pink-pone · 6 months
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They really gave us so many unique and fascinating designs that I honestly think are slept on
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arcs-journal · 6 days
On the recurring Monster Complaints
Every year, around the same time, we get a mess of complaints about increases in Magical monster attacks on various roads and even in smaller villages and towns around Equestria requesting armed response from the guards.
To clarify, this rotating time has been rather suspect for a long period of time, although researchers claim that it is just after many monster's mating or reproductive cycles, which means many monsters are vying for more territory and therefore try to expand their own. Because of that, monsters make frequent attacks on various places. The most common ones we hear about are Timberwolves, Manticores, Vampire Fruit Bats, Cragadiles and Parasprites.
Timberwolves are naturally aggressive creatures to begin with, and ones seeking new hunting grounds are especially so, and will fiercely attack any threats to their pack. Although mostly seen in densely wooded areas, these omnivorous creatures can be a menace in open plains, consuming those creatures who reside in that habitat, and leaving naught but brush and dried twigs behind.
Manticores are similar to Timberwolves in ferocity, although they are usually solitary creatures. The venom in their Scorpian-like tail is a powerful paralytic and an affective anaesthetic if properly processed. Their large paws hide deadly claws, and their fangs can rip and tear with extreme prejudice. It's best to stay well clear of any Manticore you see. There have been noted reports of Manticores being tamed and kept as guardian pets, but I wouldn't suggest doing so. They are dangerous from birth, and their poison only dull with age, meaning the youngsters' are at their most potent.
Vampire Fruit bats are more a nuisance than anything else thankfully, and can usually be peacefully relocated with naught more than a bite or two. Just be careful, some of them don't have the best hygiene and their bite may become infected. Some antibiotics and bed rest though, and you'll be right as rain.
Cragadiles are rare and difficult to deal with creatures, who really don't like to be bothered. Their thick skins make it actually easier to relocate them than attempt to slay them. It's like trying to cut a boulder with a spoon edge. Just... report them if they're out of place and let more qualified ponies deal with that.
Parasprites are a pest, and must be reported on sight. After the events in Ponyville, as reported by Princess Twilight Sparkle, Parasprites are carefully monitored by an actual team of ponies in the Equestrian Wildlife Bureau to make sure they never grow to plague proportions, as the famine that could cause would be monstrous.
As the Royal Guard do not, however, have the ponypower to spare, we often and usually turn to a licensed guild of registered Monster Hunters. We are careful in vetting these brave beings, and pay them handsomely depending on the job required, and they are free to seek their own fortunes as well, so long as they listen to and accept our requests if possible.
On a quieter, more absurd note, it has been reported by a few ponies, who have yet to be vetted properly and many who were acting quite... unbefitting of proper Equestrians. Raving about Succubi and such nonsense. A myth long since forgotten. Absurdities, but I have taken to filing them away along with descriptions, times, dates and the pony's names and locations just in case. Might be an epidemic of some kind.
Signing off Arc
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mlp410nightcore · 3 months
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Hi Everyone!! These three are my new CMC next gens for my Blossom Love AU. Cinnamon Apple's parents are Apple Bloom and Fran Bow. Lilly Blossom's parents are Sweetie Belle and Hollow Knight and Hurricane's parents are Scootaloo and Frisk. Cinnamon Apple is very kind and super understanding. He's always trying to see both sides of an argument in order to have both parties reach a good conclusion. Cinnamon Apple was gifted his crystal necklace by Phoebe (Samurai Jack and Itward's Daughter) in order to protect him and anyone near him from kamalas and other dangerous creatures. Lilly Blossom is super sweet and really helpful. She tries her hardest to also be an amazing singer just like her mother. Hurricane is super fast and somewhat competitive but never to his friends. He's loves to fly whenever he gets a chance. Hurricane is also transgender as he used to be a girl named Hailey before he transitioned to a boy named Hurricane. His parents and his friends accepted Hurricane for who he is and always will. Hurricane got his scars when he was trying to save his friends from a cragadile but thankfully he survived with minor injuries. Credit goes to Selenaede for the bases that I used and to the creators of My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic, Fran Bow, Hollow Knight, Samurai Jack and Undertale for creating the characters and the shows and video games that I mentioned. I only take credit for my next gens and the Blossom Love AU. I hope you guys like them.
