#THAT is a poor little meow meow if I’ve ever seen one
aemiron-main · 2 years
me: I take my creel analysis very seriously
also me: joking about victor creel eating wet food
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kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
Suddenly I’m a sheep baa
You have such a way with words!!! I love the image of konig sitting down, cooing at his flock, while reader stands to the side, watching… does he even know? Does he know the effect he has on you? Would he even care, if he knew that you’re completely ruined over watching him work… (would he treat you the same, one hand gripping your legs and hands out of his way, tucked up against his chest as his other hand wanders down your chest and against your cunt,,,)
Baa!!! YEAH I can see it happening in bed as soon as he gets his freak on. It's purely subconscious too! But then I was also thinking how König must be a total softie with all animals... Treating everyone gently and lovingly while reader is pouting & looking from the sidewalks like a third wheel :( Time to pull out the big guns!
CW: Pet play (attempted), dom/sub undertones (implied)
You see him feeding apples to horses, watch how they burrow their muzzles under his arm, he’s always gentle with each and every individual as long as they’re animal and not human... Even the old farm cat gets more love and attention than you :(
He nearly trips on it one morning because it’s purring and meowing at his feet – if a human were to do that they would get slurs and yelling and spit landing on their face... This furry little beast only earns a soft rumble and a low, affectionate “You naughty little devil,” as thanks for showing this bitter cruel man some love.
You even see him pet the cat absentmindedly when he’s doing some paperwork in his office, the loud purrs of the animal making you absurdly jealous. Hearing the roaring content of this cat as a broad, sturdy hand softly pets it from head to tail stirs emotions in you that are wildly inappropriate. You would kill to get this man to pet you, these animals don’t even know how lucky they are...
And maybe he doesn’t even know what he’s missing, seeing only men and animals here at the farm. The only woman, namely, you, is always walking around in rubber boots and dirty oversized overalls. He avoids you like the plague, and treats you more harshly than the young rascals sent here by the state... Men are visual creatures, so perhaps it’s no wonder that he takes no interest in you, some weak miss farmhand who always looks like she came from feeding the pigs... Which is your job here, actually, because König never allows you near his precious horses, let alone the delicate sheep.
So one day, you sneak inside his office and climb on his desk in nothing but your black sheen underwear, now with the addition of a black cat’s tail attached to the bum, with your make up done and wearing a pair of cute little cat ears. This must be the silliest thing I’ve ever done, you think as you push your tits invitingly together while propping yourself on the table like a spoiled house cat would, with your “paws” prettily together and your butt ready to lift from some good petting you fervently wish you’re about to get.
Heavy boots echo in the hall like doom just as you start to shiver from cold. Your heart nearly shoots out of your chest and your tits threaten to spill out of your too small bra, your rival is nowhere to be seen and all the sheep have been sheared so you hope you’ll finally spark this man’s interest in some intimate fun with an actual woman...
He walks in, comes to an instant halt on the door when he sees you, and from the looks of it, the poor man suffers a silent heart attack from seeing a half naked woman on his desk. He freezes right there on the spot, draws air so sharply you can hear it all the way to where you're sitting – all over his papers, innocently like a naughty feline would.
He looks both shocked and furious, but not a word of warning comes out – and how could he be mad at a pretty little thing like you? Donning your silly outfit consisting of black underwear, black cat tail and black cat ears, you even drew yourself some thin whiskers with your black eyeliner...
Your eyes are shy but accusing, they simply ask, why haven't you paid attention to me? Why haven't you played with me, turned me around in your lap any way you like? Where are the soft gazes and shushed praises that belong to me?
And while you were invisible to this man before, you now have his full attention.
His eyes fly to your tits first, then to your tail, they caress the dip and swell of your waist, rise to adore your rib cage and the fluttering pulse at the hollow of your throat, they steal a peek at your cute little ears... There's an endearing flash on softness in his eyes, and when he meets your stare again, he swallows so arduously that the sound of it is audible and thick. A chill runs down your spine as you realize this might not only be the first time in a while that he's seen a half naked woman... This might be the first time he's seen a half naked woman ever.
You give him your most demure gaze, bat your lashes slowly like cats tend to do when they see someone they appreciate and trust, and whisper:
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mischieffoal · 5 months
Kugrash; Rat Jesus; Bruce Kugrich; you know him, you love him - is a repressed, closeted, gay man. In this essay I will… tell you why I think that, I actually wrote the essay. (It’s not an essay it’s a long text post, it doesn’t have an introduction or a conclusion or citations don’t come for me)
Anyway, I’ve just finished The Unsleeping City chapters 1 and 2 and Kugrash has infested my brain and wormed his slimy way around my heart. I don’t need to proselytise him, if you’re reading this post you already understand the appeal of a crusty, washed-up rat bastard of a terrible father who’s trying to make up for everything he’s ever done. What I particularly loved about him was that he is gay-coded in such a specific way that it makes the poor little meow meow of it all even worse. Was it on purpose? I doubt it. But it certainly is there. 
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(I doubt it was on purpose because the joy of D20 is that all the characters are kind of just pan unless specified otherwise and homophobia is only a thing that villains do in the first five minutes of a character’s introduction. So it’s like, I doubt Murph did this on purpose because he’s probably just being very queer friendly and it comes across this way because of the Kugrash of it all)
Evidence that I remembered to write down is as follows: 
Perry the Pigeon
Kug doesn’t actually want to date Perry, but he doesn't object to going to the wedding with him/sort of leads him on/definitely flirts with him/tries to let him down nicely. 
Murph did just choose the name Perry at random. Could have been a girl pigeon, but no. 
Perry is serious about Kugrash. Like, “still mourning him” serious. 
Perry isn’t only into Kug, he is an established gay pigeon who later marries another man (/rabbit)
2. The Kugriches
When the other PCs tell Wally there’s a pigeon with a crush on his dad, Wally immediately asks “What’s his name?”
