#creates this really interesting little footnote that says ''hey. maybe this is not that great''
theajaheira · 2 years
i do actually think the fact that buffy and angel supremely fucked over giles and jenny is such an interesting and painful thing that happened especially because i really don’t think either buffy or angel recognize the gravity of how much damage this did to giles in particular. buffy i think is understandable because a lot of the time i feel like she either doesn’t quite Get that giles is a person with an interior life rather than an adult there to support her OR she gets it on a really big level and shies away from it due to her loving him and hating how isolated and miserable he is, but angel is kinda just like.....square up, sir
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likearecordbb · 3 years
about your post on the recent discourse...
it's honestly so confusing to me because like,, you say that ppl pointing out how members of this fandom will make neil very stereotypically 'feminine' is reinforcing the idea of 'masculinity' as one thing and 'femininity' as another.... and i get that we should get rid of these labels. but at the same time... the content itself that ppl are criticising (the ones that 'feminize' neil) are already doing just that. that's why they're criticising it.
i can't point out how ppl are reinforcing the idea that a relationship should have a 'man' and a 'woman', without... saying that that's what they're doing. the writer themselves already sees relationships this way and 'masculinity' and 'femininity' as two different distinct things. that's exactly *why* they're writing neil this way while keeping andrew close to canon.
there's nothing wrong with neil being stereotypically 'feminine' of course. but to act like it's somehow misogynistic for me to go to these ppl and be like 'hey, u shouldn't view mlm relationships through the lens of a hetero one! it can be very harmful' is weird to me... *especially* considering these stereotypes that ppl are pushing onto neil come from misogyny themselves. (ppl making neil much much more emotional than he is in canon while keeping andrew very stoic)
idk, like... ur simultaneously saying that we shouldn't view relationships as needing a 'man' and a 'woman'... while defending people who are doing just that and creating content which reinforces just that.
it's one thing to say 'we shouldn't view masculinity and femininity as two distinct and different things!'/'we should get rid of these labels all together cause they're meaningless'... but if i look at the content that u make/consume and it's practically, if not entirely, all andreil conforming to heternormative stereotypes... then i can't help but feel like ur not as detached from the idea of 'masculinity' and 'femininity' as u would like to believe... i trust the ppl who say these ideas are meaningless while not changing the canon characters because they seem to be sticking to their words.
people will just say that they prefer writing andreil is this heternormative way... they'll just say it what they like or what they're most comfortable writing without ever questioning *why* they prefer it this way.
and if they're projecting.. well then, *why* this couple? why pick an mlm couple to project what is often the experience of a cis woman in a relationship? why pick this mlm couple when there are others that do fit the stereotypical heternormative dynamic? idk. like,, u can do this ofc, but ppl can also call u out on ur shit.
there's an undeniable reason that neil is exclusively the one that ppl pick to make more stereotypically 'feminine'. and there's a reason this type of content is also so popular. and it's certainly not wrong to point this out.
You know, I can see all of these points that you're making. For me, the overall issue of this is very complicated. I am also super uncomfortable with the imposition of heteronormative roles onto...well, onto any relationship, regardless of the identities of the people who constitute it. I was raised smack dab in the middle of the gay community by lesbian moms (together 38 years now, jfc, can you imagine??), so that "man/woman" thing was never something that I grew up internalizing or normalizing. I can recognize that this may give me a bit too much of a sense of objectivity.
However, I'm also like...I've been ruined by grad school. The "feminizing" word makes me really uncomfortable because it starts to stray for me into gender essentialism territory. It also seems to foundationally differentiate between "masculine" behaviors and "feminine" behaviors and I just really hate that? Lesbian moms, trans daughter, bi (and late-in-life trying to see where on the ace spectrum I might fall) self, I've just met so many people with so many expressions of gender and sexuality and I just... Idk, I automatically resist anything that feels like it's upholding "masculinity" and "femininity" as real (as in, not constructed) things. And then I also am like, well, I've known SO MANY gay men who behaved in the ways that the discourse constructs as "feminized" and then I start to feel like, what about these men? Are they less 'men' because of it? How would it feel for that man to read these things saying his identity expression was a problem or a bad stereotype? Do I read *Neil Josten* within that context... no, not really. I think Neil has a 'not enough emotional expression' problem way before he has a 'too much emotional expression' problem.
I'll say here what I often say to my students in complex discussions: I don't have answers. I don't think I'm right and anyone else is wrong. I just have complicated thoughts and feelings and concerns about some of the things that sometimes seem to be left uninterrogated.
So, I do 100% get the need to be vigilant about the imposition of a "man" (dominant, emotionally constipated, sexually driven, stoic) role and "woman" (emotional, needy, teary, dependent) role onto relationships with two (or more!) men or women. I would also argue that we need to get rid of that idea in hetero relationships, too, because it's super damaging. I just wish we could find a way to talk about that that didn't feel like it was accepting this idea of femininity as a given? And I definitely agree that it's problematic when the 'bottom' in a relationship is depicted as the one who's soft and silly and weepy. (Have you read TJ Klune's Tales from Verania series? A VERY fun world that does that not at all and it's great). I'm not saying these things are not worth confronting--I'm just really uncomfortable with the way the conversations are often framed around a concept of femininity/feminizing. It feels like shrapnel, I guess? Like, 'ugh stop feminizing Neil he's not weepy and uwu he's a badass' feels inherently to me like it's making femininity and badassery mutually exclusive? Maybe I'm just looking for a caveat or footnote in the argument that acknowledges that that is constructed *for women too*? And is a part of, like, a larger heteronormative patriarchal structure? And not something that we can just all obviously agree is the way the ladies (should?) behave?
