#cr truffle cookie
r0ck-n-rolll · 2 years
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truffle cookie iconz !! for anon ^_< -☆
like / reblog and credit if you uze or zave ♡
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promniight · 27 days
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I don’t usually post the pastrydash images fully since they’re for the site but this design tbh was just too cool not to post on main lol. You can always read more about how spiders and arachnids work on pastrydash btw (SHAMELESS AU PLUGGGGG LOL)
Closeup of the design under the cut!
(CW for general spider anatomy?)
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god she was such a blast to work on, I love just how cool spider anatomy is and how it works.
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optimisticunicorn · 2 months
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the woman of his dreams
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
How will the cookies Reacted to finding out Y/N have been frame for a crime they never committed and was jailed and was traumatize by the incident leading to Self Doubt and Trust issues and the Yandere Cookies met the culprit who cause Y/N Misery and Arrest
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Innocent until proven guilty, that’s my take.
You looked down to the floor of your jail cell, hands cuffed together as you sat in silence, trying to take in what had just happened that led to you winding up in here.
You were arrested for the theft of Cheese Stones in Pumpkin Cookie’s Appraisal, being the only Cookie at the scene when alarms were raised. You swore up and down that you were only there to have Melon Bun’s stones apprised for her, but cops at the scene didn’t want to hear it. Cheese Stones were stolen, you had a bagful of them, and you were a new face around these parts, you had to be the crook.
You never would’ve expected to find yourself at the back of a police car today, getting your mugshot, then placed into a cell as they started their investigation into the matter. You again swore that you had nothing to do with this matter, but the guards putting you into your cell could care less for what a crook had to say.
So here you were, sitting in silence within your cell, awaiting your sentencing. Your hands were shaking, you’ve never been arrested before, let alone about to be prosecuted.
It was made worse based on the fact that you didn’t anything…
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Almond Cookie wasn’t buying any of this. YOU, Y/N Cookie, known for your benevolence and being an all-loving friend to fellow cookies, is being arrested for theft?
He’s investigating further, he’s going after the rookies who were at the scene for doing such a sloppy job and making arrests before the facts were in. They couldn’t even be bothered to get your account on the crime before they threw you in the back of a police car. Almond Cookie couldn’t bear to see your mugshot, that look at sorrow in your face and the sadness in your eyes..Almond couldn’t stand it.
Solving this case was the least of his worries. Word had gone out about your arrest and now Almond had to deal with a number of cookies expressing their outrage and sympathy for you.
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What a calamity, Truffle Cookie thought. To think that you of all cookies would be arrested came as a surprise to her. She’d politely request Almond Cookie to solve the case, but that polite tone contrasted her shadowy eyed look. He BETTER find the true culprit, she refused to accept that you were the felon, and Almond might just have to accept what comes to him if you’re put away for good. His closets or under the bed will never be safe.
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Almond Cookie, the Cookie that helped her with the painting affair in the past, has now decided that you were to be locked up without even an investigation on who did it in the first place? Talk about shotty detective work, Butter Pretzel Cookie thinks. Her frustration is more personal on the fact that she wanted to unveil a portrait of you when you were free, so being arrested really put a damper on her mood.
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Lollipop Cookie didn’t understand. You, a cookie she’s known for a while, arrested? But…you never showed signs of being a criminal, she was having to be consoled by Butterbear after a bout of crying. You said that you would visit the shop the next day to spend time with her and Butterbear, she was really looking forward to it and was saddened that it couldn’t happen now. She’ll plead with Almond to set you free, you haven’t done anything wrong!
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Melon Bun herself showed up to the witness testimonies and gave her account that you really were just doing an errand for her! She was worried when you didn’t return after a few hours and was caught off guard when Pumpkin told that you were jailed! She felt guilty for what happened and will personally see to it that you were freed! She only hopes you don’t hate her after this…
Almond was done gathering testimonies and started to lay out the pieces together.
You started the day by visiting Truffle Cookie to have tea time together, having pleasant small talk with her. (Truffle Cookie did have to pause her testimony as she held her blushing cheeks, ah, you said so much sweet things to her, she felt like a highschool girl with a crush.)