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 3 months
As soon bunny hugs him tightly as soon bring mizuki too as bunny happily snuggle against haruki and mizuki as he has a warm look on his face too as soon twilight goes to mizuki page
*Haruki and Mizuki smile as they hug Bunny back and lean into him.*
Twilight: Mizuki, although you're rather... aloof at times, and your feelings are often unclear, one thing that never had room for question was your courage and lack of hesitance to protect all of us. In the face of fear during Discord's test, the sound of your siblings broke through and came to you first and foremost. Even after the Cragadile that attacked us was immobilized, you took no chances and pushed the tree onto its head to make sure it wouldn't try again anytime soon.
Mizuki: Well, duh. I'd never leave my friends or siblings behind when they need me. It's one of my family principles, after all. And considering the absolute beefcake that crocodile was, there's no way it wasn't gonna break out of that.
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glapplebloom · 8 months
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Yay! Slice of Life again!
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After hearing a story about her parents, Scootaloo is excited because her parents are coming over to spend time with her. Her Aunts suggested Scootaloo showing them around Ponyville and her usual favorite spots but the Parents wanted to share their love of animals with Scootaloo. While Scootaloo already has her mark, an episode showed that you can have other hobbies and both her parents were Conversationalists. So surely she can catch the bug that got them invested in animals.
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Sadly, no matter what they tried Scootaloo wasn’t really into it. Scootaloo was visually displeased but no dialogue suggests she said anything to her parents. It was only after they suggested Cragadile Wrangling that she finally spoke up (to run away and saying no way). To be fair, I think they just wanted her to count teeth while the Pops handled the actual wrangling. 
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Her parents went to check up on her after that, which got Scootaloo to open up about her being afraid of the Cragadile. When she asked if they really enjoyed doing this stuff, they said yes and hoped to share that love with Scootaloo because she’s family. She takes this the wrong way and after a page of walking passed the stuff that she would want to show them, she goes back home to her Aunts.
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She confesses to them that she just couldn’t fake it and thinks they wouldn’t like her. Her Aunts confirm to her that they will as long as she is honest with them. And they’re right. When Scootaloo asks for Ice Cream, while questioning it, knew there was a reason for it and went along. They listened to her, assured her that they would never be disappointed with her, and then follow her along to the places she did wanted to show them.
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It ends with them saying the letters don’t really give enough information on Scootaloo’s end, ensuring her that they’ll love her no matter what, and Snap Shutter trying out Water Skiing and putting him in the same position Scootaloo was when they tried showing her their things. Overall, it is a good comic and honestly something I wanted more from the Season 10 Series: slice of life. That is what made the original show so great to me, to learn more about these characters.
And this one I don’t see any reason to not make canon to GLAB.
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mostlyponies · 4 years
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The cragadile had been stopped in its tracks by a vine wrapped around its tail. But wasn’t naturally wrapped around its tail.
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Thanks to Applejack’s wrangling techniques, the cragadile had been stopped. Every pony else was heaving on the vine as much as they could to keep the cragadile from getting any closer to Twilight and Spike.
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While the others tugged on the other vine that was on the cragadile to keep it still, Applejack grabbed another vine and used it as another lasso.
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The cragadile attempted to hiss at Applejack, but the gator’s muzzle was wrangled shut, which essentially now rendered it helpless.
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After a long tussle, the cragadile was completely tied up and unable to to move. Twilight watched in shock as she watched the others debilitate the gator that tried to attack her and Spike.