One other question I've been dying to ask, though, is: where are these fics? I don't think I've ever read something where Neil is crying over Jack being mean to him or anything. Maybe if I start to see hints of that characterization, I just close the tab and never end up getting to the 'worst' of it?
Although, if what you said earlier about the "content that u make/consume and it's practically, if not entirely, all andreil conforming to heternormative stereotypes..." was referring to me, then... idk what to say to that. I don't think that's what I do. The heteronormative relationship that you're describing isn't one that I enjoy, desire for myself (or anyone else), or have any interest in reproducing.
Does this clarify what I'm trying to say? I guess it's a really long way of saying, in the old insufferable grad school tradition: well, first we have to define our terms. Because I'm not sure we're all coming up with the same thing when we use the word "feminizing" and that probably has a lot to do with why we keep having this exact same conversation over and over and over again.
If I missed any specific point you'd like to pick at in more detail, please let me know--my very sad platonic life partner (who had to put her beloved 15-year-old poodle to sleep yesterday) and her mom are waiting for me to drive them to the stores for a distraction, so I'm feeling a little time pressure.
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roswelldetails · 4 years
Episode 2x04 - What if God Was One of Us
AN ACT OF GOD — On the verge of a breakthrough in her quest to save Max (Nathan Dean), Liz (Jeanine Mason) turns to Kyle (Michael Trevino) for one last favor that could potentially land him in hot water. Meanwhile, Michael (Michael Vlamis) and Alex’s (Tyler Blackburn) investigation into Nora (guest star Kayla Ewell) leads them to a farm, where they meet a historian named Forrest (guest star Christian Antidormi). Elsewhere, Cameron (guest star Riley Voelkel) confronts Jesse Manes (Trevor St. John) about her sister’s whereabouts, and Isobel (Lily Cowles) uses her powers for good. Amber Midthunder also stars. Shiri Appleby directed the episode written by Steve Stringer & Christopher Hollier (#204). Original airdate 4/6/2020.
Roy said that he took veterinary training, which is how he was able to help with Louise and Nora's injuries.
"How come it feels like you don't know what I'm saying, but you know what I'm thinking?"
Roy moved the truck (with the pods in it?) to the livery.
"Boss's wife won't let him blame the drought on God so that honor goes to his foreman -- that's me."
Kyle on The Science:
"You're telling me that Michael Guerin used pinball parts and a car battery to cause cutaneous perfusion?
(Cutaneous perfusion...i think it is circulation of fluid/blood through tissue, but it's a bit above my head)
The device Liz needs is a "Personal Genome Machine". She ordered it when she still worked at the hospital.
Before entering the Crashdown, Graham Green tapes a Missing sign on the door for Hank Gibbons (who Noah killed in 1x13).  Apparently someone covered it up.
The sign is HARD to read, but I think it says:
"All viable leads reported to Graham Green's UFO Emporium will receive a free keychain.  Make certain you subscribe to the Weekly Probe as we dive deeper into the untold stories of Roswell and answer the question on everyone's mind.  ARE YOU NEXT?"
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Graham Green references that he's the "creator of last week's 39th most downloaded true crime podcast." (Assuming that this is the Weekly Probe, referenced on the poster).
Graham Green is opening a 1947 themed malt shop at the UFO Emporium
U.F. Doughs (the Crashdown's new donuts).
Isobel's been coming to the Crashdown every day for weeks.  (Note that this episode is the first one that really doesn't have a clear time context).
"Feliz cumpleanos, mama!" Happy birthday in Spanish, of course, but note Kyle's choice term of endearment for fic purposes!  And she responds in kind "Gracias, mijo!" (Mijo = male version. Arturo calls Liz mija = female version)
"A wild Michael Guerin finally emerges from his weeks-long hibernation in a lab and a library."
Again, non-specific time frame.
"When every other farm was struggling, the Longs experienced record-breaking crops.  Summer of '47. No one could explain it…till October '48. The day after that photo ran in the paper, the farm was devastated by a massive fire.  Foreman, entire staff killed. Whole place burned down."
"What caused the fire?"
"Well the paper called it an act of God.  Said it was a freak storm. Bolt of lightning strikes the barn the same night that my mom's caught and locked up in Caulfield."
Wyatt Long's horses are named "Diamond" and "Silk".
Jesse Manes' beer of choice is "Polestaff".
Cam's postcard from Charlie (Likely the reason she came back to Roswell) says:
"See you back in Roswell --Charlotte"
Top left corner says "Greetings from Roswell, NM".
It was mailed to Jenna at the Green Hill Motel in Dayton, Ohio.
Jenna says it's not Charlie's handwriting.
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Isobel in the mindwarp: "And what's your dream, Arturo? What would be your miracle? What do you pray for?"
Arturo & Rosa's fight… 
"Did that fool give you drugs? I'll kill him!"
"Ow! You're hurting me! That's child abuse!"
"Everything I do I do to hold you up and you see it as abuse. I don't know what to do anymore!"
"Yeah right." Rosa falls down and laughs.
"This isn't funny! Sheriff Valenti won't give you any more chances."
