#this is a white hot heat that proceeds the death of a star
These bad book adaptations have thrown me so far of my center. Uprooting the rage in me has been a year long process. I need to get back to reading. Far too long have feared a new foray into the literary world. I made small offering by way of new editions into ongoing series.
But even that was a preventative measure to avoid spoilers. The fear of reading something new. Immersing my self in that world as a form of detaching from reality to soothe my mind. Only to be thrust back into the chaos of a bad adaptation is crushing. I'd rather not read a book at all then to be disappointed with an inevitable adaptation. I'll avoid both. And we'll each be poorer for it.
One bad egg doesn't ruin it for the whole class. This is a mold that sits among the strawberries. I know how quickly it spreads.
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[2/2] Chapter 4 Domain II | The Zealot of Fire
The figures in black converge on the altar like ravenous, scavenging birds of prey. The chains that remain are empty. 
“Hurry, everyone. You cannot let it catch you.”
The figures in white advance toward the creeping fire. Red eyes from above find you as your legs, paralyzed by fear, fail to carry you. A spark of color returns to the world—a wall of fire roars into the sky behind you, and the world gives a terrible shake as something grotesque begins clawing its way out, eyes and teeth and nails as shiny and black as the substance it lurks in.
There’s nowhere for you to run. There’s nowhere for it to run.
The bleached skull of a bighorn sheep looms over the congregation, hideous and sinister, hot tar splattering from the cavities in its head to the ground, igniting on impact as the cryptic turns its head, tearing in vicious panic at the silver wool adorning its body even after it draws blood. 
Searing heat whips around you in a cataclysmic display of power beyond what anyone could ever hope to understand as it claws at its own head as if trying to rip it from its own shoulders, each muffled sound that rumbling from its throat as much of a bitter, hateful growl as it is a terrified whimper.
“Don’t be afraid. We’ve left a legacy, we’ve lived and loved like nobody else in the w—”
With a deafening crack, the skull’s jaw shatters, and the snarling head of a wolf emerges in its place. The Beast of Many Names roars, and the sound is the sound of death itself, a howl of flame and terror and the end of all things.
The Beast obliterates the stage and the unseen voice with the single strike of one claw, crushing half of the dozen shades beneath it. The rest suddenly turn away from the fire; the red-eyed watchers swarm the valley.
Black, oily tears bleed from its empty eyes, and as they run rivulets along its bleeding chest, a mantle of flame ignites along its back and shoulders. Free from its bonds, it flees the scene, rampaging mindlessly through the valley, faceless figures snapped up in its jaws and trampled beneath the weight of rusted, grinding chains. 
The Beast throws shades from its form with a violent shake as it recovers and finds its footing again, mantle of flame gone in a whoosh of smoke. 
One by one, the remaining shades throw themselves at the Beast in an attempt to halt its destruction as the ritual proceeds as intended, vanishing in columns of fire. You are lost in the faceless sea of chaos, desperately searching for anyone you can find, only passing the still figure of the girl rooted in place by her own terror. 
Her eyes move rapidly through the crowd, trying to find any sound she can muster, unresponsive to whoever rushes by, safe from death for a few precious seconds by her own failure to act.
Everything is dark, everything is light. Everything is ugliness, everything is beauty. Everything is pain, everything is grief. Everything is never, everything is forever. 
The world goes dark as the wolf lifts its head to the sun, jaw unhinging with a shuddering breath as a sphere of flame forms in the abyss of its maw.
Fire pours from the Beast of Many Names, and its wrath shining like a dying star in all of its brilliance is the last thing you will ever see.
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wistfulrat · 4 years
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a 4-part rec list of my fave drarry fics - the thrillers, dramas, soft bois, and wankbanks getting me through 2020′s shitstorm
[yooooo the wankbank is hERE. & i would like to dedicate this final list to the patron saint of smut recs herself, @sitp-recs. many a 3am morn i’ve spent scouring her blog for quality fics in general and wank material in specific. her smutty week curation is unmatched. truly, this is h0rny-on-main solidarity.]
part 4: wankbanks
mood: for the very hot & very bothered, don’t worry we’re all unabashedly flustered here includes: fun sex, angry sex, kinky sex, tender sex! p0rnz without plots, bdsm fics, etc. but rly any fic with undeniably hot-as-shit scenes that make you falter mid-story as you embarrassingly mutter a quiet “...fuCK.” a heated gaze is thrown across a room (club, ballroom, classroom, battlefield, London street, you get it). someone is pushing someone else against a wall and claiming a mouth/neck. hair has been thoroughly mussed. fingers have been slicked. voices are hoarse af. a gasp a growl a whimper a howl a moan a groan. a mewl?? hell, even those. [all fics rated E]
Lucid by @dracoladon​ - 4k  “Hm. All this Greek mythology stuff is actually quite interesting. Harry will have to remember to ask Draco about it another time. You know. When he isn’t sucking his brains out through his dick, or something.” --lmaooo goddammit this fic is perfect. hilarious but also sexy af?? harry has a Thing for draco’s intelligence so he proceeds to fck him into incoherence. - 
just tell me when it’s alright by @bonesliketambourines​ - 23k harry being insecure about what he wants and draco knowing exactly what he needs. lots of hot rough sex interspersed with learning how to trust each other. but it’s that final scene, fucking christ. don't look at me im a hoe for overstimulation ok sksksk -
Sex on Legs in Six-Inch Heels by @tessacrowley - 9k curse-breaker draco in prada heels, solving cases whilst being imposingly attractive?? like first of all, step on me. second of all, keep scrambling harry’s poor h0rny brain, it’s good for him -
Catching the Niffler by @keyflight790 and @tsundanire - 10k 8th year party games, very randy and very reckless. every one has an exhibitionist streak. harry is egging draco on. draco is losing his shit. it’s a public wank to rule all public wanks. also there's a very hot pansmione moment?? goD it’s a great ass day to be a hyperventilating bi. -
A Touch of Silk by raitala - 4k harry has won a bet and draco has to serve him afternoon tea while wearing a dress and, well. harry has absolutely no cool when draco is being distractingly beautiful. the tension leading up to very hot, very silky sex is fucking perfect. we love stammering harry. 10/10 -
Moon-Eyed by @l0vegl0wsinthedark​ - 29k veela draco works at the dept. of magical beings and steps in to help a recently-turned werewolf harry who is being very broody about his situation. they are both extremely rattled by each other’s hotness. sexy times ensue. i've never been so flustered by just kissing. and when they finally get to it?? harry’s Thing for draco’s majestic hair?? goD yes -
Seeing Stars (brighter than the constellations) by carpemermaid - 7k quidditch-reporter, glasses-wearing draco losing his shit over hung!harry in the locker rooms during a post-match interview is just *chef’s kiss* - 
Unpin That Spangled Breastplate by @tackytigerfic​ - 18k curse-breaker draco reluctantly having to accept harry as his new partner/apprentice. draco having a Thing for harry’s clothes. the banter, the sexual tension, and um the anteroom scene?? BITCH, THE ANTEROOM SCENE??? i yelled. voyeuristic wet dream that leads to even more silk-shirted sex. what’s not to love here, honestly. -
White as Snow by @bixgirl1 - 19k harry and draco narrowly escaping death, stranded in a cabin, reluctantly talking about their Feelings but in a sexy foreplay way feat. draco’s knickers. it’s emotionally honest and hot as fuck??? extremely my shit -
A Shorts Story About Love by @shealwaysreads - 3k im obsessed with harry going to magical uni and living in a house with neville, hermione, and the Hot Slytherins (aka pansy blaise draco duh). and then harry being flustered by draco in booty shorts?? bitch same. -
witching hour by @primavera-cerezos - 1k truly im a Hoe for sleepy subspace eager-for-it harry. just under 1k but immaculate and soft and sexy as hell -
Color Me Enamored by @peachpety - 4k “Well, now,” Harry says, voice gruff, “isn’t that hot as fuck.” --me, thinking about salt & pepper drarry smoking cigars and sipping whiskey and taking baths and getting all wet -
23 by @warmfoothills - 7k femme lesbians drarry!!!! being hot in a club!!! we’re very bi and very riled up on a sunday afternoon, folks -
One, Two, Three by @gracerene09 - 6k in which drarry considers a third and holy fuCK does charlie dragon-tamer-sex-god weasely deLIVER!!  -
[part 1: thrillers | part 2: dramas | part 3: soft bois]
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darlingpetao3 · 5 years
The Honeymoon (Harry Wells x Reader)
Rating: M (Smut)
Summary: When Harry whisks you away to a romantic beach-side getaway, your honeymoon kicks off right away into some steamy festivities to celebrate your marriage.
A/N: Basically shameless no-plot smut under the guise of a honeymoon XD The idea(s) came to me during my holiday in a super nice hotel room, so I couldn’t not write them into a story. I hope you all enjoy this xx
3,895 words
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You and Harry are all hands and giggles and freshly-married grins as you both attempt to make your way into your honeymoon suite.
Married! You’re married!
Mrs. Harrison Wells!
Man, it feels nice to finally say. After a real-life slow burn, you and he have finally tied the knot. And it’s not just you that feels the relief of having made it official - Team Flash had been waiting for this for ‘eons’ according to Cisco.
When you reach your suite’s door, Harry is already leaving open-mouthed kisses to your neck and it’s suddenly like you can’t even remember how to open a door.
“Are you going to attack me right in this hallway, Hare?”
“Mm, thinking about it,” he replies. It’s impossible to tell whether it’s a joke or not. You wouldn’t put it past the man (your husband!).
Upon first entry into the exclusive room, you spot your luggage already waiting by the door thanks to the hotel staff. The place is swanky beyond all belief and how on all the Earths had Harry pulled this off? You suppose being a rich, famous, and celebrated scientist has its perks.
The view outside the floor-to-ceiling window is to die for. Curling waves crash onto the private section of the golden beach below you and the sunset looks so incredible that you’d think it was fake if someone only showed you a photo of this.
But it’s difficult to even take it all in because Harry’s hands are securely on your waist, lips on yours with delightful greed after he catches up to you viewing the sunset at the window. Your hand reaches back to hold his head of perfectly coiffed hair, still in place from the ceremony and reception. Though, it won’t stay that way much longer if you have anything to do about it. Harry peppers more kisses down to your bare shoulder.
“You’re not going to enjoy the view?” you ask.
“Oh, I am.”
“But that sunset, Hare!”
“Nothing will pry my eyes away from my wife.”
You turn around, and when you do, the strap from your romper slides off your shoulder and down your arm. Even your clothes want to come off already at the way Harry so much as looks at you. His fingers tentatively move to the strap, keeping his eyes on you, as if to monitor how far he can go with this until you’re out of your clothing before him. You say nothing and let him undress you. Your one-piece article drops to the floor. In closing the slight gap between you, your lips turn up as you unbutton his crisp white shirt. Intensely, he watches your fingers dance while they work the buttons.
“Honey, I think you need to invest in some sort of one-piece article,” you mention casually then proceed to his belt, “you have too many layers.”
“I’ll pass, thanks,” Harry chuckles. “Besides, it’s the best thing in the world to watch you undress me.”
You whip the belt out from the loops of his trousers like a professional. But a professional what? Porn star?
Harry lets out a playful growl-laugh at that and unzips his pants himself - now far too eager and needing to be in control of how quickly he can defile his new bride.
Romantically defile, though.
Okay, but with a dash of filth.
Marriage was going to be very magical.
Harry won’t stop smiling at you as he encroaches in on your space, essentially pinning yourself to the window. The coolness of the floor-length glass is very much welcome against your back, especially when your husband is making you so hot right now.
“You don’t think the bed would be more fitting?” you check, knowing in your mind the damn bed can wait its turn.
“We’ll get there, too, don’t you worry,” he assures you.
“Good answer.”
Harry plants a kiss on your wanting lips, restrained at first - as if wanting to savour the romantic bliss of spending these cherished honeymoon days and nights with you. But your kiss is like a poison to him; it always has been, turning your restrained and sensible man into this wild thing who wants nothing more than to please you and see and hear you being pleased.
Harry’s hand, which has been cupping your cheek, slides down the skin of your neck, over your practically-nothing-bra, to rest a moment at your hip. His fingers dance near the top of your panties (that you had picked out specifically for a moment like this for him to destroy). His mouth starts slow in its movements against yours again. He’s thinking.
“Harrison, you don’t need to think, remember?” you breathe against his parted lips. “But you do need to touch me or else I might have to ahhh-”
Your head tips back on the window at the feel of Harry’s perfect fingers between your legs. They explore and easily discover the intensity of your slick desire.