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taiblogcomics · 3 years
It’s A-Parent Something’s Wrong
Hey there, ingrown hairs. It's once more pony time, and it will be for a long foreseeable future. Get used to it! Which means we're pretty much gonna have short preambles for a while. You guys already know the deal with pony comics. But let's see if we can't make this at least a little interesting. Now, we already finished our first story arc of the Season 10 run. So, what next? Well, not a new part of the ongoing arc, that's for sure. Nah, after the big adventure, we need a little filler episode~
Here's the cover:
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Scootaloo's absolutely thrilled to be part of this. Can't you tell~? Not much else to this cover. In fact, it's kinda like last issue's. Just a big closeup of a character face, and the main selling point is hoping you like said character. At least this one is more indicative of the contents, though~
So we start way far off in some distant lands, Shire Lanka, which is pretty jungly. Who else would be in such hostile lands but Scootaloo's parents, who got introduced in season 9 and ruined all my orphan jokes forever. I didn't even keep track of their names, so they're just collectively Scoots' Parents to me. Anyway, Scoots' Dad encounters a snake, while Scoots' Mom uncovers some undiscovered species. They look like horrifying plant-based Furbies, and I hate them. (For the record, they're called bush babies, because of course they are.) Thankfully, they're not important to the issue, I just find their Furby-like designs very unsettling~
Anyway, the whole prologue here is actually something being told to Scoots by her aunts during breakfast. It's essentially a note about family being of key importance, even if families are very different. Oh, not usually you get the moral of the episode at the beginning. Anyway, the main point of telling such a story is because her parents are actually coming to visit. Scoots is a little worried her everyday life will seem boring compared to her adventurous parents, but her aunts assure her all she has to do is show what she loves about Ponyville and they'll see it through her eyes.
Unfortunately, when they show up, they're not interested in seeing Ponyville. They've seen it before, after all. Instead, they want to show her their world. Or at least a reasonable approximation, here at the Canterlot animal conservation center. Her parents each got their interest in animals when they were about her age, so they feel like it's a great time to share. Scoots rightly points out that she already has a calling being a Cutie Mark Crusader, but they insist. It feels weird to them to share a love of animals with each other but not their daughter, so they want to find some way they can all connect as a family.
And so a montage ensues of the parents enjoying some animal, and Scoots finding herself harassed by some aspect of the same animal. Her parents are oblivious to this. This culminates in their expecting her to wrestle a cragadile and count its teeth. Somehow this doesn't sound perfectly safe or appealing to Scootaloo, and she runs off. Her parents catch up with her, and poor Scoots is looking rough. Scuffed and mussed and practically in tears. She asks in disbelief whether her parents even actually enjoy all that stuff, and they confess, yes they do. Because they do it together.
The family returns home, and Scoots declines an offer to be walked home. Well, at least they respect her independence. On returning home, Scoots has an absolute breakdown as soon as her aunts ask about her day. Scoots is pretty upset that she can't fake liking the things they do or being the daughter her parents want. But you know what? She's the daughter her aunts want. And furthermore, it's not the love of animals that bind a family together. It's love for each other. But of course, continuing to fake it won't solve anything. Her aunts suggest she tell her parents the truth.
So come next morning, her parents show up looking for more cragadile volunteers, and Scoots suggests they get ice cream instead. The fact that her parents agree to ice cream for breakfast shows they're any kid's dream parents, regardless of shared interests. And during the ice creaming, Scoots does the brave thing and tells her parents the truth: she loves their stories about adventure and animals, but she didn't get any enjoyment out of yesterday.
And of course, they don't think for a minute that she's disappointed them. And so they spend the day doing what Scoots wants to do. She shows them the Crusaders' clubhouse, and they go water skiing. And they let Scootaloo know that, even if they're not around to see it, they'll be proud of whoever their daughter grows into. Awww~
Hey, I thought the filler stuff was supposed to be more light-hearted than the actual storyline stuff. I’m not actually complaining, but if this isn’t one of my funniest reviews, it’s probably because this is actually a pretty good story about a kind of heavy topic. So it’s probably not going to be, like, anyone’s favourite issue, unless the topic really resonates with you. And that’s fine. Nice that they give some more thought towards the Scootaloo family dynamic, since they introduced the concept so late in the series.