You then visited Butter Pretzel to help with her paintings, she needed more materials and she’s worried that stepping away will make her current work dry out before she can get more. She wanted you to stay and draw you a portrait, it was a long task however. She grew frustrated that she couldn’t perfectly replicate you in art form, she had to throw away so many drafts before she finally got one to satisfy her standards. Oddly enough, she closed her shop for the day right around when she started to work on your portrait.
Finally, you visited Melon Bun, who wanted your help to get her cheese stones appraised, but couldn’t leave the mine. She didn’t want Goblin Cookie running off with the haul she had right now! You agreed and Melon Bun promised that when you got back, you two were gonna have a pizza date! Looking forward to it, you grabbed the bag of cheese stones and made your way to the Appraisal.
Unfortunately, this would be right around the time that the Appraisal would be robbed of their array of cheese stones, done by a currently unknown Cookie. However, the pictures at the crime scene left details that Almond Cookie knew all too well.
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This…felon was the one that had done this, this crook had always been a thorn to Almond Cookie’s side. The more Almond Cookie pieced together the evidence, the more guilty he had got.
Almond made his way to the jail cells, moving past the four cookies who went after him, ignoring their questions as he reached the cells. You plagued his mind, the look of sorrow on your mugshot coming back to him. That only made his pace faster.
He had to get to you.
The weight was finally lifted off your shoulders when the fell opened and your cuffs were unlocked, Almond Cookie knelt down to meet your gaze.
He…wanted to apologize for every mistake this station had done to you. It was a mistake to have arrested you blindly, to have you even jailed here, Almond wanted to personally meet the officer that made the arrest and give them a reminder of why you don’t arrest innocent cookies.
He guided you out of your cells, to meet the four cookies that had arrived after hearing the news.
Lollipop wanted to hug you and ask if you were okay, but you rejected her attempt. You..wanted to be alone right now, get some coffee, and just shake off the day. Lollipop understood…but that tear that came out betrayed her words.
Truffle held your arm and expressed relief that you were innocent, would you…care for some tea? She wanted to help take your mind this whole incident, she’ll make yours especially sweet! You shrugged off her hold and told her some other time. To Truffle Cookie’ her heart shattered as she let go, looking down somberly.
Butter Pretzel caught your attention and asked if you wanted to see your portrait! She finished it and hoped that she captured your sweetness, she really wanted you to like it and to an extent…like her. You did your best to be polite and turned down right now, but you promise to look at it some other time. She says it’s fine…but the thoughts of striking Almond over the head with the painting say otherwise.
Melon Bun wanted to apologize big time for getting you into this mess, she didn’t mean to get you arrested, she didn’t mean for you to go through this experience, she hoped this whole thing was scrubbed off your clean record. Please don’t hate her
Almond was the same, he wanted to apologize for the station’s mistakes and responded to Melon Bun’s worries that this incident will be removed and wiped off, he’ll see to it personally that it does. He hopes that this situation doesn’t make you afraid of him or any authority, but when you couldn’t make eye contact with him, his fears might have been realized.
You announced your departure with a strained smile as you went home. As soon as you were out of view, the four cookies quickly turned to Almond Cookie, their glowing eyes shadowed in darkness, brimmed with murderous intent.
Almond defended himself, stating that was this crooked cookie that was responsible for this crime, let’s go after them instead of bickering here. Almond himself was incredibly angry too…the mere possibility that this cookie can get away with possibly ruining Almond’s relationship with you…enrages him.
The next day’s news covered a brutal attack on a now jailed cookie, their dough bruised and cracked enough to leave noticeable injuries. Almond expressed no sympathy for the criminal, saying they deserved what they got. He shrugged off and disregarded the traces of butter, spiders, and cheese found on the perp, and especially the black eye the cookie had.
Butter Pretzel hummed as she painted a new portrait of you, who knew that bits of jam could really bring out the eyes.
Melon Bun whistles as she cleaned her pickaxe, watching over her shoulder every now and then. She didn’t want others to see the strawberry jam on it.
Truffle sipped on her tea as she heard the news over radio, giggling to herself as a shadow was casted over her eyes.