“You were saying?” Harry asks cheekily, leaning in to taste your skin just below your ear. You breathe out a laugh.
“Nothing, oh delicious husband.”
While one hand wraps around to clutch his rippled back, the other holds onto his equally impressive arm. And with one leg hooked around his, you suddenly wish you had more limbs to cling onto him with. God, his fingers… they’re so excessively coated with you now and they’ve found their perfect little plaything to swirl around. No amount of lip biting can save you from the whimpers Harry draws from you.
“I love it when you do that,” he whispers in your ear.
“Well, I love it when you do t-that, ugh…” Your eyelashes flutter at his attention to your begging clit. Reaching down with what mental capacity you still have, you reach into his pants to feel him. He’s hard and twitching and probably dying to delve inside you this instant. You take a second to shimmy out of your panties and pull his length (arguably yours now, in a sense) towards your throbbing centre where you coat him with your slickness. You watch in your task, but Harry continues to watch you instead.
“Ready?” you ask him.
“I like that you’re asking me that question.”
“Well, are you?”
“I’ve been ready for longer than you know.”
Just as you will never tire from hearing him bring you coffee in the mornings, say your name, or hold your hand, you will also never tire of the feeling of Harry entering you. Your body welcomes him in and holds on tight, never wanting him to leave.
Your moans effectively express the need in which your body wants more of Harry. It always wants more. It’s a good thing he’s yours now, ‘til death do you part.
“Harrison, God, yes…”
“More. More.”
“Hold on.”
He meant literally. Harry hoists you up so that you’re straddling him, back pressed to the window. You feel yourself sink further down onto his cock at this new angle. He fills you up wholly and easily slides repeatedly into you. Your hardly-covered breasts rub against Harry’s chest - nipples taut with the friction behind the scant white lace.
You moan at the ceiling, revealing your neck to him. Harry takes this as an invite and latches on, licking at your heated skin in between kisses to your collarbone. He sucks a fresh mark there, the first (of potentially many) honeymoon hickies.
It is also a good thing you both will likely not leave this room. You may get mistaken for a woman with a severe disease with how many love bites you’re expecting from this man given his and your bedroom history…
Harry’s driving you up the wall with each thrust you take eagerly and voicing it just as much. His heavy breathing fans down onto your chest, undoubtedly making you sweat all the more.
The coiling sensation flames within you almost too quickly, but luckily, thanks to those sounds Harry is making, he may not be able to hold off either.
“Almost…” you pant. “Almost…”
“Come for me, Mrs. Wells.”
You grin wildly as your eyes squeeze shut. “Give it to me, Harrison, yesss fuck-”
And oh, he does.
He strikes you inside perfectly and fully in his final few thrusts, all the while stimulating your clit at every motion in and out. Your legs tense around him and the heels of your feet dig harder into his lower back.
You choke out his name and bite his lip when you come, feeling yourself squeezing around his cock in a wordless, satiated beg for more even though he’s finishing inside you. His shaky sigh causes you to shiver. Good shivers.
After pulling out from you, you immediately cling to Harry again. He won’t let you touch the ground, and instead carries you over to the California King bed just a few steps away where you both topple onto the mattress, once more all giggles.
“That was…” he starts.
“It was…” you agree. Harry leans on his arm while resting his head in his hand and stares at you. “You’re doing it again.”
“Better get used to it, Mrs. Wells. You’re stuck with this now.”
“Thank God. There’s no one I’d rather be stuck with. Especially someone who’s fantastic in bed. Or… window, for that matter,” you joke.
Harry laughs and pulls you closer for a sweet kiss. He wipes his thumb gently over your bottom lip after.
“I love you,” he tells you, almost like he still can’t believe this is happening to him. Like he can’t believe he has found this happiness again. And you still can’t believe that he’s found it with you.
“And I love you.”
There’s a short pause - one where you are positive Harry is thinking again.
“You don’t think we should have, you know…?” He gestures to the bed. “Instead of…?” He motions to the window.
“Use your words, big boy,” you giggle.
“You know, the phrase you sometimes use.” It’s hard to tell if his cheeks are pink because of exertion or slight embarrassment.
You rack your brain for what that could mean.
“‘Make love’?” you offer, on the verge of laughter, but hold back because he really is so adorable. Even if he can’t utter that particular phrase. “God, you are the cutest man. Grumpy? Cute. Shy? Cute. But no, I’m quite content with what we did over there. Besides, we have all night to ‘make love,’ Harry.” You lean forward to press another kiss to his curling pink lips.
The two of you spend the next little while making out like crazed teenagers, though technically the term ‘newlyweds’ would suffice in this instance as well. At some point though, you do manage to pry yourself from your husband to unpack your bags a little. Harry watches as you do, eyes lingering on every inch of your nearly naked self. His face switches back and forth from awe to glee to aroused over the course of twenty minutes.
The toiletries were the last items to unpack, and you could practically sense the impatience diffusing from his pores. So with your man obviously raring to go again, you coo, “Oh, husband?” and drop the last of your lingerie to the bathroom floor in clear view of the open door for Harry to see. You hear his feet hit the floor and the sound of his pants hurrying to come off. Turning on the shower, you step in first to feel the spray of the water. Goodbye gross travel-sheen, hello cleanliness.
With a touch of dirtiness.
Harry gets under the showerhead with you, and you press your back against the tiles. He pushes his drenched curls back with his hand, and wow, yeah, okay, maybe he’s the sexy porn star in all of this. No, he’s better. He’s real.
And he’s all yours.
A fact that is always fun to remember.
You drag your teeth over your bottom lip. Slowly, you turn around to place your hands on the shower wall and turn your head to catch Harry’s eye. The man stands there, lips parted slightly. His Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows. You fix your footing and back your ass up against his groin to make little gyrations. Harry looks up to the ceiling with his eyes closed, lets out a small groan, and instinctively sets his hands on your waist.
He presses himself harder against your ass and you can feel him growing stiffer once more. You make a knowing chuckle at how you’re able to turn him on like no tomorrow. Harry’s hands start to roam upwards on your wet body, one resting on your rib cage while the other cups your breast.
As he massages you, you let out a breathy moan and continue to rub up on his body. In return, your husband takes your nipple in between his thumb and forefinger to knead it. Harry presses a kiss to the crook of your neck, to which you are already feeling yourself turning to mush at his every touch.
While he continues to caress you expertly, you reach around to take Harry in your hand, feeling him rock-hard now. You play with him a little - pumping his shaft until his own hand finds yours on him. He aids you in guiding him to your ready heat from behind. You helpfully sink onto him as he enters you - your heady voice muffled from the water in your ears, but it echoes around the four corners of the roomy shower. Your hands brace yourself against the wall as Harry gives you precisely what you need in terms of roughness and speed. He leans in close so you can hear his heavy panting and feel his breath on your neck. One of his hands gathers your hair and moves it to one side over your shoulder. The simple and considerate action is enough to keep you melting inside.
“Oh, Harry, please-” you cry when you feel yourself nearing the brink of your imminent and likely stellar shower-climax. Harry’s fingers dig into your hip, and at your plea, brings one hand down around between your legs to spark your fiery orgasm so much quicker.
He positively pulses inside your core and you can feel your walls beginning to increasingly constrict and release around his cock until the point where your pussy squeezes so tightly around him, that it’s even more difficult to continue his push deeper inside. With erratically jerking hips, Harry curses, followed by another moan made in perfect staccato. He’s hot when he spills into you - a deep, glorious groan of your name surrounds you in your whitened, starry vision.
“Damn…” you exhale, taking a moment before turning around to kiss your man under the continuous spray of the water.
“How very eloquent,” Harry teases, hearing in his voice on the brink of a chuckle.
“Shush, you.” You press another kiss to his perfect lips. His and yours both inch upwards into grins between pecks.
Naturally, the two of you stay in the shower until the water runs cold - a rude interruption from the magnificent shower kisses. But that just leads to stepping into the hotel’s lavish, fluffy white robes, and laying in bed together. And arguably, this is just as pleasant.
Room service is most definitely ordered, of course - an amazing spread accompanied by a red wine and chocolate-covered strawberries. Your dinner even comes with a little note wishing you both congratulations on your nuptials. Mr. and Mrs. Wells.
Nope, still not over it!
Harry offers you a strawberry, holding it up to your lips.
“Oh, so you’re feeding me now, are you?” you tease. “Not scared I’ll bite?” 
“Not in the slightest.”
Wrapping your lips around the fruit, you take a bite and the sweetness bursts into your mouth like fireworks. You hum in delight. Harry’s eyes darken at your happy little sound as if on cue. His fingers still have a bit of the melted chocolate and berry juice on them, so you gently grab ahold of his wrist and pull his hand to you, taking his fingers in your mouth.
You don’t think he meant to let his mouth hang open like that.
You swirl your tongue around his fingers to lick off the rest of the lingering taste of the dessert until there’s nothing left. But it doesn’t matter. You keep it up anyway and start to gently suck at his fingers. Your eyes close and you smile.
His voice floats into your ears in a single word, “Bed.”
Standing up immediately, you take Harry’s hand, making him get up too, and lead him over to the bed. You undo his robe’s belt and shuck the hotel garment off of him. Harry, bless him, takes his time in disrobing you no matter how badly you know he wants to rip the damned thing off you. You know that look in his eyes.
He wants to take every nanosecond, he wants to be slow, and savour every part of this, and at this point - hell yeah, you want that, too. You want to get lost in your own little world of just you and Harry and let it last forever. Harry removes his glasses in one suave motion to the lounge chair beside the bed, eyes never once leaving you. They never do.
Crawling backwards on the bed, Harry follows you until he has you boxed in underneath him. You can practically feel his body radiate heat with how hot he is for you.
His mouth tastes your lips and takes his sweet time doing so. But it’s not just your lips - he tastes every part of your skin as he works his way downward, hands touching everywhere and burning little finger-sized holes into your skin. His hold on your thighs is gentle yet firm when he spreads your legs open for him. He bends down between them and plants a soft kiss to your sex.
And again.
And again.
Until they’re a little less chaste and slightly more ravenous. And definitely more focused on eliciting those whimpers he loves so much from you.
Harry’s open-mouthed kisses cause you to tremble - so tender, slow, and deliberately gentle. Your eyes flutter and you suck in a breath when he licks a stripe upwards. Your thighs may have clenched around his head for a moment there, but he looks up at you through those gorgeous thick lashes of his and damn if that isn’t an image you want to have photographed in your mind forever.
You bite your lip, and your husband dives back in for more to taste. You watch him enjoy eating you out thoroughly, or at least what you thought was thorough because just as he begins to circle his tongue around your clit, Harry expertly adds his fingers inside you as well. You toss your head back on the huge cloud-like pillow and let out a happy whine.
“Better than the strawberries?” you ask shakily, unable to hold back the tiny giggle after the question.
“Undoubtedly,” he answers, coming back up and making sure to kiss you to show you first hand. You hum into the kiss and roll Harry over so that you’re on top of him.
“Mm,” Harry hums back, “I don’t think so.”
“Hm-?” In return, he rolls you over onto your back again. You stare up at him with curious eyes. But he loves it when you’re on top…?
“I’m going to make this so good for you, (YN),” Harry promises. “This is about you tonight.”
“No,” you say, “This is about us.”
He steals a kiss from you so willingly given, and you feel him position himself at your entrance. You’d hold your breath if Harry hadn’t already stolen that from you too.
You accidentally bite his lip a little during the kiss as he pushes inside you. Harry lets out a surprised exhale.
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” you apologize with what little air you have in you.
“Don’t be,” Harry tells you, in which he continues to kiss you like they do in the movies. Your fingers rake up his back, leaving invisible lines in their wake. “In fact,” he says roughly, “you can do that again if you like.”
You giggle again until your kiss is all smiles and teeth. He slides inside you and out at such a calculated speed, you feel yourself around every perpetually-impressive inch of him. Your hands snake up to hold his head closer to yours, burying themselves in his wildly sexy and curly dark hair. His own hand caresses your leg on its journey north, then hitches your thigh up.
His eyes are entrancing, but you’ve always known that - a strikingly clear blue - it was the first thing you noticed about Harrison Wells when you met him. His eyes. They captured you from that moment and they’ve never let go of you. They never will and you’re thrilled about it. The way he’s looking at you now… you’d be almost embarrassed to say you could get off to that alone. His look is unwavering - like he doesn’t want to miss a single moment of his new bride when she comes.
