#crack him open a whiskas even
aemiron-main · 2 years
me: I take my creel analysis very seriously
also me: joking about victor creel eating wet food
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harryhoney-bee · 9 months
Recently I've been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety. I was wondering if you could write something about what Harry would do to calm you down.
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Summary: Y/n has bad anxiety, but knows Harry is always there for her
Warnings: mentions os anxiety
Word count: less than 1k
I literally do not know how to write anymore it's been 2 years so im sorry for any mistakes
He knew something was wrong the moment he stepped foot into their shared flat. Y/N was usually right by the door whenever she heard him coming from the hallway, but the only creature who greeted him as Harry entered their home was Chimichurri, the old and - kinda ugly - cat Y/N had adopted when discovered it was the smallest one in the litter.
The cat rubbed its tail against Harry’s ley, which was covered by the heavy snow pants the man was wearing. He had just come back from a long day at the studio and all he wanted was to cuddle with his wife. 
They got married a few months ago. It was a small ceremony, away from the public. Most people were even surprised it had happened so fast… They had been dating only a year before Harry put a rock - a rather big one- on Y/N’s finger. But what could they do? 
When you know, you know.
Harry bent down, just enough to scratch the poor cat's ear. “Hey Chimi, where’s your mom, huh? She's sleeping?” Cat waited a few seconds as if the cat was going to respond. “I told you, when I’m gone you are the one responsible for keeping her well.” 
The cat meowed in response, following Harry to the kitchen, where the purr ball knew he was going to get some treats. Harry opened the cabinet, took a package of Whiskas, and poured it into Chimichurri’s bowl. “Now you be a good boy and stay here while I go looking for mum, alright?”
Harry gave the cat a last glance before heading to their bed, where he expected to find his love. He could hear the faint sound of the TV on, and as he got closer he could identify the voices, it was Amy and Jake from Brooklyn 99. 
He sighed. This was a bad sign, Y/N only watched the Tv show if she was sad.
Waiting for the worst, Harry opened the door, finding Y/N wrapped around blanks, an impassive expression on her face. She didn’t hear him as he got closer to her. “Hey beauty,” Harry kissed her cheeks, smiling as the girl looked up to him, cracking a small smile. 
“I thought you were coming home later today,” Y/N whispered, feeling the prickling of his beard on her skin.
“Nah, couldn’t look at Mitch’s face anymore,” Harry joked. He carefully held her chin, making the girl while caressing her cheekbone with his thumb. “What happened, what got you down?”
Y/N's face initially showed surprise; she thought she had concealed at least a bit of her mental state, but she clearly forgot how well Harry could read her. She got closer to Harry, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him down. The couple laid on the bed, Y/N’s cheeks pressed to Harry's heart, hearing it beat. “I’m not well, H.”
‘I know you aren't, angel,” He turned his face down, looking at her eyes. “Tell me what it is and I’ll fix it, you know I will.! 
“I don’t think you can this time,” she whispered
Y/N battled with anxiety for a long time, something she would get so caught up in her head and now one could take her away from her thoughts. Harry was aware that the only person who could get Y/N better was herself, but he also knew how important his help was.
“Did you schedule with Marcia yet?” Harry asked. 
“No, could you? Please?” she asked with a small voice.
“Of course, love.” Marcia was Y/N’s therapist, it’s been some weeks since Y/N last saw her for an appointment, and it was time for another. Harry quickly got his phone, messaging Marcia’s receptionist. The room was quiet, only the sounds of Harry’s phone could be heard.
“Done,” he said, kissing Y/N lightly on the lips. “Wanna talk about it?” 
She took his hand, playing with his rings. “No, not right now…Maybe later?” She said uncertainly. 
Harry just nodded, kissing her forehead this time. “You know I'm here whenever you need me.”
“You are always here,” She whispered, “It gives me peace.”
“Knowing I’m here?” He whispered back.
They fell asleep just like that, cuddling each other as Jake said something that made Amy laugh.
The next morning came by as a hope offering. 
Y/N was still asleep when Harry placed a plate full of chocolate pancakes in front of her. “Wha-What is that?” Y/N asked lazily, rubbing her eye off sleepiness.
