#crafted words that eloquently express the sorrow
These bad book adaptations have thrown me so far of my center. Uprooting the rage in me has been a year long process. I need to get back to reading. Far too long have feared a new foray into the literary world. I made small offering by way of new editions into ongoing series.
But even that was a preventative measure to avoid spoilers. The fear of reading something new. Immersing my self in that world as a form of detaching from reality to soothe my mind. Only to be thrust back into the chaos of a bad adaptation is crushing. I'd rather not read a book at all then to be disappointed with an inevitable adaptation. I'll avoid both. And we'll each be poorer for it.
One bad egg doesn't ruin it for the whole class. This is a mold that sits among the strawberries. I know how quickly it spreads.
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tinyproprodigy · 3 months
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"From Stone to Solace"
Shoto Todoroki x NB reader
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Shoto Todoroki, the son of the famous pro hero Enji Todoroki, also known as Endeavor, finds solace in the sprawling gardens near his family's estate. His father's relentless training regimen and the constant pressure to surpass All Might have left Shoto feeling more like a tool for his father's ambitions than a cherished son. The gardens become his sanctuary, a place where the harsh demands of his quirk training fade into the background.
One evening, after a particularly grueling session where Endeavor pushed Shoto to his limits, the boy wanders deeper into the gardens than ever before. His heterochromatic eyes, one turquoise and one gray, are downcast, his thoughts a tumult of frustration and loneliness. It's then that he stumbles upon a clearing he's never seen before, and in its center stands a statue that takes his breath away.
The statue is of a teenager, about Shoto's age, crafted from stone that seems to shimmer in the fading light. The figure's expression is serene yet determined, a stark contrast to the fiery rage Shoto often sees in his father's eyes. He approaches it, mesmerized, and for the first time in months, the weight on his shoulders eases.
Shoto starts visiting the statue daily. He sits beside it, sometimes talking about his day, his fears, and his dreams—dreams that don't involve being the number one hero, but of simply being happy. The statue listens silently, its unwavering presence more comforting than any words his father has ever spoken.
One day, after a morning of his father berating him for not mastering a new fire technique fast enough, Shoto runs to the statue. Tears sting his eyes, a mix of anger and shame. "Why can't he see me?" he whispers. "I'm not just his creation. I'm..." His voice trails off as he notices a pink flower nestled in the statue's eye. Gently, he reaches out to remove it.
The statue flinches.
Shoto stumbles back, his heart racing. Cautiously, he touches the statue's hand. The stone warms beneath his fingertips, color blooming from his touch like watercolor on canvas. He watches in awe as the transformation spreads, turning cold stone into living flesh.
The figure blinks, disoriented at first, then focuses on Shoto's shocked face. There's understanding in those eyes, a depth that tells Shoto this being has witnessed his struggles, felt his pain. It's as if all the words Shoto has spoken in the solitude of the garden have been absorbed by the stone, each whisper and tear etching itself into the very essence of this now-living being.
The statue—no, the person—tilts their head slightly, a gesture so human it makes Shoto's breath catch. Their eyes, once blank stone, now hold a kaleidoscope of emotions. Shoto sees in them the same turquoise and gray that greet him in the mirror each morning, a mirror of his own divided soul.
In those eyes, Shoto sees the reflection of his countless visits: his slumped shoulders after another day of his father's unyielding demands, the trembling of his hands as he tried to control the fire he feared would consume him like it consumed Endeavor. He sees the nights he sat here, moonlight casting shadows that seemed to dance with his own inner demons, as he questioned whether he could ever be more than the sum of his parents' ambitions and sorrows.
But there's more than just memory in this gaze. There's empathy, profound and unspoken. It's in the slight furrow of their brow, the gentle parting of their lips as if they want to speak but know that silence, for now, is more eloquent. This being hasn't just been a passive observer; they've been a silent guardian, a confidant who has held Shoto's secrets and fears within their stone heart.
Shoto feels understood in a way he never has before. Not the understanding of a teacher assessing his quirk's potential, or a sibling who can only watch from the sidelines. This is the understanding of someone who has been there, present in his darkest moments, witnessing not just his struggles but the quiet resilience beneath them.
A single tear slips down Shoto's cheek, half-frozen by his quirk, a physical manifestation of his internal divide. The once-statue reaches out, their touch gentle as they brush away the teardrop. Their skin is warm where it meets Shoto's scar, a warmth that seems to sink deeper than flesh, reaching the cold, wounded part of him that even his own fire couldn't thaw.
In this moment, in this clearing that has become his refuge, Shoto realizes he's no longer alone. The walls he's built, the persona he's crafted to shield himself from his father's ambitions and his own fears, they crumble under this silent, profound understanding. He doesn't need to explain or defend; he is seen, truly seen, for the first time.
As the sun sets, paintiThe figure blinks, disoriented at first, then focuses on Shoto's shocked face. There's understanding in those eyes, a depth that tells Shoto this being has witnessed his struggles, felt his pain. It's as if all the words Shoto has spoken in the solitude of the garden have been absorbed by the stone, each whisper and tear etching itself into the very essence of this now-living being.
The statue—no, the person—tilts their head slightly, a gesture so human it makes Shoto's breath catch. Their eyes, once blank stone, now hold a kaleidoscope of emotions. Shoto sees in them the same turquoise and gray that greet him in the mirror each morning, a mirror of his own divided soul.
In those eyes, Shoto sees the reflection of his countless visits: his slumped shoulders after another day of his father's unyielding demands, the trembling of his hands as he tried to control the fire he feared would consume him like it consumed Endeavor. He sees the nights he sat here, moonlight casting shadows that seemed to dance with his own inner demons, as he questioned whether he could ever be more than the sum of his parents' ambitions and sorrows.
But there's more than just memory in this gaze. There's empathy, profound and unspoken. It's in the slight furrow of their brow, the gentle parting of their lips as if they want to speak but know that silence, for now, is more eloquent. This being hasn't just been a passive observer; they've been a silent guardian, a confidant who has held Shoto's secrets and fears within their stone heart.
Shoto feels understood in a way he never has before. Not the understanding of a teacher assessing his quirk's potential, or a sibling who can only watch from the sidelines. This is the understanding of someone who has been there, present in his darkest moments, witnessing not just his struggles but the quiet resilience beneath them.
A single tear slips down Shoto's cheek, half-frozen by his quirk, a physical manifestation of his internal divide. The once-statue reaches out, their touch gentle as they brush away the teardrop. Their skin is warm where it meets Shoto's scar, a warmth that seems to sink deeper than flesh, reaching the cold, wounded part of him that even his own fire couldn't thaw.
