#crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab crab
amnhnyc · 14 hours
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Which crab’s pinch is strong enough to rival a lion’s bite? That would be the coconut crab (Birgus latro). Charles Darwin once described it as growing to “a monstrous size.” This gargantuan crustacean can measure 3 ft (1 m) from leg tip to leg tip and weigh up to 8 lbs (4 kg). A member of the hermit crab family, it uses its powerful claws to crack open coconuts. This species inhabits coasts off of the Indo-Pacific Ocean.
Photo: luca63, CC BY-NC 4.0, iNaturalist
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crabsnpersimmons · 2 days
✨Happy Reveal-versary Sun & Moon!!✨
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Eclipse is here too because he's always up to celebrate a birthday (and i didn't wanna leave him out, look at him)
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terriblyjadedgamer · 16 hours
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Sidewalkin’ Crab
Sidewalkin' Crabs may seem rare at first, but because they hide beneath the dirt under sidewalks, many walk over these crustaceans and are not even aware they're walking on top of a monster. Normally, Sidewalkin' Crabs are very docile, but they become more aggressive when hunting.
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daily-crabbys · 14 hours
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Today's crab is: Who's that pokemon?
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sherbertquake56 · 2 days
finale of mer smp means you guys get krit crumbs so here you go :))
as you saw in otherside, krits eye stopped bleeding around 4 years ago in canon (when icarus became quixis), but they did keep their robot arm! there’s some sherbverse reasons for that but don’t worry about it—
their robot arm did start rusting though after their eye stopped bleeding- but luckily raylan and caspian figured out how to keep it in good condition!
krit still lives with solaris, percy, cas, and raylan on their little island- and cas and raylan are expecting! krit is going to be a crunkle!
krit has a bunch more friendship bracelets and friendship necklaces now from their family, and still writes and visits the reef often!
and here’s the little art i did of their final fit- they get a lil vest now :D
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thank you to the rest of the cast of mer smp for running an awesome server over the last couple years- im so glad i got to be a part of it! and thank all of YOU for being such awesome fans and enjoying our story 🧡💚
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aspiring-prototype · 2 days
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Seeing all these posts on the DCA's bday and the 21st of September got me making this thing.
*sensibly chuckles to self*
Happy Reveal-versary to Sun & Moon and happy 21st Sept!
@crabsnpersimmons , thank you for the advice!
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montereybayaquarium · 16 hours
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In a bay not so far away, eelgrass blades sway in the shifting tides. Over time, algae can start to cover the blades, growing so thick that it smothers the eelgrass. 
But wait! Enter the unsung heroes: sea slugs! They nibble away at the algae, keeping the eelgrass clean and thriving.
But oh no—here come the crabs! Yes, some crabs are cool, but too many can devour the hardworking sea slugs, leaving the eelgrass exposed again to the smothering algae.
Who will restore balance to the wetlands? 
The sea otter swoops in! By snacking on the slug-eating crabs, sea otters help keep this wetland ecosystem in check. 
Hooray, healthy and happy eelgrass for all! 
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thesiltverses · 3 days
so in season three Faulkner mentions that the parish helped him get on T but how do they get it? do they have doctor who’s part of the parish that can get it? or do they just steal it? does the trawler-man provide magical river hrt?
It was too much irrelevant exposition to include in that scene, but what I put in the original script notes for my own satisfaction was that Mason had probably set up an ongoing arrangement years ago to provide medical supplies to young converts and returning disciples in the seminary, whether through raids on pharmacies or pharmaceutical deliveries, or a backroom deal with some corrupt staff in a rural hospital.
It makes strategic sense, right? You're trying to re-establish an illegal faith which has been driven to the point of extinction, much of the older generation wiped out...so you bring in the new generation and ensure their reliance on you by making sure you can get them the vital care that they can't afford or access via legal means.
On the other hand, I know some folks have found enjoyment in the idea that there is some kind of magical testosterone crab-gumbo being brewed up in the caves of the Parish...so I'm not going to rule that out entirely. Maybe there is.
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nyaa · 2 days
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53v3nfrn5 · 3 days
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Prodigy: The Fat of the Land (1997)
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megalommi · 2 days
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There has been a crab infestation in the lab
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heartfullofleeches · 18 hours
Bugman with a Darling fixated on marine life. Bug dumps facts about their favorite creatures on them and Darling shoots back with some of their own. Bugman is delighted when Darling tells them crustaceans and insects share a common ancestor, but more over it's nice to speak to someone who shares the same spirit Bug has in bugs towards their own interests. Darling probably also shares the same fear Bug has over annoying someone with all info stored in their brains, but if they asked Bugman how they felt it would tell them to never stop talking.
Amongst the sea of insect themed merchandise, the occasional crab or lobster item appears in Bugman's bedroom long with things related to Darling's favorite animals tucked away for safe keeping. Whenever Bug sees something they know Darling would like while they're out shopping its sure to grab it for them .... If they don't keep it for themselves because of how much it reminds them of their crush-
Darling: Whoa :0 Cool shark painting! Did you know sharks are covered in tiny scales that are made out of the same material as human teeth? That's why their skin feels like sandpaper!.... Sorry, Bug- Got carried away, again. Am I talking to much?
Bugman, scribbling on a notepad: You say that as though it would be a bad thing. Please, continue if you feel comfortable.
Bugman: I am aware your birthday has yet to pass, but I came across this interesting hat I have a notion you might like. I believe it is a jellyfish.
Darling: Crazy timing- I found this real cute isopod plushie, they're kinda like giant sea bugs- So I got it for you! Like it?
Bugman: ....If this stuffed animal departs from my mortal vessel so will I from this earth.
Cultist Older Sister: Bugman! I see you've brought home dinner for yourself. Shall I prepare it for you?
Bugman, holding grocery bags in one arm and a live lobster in another: This is not for me. It is a pet. For Y/n.....
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crabsnpersimmons · 15 hours
Are smooches on the menu?
let's see let's see!
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glimmerkey · 3 days
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Plastic Sea Life Creatures 2" (144 PACK)
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sleepynegress · 17 hours
*record scratch*
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"I bet you're wondering how I got here, when last you saw, I was watching the sunset at a crab-boil in Louisiana with my family..."
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deerlytoasty · 2 days
I'm going back to my roots and drawing mr coco again. I still love him
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Also, why is no one drawing him on tumblr? There's barely anything
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