#creature Owen AU
jaxxsoxxn · 5 months
Feel free to ignoring this ( pls don't), so as you're one of the few people that listen to what I have to say about speedsters, here are some of my negative speedster hcs:
People, in fact, don't realise how dengerous, and scary, speedsters really are until its too late.
- almost every one in this condiction suffers from delusions. Like the negative speed force telling Eobard that he is a monster and him beliving that with all his soul (he in fact is) and he can not change, so he must make Barry's life a living hell forever.( For Owen a see him have some mental problems like Jinx from Arcane).
- They commit antropophagy. As you know speedsters need to eat a lot, and having in mind that the negative ones are "crazy" and by nature they have a too strong predator instinct, i just gonna leave this info here....( really want to talk about this, but dont want to sound weird)
- they can mimic other peoples voices. Speaking is basically vibrating the vocal chords, so a speedster can imitate anyone, and remembering the last hc, they can use it as a hunting tecnic. ( just like those criptids or skinwalkers).
- sexual impulses. They can be predators in any meaning of the word, and they have enough intelect to make plans, and at some point they may want to setisfy an urge...( it dosen't mean everyone of them do that, but again, just saying)
-claptomaniacs. They dont steal things for its value, they steal stuff because it looks intresting for them, when they dont want it anymore they just throw it away.( That aplies to humans too, the speedster can kidnap a person, just because they liked something in that person, thats not necesarilly sexual, they can spend hours looking at that person or hearing them talk.)
And thats are the most things that worried me about speedsters, I don't fear them losing their mind and messing up the multiverse, I fear them if they lose their mind and start to hunting people in the woods, and in big ass Citys that dont mind if somebody desapered.
Thanks for reading ❤! Hope you finded that at least a little scary and realistic, I want to become a terror and body horror writer in the future. I know its dosent about your AU but I would like to share it with another Flash fan.
I am a Twane hater first and foremost, so-
Also, Kaliesuriens, henlo :D
But, let's chat about it, in points! But imma use my ver of Owen as the main silly guy--
I imagine Owen would defiantly let the speedforce take over his mind at first, he's obsessive over coming back, even when he's "back". He needs everything to be exactly how he wants it, and negative Speedforce feeds into it - "Yes, you are right. How could it happen? It had no right, you didn't allow it." type of stuff. A child, who is stripped of all the control it could have, would fight for it with nails and teeth.
I do wonder if they'd commit autosarcophagy (autocannibalism). Time for speedsters is a horrid thing, and with Owen? Owen, who was stuck in speedforce and suddenly left, hungry and bitter - too animalistic to care. I mean, he heals so quickly and it hurts only a little, the meat is so fresh, even if the hair sometimes gets annoying. I do imagine he does not care for rawness of meat- And if he finds humans harder to hide, to get in time? Well, the corpses of animals with marks of human nails ripping through their flesh and teeth marks that couldn't be any other animal's? But remember not to touch it- not to move it. Speedsters always come back to their last place of hunt. Obsessive little things.
Owen, now twenty-five, still sounding like the sacred eight years old. Boomer has nightmares of his blood-red eyes and his silhouette leaning above him - so skinny and yet grown. His body so unlike his baby son, yet the same voice calling for his dad, for his papa - "Please, da, what did I do? Why aren't you looking at me?" He wakes up sick to his stomach. Owen, angry how others get their parents, hiding in a forest and hunting one of the rangers, knowing that he has a young daughter. They have everything, her last birthday he took her to Disneyland, while she whined that it's not Disney World - how dare they? How dare she. Only two "dad, help!" and he's exactly where he needs him.
Speedsters, at all, have a strong sexual drive for me - I mean, they do not have to rest at all. Mixed with stronger instincts? Damn. When Owen is home, softer - tamer, it's not that big of a deal. Until Axel comes over with rogues, so loud and eye catching. They both are horrid for each other, but only one of them might end up with scars after their meetings. Pied Piper jokes about being attacked by a feral cat.
I just wanna mention - with Kleptomania, it's qualified under inability to control impulses (the stolen stuff has literally 0 value, some give it away some throw it away) or at least was! But also, I doubt speedsters feel the guilt and anxiety later. But it's still under the "lacking control over impulses" which I believe is common under the Speedster fam tree. I also want to say that even while Boomer's not a speedster/handmade speedster, I can imagine that he has Kleptomania on some lighter lvl. It's just not as common, but when it hits, it hits pretty hard. He usually ends up giving the trinkets or even bigger things to other rogues. They know about his little issue. When he learns that Owen also does so, he worries that it's biological, but Weather Wizard helps him to figure out that it's not actually the same. (biggest thing he took - a chair from the police station, left it in the nearest trash can. He believed back then that he wanted to do it and did it to prove to himself that he can. He learned around a month later that it's really not that.)
