gentlenekomata · 26 days
[ 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 : sender has gotten injured protecting the receiver.; (Fates AU??)]
𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 prompt | no longer accepting
The open field wasn’t exactly the perfect place for Sakura to be, but as she was asked to accomplish some errands in her homeland, Hoshido, she couldn’t refuse the plead and immediately took a break from the Monastery to take care of her home country’s business: she simply had to recover some lost ambassadors from Mokushu, a bordering country that always was a bit ambiguous throughout the whole war period, but eventually fell as it declared war against Hoshido. After the events of the war between Nohr and Hoshido, Sakura asked for a reconstruction of the land, assuring she would lead the negotiation with the new ruler.
The ambassadors from Mokushu were heading towards their land to discuss a new trade route, but they were captivated by some bandits along the road –or at least, that was what the delegate reported to Sakura as soon as she reached the castle. “We can't let them die on the road” she stated, worried and sharing a gaze of concern with the others court nobles and officials. “I’ll take care of their rescue, I’m the one who wanted to do the negotiation with Mokushu..” she added, looking a bit desolate since she surely wouldn’t want to go alone, till, a familiar face showed up with a gentle tone as she offered to escort the petite princess in the mission.
“Miss Yuzu..?” she recognised her, even though the two of them didn’t spent much time together, nor there, nor at the monastery. But one thing was for sure: she was a very diligent samurai, Sakura has heard of her deeds, especially the one of her family. In all response, the Hoshidian Princess made a small bow and shared a radiant smile as soon met her gaze –she definitely was in good hands, she was sure of it.
As the couple departed, the sun went down very quickly, making a brief appearance in the sky behind the mountain, as the two of them reached the destination where the ambassadors were lastly seen –the Mokushu's Forest. As soon as she realized of the place, a shiver ran down her spine, as she clearly remembered the terrible fate that soon followed the events happened in that forest; she did her best to cover the angriness mixed with sadness, doing her best to reply Yuzu’s concern, “It’s nothing, really..” she dismissed the conversation pretty quickly, concentrating on the surrounding to find where the prisoners were hidden: exploring the forest led the couple to a small clearing, where an old shack was, apparently abandoned, with the main door open.
Yuzu warnings didn’t reach Sakura’s mind as she immediately approached the entrance, discovering the three ambassadors all tied and gagged, “Found them!!” the enthusiasm was too loud maybe and a suspicious sound came from her right, from the bushes nearby, but the reaction of her partner was swifter and as Yuzu threw herself to cover Sakura, an arrow was shot from the bush, piercing the arm of the poor girl who came to protect the pink-haired girl.
“Miss Yuzu!!!” she yelled, taking out the healing staff and already reciting the soothing words, while a hand was placed on her wound, but the effect of the healing was so immediate that Yuzu could immediately stand on her feet to counter-attack. “Let me help too!” the petite priestess cried as she put the staff aside and bring put from her small pocket bag a tome. “The won’t have a chance against us!” she hissed, exchanging a quick glance with the samurai girl and then casting the Blizzard spell on the bushes: three bandits rolled out in pain, one managed to escape. Yuzu didn’t wait for a further second and with a dash, she reached the stomach of the fugitive, making the most of her blade; the man was on the ground.
“We made it!” she exulted, almost forgetting to free the three man inside the hut, but first of all, she wanted to make sure she showed enough gratitude to the saviour of her life; she put the tome away, drew closer to the  purplish-haired girl and gently picked one of her hands in hers, squeezing it softly, “I’m glad you chose to accompany me. You’re a lifesaver –MY lifesaver” she lastly giggled, turning to liberate the ambassadors and finally getting back home, with the mission accomplished.
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stalwaria · 4 months
[ Chocolate fountain ]
One more dipping shouldn't harm her. For real this time. Serious!
Yuzu finds herself standing in front of the sacred springs one more time (yes, one more) for a final helping of chocolate-covered confectionaries. This time around, she convinces herself to take a simple biscuit, so that the chocolate simply enhances its flavor rather than overwhelm it.
...but those cakes look so appetizing as well.
She prepares to accept her primal impulses before blindly running into a slightly smaller girl. These sugar demons...this night has taught Yuzu of their true demons.
"I- apologize for the careless manuever, miss," the samurai quickly apologizes after she ducks to the left. Thankfully, this ball has provided Yuzu fair backup for whenver she steps out of line.
She takes off a teardrop crystal from her brooch and presents it for exchange to the other. "Are you a student here as well? I am Yuzu...a Blue Lion. Please take my gem as my plea for forgiveness."
A chocolate fountain? This party has seriously pulled out all the stops.
But as tasty as it looked, Etie couldn't let herself be too tempted. She appreciated chocolate and cakes as much as the next person, but if she let herself indulge too much? It might affect her muscle mass. Wouldn't want that!