In this moment, in this clearing that has become his refuge, Shoto realizes he's no longer alone. The walls he's built, the persona he's crafted to shield himself from his father's ambitions and his own fears, they crumble under this silent, profound understanding. He doesn't need to explain or defend; he is seen, truly seen, for the first time.
As the sun sets, painting the garden in hues of orange and purple, Shoto and his newfound companion sit in a silence that speaks volumes. The weight of expectations, the burn of his father's disapproval, the chill of his own self-doubt—they're still there, but they no longer consume him. For in this magical twilight, beside a being born from his own whispered truths, Shoto Todoroki finds a peace he never knew he was missing, a first step on a path that is uniquely, irrevocably his own.ng the garden in hues of orange and purple, Shoto and his newfound companion sit in a silence that speaks volumes. The weight of expectations, the burn of his father's disapproval, the chill of his own self-doubt—they're still there, but they no longer consume him. For in this magical twilight, beside a being born from his own whispered truths, Shoto Todoroki finds a peace he never knew he was missing, a first step on a path that is uniquely, irrevocably his own.
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Myrgun, the Ivalnir troll goddess, is a divine embodiment of love, purity, and the sacred art of the written word. Her legend is woven into the very fabric of Ivalnir mythology, a tapestry rich with tales of passion and devotion. Myrgun's tale is one of transcendent love, for she once gave her heart to a mortal skald—a poet of unparalleled skill whose verses captured the essence of the world.
So profound was their love that when the skald's mortal coil unraveled with time, Myrgun's grief was as boundless as the skies. In her sorrow, she vowed eternal chastity, her heart forever entwined with the memory of her beloved. From that day forth, Myrgun became the guardian of pure love, her own story a testament to the depth of her commitment.
In her divine form, Myrgun is a vision of ethereal beauty, a troll unlike any other. Her skin is the color of the clearest summer sky, a blue so deep and pure it seems to glow with an inner light. Adorning her noble brow are horns that spiral gracefully, crafted from the shimmering quartz that catches the light, casting prismatic rainbows in her wake.
Myrgun's presence is a blessing to those who seek true love and the clarity of untainted affection. She is also the patron of scribes and poets, for her love for the skald has forever linked her to the artistry of words. Her followers are known for their eloquent expressions of love and their pursuit of purity in all forms of connection—be it the love between kindred spirits or the sacred bond between a writer and their muse.
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keystocompanionship · 7 months
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8 Intimate Ways to Love Your Partner That Go Beyond Physical Intimacy:
Love is a multifaceted phenomenon that extends far beyond physical connection. While physical intimacy plays an essential role in romantic relationships, there are numerous other ways to foster an intimate connection with your partner. By exploring these subtler forms of intimacy, you can cultivate a deep and meaningful bond that transcends the physical realm.
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1. Intellectual Intimacy:
Engage in thought-provoking conversations that stimulate the mind and ignite intellectual curiosity. Share your thoughts, dreams, and fears with each other, and actively listen to your partner's perspectives. By delving into deep discussions, exchanging ideas, and challenging each other intellectually, you can forge a profound intellectual intimacy that lays the foundation for a strong emotional connection.
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2. Emotional Intimacy:
Create a safe and nurturing space for emotional vulnerability. Express your feelings openly and authentically, and encourage your partner to do the same. Practice empathy, validate each other's emotions, and offer unwavering support during times of joy and sorrow. By fostering emotional intimacy, you can cultivate a deep sense of trust and understanding within your relationship.
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3. Spiritual Intimacy:
Explore the spiritual dimensions of your relationship by engaging in shared rituals, meditation, or prayer. Embrace moments of transcendence and connectedness that elevate your spirits and deepen your bond. Whether through nature walks, mindfulness practices, or shared spiritual beliefs, embracing spiritual intimacy can enrich your connection on a profound level.
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4. Experiential Intimacy:
Embark on new adventures and create lasting memories together. Whether it's traveling to new destinations, trying new activities, or pursuing shared hobbies, the act of experiencing life together builds a unique form of intimacy. By immersing yourselves in novel experiences, you can strengthen your bond and create a treasure trove of shared moments.
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5. Verbal Intimacy:
Harness the power of words to express love, appreciation, and admiration for your partner. Leave heartfelt notes, send meaningful texts, and communicate your deepest sentiments verbally. By eloquently articulating your emotions and expressing affection through language, you can nurture a profound verbal intimacy that elevates your connection.
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6. Creative Intimacy:
Engage in collaborative creative endeavors that enable self-expression and mutual inspiration. Whether it's creating art, crafting music, or cooking together, tapping into your creative energies fosters a unique form of intimacy. By co-creating and sharing your artistic passions, you can weave a tapestry of shared creativity that amplifies your emotional closeness.
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7. Sensory Intimacy:
Delight in the sensual pleasures of touch, taste, smell, and sound to deepen your connection. Embrace the intimacy of gentle caresses, savoring delectable meals, reveling in the aroma of nature, and indulging in soothing music together. By heightening your sensory experiences, you can ignite a visceral form of intimacy that transcends words.
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8. Time Intimacy:
Prioritize quality time with your partner and savor the moments of togetherness. Unplug from distractions, create space for undivided attention, and bask in the simple pleasure of being in each other's presence. By devoting dedicated time to nurture your relationship, you can cultivate an intimate bond that flourishes with shared experiences.
In conclusion, love encompasses a spectrum of intimate connections that extend beyond physicality. By embracing these subtler forms of intimacy, you can deepen your bond with your partner and craft a relationship that thrives on emotional, intellectual, and spiritual interconnectedness. Through intentional cultivation of these myriad facets of intimacy, you can weave a tapestry of love that is intricate, profound, and enduring.
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fellenwort · 8 months
in the hushed shadows of distress, i retreat into the sanctuary of silence, a sacred refuge where emotions unfold, a clandestine dance of introspection. words may wither, unspoken in the air, yet within the chambers of solitude, i weave a tapestry of sentiments, threads of angst and sorrow intertwined. in the quiet cadence of withdrawal, i cultivate a garden of understanding, embracing the raw essence of my soul, a dance with emotions, unseen and untold. for in the realm of solitary contemplation, i find the art of response, a masterpiece, crafted with the hues of self-discovery, an eloquent expression, whispered to the heart.
feb 4th, 2024
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floristsadvice · 10 months
Blooms of Comfort: Sympathy Flowers Delivery in Burlington by Giftzy
In times of grief, words often fall short, and that's where the silent eloquence of sympathy flowers steps in. Sympathy flowers have a profound way of expressing condolences and providing solace to those in mourning. Giftzy emerges as a compassionate partner for Sympathy Flowers Delivery in Burlington, delivering not just flowers but messages of comfort and support.