His thrusts inside you have noticeably increased in speed, no longer the sensual, taking-your-time kind of pace. You can feel it whirling around like a hurricane as your body starts to jerk up and meet his thrusts each time, feeling desperate to have him hit that sweet spot. You take his face in your hands so that your foreheads touch, your lips merely ghosting each other as you breathe one breath. 
“I love you, God, I love you.”
“Harrison, Harrison, I love you, so, so, so much-”
Your shared confessions of love, gentle calls of each other’s name, and outcries of passion bring you together even closer than before. The previous times this evening were all fun and arguably dirty, but this was entirely different. This was the two of you finally coming together and taking the time to show and share the love so perfectly. You didn’t think you could love Harry any more than you already did, but every day, every moment you spend together proves you wrong. There’s always so much more to love about him.
Harry is looking at you again, the way he does, resting on his elbow facing you. He looks entirely too much like a sex-god for his own good. He doesn’t even need to try.
“What?” you ask.
“I just can’t believe how lucky I am,” your sweetie-pie, love-machine husband replies.
“You? No, I’m the lucky one, here,” you laugh. “I never thought I’d find love and then there you were, practically crashed right into me in the Cortex when you first showed up.”
“Well, I never thought I’d love again, and yet here I am- here we are.”
“You know? I think we’re both pretty damn lucky, my husband.”
“That we are, my wife.”
You rest your head on his chest, his steady breathing helping in making you drift off for the night. Harry never once lets go of your hand in his on his stomach.
And while you may have fallen asleep, he’s almost there himself but manages to give one last thanks to the Multiverse for making him indeed the luckiest man on all the Earths.
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graff1980 · 6 years
Mother Mercy
           A small pale faced figure stands, enshrouded in darkness, while a hauntingly sweet song softly echoes through the cave.
“There’ll be days precious moments see them sunning by the bay till, the sea sees the star light, blinking angels dissipate.”
             Somewhere in this sightless void a larger form slumbers. Moans of agony pass this man’s parched parted lips.  Tears moisten his painfully swollen face. The stench of sweat, urine, feces, and fetid breath fill the air around him. An alarm sounds as the last battery from the compact heater finally dies. Sloan shivers as the temperature within the cave begins to drop.
           Mother mercy watches with a well-practiced stare of concern. She slides a thin, torn, and brown stained sheet over Sloan’s shuddering body. It does little to comfort the sick man. His ragged breaths slowly shift to slightly less raggedy breaths. Mother Mercy watches for a few more moments to make sure that he will not die, then settles down in a corner for the night.
           Electric dreams of long ago float in the forefront of her mind. A bone thin boy of barely teenage years stumbles into a broken-down building that was once the Canadian Gazette. Stray rays of light from an overhead window brighten the small room, illuminating gun black filing cabinets, and dark wooden cubbies, colored with well-worn grey paint, which hold crumbled bits of old newspapers; One of the papers read, “Mass Methane Leak Poisons Ground Water and Air”. Each step stirs up dust causing him to cough. Mother mercy can hear the congestion in his cough and see the fever in his scarlet flushed face. His eyes are a rabid red flitting left to right, searching for any sign of danger. A loud noise causes him to flinch. Mother Mercy moves forward, trying to speak to the boy, but like a doe sensing danger he prepares to dart.
             She finds her voice. “Please. Do not leave. I can help you.” She pleads mechanically.
             He moves forward, tentatively attempting to touch her. She can see a sharp scar that runs from under his right eye down to his thick dry cracked lips. He tries to speak, exposing his yellow and browning teeth and the many gaps therein.
           Suddenly, daggers of light push past and through his young body. He does not cry out, but merely succumbs to disintegration. Then……
           Then Mother Mercy awakens to a new morning. Waves of light bring the cavern to life.
Sunshine moves in and across the cave to expose uneven earth, and a dirt encrusted cave wall, which is oddly void of any insect life. Her hazel eyes quickly adjust to the oncoming onslaught of daylight. Once again, she checks the man to make sure he is alive. Sloan’s chest rises and falls in an unsteady rhythm, which is all she can really hope for.
           She slides dark brown locks of long hair out of her eerily symmetrical face. She brushes the dust off her tattered tan coat, and her holey faded jeans. With a couple of rapid sweeping motions, she removes almost all the dirt, and pebbles from the breast of her inner shirt.
           Off to the left of the cave, and still covered by shadows a small machine awaits her inspection. She examines each tube, cord, and gauge with a military proficiency. Then using the jury-rigged straps, she places the machine on her back. Heading out of the cave, Mother Mercy stops, picks up the batteries from the small heating device, and checks Sloan one more time. Finally, with her bare feet fully outside she sets off for the day’s labor.
           The sky burns a bright orange interrupted by barely perceptible vapors of methane, and bluish grey cotton clouds. Despite the splendor of the morning there is nothing but silence; No dogs barking, or bees buzzing about their honey making business. There is no life to be found except for minor patches of multi-colored fauna that are randomly situated along her route. So, Mother Mercy breaks the silence with a song.
“There’ll be years yarn unspinning as we stumble towards our graves, but the seconds in-between breaths are what make  this life so great,”
             A few miles along the way, she stops singing, and begins to check the tiny traps she has planted along her daily path. Each carefully constructed device is sadly empty. Three or four more hours after that the silence evaporates and she can hear a small stream of water running. She stops and stares down at her bare feet.
           “There is something I forgot to put on my feet.” She queries to herself while continuing to walk.
             A few moments pass as she puzzles out the minor mystery. Once she makes it to the edge of the stream, an awkward smile fills her tiny round face. Mother Mercy removes the machine from her back, letting it fall to the ground. It makes a loud thud and sinks several inches into the slightly softened earth. In a movement so swift human eyes could barely perceive it, she jumps up, rising several feet in the air while crossing a considerable distance, and finally lands in the stream. Soft sizzles sound from her bare feet, as she slowly grinds them into the mud. Then Mother Mercy sloshes sloppily out of the water wearing a thick layer of dark brown mud on her feet.
             “Of course, how could I forget. I need mud to cool my feet.”
             She walks back to the machine, pulls it out of the ground with ease, and returns to the stream. Next, she submerges the device. Waiting till it is completely full of water, she pulls it out, and begins fiddling with knobs and switches. She waits as the water boils, completely evaporates, filters, cools, and finally condensates back into liquid. Deftly, she removes one of the filters and shakes out all the unknown particulates. Then she opens a tiny compartment, and places a small sensor device within in the water to check its quality. After a satisfactory reading she places the water filtration system back on her back and heads down a different path.
           The mud on Mother Mercy’s feet dries; Dark brown shades lighten, crust up and chip off in little flakes. Irritated, she begins to slide her feet through the almost nonexistent foliage to scrape off the remainder of the drying mud. With each small patch of grass Mother Mercy moves her feet faster and faster. Her left foot flows back and forth with incredible speed and strength. There is a loud clink and a chipped piece of rock soars across the air.
           In puzzlement, Mercy stares down at her foot and finds that it has split open. Red and black fluid streams from the seam of torn skin, which expands and exposes metallic bone. As she moves, the wire insulation from within her foot ruptures, revealing cheap copper conductor. The hot metal sparks, lighting up the methane in the air. A scorching white, orange, and bluish outlined fireball expands with enough force to launch Mother Mercy up and back off her feet.
           She hits the ground hard, and curses,” Fucking methane!”
           White synthetic skin begins to melt, shifting and swirling into grotesque shapes, and darker shades of red. Mother Mercy rises, unsteadily. Wincing in pain, she unloads her heavy water filter burden. Again, she checks all the tubes, cords, and gauges. What was once a thing of ease now becomes quite burdensome. She places the filter system on her back again, and resumes her journey. The red and black liquid continues to leak. Each steps becomes slower than the last. Until, she reaches her destination. Mother Mercy collapses next to a series of solar panels. With what little strength she has left, she detaches one of the charged batteries. A look of distress crosses her already agonized face.
             “I’m sorry.” She softly sobs to herself. “I need this one.”
             Mercy pulls a flap of skin from the right side of her waist. An intricate maze of wires, metal, and fake flesh pulsates. Her hand plunges deep within the slimy cavity, twists, and removes a damaged battery. It is bent, and cracked leaking a thick acid liquid which viciously burns her hand. She tosses it aside then slips the unbroken battery inside the cavity, twists it, waits for the click, then removes her acid, and viscous liquid covered hand.
           The synthetic skin slowly starts to unburn, shifting in reverse till it returns to its previously pristine quality. Her foot begins to pop and all the parts snap back into their original place as the split skin slowly stiches itself back together.
           Mercy harvests the rest of the charged batteries and places the used ones in their charging slots. Finally, with the days labors done she heads back to the cave.
           Once she is at the cave she washes a stray rag. Then cleans her hands. Cradling Sloan, she slowly serves him some water. Once he has had his fill. She gently rolls him on his side moves his shirt up searching for any sores, then proceeds to softly scrub them. She rolls him in the opposite direction and repeats the process. Then she checks his inner thighs, and butt cheeks. Sloan winces in pain but remains quiet. She gently lays him back, and rolls up his pant legs, washing the bare skin which is littered with more nasty sores. She finishes by washing his face, hands, and his feet.  Finally, she sends him to sleep with a sweet song
 “and the children that we leave littles daughters full grown sons are like blooms that lose their trees as our roots  wither and flee.”
             Mother Mercy is consumed by an unnatural fatigue. She resists slumber for a few minutes, but inevitably succumbs. Everything becomes nothingness, then changes to nothingness with dizzy brown spots. Yellow sparks split from the tip of her consciousness. The darkness dissolves and becomes the cave again. Small streams of water worm their way in from the cracks on the wall, which seems to breath unevenly. Suddenly she realizes the cave stinks like sewage. Fresh wind works its way in then blows out a stark stench of rot. Each exhale sounds like a human moaning in pain. The last flickers of light die a long-protracted death.
           A wheezing breath stirs Mother Mercy from her dreams. She awakens quickly to see Sloan gasping violently.  She rushes to his side, and sees a thick yellow and greenish gooey fluid mixed with blood sliding down the side of his jaw. With her left arm she flips him over holds his upper body inches off the ground, wipes away the disgusting fluid, and checks the abscess with her free hand.
             “Spit it out.” She pleads.
           Sloan continues to gasp. Tears swell but refuse to fall.
             “Pleebees, helpep, me.” He struggles, coughing violently.
             Mother Mercy cradles him in her arms, singing,
 “Till, the song  that I am singing  becomes the song that they passed on and the love that I was bringing are the wheels that just roll on.”
             Sloan, gasps and wheezes for several minutes more. Tears and sweat fill his face.
             “Mob where’s my mob?” He cries between gasping breaths.
           Two hours later slumber finally reclaims Sloan. An hour after that Mercy gently places his pained body back into its original position. After another half an hour she to surrenders to sleep. She sees nothing.
             A stern voice commands,” Kill the enemy.”
             Mercy cries in response, “There are no more enemies.”
             Mother Mercy awakens to a new morning. Once again, she checks the man to make sure he is alive. Sloan’s chest rises and falls. She wipes off a spot of pus and blood left over from last night’s abscess leakage.  The swelling has slightly receded, but his face is still feverishly warm to the touch. She switches out one drained battery from the heater for a fully charged one then grabs the water filter, and heads off to start the day’s labor, singing.    
 “So, goodnight little planet precious place that I lived on. I know you won’t miss me one bit but I was grateful to call you home.”
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lady-olive-oil · 6 years
M’Baku Drabble/Imagine #1 (ish)
A/N: (Valkyrie voice) here we go
Curves. The one thing a hot blooded male like M’Baku couldn’t resist. His eyes traveled the sensual lines of her body in a way, that seemed like he was viewing an irreplaceable art piece if he had broke it. He loves the fact that her dark complexion shined with all the neutral colors around her, with the white snow. He thought the cold would mess with Amina, but she didn’t care. With all the extra body heat she had, she loved the cold. Embraced it. Even the snow looked elegant in her hair as she helped the people of the Jabari tribe in the mountains. Her afro matched her personality to a ‘T’.
Big, boisterous and full of life. When Amina had mentioned that her parents wanted to meet him, in Harlem, he was worried with how they’d perceive him. “What troubles you beloved?” Her soft voice took him out of his deep thoughts, turning towards her with a soft smile, that only she could put there. With a gentle tug, he placed her in his lap and graced her head with a kiss. “Nothing to worry about my queen. Just nerves I guess.” That got her thinking as well. He was never the type to be nervous, yet it worried her. “Is it because of my parents? Darling they love you. You have nothing to be nervous about ok? Especially my father. He’s never been so happy to see me with a strong, goal driven man like yourself. My mother loves you to death.”