So ye, ofc I had to put some stuff about Boomer and Owen (a lot of stuff about Owen), but what can I do :'D
Thing with Speedsters hunting, especially in DC universe, they would blend in with everything. You hunt near Gotham? Few people disappearing a week is the norm, if you're good enough, no-one notices.
Also, they can vibrate through the walls - whatcha gonna do? Creature Owen seems fun, but imma stay with my normal Owen, especially since in his main surviving au it's Digger with the speed and he got his pop's great agility. (gonna @kaliesuriens bc last time it didnt inform ya)
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
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I’m thinking about supernatural spies again…
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haha.. guess who’s spent too much time scrolling through the monster falls tag since spooky month’s coming up and now has brainrot for a twisters monster au, couldn’t be me-
here’s what kind of monsters i’d think the cast would be, but yall can leave suggestions too if you want ofc
kate’s a leoninetaur - a centaur with the lower half of a lion instead of a horse, along with lion ears and a lion nose. she just gives me lioness vibes with her whole arc of isolating herself n’ such, and also because i wanted to give her paws, teehee.
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tyler’s a minotaur hybrid - basically he doesn’t have a wholeass bull head but he has horns, bull ears, hooved feet, and a tail along with fur on his back, chest, legs and arms. as for the type of bull he’s based off of- i liked the shape of an ankole’s horns [obviously his aren’t as ridiculously big] and their coat pattern, so i chose them for the inspiration.
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javi i struggled with a lot, but ultimately i think he'd be a phoenix hybrid - representative of him essentially being severely changed or reborn after the deaths of the tornado tamers, and him being metaphorically being reborn after leaving storm par. he's got wings, finger talons, pyrokinesis, and the ability to completely burn himself and regenerate anew. i also thought it'd be funny since he canonically loves hot cheetos.
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boone is a werefox! more specifically, a black fox. while he looks mostly human when not shifted he does have fox ears, a bushy tail, and fur on his arms, chest, back and legs. foxes are known as playful tricksters, which i think perfectly fits boone. i also imagine that he's able to make fox noises so i can just picture him screeching at tyler and ty just being like "WHAT DO YOU WANT"
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lily is a gorgon! i thought it'd be silly to imagine her long braids as a bunch of snakes [whomst she loves very much]. obviously because of the whole 'turning-people-to-stone-by-just looking-at-them,' lily usually has to wear sunglasses or a blindfold to ensure not having any accidental stone turnings and the only person lily can look at without any kind of coverings is dani. i imagine her snakes to be rainbow boas [bc they're shiny and they remind me of her].
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speaking of dani, she's a gargoyle! she's got wings, horns and claws, and of course grey skin that turns to complete stone when she's exposed to too much sunlight. she's the polar opposite of the broody gothic stereotype placed on gargoyles for obvious reasons, and she's the one who's currently teaching javi how to properly fly since he never really learned.
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the last wrangler on the list, dexter would likely be a dragon hybrid. think about it, dex is widely recognized as a sort of dad figure to the wranglers, and dragons like to hoard treasure, so it'd make since for a dragon dexter to consider the wranglers his hoard. although he's pretty laid back by dragon standards, don't think for a second that he wouldn't get protective if someone tried to threaten any of the wranglers. he does have a full dragon form, although he doesn't use it very often and prefers to simply stay in a mostly human form with wings, a tail, claws and horns.
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cathy is a leoninetaur as well, although her animal half is actually that of a liger's -a lion and a tiger hybrid. kate only ended up being a full blooded leoninetaur due to her dad being a full blooded lion variant. nevertheless, she's a protective mama cat and nobody dares to fuck with her.
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finally, i [unfortunately] have to talk about scott, and i definitely think he's a naga. snakes are known to be deceptive and manipulative, which definitely fits him. it's also funny trying to imagine him squashing himself awkwardly into a car with a bigass tail. as for what kind of snake he'd be, an asp viper fits him. [they look mean. scott is mean, so it fits.]