“A sweet breakfast in bed for my sweet girl,” Harry responded, caressing Y/N's cheeks. “I know yesterday was not a good day for you, and I don’t know how today is gonna come by, but I’m here to make sure it all comes around ok.”
Y/N smiled as she quickly ate her pancakes, stealing kisses from Harry as he watched her happy, warmth in his chest whenever she looked at him.
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howl-fantasies · 3 years
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Imagine, you've been kidnapped by Jeremiah Valeska and everybody is freaking out.
Even Victor? Maybe a bit.
Harvey: Were you tired of playing with her, so you finally shot her and dispose of the body?
Zsasz was frowning hard, far away from Harvey's nonsense and the GCPD incompetence. Y/N didn't answer his last text. That wouldn't have been alarming if it was during one of their infamous bickering. But when it came to business, she or him would ALWAYS find a way to answer. Even a simple "." to say, at least, that they were still breathing.
Something was very wrong. And he didn't like it. At all. He needed to get out of here and investigate to be able to fill the 4W.
When was she taken away? Where has she been before the total silence? What happened? Who was the fucker he needed to torture to death for all of this?
Seeing his lack of cooperation, Harvey grunt and let Jim try to catch his attention again.
Gordon, looking Victor dead in the eyes: I know you didn't kill her.
Zsasz, raised one of his bald eyebrows and despite the crisis grinned a little. Clever, Jimbo. He really meant it when he called him a good egg.
Seeing Victor now paying attention to him, Gordon continued.
Gordon: Even in your own twisted way, you care way too much for Y/N to be the culprit. I know what you did to the mobster who shot her once. I know you would skin someone alive for her. So, help us to find her before it's too late.
The intensity of Zsasz's eyes on him made Gordon visibly flinch. Unwrapping the crazy feelings of a prolific killer in an interrogation room, in front of another cop, and without Y/N to ground him was clearly one of his dumbest move.
The heavy atmosphere was only interrupted by the sound of the hitman squeezing his hands tightly and making his leather gloves squeal. Gordon saw him blink slowly before he relaxed his shoulders a bit.
Zsasz: did you find something in her flat?
The inspector sighed before nodding his head.
Gordon: Her mobile phone. Just that. And that is what we need your help with. There is no name in her contacts, she has some kind of code we don't get very well...
Victor grinned a bit again. She was always so careful. So sly and cunning.
Zsasz: I suppose you've tried to call the contacts?
In the back of the room, Harvey shifted a bit, capting his attention.
Harvey: your little girlfriend is a fucking genius hacker: no number to call nor messages to read properly without a code. She encrypted practically everything. We've asked Fox to crack her little system but the poor guy is ready to bang his head against the walls.
Gordon: we are currently looking for Nygma. He would probably solve the riddle.
Zsasz: Bring it. The phone.
Harvey and Gordon looked at each other a long minute, before the young inspector finally nods and send the older searching Lucius.
The engineer came a few minutes later, exhausted and with a device he put in front of the hitman.
Lucius: Wish you luck with that.
Victor took it and flip it open. It was not locked. Fox at least has cracked that. He saw a familiar plain wallpaper and press the button in the middle.
---- Contacts ---
Zsasz: sounds like Butch.
Zsasz: I suppose you get that one?
Gordon: We're not that d-
Zsasz: Dumb? Oh. I can see you and Harvey, under "D".
Zsasz: Tabitha. Definitely.
Gordon: is that suppose to be me?! And Harvey is dumber?! So the 'Captain Dumb' should be my office?
Zsasz: think so.
Harvey: ... Fucking wicked woman.
Gordon: Ivy Pepper?
Zsasz *grins*
Zsasz: that's Riddler ex-number, when he worked with Penguin.
Zsasz "Pretty sure that one is you too guys"
Gordon *glaring*: Anything useful?!
Zsasz: can't wait to see Riddler's face on that one.
---- END ----
Zsasz: ...
Gordon: ...
Harvey: I would have felt for you dude, if you weren't a homicidal maniac.
Zsasz didn't have the time to roast Bullock alive, Y/N's phone suddenly buzzed with a new message.
--- 1 New Message ---
*1 File attached - press OK to download*
Harvey and Jim glanced at each other and came on each side of Victor, who seemed frozen.
The hitman finally press "download".
Who TF looks so peaceful after being stabbed AND knock out?! The fucker looks like napping peacefully! Not like he just put a bullet in MY FUCKING KNEE!