Her reassurance put him at ease for once, as he looked out the balcony window at the stars of there hotel room in Harlem. The mini vacation was a much needed one at best. “Thank you, beloved. I needed your guidance to get me through.” “What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t keep the great M’Baku, leader of the Jabari tribe, at ease? If I couldn’t do it, someone might snatch you from me and take my job. And I can’t have that.” They both chuckled at her statement and sighed with relaxation, yet she had another idea. “I am gonna slip into something more comfortable, and I’ll call you back.” Sliding off his lap to head towards the bathroom, giving an extra sway in her hips, only to hear an animalistic growl escape from him. The moment made her giggle with ease.
“You’ll be the death of me woman.” He smirks a bit before reaching into his pocket. The Vibranium colored box he had, held a beautiful amythst ring in it. He has many thoughts about marrying Amina, given her fathers blessing in secret while on the trip. He just needed the right time. Hiding the ring back in his pocket, he heard something and turned back to see her. His breath was cut short as he took in her presence. “M’Baku~ come to me my king.” She spoke in a sultry tone, dressed in a short white silk nightie that barely covered her rounded ass that he loved. Beckoning him to come hiter with her fingers. He ran so fast and practically tackled her on the bed, causing a fit of giggles to escape her full lips. She was breath taking.
“You little one, are in for it.” He proceed to start a trail of kisses down her jaw, toward her neck and her full chest. Soft gasps disappeared into the night, as she arched her back in his massive hands that she craved. “Darling, we both know there’s nothing little about me.” With her strength, she flipped them over and mounted him like a lion of a gazelle. Sitting up together, holding her to his chest, he looked into her hazel brown eyes with such love and devotion.
Caressing her hips gently, as his forehead rested on hers in this intimate moment. “I love you more than anything in this world. You are my queen, my beloved. I am truly blessed.” “As am I to have you, my king, my beloved.” The kiss they shared was like the first time, over and over again. Fire and intensity never died between them. She held his face gently to deepen the kiss, his hands held her down on his lip as they both moaned in unison.
The surprise would have to wait till morning after all.
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leanstooneside · 3 years
A relationship or illness ends suddenly (KINGFISH)
I tell you that here in this place it availes not in the least either Calcination Sublimation or Reverberation whereby afterwards a perfect extraction can or might be done or effected with profit to transmute the meaner into a better Metallick virtue; for it is impossible for you
Tincture and spirit of Silver manifests its Colour of a Watchet or Skycolour otherwise it is a waterish Spirit
its Seed; but this Flax cannot be used and prepared for any work profitably except it be first putrefied and rotted in water whereby the Body is opened
Vulgar Physician cannot understand this Description; for this Art and knowledge proceeds not from the bare Talking but from Experience; the common Physician hath the foundation and egress in speaking but our Preparation hath its Rise from speaking and then its foundation first of all out of a certain trial which manifests it by Experience and this is firmed
Heaven above all Stars but he possesses the lowest and vilest degree in the underparts of the Earth even as the supreme Light of Saturn is mounted
Metals as likewise no one Spirit of all the Metals can be set backwards because of necessity they accord together from the lowest to the highest degree and must agree together as a Metal is perfect in the great Earth
Skycoloured Sulphur extracted out of Silver rectified with Spirit of Wine dissolve it according to its Quantity in the White Spirit of Vitriol and in the sweetsented Spirit of Mercury coagulate them together by the fixation of the Fire you have the White Tincture in your Hands with all its Medicines; but if you can get all their primum Mobile's it is then needless because you
I have done my part which I hope to justifie before God and the World; for what my Eyes have seen my Hands felt and apprehended by an undeceived Judgment that shall no man take from me in this Life; only Death which is the determiner
wherein more heat is to be found whence
it hath least of Sulphur and therefore according to its small quantity its cold body cannot be made warm; it hath little Salt but fluxible otherwise Iron would be more fluxible and malleable than Lead if the Salt alone could cause a malleableness and fluxibleness because Iron contains more Salt than any other Metal: Seeing then there is a difference
Spirit of Tin is a Preserver
its degree as that which is found in Gold
its innermost and profoundest part till it be well prepared and cannot any more be brought into its first Essence untill the last Judgment; and it is true for so soon as it
it with his hands and uses it in vile matters and of small value; he values the vile at a high rate and that which is high he
Body be brought to an Oil or yield its pleasant Oil if it be brought to the last being of its degree for Glass is in all things
it likewise that the Soul of Metals which is formed and conceived
Sun and by this coagulation it is again brought into a Formal
called this an induction into the Silver but that is false; for this Gold
casting of water upon it cut in pieces by Taylors and other people so converted to future services in houshold affairs and when this Linnen is quite worn out and torn
It is generated of such a composition
meer Salt and is approved to be such which in this particular may be compared to Iron
truth I acknowledge and confess it before the Supreme Trinity speaking it to the hazzard of that most Noble Ecclesiastical Jewel that all what I have wrote and yet shall write in this point is all true and shall be found to be no otherwise in truth
Stibium or Antimony as the Philosophers say is composed
Rocks by manual Operations but the other stands upon moving Reeds & Sand; wherefore in reason that which is strong and immoveable made by Natures
Froth that floates upon the Water in comparison of that Mercury which is found in Sol
Saturn to generate his Metal Lead is placed
it hath most of Mercury in it but it is inconstant
Gold is so digested ripened and made into such a fixt
You will say that this my speech is too dark for you
Medicines are not required that they should be administred in strange cases with a just Call but we should rather abide by those where the Body and its Disease have an equal temper with the superiour Stars and their assistance in vertue power and operation and so accord together in their juncture that there is not found the least contrariety
Soul of Lead consists in a sweet quality as also doth the Soul of Tin and sweeter yet that nothing almost may be compared to it being first of all purified to the highest by separation that the pure be well separated from the impure that a perfect accomplishment may succeed in the Operation: Otherwise the Spirit of Lead is by nature
Golden Magnet sticks and lies buried the resolution and opening of all Metals and Minerals their domination as also the first Matter of their generation their power over health; and again the coagulation and fixation of Metals together with the operation of expelling all Diseases: Take notice of this Key for it is Celestial
mystery of Gold which I will make good to you by an Example and Parable to certifie you whereby the possibility of Nature and its Mystery is to be found after this manner
malady; its Spirit is naturally
Solution take it out immediately that the Aqua Regis may do it no prejudice; for it will quickly dissolve the Tincture of the Antimony; for our Water in its nature is like to the Ostrich
Sulphur of Venus in the Emerald the Soul of Saturn in the Granate; in Tin the tincture which is found in the Topaz
Allom is esteemed
you may think this to be false yet you must take notice that seeing the Salt of Jupiter only by its Sulphur is made more corporal yet likewise it
Water and Fire out of which the Earth is generated by the help
manner Tin is nourished
You shall likewise know that you shall not obtain that perfect noble Oil in the least if it be extracted with corrected Vinegar poured upon the Antimony nor yet by Reverberation; and although its various colours may appear yet is it
Name of God and of the Eternal Trinity fine and very pure Mineral Antimony which is fair white massie
Jupiters Spirit is found not to be wanting in the least in the generation
Peace a Lord of Goodness a Ruler and Possessor of the middle Region; as concerning its State Essence Function Virtue Form and Substance; for it holds the mean; no special Disease can happen that Jupiter should cause any remarkable damage if its Medicine be used a little at once not too much in quantity; it is likewise thought needless where its
Example hereof from Silver which is dissolved
I must yet produce one comparison according to the Philosophical custom of the great Light of Heaven and of that little terrestrial fire here daily kindled and made to burn before our Eyes; because that great Light hath a magnetick simulation and an attractive living power with the small fire here on earth but yet it is unformal and incomprehensible only it
Goose nor to learn what is concealed
Luna in the veins of the Earth is not furnished with such a hot substance
Moon; for the Moon is much lesser
manner is to be observed and understood of the Metals
Planets so is its
I advise that it be not much used by Men and Women because it over cools Nature so that the Seed of both cannot perform their Natural Function; nor doth it much good to the Spleen and Bladder but in other cases it attracts flegmatick Humours unto it which raise up much Melancholy in Men; for Saturn is a Ruler
Light of the Sun is of a fiery
it by the Spirits but every kind of Silver hath one Ounce of Gold more or less in the Mark or 8 Ounces for Gold is so united with the Nature
Sydereal and Elementary out of which the terrestrial is generated it
Discourse be gross and not subtil yet you may learn thereby to know what is subtile
Elementary Light and Fire of the Sun; whereby the Stars move the Powers when its heat is perceived
You must not therefore quite reject Saturn nor in all points scornfully neglect him because its Natures and Virtues are known yet but unto few; for the Stone of the wise hath the first beginning of its Celestial highshining Colour only out of this Metal and from the influence of this Planet the Key of Constancy is delivered unto him
transmutation of any Metal can follow out of Saturn by reason of its great coldness only and except to coagulate common Mercury; for the cold Sulphur of Lead can qualifie and take away the hot running Spirit of the Quicksilver if the process be rightly ordered wherefore it is not amiss to observe that Mercury
nothing or of no value and unprofitable out of ignorance; even as the Disciples of the Lord going to Emaus their eyes were opened at the breaking of Bread that they knew wonder above wonder what the rich Creator hath placed in the vile creature the name is Hermes
Hearts of all men and yet all is one and one only thing
unto Honey in Taste its Mercury being made volatile gains a venomous quality; for it purges violently and penetrates through by force therefore it is not alwayes to be advised that its
It is evident that the Celestial
spiritually and heavenly Soul and Spirit and by the nourishment of the Earth in the Body of the Mother is formally brought up to perfection
God the Creator keep thee and grant unto all earthly Creatures who love and honour him the true understanding of all Gifts that thy Will may be done in Heaven and on Earth: This is enough revealed at present concerning
its degree and therefore the Mercury of Saturn by reason of its great coldness hath not so quick a running Life as that which is made of Gold
his heat can digest Iron and consume it to nothing; for the Water will consume it and turn it to a Mud that it shall remain only as a yellow Earth and then is it
aloft in the highest supremacy of all the Celestial planets so hath its Children of the lower Region succeeded it in Kind; and Nature hath permitted that Vulcan should conduct them to their like if Saturn be content; for the upper light gives occasion thereunto having generated an unfixt Body of Saturn penetrated with open pores that the Air can pass through this Saturnine Body that the Air can keep it aloft but the fire can quickly assault it because the body is not compact by reason of its
you lay Paper upon a Metal or Glass kindle and burn it the vegetable Mercury comes forth and flies away into the Air the Salt remaines in the ashes and the combustible Sulphur which is not so quickly consumed in the burning
Alexius of Piedmont in his seventh Book of Secrets calls it Talck even as John Jacob Wecker renders it in his Books of Secrets; but Talck is far different from Antimony
Saturn hath an especial ponderosity above other Metals yet observe when they are poured forth together after their union in the Flux the other Metals alwaies settle at the bottom even as it likewise comes to pass in the pouring of Antimony through with other Metals whereby it is evident that the other Metals
Oil of Antimony; it is a noble well sented virtuous and powerful Oil
He that is of such a resolution
inward parts of the Earth as in the Womb for the Earth is opened
I tell thee that Saturn is generated of little Sulphur
Body is white as a Diamond
eyes of all men but because the vertues and powers are very deeply buried and unknown to the most part therefore this matter is likewise esteemed
Labours prevent me therein of making a longer Narration I therefore put a Conclusion to this Treatise at present referring the other concerning the concealed Secrets of Minerals until I have a purpose to write further in a particular Treatise of Antimony Vitriol Brimstone Magnet and which in especial are endowed before others and depend upon those out of which Gold and Silver have their beginning middle and end together with the true transmutation particularly; which virtues and power they have received out of one thing wherein all these lie to be generated invisibly concealed together with all Metals; which matter is publick
Saphire its Rayment is gone and its
Melancholy wherefore its Spirit is used for one Melancholy
supremest Wisdom of this world a wisdom above all wisdom yea a wisdom above all Natural Reason and Understanding; for by this wisdom is comprehended
manifests and is proved that the great Light
Jupiter possesses almost the mean or middle place between Metals it being not too hot nor too cold not too warm nor too moist it hath no excess of Mercury nor of Salt and it hath the least of Sulphur in it; it is found to be white in Colour
you Physicians Whither is your
Spirit of Salt therewith extract the Sulphur of Gold separate the Oil of Salt from it rectifie the Sulphur of Gold with Spirit of Wine that it be pleasant without Corrosive; then take the true Oil of Vitriol made of the Vitriol of Verdigreece therein dissolve Mars thereof make a Vitriol again and again dissolve it into an Oil or Spirit which rectifie in like manner as before with Spirit of Wine conjoin them and abstract the Spirit of Wine from it resolve the Matter which remaines dry in Spirit of Mercury according to a just weight circulate and coagulate it when it is fix'd and permanent without Ascention
Saturn above other Salts; Saturn is also coagulated and made corporal; Ice
fire doth not burn so lively in dusky dark rainy weather nor manifests it self with joy in its operation as it doth when there is a fair pure serene unfalsified
its Body is not compact by reason of the abounding
Earth but the Seed which goes out of the Male into the Female is operated in both by the Sydereal
0 notes
millsogara · 4 years
Captain’s always right
Not all worlds are born equal. Some, like the lost forest planets of Hickory Doon, can support thousands of eco systems, rare birds, civilisations and insectoids and, were it not for the cripplingly high gravitational pull, would be a thriving tourist trap to this day. (As it is, there are enough splattered corpses and puddles of bone visible from the passing shuttle window and it’s hard for even the most hardened adventurer to look on undeterred.)