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silvsarts · 2 years
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tips my hat i haven’t touched my computer or drawing tablet in a week have some scb au doodles but actually i might be planning another animatic feat. the jekyll and hyde musical
it’ll open with scb!owen, then maze!owen and soldier!owen kinda duke it out in the mindscape for a lil, then it ends w scb!owen having a migraine or smth idk 
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frommalkinwithlove · 1 year
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when an injured merman jumps onto a marine bio student’s boat off the coast of washington
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perpetualexistence · 3 months
Alenoah Hypnosis Corruption AU, where after Alejandro hears Noah call him an 'eel dipped in grease', Alejandro makes a deal with Noah... If Noah lets Alejandro hypnotize him into not saying the truth about Alejandro to anyone again, then Noah won't get eliminated... However if Noah refuses to get hypnotized, then Alejandro will hypnotize Owen instead, after Noah's elimination... Noah hesitantly agrees to be placed in a trance by Alejandro... Alejandro tells the hypnotized Noah to be loyal to Alejandro! 🍥
So, funny story anon. I don't really have any more ideas I could add to this lovely idea you've presented...because you've accidentally (I hope) recreated the wheel.
You've also accidentally awoken the essayist that has realized she has the opportunity to share things she knows. So, with that in mind:
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(I don't mean for Lisa to be mad. I am genuinely excited to share these things with people who potentially don't know them. I just couldn't find a better meme.)
Feel free to read under the read more for fanfic recs followed by my own personal thoughts about the Alenoah hypnosis corruption and why I love it so. I'm basing my knowledge on what I've seen on Tumblr and on Ao3. If you feel like I've missed anything, please let me know!
First the elephant in the room: the horny fics.
Yes, the earliest examples of Alejandro using hypnosis on Noah were smut. No, I'm not about to link them for what I would hope to be obvious reasons.
To be clear, I've got no problem with people who do have hypnosis as a kink. Everyone's allowed to have or not have a kink so long as it doesn't hurt anybody. To each their own so long as consent's involved.
The problem only starts when you do things like bringing minors into the mix. For what, again, I hope are obvious reasons.
Hypnosis is something that can be used as a great plot device when used for non-horny reasons too, and that's the context we're looking at them here.
So now onto the more palatable dark, horrible things you can do with hypnosis! /aff
The one who started the most recent trend was Creative_Creatures with their fic To Reach New Heights. It's a NoCo fic they started in November 2023 and was discontinued in April 2024.
Alejandro tricks Noah into letting himself get hypnotized, and Noah starts getting more and more corrupted as he grapples with his sense of self and the version of himself Alejandro is imposing on him. Cody starts noticing something's up, and Alien Cody also gets involved in the plot.
There are some moments of OOCness that the author has admitted to. They've also stated that they no longer like the work, hence the fic being discontinued. However, I still think it's worth checking out at the very least as a fic to learn from. It still deserves the credit for being the first to try tackling the subject, even if the result didn't end up as expected.
After Creative-Creatures came Total-drama-brainrot, aka Ophe. For Ophe there's actually a linear timeline for how their fic, Snap, Crackle, and Pop, came to be.
The seed started on January 14th, where Ophe made a stray comment about how the fandom doesn't really address the fact that Alejandro hypnotized Owen, and received a response regarding the negative side effects of hypnotism that Owen could have hypothetically dealt with: https://www.tumblr.com/total-drama-brainrot/739512421490835456/i-was-thinking-more-along-the-lines-of-how-messing
About a month later, Ophe made a seemingly random ask regarding how one would write hypnosis. I may or may not have a footnote in this history as I made a comment regarding To Reach New Heights: https://www.tumblr.com/total-drama-brainrot/741634477880754176/how-the-fuck-am-i-supposed-to-write-hypnosis
A day later they unleashed Snap, Crackle, and Pop, a fic where Alejandro convinces Noah to make a bet regarding hypnosis, and takes advantage of Noah's forced compliance from then on. Though Noah is by no means helpless and finds his own ways to fight back.
The fic only has three chapters written so far with no clear idea of when the next chapter will release. Still, I highly recommend it for the writing and the exploration of the concept.
About a week later, Ayawilliams came into the picture. For those of you who don't know who Ayawilliams is, I'm going to assume you're new to the fandom. In which case, hi! Glad to have you here! They've been shipping Alenoah as far back as 2016 on Fanfiction.net from what I can tell. This was way before it started taking over as the main ship in 2021. They're still consistently writing fic every few days, and through all of this have made a name for themselves on AO3.
If you look through the comments for the first chapter of Snap, Crackle, and Pop you can see that AyaWilliams definitely did take note of the hypnosis fic, and of To Reach New Heights. Almost a week later they delved into their first foray into hypnosis fic: Passive. (Though the main inspiration for the fic is credited to a role-reversal genderswapped fic called Hexxed by lonelybrachiobrute (triceratroops)).