Next issue, perhaps something a little more lighthearted, since it involves Pinkie Pie and her favourite activities~
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My new fan made Monster High species: Geodites! Carly here is the only Geodite I’ve drawn so far, but feel free to make your own!! Just tag me and/or use “#geodite species” in your post!
💎Carly O’Neill
💎Daughter of the Crystal Golem
💎Age: 16
💎Killer Style: I wear simple and feminine outfits with cool blue tones
💎Freaky Flaw: I’m not good under pressure and I break down easily
💎Favorite color: Icy blue or ultra marine
💎Favorite food: Rock candy
💎Pet peeve: People who bully others just for being smarter
💎Favorite activity: reading or stargazing
💎Pet: I have an adorable, purple baby cragadile named Amy. I’ve had her since she hatched from her geode.
💎Friends: (N/A)
💎Favorite school subject: Astronomy
💎Least favorite school subject: English
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earthnashes · 6 years
In the Reverse Dragon AU, how would Rarity and Twilight meet for the first time? What brought Rarity to Twilight's library?
Maybe Rainbow Dash did. I can see her and Twi becoming reading buddies on some odd rainy day, where Rainbow saw the library and decided to duck in it for shelter. And when asked about if she read anything after talking to Twily for a little while, shyly expressed her love for the epic Daring Do and other sorts of adventure-based books and Twi enthusiastic citing the same thing.
Rainbow could be Rarity’s bud and colleague: both are trained Hunters but while Rarity’s focus is typically geared toward actually removing the assigned target, Rainbow’s would be more focused on recon and scoping out the area and what they’re up against (not that she doesn’t fight, her first priority is just to get the lay of the land and report back). And one day Rainbow mentions maybe going to the library to research whatever new target they have to deal with, to Rarity’s absolute shock. Of all ponies, she wouldn’t peg Rainbow as the type to enjoy going to a library, but Rainbow waves it off by basically saying “Yeah well, I’m not that much of a meathead. ‘Sides, the librarian and her kid’s pretty rad, I think you’d like them.” And off they go to the library, this particular time for researching say... acragadile, a creature that isn’t common and maybe one of the first times they’d have to deal with one.
The arrive at the library- “Golden Oaks Library” the sign reads- and the moment they two come inside the giant tree house they're hit with the smell of burning incense, maple, and well-kempt books. The whole abode is clean and organized and has a very warm feeling to it; Rarity’s passed the library before and seen the occupants of it in glimpses but she’s never been into the library before. She finds that she likes it.
They’re soon greeted by a pegasus colt, lavender fur and two-toned green mane and tail and the most expressive green eyes Rarity’s ever seen. He’s enthusiastic about seeing Rainbow again, who catches him in a gentle headlock to ruffle his mane, and even moreso to greet Rarity when Rainbow introduces her to him as a fellow Hunter: Rarity’s keen eyes catches red burning through the fur of his cheeks and the awed shine in his eyes and she can’t help but giggle. Boy crush, then.
The boy’s definitely enamored at least, asking her a few questions about what she does and if the sword was real and the large fang she wears around her neck in a decorative necklace, which she happily answers. But when she mentions the fang belonged to the first dragon she’s ever slain, he seems to deflate a little at that, some of that shine in his eyes dulling in what appeared to be.... worry?
But Rarity can’t dwell much on that subtle change of demeanor; the boy is quick on his hooves and asks if he can help them with anything (after officially introducing himself to her) and, upon receiving an answer, leads them to all of the books they had on Cragadiles. He helps them get settled at a large table with admittedly comfy chairs and leaves to get refreshments, calling out to someone deeper in the tree house that they had guests (and that Rainbow was there).
A few minutes into their research has Spike returning with their refreshments, accompanied by a mare. Sans Applejack and the Royal Sisters, this mare is one of the tallest she’s seen, made to look taller with the horn jutting from her forehead. Long and straight mane pulled back in a low pony tail, lavender fur with a light diamond blaze below her horn, and violet eyes so deep they almost looked red in the light. Her smile sends a flutter in Rarity’s belly.