Choosing Sympathy Flowers
Selecting the right flowers for sympathy involves thoughtful consideration. From lilies symbolizing the restored innocence of the soul to roses expressing love and respect, each bloom carries its own significance. Understanding these nuances helps in choosing flowers that resonate with the emotions being conveyed.
Giftzy's Sympathy Flowers Delivery Service
Giftzy stands out in the realm of sympathy flower delivery, going beyond the conventional to provide a service marked by quality and compassion. With a commitment to excellence, Giftzy ensures that each floral arrangement is crafted with sensitivity and care, offering a unique and comforting experience.
Expressing Comfort and Support
Sympathy flowers speak a language of their own, conveying comfort and support in times of sorrow. Giftzy takes this expression to another level by incorporating personalized touches, turning each arrangement into a heartfelt message of condolence.
Understanding Grief and Sensitivity
Grief is a deeply personal experience, and Giftzy acknowledges the need for sensitivity in every floral creation. The diverse cultural and religious backgrounds in Burlington are considered, ensuring that each arrangement is respectful and aligns with individual preferences.
Burlington: A Community in Sympathy
As a local florist, Giftzy understands the pulse of the Burlington community. Beyond being a service provider, Giftzy is a compassionate companion, weaving connections through sympathy flowers that extend beyond individual grief to encompass a collective sense of support.
Customizing Sympathy Flower Arrangements
Giftzy recognizes that every expression of sympathy is unique. The ability to customize arrangements allows customers to add a personal touch, making each delivery a reflection of genuine condolences and thoughtfulness.
Ordering Process with Giftzy
In moments of grief, convenience is crucial. Giftzy's user-friendly online ordering process ensures a seamless experience. With same-day delivery options, Giftzy stands ready to deliver messages of sympathy promptly.
Sympathy Flowers Beyond Funerals
The role of sympathy flowers extends beyond funerals, providing ongoing support during the grieving process. Giftzy offers sympathy flower subscriptions, allowing for a continued expression of care and remembrance.
Giftzy's Florist Expertise
Behind every carefully crafted sympathy arrangement is Giftzy's team of skilled florists. Their dedication to quality and expertise ensures that each floral creation is not just a bouquet but a meaningful representation of condolences.
Sympathy Flowers Etiquette
Sending sympathy flowers comes with its own set of etiquettes. Giftzy provides insights into the unwritten rules, guiding customers on the do's and don'ts when expressing condolences through flowers.
Giftzy's Delivery Commitment
Timely and reliable delivery is crucial in the context of sympathy flowers. Giftzy's commitment to a respectful and seamless delivery process ensures that condolences are expressed with the utmost care and consideration.
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Sympathy Flowers: A Lasting Tribute
What makes sympathy flowers special is their ability to become a lasting tribute to a loved one. Giftzy explores the enduring impact of floral arrangements in memorializing and honoring the memory of those who have passed.
In the delicate dance of grief and support, sympathy flowers play a pivotal role. Giftzy's dedication to providing a compassionate and high-quality flower delivery service in Burlington ensures that each bouquet is not just a floral arrangement but a gesture of heartfelt condolences.
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sattasport37 · 10 months
Zameen Se Rishta: Susaid Shayari Collection
In the vast realm of poetry, Shayari stands as an art form that captures the myriad emotions coursing through the human experience. Among the various genres, Susaid Shayari emerges as a poignant expression of sorrow and melancholy. The term "Susaid" itself conveys a sense of deep sadness, and when woven into the intricate tapestry of Shayari, it creates verses that resonate with those navigating the tumultuous seas of heartbreak and despair.
The Essence of Susaid Shayari:
Susaid Shayari delves into the recesses of human emotions, offering solace to those grappling with heartache and sorrow. It's a literary form that beautifully encapsulates the nuances of pain, creating a connection between the poet and the reader through shared sentiments. The verses, often laden with profound sorrow, become a vessel for self-expression and communal understanding susaid shayari.
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Navigating the Landscape of Loss:
Susaid Shayari navigates the landscape of loss with eloquence and sensitivity. Poets use metaphorical language, symbolism, and vivid imagery to paint a picture of the emotional tumult experienced during times of sorrow. Each line becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of emotions, allowing readers to not only read but feel the pain embedded in every word.
SEO Keywords:
For those seeking solace in Susaid Shayari, the internet serves as a vast treasure trove. Here are some SEO keywords to guide you to the most resonant verses:
Susaid Shayari in Urdu
Heartbreak Shayari
Sad Poetry about Love
Urdu Shayari on Pain
Emotional Verses on Loss
Best Susaid Shayari Collection
Poignant Shayari for Broken Hearts
Exploring the Depths of Despair:
Susaid Shayari is not just a collection of words; it's a journey into the depths of despair. Poets employ a diverse range of poetic devices to convey the intensity of sorrow, creating an immersive experience for the reader. Through the interplay of rhyme, rhythm, and metaphor, Susaid Shayari transcends linguistic boundaries, resonating with hearts across cultures.
Connecting Through Shared Sorrow:
One of the remarkable aspects of susaid shayari is its ability to foster a sense of connection among individuals facing similar emotional tribulations. As readers immerse themselves in the verses, they find solace in the realization that they are not alone in their pain. The shared experience of sorrow becomes a bridge that spans the gaps between individuals, offering a virtual shoulder to lean on.
Where to Find Susaid Shayari Online:
In the digital age, the quest for Susaid Shayari often begins online. Numerous platforms curate collections of heart-wrenching verses that speak to the soul. From dedicated Shayari websites to social media platforms, the internet is a treasure trove for those seeking the catharsis of Susaid Shayari. Engage with online communities and forums where individuals share their favorite verses and personal experiences related to the emotional resonance of Susaid Shayari.
Susaid Shayari, with its ability to encapsulate the depth of human sorrow in poetic verses, serves as a powerful medium of expression and connection. In the vast expanse of the internet, individuals grappling with heartbreak and despair can find solace in the carefully crafted words of poets who have traversed the same emotional landscapes. As the digital realm continues to evolve, Susaid Shayari remains a timeless art form, offering a balm for wounded souls in the form of carefully woven verses that echo the shared human experience of sorrow.