...A few treats wouldn't hurt, though.
Before she can try one, however, another girl runs right into her. It's only thanks to Etie's impeccable muscles and sense of balance that she doesn't stumble, even with the speed and height advantage this woman had over her.
Who in the world?
The other woman is quick to apologize before Etie could get properly annoyed, and the Firenese archer pauses a moment, then sighs, realizing that it had been a mistake.
"It's alright. No hard feelings." The woman introduces herself, and Etie is particularly interested in the mention of her house. "Blue Lions? I'm there, too! I wasn't going to hold a grudge, but now I have even less of a reason to, now that we're classmates!"
Etie removes her own crystal from her brooch, and hands it to Yuzu. "I'm Etie. Here's to a good relationship as peers. In fact, I'd love to chat a bit more, over some tea and cakes." She smiles, "You can brief me on what I should be expecting from the classes."
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princessmacedon · 4 months
[ Trip ] - While they dance, the sender trips the receiver over. (Accidentally! Right?)
These heels...Yuzu is finally realizing what a burden they are to bear. Well, honestly she already felt that they were dragging her down while pacing the rest of the ballroom. But now, when she is already taking on the field of dancing, a prowess that is obscure to her training...heels only continue to decrease the efficiency of her motions.
Worst of all, her current troubles are starting to spread to others. The front of her white heel ends up poking a nearby dancer's orange dress.
"...! Hup!"
Yuzu gasps, spending little time stunned so she can rescue the same person she put in danger. She only needs one hand to grab onto the other before they fall - the "they" in question being a young woman with bright red hair.
"Forgive me for my utter carelessness," Yuzu hastily apologizes while pulling her back up. She already works on removing a teardrop crystal from her brooch with her second hand, the simplest sacrifice she can make for an apology.
Yuzu holds it on standby while the girl stabilizes. "Yuzu of Hoshido. That's my name. May I know yours, if you are not filled with ire."
What sudden and dizzying excitement the ball so suddenly takes on -- quite literally! In the middle of a dance, Maria feels a weight snare the edge of her dress, trapping it into stillness while the rest of her remains in motion. Forward ricochets into backward, and she begins to fall, the lights ever-present above swirling suddenly into the center of her vision.
And then they stay there, glittering brightly before her. How pretty it is, and something to do with the warmth of a hand at her shoulders, she suspects! Blinking once, twice, many times over, she slowly turns her head to the side with stars in her eyes.
"...oh, hello!" Constellations take their rest as she squeezes her eyes shut with breathless laughter, uncontained despite her best efforts. Light returns to the heavens and she, with the help of her mysterious new acquaintance, settles back on her feet. Fingers touch lightly to the back of her head until all the world is right again, glancing at the brooch in the other's hand.
"Yuzu," she repeats with a smile, dipping into a curtsy, "of Hoshido..." Laughter rings out again as she unpins her own brooch, accepting the one she has been offered and holding out her own in turn. "Hee hee... that was an exciting entrance!" The mirth in her voice suggests that she means it earnestly, if not the gentle way she presses the black feather into Yuzu's hand.
"My name is Maria of Macedon," the little princess continues, smiling. "And... it's very nice to meet you!"
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nelithic · 4 months
[ Gossip ] - Sure, the majority of attendees tonight have donned masks, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a delightful little chat about them all the same.
Yuzu has observed the adult enter the premises along Poe at a distance, but her skepticism has never truly tamed since then. Not that it is unusual to bring a..."date" (is that what they called it?) to the ball, but this woman held a great air of mystery. Plus, her suit fit is totally being derived from Yuzu, somehow. She just knows it.
She must check on her, just in case.
Yuzu finds her opportunity shortly after the ball festivities truly kicks off, making her way in front of the current suspect. The student tugs on her own collar, only now realizing...she has practically nothing to kick things off outside of her relation to Poe.
"...you," and now Yuzu's mind wanders to question if anyone else is watching her. No - she must remain focused! "...you know of Poe, yes? May I ask how...and why?"
PART OF HER WISHES TO HAVE STAYED longer out in the gardens ; for the entirety of the night, perhaps, amidst the dark of pooled moonlight touched by faerie lights of winter's frost, easily overlooked for the more radiant spectacle indoors. but she suspects that doing so would defeat the purpose of having come here. she had honored a promise, after all. now, what precisely to do with it. . . ? it's while thinking of this, half an eye on the beverages table and half on her surroundings, that she is drawn to the figure of a young raven-haired woman forging her way through the crowd in her direction. arms uncross ; posture straightens. perhaps the other's aim is something behind her. . .
no ; eyes fix on hers, and nel finds herself the suddenly scrutinized point of this girl's attentions. have they met? little about her appears familiar. and yet — "you" — she greets her as an adversary would, seeking to hold her in place. now quietly alert, nel readies herself instinctively for confrontation, watching the other for sudden movements even as she projects little outward disturbance. "poe and i are acquainted, yes." might this be another enemy of hers? ( the still-recent encounter with niamh at the battle of the eagle and lion comes to mind. ) one who had been observing her closely then, it seems. "we met as a result of certain missions here at the academy."
further detail would not be forthcoming, nor does she find it a stranger's right to possess.