"You should be happy. You wanted me to be on the field hockey team, remember? You said I should make friends and have good American fun."
"Who sold you the pills?"
"I stole them."
"Was it Frederico?"
"You wouldn't believe me."
"Tell me the truth!"
"It was Mom! She's either too high to notice that they're missing, or she knows and she doesn't care."
"You're lying to me. I don't know how to help you."
"So stop trying then. I'm beyond hope anyway, right? That's what everyone else in this town thinks."
"Maybe you're right. I'm going for a drive."
Arturo tried to register with Instagram as PancakePapi!! He ended up with PancakePapi58!
Scene with Steph and her dad...FIRST MENTION OF SOPAPILLAS ON THE SHOW!!! 🤤🤤🤤🤤 (They're the best...in New Mexican restaurants they're like, both an appetizer and a dessert.  They're like hollow fried bread that you eat with honey. Delicious.)  See here:
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Plus it gave the show another opportunity to be authentically New Mexican through food references.  (Last season it was in episode 2 when Arturo asked,"red or green?" And Liz replied "Christmas!". In New Mexico that means half red half green chile smothering her plate.) Like so: 
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1948...unclear how much time has passed, but Louise says months.
The kid's name is Walt.  (Walt Long?? Some other last name?).
Nora says that under the tarp is the "pumpkin launcher" and it's a surprise.
Nora says it's not safe for Michael here, "but soon."
"Hey do you smell that? It smells like rain.  It's what you smell like under all the grease and bourbon.  It's what your workshop smells like. Something alien happened here. Not that I can still smell it 70 years later."
"This is the best evidence I've seen that Max and Isobel's mother survived the initial firefight. This is something that you do with family."
"Nora's my mother. If she was here at the same time as Louise…"
Note - when did they confirm who Louise was or that she was Max & Isobel's mom? This has not happened narratively yet.
Since Walt was a young kid, Alex thinks there's a chance he's still alive (though at the end Nora definitely thought he died when the barn blew up. I suspect that Walt survived and is the key to the story...not fact, just speculation.)
Forrest: "The foreman, Roy Bronson, was definitely hiding something.  But it wasn't Little Green Men. It was Nazi spies."
"This is like Junior Year eraser room, getting caught by Coach Wiggins."
OG callback to the eraser room being the high school makeout spot. OG, "the eraser room takes our innocence." 
Rosa in Spanish "¿En serio?" Basically "are you serious!?!" Or "really?" When the blender shorts out (awfully similar to her first Noah nightmare in 2x01)
"...when Charlie told me she had stole classified documents, I reported her.  I thought I was doing the right thing and the military put her in prison."
"Right. Where she was safe."
"No. I… I didn't know who she really was when I turned her in. I didn't know what prison would do to her."
"She wanted you to turn her in, Jenna. She set you up to do so. She knew that as long as she was in government custody no one could get to her."
"Charlie fought in two wars.  Who was she afraid of?"
"A private securities firm, most likely.  You know that I met her? She was working on this genetic sequencing project that had the potential to save lives, but also destroy them. And there were some people out there who saw applications for her research that went beyond her intentions."
"She was doing research that could help save lives, and people wanted to use it to create a bioweapon."
"Well yeah, she created this pathogen that could seek out and dismantle specific sequences. Just think about it -- a smart bomb that could be detonated in the middle of a crowded city, only harm it's intended target. Think about the innocent civilian lives saved while you take out leaders of terrorist organizations."
"Or commit genocide. If her work fell into the wrong hands, it could quietly wipe out entire groups of people because they share a certain genetic code, while their neighbors go about living their lives.  Why do you know so much about this? What's your interest in my sister?"
"I believed that I had a use for her pathogen, at one time. But my fight is over now."
A few notes about this exchange.
Clearly Charlie's pathogen is the key ingredient in the smart bomb that Flint was developing, as discussed in 1x12.
Liz's "personal genome machine" can break down the alien genetics and give Project Shepherd what they need to use a smart bomb on the aliens. 
Don't forget, her lab is protected by Air Force security set up by "Alex's team". (Badbadbadbad!)
Rosa describing her bipolarism. 
"I get these mood swings sometimes. Like, I can be happy and singing one minute, and then, all of a sudden, this darkness just closes in over me, and I have all these voices telling me that I'm worthless."
Jesse gives Cam the name of the security firm looking for Charlie.  We don't see the name of it. He warns her to be careful. "I may be hobbled but they are not."
"Now, you were hunting aliens, and I gave you Max's name. Why didn't you lock him up in Caulfield with the rest?"
"I don't know.  I guess I feel like there's a story unfolding in Roswell. Has been for more than 50 years.  You can't blame me for wanting to see how it ends."
Catherine Zeta-Jones in a laser maze -- Liz is referencing the 1999 movie Entrapment.
Liz trying to science-intrigue Kyle….
"Interesting historical footnote. There was an internment camp in Roswell. Nazi POWs built half this city.  Hence the iron crosses. My great-great grandfather BoDean's foreman got busted for hiding a couple of women here. According to him 'A couple Nazi spies escaped and strudeled their schnitzel for room and board right here on this very farm.  See, I was never really as into shooting squirrels as Wyatt is, so, when I came out here for summers as a kid, my cousin Kate and I -- we'd prowl the property for artifacts."