Wally and David’s mum is out of the picture. David said that Bruce abandoned them when Wally really needed him, which I think implies she’s been gone since before Kugrash was cursed. Why? Who knows, Bruce was a bastard in many ways - but if his sexuality was so obvious that their son can only imagine his dad dating a male pigeon, it was probably obvious to Bruce’s ex. 
3. Lowell Masters
Kingston: finds out Lowell can Identify things by sticking them up his ass Kingston, two seconds later, pointing at his good friend Kugrash: “This man, what is this man?" Lowell: gives Kugrash an ass jacket Kugrash: “Yeah, yeah, sure thanks, appreciate it.”  Kugrash: “I smell like lube now instead of trash.” Kugrash: “We’ll link up at some point”
4. The totems
All men. When the Intrepid Heroes came up with what their totem animals would be in an Adventuring Party, they weren’t particularly gendered, but weren’t sentient either, so who knows what that’s worth
Perry (see Point 1)
The campest unicorn you’ve ever seen or heard in your life
5. Best friends with a hairdresser
6. “You goddamn beautiful boy, you fucker, you absolute arsehole.” I get it, Kug. Ricky does it to us all. 
To me, all of this implies Kugrash is gay, but quietly. He’s certainly not out-and-proud like Pete is, but his children know. Did he tell them or was it obvious? I don’t think Kugrash knows. I think he’s closeted to no-one but himself. A business man in the 1980s isn’t the most likely guy to have searched his soul for any sexual deviancy, and since then he’s been very busy being depressed/ashamed/a literal rat in the sewers. Misty and Kingston do a lot of work to pull him out of the underground and actually talk to human beings again. They know he’s gay, from the things they say about him (see in particular Point 3: Lowell Masters). I don’t think Kugrash would have ever had a “gay awakening” or a “gay panic” if he’d stayed on the mortal plane, I doubt his sexuality would be that shocking or confusing - I just don’t think he’s noticed. 
Being cursed into a ratman gives you the space to learn all sorts of things about yourself, and if that doesn’t quite work, you can always eat an everything bagel and become omniscient, when you can finally realise that Bruce Kugrich was in fact gay the whole time.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 
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hannahbarberra162 · 20 days
I like that we're getting hypothetical tidbits for both possible routes poor bloodbag reader can take, defiance and obedience. Would the crew potentially get reader a pet? Maybe managing to find something they feel comfortable letting it sit on their lap while they're hooked up. Maybe not a cat, since they're more likely to try and play with the tubing unless it was especially docile.
I had a cat that would just meatloaf on your lap for as long as you let it. She wouldn’t have eaten or bitten the tubing but would probably have tried to hunt Marco. Actually….
“Thatch, I’m going to kill you. Really. This time you’re not surviving yoi.” Marco pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger as he stood in the doorway, watching you. You were sitting in the chair, of course, but now you had a small white cat with brown points curled on your lap. You were petting it with your free hand, cooing and speaking softly to it. Its ears twitched as you touched them with one gentle finger.
“Oh, come on. It’s such a boring life. You’ve got to allow them something. Besides, there’s other pets on board - Pops has Stefan, Ace has Kotatsu -”
“Kotatsu isn’t really a pet. He’s practically a recruit yoi.” 
“Have a heart, Marco. Look, they’re more relaxed than I’ve ever seen. And you can’t take away a pet once it’s bonded with someone. That’s just cruel.” Thatch crossed his arms over his chest. You'd definitely gotten the cook wrapped around your finger.
Marco sighed and watched you meow at the cat. You did seem a little more comfortable, if not a little happier. If the cat was what it took for you to be more accepting of your future, he would have to allow it. He entered the room, you looked up at him and smiled. Fuck, the cat was here to stay.
“Look what Thatch got me! I always wanted a cat!” You waved at Thatch, smiling again. Thatch blew you a kiss back. Marco blinked slowly. He was never going to hear the end of this. 
“What are you naming it yoi?” Marco came closer to the puffball, and you instinctively put your hand around it as if to protect it. Cute. The cat however, did not get the message that it needed to be protected, and hissed at Marco. 
“I’m thinking of Saoirse.”
“Saoirse? Why?” Marco tried to touch the cat, who swatted at him. This little thing was going to be a never ending source of frustration and annoyance, he could feel it in his bones. 
“It means ‘freedom.” 
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ca-suffit · 3 months
i haven’t read the books but from the way some book stans talk about lestat like he’s some saint, i was not expecting sam in that interview to be like no actually he loves being evil and he’s really good at it and all the stuff about male rage/akasha and the devil being like wow he’s so terrible i need to recruit him actually. and i’ve seen the odd comment on twitter that’s like oh poor sam for having to put up with this lestat character assassination. like i don’t wanna call ppl out but i saw someone say “he signed up for anne rice’s iwtv, not rolin jones’s iwtv 😢” like ??? no actually he did sign up for rolin’s adaptation. and then they act like he’s so put out by the changes like a) he’s getting paid to pay his favorite character i think he’s okay. and b) even if he has reservations or questions about a change or even outright disagrees with one, he’s always full of praise for the final product and for rolin in general. like girl he is fine lol. like he said, some changes needed to be made and were for the greater good e.g. wrt improving the louis character.
I forget if he clarified in the interview or not, but that bit he says about going to hell comes right from the books
But what had I done to Claudia? And when would I have to pay for that? How long was she content to be the mystery that bound Louis and me so tightly together, the muse of our moonlit hours, the one object of devotion common to us both? Was it inevitable that she who would never have a woman's form would strike out at the demon father who condemned her to the body of a little china doll? I should have listened to Marius's warning. I should have stopped for one moment to reflect on it as I stood on the edge of that grand and intoxicating experiment: to make a vampire of "the least of these." I should have taken a deep breath. But you know, it was like playing the violin for Akasha. I wanted to do it. I wanted to see what would happen, I mean, with a beautiful little girl like that! Oh, Lestat, you deserve everything that ever happened to you. You'd better not die. You might actually go to hell. But why was it that for purely selfish reasons, I didn't listen to some of the advice given me? Why didn't I learn from any of them-Gabrielle, Armand, Marius? But then, I never have listened to anyone, really. Somehow or other, I never can.
he's not a saint (but he wants to be one for a second lol) but I personally didn't feel like he was that "evil" either. anne rice wasn't rly a good writer and fired her editor 3 books in on top of it. the series was unplanned and it's a wreck. he does awful shit but nothing I'd view makes him rly "evil," so it was a struggle for me to get on board with all that. an internal fight about how he views himself, I could understand, but idk what was rly that bad otherwise. especially cuz she was so in luv with him that consequences for anything he does just drop off as the books go? let me not write a whole thing about this lol. but ya the good and evil thing is from the books. the rice-a-ronis do mention it in posts sometimes but ever since the show has aired, everything has to be explained away now, bcuz they don't like black and brown characters or fans judging their white fav. he's either an innocent meow meow or a gothic monster, depending what mood they're in that day to dodge whatever criticism comes for them.