Others, like Demento, have nothing but ash.
“Bit hot.” Said Jager, fanning himself with a pack of plasters from his med kit.
“Borderline inhospitable, “said Micha, who could already start to feel her fair skin tighten as a rich layer of crackling formed on its surface. She turned to her captain, Franklin U.Saltese, who ordinarily stared down every planet with stoic resolve, but now wilted before her eyes like a dry petunia. She wanted to water him, but in all likelihood that would just boil him alive. “In fact, I don’t think we should stay here a moment longer than necessary. Let’s find the source of that distress beacon and get the hell out. I can feel my veins starting to froth.” As soon as she said it, her blood began to itch. All psychosomatic, she told herself.
Like a pustular youth, the planet’s surface was all cracked and broken, bloody scabs rose from the bubbling mire in great towers of molten rock and the whole place gave off a sickly, infected heat. The atmosphere was almost too dense to see through, but somewhere, pinned to the sky high above, shone a watery sun. This was not solar interference; this village was built on a huge volcano.
The island on which they stood, 13foot by 13 foot- just big enough to land a shuttle-bobbed and swayed with the fiery currents. A few steps away, a gap large enough to leap, lead to another rock and another. Some of the floating outcrops were more substantial, as such were home to houses. Quite ordinary buildings woven from stone and white picket fence, they clung to the side of the rocks like limpets.
“This place is not hospitable Mich’.” Frank panted, already breathing in more sulphur than he’d like. “In the same way as my aged mother is not hospitable; she doesn’t like visitors, and neither does Demento. Red is the colour of danger, the whole planet’s trying to tell us something. Let’s make this an ‘in out job’.”
“A Men to that.” She rolled up her sleeves. “The sleeves are up, Frank, I’m physically uncomfortable.”
Ordinarily, in any temperature below say 200oc, Frank was far from a sweaty wilting carrot- he took pride in his tan, his appearance, his toned physique. He enjoyed spending time at each locale they visited- picking up local cultures and striking bonds with the people. Some bonds were stronger than others. The Star force code- 1) Do not interfere with the natural order 2) keep calm and 3) don’t mate with the locals, only vaguely applied to him. He was captain after all. He did keep a condom tucked away for safety. Don’t want to leave the planet with one more problem when you leave.
As it was, he could already feel the condom dry and crack under the intense heat. He would have to throw it out as soon as they got back. Damn thing would be useless now.
He cast an eye around Dante’s inferno. Very unlikely to be used today anyway.
“Where did the distress signal come from?” Asked Jager.
Mac studied her tablet. “That building there.” She pointed ahead at the closest building, five times bigger than the rest, a huge triangular roof held aloft on three roman columns- the sort of simple structure that a child might make with blocks. From this distance, and through the vaporous fug, it was impossible to make out the intricate carvings, but it was clear this home was important. For one thing, unlike the limpet cottages, it did not look about to tumble off the side. A mayoral residence?
White paint reflected the hellish heat well, she was forced to close her eyes for a second, lest it blind her. When she opened them again, Frank had vanished.
“I’ll just head over here to enquire,” he yelled, bounding over the stones towards it. Micha winced. The heavy-footed bugger partially submerged every stone he landed on and it was only a matter of time before he fell too hard on one that was too small and ended up with first degree burns from the waist down. By a twist of fate, he made it, and they watched his stumpy frame climb up the mayoral boulder.
“What’s fleet footed Frank’s rush all of a sudden?” She asked.
“Hollyoaks is on in half an hour.” The doc shrugged. “He won’t want to miss it for this.”
“Oh shit, we finally get to find out where Brendon hid the moondust? I can’t miss this episode-“
“And you won’t.” He cast an eye around the bubbling lagoon. “Nothing much amiss here. No invading hordes, no star destroyers. No locals in sight, actually. It seems quite peaceful.”
She nudged his shoulder, pointed due East. He turned, careful not to rock their pebble, “there are some guys over there. We could ask them what’s going on.”
Sure enough, there was a small gaggle, three doddery old codgers lined up on the edge of a rock, staring gormlessly into a stream of lava as it went by, as if in search of their own reflections. With their bright red shells and puffy faces, the lava was a pretty good likeness. As was a slice of Margareta pizza with the topping peeled off. Dementans were meant to look like that. Scabby faced creatures, lepers with tortoise shells and pus spots. An odd race raised in sulphur and smoke.
“This better not be another prank distress call. “She grumbled, beginning the long shaky march over to where they stood. “I swear, if we miss Brendon’s last episode because of some joker who wanted to see a StarForce vessel fot the first time-“ she stopped mid stride. Mid moan.
They weren’t on their rock anymore. With a serine smile and a faint ‘plop’ they all put their palms together in a diving position and disappeared face first. Micha stood there, three rocks from Jager, three rocks from the suicide cult, unsure how to proceed. Demento’s weren’t meant to do that. And granted, it was quite distressing.
Frank scrabbled up the boulder. He had almost lost his footing once or twice down there, but each time, instinct took over. You may let yourself slide down the bark of a tree should your grip come loose while climbing in the park, or give into the inevitable halfway up a cliff, so long as you have faith in the harness round your waist, but when faced with certain death below, most people can find a handhold somewhere. Anywhere. They make do. Frank was Lazy, but death seemed like a drastic excuse for a rest break. Whenever he slipped, he scrabbled further up, his own momentum and the boulder’s slight curvature keeping him going until he finally reached the precipice on top. Smooth flat rock. He melted into it, exhausted. Knees scuffed and torn, his palms blistered blisters. This better be worth it. They best be in SERIOUS trouble. Frank rarely prayed for an air strike, but for the sake of whoever summoned him…
He rolled up onto his stomach, then to his knees and lumbered into the comparative shade of the building’s foyer. Lining the hallway were a hoard of Dementons.
He could tell by the effervescent ruby red of their shells, and the effort that had been put into polishing them, that these were the females of the species. They batted their burnt tomato eyelids and held out their sweaty hands. He gritted his teeth. Certainly, this had been a job for Misha, as foreign dignitary. Why had he stormed on ahead? He shook their hands, grimaced at the crispy flakes of skin that peeled off and accepted the odd little notes they pressed into his breast pocket.
He hated foreign cultures, traditions that he did not understand. That’s why he became a StarForce captain, to learn about other civilisations, so they weren’t so alien any more.
He continued down the corridor, shaking and nodding and smiling and by the time he reached the end, the big oak door, the mayor’s office, resting place of the big Kahone, he was none the wiser. But he was determined to have a good read about the Demeton culture later when he got back to the ship. Back to the ship with its library, it’s fridge full of ice-cold drinks… A sweat bead drippled down his forehead… With its luxurious airconditioning….
Then he set foot in the office and remembered why he had been so eager to rush on in the first place. The mayor had air conditioning too. Of course, he did.
“Hello sir-“
*She * did.
The lady major rose elegantly from her seat and wandered round the desk; hand outstretched. By now, Frank knew the protocol, he would not let himself down again. He smiled in greeting. Tried hard not to loom over her petit 5” frame as he pumped her clammy palm.
“We received you distress signal, madam!” he said, pulling back. “My crew and I came as fast as we could.”
“Oh yes,” her voice a sing song trill he had not expected from that body,” you did come fast. I thank you, captain. That shall be all.” She pottered back round the desk. He watched, dumfounded. She fought to wrestle her awkward backside back into the seat.
“Excuse me?”
“Crisis averted, captain- you’re free to go.”
“Yes, but what was the emergency? You sent out a Band One distress signal, with maximum penetration- you yelled for help at the top of your lungs, and we came to help.”
“Yes, captain, and I must say your alacrity did you proud. You’ve done very well for us and we’re hugely grateful. Now you and your crew are free to stay as long as you wish. But do not stay for our sake, we’re quite satisfied with your performance, and shall need you no further.”
“Quite satisfied?”
Her beady little eyes bulged; she gave a curt smile. Eager to be rid. “A good firm shake, yes.”
Frank bristled. “I’ll have you know that we do not come running for entertainment value, for whimsy or some cry for attention. There are penalties to wasting a Star Cruiser’s resources madam. Not to mention, in the time we’ve been here- proving ourselves to you- we may have been seriously needed elsewhere. If that’s true, may it hang guilty on your conscience-” He paused for breath, rants hard to maintain in such low oxygen, “but I am glad we lived up to your so very high standards.” There was paperwork for this. He could file a report back on the ship, get them fined for improper use of Force time. He glanced at his watch.
10 minutes till Hollyoaks - the deceitful decapod had held him up enough. In 10 minutes, they would finally be rid of bloody Brendon, the prancing arse had ruined his favourite galactic soap opera for weeks, and if frank missed this pivotal instalment because of… Whatever this was. Because he was trying to track down the requisite forms, scan them in to the trans molecular telefax, make the cavalcade of calls to Commander Chutney-
“But today, as it is your first offence, you shall get away with a warning.”
“Oh?” The Demento mayor was unperturbed.
“Yes, and a slap on the wrist.” He leant forward, smacked her arm, and turned on his heel to leave.
“Ohh, you are a saucy number.”
Frank gave a shiver and turned back. That was not the sort of comment you could leave the room on. It was cringeworthy. He certainly could not leave the planet on that note.
“Saucy… How?”
“We were lucky, captain, lucky it was you who received our distress signal. Do you know often we must advertise for foreign seed? How often that seed is vastly inferior to our desires?”
“What seed?”
“You even moisturise your hands! So soft, so considerate. You didn’t have to. We’ve been forced over the generations to mate with some very crusty dockers. Dockers with blistered finger tips and,” she shuddered,” hangnails that catch.”
“Thank you madam mayor, but I really must know what you meant by-“he was cut off by manic grunting as the woman strained and contorted before his eyes. One moment she was fine, aloof, the next bent forward in a hideous gurn, her stomach clutched in claw like hands. “What’s the matter?” he asked. “Indigestion?” Instinctively went to hold her hand-
“No silly- I’m about to lay our egg.”
“Your finger prints and my fingerprints,” she looked up at him, cheeks rosy, puffed, eyes crossed in concentration; all her features scrunched up contorted disarray. He whipped his hand back and stumbled to the door. This was no birth, this was a transformation, and he didn’t want to be around to see what heinous beast she turned into-
All too late. He found the handle, but the deed was done. The metamorphosis was complete. Her lips parted in a wet, exulted gasp. Her dress gave a flutter. A ruby red egg rolled out from underneath. Shiny, round, no bigger than a football. Frank resisted the urge to boot it through the window. He pressed himself to the door, as far away as possible from the inhuman Pez dispenser. “Our fingerprints bonded to make this blessed child!”
“Wait wait wait wait wait! You people do it with your… fingers?”
“Well of course- what do your species use?”
“That doesn’t matter.” He was already bright red, she couldn’t see the blush. “But… How could you let me come here and just… just.. harvest my DNA like that?”
“Are you calling into question the miracle of birth?” Her beady eyes narrowed. She bent to scoop up the egg in her arms.
“I’m calling into question your shonky set of morals, woman. I don’t know if that was rape, but it was certainly taking advantage. I didn’t know. I didn’t know what we were doing.”
“Well now you’ve been educated.” She continued to rock the large ball, made little cooing noises to it. Frank’s stomach flipped; he felt as though he were about to give birth too, or at the very least have kittens. This was his child, 50% of his genes, and the hideous Dementon was treating him as though he had no further claim to it. She had carried it in her intestinal papoose for what- maybe three minutes?- and shat it out on the carpet- that made it entirely her property? Did it hell as like. Protocol number 1 may be not to interfere with the natural order, but if Dementon didn’t have a Father’s for justice programme already, he may just have to set one up.