"You know, what we're doing you and me -- it doesn't only have to be for Max...once Max is healthy, we could use this genome machine to Target cellular apoptosis.  I mean, we could craft polymerase sequencing in human DNA. We don't have to stop. We have no boards, no restrictions…"
Apoptosis is also sometimes referred to as "cellular suicide" or "spontaneous single cell death".
Polymerase is like the building blocks of DNA.
In other words, Liz is really, really smart.
FORREST LONG!!!!!! 😂😂😂. 
Alex on the bullet shells: "These match the M1917s the airmen used in '48.
"They were scattered all over the property. Legend has it the Nazis we're building some kind of bomb in the barn. Then one night the Air Force showed up."
"The night of the fire."
"The blaze burned so hot it turned sand to stone. Papers say that lightning struck the barn and everyone died in the flames, but...that's bull.  See I think the Air Force covered up the massacre that happened when they discovered that weapon.
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A few things on this scene… 
Forrest mentions his cousin Kate...Wyatt's sister who was murdered by Noah in 2008.  So Forrest is Wyatt Long's cousin. 
Substitute Nazi for alien and it's probably all based somewhat based in truth.  In the 1940s that definitely would have been a reasonably obvious way to cover it up, especially given the history that Forrest cites and the military culture in Roswell.
Note: POW = prisoner of war
The iron crosses Forrest references…
Article on the German POWs in the Roswell Daily Record…
Walt was hiding in the barn when Tripp made it explode.  Explosion looked shimmery, like the alien ship & tech. 
Also, more info than you ever wanted to know about the Roswell Army Air Field/Walker Air Force Base/Roswell International Air Center...including some info on the POWs.
Sheriff Valenti's theory on Noah's death:
"I think Max Evans poisoned Noah and left him in the desert the night of the lightning storm, and I think Isobel Evans was in on it."
Kyle says it would take gallons of acetone to poison someone.
Tripp was Alex's great uncle
Nora was working on a ship to take the pods home.
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TRIPP MANES!!!  Full name is Eugene Manes III.
Alex finally gives Michael the piece of alien ship he's had.  He doesn't want to be another Manes man standing in Michael's way.
Cam's voicemail to Liz.
"Got a lead on my sister.  Give me a call when you get that tin-star-wearing E.T. awake, so I can curse him out for worrying us all. Good luck Liz. Bring Max home."
Arturo's Spanish to Liz and Rosa.
"Das gracias a Dios.  Gracias todos los dias."
Translates generally to "Thank God.  Thanks every day."
Isobel's monologue at the end:
"The idea of God always freaked me out. Like, apparently he made people in his own image, which, first of all, get over yourself. And also, does that apply to us? Does every planet have its own God? Let's say that we're all clones of the big guy in the sky. Well then, doesn't it stand to reason that we're all capable of slinging light? Well I guess by that same token we're all capable of tremendous wrath. We're walking contradictions. A never-ending mercurial rise and fall. Darkness and light. I guess the real miracle is choosing the light. Despite the ever-present darkness. Look at us. You're in the middle of a downright biblical desert, galaxies from where we started. I mean, our very existence is a miracle. I'm capable of so much more than I thought I was, Max. I really think that maybe I could do great things. I need you to come back, okay? I need you to be the thing that I can believe in. That doesn't let me down. I just need this one little miracle, and I promise I won't ever ask for anything ever again."
1. LEN "Steal My Sunshine"
2. Spacehog "In The Meantime"
3. Duke Ellington "Take It Easy"
4. Maná "Como Te Deseo"
5. Oasis "Don't Look Back In Anger"
6. Ben Harper "Waiting On An Angel"
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writing-frenzy · 6 years
Wuxia/Xianxia/Xuanhuan BL story ideas for anyone who wants them.
This is basically a dumping place for the said genres, because after reading so many, I just couldn’t help but think them up, even if I will never write them. But others might like them, so I thought why not? (though if anyone ever does write something, or has seen anything similar elsewhere, please tell me so I can read them.)
Warning: ideas got long, and some themes maybe sensitive: ie: Violence, Murder, Child abandonment, fighting, torture all that good stuff you find in these genres 
First Idea: the things a Good Teacher can alter
So, basically, MC was a guy from our world, who ended up dying and being reborn into another one... centuries before a certain book he read even takes place. Needless to say, he doesn’t remember it. (after all, one can only read about so many stallion protags and their harem fun times before they all kind of bleed together into one mash up.)  
But on the other hand, being able to literally do magic and all is still very much a thing he would like, so why the hell not become a cultivator? So he joins a sect, manages to pass it’s entrance trial by the grit of his teeth and becomes an outer disciple of one of the Peak Lords, learning all he needs to from his senior brothers and sisters. Everything should be great, right? 
Well, here is the thing: it is hard as heck; Turns out, he has a constitution that makes cultivating near impossible for him. Getting out of the first stages of Qi Refining and forming his Golden Core took forever it seems, and when he finally made it to the Immortal stage, he feels as if he had been run over by a bus after he was rung out of all his energy. it’s like whatever a normal person has to do to make it, it takes him not two, not even three, but a hundred times more to accomplish. But hey, he has a thirty-ish young body for all the years he’s really been alive and he still has magic, so it could have been worst.