AMC explores a lot of stories about violent men so I've never understood this insistence like it's going to be some soft romantic series. the romance is gonna exist in the violence somehow, especially cuz they're vampires. louis slamming dreamstat's head into a rock wall while being goaded to do it bcuz dreamstat says it's the only way louis knows how to luv is sort of peak loustat for where we're at rn. I'm sure eventually they'll be more tender but it's still gonna have gritty undertones for the network it's on and who is writing it. the stans luv to make it about gendered shit, like rolin is ruining it all bcuz he's a man, but anne rice wrote violent, fucked up things too. worse than the show is prbly going to go. it's all excuses. u can just not like something without having to justify ur dislike of it to death. like damn. it's not ur taste, just stop watching??
and yes sam is a grown ass man getting prbly a good paycheck from this so loll he will be fine!
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hellshire-harlot · 2 years
What your Resident Evil Village Crush says about you
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu
You’re either a basic guy or a sapphic individual, and you really need a hug, preferably by a maternal figure.
Bela Dimitrescu
You’re an oldest daughter who has all the responsibilities shoved onto you by your parents and you probably listen to Melanie Martinez religiously.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
You have unchecked levels of violence contained within you, and you generally go unnoticed because you’re the quiet person. Also probably Transfem.
Daniella Dimitrescu
You’re either a younger brother or an older sister and romanticize literally everything because if you don’t you’ll go insane. Your favorite aesthetic is gothic academia.
Lady Donna Beneviento
You just want to give her the love she deserves, also probably introverted, and if you’re feminine aligned, definitely like Cottagecore. You listen to Evanescence unironically and wish she had more screen time.
Angie Beneviento
You’re absolutely chaotic and want to cause problems on purpose. Also probably Objectum and/or alterhuman in some way.
Lord Salvatore Moreau
You like sad guys and have said the phrase “I could fix him”/“I could make him worse” unironically. You also have at least one foot in the monsterfucking community.
Lord Karl Heisenberg
You are also filled with rage, but specifically at authority figures who have abused you. You want to hurt people and you aren’t afraid to admit it. You also are so incredibly kinky and want him to use his powers on you one way or another, and many of you are the most pathetic transmasc pillow princes I’ve ever seen lmao. Also probably a Wintersberg shipper. Canon doesn’t exist if you don’t look at it.
Mother Miranda
How’s that religious trauma treating you?
Ethan Winters
You call him your poor little meow meow and make all the jokes about how fucked up he is. You either ship him with Karl and hate Mia with a passion, ship him with Mia and defend their relationship, or a secret third thing (Mithanberg). You love body horror and wish Capcom had explored it more in the games.
The Duke
You like larger individuals and love the charm he has. You probably stayed near his caravan just because you liked hearing him talk. You read all the stories about him giving the Winterses therapy.
Mia Winters
You viciously defend her against the people who think she’s evil but also recognize her flaws. You like to imagine how she must have felt while imprisoned and think she would have made a better protagonist than Ethan.
(Adult!) Rosemary Winters
You love girlboss characters and cried during the entirety of Shadows of Rose. You’re a sucker for rebellious high school romances and also enjoy characters such as Eleanor Lamb and/or Cheryl Mason.
Chris Redfield
You just love watching him get progressively worse in every game and honestly I can respect that.
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Impressions I Got from Tumblr Before I Starting Reading Cosmere
I started reading the Cosmere books because of tumblr--people I followed suddenly started posting about it nonstop, and I was like, “Huh! This seems like a fun series.”
But I also got some...interesting impressions about what the stories and characters were like, based on the tumblr posts I was seeing. Here are a few things I remember thinking that I knew!
1. I thought that Kaladin was guarding a bridge.
I knew that a guy named Kaladin was part of something called Bridge 4, which was a group of men that everyone was really invested in. I just assumed that they were a company assigned to guard a bridge, and that they lived out there, and that it must be really remote and dangerous because it seemed like being a part of “Bridge 4″ was a death-sentence. 
I NEVER would have guessed what it actually was.
2. I was CONVINCED that Elend was not a main character.
I clearly remember saying to my wife, “I’ve seen posts about ALL of the main Mistborn characters but no one EVER talks about Elend. I’m pretty sure he’s not going to be a main character.” 
Going back to check the tag later, there are definitely plenty of Elend posts. I don’t know why I was so very convinced that he was a nobody, but let me tell you, I was BAFFLED that Elend just kept on being a character.
3. I thought that Dalinar was a war-crime-committing tyrant who was sexually harassing Navani...but that everyone liked him anyway.
Okay...let’s break this down. I remember seeing jovial posts about how Dalinar’s war crimes could not destroy people’s love for him. I also saw at least one post that talked about how Dalinar saw Navani as such a dangerously alluring and sexy woman even when she was just vibing. In my head, this meant that Dalinar was some kind of whiny tyrant who thought Navani was leading him on by existing while beautiful (what a jerk!), and that he also did war crimes but nobody cared. I assumed he was some sort of poor little meow meow.
I wasn’t totally wrong.
4. Someone named Adolin was a huge horse girl.
I saw that one a lot. This one was pretty accurate, although there wasn’t as much horse stuff with Adolin as I expected, based on tumblr. I thought he’d be, like, braiding his horse’s mane each and every morning or something.