Passive's a role reversal one-shot where Noah is actually the one hypnotizing Alejandro to be better at the competition for just a small, tiny price.
AyaWilliams liked the idea so much they made a sequel fic set in the same universe during the London episode called Unrecognized Yearnings.
The hypnosis trend of fic came full circule on March 5, 2024 when AyaWilliams wrote A little persuasion. After London, Alejandro threatens Noah into letting Alejandro hypnotize him or else he'd do it to Owen.
Since that fic, there haven't been any new additions to the hypnosis trend for Alenoah.
Which I think is a shame, because I do rather like hypnosis as a plot device. It's a branch of mind control that needs one party to trust the other in order for it to work. It's an exploration of power dynamics, and how they can be exploited and taken advantage of.
And although none of these fics explore it, I also like considering the other side of hypnosis. With the idea that the trust is warranted, and the hypnotizer uses a power that could so easily destroy and corrupt to instead help the hypnotizee achieve a state of calm and peace they didn't know was possible. Or to help them work past their own inner demons by detaching in a safe way, with the ability to ground themselves to come to a better understanding of themselves.
Or as another, more specific, certainly not something I have in mind for one of my own AUs example: Having Alejandro who starts off with using hypnosis merely to get what he wants from people, only to transition as he grows as a person to use it to do something like bring a certain cynic out of a dissociative state induced by personal trauma. And possibly becoming open to the idea of allowing said cynic that same amount of power over him, creating a more balanced relationship founded on trust between the two.
But you didn't hear that example from me.
Hypnosis can be used in multiple ways, and how specific characters use it and react to it speaks so much about who they are as a person. Every way is neat, and I hope to see more of it!
Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.
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faithshouseofchaos · 23 days
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Welcome to faithshouseofchaos Smutober Fic
Fest and 2k follower celebration + 31 days of Smutober Halloween fics
2 months long
Down below you'll find a list of Drivers/ OC/Hockey players/characters to choose from along with Smut prompts with fic types ex: Sweet tart ropes-"now what would your father do if he found out" + Lemon bars— dads best friend + Strawberry Shortcake -age gap.
I also have fluff prompts along with angst hurt/ comfort that I’ll be adding once I hit 2k (12 followers away) along with angst/hurt and comfort and the other half of my supernatural prompt list that @sweate-r-weathe-r and I will be working on when we have free time.
It's really simple and fun and remember it's October so you know what that means Faiths supernatural F1 au's are back in business for a whole month.
If you have your own idea that's fine too
All fics written will be tagged with faithshouseofchaos Smutober and faithshouseofchaosofchaos 2k celebration
I have two fics that are unrelated to this that I’m currently working on that are for @moss-on-tmblr and @sweate-r-weathe-r !
Alex Albon
Arthur leclerc
Carlos sainz
Charles Leclerc
Caden jones oc
Checo Perez
Daniel ricciardo
Esteban ocon
Fernando Alonso
Franco Colapinto
George Russell
Jenson Button
Jack doohan
Kimi raikkonen
Kevin magnussen
Kaycee Thomas oc
Lando Norris
Lewis Hamilton
Logan Sargent
Lance stroll
Leo Mctavish oc
Max verstappen
Mark webbah
Marc Marquez
Mateo Santiago oc
Nico rosberg
Nico Huelkenberg
Oscar piastri
Pierre gasly
Pato o’ward
Sebastian Vettel
Toto wolff
Valtteri Bottas
Yuki tsunoda
Zhou gaunyu
OC driver pairings
Leo and Max
Kaycee and loscar
Charles and Mateo
Caden and Daniel
Luke Hughes
Jack Hughes
Quinn Hughes
Nico hischier
Trevor Zegras
Jamie Drysdale
andrei svechikov
Spike (btvs)
Angle (btvs)
Lance sweets (bones)
Bo duke (dukes of hazzard)
Luke duke (dukes of hazzard)
Dean Winchester (supernatural)
Sam Winchester (supernatural)
Bucky Barnes (marvel)
Steven grant (marvel)
Marc Spector (marvel)
Tyler Owen’s (twister)
Jake seresin (top gun maverick)
Klaus mikealson (the originals)
Elijah mikealson (the originals)
Shifter (any kind)
Type of fic
Dark fic
X - reader gender neutral
Fem! X reader
Male! X reader
Driver x driver
Treats/smut prompts
M&M’s — “I'm starving, but I want to eat all of you”
Candy corn— "Never trust a man whose smile steals the breath right from your lungs."