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sserpente · 6 years
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A/N: Requests from two anons and @theliesmithsdaughter. Fluff coming your way!
Words: 2347 Warnings: fluff, alcohol, a bit of angst
Loki was going to love this. It would take you hours on end, so you knew, but by the end of the day, or much rather, Christmas morning, it would be worth it.
You had befriended the God of Mischief a few weeks back upon his arrival on Earth together with his brother Thor to help the Avengers fight Thanos. If only you could put your finger on what it was that intrigued you so much about him—despite his terrible actions in New York a few weeks back or perhaps… because of them.
You quickly became the only person Loki could talk to normally without being insulted or stared at dismissively and after some time… he had begun to open up and you started spending time together despite his own warnings.
“It is unwise to trust me, my dear.” He had said one night. If anything, Loki didn’t seem to trust himself. So you decided to do something nice for him. You had thought long about what to get him for Christmas. You wanted it to be something meaningful, something that would make him happy and feel… loved. Besides, Loki adored your knitted hats and gloves—it was a silly little hobby of yours, really. Years ago, when you had joined the Avengers, a therapist had recommended starting something like it to calm your nerves and you had to admit, it worked wonders. Now, you owned countless handmade scarves, socks and even pullovers.
So you decided to knit Loki an emerald green scarf with golden accents. You had searched the Internet for hours to find the right wool for it but now, you could finally get started. You only had to make sure Loki didn’t catch you to spoil the surprise. That was going to be the challenge.
Yawning, you eyed the digital clock in the kitchen, waiting for your coffee to fill the mug. It was eleven pm already, Christmas was knocking on the door and you were nowhere near done knitting Loki’s scarf. Never before had you attempted such a complicated pattern and the golden threads you intended to weave into the fabric didn’t exactly make your task easier. But you would manage… somehow.
Over the last two weeks, you had found one excuse after another to tend to your Christmas gift. During the day, you were busy planning strategies with the Avengers to fight Thanos and his lackeys, thus, you had to do it in the evening—which was when you usually spent time with Loki. You had neglected him lately; and you felt terrible for coming up with excuses. But it would pay off.
“You told me about this Christmas movie I ‘absolutely have to watch’… what was it, Grinch?” His smooth voice suddenly sounded right behind you. You flinched. There you were, hoping he had gone to bed already tonight.
“How the Grinch stole Christmas?” You corrected innocently. Loki nodded.
“I was thinking maybe we could watch it tonight. Stark has stocked up on those buttered popcorn you love so much.”
“O-oh, you see, I would love to… but I… I got a headache. Really bad one… I’m on my period!” You exclaimed quickly. The God of Mischief, however, only frowned.
“You said you were on your period last week.” Shit.
“Did I? I… oh, I should… probably see a doctor. I think I-I’ll head to bed and call it a night.”
Loki’s frown deepened. If he had been suspicious before, he was certain you were hiding something from him now.
“Well, if that is the case, you should perhaps reconsider drinking coffee at this hour.” He replied coolly. With that, he turned on his heel and stormed out of the kitchen. Shit, shit, shit!
Loki clenched his fists, his jaw clenched as he snorted. How could he have assumed it would be any different this time? No one whom he had let close to him and opened up to, considered a friend to trust had ever truly stayed with him after he had revealed who and what he really was. They all were repelled by his mischief, his character, his entire being. Even Thor, his own brother… he briefly closed his eyes, resisting the urge to destroy the furniture he passed on his way back to his room.
But you… he had thought you different, no, he had hoped that for once, he had found someone who would not lie to his face and try to understand him, someone who would spend time with him regardless of his past. Loki scoffed once more. He had been so wrong and he wondered, desperately, what he had done wrong to make you pull away from him. Why you did not want to be around him anymore… he growled when the antagonising, stinging pain returned to his chest, the pain he had so successfully buried deep within him—right until he had met you, a mere mortal who had accomplished what only the Alfather himself had managed to so many years ago: you had broken his heart.
Loki swallowed thickly. No matter. He would get over the pain. He would bury it once more. He would draw away and cut any form of communication. But if anything, so he had hoped, you would be brave enough to tell him you did not want to be around him anymore instead of feeding him all of those ridiculous lies he saw through within mere moments.
“Why’re you looking so sour, Reindeer Games, did you break one of your horns?” The God of Mischief rolled his eyes. Tony Stark was about the last person he wanted to deal with right now. Angrily, he shot the billionaire a glare.
“Brother, you should join us! Stark made us a… a… what is it called again?”
“Eggnog. It’s called eggnog. And I’m definitely not drunk enough yet to spend time with your murderous adopted brother, Point Break.”
Loki shook his head. He was tempted to conjure up a dagger and throw it at him. What was the movie called you had watched with him at the beginning of December? Nightmare before Christmas? Oh, yes, he would love to be the cause of nightmares right now. But what irked him even more was that he could not stop thinking about you. Could it possibly be? That his strong feelings for you rested upon more than just friendship; that this was the reason his heart had shattered and driven ice into his chest?
“Oh, you will be,” Thor replied cheerfully. “I might have spiked the drinks with Asgardian Ale.”
The God of Mischief sighed before trotting towards the tipsy Avengers. It had been a while since he had tried and drowned his sorrows in alcohol. What more could he lose? He might as well begin now.
It had taken you four hours but you were finally done. You had barely managed to stuff the now finished and neatly folded scarf under a pile of blankets in your room when your bedroom door burst open and nearly made you jump out of your skin. Loki stood in the threshold, his blue gaze restless and somewhat unfocused.
Clumsily, he tumbled into the room. When his eyes met yours, his expression darkened.
“L-Loki? Are you okay? It’s three am, what happened? Are you… drunk?”
The God of Mischief chuckled darkly.
“It seems like it… but it will not help. I am here, am I not?” Here? Here in your room?
“You need to go to bed. Now.”
“Of course… send me away. Shut me out and despise me, for why would you not?” You were surprised he was still so eloquent despite his current state. How much alcohol had he downed? You knew from Thor it took a lot to make an Asgardian drunk… and why had he done it the first place? Send him away… despise him… why would you despise him?
“O-okay, you have to lie down and sleep now, Loki. Come on… you can stay in my room. Go to sleep, Loki, please. You’re scaring me.” You stammered.
The God of Mischief tensed.
“Is that why you do not wish to be around me anymore? Do I scare you?” What the hell was he talking about? Was this about today? How you had lied to him about your period?