5. I knew Kaladin as “classic fantasy hero whose dad still wishes he were a doctor instead, ha ha.”
I recognized Kaladin’s name immediately when I started reading the books, and I knew he was going to be the hero (honestly, there were more main characters than I expected; I thought it was just going to be Kaladin). And my impression of Kaladin based on tumblr was pretty accurate--it is true that Kaladin is a big damn hero whose dad still grumbles that he’s not a doctor instead. But my read on this was that it was, like, funny and not equal parts tragic (he actually wanted to be a doctor!) and frustrating (I want to slap Lirin whenever he starts monloguing about what a monster Kaladin is).
6. Everyone’s favorite character was some stick.
Oh man, I saw SO MANY Stick-related posts during that period. I was so hype for that stick to show up.
I was NOT disappointed.
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
opinion on scion, poor little meow meow
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Three thoughts about Scion. More to follow.
I think that Scion is underexplored as a character in the fandom because it’s very easy to fall into to the same trap that the characters did in Canon. His status as a cipher, idiot-god, and engineered anglerfish lure all serve to elide the fact that he is, in fact, Actually A Character Who Inhabits The World. Cauldron thinks they’re they’re in a Jean Jacket sorta situation, but they aren’t! He’s agentic, he has emotions, he’s got a sense of self. He’s metaphorically literate. He hears Kevin Norton talking about religion and he’s able to draw coherent connections to his own sense of identity. Stuff is capable of catching his interest; he didn’t have to answer that reporter’s question. He’s not solely a humanoid time bomb, floating around mindlessly dispensing good deeds until the big finish; he is mostly that, in practice, but there’s other stories to be told with this guy!
On that note, something I’ve thought for a long time is that his relationship with Kevin Norton- and he does have one- is weirdly underexplored in the fandom given the canon particulars. Kevin is gay, and Scion is using him as a replacement goldfish for his dead wife, and both of them meet while they’re spiraling in the aftermath of their previous relationships ending. Kevin shows up, tries to fill the void for a while, but then stops making himself available to provide further guidance. I’m describing a dynamic that should have hundreds of pages of shipfic on AO3, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone consider the prospect seriously. I think I’ve seen one fic, ever, in which something Kevin says to Scion that prompts Scions emotional growth in a novel direction. That’s a whole genre of AU fic right there! Completely untapped!
Scion is very important, to the overall deconstructive project of Worm. There’s a whole post to be written (not right now, but eventually) about the sheer number of ways in which Scion is riffing on Superman’s mythos and publication history, and I think he does so in genuinely novel ways. Doing a comprehensive examination of the superhero genre was always going to require some integration of the archetype, or it wouldn’t be comprehensive. But beyond that project, he is such a good final boss for the narrative of Worm specifically. In a book about a young woman struggling against broken systems run by traumatized people carrying big sticks, he’s the worst possible system, the biggest possible stick, doing what he does because he’s traumatized at a cosmic level. I see people complain about Scion and his role in the endgame, and I’ve counter-kvetched about that line of thought before; escalation is only bad if you aren’t writing a story about escalation. But Worm scales up! It rhymes at every level! It’s so cool!
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Why do I do this?
Summary: Sweetheart’s having a rough time, Milo is wonderful, and so is Aggro.
Genre: Fluffy Comfort like the softest of soft, the title looks misleading I know
CW: Some slight self doubt but that’s all
Note: Like I said this is my first piece of writing I’ve ever posted, so please do be nice to me I’m very fragile.😂 It’s a little over 900 words so I can’t decide what to call it, but I adore Milo and Sweetheart. Enjoy my dears!
The clock ticked somewhere in the background of Sweetheart’s home office. It read late into the evening already. Hunched over case files on top of case files, looking for anything. A lead, a thread, a crumb, something to give them answers to the investigation they were leading. They’ve read over it all a hundred times by now, the words practically blurred and still nothing. Their groan rang through the room as they rubbed their eyes trying to gain the focus back. A few moments later they heard footsteps coming down the hall to them. A heavy pair accompanied by significantly lighter ones plus a jingle and a meow or two. Milo knocked twice on the office door. “Come in Mi.” They sounded exhausted and they just knew Milo was gonna read them riot act on resting and he’d be right. Milo had other plans though.
“Hey sweetheart, that was a big groan. You alright in here?” They faced him, leaning on the door frame with aggro sitting at his feet. “Oh I’m just peachy, can’t you tell?” They laughed but no humor was there. He entered fully with Aggro following suit, hopping onto his cat tree in the corner. Walking into the room Milo could practically feel the frustration and doubt in the air. “What’s going on baby?” He said taking a seat on the edge of their desk. The soft tone almost made Sweetheart break. They sat in silence for a moment “Milo why do I do this job?” His brow crinkled in confusion. “What do you mean?” Sweetheart looked at the ceiling, continuing “Why do I do this? All these cases, they’re all starting to go cold. I can’t figure any of them out. Lives are being put at risk and I can’t pick out the answers to the problems. There’s nothing. I feel like all these hours, all this work, all these peoples hurt means nothing. Simply because I can’t figure it out. So why do I do it if it’s getting me no where?” Finally raising their head to look at him, tears lining their tired eyes. “What if all this means nothing? What if I can’t figure it out, the case goes cold, and onto the next only for it to happen again?”
Milo felt his heart crack looking at his sweetheart. They were so strong all the time even when they didn’t need to be. Seeing them this broken up was rare but it hurt him just the same every time. “That’s not going to happen Sweetheart. Wanna know how I know?” They nodded, blinking away their frustrated tears. “Because I know you. I know this incredible mind you have. I know the unending work ethic that might just be too strong for your own good,” that got a chuckle from them, one win for Milo.”I know the care you put into every case you work. I know the investigator you are. Every minute of work you do gets you somewhere, even if it doesn’t feel like it for a while, it does. You’re moving. God knows you refuse to stay still ever.” Another laugh. It only encouraged him further.