Snickers— “This is wrong.” “So wrong.” While continuing to pull at each other's clothes, mind fogged with nothing but lust and arousal.
Milky Way —"Such a good little pup, aren't you?"
Smarties—"Mark me. Mark me so everyone knows who I belong to."
Skittles —“My little slut to ruin.”
Reese’s Pieces—“I want you. I want you with me, on me, and in me.”
Candy apples —“I’m yours. Only yours.”
Gummy worms —“I hate you so much”
Crunch bars —“I never done this before”
Tootsie rolls —“shhh I got you sweet heart just lie back and let me take care of you”
3 Musketeers — “it’s cold and I’m tired. Can you come keep me warm baby?”
Jaw breakers “you like this don’t you baby? The feeling of my fangs brushing against your neck.”
Jolly rancher — “You’ve never even touched yourself?”
Baby Ruth—“I want you to teach me.”
Peanut Butter cups—“Makes me want to wreck you.”
Almond joys/mounds—“what are you an exhibitionist?”
Airheads— “aww look at you turning into the dumb slut I know you are at the sight of my cock”
Laffy Taffy—“I see the way you stare at my thighs come on darling I know you want to”
KitKats— “don’t be a brat and maybe just maybe I’ll let you cum later”
Twix— “don’t look at me, look in the mirror. look in the reflection at your reflection and you’ll see what I see baby”
Reese’s take five—“Behave, I wouldn’t want to have to punish you now.”
Butter fingers —“Can’t you handle it, baby?” “I can-fuck, I can handle it.”
Starburst —“look at them. See how wrecked they look? Isn’t it something? and it’s all from watching you darlin. They like to watch they get off on it and by the way your reacting I’d say you get of from someone watching you take it like the good boy/girl you are”
Sour patch kids— “Act like a brat and I’ll treat you like a brat.” + “Count them for me.”
Sweet tart ropes—“now what would your father do if he found out”
Nerds— “shhh go back to sleep baby I’ll take care of you”
Milk chocolate —“I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over all the noise you were making.”
Dark chocolate—“I can hear how loud your heart is beating and I must say it’s arousing”
White chocolate —“Do that again- Shit, just like that, right there.”
Vero Mango— “you look so good I could just eat you up but you would like that wouldn’t you?”
Chocolate Cake —Interlocking your fingers above your head while making out passionately.
Chocolate chip cookies —hate fucking
Brownies—possessive sex
Red velvet cake —public sex
Chocolate covered pretzels —cockwarming after a long day in order to calm down together
Vanilla cake + chocolate icing —gentle comforting sex
Vanilla flavored ice cream —angry sex in the middle of a fight
Chocolate flavored ice cream — oral sex
Kentucky bourbon cake —exhibition + voyeurism
Banana bread —gentle comforting sex
Blueberry Muffins —marking kink
Lemon bars— dads best friend
Oatmeal raisin Cookies —cardiophilia
Strawberry Shortcake —age gap
S’mores— brat taming
Coffee Cake —Thigh riding
Peanut Butter bars—sugar daddy
Fudge—mirror sex + body worship
Peppermint bark— sleepy domestic sex lol
Cinnamon rolls — period sex
Honey buns —alternative reality
Lava cakes — Vore
Rice crispy treats— Enemies to lovers
Strawberry danish— Workplace rivals
Supernatural prompts optional
Having to chase their werewolf S/O around the city like a loose dog during a full moon. Nothing harmful will happen, just making sure they aren't eating out of garbage cans and breaking public property
"A Shapeshifter? Prove it." "I can turn into you." "I see myself in the mirror every day, do someone cool."
"Have you always had fangs, or have I just not been paying attention?"
"Don't let the black eyes fool you, I'm very gentle."
"Just because I'm not a Winchester, doesn't mean I'm a clueless jackass."
"So, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" "You're not the devil."
B is a human who told all their friends that they have a vampire significant other. This, of course, is a lie, so they seek out A and beg them to date them so that B won’t be seen as a liar.
“Did it hurt when I fell from heaven?” “That’s . . . that’s not how that line works”
B has had no luck with dating, so A claims that it’s their purpose to get B a partner and they teach B how to flirt.
“Did . . . did you just call me ‘angel’? Like a pet name?”
“It’s kinda comforting to know that there’s someone up there looking over me” “Oh we’re not looking over people. People are boring”
“No ones ever answered my prayers before” “I’m the first one to listen”
“Look at me, you’re not a monster”
“If the cure doesn’t work, will you still love me?”
So do you howl at the moon ?