Lollipop wasn’t that invested into the news, she was busy spending time playing with you in the workshop, with Butterbear watching over the two of you with a laugh. As long as you were here, Lollipop didn’t really care what becomes of that thief.
All of them wouldn’t mind if this criminal was put away for good though. Because getting out meant facing these cookies again…and they can hold a grudge.
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fallofthecelestial · 9 months
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jostansbandc · 1 year
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some crob doodles!!
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everettswritings · 7 months
Hey if it's possible can you do a headcannon of how different cookies would react to being saved/defeated by a reader with the powers of Spider-Man.
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Sure thing! I’m sorry it took so long to fulfill this request, but I hope that doesn’t put a damper on things. Anyways, I didn’t know who exactly you wanted so I pulled a couple characters from Kingdom and a couple characters from OvenBreak. Some of these have some more romantic implications while others are more platonic, honestly most of it is up in the air and for you to determine. Hope you enjoy!
Royal Margarine- saved:
He’s a little confused to say the least, and adamant that he “didn’t need saved” and that “he was fine”!
”Well… uh… Thank you for saving me, I guess, but I-I could’ve handled myself!”
He won’t admit it, but he’s already obsessed with you. I mean, he does have a thing for those who’re stronger than him!(which honestly same)
He may or may not try to fly around the cityscape to see if he can see you again, but he wouldn’t admit to that either.
”W-What?! No! I wasn’t looking for you I was just… eh… enjoying the night sky! That’s all!”
Gingerbrave- saved:
Bro is absolutely amazed! Astounded! Truly flabbergasted!
He thinks your powers are SO AWESOME!
Will beg you to show off your powers: “PLEASE, Y/N? Just one more web?”
He also wants to hang out with you as much as possible, you’re just so cool!
Truffle- saved:
Dear god, she is ENAMORED!
”Oh such lovely powers! You’re just like my spiders back at home”
I don’t even know how she got into a situation where she needed rescued in the first place, but now she’ll be getting into those situations frequently! All to see you again
Will always invite you to her manor, even if you refuse that won’t really stop her
”Dear, you simply must stop by for a visit! I implore you!”
Roguefort- defeated:
Well, well, well! So you caught the infamous Phantom Bleu?
They were a bit taken aback, no one had ever put a full stop to their plans before! A few have come close, but no one had ever truly caught them
They immediately find you quite endearing and interesting, they hope to forge a friendly rivalry with you like they did with Almond Cookie.
Soon enough, you get entangled in their games! They go for places they know you’ll be, and go for gems they know you’ll prevent them from taking. You might not like it as much, but they themselves love the thrill of the chase!
Finally, they have a hero to fight against their villain!
And that’s it! I know I say this a lot, but this was super fun to write! Again, I’m sorry for answering so late. But thank you for sending me such an interesting and fun request! Alright, have a good one 🫶
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stale-cookie105 · 1 month
cookie run brainrot (drawings done from 2022)
these drawings are hella old lmfao
(currently working on drawing the time balance department cookies though!)
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cookie-coven · 9 months
AlmondTruffle because genuinely love the dynamic of this Tired old detective Meeting this Goth ,eccentric, older woman and having a fun time together.
I HC that since a lot of cookies are scared of Truffle, but Almond wouldn't since he's seen real bad cookies and would see her as the kind woman that she really is and I feel like she can also brighten up almonds day with her stories and hospitality
Also with all the scary stuff she says sometimes you're always in for a treat like Almond would be like are you joking are you not?? But anyways yeah I am in love with them :)
omg omg actually im so into this. ive seen almondtruffle around here and there but i didnt get it. I GET IT NOW....
wait wait. i feel like they've almost got a gomez and morticia addams kind of vibe. guy who loves his eccentric goth wife. (almond isnt necessarily exactly like gomez but he DOES have that feeling of "this is my wife look at her she's just gorgeous and amazing" and the wife in question is the most beautiful goth lady you've ever seen)
ALSO your hc that other cookies are usually scared of truffle and almond Not Being Scared of her, that is galaxy brain. bc instead of being scared of her, he can see what other cookies dont think to see at first, because truffle is genuinely a kind woman, even if she is a bit eccentric and unsettling sometimes. but thats why he loves her!