Frank settled for a strangled meow, and fled through the door.
The cast of dignitaries and well-wishers, which he now knew to be dirty dirty slags, only in it for his chromosomes,  watched him on the way out. He kept his chin up, strode past with nary a glance, but he could feel the wall of eyes. See the beautiful red prizes they clutched to their bosom. Out into Dante’s inferno. Out of the frying pan and into the fire-
“What’s this?” Micha storming towards him, arms pumping like pistons, steam practically puffing from her ears - a pissed of steam train.
“Oh… nothing…”
She came to a halt, none to nose. Held up a little red ball. Fantastic. They’d already travelled. “Cos they’re getting pooped out all over the place- and I was just wondering if you had any fatherly wisdom as to what made them?” The way she cocked her eyebrow and made that forehead vein throb, Frank got the feeling she knew full well what made them. Still, he decided to play along with her game of Guess Who.
“A very large hen?”
“No. I think you’ll find it was a very large cock!”
“I don’t know what you’re implying.”
“Oh great, well fine,” she stomped back and held the egg aloft above her head,” why don’t we celebrate then, with on massive, creepy omelette? Floor should be hot enough to cook it, don’t you think?”
With that her arms flexed and she went to smash his blessed child-
“No! Micha,” he sprung forward, grabbed her tightly, “no!” His voice crackled like the steam,” don’t cook my child!”
She wrestled out his grip. ““Ah, so you admit it!”
“Please, where did you find this one? Where’s the momma? Where did you get it?”
“Just lying round in a bush over there. Mum tried to sell it to me for $5 but she accepted some scotch eggs and pocket lint instead. I don’t think 90% of these mothers are very attached.” Frank was, Frank was very attached, he glared daggers round the island in case one hit a shameless hussy. Sell my child for snack food, he thought. Micha glared too, though her daggers were aimed at him.” What’s the main rule of star force Frank?”
“No intervention.”
“Yes. And keep calm.” He nodded emphatically.” And don’t mate with the locals.”
“I kept calm.”
“And you mated with everyone!”
“That’s a bit of an understatement.”
“You impregnated more than that??”
“Over statement! Overstatement! “He patted her arm.” You know what I mean.”
He scoured the area for possible allies. Jager. Where was Jager? Old bosom buddies from back in the academy days, the ship’s doctor would take his side. He’d certainly be nowhere near as judgemental as Micha here. The grey haired fool was miles away, poking a branch into some lava-flows- God knows why-  so he snapped his fingers at a rather well dressed woman instead. The woman had an egg of her own, and perhaps a husband.” You there- is that my kid?”
“Yes.” The woman nodded.
Perhaps not. “Okay, bad example. But how was I meant to know? How could I possibly have known?”
“Read the case file for the planet before you touch down. Don’t be a stumbling bumbling boob. I don’t know Frank, some element of forethought and research.”
“Okay, ‘read the case file’ is all very well and good, but it would help if that was in the StarForce code.”
“The code neglects to warn you about the perils of an open flame- would you burn yourself alive because the code doesn’t explicitly sate otherwise?”
“No. Not unless this whole planet wants me to pay child support. Then I might consider it.”
“Well while you’ve been spreading your wild oats, Jager and I have been actually getting to the bottom of the issue. You remember the planet-wide issue we were summoned here to sort?”
“Oh yes, about that-“
“Shush now frank, you’ve had your time to speak, let the adult finish her bit” Frank shut his mouth. If anything, her sass would make him relish his juicy revelation even more later. “It turns out, this planet has a massive suicide problem. Now I don’t know what it is- psychological manipulation, some brain rotting bacteria, death cult, but all of the old people have suddenly started killing themselves and if we don’t intervene-“
Micha stopped, shoved out the way by two decrepit locals, as they fought their way past to the edge of the precipice. One gave Frank a fleeting smile. He nodded politely. She didn’t see. She had already plunged head first into the lava. It was quite a drop, but in moments, her shell sank with a sickening hiss below the surface. Turtle soup. His stomach growled. He dropped his egg. Luckily it bounced.
“Jesus Christ, Micha-“ he couldn’t process the events- no sooner had the woman jumped, than her partner went to do the same-
Micha bounded forth to stop them- shot forward like a bolt. She would have made it too, were it not for one stray egg rolling idle along the floor. She saw the little beach ball, but saw it far too late.
Frank watched in horror as she stumbled with a crack and his beautiful child spilled greasy see-through innards all over the ground, instantly fried to a white and orange disk beneath their feet. His second in command slipped on the omelette, completely off balance, her arms a pinwheel blur-
He went to catch her
She toppled off the edge.
There was a flash of silence, before the sickening acrid splash.
Not all worlds are born equal, but all worlds are born to die. Demento is in full bloom now, but one day the sun will set, it’s coal fire cool to embers.
The final credits rolled, though Frank had barely paid attention. Hollyoaks, with its particular brand of melodrama, seemed a like crass interlude to the day’s events. Surreal and distracting when he had his own dramas to consider.
He closed Demento’s file, the one he should have read before they landed, but didn’t let himself feel guilty for neglecting. Afterall, Micha had not read the file either; otherwise she would have known. When one a new generation is born on the sterile planet down below- the oldest generation are driven to their death. It is a cycle as old as time, a song set in their DNA. Some primal instinct sent to serenade them to the grave. Like plants drawn to light… moths pulled to a flame. Their time is up. From fire they are birthed, and in lava they remain.
It is the natural order of things, and thus not her place to interfere.
By trying to save the bewildered pensioner, Micha was in fact in breach of protocol number 1. Frank felt a smile. Yes, Micha was even more wrong than him. He only broke protocols 2 and 3.
0 notes
notallballs · 7 years
Haikyuu!! Summer Reads
I love reading stories about summer, and some of my all-time favourite haikyuu!! fics are brilliant summer stories, packed full of whirlwind romance, heat, and heartbreak as the season ends. Some of these I know you’ll have read before, but give the others a shot, because they’re all magical in their own way :3
This got long so I’ll stash it under a cut, but please do share these wonderful fics around! :3
HOLIDAY READS: long fics to get your teeth into this summer
the unbreakable fear of losing - Kagesuga, M, 21369
“Kageyama will be with Sugawara.”Tobio’s eyes flit back towards the soft, welcoming smile that hasn’t dimmed once since they got off the bus, and his stomach flutters despite it roiling otherwise in anxious nerves. Sugawara seems nice and quiet, which are two qualities Tobio values in people he’s forced to spend time with Tobio volunteers as a Junior counselor at a summer camp with Sugawara as his mentor.
this is one of the first hq fics I read and remains one of my favourite fics of all time. it perfectly captures the fleeting sense of summer and teenage years coming to a close. everyone is wonderfully written, and the prose is magical. even if you’re not usually a kagesuga shipper, i really recommend giving this one a go. 
The Stars in Summer by @ellessey-writes​ - Daisuga, E, 34609
The summer before his senior year of high school, Suga is grounded, stuck in a small town he doesn’t know, with no friends, no plans for the break, and no end in sight. Then, as luck would have it, he meets Daichi.
Suddenly, it’s a big town, and an even bigger world, with the open sky up above—and someone for Suga to reach out and touch it with, before the long train ride back home.
another story that perfectly captures the brief, transitory feeling of summer, and summer crushes. this story has the most wonderful mix of long, hot, lazy days, and the desperation of time quickly running out where it seemed like it was going to last forever. beautifully written, and achingly romantic.
Azumane Asahi’s Big Gay Romance - Asanoya, T, 13646
The air-con gets cranky, Asahi gets a job, and Nishinoya gets his man.
When Noya comes out to the team, the air conditioning system in the gym makes one long impassioned wail at the top of its lungs and then proceeds to break down. Honestly, Asahi doesn’t know which he’s more distracted by: the fact that Noya just cheerfully confessed he likes to make out with guys behind the school bleachers, or the high-pitched death knells of their murdered air-con.
one of the first hq fics i read, and still one of the best. this has the upbeat, irreverent feel of the show mixed with a slice of life shojo. it’s ridiculous, adorable, and all the characters are utterly charming.
This Insignificant Pride and Prejudice by @poulerslashes and @mysecretfanmoments - Ushioi, T, 33655
Oikawa Tooru graduated high school with the burning desire to succeed in his college career. He'd hoped that might include taking down his arch-nemesis along the way, but when he finds that his college team hosts an offensively familiar face, he can't help but think that the universe might be conspiring against him. After all, what could be worse than playing on the same team as Ushijima?
it might already be obvious how much i love this story, considering that i wrote a sequel to it, but honestly. if you’re not sold on this ship yet then this is a fic that will get you there, and you’ll fall in love with ushijima just as surely as elizabeth fell in love with darcy. it’s fun and wonderfully thought out, with a rich supporting cast and spot on characterisation.
Sun Above Your Shoulders - Kagehina, T, 26444
Hinata and Kageyama go to different high schools and meet again in Okinawa for the first time since middle school.
"Toss for me!"
The boy is grinning, already leading the way onto the court, walking backwards. Unthinkingly, Kageyama starts to follow him, then stops, annoyed at himself.
"I don't even know your name," he says.
"Hinata Shouyou." Hinata steps to the right side of the net and waits.
this is so, so charming. hinata and kageyama are both beautifully written and this story perfectly encapsulates the feeling of long summer breaks and brief summer flings. it’s so exciting to see this first meeting between them in a different setting, in different circumstances, yet how quickly they click because volleyball. 
Under the Radar by @lilienpasse - Asanoya, E, 214188
Two weeks after Asahi rejoins the team, Noya finds himself starting to slip during practice. Missed receives, floor burns, the whole nine yards. But when Tanaka points out the possible cause, Noya's hard-pressed to believe him. There's no way someone as dopey yet implausibly-competent as Asahi could be the cause of all his distress. After all, Noya doesn't worry about much beyond the court, and he certainly doesn't hold grudges. Right? (Semi-AU) 
i wouldn’t normally put a wip on a rec list like this, but if you’ve exhausted all your other summer reading, this is hands down one of my favourite fics ever, and it’s got this deep ache of wonderful summer feelings all the way through it. the characters are so genuine and relatable, and there’s so much wonderful worldbuilding. a lot of thought and love has gone into this (and you have my solemn promise the author is still working on it! ;3)
QUICKIES: something to occupy a lunch break or a bus ride, or curl up in bed with
Best Friends by @mysecretfanmoments​ - Kuroken, E, 6307
Every evening they walk home together, Kuro smelling of salt and suntan lotion, Kenma’s hands sore from scooping ice cream all day, and it feels nice. Peaceful.
He’s glad Kuro came, after all.
((During the two weeks he spends manning his uncle's ice cream booth on the coast, Kenma decides that maybe he likes his best friend back, after all))
this story is all about that heat i mentioned, but it’s so much more than just a pwp. the writing is poetry, and every line is fraught with warmth and emotion, you can feel the urgency rolling off the screen.
the yeah yeah yeah song by @keptein - Bokuroo, T, 4681
And the light from the stage catches in the guy’s hair, so blond it shines white like a beacon, like one of the stars overhead. Tetsurou leans over and yells in his ear, hand on one solid shoulder, “Cool hair!”
 “You too!” the guy yells back, “I dig the sex hair look!”
i think this might be the fic that made me fall in love with this ship. it perfectly captures the feeling of summer festivals, the warm sense of belonging, of being out in the heat enjoying something together. it’s wonderfully laid back, and bokuto and kuroo are both so young and vivid, it’s addictive.
and it may be foolish to fall as i do - Bokuroo, E, 5604
There's a trampoline in the middle of the courtyard across from Kuroo's first class.
another story that just gorgeously captures this ship, and the feeling of being young and a bit reckless, not to mention the painfully relatable feeling of falling for a total stranger. 
A Productive Summer Break - Ushioi, M, 9079
Ushijima and Oikawa try to improve their teamwork over summer break.
this story is just boiling over with barely repressed tension. it was such a captivating read, and had a fantastic mix of romance and pragmatism that made it really enjoyable.
Lifeguard Dude by @zanimez​ - Kurodai, E, 6945
It's spring break.
Everything is going great, until Daichi looks up and sees the hottest lifeguard he's ever seen in his life.
this is one of the fics that really sold me on this ship, it’s funny and sexy and all the supporting characters are brilliant
95 notes · View notes
notifychill4-blog · 5 years
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
Show someone you love by making them a heart-shaped chocolate chip cookie cake from scratch. You can make this cookie cake recipe for Valentine’s Day or for a birthday!