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the dragon's posture shifts, conveying a more relaxed stance — though internally, it is anything but, and crimson eye remains unmoving and stoic where it rests, bearing down on the layers of the girl's resolve and self-assurance to wrest out the heart of her intent beneath.
"it appears that her reputation precedes her. why do you ask."
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firelles · 3 months
"Did you ever regain your weapon, Lady Céline?" Yuzu inquiries, approaching the other female ally of their squad. The dust has settled in the bunker, leaving them all safe at the moment. Yet within that security, the purple-haired warrior recalls one of their members fronting more of the wicked beings' assault than necessary.
"If not, you can hold my blade until we are reequipped," Yuzu pats the sheath of her blade with a reassuring nod. "Or if you would rather have myself keep it, I can keep guard. It is only fair, given how you suffered more than any of us."
As they take more steps away from the battleground that retains a foul smell, Yuzu takes a closer look at Céline's figure. Should she already be familiar with her...? The samurai adds a quick reintroduction, just in case.
"I overheard your name in the previous struggle, but in case you were unable to pick up mine - I am Yuzu, a Blue Lion of the academy. Let's push forward in the coming fights for more unscathing success!"
"I regret to say I never did obtain my bow back..," she says softly. Céline holds no anger or denial, only remorse for not being able to assist her allies as much as she had planned. She knows well how easily items of importance can slip away from her petite fingers; her eyes brush forward. Smiles.
Clasping her hands in front of her, Céline politely bows in gratitude: "I would hate to unarm you for my sake..! I am content standing by your side during this time of.. respite, if you might call it that." She is just as pleased to leave behind the scenery, offering her naught but thievery and mockery.
"Your concern for me is very kind. I am a Blue Lion myself, in fact! It is a wondrous class, I have come to find. From here on, I will do my utmost to aid us in these trainings. You have my word."
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boundlesschaos · 4 months
[ Fashion Police ] - What in the world is that person wearing, and are you fit to be judging them for it? Or are you instead the culprit in question?
"Niamh...so you've arrived here with Emma?"
Yuzu looks over her comrade, unintentionally judging over Niamh's selected fit. Her signature mask makes her easy to point out in a crowd, even during a masquerade such as this. yet the rest of Niamh's dress is...stunning. Yuzu has never seen her dark hair flow out so cleanly, nor braided that well. And her selection of blacks and blues...
"...your colors are a perfect match," Yuzu finally speaks up after observation. "Neither of you are well-suited for combat...ah, right. That is not the purpose of today."
Yuzu almost feels naked herself when comparing her friends' dresses to her less formal suit. But this is merely an "almost," as she has always strived to carve her own path from the inspiration of others. This still applies, even on a dance floor.
...still, she prays this difference doesn't force that many eyes on her.
The samurai girl reveals a brooch embroidered with a teardrop crystal to the other. "Exchanging blows can wait for tomorrow. Rather, may we exchange our gems?"
"Our gems..." Niamh lets that statement lull for moment. Her mind appears to be elsewhere - but when she fully recognizes that Yuzu is here, she snaps back to reality. "We should exchange..."
She procures the string of pearls that she's been assigned to pass along for tonight, slipping the trinket into Yuzu's hands. And the teardrop crystal that Yuzu offers is delight for Niamh to receive - she silently vows to keep the treasure close.
"You are correct..." She then adds, out of the blue. "My attire is not suited for combat. But it's important..critical to the goals that I have tonight..." She glances down at the dress, so brilliantly black and blue. She had taken care to ensure that it would match the mask she decides to wear - and finds it a shame that the illusion that the masquerade brings has failed to show those efforts.
It's a shame, but she doesn't mind.
"Are you participating in the masquerade?" She asks. "If we cross paths there, I'll make sure to say hi..."
It's unclear if Niamh is confident that Yuzu would find her, but the smile that follows at least signifies that Niamh would definitely find it fun.
