#cq nightmare knight
rosiegardenlove · 9 months
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So. I've been struggling the majority of the month to draw something, so last night I forced myself to start something and to not quit it til done.
Accidentally made a 'draw this in your style' with one of Gigi's pieces. Obviously the character, og piece and comic are theirs
I'm very proud of how it turned out but how the hell did I manage to make this around 1am???
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glistening-gay · 2 years
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It's the he
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cyder-proxy · 1 year
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"it'd be cool. i think she'd change her name to bella maybe, its a variety of cucumber so it fits her theming (very important)" - Anonymous
"So theres a lot I could say about her but I’ll focus on this. Gender is kinda a theme in cq, and the expectations of the roles cuco and her sister almond are forced into due to the cycle are very important. (The cycle being this whole repeating heroic quest, that keeps happening through resurrection, immortality, and whatever else)
Its kinda the entire premise that cucumber and almond do not conform to the previous iterations of the heroes. These roles are even more obviously GENDER roles in the prologue. Its this whole thing with almond not being allowed to do what she wants as it doesn’t fit her role in the cycle as “hero’s little sister” and cucumber not being allowed to do what she wants because she’s gotta be the hero! Her father talks about “becoming a man” and its just. A really easy reading.
The expectations of her role in the cycle are to “be a hero” and “to defeat the villains”, ones that wear on her heavily, causing her to kinda shut down in later chapters. She want’s to be strong enough to protect her friends and not have to hurt anyone else to do it.
And you see cucumber and almond are not the only ones who feel like this! nononono, infact A lot of the other characters, specifically, one of the characters who is canonically trans, ALSO FEELS LIKE THIS. she, Rosemaster, is exaused with having to play the villain, she hates is. And due to the nature of the cycle as a repeating event, and her being immortal, meaning she unlike our heroes, experiences this again and again. She doesn’t want to hurt others, she hates the expectations that she sees the nightmare knight (her creator/boss/father figure) has for her, and she just wants this all to be over. I’m not getting too in-depth, this isn’t about her, but you see what i mean?
Cuco’s got all kinds of allegory going on.
Idk if this is a good case but i had fun." - @st4rguy
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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pallisia · 11 months
im always intrigued by what other solo game devs/small teams choose to share about their projects before they are released, especially w/ how easy social media makes it. some people will choose to post just about every new thing added, even spoiling key plot details, while others will keep everything a total secret, sometimes at the expense of garnering interest. i feel like with my projects, i gravitate towards secrecy to a pretty big fault. so i was curious -- do you have any sorta "philosophy" you follow when it comes to what details about soulsov you will or will not share publicly? and do you ever find it especially difficult to keep certain things secret?
i was pretty secretive about the details of soulsov at first. i wasn't even going to post that flower language comic because i thought it would be "giving away too much." my stance has softened over the past few months, largely thanks to everyone's genuine interest and excitement. (thank you!)
i was especially protective of spoilers when making cq. in retrospect, i don't think anyone's enjoyment was lessened by already knowing that the nightmare knight was nice, for example. that realization has informed my approach with soulsov lately.
the nature of loic's magic could be considered a "spoiler" because it's revealed in chapter 1. but does it detract from the experience to know going in? the audience will see him give someone a flower and go "hehe... 😏" doesn't that make it more fun? i mean, some of my friends who read the script already knew what was going to happen beat-for-beat and still freaked out. the experience is what matters most.
anyway, i guess this ties into my recent "get to the point" philosophy toward storytelling... i understand wanting to keep some secrets, but you can't be so afraid of "spoiling" what makes your story interesting that it doesn't catch people's interest. especially in the age of social media where people only have 30 milliseconds to give your post.