and she loves him because he's determined to do good and keep other cookies safe, and his heart is so good and pure, she Wants it (goth gf affection).
i feel like they're the old type of couple that can easily find comfort in just sitting and enjoying each other's presence. theyll be having afternoon tea at truffles insistence (almond w his coffee depending on his mood that day) and they'll just sit there together while truffle reads a book and almond relaxes for once with no work... truffles also just happy to tell him things and hes so happy to just sit and listen. maybe she reads her book to him, not that he couldn't do it himself, but he likes the sound of her voice and its something nice they do together when hes not busy... (she doesnt read ahead without him either, she would wait for him to be free next so they could continue reading together)
ok yeah im convinced. im SO convinced, thanks anon!!
- Mod Poi 🍄
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The Best Liar…?
⚙️ The best liar?! Ha! Vote between these ten big liars to see who YOU think is the best liar!
Earn votes by scoring points in ANY mode, then use them to vote for a winner. The score requirements increase as you accumulate more votes in one day.
The top 5 move on to the finale at 9 PM EST. The winner of that round wins the whole thing and the title of Best Liar (which is worth absolutely nothing!)
You won’t get your votes back after the round ends. All votes cast will get reset for the next round.
You get rewarded for your first vote and for casting 5, 10, and 20 votes for a single Cookie.
“Don’t Trust Anyone” - Vote for 5 different Cookies in one round
“Lie Detector” - Place on any Overall voting leaderboard
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Matcha×Truffle or MossyCobweb as i call it a total of never cause no one cares for the ship but me and no one cares for matcha but like 2 ppl [me and some rando] so i wanna ask what would you rate this ship....and how do u rate them?
Hello! Sorry for the super, super late reply. It was my first time running a blog and first time going to college, so I was extremely burnt out about a month ago and just...forgot about the blog. Again, I promise that I will not throw a random hiatus without a warning in the future. Again, I'm sorry.
Funnily, I was looking at Matcha earlier today and I manage to stumble across a comic creator image for Matcha x Truffle. I was literally thinking to myself: huh, what an interesting ship!
If you mean rating them as in giving a numerical rating, I will give them a 5/10 personally. I see why they are shipped: both of them are eccentric (and elderly?), and that's cute. It's just that their aesthetics together does not really match my taste--or maybe more importantly, I can barely see Matcha with anyone romantically. HOWEVER, I do wish the best things for Matcha and Truffle! They both deserve lots of love in-universe because they both feel very isolated from other cookies.
Anyways, if you mean rating them as in giving pros and cons, here they are!
Friendly elderly people hanging out in creepy mansions (v i b e s)
Misunderstood by the outside world; bond together to heal their loneliness!
Potentially super intersting plot where Matcha shows up randomly one day to Truffle's mansion because she was abandoned by DE. Truffle takes her in and realized that Matcha barely talks (canon) and seems naive about common sense (this is just a headcanon), and slowly bonds with her
Matcha likes plants (Herb's relationship chart), so she can decorate Truffle's mansion (cute!)
Honestly all cons are subjective, and I kind of already gave me reasons above
I guess objectively, they are a rarepair? But the fact that I'm running this blog clearly means that I don't consider being a rarepair a bad thing lol
You need lots of imagination to justify how they'd meet (not a bad thing imo! I love imagining headcanons and scenarios)
Yeah, I hope this answers sufficiently! Feel free to DM me to chat more about the ship or send another ask!
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r0ck-n-rolll · 2 years
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truffle cookie replyconz !! for anon ^_< -☆
like / reblog and credit if you uze or zave ♡
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Secret of the Slashed Painting: Epilogue
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Walnut Cookie: Is everyone here? Good. Listen up, everyone! Walnut Cookie: This case has been cracked wide open! Walnut Cookie: This is what happened!