It’s that time of year again, where I’m sharing a heart shaped dessert and sharing with you our wonderful Good Cookie Food Bloggers’ Valentine’s Day event that benefits Cookies for Kids’ Cancer (C4KC).
For seven years now, I have been fundraising for this wonderful charity because childhood cancer is the #1 cause of death of children by disease in the US and because we need more pediatric cancer research money!
This is our third year for our V-Day event and I love love that these brands, OXO, Mediavine and Dixie Crystals are all matching funds raised up to $3000.
I do want to mention that I don’t make any money on this event…this is all volunteer for me and all of the money goes directly to C4KC! Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post where you can see the full list of bloggers participating and links to their recipes!
I also launched a shop and the first items for sale are Baked with Love t-shirts and tote bags. I’m donating all of the proceeds from these sales to C4KC too!
Hurry though, we the presale for these items go through the end of this week (Friday). We have to have enough orders in order to print the shirts and tote bags! Thank you for your huge support!
Can you freeze chocolate chip cookie cake?
Yes, you can free a chocolate chip cookie cake! Just make sure it’s sealed and it taste just fine when you defrost it to eat later. It will be better if you cut it up first before freezing.
How to make chocolate chip cookie cake from scratch
Here’s how to make a chocolate chip cookie cake from scratch. It’s really easy. Just follow the steps and step by step photos below.
Mix flour, salt, baking soda and ground cinnamon in a medium sized mixing bowl. Mix together and set aside.
Pack the sugar when measuring, I use a teaspoon to pack it.
Add butter, brown sugar and granulated sugar to a medium sized mixing bowl. Using an electric hand mixer, cream the butter and sugars together.
Add vanilla extract and the egg…
and continue mixing with the electric mixer.
Add the dry ingredients in two batches and combine with a rubber spatula, don’t over mix.
The dough is ready for the chocolate chips.
Add 1/2 cup chocolate chips and stir into the cookie dough with a rubber spatula.
Spray heart shaped cookie cake pan with baking spray.
Pour cookie dough into the cookie cake pan.
Spray an offset spatula with baking spray and spread the dough out.
You don’t have to spread it all the way to the edge because it will spread when it bakes. I add the remaining 1/4 cup of chocolate chips on top. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes.
While the cookie cake is baking in the oven. Make the dark chocolate ganache frosting.
Add dark chocolate to a stainless steel mixing bowl.
Melt butter in a small sauce pan on your stove at low heat. Once it has melted, turn the heat to medium. Watch the butter carefully (don’t allow it to brown), when it starts to bubbling, turn your timer to one minute. Allow the butter to bubble for about a minute.
Then take the melted butter over the chocolate in the bowl. Let the chocolate sit for minutes, don’t stir it.
After the five minutes, stir with a rubber spatula until it’s completely mixed together and all of the chocolate is melted.
Let the chocolate sit and cool completely and set, about 45 minutes.
After the cookie cake has cooled. Place the chocolate frosting into a decorator bag and using a 1M tip, pipe stars on the edge of the cookie cake.
I pipe some more frosting onto each piece after I cut it, before serving.
The cookie is super soft because I use more brown sugar than granulated sugar! It’s so so good! You’ll need this heart-shaped cookie cake pan to make this recipe. You can also use a round cake pan, just be sure to spray it thoroughly with baking spray.
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 18 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes (includes inactive time)
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake Recipe
Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
1 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
pinch of ground cinnamon
1 Stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
1 large egg, beaten
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup plus 1/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips
Dark Chocolate Ganache Frosting
8 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped
6 Tablespoons unsalted butter
sprinkles (optional)
Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
Turn your oven on to 350 degrees F. Spray heart shaped cookie cake pan with baking spray.
Mix flour, salt, baking soda and ground cinnamon in a medium sized mixing bowl. Mix together and set aside.
Add butter, brown sugar and granulated sugar to a medium sized mixing bowl. Using an electric hand mixer, cream the butter and sugars together. Add vanilla extract and the egg and continue mixing.
Add the dry ingredients in two batches and combine with a rubber spatula, don’t over mix.
Add chocolate chips and stir into the cookie dough with a rubber spatula.
Pour cookie dough into the cookie cake pan. Spray an offset spatula with baking spray and spread the dough out. You don’t have to spread it all the way to the edge because it will spread when it bakes.
I add the remaining 1/4 cup of chocolate chips on top.
Bake for 15 to 18 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a couple of cookie cups comes out with crumbs.
Remove from the oven and place the cookie cake on a cooling rack and allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing. Allow to completely cool before decorating and cutting.
Dark Chocolate Ganache Frosting
Add dark chocolate to a stainless steel mixing bowl.
Melt butter in a small sauce pan on your stove at low heat. Once it has melted, turn the heat to medium. Watch the butter carefully (don’t allow it to brown), when it starts to bubbling, turn your timer to one minute. Allow the butter to bubble for about a minute.
Then take the melted butter over the chocolate in the bowl.
Let the chocolate sit for minutes, don’t stir it. After the five minutes, stir with a rubber spatula until it’s completely mixed together and all of the chocolate is melted.
Let the chocolate sit and cool completely and set, about 45 minutes.
Add to a decorator bag with a star tip. Add swirls of chocolate ganache to the edge of the cookie cake. You can add sprinkles after adding the swirls if you want!
Be sure to check out these other Valentine’s Day inspired recipes from my blogger friends!
Læsø Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies from Camilla of Culinary Adventures with Camilla Meyer Lemon Cookies from Linda of Simply Healthyish Recipes Soft & Chewy Gluten Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies from Allie of Miss Allie’s Kitchen Small Batch Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe from Faith of An Edible Mosaic Chocolate Madeleines from Caroline of Caroline’s Cooking Rainbow Rice Krispie Treats from Bree of Baked Bree Tiger Butter Candy from Melissa of MamaGourmand Valentine’s Day Gluten Free Sugar Cookies from Brianna of Flippin’ Delicious Chocolate Spritz Sandwich Cookies from Carlee of Cooking With Carlee Pink Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies from Jenn of Ever After in the Woods French Butter Cookies from Rebekah of Kitchen Gidget Brown Sugar M&M Cookies from Sara of Imperfectly Balanced Sara mini rose cookies from Meaghan of the decorated cookie Raspberry Linzer Cookies from Stephie of Stephie Cooks Red Velvet Brownies with White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting from Coleen of The Redhead Baker Lemon Poppyseed Cookies from Becca of Two Places at Once Warn Dark Chocolate Melting Cups from Lisa of Snack Girl Salted Dark Chocolate Cookies from Jessica of A Kitchen Addiction Cherry Cordial Bundt Cake from Carolann of Apron Warrior Nutella Stuffed Cookies from Allison of Celebrating Sweets Strawberry Pudding Cookies from Holly of A Baker’s House Slice and Bake Whirligig Cookies from Laura of Untwisted Vintage Raspberry Strawberry Cookies from Heather of Delicious Not Gorgeous Chocolate Strawberry Hand Pie from Trang of Wild Wild Whisk White Chocolate Cashew Cranberry Cookies from Brittany of Diary of a Southern Mrs. The Best Potato Chip Cookies Recipe from Marybeth of Babysavers Darth Vader Valentine’s Day Hug Cookies to Support Cookies for Kid’s Cancer from Jenn of justJENN recipes Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies with Jam from Lisa of Garlic & Zest Sprinkled Chocolate Shortbread Heart Cookies from Lisa of Blogghetti Double Chocolate Chip Cookies from Dee of Meatloaf and Melodrama Homemade Salted Nut Rolls from Shaina of Food for My Family Valentine Sugar Cookie Cups from Melissa of Persnickety Plates Chocolate Dipped Cashew Butter Cookies from Ashley of Fit Mitten Kitchen Chocolate Vanilla Striped Shortbread Cookies from Denise of Chez Us Pineapple Coconut Bar Cookies from Barbara of Barbara Bakes Chocolate Raspberry Roll-Ups from Sue of It’s Okay to Eat the Cupcake Raspberry and Rose Meringue Parfaits from Michelle of Cup of Zest Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies from Jade of Jonesin’ For Taste Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies from Emilie of Finding Zest Chocolate Mousse Cups from Miranda of Cookie Dough and Oven Mitt Grain-Free Dark Chocolate Raspberry Tart from Gretchen of kumquat Chocolate Shortbread Cookies from Sara of My Imperfect Kitchen Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie from Angela of About A Mom Honey Pistachio Shortbread from Megan of Stetted Red Velvet Oreo Cheesecake Cookies from Nicole of For the Love of Food Chewy Coconut Macaroon Hearts (Gluten Free) from Taryn of Hot Pan Kitchen Chocolate Peanut Butter Valentine’s Cookies from Becca of The Salted Cookie Chocolate Caramel Pie from Stefanie of Mommy Musings Gluten-Free Red Velvet Brownies Dairy-Free from Audrey of Mama Knows Gluten Free Chocolate Raspberry Cupcakes from Erica of The Crumby Kitchen Dark Chocolate Bourbon Coconut Cream Mousse from Lisa of Taste Cook Sip Maple Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies from Jamie of Southern Revivals Red Velvet Mini Layer Cakes from Gwynn of Swirls of Flavor The Best Potato Chip Cookies Recipe from Marybeth of babysavers Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies from Kara of Kara in the Kitchen Brown Sugar Snickerdoodles from Kristin of On the Home Front Valentine’s Gummy Hearts from April of April Golightly Cocoa Sweet Dough Hearts from TammyJo of The Chocolate Cult Heart-Shaped Sugar Cookie Cutouts from Susannah of Feast + West Cranberry Pecan Oatmeal Cookies from Denise of addicted 2 recipes Shortbread Cookie Recipe from Raquel of Organized Island
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Posted on February 4, 2019
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Source: https://www.thelittlekitchen.net/chocolate-chip-cookie-cake/
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runfront3-blog · 5 years
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
Show someone you love by making them a heart-shaped chocolate chip cookie cake from scratch. You can make this cookie cake recipe for Valentine’s Day or for a birthday!
It’s that time of year again, where I’m sharing a heart shaped dessert and sharing with you our wonderful Good Cookie Food Bloggers’ Valentine’s Day event that benefits Cookies for Kids’ Cancer (C4KC).
For seven years now, I have been fundraising for this wonderful charity because childhood cancer is the #1 cause of death of children by disease in the US and because we need more pediatric cancer research money!
This is our third year for our V-Day event and I love love that these brands, OXO, Mediavine and Dixie Crystals are all matching funds raised up to $3000.
I do want to mention that I don’t make any money on this event…this is all volunteer for me and all of the money goes directly to C4KC! Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post where you can see the full list of bloggers participating and links to their recipes!
I also launched a shop and the first items for sale are Baked with Love t-shirts and tote bags. I’m donating all of the proceeds from these sales to C4KC too!
Hurry though, we the presale for these items go through the end of this week (Friday). We have to have enough orders in order to print the shirts and tote bags! Thank you for your huge support!
Can you freeze chocolate chip cookie cake?
Yes, you can free a chocolate chip cookie cake! Just make sure it’s sealed and it taste just fine when you defrost it to eat later. It will be better if you cut it up first before freezing.
How to make chocolate chip cookie cake from scratch
Here’s how to make a chocolate chip cookie cake from scratch. It’s really easy. Just follow the steps and step by step photos below.
Mix flour, salt, baking soda and ground cinnamon in a medium sized mixing bowl. Mix together and set aside.
Pack the sugar when measuring, I use a teaspoon to pack it.
Add butter, brown sugar and granulated sugar to a medium sized mixing bowl. Using an electric hand mixer, cream the butter and sugars together.
Add vanilla extract and the egg…
and continue mixing with the electric mixer.
Add the dry ingredients in two batches and combine with a rubber spatula, don’t over mix.
The dough is ready for the chocolate chips.
Add 1/2 cup chocolate chips and stir into the cookie dough with a rubber spatula.
Spray heart shaped cookie cake pan with baking spray.
Pour cookie dough into the cookie cake pan.
Spray an offset spatula with baking spray and spread the dough out.
You don’t have to spread it all the way to the edge because it will spread when it bakes. I add the remaining 1/4 cup of chocolate chips on top. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes.
While the cookie cake is baking in the oven. Make the dark chocolate ganache frosting.
Add dark chocolate to a stainless steel mixing bowl.
Melt butter in a small sauce pan on your stove at low heat. Once it has melted, turn the heat to medium. Watch the butter carefully (don’t allow it to brown), when it starts to bubbling, turn your timer to one minute. Allow the butter to bubble for about a minute.