I am not a homosexual. i am a heterosexual werewolf, [name], who fucks around with other guys
you smell like a wet dog.
i just saw you turn into a giant dog
Character A to Incubus “So are you responsible for my sex dreams at night?” Character B “No that’s all you. You’re a very horny person”
“You're not gonna turn me into a frog?” Character A asks Character B whose a witch
“Can you talk to fish?” Character A asks Character B “what?” Character B asks “well I figured since you’re half fish you can talk to them”
“You're not gonna eat me are you?” Character A asks character B “no i'm not gonna eat you. Unless you want me to eat you”
“Keep your filthy paws off my mate”
“You're not gonna sing a song and sink our boat and kill me are you?” Character A says to the mermaid/merman character B “No. I’m not that type of mermaid/merman”
Welcome to faithshouseofchaos 2k celebration
Sweet tooth/fluff/comfort
Cow tails— “here I figured you were hungry so I made your favorite food”
Blow pops — “you did this all for me oh baby you shouldn’t have”
Dum-Dums “I can help you with that…you know”
Milk duds — "We could just stay like this, cuddling all day, if you want."
Cotton candy—"I know you're struggling right now, and it's okay, okay? We'll get through this."
Sweet tarts — “what did I do to deserve you?”
Swiss rolls —making someone's comfort meal after a long day
Twinkies— staying in bed all day
Zebra cakes — losing a loved one
Nutty buttery’s — acts of service that make your partner happy and loved
Cosmic brownies— picnic date
Ding-Dongs— adopting a pet together
Fluff prompts to choose from
List of “I ain't gonna lie, it's a real weird time for stars to align; last place I would think I would start to fall, I guess I'll call it lowkey meant to be” prompts  by dumplingsjinson
Established relationships
cruel ways to push someone away
Reason for there to only be one bed
one bed trope the morning after
your blushing prompts
saying I love you without saying I love you
Careful or I will fall for you
physical affection prompts
subtle physical affection
different ways to kiss someone part one
part two part three
Kissing details
Spicy romance prompt
angst prompts
Angry confessions
Angsty romance
Reactions to making someone cry
I want you pinning prompts
Like a moth to a flame prompt
enemies to lovers
Angry love confessions
Exs to lovers
stay prompts
still prompts
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ari-zonia · 2 months
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I somehow came up with a "World of Monsters" AU thing for Sandrock, and drew Logan's gang for it
Full explanation under cut
Basically, the idea is that due to shenanigans of the Old World that I have not fully defined yet, there's more than just "mutant animals" and "humans", so there's a smidge more overlap of what's considered monster and not. So, something like the Geeglers or Bandirats are more "jerks that live outside town" kind of deal, while Penskys, Thorny Jumpers, etc are still considered "critters", so there's less fuss about Howlett and Logan's profession. (Basically it's like Irish Fairies or other such creatures, they're their own people, just doing whatever it is they do. That, and there's probably a bigger distinction between "Fae" creatures and "mutants", again giving some credence to hunting annoyances like Geeglers or Plierimps)
Most of the major settlements are populated mostly by humans, with some monsters/hybrids. Sandrock is a strange case of having a higher than usual amount of monsters/hybrids. (Conversely, in this AU, Vega 5 is almost entirely human, so Qi is just a dude). Ratios differ based on where you're looking and not just based on town, so Meidi in general might have more humans, while Seesai might have an even divide, idk.
I haven't settled out completely who is/isn't monster or what they are, but some examples:
Logan: He calls himself "dullahan", but that's because that's the closest answer that survived from the Old World. He's a "headhunter", meaning he could put on something else's head and get different abilities, but he doesn't know that. Honestly, he didn't even know he was a monster until he started hunting and found out his head isn't that well attached to his neck. (Got it from ma's side, and Howlett didn't really know either)
Haru: A bakeneko, specifically a gotoku neko. Basically, he has a liking for fire. Again, he doesn't know specifically what he is, but he has a better understanding that he's some sort of cat-spirit (since Haru seems to have some knowledge of his ancestor's language, since he knows his name means "Spring"). He has good control over his fire tails, and they only burn things he wants them to burn.
Andy: A gargoyle, but his wings aren't really strong enough to carry him yet, so the best he can really do is glide with them. Though, he does have the sharp claws, so he can at least lizard climb on the rocks a little bit.
Grace: You ask her if she's a monster and you either get a "no" or no answer. Probably a shape-shifter, but nothing's confirmed
Owen: Werewolf, but he doesn't really rampage or anything on full moons. He might lock up shop and just chill out in the desert for the night, but that's because he's managed to get ahold of himself as he got older.