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Gumball Cookie: Heard there was gonna be a fun exhibition at this museum… But NOPE! This place is BOOORING! Gumball Cookie: Where’s the color? The vibrancy? The REAL art?! I’ll show’em what a real masterpiece looks like! Herb Cookie: Gumball Cookie, be careful! Please don’t hurt the plants… Gumball Cookie: PSH! Don’t worry! My canvas… is the museum itself! BWAHAHA! Herb Cookie: That’s good to hear, have fun! I’m going to go and look at the unique collection of plants over there.
Gumball Cookie: *Cracks knuckles* NOW THEN! Time for me to show this boring museum what a real masterpiece is! Gumball Cookie: But this wall is bigger than I thought. I’m gonna need more paint! Hmmm… AH-HA! A warehouse! Maybe I’ll find some in there! Gumball Cookie: Huh? What’s all this? There’s nothing but gardening tools in here! Mustard Cookie: Gumball Cookie? What’re you doing in here? Gumball Cookie: ACK!? Oh! Wait… Mustard Cookie? I should be asking you that same question. I thought you hated museums like this! Mustard Cookie: Grams asked me to do something. And this is a good shortcut. Mustard Cookie: You hate boring places like this museum. Why are YOU here, huh? Gumball Cookie: Hmm… OK! I’ll tell ya, since you’re probably one of the very few who can even begin to fathom my artistic vision! Gumball Cookie: This place is so dull, so average, so plain! I’m gracing it with my own art: a flash of color, new life breathed into it with my gumballs! Mustard Cookie: You know what… You’re right. If all the “art” is in the building, then there’s no way every Cookie can enjoy them to the fullest. Mustard Cookie: I’m going to join you. I think this museum can use some thought-provoking graffiti! Gumball Cookie: Ya really are a true artist, aren’t ya, Mustard Cookie! True art is born from freedom! Gumball Cookie: Yeah, it- Hey, what’s that big clothing thing over there? Is something under it? Gumball Cookie: Is that a painting? Why’s it here of all places? Mustard Cookie: Is this that fancy painting that Cheesecake Cookie’s been talking about so much? ???: Didn’t know you two would recognize my butter painting technique. Mustard Cookie: Butter Pretzel Cookie? This is yours, isn’t it? What’s it doing in this warehouse? Gumball Cookie: Paintings don’t usually belong in warehouses? Butter Pretzel Cookie: How perceptive. This painting is the centerpiece of the Hors d’Oeuvre Museum’s exhibition. Gumball Cookie: So… why’s it here? Butter Pretzel Cookie: Because it’s unfinished! There are parts that need some touching up. A masterpiece isn’t created in a single day! Butter Pretzel Cookie: Do you know how long I’ve toiled and struggled on this painting? Gumball Cookie: Ya know what you need to do? Go with the flow! Do what you* heart tells ya! Don’t overthink it, just do it!
*actual text
Butter Pretzel Cookie: *TSK* That’s easier said than done! My technique isn’t as whimsical as spraying graffiti and blowing up paint! Gumball Cookie: WHAT?! My vision of art isn’t some- Mustard Cookie: Wait… Butter Pretzel Cookie. Were you ever happy while painting this thing? Butter Pretzel Cookie: …! Mustard Cookie: It’s like you can only talk about how hard it was… Mustard Cookie: Art is about expressing thoughts and feelings. Even if it’s not a masterpiece, you should still feel happy and proud of what you created? Butter Pretzel Cookie: That’s extremely naive… I must paint something extraordinary, every time! I have to, there’s no other way! Butter Pretzel Cookie: Unveiling an unfinished painting like… this wreck in front of me… This isn’t art! ARGH! Gumball Cookie: Hey, whoa there, easy! You’re really gonna ruin your work like that?! Butter Pretzel Cookie: It’s all over anyway… This exhibition, this painting, fruitless. All of it. Gumball Cookie: You can still paint without having to hold an exhibition you know. If you worked that hard on it, why’d you make a mess of it just now?
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Butter Pretzel Cookie: *Sigh* I was an obscure nobody, painting with butter on the streets… An artist who rationed meals just to buy the best butter… Butter Pretzel Cookie: I remember being happy when I* my own technique for using butter. But even then, no one cared about me or my paintings.
