likes someone who can dish it back to him. Not long after knowing you, he really starts to fall for you.
However, if you have the slightest friendship with any of the other marines, he assumes that's who you like and he doesn't have a shot.
But he still loves getting a rise out of you and making you mad. When you go off on him he just chuckles and mocks you, "You're cute when you're mad." This makes your blood boil.
He's constantly poking fun at you or playing pranks on you as an excuse to interact with you.
One night at the bar, you guys get into a heated argument. You both take it outside and it continues until the tension breaks and Hudson surprises you by kissing you.
You are gobsmacked. "What the fuck was that?", you ask. He goes red in the face and mumbles, "Sorry... that was stupid... sorry."
His eyes widen in surprise as you pull him closer, gazing up at him with a smirk. You correct him, "I didn't say I didn't like it."
He has that big, goofy grin and kisses you again.
Pvt. Vasquez
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She can joke around and have fun, but there is a consistent professionalism in her demeanor.
When she starts to realize she likes you, she is going to shove that shit down if you're not super obviously into her.
She is very private and keeps it to herself. If she does drop hints in her behavior towards you, it is super subtle.
She's not the suffer in silence type, but she is definitely keeping her feelings under strict confidentiality.
She likes to take things slow when she likes someone. She wants to get to know you and make sure you're legit before letting her emotions go any deeper.
After a few months, you're really checking all the boxes for her and she's loosening up.
She's close with Drake and asks him for advice about how to deal with this crush. He guesses it's you and she slaps him playfully, "Shut the fuck up pendejo! How would you know?" He laughs, "I know you too well, just tell em, they're so into you."
She's a little nervous but she asks you to go out for drinks. After a couple shots of the liquid courage, she finally does the damn thing. She admits that she's interested in you and likes you. She respects you and understands if it's not reciprocated. But it so is!
You guys end up having your first date and having a great time. You see a whole new side of her come out around you and it's so rad.
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