She introduces herself as Twilight and after a bit of small talk between them, she helps with their research: the knowledge she spouts is far more interesting and informational than what the books provide, almost as if she had first-hand experiences with a Cragadile. Rarity doubts it though; the mare’s as thin as she is tall, seemingly no true muscle definition to her. She wouldn’t have survived if she ever encountered one of these things face to face, surely.
A few hours fly by with discussion of the topic at hand slowly bleeding into pleasant conversation, until it’s finally time for Rainbow and Rarity to compile their research and bring it back to base before carrying out their assignment. Rainbow and Twilight share a friendly handshake before bumping shoulders, promising each other a reading session sometime in the future. Rainbow bends down to ruffle Spike’s mane again and promises flying lessons soon, to which he ruffles his own feathers up in excitement.
Twi offers Rarity a polite handshake and warm smile, which Rarity gladly accepts and returns, wondering out loud that she’d come and visit on one of her off days. Twi responds with an even warmer smile and promises a full-on tour of the library: it’s far more extensive than what the exterior suggests.
And as the two Hunters finally take their leave, Rarity decides that she’ll definitely take up that offer.
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 3 months
As soon start to attack the group as soon try to go after twilight bunny hit the monster on the head bunny hey you ugly thing try I’m catch I’m bet you can’t eat me soon blows a raspberry at it
*The reptilian monster growls as it opens its jaws to bite him, only for Bunny to fly away right before it can catch him. Soon enough, everyone uses the vines to tie its jaws and limbs to the trees to keep it still, and Mizuki reaches into a tree's roots and pulls them free with her teeth before pushing it down onto the cragadile's head, knocking it out completely.*
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afoxking · 7 years
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These are answered with Splendid Sigh in mind & my own personal canon.
@ionic-squid-generator - Splendid has lived a life of her choosing, she wants to make a comfortable life for herself. But has realized with other hooved kind with numerous talents and ‘destinies’ she can’t stagnate. There can be 50 with similar natural talents like her but only ONE of who she is.  @pumpkinspice-pony & @its-just-a-mod - Obsidian is at this point an adolescent cragadile  and even though he is her baby, he spends alot of time being stubborn. Which has left her settled in the outskirts of a particular town. He still protects her and watches over her like he has for many years yet, it’s when he’s not curled up disguised as a pile of moss and rocks. As for ‘best house pet’ it depends on what kinda house one has- a rock creature isn’t exactly great for someone living in the city but a feline or canine would be suitable for someone who has the space and patience. 
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funniest01 · 6 years
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP3UE8KGO_o via PopularMMOs PAT and JEN Minecraft MINI GAME CRAGADILE LUCKY BLOCK MOD | Popularmmos from http://funny11ok.blogspot.com/2018/01/popularmmos-pat-and-jen-minecraft-mini_25.html
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appfeeder · 7 years
Minecraft: CRAGADILE CHALLENGE GAMES - Lucky Block Mod - Modded Mini-Game
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*Gail lazily lounged in the grass just outside the Apple Farm. She spent the last night trying to track down a Cragadile to wrestle with. Even though she was unsuccessful, Gail thought that she deserved a small nap. The gryphon nearly dozed off, but a figure approaching woke her up*
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 3 months
Bunny there if you say so well than let go there than soon as they stand in the everfree forest entrance rarity it feels likes yesterday we first entered this forest to find the elements of harmony twilight it feels like yesterday I’m was foolish enough to believe I’m could find them on my own
Twilight: I don't know what we're going to face in there, but whatever it is, I know we need to face it together.*
*Everyone nods and murmurs agreements as they enter together, and they find a long body of water with a few dark stones near the edge. Twilight steps on one to cross, but they begin moving as they reveal themselves to be on the tail of what Rarity calls a "Cragadile."*
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