Deciding not to reply for now to not fuse his obvious desperation, you shook your head lightly and gently led him towards your bed. Once you had—with much effort—removed his armour so he could lie down shirtless and in his leather trousers only, boots removed, you tucked him in like a needy little child.
“I have never thanked you for being with me… now it is too late.” He mumbled, only seconds before sleep defeated him and he slipped into a deep slumber.
Loki’s head was throbbing when he opened his eyes and squinted at your ceiling, moaning as he turned only to face you sleeping next to him peacefully. Your lips were slightly parted, your muscles so relaxed… he wished to caress your soft skin.
With a start, he remembered what had happened last night. Damn Stark, damn his eggnog and damn Thor’s Asgardian ale! He had lost control last night. He never lost control… and yet, you had cared for him. You had let him stay in his vulnerable state… why? Why did self-righteous humans have to help even those they hated? Why must you torment him even further?
You stirred. He would find out. There was something you were keeping from him and he was determined to discover it. Quietly, so he would not wake you up, he ignored his growing headache and rose from the bed, not bothering to put his clothes back on.
Blue eyes scanning the room curiously, he began to open drawers and wardrobes, even flicking through the papers on your desk in the hopes of finding something suspicious. Only when he eyed the pile of blankets on a storage box in the corner did he frown and approached it, wiping the blankets off the lid.
It was then he saw it. A scarf. A green, soft scarf that had gold shimmering threads woven into it. It was the most precious piece of clothing he had ever seen… and it had been crafted in his colours. He did not need to ponder over where you had gotten it from—he was familiar with your knitting. You had made this… for… for him?
“Loki! It was supposed to be a surprise! I spent weeks working on this!” He suddenly heard you exclaim. He turned, slowly, scarf still in hand to face you sitting upright in bed, rubbing your eyes.
“Why must you be so nosey?” You pouted. Needless to say, you were upset. How could you have assumed you could surprise the God of Mischief himself anyway? But when you looked him in the eye, meeting his soft, tender and apologetic gaze, your heart almost broke in two.
“So… this is why you fed me lies so you would not have to spend time with me?” He asked carefully. Closing your eyes briefly, you nodded.
“Yes… I felt guilty but I…” Your eyes widened when realisation hit you. “Is this why… why you were drunk last night? You said something about me not wanting to spend any more time with you and pushing you away… Loki, I didn’t think this would badger you so much.”
The God of Mischief frowned.
“Of course it would badger me. Christmas is a time for love and friendship, you have told me this much and now… exactly now you decided to pull away… I was jealous. And I was hurt.” He admitted. You swallowed. Had he ever uttered these last words out loud?
“You must… forgive me.” He did not need to say more. You knew he had been hurt one time too much, if not by the people who claimed to love him in the past.
Loki had been wrong. He had been so wrong about you and he felt terrible for mistrusting you. He did not appreciate you had told him lies presumably for his own good to not spoil the surprise; and it reminded him of how Frigga had never bothered to tell him about his true heritage—to protect him. Loki clenched his fists. No, this was a wonderful cause. You had only wanted to make him happy and he had to confess… he was in love with the soft scarf… and you. He was in love with you.
“It’s okay. I know. I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt you.” Smiling timidly, you climbed out of bed and stood on your toes to hug him, frantically ignoring how his exposed muscles pressed against your chest. After a heartbeat, Loki reciprocated the hug. Sighing, he wrapped his arms around you, scarf still in hand until you parted slowly and snatched it away from him.
“It looks stunning, (Y/N), I love it. I cannot wait to wear it.” He said, smirking mischievously in the process, his headache now forgotten entirely.
“Yeah, well, you won’t be getting it before Christmas morning, which is the day after tomorrow.”
Loki playfully rolled his eyes.
“No more lies, yes?”
“No more lies. And tonight, we’ll watch that movie together, alright?”
Nodding, he lifted his chin proudly. He would have to familiarise himself with the Midgardian ways of courting. Alternatively…
“What would you say to a little… trip?”
“A trip? Where to?” Loki smirked.
“Asgard. I recall you telling me that you were not exactly looking forward to the madness that comes with the holidays. If we spent it abroad…”
His words made your jaw drop.
“Abroad? Asgard is an entirely different planet!”
“I am aware. We can leave on Christmas morning, after Stark’s… festivities.” Looking up almost shyly, he warily awaited your reaction. His heart, mending quickly again now, jumped when you giggled.
“Loki, I would love that. What am I gonna wear?”
“You shall see. Father Christmas might leave something under the Christmas tree for you as well.”
A/N: Guys, if you liked this story, I would appreciate so much if you could support me on KoFi! YOU can help me publish my first novel! It’s easy, it’s anonymous, you can do it from all over the world and it’s just 3€! Your help counts too, I’d appreciate it so much if you helped me fulfil my dream! ♥ ko-fi.com/sserpente
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thisisheffner · 5 years
The light has gone out – it’s time we stopped giving Morrissey attention
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On a shelve at the back of my wardrobe rests an early, askew Shirts that hasn’& rsquo; t been worn in years. It births black-and-white photos of Oscar Wilde, Shelagh Delaney as well as James Dean, with The Smiths emblazoned all over the top. It’& rsquo; s not the best elegant of band Shirts, but thirty years ago it was all I might find in non-urban Devon to promote my loyalty to a band that implied every little thing to me. I have actually never been able to throw it out.
The tracks of The Smiths still pump by means of my veins, an effective pointer of the agonies of my formative years and also the capacity of popular music to unlock unfamiliar brand-new emotions and switch your world completely. Yet listening closely to them right now makes me believe sad with hoping at what they were actually, and distress at what their performer has actually ended up being. Morrissey’& rsquo; s succinct turns of phrase as well as his parochial obsessions have previously seen him matched up to Alan Bennett, at whose front door he the moment appeared in Greater london gripping publications of poems. However while the second is a national treasure, the previous has actually become a national embarrassment.
It may be actually tough to make even the writer of such sweetly genuine verses as “& ldquo;’Hand in “Handwear cover & rdquo; & rsquo; s & ldquo; It & rsquo; s not like any sort of other passion/’This” one & rsquo; s various given that it & rsquo; s us & rdquo; with the harsh and also wilfully nearsighted 60-year-old roaring regarding just how he has actually been reviled, or the songwriter who when aspired to the eloquence of Oscar Wilde along with the guy who, final week, seemed at the Hollywood Dish putting on a vest on which the terms “& ldquo; F *** The Guardian” & rdquo
; were actually composed. Our experts & rsquo; ll inform you what & rsquo
; s real. You can develop your personal perspective. From 15p & €euro; 0.18$0.18 USD 0.27 a time, more exclusives, analysis as well as extras.< svg height=" 18px"variation ="1.1"viewbox
="0 0 19 15 "distance="24px"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"xmlns: xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> Developed along with Map out.