Kneeling down in front of their chair, he held their hands. “Sweetheart, you’re the best investigator I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a quite few in my life. You’re the best in the department whether they know it or not, you are. You asked why do you do this? You do it because you care, you want to help others, you want to bring some peace and justice into this world. That’s why. And you do it everyday. Your work, your choices, your mind, all of you will figure this out. You will get to the end of it all and you will come out on the other side, ready to help the next poor sap who has to come to the department” He pressed a hand to their cheek, warm and familiar. “I have every bit of faith in you. You know I don’t give that out easy.” Taking hold of his wrist and leaning into the palm on their cheek, Sweetheart smiled. Their smile lit up their face finally, soft, kind, and absolutely perfect Milo thought. The tiredness was still there but Sweetheart looked just a little happier. “Thank you Milo. Really. I hate bringing all this home with me but you always know what to say.” As they leaned in for a kiss, Aggro jumped in Sweethearts lap before they met in the middle. “Ever the moral support little man.” Milo chuckled. “Well you know how he gets when either of us are upset, he has to be involved in the cheer up process.” Sweetheart hugged the feline who only purred in response. Clearly happy his owners felt better. Standing, Milo said “Yeah, yeah he’s a real hero. Wanna come make dinner with me? I think you could use a break from all this.” He gestured vaguely to their desk. “I’d love that but you have to pick what we’re making I have no brain power for decisions.” Leaning in to finally get his kiss with Sweetheart meeting him half way, a short kiss but with all the tender love and care the two had for eachother. As they pulled apart Milo sighed out a “You got it Sweetheart.” Walking out of the office toward the kitchen Aggro let out his signature meow at the mention of dinner. “Yes and food for you too bud.”
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bl-bracket · 1 month
Poor Little Meow Meow Round 3: Boston (Only Friends) vs Todd (Not Me)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Boston: Basically a manwhore with emotional baggage
Todd: He’s just doing his best to keep his family business going. Of only he’s boyfriend was more supportive instead of getting stuck on things like laws and human rights. A pathetic, sopping wet kitten if i’ve ever seen one. Just look at him.
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asgardian--angels · 1 year
I finished my rewatch of Kim Possible
A++, excellent finale, wrapped all plotlines up nicely in a way that’s sadly become rare in modern tv. Definitely worth rewatching if you remember this show from your childhood, and most certainly worth a watch if you’ve never seen it before. Holds its own as a comedy action/adventure show in its own right outside of a ‘kids’ genre (and it’s for teens anyway, so it’s not juvenile). 
I can’t tell you how overjoyed I am to have gotten to re-experience these characters that were so formative to who I am today and moreover the types of shows and characters I like as an adult. I really can trace a lot of the tropes and villains I enjoy back to Dr. Drakken and Shego, and I actually have a new layer of appreciation watching as an adult for a lot of the workplace humor and wit they used. 
Yes, Dr. Drakken was my OG poor little meow meow, long long before that was a thing. That is the saddest most pathetic little blue man I have ever seen. Boy did they put him in situations, and I treasured every second of it. And seeing him actually save the world in the end was so rewarding. Loved watching Shego’s ups and downs, occasional forays into heroism, and recognition that she’s the only competent one in the room. Monkey Fist was a villain I don’t think I appreciated enough years ago but I adored him this time, and it gave me the chance to yell academia jokes at the tv - plus the DNAmy romance plotline had me in absolute stitches. Not to mention of course, how much this all took me back to how it felt to be in high school, for better or for worse, and the momentous feeling of graduation and starting the next chapter of my life. 
It’s sad that I really get into some of these niche or outdated shows/movies/books that don’t really have a fandom (or if they do, do I really want to see it? I want to enjoy this with other people but I fear to actually see what other people think of the characters or what they’ve done with them), but regardless, I think I’ve done right by past me. I think it’s important to look back on the things that made you who you are - those favorite books, movies, music - and revisit them. There’s no need to leave them behind because you think you’ve outgrown them or that it was ‘cringe’ or whatever reason. I’ve gone back to a few bands from high school recently and you know what? They’re still bangers. I had good taste.
This show was quality, and I think there will always be people for whom Kim Possible was formative. I hope new generations will find this show. Every time I’m out somewhere and hear a Kim Possible ringtone, I know I’ve found someone like me who appreciates their inner child (and inner teen). And maybe has a soft spot for mad scientists :)
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juliettedunn · 2 years
Luz Noceda and What She Means to Me
Luz is the greatest character of all time of any media ever because she is THE Luz fucking Noceda, I have loved her ever since I saw the first episode, my favorite character and remained that way. She was always underrated by the fandom in her own show. She changed my life.
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Her character is unapologetically cringe. She wears a cat hoodie and says “Meow meow.” She says random nonsense and gets big sparkly eyes and she stims by bouncing and running in place. She wears an otter onesie. She snorts book pages. She gives so many hugs.
She is androgynous, and I learned I wanted to have that style too. I saw Reaching Out and thought she looked so cool. I cut my hair and started dressing more androgynous and was so happy with that. It was inspired by Luz.
She ignores every binary. She wears a suit AND a skirt to Grom and it looks horrible but it’s HER. She has a derpy technicolor Palisman that shapeshifts. She is bisexual and she came out with an animated slideshow and a portmanteau couple name like the cringe silly icon she is.
She is so ADHD and she runs around and does the wildest impulsive things and she has volume control issues and she has a self insert Mary Sue based off her favorite fictional character, and now she’s going to battle an evil Christian colonialist in cosplay because she’s that cool.
She rediscovered a whole damn magic system and invented a bunch of spells and built an inter dimensional portal door in her backyard and she played a centuries old emperor like a fiddle and she saved so many people but she can’t even see it she doesn’t KNOW.
Her story means so much to me, her journey of being an outcast and feeling guilty for doing poor in school when she knows she can put her all into “waste of time” things like learning fantasy languages and hobbies like taxidermy. She let me forgive myself for failing college.
I didn’t truly forgive myself until I saw TTT and I cried the whole night realizing I can finally let go of that guilt.Just like Luz must learn. Seeing her find friends and family, and realizing her core wish is to be understood provides me so much comfort.
