I really loved the switch between Travis as Grog who, he admitted, would run off into action when the planning was turning circular because Grog would not have the patience to wait - and Travis as Fjord who is adamant that they need to rest before they rush off into danger because they don’t know what’s ahead and what if we all die. And now he’s Chetney, who falls somewhere in between. 
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Twelve things I noted about CR2E79 “Through the Trees” and the Talks Machina about it :
May I point out, as I'm wont to do, that Marisha looks especially beautiful in this episode. Everytime she choses a makeup or a t-shirt that goes well with her hair color... she wins.
Oh my god, those idiots are going to own Essek so much onus ! They're making him bamf them a second time in the same location, because they got confused and didn't calculate correctly where they wanted to go.
Once again the Nein are in a difficult position, and their choices of plans are all... "terrible" choices, in the sense that they could all have terrible consequences ! But if it were up to me, I'd try to get ahead, steal the heart, and observe from far away, and maybe get Yasha.
Oh no ! The plan went wrong ! (as it does) But seriously, up until the point when they reached Obann's campfire, it was going well. Alas, poor rolls regarding landing made them heard by the ennemy.
The second part of the episode, with new plans that are all "terrible" (once again, in the sense that they could all have terrible consequences) is so tense ! Because it absolutely reminds me of their most terrible battle (planned, not counting the blue dragon which was absolutely not planned) so far : the battle where Molly died.
The sweet irony of Liam and Marisha talking about "being horny for combat" is catching up to them now... now that they're in a less than advantageous position, and Marisha's rolling shit initiative for Beau.
Fjord MVP ! The Charm Monster on the Laughing Hand was an extremely good idea ! I personally think Matt made him roll a spell check because he was oposing Obann's charm that he placed on the Hand.
I could sense Laura's frustration with Liam's choice to abandon the Teleporting circle through my screen, ooooh ! This reminded me of the white dragon battle, when Marisha was gloriously playing Caleb, and he stayed inside the dome to create the circle. I said back then that I felt as though Liam would not have the patience to do that, and looks I was right. (I do not say it's a bad or a good choice, it's a choice, but it speaks to his character.)
Marisha, frustrated, mimics with her pencil Beau jokingly trying to gouge her eyes out with her staff. Everyone, very worried with her movements : "Don't do it !" Matt, with a small voice, and raching his hands : "As your husband..." Awwww, that's too cute. After Matt calls it, she angrily breaks her pencil in 3 bits. Amazing.
I love that in the end of this episode, they spent 10 minutes debriefing live on camera their frustration and what went wrong. Poor thems ! But also it's always so entertaining to watch how they think in combat, and the immediate aftermath, Talks is good, but it comes a few days after, so it's not the same feeling.
Laura spends half the episode trying to remember the name of a Bon Jovi album, because Brian incited her.
Liam described this CR episode as "the moment in the LOTR movie where Aragorn kicks off a helmet and screamed in rage and pain becasue Viggo Mortensen really broke his toe" and I'm so happy with this analogy.
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CR2E79- Through the Trees
Ok I’m at the half-way point! Here we go!
Poor Essek, they really are abusing this relationship and he is having None Of It. 
Also, update on my anthropological study of Widowgast: I don’t think I realized how much textual evidence there was behind this ship. Liam’s really going for at the least a close relationship here with the concerned/comforting arm on the shoulder. Slowly starting to reevaluate my assumption that this ship was just fans smooshing the two Sad Magic boys together.
OMG Caduceus and the fly I Cannot. This is everything I love about our weird nature hermit guy. He was fully prepared to just fuckin follow a fly around the forest all day. I wonder if everyone would have taken him seriously if that Toad hadn’t come along? I think at least Fjord would’ve
then again I suppose there’s nothing to say that the fly wouldn’t have taken them where they needed? Who’s to say.
I know that Beau canonically is crushing on Jester from things that I’ve seen, but I feel like this is the first episode that I might’ve picked up on that if I hadn’t known already. Beau compliments her head and then later eagerly offers to carry her in a way that is just so sweet and earnest. I wonder if this is the point the crush develops and Marisha’s just started laying down hints, or if I missed earlier stuff?
The Yasha scene was so fuckin sad! The way Obann is genuinely nice to her makes him honestly so much scarier, because he just went from blandly evil to complicated, manipulative evil. Liam has said before that Caleb is beginning to realize how much he and Yasha have in common, and I think you can see evidence of that here with how hard he fights to prioritize getting her back. I wonder if that scene didn’t remind him of similar talks between him and Trent.