“ Morrissey's most disputable quotes< div lesson= "gallery-count"on ="tap: gallery-lightbox-3739531" function ="button" tabindex ="" > Show all 29 Created along with Lay out. < g id=" title "enhance=" equate (19.000000, 21.000000)" >< road d="M9,9 C9,8.448 9.448,8 10.001,8 C10.554,8 11,8.448 11,9 C11,9.552 10.554,10 10.001,10 C9.448,10 9,9.552 9,9 Z M15.2,9 L13.5,11.6 L12.2,10 L9,14 L19,14 L15.2,9 Z M24,4 L24,18 L4,18 L4,15 L0,15 L0,0 L21,0 L21,4 L24,4 Z M4,13 L4,4 L19,4 L19,2 L2,2 L2,13 L4,13 Z M22,6 L6,6 L6,16 L22,16 L22,6 Z" i.d.="Shape"> Morrissey's most questionable quotes 1/29 On bigotry & ldquo; If you get in touch with somebody racialist in
modern Britain you are actually telling them
that you have actually operated out of words. You are closing the dispute down and managing off. The phrase is actually” pointless currently. Everybody inevitably prefers their very own race & hellip; does this make every person racist? & rdquo; NBCU/Getty 2/29 On Female Gaga In a meeting with Billboard, Morrissey refers to as Lady Gaga & ldquo; nothing at all
brand-new & rdquo; and also states her
style is actually & ldquo; deceitful, and the
"precise contrary of sexual. & rdquo; He additionally pertains to Madonna as & ldquo; McDonna & rdquo
; and also states Michael Bublé is & ldquo; well-known and also useless & rdquo;. Getty Images 3/29
"On dancing popular music:"It is actually the haven for the mentally deficient. It is actually made by dull people for — plain individuals."Getty Images 4/29 On London mayor Sadiq Khan "London is devalued. The Mayor of Greater london tells our team regarding' Area policin'
“-- what is' policin & rsquo;? He tells our company Greater london is an'amazin' metropolitan area. What is 'amazin '? This is the Mayor of Greater london! And he can not talk properly
!"& ldquo; Madonna enhances every little thing unreasonable and also
objectionable. Determined womanhood
". Madonna is actually nearer towards organised prostitution than anything else. & rdquo; Photograph through Michael Campanella/Getty Images 6/29 On Beyonce:"The rhinocerous is actually now basically extinct
, and also it's certainly not due to global warming orshrinking habitations. It's due to Beyoncé's bags"Buda Mendes/Getty Images 7/29 On animal rudeness in China & ldquo; You can & rsquo;
t aid but experience that
the Mandarin folks are a subspecies
". & rdquo; Getty Images 8/29 On royal loved ones:"The arrogance of the English royals"
is astonishing, definitely startling
"9/29 On creative thinking: “On being artistic: & ldquo; I would certainly rather create craft than end up being craft. & rdquo; Getty Images
10/29 On Prince Charles:
"" I wish that Prince Charles had been actually fired. I believe it will possess created the world a more intriguing place."
"11/29 On sexuality:
""However, I am certainly not homosexual ... In technological simple fact, I am actually humasexual. I am attracted to people. Of course, certainly not a lot of."
" 12/29 On Bob Geldof:
""Bob Geldof is actually an abominable character. Quick fix was one of the most sanctimonious system ever before in the past history of music."
"13/29 On increasing old:
“& ldquo; Era shouldn & rsquo; t affect you’. You & rsquo; re either wonderful or even you & rsquo
; re boring, irrespective
of your age. & rdquo; Getty Images 14/29 On being actually alcoholic: & ldquo; Life would be therefore brilliantly colored so I had a cocktail complication.”
& rdquo; GETTY
IMAGES 15/29 On being attractive:
“& ldquo; I assume I have to be, completely, a total sexual activity item. In every feeling of the”
word. & rdquo; 16/29 On music sector:
“& ldquo; I lost on my own to popular music at a really early age, as well as I stayed certainly there. & rdquo; 17/29
On Taylor Swift:
The max edgings [at the Brits] divert your attention coming from the reality that Taylor Swift possesses absolutely nothing to carry out with Coventry or even Wrexham. To manage rank fraudulence in tellyland is not a tough endeavor, especially if you possess the whole entire populace of Peru dancing around you as you ape your track."
"Offered by Coast Fire Media
18/29 On grooming:
"" I do keep that if your hair is actually wrong, your whole lifestyle is wrong.”
& rdquo; Rex Includes
19/29 On Elton John:
“& ldquo; He is actually pushing his face with all the amount of time and also informing us regarding his personal life. No person's fascinated."
He ought to just disappear."AFP/Getty Images 20/29 On charisma:
“& ldquo; I am actually certainly not excellent at being actually dull."21/29 On musicians: & ldquo; Performers aren't actually folks. I'm in fact 40 every
“cent papier mache. & rdquo; Getty Images 22/29 On affection: On romance: & ldquo; I
do believe it's achievable
to go by means of lifestyle as well as certainly never drop
in love, or discover an individual that likes you. & rdquo; 23/29 On neglected killing attempt on Head of state Margaret Thatcher:"The sorrow of the
IRA Brighton battle is that Thatcher left in one piece."Getty Images 24/29 On the popular music dependency
": & ldquo; Songs is like a drug, but there are no recovery facilities."
& rdquo; 25/29
On narcissism:
“On narcissism: & ldquo; Well, I am a remarkably attractive individual.”
& rdquo; Rex Includes 26/29
On fatality: “"I possess an unswayable fixation along with death. If there was
an enchanting supplement
that people can take that would resign you from the globe, I would take it."27/29 On Kate Middleton Morrissey connects the suicide of a Greater london nurse to the Duchess Kate Middleton. & ldquo; There & rsquo; s no blame put at Kate Middleton, who resided in the healthcare facility for, as much as I can easily view, definitely
no cause ... She feels no pity concerning the fatality of this woman. The arrogance of the English royals is actually incredible, absolutely paralyzing. & rdquo; 28/29 On his heritage: & ldquo; When they hide me in a church as well as chuck earth on my tomb, I & rsquo;d like the words & lsquo; Well, at the very least he attempted & rsquo; engraved on my tombstone. & rdquo; 29/29 & ldquo;
If you call someone racialist in
“modern-day Britain you are actually telling them that you have lacked expressions. You are shutting the controversy ‘down and bolting. Words is worthless now.”
