#cr1 ep1
ludinus-is-a-bitch · 2 years
first episode and keyleth+percy siblings is already evident.
"we're making comment cards!"
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sotvrna · 2 years
Hi, it’s anon from yesterday, thank you so much for your informative reply!!! I have started off with CR2 ep1 now after having started CR1 ep1 what feels like five times and abandoning it as many and it’s working so well!!! it’s much easier to get into, you get to learn about the characters more naturally and it definitely feels more like a story being told (which I prefer tbh) so thank you again! I hope you have a wonderful day ❤️
Of course! And I'm glad you're vibing with campaign 2, it's definitely something special ^^
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dadrielle · 2 years
I've been following you for forever and seeing you jump on the CR train is so wholesome and fantastic. The answer to how we (long time critters) do this is we still can't think of anything else most Thursdays. Enjoy the ep tonight! <3
Ok but it's hilarious though because I've TRIED to jump on the Critical Role train before MULTIPLE TIMES but it turns out I needed the power of lesbian angst to defeat my ADHD.
Like I watched the first episode of C3 last year! I've seen the first 5 or 6 eps of CR2! I've tried watching CR1 EP1 multiple times over the years! But because it wasn't live and I wasn't invested yet I couldn't focus on it because I could pause and walk away and I'd forget to finish. Then the Otohan fight was SO MUCH on my dash that I watched live on a whim and now my brain is completely rewired.
Anyway I am very happy to be here and thank you 💗
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mollywauk · 3 years
So a feature of Sam Reigel character creation is that they have to be short and have some sort of history with goblins?
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burr-ell · 2 years
heyy! hope it isn't weird or anything, but just wanted to say that i haven't been very active on tumblr these few days cause work and stuff and coming back now i'm just! really excited to see you posting about calamity? and that you also enjoyed it? i knew you had good taste cause of percahlia & cr1 but still :p And like, just in general, i'm really happy to see stuff about calamity on my dash again and from you specifically! :D honestly it has not really left my brain since it aired (nor did i stop writing unfinished wips for loquaerryn. oops) but it's not that prominent on my dash anymore so it's been really nice! and absolutely did not make me tear up [lying]. i'm just. it was so so good and poetic and doomed from the start but still hopeful in a way and just. so good. def takes second place for me as far as campaigns go [after cr1] so yeah sorry for the word vomit and the incoherency but i just. still think about calamity and laerryn/quay a lot and don't really have someone to talk to who watched it cause my friends didn't really go beyond ep1 yet if at all. so you watching it def got me excited. so. yeah. not sure where i'm going with this. i dunno. happy that you enjoyed it too i suppose? :D
ive been sitting on this bc im overwhelmed by how much ive missed u in my notes 😩😩😩
exu calamity is such a well-told tragedy, and i think part of what makes it really hit for me is that like any good tragedy, none of the characters involved are actually bad people. morally dubious, sure, but not evil. because when it's down to the wire and they have to choose between saving themselves and saving the world, they choose the world. like i love in particular the dynamic of laerryn catalyzing the doom of exandria...but also using the most reliable means at her disposal to save exandria. her work on the leywright was born out of hubris and yet its ultimate use was incredibly selfless and heroic.
and like, they all played a part in the flawed system of avalir! patia was a consummate ends-justify-the-means political-dynasty leader; nydas accrued wealth through unscrupulous means; loquatious used his position to cover up the truth; zerxus believed gods were comparable to mortals and that he could Fix Him™; laerryn put her work and achievements ahead of all else and let her own grief and anger consume her at the worst possible moment; and even cerrit, the least dubious of them all, never looked up at any of the things that mattered and nearly lost his family because of it.
they helped break the world, but their actions also helped fix it. and that's an absolutely brilliant dynamic and makes for such a fascinating, gripping story.
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awesomeasusual · 6 years
I’m debating what to do today
do work? nap? start CR1 ep1? Research my voter guide? NOTHING?
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ludinus-is-a-bitch · 2 years
okay but first episode keyleth asks sam/scanlan "don't you have family trauma" in regards to the goblins coming out of the cave in kraghammer.
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ludinus-is-a-bitch · 2 years
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ludinus-is-a-bitch · 2 years
i'm rewatching the first episode of campaign one and keyleth/marisha is doing nervous hair shit and it's so cute. i tried to screen shot but ios is the worst.
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