I’ve never known any character that made me feel so represented. Things that I used to be ashamed of, that Luz does too, I now feel positively about. I am so much softer on myself since I saw Luz make similar mistakes.
And her worst traits, that tendency toward self blame and keeping her guilt inside instead of confiding, made me reflect on my own tendency to do it, and I have worked hard to break this cycle. I see how harmful it is, not only to me, but loved ones, and I am changing.
My self esteem is higher now, I am forgiving of my disability, I feel safe to be a chaotic and silly mess, to be more androgynous, to get super cringey about fandom, and to reach out and confide in others. I have hope of finding people who I connect and feel at home with, like Luz did.
She is the cringiest little silly and also the most badass fucking LEGEND I’ve ever seen on screen. Luz Noceda the perfect icon. I am so grateful she exists. The ultimate character. Luz Noceda.
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bked0n-lorazepam · 5 months
"Love Me Dead- Ludo" Part One
“You’re very tense.” 
The clock ticks, it’s echo bouncing off the beige walls of the plain, boring room. The couch I sit upon is a sad brown, fitting into the rest of the sad theme.
The window sill has plants on it though, very green and happy plants, a complete contrast to the rest of the snowy atmosphere outside.
“I’ve always been tense,” I say, looking away from the window and at the woman in front of me. She smiles a pitiful smile, sympathy she obviously can’t hide flashes through her green eyes. 
“Not always. In your file it says you used to be a very calm and relaxed-”
“It also says I used to have brown hair. How times change,” I smile tightly back at her, sighing as I realize my mistake. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so snippy. I’m just tired and I want to go home.”
She looks at her watch, also sighing as she shuts her notepad and sets it on the coffee table between us. She runs a hand through her hair, clearing her throat as she leans her arms on her knees. 
“I know this is tough, and I know what he did to you, and I know you want to get better, but this takes time. You can’t rush healing. I’m sending you home, and I won’t add this appointment to your bill,” She shushes my protests, raising her hand and making a ‘quit it’ motion, “You need to go home and sleep. You can’t rush this process.”
My keys clank against the trinket bowl as I shrug off my winter jacket, a soft bell following suit with soft, padded thuds. I grin, taking off my boots and shaking the snow out of my dirty blonde hair. My cat, Winston, meows loudly as I crouch down to pet him. 
“You hungry, little dude?” I look at the time on my phone, it reading 5:39 pm. He meows again, butting his head on my leg as I snort and stand up. “Of course you are.”
I walk to my kitchen, setting my phone on the counter as I open the drawer I dedicated to Winston the day I bought my apartment. I pull out wet food for him, opening it and setting it on the ground next to his water bowl.
I lean against the counter and watch him shove his white little face into the bowl to inhale his food.
Shaking my head and laughing a bit, I stop when I notice my phone vibrating. Picking it up and unlocking it, I let out a huh as I open my messages and see my sister texting me.
Donna: I js got a date with the hottest mf I have ever seen
Donna: like smoking hot
Me: someone is actually interested in you? thats a first
Donna: ok ouch
Donna: but yes 
Donna: oh and mom decided shes going to stay at your place for the weeknd
Donna: so get ready to clean
I immediately hit the call button as I read her messages.
“She’s doing what now?” I yell into the phone, wincing as I see Winston puff his tail up and look at me.
“Why would you not tell me this before today? Friday is in three days, and my place is a freaking pigsty. Three days is not enough time to clean, Madonna.” I tell her and start looking around my kitchen, noticing everything I know my mom will criticize the minute she walks into my apartment.
“Uh, probably because I just found out today, and don’t call me Madonna. She called me right before I landed the date with McDreamy,” She states and sighs, and I hear her throw herself on what I assume is her bed. 
“Besides, your place is never a pigsty. It’s always so clean, I could literally eat off your bathroom floor. Speaking of eat, you should also probably cook something, ‘cause we both know she ain’t eatin’ anywhere else.” The southern accent at the last part of her sentence was absolutely awful, but I understood it enough.
“Right, right, of course,” I sigh, hearing a thunk come from my bedroom as I watch Winston race towards the door.
Remembering the fact that I left my window open in my room, I assume a bird managed to fly its way into there, and that that was probably why Winston seemed so interested in it. “So, what’s McDreamy's name? I don’t think you’ve told me yet.” 
I change the subject as I start to walk towards my room to get the poor bird out of there before Winston tortures it. As I turn to go down the hallway, I stop when I notice the bedroom light is on. 
“Oh! His name is Badri, and he owns his own company. ‘Jules Jewels’, or whatever. Anyway, he lives in-” 
The blood rushing through my ears is loud enough to block her voice out, and the fast beat in my chest definitely does not help.
Thousands of True Crime documentary scenes play through my head where my current situation is the beginning scene of a vicious murder. 
I try to swallow down the lump in my throat, but it refuses to leave. I chew on my lip as I slowly walk backwards back into the kitchen, clearing my throat as I walk towards my knife block on my counter. “Sorry, could you repeat that again? You, um, cut out for a second.”
“Mhm! I said that Badri’s sister was getting married next fall, and that she invited us to come to the wedding.” I hum in response, taking out a chef’s knife and taking off the safety cover. 
“I’m sorry Donna, but I’m gonna have to call you back. Kensley’s texting me about when our next therapy session will be.” I lie to her, grasping the knife in my hand tightly. 
“Oh, that’s okay! I’ll call you later to tell you more, love you, bye!” She says right before I hang up on her, and I put my phone in the back pocket of my jeans.
I go over to my sink, turning on the faucet to hopefully drown out my footsteps and any creaking the floor might do as I walk down the hallway to my bedroom. 
I grasp the knife even tighter, furrowing my eyebrows as I hear Winston purr with a deep chuckle and a pop following after. I take a deep breath in, and open the door as quickly as I can.
I drop the knife at the person in front of me, and Winston darts out of the room, startled from the loud noise. 
“Go–good evening to yo–u too, sweets.”