(though if one wants to give him a golden finger of sorts; he has an absolutely insane pain tolerance :D things that would cause even the most mighty of Martial Heros to fall would be like, ‘huh, is something poking me?’. or chronic pain is also a thing if you want to be mean :) )
Only... Now that he has time for the actual world, he notices how his Sect’s state of affairs seem to be on the decline, with less and less people there now, most of them moving on to bigger and better things, bigger and better Sects and Clans. How the politics in his own Sect seem to be going to bigger and higher stakes, and how disagreements and feuds even end up almost destroying everything, a few Peak lords even dying from it.
These reasons all combined end up making MC one of the very few Immortals Golden Core Cultivators in the sect. It is because of this, that he ends up becoming a Peak Lord.
And Irony of Ironies, he is actually pretty damn good at it. (My idea is that in a previous life, MC was a Teacher or an Office worker, or maybe even both.)
Now, MC does not have want one would usually consider a golden finger, he is not the one who gets good things in life; in fact, he usually suffers and gets little to no reward from it... The same, on the other hand, can not be said for his disciples.
Disciple 1: ends up being the long lost son of an extremely wealthy family, who dies in the original novel for tragic backstory/emotional motive/character development for a novel character, only for MC to have saved them, then kept them because oh, high constitution for cultivation + bad idea for a grieving child this pretty to go to an orphanage. (glaring at them slavers out of the corners of his eye)
MC: Hey, I know it sucks what just happened, take as long as you need to recover. and hey, if you feel up to it, after you decide what to do, you can even join my sect and learn cool things.
D1: *sees things he can learn* ... I will never be so helpless again.
*Years later*
Wandering Clan: Young Master! You are well and alive! and they have been treating you well, even letting you learn Cultivation? Truly a noble sect, worthy of our loyalty!
MC’s Sect: + 1 business division, + a bunch to treasury
Disciple 2: Sibling to one of the Harem members, had thought she had been left for dead/slavers in the original novel by their sister and had been a tough, regularly appearing villain for a while until the protag has her see the error of her ways and became a harem member as well. Only once more, does MC save her from her situation, ending up getting him her gratitude and has her actually look really close at her situation and helps her look into the mystery of it all even as he takes her as his student.
MC: yeah, I’m only hearing about this second hand, and even I can see the holes in the story couldn’t even cover a hobo’s modesty. There is obviously more to this tale then meets the eye.
D2: ... *sparkles as she learns more on how to be a detective, Cultivation style*
*Years later*
Big Name Clan head: Ah, once again you have solved such a terrible crime and even this time shown how I have been framed! Truly a noble lady such as yourself have wishes? Please let me reward you!
MC’s Sect: + 1 Big Backer, + 1 to fame + a bunch more disciples for other Peaks
Disciple 3: the actual main villain of the series, he joins his sect when, during a night hunt, one of the Sect’s Elders watches him actually manage to kill the monster due to luck and a bit of skill; unfortunately he has some sort of dark inheritance + abusive teachers and fellow students in his sect who made him disillusioned with the lighter path and chased him into darkness... only here, MC strikes again, with him finding this poor abandoned child first, saving them from getting injured and taking them home to be well cared for and properly coached through the troubles of life.
MC: Crap, damn it, oh fuck that is more blood spilling then I am comfortable with, hang on little guy I will have this treated soon.
D3:... No one has ever cared for me so much. *Childish hero worship + instant loyalty.*
*Years Later*
Fangirls and boys: AHHHH D3 is just so cool, he is so awesome, so handsome!
MC’s Sect: +1 for fame, plus a bunch of more disciples for the sect.
Disciple 4: Female Canon Fodder, originally in the novel to act parallel to the Female Lead and make her look one hundred times better in comparison in looks, personality and even morals. But here is still insecure teenage girl who, before she could be blacken and disillusioned, wants more in her life then to be an ornamental vase for a future wealthy husband, finds out that MC’s Sect not only takes women, but also actually trains them in ways of Martial arts/Cultivation/Pill Refining/Whatever? (Sign her the fuck up.)
MC: oh, you want to learn? Sure, let’s start. *is a great teacher who actually teaches equally*
D4: *is a wide-eyed sponge* I will follow.
*Years Later*
D4′s Clan: Ah, yes, that great girl is indeed a daughter of our clan, bringing glory and honor to our names, with men lining up only in hopes she will but glance at them. 
MC’s Sect: + a Big Backer, + Fame, + more followers
Disciple 5: The Hidden Boss; the illegitimate son of a family (from wife or husband, whichever you desire), was outcast from them all without ever knowing why, not even allowed to learn his family’s martial arts and abilities even though he was incredibly talented and skilled at everything else he learned. In the original novel, he at first seemed like a helpful NPC family member of Protag/Harem member who would explain or even help the Protag and his harem, them all unknowing that he was in fact causing 30% of their problems. But here, MC notices Hidden Boss’s potential, sees how these people just seem to be wasting talent and goes;
MC: Hey, I can take him in!
Those who actually care about the kid: *sees all his other ducklings and the good rumors of his teachings.* sure, better with you then here.
Those who don’t care about the kid. *Sees the funny, ‘weak’ Peak Lord of a dying sect who is pretty far away from them* sure, as long as he’s not here.
*Year’s Later:
D5: *very successful, powerful, strong, and wealthy* Hello.
D5′s Clan: *sweats*
MC’s Sect: + 1 Fame, + Money, + Honor, + a whole bunch more.