*actual text
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Butter Pretzel Cookie: But when Cheesecake Cookie bought my painting… For the very first time, I thought that I was finally recognized! Butter Pretzel Cookie: This unveiling at the museum is about proving to the world that my reputation isn’t some random fluke!
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Butter Pretzel Cookie: But everyone here… They were all so excited, anticipating a grand masterpiece. I tried very hard but I just couldn’t paint anything better. Butter Pretzel Cookie: I’m a sham. I thought they’d be disappointed. Then an idea dawned on me. No one will be disappointed if they can’t see my painting. Gumball Cookie: Pressure! Anticipation! Heavy stuff to deal with…! Butter Pretzel Cookie: Huh? You mean that you… Understand my predicament? Gumball Cookie: Well, yeah! Creating something from nothing is an emotional journey, understood by all artists! Butter Pretzel Cookie: So there are like… Moments when you feel like this too? Mustard Cookie: Don’t put us in the same boat! But, yeah… I spend hours and hours thinking about what to do next. Gumball Cookie: My style of art is very different from yours, no doubt about it. But let’s face it… We all want to create art some way, right? Butter Pretzel Cookie: …You’re right. I-I’ve forgotten my roots. That satisfying rush of completing my first butter painting! Butter Pretzel Cookie: But tomorrow’s the unveiling ceremony… What point is there in painting something for my own happiness right now? Gumball Cookie: Snap out of it! You’re an artist! You’re not always painting for a single exhibition! Butter Pretzel Cookie: Yes, however… I’m not confident enough to continue down the path of being a painter… Mustard Cookie: Don’t be too hard on yourself. Inspiration isn’t something you can just squeeze out of a tube. Gumball Cookie: Hey, I’ve got an idea! Hear me out. What if we create something together? Gumball Cookie: New things, new ideas, new experiences! That’s what helps with inspiration, ain’t it? Ya might have fun with my vision of REAL ART! Mustard Cookie: Here, I’ll lend you a can of my spray paint. Push down on the button here and voila! Gumball Cookie: I don’t lend my cannon to just anyone, buuut… You’re an artist in your own right! SO here! I think you’ve got what it takes to handle it! Butter Pretzel Cookie: So many colors! It’s so dynamic! I’ve never used this many colors and shades before! Butter Pretzel Cookie: I never thought that I would enjoy such, such… FREEDOM! Gumball Cookie: Yeah, yeah, yeah! It’s liberating, ain’t it? Now create something to your heart’s content! Butter Pretzel Cookie: This feeling… This emotion… Yes, I remember. Gumball Cookie: That was fun! So much fun! Mustard Cookie: Hey, Butter Pretzel Cookie? What should we do with this painting? Butter Pretzel Cookie: It’s just… EURGH! I feel so frustrated just looking at it. I want to tear it apart… Mustard Cookie: Welp, that’s definitely a way to deal with it. Need a hand? Gumball Cookie: That might be just what the doctor orders! Forget about this and start with a clean slate. You might come up with a new idea too! Butter Pretzel Cookie: Thank you… Well then, shall we?
Butter Pretzel Cookie: Well… I guess that’s that. Tearing that painting apart was so… liberating! But what do I do now? Butter Pretzel Cookie: I still can’t think of something new to paint. And I need to finish it before sunrise… ???: Well, well, well! There were rumors of a grand masterpiece getting ready for display, but alas, am I too late to the party? ♪ Butter Pretzel Cookie: You?! You’re that famous thief, Roguefort Cookie! Are you here to steal my painting? Roguefort Cookie: That’s an upsetting way to greet someone, no? I am but a simple visitor tonight. I consider this museum a trove of jewels worth admiring. Butter Pretzel Cookie: What…? Oh, never mind. Anyway, nothing for you steal here.* As you can see, it’s ruined beyond all measure.
*actual text
Roguefort Cookie: I am in no rush! ♪ After all, beautiful works of art require time and patience. Roguefort Cookie: I look forward to our next meeting! ♪ Butter Pretzel Cookie: A bit bold for a burglar… Butter Pretzel Cookie: Oh! OH! I’ll tell everyone the painting was stolen! That way, I won’t have to show it to anyone.