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makedonsgriva · 6 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Omg hi! First of all thanks for asking! I haven’t answered this question before and I absolutely do not mind answering this. This is a tough one though because I’ve consumed so much media and love so many characters it’s so difficult to choose but I will give it a shot nonetheless. Also these ten characters are not in any particular order.
Laurent Of Vere: Laurent is introduced as the frigid and dangerous prince of Vere in the book 1 of the captive prince trilogy. I HATED this man on my first reading but as the trilogy progressed, I just fell in love with him. He had an astounding amount of growth and character development. Not to mention his qualities and traits make him an all around admirable character. I may not be putting the characters in this list in order but Laurent is definitely my favourite character of all time.
Fleabag: Fleabag from Fleabag is another character I deeply love. She is funny, she is selfish, she is a tragedy of her own doing. It’s the way she is so deeply flawed yet so damn loveable at the same time that gets me. We are all fleabag at the end of the day aren’t we?
Baz: Baz from Carry On trilogy had to be here like the list won’t be complete without my poor little meow meow. He is one of those few characters who is very very close to my heart and it so hard to not love this dramatic gay vampire. Just love his snark and he is so funny??? I love it so much. Not to mention he truly is one of the kindest characters I’ve read.
Penelope Bunce: Another character from the Carry On trilogy. Penelope means the world to me because as a brown person, I don’t get to read a lot of books which feature brown characters. So seeing a character who is the best friend of the protagonist and has a major role in the series, it’s very refreshing and reassuring to me. Penelope is smart, stubborn, never admits she might be wrong but her growth over the three books is amazing. I will always love her.
Eren Yeager: literally one of the most tragic characters I’ve seen till date. As the protagonist (antagonist? anti hero? Idk anymore) of attack on titan, Eren is one of the most iconic characters I’ve come across till date. His unconditional devotion for his friends and his character arc from being the righteous hero to someone who becomes completely disillusioned by the end, it’s fucking amazing.
Geto Suguru: I have a beef with Jujutsu Kaisen and the reason is that Gege Akutami came up with absolutely amazing characters only to under-utilise and shit on their character arcs with his half assed plot. Surprisingly though, Geto’s character arc is amazing. I love it when heroes lose the sight of their goals and become the villains instead and Geto does that. His character development is really good and I love him for that. Incredibly realistic and refreshing to see.
Jiang Cheng: Jiang Cheng from MDZS remains one of the most relatable characters I’ve come across ever. Like I feel him on a spiritual level. The complexity and depth of his emotions, his actions, being so fucking good but never being good enough… good lord my heart straight up bleeds for him. I will always love Jiang Cheng.
Xue Yang: Hear me out okay. I know Xue Yang from MDZS is a psychopath. I’m not a Xue Yang apologist either. What he did to Xingchen was appalling to say the least. But Xue Yang is undoubtedly an incredibly well written character. He loved or should I say obsessed over XXC in such a sick and twisted way, it made for a very interesting read. The way he deluded even himself into believing that his extreme actions were all to torment XXC and not because he enjoyed his company and liked him… like girl be ffr right now who tf are you kidding. But yeah love me an insane psychotic gremlin.
Violet Evergarden: Violet from Violet Evergarden is one of the most heartbreaking characters I’ve come across and also one of the most unique. I’m a sucker for stories that tell the most human stories and Violet as a child soldier discovering these emotions, thoughts and vivid lives of people while coming to terms with her own trauma really gives her a special place in my heart.
Howl: Howl from Howls Moving Castle is one of my favorites because he is a hot babygirl. As simple as that.
Thanks so much for asking! Sorry it took me a while to get back to you but I hope you liked this list 💗💗💗
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Slasher OC Ask Game!
I’ve wanted to do a little game on here for a while now and I love doing these little ask games so I thought why not do both? This is one more catered for slasher/horror OCs so just about all of the questions here refer to that!
Tagging anyone I know with slasher OCs, but dw if you don’t want to: @rottent33th, @slaasherslut, @soupbabe, @probably-a-plant-thing, @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better, @solmints-messyocdiary, @bluecoolr, @shonkgobonk, and anyone else who would like to participate!
Rules: Just reblog this and accept questions from anyone who asks, very simple lol.
🔪 - Do they have a preferred weapon or means of killing? Or will they just use anything?
❔- Is there any specific reason why your OC became a murderer/slasher? Is there a trigger for their killings?
⏱️ - Do they prefer a specific time? Day or night?
🩸 - Do they tend to get bloody/messy or stay clean? Are they squeamish or do they enjoy gore?
🏆 - Does your OC keep trophies/mementos or similar of their past victims? If so, what and why?
⛈️ - Are they more rational and logical about killing? Or are they impulsive and hot-headed? Both?
😳 - Has your OC ever totally embarrassed themselves or been really clumsy in the process of killing? How?
⛑️ - How good is your OC at patching up their wounds? Do they get hurt often or are they good at staying unharmed?
🔎 - Do they stalk their prey first, or do they just go for it? Do they establish a relationship first? Do they do kidnappings?
👥 - Would they like a partner in crime, or do they prefer to do things on their own? If they do have one, who is it?
🎭 - Are they loved or hated by the public? Neutral? Do they live solitary lives, or do they blend in with the normal population? Do they lead a double life? Have a ‘day job?’
🌼 - If your OC led a ‘normal’ life, what would it be like? Would anything be different? And if so, why?
👹 - Is your OC more on the sadistic side/do they like to drag things out with torture, or are they quick and efficient?
🕵️‍♂️ - Are they careful with handling evidence/cleanups? How do they dispose of bodies?
👁️ - Have they ever been caught in the act/seen killing? Did they kill the witness(es), or do they keep your OC’s secret?
😓 - What was the most difficult victim your OC ever had? Did they have a tough fight? Did your OC get hurt/injured?
🪞- Are they in any way similar to a canon/popular slasher? Or directly based off one? If so, what one(s)?
👯 - What canon/popular slasher do you think they would have the most interesting dynamic with, positive or otherwise? Do you ship them at all? Or would they be mortal enemies?