 Disciple 6: Female character who was basically created solely for the need to give the Protag character, emotional, and background development in the story, and then die in the most fan pissing off way imaginable. yeah, you know what I’m talking about, a girl giving only one dimension to her structure, who has a profound effect on the main character for how little time they were together, and then just killed off before we even get the chance to even learn more! Only here, instead of staying wherever she was before, she either gets picked up by MC early on on one of his recruitment drives or hears of the sect’s growing fame and awesome female disciples and decides she wants more (like she deserves)
MC: oh, you’re pretty good at that! I can see real talent for you here; would you like to learn more?
D6: Yes please! ^_^
*Years Later*
D6: *A Noble Empress, eyes cutting just like her sword arts, her elemental affinity working in twine with it as she delivers a finishing blow to her monsterous foe* Huh, I’m pretty sure these are some prime ingredients for Cultivation, I must be careful to preserve and dismantle effectively!
MC’s Sect: + Fame, + Fortune, + a crap ton of good things. 
Whatever order you want them to come in, it’s up to you, just have fun with it.
But yeah, these are not the only changes from the original novel; for example, MC’s sect should have been destroyed/abandoned/deserted, only a footnote because of some obscure fact that needed to be know. (example: This monster is so terrible, it destroyed three sects! or MC’s Sect is the only one who knew of a technique to cure this poison; either find a survivor/search the ruins) Only for luck, the MC, and his lucky students to have saved it all in the end.
Note: To makes things more interesting, I think it would be funny if there were more Reincarnations/Transmigrators closer to the story line, but in shock of the differences to add to the comedy value.  
Idea Two: The System messed up, like a boss!
Now, how this idea starts out is a bit different: it’s just a bit before the MC dies, showing that they have been a normal guy before they had found themselves held captive by some obsessed stalker/killer for a long time, who has made it to where if they MC ever tried to harm them in any way or form, it would just end up guaranteeing his own death.
And after enduring this literal hell for what feels like years now, here are MC’s thoughts on the matter.
MC: Okay then. *proceeds to rip his tormentor's own throat out with his teeth*
(Now, it is up to the writer if they want to hide this dark history or not, maybe hinting here and there about it.)
Cue them suddenly being connected to the system!
MC: ... what?
System: Hiiii~ I’m-
*Suddenly cut off, MC goes through one hell of a disorienting experience, only to wake up in some child’s body.
MC: What
Child’s Soul that still barely remains in the body: Please, I just want to see what’s beyond these walls, just once. 
*sudden mindwammy of memories of the slavery this child has gone through, the torture from their masters, the cruelty of bystanders that just stand by.*
What the child’s words in a way mean: (I want to see one good thing, just one about this world, before I die.)
MC:... Okay then. *proceeds to rip out their current body’s Master’s throat, due to surprise, his soul not be the one that is enslaved, and a strange sort of energy*
(And maybe here it could be hinted about what happened if one wants to hide the MC’s past, about how this wasn’t the first time he’s tasted blood on his teeth or ripped out a person’s throat.)
This in the end erases the remaining slave binds on him, and makes it easy to escape the mansion he is being held in. Even better, it seems the place is also being raided by some group, so it’s even easier for MC to be lost in the confusion. When he is finally far enough away, when the distance finally feels just enough, the MC lets himself fall to the ground, right next to a shrub of some sorts before he finally takes a breath and fully taking in his surroundings.
Only to lose it as he finally takes in the scenery: a pretty jade like valley of some sorts, soft hills of green turned darker and yet still shining in the moonlight from a full moon and the stars all around them. You know those pictures of places with no light pollution on islands and such? This is what he see in this moment.
And both souls are in complete awe of it.
Child Soul: so beautiful... I never knew it (the world) could be so beautiful.
MC: I forgot it could be.
Child Soul: ... Thank you! Thank you so much! *smiles and passes on to bigger and better things.
It is after this bit of peace and quiet, that finally the system comes back.
System: Ah, sorry, technical difficulties, did not expect that; Anyways, I am the System, to help you in your role for your next life!
MC: ...Role?
System: Yes! You are the “Villainous Boss’ of -insert story name here-! I am the ‘Like a Boss’ System, ensuring one will act as a truly terrifying villain!
MC: *thinking* You said the VB of that story, aren’t they -insert villian’s name-?
System: Yes!
MC: The young Master who fell from the mountains and ended up following dark paths and murky unknowns?
System: Yes.
MC: the Villain who was dark haired and eyed, who’s skin was pale as jade was said to be, and could make man and woman go mad over his charm?
System:... Yes?
MC:... I think there has been a mistake. 
1:Considering that this was a child who was sold into slavery very young, to a point they don’t even know about parents, has dealt with the hell that is slavery to cruel masters, and would have in fact died just now if MC didn’t make a way through. {2} actually does have a name, and isn’t the same at all as the Villain. {3} the Body does not in anyway have dark hair or eyes, and the skin is not pale as jade (not to mention charm, unless someone is weak for poor orphaned waifs).
Yeah, a mistake has been made.
System: ah.... oh dear; maybe you do a switch a roo?
only, turns out that they find that would be impossible as well, because not only are they way before the story line even starts, MC’s constitution is very... Strange. (Basically, because MC could be classified as a Vengeful spirit, if only for the way he died, but due to him already getting said revenge, and even helping another soul pass on to the pure lands, he has a very high, very good constitution for Cultivation... both righteous and demonic. and his body needs to maintain an about equal level between the both of them, otherwise it gets out of wack and could cause most painful death.)