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Walnut Cookie: These were the turn of events on that fateful night! Walnut Cookie: There’s nothing that logic and deduction can’t solve! Almond Cookie: Hmm… Curator Emmental Cheese: Butter Pretzel Cookie… You fabricated this crime…? Butter Pretzel Cookie: Curator Emmental Cheese… Everyone… I am deeply sorry. Butter Pretzel Cookie: I-I-I didn’t think my actions would cause such a giant commotion… I should have just been honest and told you everything from the start. Butter Pretzel Cookie: I understand if the museum wants to cancel the exhibition and ban me from holding one ever again… Curator Emmental Cheese: The pressure of creation! The struggle against obscurity! Your initiative to step into the world of art And… and…! Curator Emmental Cheese: All those emotions, curdled together to mold a breathtaking masterpiece! What a wondrous tale! Butter Pretzel Cookie: Eh? You aren’t angry? Birthday Cake Cookie: I will admit, it was initially shocking. However, you had your reasons! I wholeheartedly understand. Birthday Cake Cookie: I know what it’s like to be unsatisfied with your work… The stress and pressure of it all, wanting it to be perfect. Birthday Cake Cookie: But I learned, the thing about parties is that they aren’t perfect on their own. It’s the Cookies who enjoy it that makes it perfect! Whipped Cream Cookie: Whenever you’re struggling with something, you can talk to us. We’re here for you! We can think over it together. Carol Cookie: We’re all the same in the world of creativity. I look forward to what you will show the world in the future! Chili Pepper Cookie: Paint something small next time. It’ll be easier to carry around! Almond Cookie: Chili Pepper Cookie. Are you openly admitting your intention to steal a painting in the future? Chili Pepper Cookie: Eep! I- erm… Did I say that out loud? Herb Cookie: Butter Pretzel Cookie! Come visit my garden one day. Talking to the plants might help you relax! Butter Pretzel Cookie: Thank you, everyone. Oh, and er… I won’t take it personally if you’ve decided to stop sponsoring me. Cheesecake Cookie: What do you mean? Hehe, this sort of thing won’t stop me from sponsoring you! Butter Pretzel Cookie: Cheesecake Cookie…! Cheesecake Cookie: When times are tough, it’s important to take a step back and relax! Besides, I don’t want my friend and sponsored artist to be stressed! Cheesecake Cookie: And planning new parties are* always an option!
*actual text
Butter Pretzel Cookie: Thank you, all of you… I… I’ve come up with an idea for my next painting just now! Strawberry Cookie: Oh wow…! Really? Curator Emmental Cheese: The Hors d’Oeuvre Museum keenly awaits your next desire to hold an exhibition! Our doors will always be open for you! Butter Pretzel Cookie: I promise to keep at it before this exhibition is over! I hope everyone will come see it once it’s done! Butter Pretzel Cookie: Walnut Cookie. Almond Cookie. Will you come too? Walnut Cookie: Absolutely! In the meantime, I’ll read some books about art!
Almond Cookie: Congratulations, Walnut Cookie. Case closed, and a job well done. Walnut Cookie: I’m glad I was able to help! And… I’ll keep trying to be a better detective. A detective who will never give up! Almond Cookie: You are already a great one. Thank you for cooperating with the investigation, Detective Walnut Cookie. Walnut Cookie: And thank you for believing in me, Detective Almond Cookie!
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Birthday Cake Cookie: Lemon Cookie? How goes the prep for the concert? Lemon Cookie: Not bad. We’re on schedule. Birthday Cake Cookie: Excellent! This will indeed be the perfect party! Mint Choco Cookie: I heard that Butter Pretzel Cookie’s latest painting is quite something. Whipped Cream Cookie: I just know I will be inspired to dance the moment I lay eyes on it! Almond Cookie: Butter Pretzel Cookie’s face looks so… real. Very… realistic. *Sigh* I will never fully understand art. Walnut Cookie: Me too… I read a book about art before coming but… Truffle Cookie: You cannot learn everything about art from books, my dear.