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Zsasz didn't wait Gordon nor Bullock to answer the text.
Where are you? - VZ
Y/N: Just above the pits of hell if nobody comes to collect my sorry ass! Fucking looks like a warehouse near Gotham let me tell you.
Victor chuckled silently and turned his head slightly in Jim's direction. Almost like saying "what the fuck are you doing track the call, idiot". The inspector jolted and rushed out of the room yelling for Fox to come.
Y/N *sighing*: Rookies...
Zsasz: stay on the phone, sweetness. ... Valeska?
Y/N: will still be asleep when you'll be there I think. His psycho girlfriend is next to us. Knocked out too. Used my pistol grip.
Zsasz grinned. Resourceful, Y/N. He let Lucius plug some wires on her phone.
Lucius: just a minute Miss Y/N, we're trying to locate you.
She didn't answered but the hitman heard her ragged breath.
Zsasz: Y/N. Stay with us.
This time he didn't hear a thing. His blood turned ice in his veins and he grit his teeth.
Zsasz: OI Y/N!
His voice boomed exactly like the day he came to the police station for Jim and shout to gain his attention. The inspector closed his eyes tightly, repressing a shiver. The demanding tone was as sinister and terrifying as in his memories.
Y/N: Shut it Satan. Not today.
Zsasz relaxed a bit. A second later something biped loud and Lucius was looking at them "GOT IT!" The hitman bolted from his sit and rip the device from the man's hands before storming out of the interrogation room. His handcuffs long gone.
Gordon yelled his name but didn't even get a fragment of his attention. The cop should know better than standing between a hitman and his goal.
Zsasz: Gotcha sweetness. Keep Satan at bay, I'm on my way with the girls.
Y/N: waiting for the grim reaper then. Please be quick Vic.
Zsasz quit the GCPD smoothly, still ignoring Gordon shouts and didn't hesitate to threaten the first car he saw with his gun and his best mad face to make the driver stops and run away from him.
Zsasz: Found us a car, treacle. Fancy at that. Don't you dare die on me now.
Y/N: I'll not die before killing you first.
Zsasz: that's the spirit, love. By the way, what is the code to fully unlocked your phone. I need to call the Doc.
Y/N: It's 'Zsaszified'
Zsasz: ... Knew it, you care.
Y/N: that one is classified.
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millerflintstone · 6 years
Diva update
Diva did really well with the acupuncture. When I first met my vet a couple of years back, she was starting the certification and hours towards being a feline acupuncturist. She really keeps up to date on studies and whatnot. Best vet ever.
It’s a 2 person practice. Just the vet, Dr. B, and her tech, Reina. Reina makes sure they have Diva’s preferred soft Whiskas treats. When I opened the carrier and Diva saw Reina, she gave her a silent meow which cracked us up. 
I set her carrier on the floor and took her out so she’d walk around a little bit. She tried to find a place to hide, failed, and just settled in on the floor. When Dr. B came in, she put a mat down and had Diva settle on it and gave her pets before starting putting in the needles. 
Diva had been mellow during the whole drive, which is rare. I’m not sure if she’s just getting used to being in the car or if she was tired. She had a busy weekend. She didn’t mind the needles that were put in on her forehead (a relaxation point) or her upper body. She complained a little when she did some of her right hip and spine but didn’t try to get away. 
It was neat. You could see her muscles twitching in response to the needles. She kind of perked up as her muscles started relaxing and the needles got looser. After about 30 minutes, the needles were removed and Diva accepted Dr. B giving her a leg massage. She focused on her right hind leg which was / is very tight. She even started purring and when Dr. B stopped, she turned and looked at her to continue. We laughed. Diva is silly and I’m glad Dr. B sees her personality and cares for her. She thinks she’s a funny girl.
Her movement was much better after and seems to be today. We’re still having issues with missing the litter box but she’s mainly been hitting the surrounding pee pads. Unfriendly and I were talking about her and I said to him, “There are people who would put her down just because of the peeing, huh?” He agreed. When talking to Dr. B I was telling her how she’s still there. She still wants to hang out with us, make sure Gigabyte knows she’s the boss, eat, and cuddle. She agreed that she otherwise looked good. She just needs help getting stronger. 
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