Fang: Not fully set, but probably closest to the Qingniao, a messenger bird of the heavens. Usually referred to as an "azure" bird, it's also been described as green, or even black. Regardless, he's probably part-bird.
Unsuur: Been flipping between making him an Earth elemental, or if he's just human. Both are funny.
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jettboat · 2 months
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My Wild Kratts AU mini drawings to introduce it! Don't have a name for it yet but basically Martin is forced to work for an evil pop up zoo owner to get him more animals when his creature power suit malfunctioned.
AU Facts:
・Chris sprained his ankle when he fell out of a tree, he was on the last week of recovery when the team found out about the pop up zoo
・Chris had been stuck healing for a few weeks cause he kept trying to go do stuff before Martin benched him
・Owen (my villain OC) has a bunch of Robo Zoo Keepers that take care of the animals (they aren't great at it though)
・Because of the malfunction, Martin has fossa abilities and some features out of the suit as well!
・Owen calls Martin "Fossa" and Chris "Aye Aye"
I might make this AU a fanfic on Wattpad so I won't spoil too much but I hope you guys like it!
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
Owen vampire anon here! Thanks for replying
I do like the idea of a whole horror concept of Owen, might like to play into that scenario one day. But i feel like it would be way more funnier and just...more Owen if it was kept in a more comedic light.
Hear me out on this scenario, everyone knows well enough that Owen might be a vampire. (People got this idea from some of the ideas you listed, and maybe the fact that Owen has mistaken them for food way too many times to be suspicious). But Owen is convinced that no one knows, so in the confessional he's just like "no one must know" dramatically
And then Noah walks up to the confessional like "My best friend might be a vampire. Crazy shit i know right?"
Also it would be really funny if Owen is convinced Izzy is a vampire too due to all her biting, when its really Izzy just doing fun pay back for all of Owen's blood sucking.
Yes! I adore fun light-hearted AUs, and having the vampire Owen AU focus mostly on the hijinks he gets up to in order to protect his "secret" (despite everyone knowing there's something up with him) is so fun. So good. 10/10 concept - especially since it plays into is canonical inability to keep a secret.
I think the initial misconception that Izzy is some sort of supernatural creature would be really funny; a fellow vampire, some sort of werefolk, a zombie(?). Anything known for being as feral and bite-happy as Izzy tends to be. She'd absolutely try to play into the idea, but I can't see her being very convincing at all despite her abilities as an actress - thus she'd be outed as a normal(ish) human being pretty quickly.
Though she'd be more than contented to be Owen's main bloodbag. Izzy's absolutely the type of person who'd have a weird fascination with the supernatural (her actions in the Egypt episodes of World Tour attest to this) and being the primary foodsource for a vampire would be right up her alley.
I see their relationship playing out a lot more vaguely than it did in canon - neither would ever cross the boundary of confirming whether their relationship is official or not, and (if we're getting a little angsty with it) Owen's happier living with their indeterminate situationship than risking asking Izzy to be his girlfriend, only to learn that she barely tolerates the company of a "monster" and doesn't share the sentiment. Or worse. Of course, that's pretty out of character for Izzy, but she is fairly unpredictable and Owen's got good reason to play his cards close to his chest when it comes to his "condition".
I didn't want to talk about Noah in the OG post since a lot of my blog in practically centered around him, but I did have an idea for a scenario where Owen is convinced that Noah is also a vampire, hence why he befriends him so quickly and easily. Because Noah's got pretty much all of the characteristics; he's cold to the touch, generally avoids sunlight and going outside, his footsteps are feather light to the point he moves around silently, he sleeps a lot during the day, ect ect.
To Owen, the only logical conclusion is that Noah is also a vampire who's really bad at masking it. In actuality, Noah's just kind of a weirdo. And anemic.
So Owen's fairly open about his vampirism to Noah, wholly convinced that they're both in the same boat. And Noah takes it in stride because he ran out of fucks to give the moment he arrived on the island and, in all honesty, Owen's pretty good company.
Then you get a scene like the one you proposed - Noah goes into the confessional, says something along the lines of "So my best friend is a vampire. I didn't realise reality TV shows cared that much about their diversity quota, but here we are." And plays off the whole situation in his usual unflappable and snarky way. Did he just have his perception of the world as he knew it shattered under the news that vampires are real? Yeah. Does he care? Not really.
Cue shennanagins where the rest of the Island knows that Owen is a vampire... and maybe they even think he turned Noah? And our favourite idiots are completely unaware and trying desperately to keep Owen's vampirism a secret.