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Truffle Cookie: That face, that smile. Doesn’t the word “comfort” come to mind? Truffle Cookie: It’s simple really. What do you feel when looking at it? Almond Cookie: Hmm… The smile really does reflect a sense of comfort and relaxation. Walnut Cookie: And, even though this is the first time seeing it, it’s somehow very familiar! Walnut Cookie: Oh! Hello, Butter Pretzel Cookie! Excellent work on the new painting. Almond Cookie: A very intriguing piece of art. It’s very realistic, almost as if it’s ready to jump out of the canvas. Butter Pretzel Cookie: You’re both here! Thank you! Ever since then, I’ve learned how to work at my own pace, quite comfortably too! Butter Pretzel Cookie: And I’ll admit, out of all my recent paintings, this is my* probably my favorite!
*actual text
Walnut Cookie: Hey! That smile! It’s just like the one in the painting! Cheesecake Cookie: I truly adore your paintings, Butter Pretzel Cookie! Are you already considering your next- Huuh? Cheesecake Cookie: There’s something on the floor here… An envelope? An invitation? Walnut Cookie: That insignia?! Walnut Cookie: It’s Roguefort Cookie’s calling card! Let me take a closer look! Walnut Cookie: “A true marvel! Calculating logic has paved the way for imaginative inspiration on a grand jewel of art.” Walnut Cookie: “Hearken to me, dear Cookies. Upon starlight’s glow I will make my appearance to embrace the latest jewel to grace our eyes.” Almond Cookie: This is Detective Almond Cookie requesting back-up at the Hors d’Ouevre* Museum! Roguefort Cookie will attempt a theft tonight!
*actual text
Walnut Cookie: Roguefort Cookie…! I’ll get you this time! Walnut Cookie: We’re on the case, Butter Pretzel Cookie! Butter Pretzel Cookie: My painting is in your good hands, detectives!
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optimisticunicorn · 5 months
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mayhem dimension doodles
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
~○°♡ooo how does this sound, y/n cookie being a famous artist¿¿¡¡°○♡~
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The Hors d’Oeuvre Museum would have an entire wing of it dedicated to your works, with Curator Emmental Cheese personally watching over it themself, making sure no scoundrels didn’t try to make off with your artworks or even, god forbid, have flash photography in your wing of the museum. They’d faint if they noticed that your works had deteriorated in any way!
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Many artists looked up to you, including Butter Pretzel Cookie. It would be her dream to meet you and completely gush about how amazing your art was!
She will jump on any cookie who questioned the value of your pieces, pretty much being a fangirl and willing to rant at them for HOURS on how much effort your paintings were and how they had no taste in art if they found your paintings in any way bad!
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If there was one cookie who would pay for your paintings at a price she felt like they were worth, it would be Cheesecake Cookie. If Almond Cookie saw the bill for when one of your paintings, the magic powder would leave his body at the amount of lifetimes of coffee he could buy with the coins.
Alas, only Cheesecake could afford your paintings, she had a whole room dedicated to them in fact! She will not take any other cookie attempting to purchase an available painting, she tries her damndest to outbid the other cookie. She’s taking that painting home whether it’s through legitimate means or not.
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Truffle Cookie cherishes the sight of your paintings in the museum, she can’t help but marvel at your works of art. The level of detail and the brush strokes, ah, she could look at them all day~
It was through Cheesecake Cookie that you were made aware of how much of a fan Truffle was, Truffle Cookie’s joy could not be contained when one of your works was mailed to her as a gift. She makes sure it’s always kept at top quality and even has her spiders guard the area around it. This might make Cheesecake and Butter Pretzel jealous though.
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If Curator Cheese isn’t enough to deter any would-be thieves, then this crossbow from Pastry Cookie should suffice. The church had commissioned paintings from you before and they would like to express their gratitude by having one of the more devoted followers of your work to be the guardian of them.
Her dedication to justice means to hunt down anyone who tried to flee with your artworks, let them run, they won’t get far with Pastry Cookie hot on their heels. Cookies could try to reach out to your paintings, only to receive a very stern warning from Pastry Cookie to take steps back. Those who try to rob your artistic greatness deserve no mercy!
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hauntilily · 1 year
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welcome to the spider mansion
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