So, MC has to maintain tasks from the system, acting like a boss, and do certain things (like joining certain sects, to betraying a comrade, to even slaughtering a group of people sadistically ); luckily, he doesn’t actually have to be a villain, but he does have to act like it, which gives ideas.
MC: Okay, I will be the red herring Villain! The, it’s so obvious it just can’t be them kind of guy! 
System: DX ... why not, it might work.
And hilariously enough, it does :D I imagine MC would act like a combination between Ichimaru Gin from Bleach and Murkuro from KHR, clever, twisting, manipulative, and yet surprisingly playful and cruel when one least expects it. (that he has loyal fanatical followers with yandere tendencies goes without saying, though he has no idea; He has high intelligence, can understand emotions and motives, but does at times not realize just how much people have actually bonded with him himself.)
Examples of his relationships.
Twins he found: the famous mirrored twins, one going down the path of darkness and cruelty, even as one heads for the path of good and light; maybe in the original story they had been separated, or a distance was placed between them due to misunderstandings and jealousy. MC had gotten a get one and get the other free tag a longs, finding them when they were young and hadn’t yet joined a sect, only ending up bonding with them. Though he is admittedly worried about betrayal and being put down from them in the future, he still bonds and helps them as much as he can.
Twin 1: MC! MC! I’ve gotten even better in my Demonic cultivation!
Twin 2: shhhh, not so loud! But anyways, I have gone even farther levels in my out Righteous Cultivation.
MC: ... That’s nice?
They are like his most trusted advisors/Inner circle members (of course he would have one, any good villian would :D ) completely willing to do what must be done for their brother in arms and most trusted friend. (the one who had been there for them at their lowest, the one who was able to keep them all together, sacrificing what he needed, adding so many scars to his one body just to spare them. They are the ones who best know about the man he is, for they were the ones who saw how he was forged, turning his words, his looks, and even his smiles into the terrifying weapons they are today. He is the one who showed them you can be bathed in darkness and still be ever so good, something they will help with as much as they can.   
His First Disciple: Now, MC does take his teaching duties seriously, whether he is an elder in the sect or even a peak lord (though I would think it would be awesome if he was a Librarian), so he would be very attentive with his pupil, even if he teases and gently picks on them, messing with them as they grow older. MC originally took this kid because he remembers them from the novel as the one who helps the protagonist, who was thought to be an enemy only to be the secret ally. So he is pretty sure the kid will betray him eventually, especially since he let’s them in on all his shady practices and dealings with demonic cultivatior and/or actually demon folk. And with them being a complete Kuudere, it seems that way..
1st D: I will follow my Master to the end of my days. and if my death could be of service to him, I will have died with a light heart.
MC: wtf no! No dying for me!
The kid turns completely and utterly into his proud minion, happily doing what ever his dear Master asks of him. (after all, who was it that pulled him from the darkness, who showed him such care and attention, always there with a kind word and a joke whenever he was troubled? There was no one but him who wanted him, not during these long years, only for him to be pick specifically? ha, he will follow all his days, just as long as he can remain at his side.)
Very powerful Demon Lord (not king): Someone MC met while still young and unattached to a sect thought; hey, let’s get my consorting with darkness task down! After all, this guy was a well known villain in the series, a troublemaker through and through, who betrayed and sacrificed his minions and others like pawns. Once again, MC thinks he’s going to get betrayed eventually, but hey, the guy ain’t all bad and he’s pretty friendly even! though... 
Demon Lord that is in fact in control of a very terrifying and large territory: Sir, would you like me to take your coat? maybe even a drink? *orders a very expensive and luxury wine.*
MC: *eyes him suspiciously, but nods* I am willing. 
why they insist on waiting hand and foot on him always weirds them out. (For the Half-demon, half-human, it only makes sense; this person is their benefactor, so overwhelmingly powerful, just being near them strengths them, who he has picked him up even while he was a weakling and saw promise, made a gamble on that promise and even to this day still profits. Who is honestly even more terrifying then the demon King in DL’s eyes, and desires to please him all the more, so that he too can always serve this higher life form in his eyes.)
And these are just some examples, mostly all of them would probably be the inner circle I said he had XD
But wait, you might ask; what about those tasks you mentioned, how could betraying a comrade or slaughtering a group of people sadistically be good? here we go :D
betraying a comrade:
MC: okay, so, this guy is embezzling funds, this asshole is abusing his students, and this.. one...
System: ...?
MC:... “This one is raping their own Disciples, huh?” is said ever so softly, their eyes half-lidded even as they stare at the profile picture of the filth. “When they go on their next mission, make sure I am one of their backups, hmmm? I haven’t had the chance to push anyone off a cliff yet, have I?”  
Answer: In a big sect, everyone should be your comrade; that you are betraying their expectations, their values, or even ratting them out all make it up. (and cold-hearted murder always works for the scum of the earth too!)
slaughtering a group of people sadistically: 
System: so, we have a group of Demonic cultivators consorting with slave dealers, we have some criminals over here doing despicable things there, and we have traitors over here, what do you want to do?
MC: how about all of them?