Everyone inevitably
“prefers their very own nationality & hellip; performs this make everyone racialist? & rdquo; NBCU/Getty 2/29 On Lady Gaga In a job interview with Signboard, Morrissey names Girl Gaga & ldquo; nothing new & rdquo; and also mentions her type is & ldquo; deceptive, and the particular contrast of sensual. & rdquo; He also describes Madonna”
as & ldquo; McDonna
& rdquo; and also claims Michael Bublé is & ldquo; popular and also worthless & rdquo;. Getty Images 3/29 On dance music:"It is actually the sanctuary for the mentally deficient. It is actually created through ordinary individuals “for boring folks." Getty Images 4/29 On London mayor Sadiq Khan "Greater london is actually devalued. The Mayor of “Greater london informs us regarding 'Area policin'-- what is “'policin & rsquo;?
He informs our company London is an 'amazin'city. What is actually'amazin '? This is actually the Mayor of London! And he may not talk adequately!"& ldquo; Madonna bolsters every little thing absurd and outrageous. Determined femininity."
Madonna is deeper to set up hooking than just about anything else. & rdquo; Photo by Michael Campanella/Getty Images 6/29 On Beyonce:""The rhino is now essentially vanished, and it's certainly not due to international warming — or even diminishing habitats. It is actually due to the fact that of Beyoncé's bags "Buda Mendes/Getty Images 7/29 On animal cruelty in China & ldquo; You can & rsquo
“; t help yet really feel that the Chinese individuals are actually a subspecies. & rdquo; Getty Images 8/29 On royal family members:"The arrogance of the English royals is spectacular, positively
startling"9/29 On ingenuity: On being innovative: & ldquo; I'd somewhat produce craft than come to be
"fine art. & rdquo; Getty Images 10/29 On Prince Charles: "I want that Prince Charles had been fired. I assume it would possess created the realm an extra interesting location."
11/29 On sexuality: "Unfortunately
, I am actually certainly not gay ... In specialized fact
“, I am actually humasexual. I am drawn in to humans. However, of program, certainly not many.”
" 12/29 On Bob Geldof:
"Bob Geldof is actually an abominable
"personality. Band Help was the absolute most self-righteous platform ever in the past history of preferredsongs."13/29 On aging:
& ldquo; Age shouldn & rsquo; t impact you. You & rsquo; re either extraordinary
or you & rsquo
; re boring, no matter your grow older.
"& rdquo; Getty Images 14/29 On being actually alcoholic: & ldquo; Lifestyle would certainly be actually therefore brilliantly colored if simply I possessed an alcoholic beverage trouble."
& rdquo; GETTY IMAGES 15/29 On
"being seductive: & ldquo; I assume I need to be actually, positively, a total sex object. In every sense of words."
& rdquo; & ldquo; I lost on my own to music
"at a really early grow older, and I continued to be there certainly. & rdquo; 17/29 On Taylor Swift: The max edgings [
at the Brits]
“. divert your’attention coming from the fact that Taylor Swift’has nothing at all to perform with Coventry or even Wrexham. To carry out
overgrown fraudulence in tellyland
is certainly not a difficult
“venture, specifically if you possess the whole populace”
of Peru hemming and haw
you as you ape your track."Given through Shore Fire Media 18/29 On cleaning:"I carry out preserve that if your hair is inappropriate, your entire lifestyle is actually inappropriate.”
“& rdquo; Rex Includes 19/29 On Elton John: & ldquo; He is driving his skin in”
continuously as well as informing our team about his exclusive lifestyle. No person's intrigued. He ought to only disappear. "AFP/Getty Images 20/29 On charisma: & ldquo; I am actually not excellent at being actually plain."21/29 On musicians: & ldquo; Artists may not be truly people. I'm actually 40 per-cent papier mache. & rdquo; Getty Images 22/29 On love: On passion: & ldquo; I perform believe it is actually achievable to experience life and never drop in affection, or even locate someone that likes you. &
rdquo; 23/29 On fallen short assassination efforton Head Of State Margaret Thatcher
": "The distress of the IRA Brighton bombing is actually that Thatcher ran away untouched.”
"Getty Images
24/29 On the popular music dependency
“: & ldquo; Popular music resembles a drug, however there are no rehab centers. & rdquo; 25/29 On narcissism: On narcissism: & ldquo
; Well, I am actually an exceptionally
lovely person. & rdquo; Rex Includes 26/29 On death:"I have an unswayable obsession with fatality. If there
was a wonderful supplement that one might
“take that will resign you from the globe, I would certainly take it."27/29 On Kate Middleton Morrissey
links the suicide of
a London registered nurse
to the Lady Kate Middleton. & ldquo; There & rsquo; s no blame placed at Kate Middleton, who remained in the medical facility for, regarding I can observe, positivelyno main reason ... She experiences no shame about the death of this particular girl. The pompousness of the English royals
"is actually spectacular, completely surprising. & rdquo; 28/29 On his legacy: & ldquo
; When they hide me in
a religion as well as chuck earth on my grave
“, I & rsquo;d like the words & lsquo; Well, a minimum of he attempted”
& rsquo; inscribed on my marker
. & rdquo; 29/29 It has actually become a dispiriting routine on social media sites that, every few months, Morrissey & rsquo; s name starts to style, causing swathes of music supporters
"to sigh wearily and also ponder what the crazy jerk has stated or done now. Current triggers have actually included his functionality on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, where he"
showed off a For Britain badge in assistance
of a political group that leans up until now to the right that also Nigel Farage “has outdoed themself coming from all of them. through which, explaining accusations of sex-related abuse associated with Kevin Spacey as well as Harvey Weinstein, Morrissey said there were actually opportunities & ldquo; when the individual who is gotten in touch with the prey is actually merely let down & rdquo;.”