Then take the melted butter over the chocolate in the bowl. Let the chocolate sit for minutes, don’t stir it.
After the five minutes, stir with a rubber spatula until it’s completely mixed together and all of the chocolate is melted.
Let the chocolate sit and cool completely and set, about 45 minutes.
After the cookie cake has cooled. Place the chocolate frosting into a decorator bag and using a 1M tip, pipe stars on the edge of the cookie cake.
I pipe some more frosting onto each piece after I cut it, before serving.
The cookie is super soft because I use more brown sugar than granulated sugar! It’s so so good! You’ll need this heart-shaped cookie cake pan to make this recipe. You can also use a round cake pan, just be sure to spray it thoroughly with baking spray.
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 18 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes (includes inactive time)
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake Recipe
Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
1 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
pinch of ground cinnamon
1 Stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
1 large egg, beaten
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup plus 1/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips
Dark Chocolate Ganache Frosting
8 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped
6 Tablespoons unsalted butter
sprinkles (optional)
Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake
Turn your oven on to 350 degrees F. Spray heart shaped cookie cake pan with baking spray.
Mix flour, salt, baking soda and ground cinnamon in a medium sized mixing bowl. Mix together and set aside.
Add butter, brown sugar and granulated sugar to a medium sized mixing bowl. Using an electric hand mixer, cream the butter and sugars together. Add vanilla extract and the egg and continue mixing.
Add the dry ingredients in two batches and combine with a rubber spatula, don’t over mix.
Add chocolate chips and stir into the cookie dough with a rubber spatula.
Pour cookie dough into the cookie cake pan. Spray an offset spatula with baking spray and spread the dough out. You don’t have to spread it all the way to the edge because it will spread when it bakes.
I add the remaining 1/4 cup of chocolate chips on top.
Bake for 15 to 18 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a couple of cookie cups comes out with crumbs.
Remove from the oven and place the cookie cake on a cooling rack and allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing. Allow to completely cool before decorating and cutting.
Dark Chocolate Ganache Frosting
Add dark chocolate to a stainless steel mixing bowl.
Melt butter in a small sauce pan on your stove at low heat. Once it has melted, turn the heat to medium. Watch the butter carefully (don’t allow it to brown), when it starts to bubbling, turn your timer to one minute. Allow the butter to bubble for about a minute.
Then take the melted butter over the chocolate in the bowl.
Let the chocolate sit for minutes, don’t stir it. After the five minutes, stir with a rubber spatula until it’s completely mixed together and all of the chocolate is melted.
Let the chocolate sit and cool completely and set, about 45 minutes.
Add to a decorator bag with a star tip. Add swirls of chocolate ganache to the edge of the cookie cake. You can add sprinkles after adding the swirls if you want!
Be sure to check out these other Valentine’s Day inspired recipes from my blogger friends!
Læsø Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies from Camilla of Culinary Adventures with Camilla Meyer Lemon Cookies from Linda of Simply Healthyish Recipes Soft & Chewy Gluten Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies from Allie of Miss Allie’s Kitchen Small Batch Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe from Faith of An Edible Mosaic Chocolate Madeleines from Caroline of Caroline’s Cooking Rainbow Rice Krispie Treats from Bree of Baked Bree Tiger Butter Candy from Melissa of MamaGourmand Valentine’s Day Gluten Free Sugar Cookies from Brianna of Flippin’ Delicious Chocolate Spritz Sandwich Cookies from Carlee of Cooking With Carlee Pink Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies from Jenn of Ever After in the Woods French Butter Cookies from Rebekah of Kitchen Gidget Brown Sugar M&M Cookies from Sara of Imperfectly Balanced Sara mini rose cookies from Meaghan of the decorated cookie Raspberry Linzer Cookies from Stephie of Stephie Cooks Red Velvet Brownies with White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting from Coleen of The Redhead Baker Lemon Poppyseed Cookies from Becca of Two Places at Once Warn Dark Chocolate Melting Cups from Lisa of Snack Girl Salted Dark Chocolate Cookies from Jessica of A Kitchen Addiction Cherry Cordial Bundt Cake from Carolann of Apron Warrior Nutella Stuffed Cookies from Allison of Celebrating Sweets Strawberry Pudding Cookies from Holly of A Baker’s House Slice and Bake Whirligig Cookies from Laura of Untwisted Vintage Raspberry Strawberry Cookies from Heather of Delicious Not Gorgeous Chocolate Strawberry Hand Pie from Trang of Wild Wild Whisk White Chocolate Cashew Cranberry Cookies from Brittany of Diary of a Southern Mrs. The Best Potato Chip Cookies Recipe from Marybeth of Babysavers Darth Vader Valentine’s Day Hug Cookies to Support Cookies for Kid’s Cancer from Jenn of justJENN recipes Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies with Jam from Lisa of Garlic & Zest Sprinkled Chocolate Shortbread Heart Cookies from Lisa of Blogghetti Double Chocolate Chip Cookies from Dee of Meatloaf and Melodrama Homemade Salted Nut Rolls from Shaina of Food for My Family Valentine Sugar Cookie Cups from Melissa of Persnickety Plates Chocolate Dipped Cashew Butter Cookies from Ashley of Fit Mitten Kitchen Chocolate Vanilla Striped Shortbread Cookies from Denise of Chez Us Pineapple Coconut Bar Cookies from Barbara of Barbara Bakes Chocolate Raspberry Roll-Ups from Sue of It’s Okay to Eat the Cupcake Raspberry and Rose Meringue Parfaits from Michelle of Cup of Zest Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies from Jade of Jonesin’ For Taste Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies from Emilie of Finding Zest Chocolate Mousse Cups from Miranda of Cookie Dough and Oven Mitt Grain-Free Dark Chocolate Raspberry Tart from Gretchen of kumquat Chocolate Shortbread Cookies from Sara of My Imperfect Kitchen Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie from Angela of About A Mom Honey Pistachio Shortbread from Megan of Stetted Red Velvet Oreo Cheesecake Cookies from Nicole of For the Love of Food Chewy Coconut Macaroon Hearts (Gluten Free) from Taryn of Hot Pan Kitchen Chocolate Peanut Butter Valentine’s Cookies from Becca of The Salted Cookie Chocolate Caramel Pie from Stefanie of Mommy Musings Gluten-Free Red Velvet Brownies Dairy-Free from Audrey of Mama Knows Gluten Free Chocolate Raspberry Cupcakes from Erica of The Crumby Kitchen Dark Chocolate Bourbon Coconut Cream Mousse from Lisa of Taste Cook Sip Maple Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies from Jamie of Southern Revivals Red Velvet Mini Layer Cakes from Gwynn of Swirls of Flavor The Best Potato Chip Cookies Recipe from Marybeth of babysavers Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies from Kara of Kara in the Kitchen Brown Sugar Snickerdoodles from Kristin of On the Home Front Valentine’s Gummy Hearts from April of April Golightly Cocoa Sweet Dough Hearts from TammyJo of The Chocolate Cult Heart-Shaped Sugar Cookie Cutouts from Susannah of Feast + West Cranberry Pecan Oatmeal Cookies from Denise of addicted 2 recipes Shortbread Cookie Recipe from Raquel of Organized Island
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Posted on February 4, 2019
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Source: https://www.thelittlekitchen.net/chocolate-chip-cookie-cake/
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allisonyasuko · 6 years
THE SHIT SHOW CALLED TELEPHONE - oh and we all have one, or two or more.
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I just researched the music video titled “Gangsta’s Paradise” by Coolio. Originally, I was searching for LYRICS, but then since my search lacked “lyrics” I in turn, got the results for the video’s general information, vague, specific, all meets order and chaos. So, one of the first links that were clickable, was the usual Wikipedia which is sometimes often very helpful indeed, but also cowritten and authored by all of you and i and me and us and they. 
I proceed and clicked the Wikipedia link. 
In the beginning I read more praise concerning the accomplishments related to awards, approval ratings, numbers, and even some feedback. 
However, I found this passage, which is pictured AND highlighted above, VERY uncomfortable and even a little disturbing because of the language used and even the inaccuracies. Who “disected” Coolio’s mind and did they READ his lyrics and LISTEN to the song? Do they know about HISTORY and what has happened to Black and African American people? do they know that some and most populations have been enslaved?
If youre in debt, it’s harder to get back on top, if it was or wasnt your fault, so who are you to judge or say what is. If you’re born into a system that may treat a women or a group like a beaten dog, and you’ve got a broken heart or a broken leg, might one who has been degraded feel entrapped by the exterior factors.... and why?.... because they can’t control those things? WHO ARE YOU TO SAY WHAT IS OR WHAT ISNT, WHAT WILL BE, and WHAT WAS BECAUSE WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE SOMEONE ELSE, BUT ONLY OURSELVES. 
We only have our heart and our minds. Within ourselves.
Ourselves is who we are, and that’s who we ultimately have and that’s 
what COOLIO is SINGING about. 
The point is that both these two individual characters have something in common, theres a similarity that runs between them, and thats a common denominator. It may be pain from life or being put down, but theres the same vein that runs in and between both of them. Call it heart, Call it a mind hopefully right, call it a vein, call it blood, maybe soul. 
Random author on Wikipedia’s 1st and foremost statement: 
Coolio begins by reflecting on his life in a Biblical fashion: that his partaking in hoodlum activities has drained him of hope, and his damaged relationship with his mother.
He’s making a reference perhaps to his beliefs too. his moral convictions. 
He’s not perfect, and no one really is. 
He’s praying and hoping for a better day. 
The bible isnt just a story, it’s also a metaphor. 
Gangsta’s paradise....... LIFE IS A JUNGLE, some have it easier, some have it harder, 
Coolio echoes, sings, and howls, “Tell me WHY are we so blind to see that the ones we hurt are you and me?”
This is a very Universal and micro  problem. 
He searching cuz what’s going on is not okay and dandy. He has to keep living to search, but staying alive, is damn hard enough, because theres a cage around, and there’s a brokenness inside the system. 
  Random author on Wikipedia: 
“the narrative turns at this point with Coolio threatening rival gangs with certain death in the event that they take verbal liberties or transgress into his territory.” 
WOW Did this person watch too much Herzog.... “certain death.”      ?????
“transgress into his territory?” is random author on wikipedia saying a human is an animal? and if there are territorial habits, i wonder why? what came before now?
Random author on Wikipedia: 
“subsequently educates the listener on the history behind his current position in society; explaining the way in which his upbringing has entrapped him by creating his lust for power, money and murder. “
Im pretty sure everyone needs money to survive and in some areas the income to the jobs arent as good or arent so common. 
AND WHO WOULD REALLY LUST FOR MURDER, IT’s DEFINITELY NOT GOING ON IN THIS SONG, and if there is a murder maniac person, they have something going on inside, it’s not LUST. 
Random author on Wikipedia:
“It is at this point that he acknowledges the uncertainty of his survival on the street. Coolio therefore begins to lament the cyclical nature of the violence in which he partakes, as well as elucidating the collective chaos created by individual greed, selfishness and a lack of education or role models.”
not even going to waste my time on this wreck of a paragraph. If one will try to use big vocabulary words to prove a point or to heighten their stance comparatively, it’s useful and beneficial to use the voabulary in the correct context and order, or youre just a bastard.  
the individual greed: started way back before COOLIO not from Coolio and he def doesnt have “greed” in the song
Selfishness: he can be selfish because a) who are we to judge b) he only has himself right now c) being selfish doesnt always have to be bad
lack of education: He has a big eduacation, but maybe not the same one as you or her or he or them
Role models: where are the role models? Who are the rolde models? When are there or are these role models there? And why? and HOW? WHAT FOR? WHY?
How come?
Random author on Wikipedia writes/ states: 
“He ends his personal journey on a hopeless admission: that his situation and surroundings will never improve.”
hopeless? Not sure how it’s hopeless when the gospel is running through the whole song. That’s a high. 
in the words of THE Random author on Wikipedia: THE RANDOM AUTHOR ON WIKIPEDIA ends his personal journey on a hopeless admission: that his situation and surroundings will never improve.
And perhaps Random author on Wikipedia  may be writing either with his own experiences, his own understanding, his prior stigmas of a Black and or African American Man, Person, or population, his HISTORY, his SYSTEM, his OWN COMPLEX that is infecting my own understanding of a truth, exaserbating an ongoing problem, adding negativity and fuel to a fire and spreading more hot dim heat to more minds, more eyes, more ideas, and just isnt really true.  
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