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reddragonprincess · 3 months
♕ June activity check ♕
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Skill points
Activity Check – any +1
TOA Summer Arena 2024 – any +1
total — [ 14 + 2 = 16 ]
Points allocation
given to Faith [ E+ -> D ]
given to Heavy Armor [ D -> D+ ]
Summer Arena 2024 prize -> Heavy Staff [pending]
Faith Rank D -> Nosferatu [pending]
On going thread
Have to reply ;
road not taken – Leif | Recovery, any skill +1 @diadic
Say cheeese! – Zihark @swordsmanoftranquility
A promise is a promise – Pelleas @pirrhyc
Yuzu new thread @craneswings
Waiting for you;
All thing precious – Maria | Fracture part 2, flying +1 @princessmacedon
Voice of sword – Patty @lockpicnic
Patrol with the deads – Caeda | Fracture @arcaeda
How not to train your dragon – Ashe @fabledoath
Pale shelter – Yarne @taguelbunnyboy
Go in the dark – Niamh | Fracture @boundlesschaos
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boundlesschaos · 6 months
Yuzu exits her newly assigned dorm room only to feel a strange presence nearby. Not one that is foul, but it is not wholly pure either...it is a feeling that should be unfamiliar to the girl but is not. She follows the natural pull of her curiosity and turns the corner -
...only to almost trip over a crouching presence.
"Woah-!" Yuzu manages to keep her footing while stumbling back. She looks over the person that is now aware of her thanks to the fumble. The student can recognize that mask as only one possible suspect.
"Nimah...? You find yourself residing here too?" Encountering the mysterious woman this way is almost better than the sudden appearances she pulled during their previous interactions. Said interactions are very few, however, so Yuzu's question comes with genuine, if not harsh, curiosity.
The commotion brings a pair of sharp, red eyes towards Yuzu - the sort that might bring a chill down one's spine as her stare pierces through them.
But Niamh isn't glaring. Though the mask proves difficult to discern at a glance, the expression she holds primarily is a curious one, one that tries to understand the circumstances before her.
"I don't reside here...." Niamh quietly admits - she had come here for a reason, though. All throughout the monastery, various rumors about the events that had occurred a good month or so ago still whispered among the students and faculty. Collecting those rumors was crucial in understanding the circumstances of those who had wandered in, as well as the effects that lingered long after they had returned. Which, this was important, yes. But...
"Huh?" Niamh suddenly blurts out, blinking a few times. Wait, isn't this?? Huh????
"I was not aware you were here..." Niamh quietly follows up, masking...some of the surprise present on her face. "If you have questions, I can answer..."
Niamh knows she has plenty herself, so the least she decides to do is offer the same for Yuzu. And, though it's tough for her to express it, there is comfort knowing that, should more unusual occurrences come to pass, she will have others familiar with the strange ongoings to discuss these matters with.
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reddragonprincess · 18 days
♕ August activity check ♕
Skill points
Activity Check – any +1
total — [ 17 + 1 = 18 ]
Points allocation
given to Sword [ E -> E+ ]
On going thread
Have to reply ;
road not taken – Leif | Recovery, any skill +1 @diadic
Training pals - Yuzu @craneswings
How not to train your dragon – Ashe @fabledoath
All thing precious – Maria | Fracture part 2, flying +1 @princessmacedon
Waiting for you;
Pale shelter – Yarne @taguelbunnyboy
Go in the dark – Niamh | Fracture @boundlesschaos
Say cheeese! – Zihark | Showcase
Voice of sword – Patty
♛ SMACK THOSE BANDITS ; Minerva would love to fight with her bare hands, since she always wanted to prove her strength against the enemy.. but will her be safe enough on her own or shall she need a companion? [gauntlet +1]
♛ MINERVA MOTHER OF NOT DRAGONS ; gonna love how she will bring up her maternal instinct (´・` )♡ [faith +1]
♛ TAKING CARE OF PUPPIES ; not wyverns, but still very cute and she’s better with animal than humans lol [riding +1]
♛ THE PROTECTER OF PEGASI ; she does not stand the fact that somebody is hurting those creatures and she will punish them, that’s for sure ಠωಠ [flying +1]
0 notes
reddragonprincess · 2 months
♕ July activity check ♕
Skill points
Activity Check – any +1
total — [ 16 + 1 = 17 ]
Points allocation
given to Authority [ D -> D+ ]
On going thread
Have to reply ;
road not taken – Leif | Recovery, any skill +1 @diadic
Say cheeese! – Zihark | Showcase @swordsmanoftranquility
Training pals - Yuzu @craneswings
Go in the dark – Niamh | Fracture @boundlesshart
How not to train your dragon – Ashe @fabledoath
⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒
Waiting for you;
All thing precious – Maria | Fracture part 2, flying +1 @princessmacedon
Voice of sword – Patty @lockpicnic
Pale shelter – Yarne @taguelbunnyboy
⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒
A promise is a promise – Pelleas
Patrol with the deads – Caeda | Fracture
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