There was actually in 2014 & rsquo; s comically mad meeting on his personal site where he buffooned shade house assistant, Diane Abbott, as well as mayor of Greater london Sadiq Khan, and declared Hitler was leftist. Morrissey carries out song while
using For Britain
gathering symbol Complaints of racial discrimination have shadowed Morrissey for many years, of training course, from his toyings with fascist visuals in the Nineties(he once sang & ldquo; National Front Nightclub & rdquo; at a Finsbury Park festival while draped in a Union Port banner), to his severe pronouncements on music through black artists-- consisting of thereport in a Melody Producer interview that & ldquo; a black stand out conspiracy & rdquo; was protecting against The Smiths from meeting their possibility. As the years have actually passed, he has actually come to be ever before even more brazen in his anti-immigration position, telling NME in 2007 that England had been & ldquo; gotten rid of “& rdquo;, that & ldquo; the entrances were flooded & rdquo; as well as complaining that in Greater london & rsquo; s Knightsbridge & ldquo; you & rsquo; ll hear every accent under the sunshine in addition to the British accent & rdquo;.(Morrissey later on filed a claim against the journal and gained an apology after he professed the short article charged him of racial discrimination.)This, it should be actually taken note
, from a male that is actually the child of Irish migrants and a deportee that has actually variously taken up property in Italy and also the United States. Morrissey & rsquo; s support observing each craze usually hinges on his misrepresentation by an aggressive push, however one more symptom” of the oppression facility that has actually been actually a feature of his lifestyle and also occupation. A lot of Morrissey & rsquo; s reputation as an artist has rested on his outsider standing, which harmonized adolescent enthusiasts who felt likewise dislocated and alone. It & rsquo; s this, combined with the stylish appeal of The Smiths & rsquo; popular music( which could be credited to Morrissey & rsquo; s bandmate, the guitar player Johnny Marr), that led several-- myself included-- to give him the perk of “the doubt. Remembering, nonetheless, the evidence indicating” a pop star who was a terrible human being with objectionable perspectives on ethnicity as well as migration is actually undeniable. Yet still the faithful group. Morrissey keeps a big target market in The United States, a hardcore of supporters who are either uninformed or unfazed by his dreadful bigotry. The English press, at the same time, stays fascinated along with this once-revered number, consistently disclosing his every articulation no issue how barmy. Yes, I am adding more pillar ins through agonizing over my fallen idolizer, yet possibly it & rsquo; s time our team ceased providing him our opportunity and attention. The Smiths were actually wonderful however the Morrissey our team once draped along with passion and also blooms is actually no extra.
  The illumination has died out. This content was originally released listed here.
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hworthington · 7 years
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In this writing i wish to explore the term Art and how ideas have been shaped alongside different forms of creativity throughout history, and why art has been used so successfully to communicate throughout civilisation.
Because art is so subjective the answer almost seems unattainable.   I may venture to affirm of the rest of mankind, that they are nothing but a bundle or collection of different perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in perpetual flux and movement. David Hume ‘A treatise of Human Nature. Book 1 Part 4 section 6 ’ of personal identity’ Art is an attempt to capture perceptions, and as David Hume so eloquently puts it,these discernments are so fluid and unique to each human, how on earth are we to put a solid definition next to art?’ For both artist and audience, art offers a way to connect with the world, society and emotions. It touches upon things that cannot be grasped. It is a way to become a more enlightened being, putting us in touch with our better selves, whilst simultaneously offering the opportunity to examine and express the worst of ourselves. It reassures us that that we are not alone, and this is valued greatly in a lonely world, experienced subjectively, heavy with reductionism and stereotypes. It challenges the convenient and absolute values, both ideological and monetary, of capitalism. Take for example Joseph Beuys ’ I like America and America likes me’ 1974. This is an example of a performance piece expressing a troubled relationship with the US that feels just as poignant today as it did then. (fig.1) If a person wishes to communicate their place in society or their environment, their deepest joys and or sorrows, art provides a vehicle limitless in it’s potential impact and reach whilst also being accessible.
Throughout history art has been the backbone of key intellectual movements because of its capacity to convey emotions ideals and beliefs. Therefore art has had a huge role to play in shaping the world we live in today. However art as we know it presently is quite a modern development (18th century) before this art was predominantly used for religious purposes to decorate temples and churches or communicate spiritual ideals to keep social order, strength and harmony. Or as some see it, propaganda. Napoleon Bonaparte ‘Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.’ One of the earliest examples of this is 'The Venus of Willendorf’ , dated 28,000 BCE, believed to be a fertility goddess, this statue would have most probably been used in ritual practice. The origin of the word art comes from the Greek 'techne’ and the Latin 'ars’, both mean skill, craft and facility, unlike today we associate the word art with the idea of 'Fine Art’ (fig.2) In the time of the renaissance artisans were commissioned to create work to a very specific briefing, being dictated to by the commissioner. What the imagery would consist of and what pigments were to be used was all the decisions of whomever was paying for the artwork. The artist would have to create the work with little to no artistic input whatsoever. That is where the question what is an 'artist’ and what is an 'artisan’ comes into mind. This all changed in the time of the Enlightenment when science and reason took to the forefront of society, and religious beliefs started to be questioned. 'God is Dead’ – The Joyful pursuit of knowledge – Nietzsche 1882 With the invention of the microscope and telescope we were able to look out into the unknown realms of space and inward into our own bodily workings for the first time. And with the invention of the printing press ideas and information were able to be shared with greater reach than ever before . In 1753 the first public museum opened its doors to the general public where anyone could view Fine Art in a non religious setting for the first time. When we go to a gallery we expect to see art, and therefore the context of the gallery has power to define what is and is not art, in its own way creating “art” as much as the “artist” In 1917 Marcel Duchamp exhibited his urinal 'Fountain’. He was one of the leading figures in Fine Art who challenged what art is. Because the urinal was placed on a plinth, in an exhibition and also signed it was hard not to see it as the 'Fountain’ (fig.3). Duchamp had a concept about his thoughts on art, and his work perfectly communicates it. Though it took no real craft or skill to make on his part, the object was manufactured, it’s what we feel and think, the tension and dissonance of this object in this environment, and how we respond to the work that makes this 'fine art’. ( This has lead to a rich plethora of artists who work with the conceptual. We would not have Tracey Emin’s bed (fig.4) without Marcel Duchamp’s Urinal. And Marcel Duchamp would not have the same thoughts he had back in the 1900’s without Newton’s Scientific Method. Everything has its place in time, all working as catalysts to propel us forward. Even now something is going on artistically that will be seen as the major key stone in the bigger picture. And I think that is amazing. Christianity ,The Enlightenment ,romanticism, modernism and postmodernism are all good examples of how art has been used as a catalyst to propel ideas, and therefore shaped the world that we live in today . And I will be looking in more detail into one of these moments in time. You can be from any culture, belief system, man woman or child and view a piece of art and feel some sort of emotional or intellectual response. Art is fare more accessible, take the written word for example, in times gone by only a few privileged individuals had the ability to read. But anyone can listen to music or look at an art object and feel something . And for me, there lies its beauty.
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