Answer: what about those no one would miss :D
Notes: I would find it so funny if the MC was actually an animal magnet; like, birds will happily eat from his hand, deer will sleep right next to him, guardian beasts will want to protect him and keep him safe because god damn it, hasn’t this poor soul been through enough?! (be cool if this was one of the reasons why the sect leader actually trusts him; he has a bond with a guardian beast that can maybe read the soul or something, which MC has no clue about, so thinks nothing about how this beast keeps wanting to cuddle him.
but you want to know what? Out of everything, with all the the MC is doing? All they truly want in life is peace and rest, maybe even a shoulder to rest his weary head upon when life gets to much. (but thanks to the system and it’s tasks, he will never be able to truly have it.)
huh, this got pretty long.... eh, I had more ideas, but I think I’ll leave it here for now. If anyone wants more Wuxia/Xianxia/Xuanhuan , I might make a part two!
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pawlrus · 7 years
RIP Chester Bennington, thanks for everything
I'm just writing down my thoughts as I process my grief so it's probably going to be rough. Content warning for suicide and depression and I don't know how to tag shit I just wanna talk about Linkin Park for a fucking second.
For the past few years I've grown to stop caring about what others consider "guilty pleasures" because what's the fucking point. I love the things I love and I doubt that thinking the movie Rubber is fucking brilliant or listening to Ariana Grande is hurting anyone. At the same time, I never really gave that same respect to Linkin Park or at least I don't talk about how much I still love Linkin Park. It's kinda silly. A lot of us have collectively written off that point were we listened to Linkin Park religiously like it was just a footnote in our preteen and teenage years. We often looked back at their sincerity in expressing the how our teenage angst felt with ridicule for some reason. Yet they were such an important part of my childhood and as I've mentioned on Twitter and Facebook, if you don't mind me being a little hyperbolic, they might have saved my life. So I guess this is my thank you and goodbye letter. I hate this. I hate that I'm writing this. I've spent the last day retweeting every single Chester Bennington tweet that's appeared in my timeline, reading articles reflecting on Linkin Park's influence, and indulging myself in their discography including the 2014 and 2017 albums that I missed (I'm sorry Chester). And there was a lot of crying but that sort of comes with the territory between losing a childhood hero and hearing too-on-point lyrics about depression and trauma. Hybrid Theory and Meteora are maybe the two first albums I ever owned and I don't think it'd be unreasonable to say that Hybrid Theory is probably my most played album of all time. Like I don't know if I can say enough about how important Hybrid Theory is to my life. It was my gateway to all of the diverse genres of music I enjoy today. The Collision Course CD + DVD combo literally introduced me to Jay-Z and I’ve been a hip hop head since. I never would’ve gotten into classic rock and subsequently indie rock without Linkin Park. I never would’ve started listening to My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy without Linkin Park. I never would’ve started listening to electronic music if not for my interest in those “Mister Hahn” instrumentals/scratching demos. And I haven't seen this brought up much but I fucking LOVE how Linkin Park put Asian artists Mike Shinoda and Joe Hahn in the spotlight in so many of their songs. Most of all, Bennington's voice gave me a lot of the tools I needed to deal with the trauma happening in my own life and the vocabulary to understand the emotions I was feeling. I've come to really appreciate how Bennington turned every slight against him, every frustration he's felt, into something at least somewhat constructive. Maybe I'm projecting a bit here but I've always felt that his lyrics had this tinge of optimism. He blames others for the pain they caused him but ultimately angles himself towards moving past it and growing into a more fulfilled or more complete person. Sometimes out of spite. Sometimes in desperation. Or anger. Or sadness. This idea that you can refuse to perpetuate or participate in the cycle of abuse and hatred has kept me moving personally.
I've returned to Linkin Park several times over the course of my life and it was honestly kind of magical every time. It's always been a reminder like, "Hey, you used to be this unhappy and here you are: still alive." And because of that I guess I've taken for granted how long Chester Bennington was going to be around. Up until now, it's been so much fun popping in a Linkin Park playlist on a drive or checking to see whether they were still making music. None of their newer music has resonated with me as much as Meteora did but it was great to see them create new songs and evolve their sound. There's also just something wonderful about Bennington's voice that I've never been able to replicate nor do I have any fucking hope of replicating. Still, every time I do karaoke I have to do at least one Linkin Park song and I sing it with a shitty falsetto, strained screams, and unironic glee. I love this band. I remember when they were playing at Blizzcon I had so much fun singing along to the livestream. I wish I had been able to actually see them live. I wish the free show that's supposed to happen here in a few weeks... could've happened. Fuck. I'm fucking sad about this. I'm going to continue to be sad about this. I really feel like a close personal friend or a part of me or my childhood died. I mean a fucking childhood hero died. Most celebrity deaths don’t get to me but this one hurts my fucking heart so fucking much. It’s fucking tragic. Everything about this is tragic. Depression is fucking awful. I know things will get better and I'll feel more at peace about this eventually but I'm fucking miserable right now. Today has been easier than yesterday for sure and I imagine tomorrow will be slightly better as well. Hybrid Theory and Meteora are still fucking fantastic albums front to back. I'm putting Somewhere I Belong in my playlist rotation for the foreseeable future. I wish I could tell him how much he helped me become the person I am today. I’m probably gonna cry some more, drink a lot more, pour one out, and most importantly try to cope. Stay safe friends. Call, text, tweet at, dm, email, or whatever me if you wanna talk or cry. Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline @ 1-800-273-8255 if you need more qualified help. If you're making shitty jokes about Chester Bennington's death go fuck yourself.
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