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purpleglitch · 23 days
i think there has to be a set up for that scenario, like the reaction c!dteam have over meeting each other on season 2, i think c!dream wakes up near c!clingy while c!snf wake up near each other, so they would all hide what they felt with a smile and "hi nice to meet you ^_^" but i think they feel things before progressively starting to have flashbacks of places they used to be, things they said and stuff
also this got long LMAO IM SORRY 😭 and sorry if there's parts that don't make sense i was watching sap's stream so i kinda lost track of what i was writing,,
c!dream would feel some kind of relief like he can breathe again but also be anxious like they're going to leave him again soon, with c!sapnap he feels scared of doing something that angers him and deep heartache, old memories from them being kids long forgotten. with c!george he feels like a spark of light on his life and warmth like a deep bond between them but then replaced with guilt and regret
c!sapnap would feel happiness of seeing c!dream again but a weird mix of uneasyness because he feels like he has to do something to c!dream (fulfill his promise he doesn't remember) and his hands twitch for a second but he stays still, he avoids eye contact because it makes him feel weird.... (doesn't rationalize he feels sad and guilty) also he's very close to c!george because of the weeks they spent roaming the world together after meeting when they woke up
c!george would feel like a weight got lifted off his shoulders, the first few days with c!sapnap convinced him that he's not dreaming, he doesnt know why he would think it was but by the time he meets c!dream he feels awake, and the deep longing and yearning that at some point became part of him in season 1, finally leaves and he resists the urge to hug him (dorry my cdnf demons)
so when it comes the point of c!dnf's relationship growing and with that c!dream becoming c!george's protector, i think c!sapnap would notice that closeness and feel weirded out about it, something telling him to not trust dream with george's safety, that he's putting on a facade to later betray everyone, but he tries his best to ignore those thoughts, he just met dream, why would he think that about him? but yeah i think he would try and go with them or maybe spy on them but it's all so weird for sap, he sees how protective and paranoid dream is and how his hands tremble holding the sword
it isnt until something happens that hurts dream that george and sap carry him to the main base and after taking his armor off and clothes to bandage him they see his scars and it's sickening, the jagged scars, the clean cuts, the burn marks, everything, what if they try to ask dream about it but he says he doesnt know as he starts tearing up. i think after that, sap trusts dream more but is still wary about that weird dynamic he has with george, and george tries to make dream stop acting like he's his knight. OMG WHAT IF THERE'S MISCOMMUNICATION. dorry that's another au that i have in mind LMAO.
also with c!q..... when cdream meets him there's something about his eyes, the way he looks at him and the scar over his left eye that makes his skin crawl and he feels nauseous. what if c!q has a mannerism of washing his hands constantly because he has nightmares of having them covered in blood. also what if c!q and c!sapnap are also protective over c!george when he's alone with c!dream (memories of mexican lmanberg). what if c!dream avoids being alone with c!q for too long, he doesnt want to fully assume but he knows c!q is responsible for his scars but not at what extent, and when he's around him he's trying not to have a panic attack every time he hears q laugh or move too fast near him. what if c!q without knowing much about c!dream, he knows what scars he's hiding under his clothes (which cover his entire body, only the ones on his face are visible)
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st4rguy · 2 years
just reilized i never put my cq playlists on here sooo here
some of these are purely there beacuse of aus (that i made up in my brain and never explained) or animatics that live in my head or headcanons and might not entirely make sense
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a-queer-kitkat · 3 years
I adore Peridot and Nightmare Knight and Noisemaster and Cosmo and Bacon and-
they're all just so good
Bacon's a trans QUEEN and Peridot's an adorable little disaster lesbian
And Nightmare Knight has gone down one hell of a rabbit hole (pun intended) he's also very good dad
look at this beauty
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I love it so much please read it
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neonmetro · 3 years
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skrunkles my beloveds my little meow meows if you will
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animusbell · 3 years
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where we belong.
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sonocomics · 4 years
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Another Cucumber Quest comic, and another comic done completely in Clip Studio Paint!
I'm unsure of exactly how much I'll integrate Clip into comics, but I would like to try and slowly move over to it! I learned a lot doing these!
Click HERE for more assorted comics, including more (in a week) Cucumber Quest!
Click HERE to view my schedule for the current month!
Commissions Info | ko-fi | Patreon
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cyder-proxy · 1 year
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Perspective practice with the scrumblos
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beast-feast · 4 years
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I like to think my crossover ideas are big-brained
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moonatiic · 5 years
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;;make CQ muses you cowards................
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leaked cucumber quest ending
nightmare knight just adopts everyone. the comic ends with him getting 57821 children
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st4rguy · 1 year
(impersonating you)
(this is a /pos impression because i don't even go here but you've made me into a cq fan)
very accurate if i do say so myself
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