🎃 - What do you personally believe is most frightening about your OC? Are they scary in-universe or in a more meta way?
⚖️ - If your OC was charged for their crimes, what would their sentence be? Are there any relatively minor or silly charges on there, like jaywalking?
💀 - If they were to be killed by a final girl/boy/person, what would be a fitting end for them, symbolically?
🥩 - Would your OC eat someone if they had to? Are they already a cannibal? If so, why?
👀 - What is their style/aesthetic? Do they serve looks in-universe?
🧓 - Do you think they would ever ‘retire,’ or will they keep on slashin’ until they’re in the retirement home, Peepaw Myers style?
🐈‍⬛ - Do you associate an animal with your slasher OC? What one? Or multiple? And why? Is it related to their killing methods?
🎶 - What would be their definitive theme song?
🎬 - If your OC was in a horror movie, what kind would it be? Supernatural? Psychological? Grindhouse?
⏳ - Do you have any alternate timelines/versions of them?
😔 - Does your OC feel guilt about killing or are they completely uncaring? A bit of both?
🥺 - Do you believe your OC is evil for their actions, or do you think they are justified/have my poor little meow meow status?
🤔 - Does your OC believe that they are justified/in the right? Do they have their own moral code? If so, what is it?
😇 - What is the nicest thing they have ever done?
😈 - What is the most evil thing they have ever done?
👎 - What is their hard limit in terms of morality?
🃏 - A random headcanon for your OC
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
Hello.....If you don't mind me asking, can I ask, what are your top 7 favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series) and your top 7 favorite (fictional) characters from any media ? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this questions before......
Sorry about the late response I usually use tumblr on my phone but i was having a hard time typing something so long so it’s taken me a few tries. 
Thanks for being my first ask! I would love to answer your question.
Deciding on my favorite all time characters was so much harder than I thought it would be. I think it’s because the character exists so thoroughly in their own world to me that it’s hard to stack them against each other. But I’ll do my best!
I’m going to split my answer between your two asks because I don’t want the response to be too long. Also, forgive me for I cannot spell and punctuation is my natural enemy. 
My Favorite Characters (as of right now)
Jason Todd a.k.a the Red Hood - Batman/ Red Hood Comics
This is pretty simple actually I’ve been obsessed with him since I watched Under the Redhood the animated movie and then went on to consume so much content about him. I think he is if not my most favorite character, then at least my most consistent character (I jump from hyperfixation to hyper fixation alot) So yeah he’s great. He’s very much a shining example of characters I tend to gravitate to in media. 
Kugasaki Nobara - Jujustu Kaisen
Justice for my girl Nobara. I consume quite a bit of media alot of which you could argue was originally geared towards menand so female characters are usually not the best or most fleshed out and so rarely become my favs which is why I hold the ones that do so close to my heart. Nobara is like no other female protag I’ve seen in shonen, she’s allowed to be so much she’s so mean and so forthright and she’s silly she’s a non-hypersexualized comedic relief character and that’s so hard to get with female characters that isnt just them beating up the main character who just lets them. Don’t get me wrong she’s mean to yuuji but in the way we are all mean to our best friends. Her moral philosophy is one of my favorites in the show, shes so complex and so fun and here powers are so interesting. I wish more would be done with her.
Ice Bear - We Bare Bears 
I don’t really have much to say here. Ice Bear’s just a cool dude.
Reigen Arataka - Mob Psycho 100
This is very basic of me but I love Reigen so much. I love mob to but Reigen just slightly edges him out because of his sheer insanity. The way Reigen is animated is so god he can never just do one action he’s so hyper and he’s such a bullshitter I love him. But really I feel like we never really get these kinds of  stories with “sensei” like characters. Cause in the beginning He’s presented to us as Mob’s master but it’s so obvious that he’s a con man but the thing is he still gives really good advice and in his own way he is genuinely really helping people. And he gives the single most best piece of advice to a teenage mc that I’ve ever seen. Like how often to you hear the master character tell their pupil that the right thing to do is runaway. That he shouldn't be responsible for fixing the messes of adults, he’s a child and should be allowed to be a child that all the villains are adults and it’s frankly pathetic that they are trying to fight actual children. Reigen simply is him and he grows so much in the way he treats Mob. It’s hard not to love him. Also he has no friends his own age so I feel bad for him. 
The Archangel Michael - Supernatural
There’s not much to say here. He has like 20 minutes of screen time across 15 seasons, but the ways in which I am unwell about him are limitless. He’s my poor little meow meow I will defend him to my dying day. 
Honorable mentions to those I don’t really think about often,and like more in the context of a dynamic, but when I do I go on an absolutely fanfic fuelled mania. 
Erwin Smith (AOT) - There is no canon evidence for this whatsoever but he strikes me as a man that is just a little too much like his mother (unhinged). This is solely based on a specific fic series but the ways in which I am unwell about this trope has implanted unto him. Also love his dynamic with Levi
Robb Stark (GOT)- Honestly I cried about the red wedding for 5 days straight and yeah I like reading about his dynmaic with Jon. 
Shinsou and Aizawa (MHA) -  cheating, but I like them as a dynamic and i flip flop between who I like better, especially in fics where Shinsou isn’t just a vehicle for trauma.
Mihawk and Shanks (OP) - We don’t really know alot about either, though Shanks has gotten a bit more fleshed out recently. I think if we ever find out more about Mihawk he would ascend to one of my favorite characters but right now all Ireally have are headcanons. Also I love Shanks I love seeing him on screen I find him such a fun but tragic character and i dont really know why but yeah he cares so much he’s like a slightly more weighed down luffy what’s not to love?
And finally the ogs
Zoro (OP) - I was so obsessed with him when I first started reading one piece. Love him and Luffy
Nico di angelo (PJO/HOO)  - I think mostly I’ve outgrown Percy Jackson but what kind of person would I be if I didn’t give love to the ogs.
and so here's my list of favorite characters very convoluted I know. I'll probably respond to the second half of your question tomorrow because this kind of wiped me. 😅
But thanks so much for the ask! this was fun
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