Ok this argument, and the episode in general, have been so tense! I really feel the weight of the urgency here, with how fucked their situation is and how high the stakes are. 
I use the timestamps on the youtube videos to skip adds and stuff, and the first ones right after the break immediately say “plan is ruined”. So I am extremely scared now.
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phoenixstart · 5 years
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This was just a really cool image and I so badly wanted to draw it, whether that plan worked or not.  The  I m a g e.
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eelzeal · 5 years
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that shit hurted
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fjord-mustang · 5 years
Matthew probably: No Liam, you're going to have to EARN a romance with another purple NPC!
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irregulargnoll · 5 years
ending serious planning sessions, a how to guide by the cast of Critical Role
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czechforrain · 5 years
Any of the might nein screw up anything involving social situations.
Caleb: Oh my goodness I’m so sorry this is completely my fault and my fault alone. We’ll be leaving, once again I’m so sorry. I’m a huge fuckup and once again sorry to bother you.
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mmm0204 · 5 years
Things this episode said:
1. Beaujester rights
2. Birb
3. The stormlord is mad?
4. Ashley please just come back already
5. Oh fuck this is bad
6. Oh fuck oh fuxk oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
7. “The humans are mad!”
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wrecksahlia · 5 years
never do i ever feel more represented than i do during laura’s Extremely On Brand Hiding Inside Her Clothes Stress(TM) moments
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epicureanstyle · 5 years
I appreciate how much Matt likes hitting the corrupted woods note
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“If you don’t go to their fucking website, I’ll kill you.” 
“It’s getting late, guys!”
I finally got there. Best Sam ad ever tbh.
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fjord-mustang · 5 years
The tags are saying BEAUJESTER RISES, which is good because I need something to look forward to because of how hopeless the battle is going in the Lotusden.
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irregulargnoll · 5 years
Y’know, even if Essek isn’t intending to turn on the M9 at some point, it’s kinda getting to the point where I won’t really be able to blame him for it if he does?
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czechforrain · 5 years
Regarding CR2E79
There seems to be a split in how people are saying the mighty nine performed. Some saying they did quite well just staying alive and others saying they rolled poorly and that’s what led them to failure.
My galaxy brain take: They performed average.
Of course Nott failing a perception check the first time and than later rolling what should have been a 16 but was only a 12 that failed to dislodge the pouch hurt. They had a chance to grab it and run or in the very least fight Oban and Yasha with enough time that the laughing hand wouldnt have arrived yet, (3 minutes away was what Matt said, which is 18 rounds far longer than what combat would take). That’s a winnable albeit really tough fight, even with some of their casters being low on spells.
But on the other hand to those upset they lost and convinced it was right there. They could have died. Fjords clutch Charm Monster not only stopped the Laughing hand which chasing after them with his Hounds (who btw have 21 AC) was veering heavily into TPK territory but allowed them to catch up unsuspectingly on the others and they did really well on stealth once they got there. Not to mention how Yasha was 10 ft away from them after they checked out where the MIX crashed and didn’t notice them.
All in All a mixed bag. They clearly aren’t a match for all 3 of them and now there is 4 with the last being a likely even greater threat the Laughing Hand himself. Right now it’s crucial the MIX don’t go after them. They’re too strong and they need to build up their power to do so. Maybe Matt makes Obann five Yasha and anti-scry crystal from the empire. Or has the BQ or Essik call in on their Debts and give them a solid goal. They need to look elsewhere because if they keep rushing into the AOI group before they’re ready, they’re gonna all meet an early grave.
They have admittedly technically failed on 4 of their last 5 missions, only really succeeding with the Dragon Heist and them getting Notts Husband back on a Hail Mary was almost them all being imprisoned in Alcatraz if not for Caleb. The other 3 have all involved Obann and I think part of the reason the crew is a bit down is they keep getting outsmarted / losing their grip. They’re last fight they definitely one that was major was in the giants keep and the last truly epic one was E55. So I understand they want to fix their wrongs right away but they really need some patience and I wouldn’t object Matt intervening in ways to get their minds off the Hand and Jorrael for the time being.
But even though it’s slow, as we saw with parts of the pirate arc it’ll turn around so don’t worry too much if it’s not the best it can be. And remember to love each other.
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dawnddoesart · 5 years
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It’s fine, now they just owe him several favors of which the nature is deliberately vague and mildly suspicious!
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