I think it'd be really cool to have someone else on the island be a different type of supernatural being too, and have them work as an antagonistic force towards Owen in this AU. Or have someone be well versed in the occult and, using their knowledge, act as a de facto vampire hunter in a cartoonish game of cat-and-mouse between them and an oblivious Owen. Cough cough Gwen cough.
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yippeeapples · 5 months
alenoah ramble but au version
Okay so i've seen lack of siren alenoah guys.
HEAR ME OUT both alejandro or noah could really fit the place of some sea like creature. I could see noah more leaning to a mermaid of sorts but like a really cynical and sassy mermaid, But also I think he leans into a really unbothered sailor (who clearly does not want to be there). For example alejandro fits a siren role perfectly and when alejandro tries to lure an expecting sailor(noah) It doesn't work the way he wants it to. Noah almost completely ignores him or just is mildly interested in what the sound alejandro is producing could possibly be. Of course with that reaction alejandro is beyond annoyed. So he makes it his goal to successfully lure noah and kill him like any other siren would. Eventually noah would recognize that alejandro is there after multiple attempts at trying to kill him. Therefore forms some tension or hatred of eachother. As noah gets less tense and nervous at his presence the more he talks back to the siren. Usually its just some snarky remark about killing him. It annoys alejandro beyond belief yet he still lingers around. I could also see alejandro not wanting to lure / eat owen due to his owenness and his hatred for him in the show. I need more of this is in my life guys. siren alenoah save me please
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emedvs · 1 year
Day 7: Free day
(zombie apocalypse au)
In the midst of the chaotic zombie apocalypse, Noah found himself in a group of survivors alongside Owen, Courtney, and, much to his chagrin, Heather. They had all been brought together by the catastrophic events that had unfolded when Chris's plane had exploded, sending them plummeting into the city overrun by the undead. In the chaos, Chris and Chef had been quickly whisked away by a helicopter, leaving the rest to fend for themselves.
Despite their dire circumstances, Owen's concern for Alejandro, or "Al" as he affectionately called him, persisted. He would often inquire about Alejandro's whereabouts, expressing his deep worry for their missing friend. But the others, including Noah, brushed off Owen's inquiries, convinced that Alejandro was lost to the chaos of the city.
Weeks turned into a blur of scavenging for supplies and constantly evading the relentless zombie horde. One fateful day, as Noah cautiously entered an abandoned house, he felt himself suddenly pinned down by a zombie that had crept up from behind. His gun had fallen out of reach, and Noah's heart raced as he closed his eyes, preparing for the inevitable bite.
To his astonishment, the bite never came. Instead, the zombie embraced him tightly, almost squeezing him affectionately. A strange whining sound reached Noah's ears, and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was a voice he thought he'd never hear again.
Noah's eyes shot open, and his heart skipped a beat as he recognized the familiar tone. The zombie's grip loosened, and Noah turned his head to see the undead creature's face. Horror mixed with disbelief as he stared into the eyes of someone he had thought was lost forever—Alejandro.
For a moment, Noah couldn't move, trapped between fear and astonishment. Then, with a mixture of horror and awkwardness, he reached out and ruffled Alejandro's unruly hair, a bizarre attempt at comfort in their absurd reunion.
Amidst the chaos of the zombie-infested world, it seemed that love could transcend even death and reanimate the most unexpected relationships. Noah and Alejandro, once rivals in the Total Drama World Tour, had found each other once again, in the unlikeliest of circumstances.
Alejandro, though still resembling his former self, was a horrifying sight. His skin had taken on a sickly yellow-green hue, and his body was marred with protruding bones, gruesome rashes, and cuts that oozed with decay. The stench of death clung to him, making Noah's stomach churn. But despite his ghastly appearance, Alejandro's tear-filled eyes were filled with recognition and longing.
Unable to bear the thought of the others discovering Alejandro in this state, Noah acted quickly. He gently pulled Alejandro to his feet, his touch surprisingly tender for someone facing a zombie. He could feel Alejandro's trembling hand in his, a surreal reminder of the man he had once known.
With a sense of urgency, Noah guided Alejandro through the abandoned house to his secret main base—a hidden room where he stashed his supplies and took refuge when the world outside became too dangerous. The closet in this room became Alejandro's temporary sanctuary.
Noah gently pushed Alejandro into the closet and closed the door, leaving only a small crack to let in air. He could hear Alejandro's soft, mournful whimpers from behind the door, and it tore at his heart. He knew that hiding Alejandro was risky, and that if the others found out, they might see him as a threat and take drastic measures.
As he rejoined the group in their hunt for food and weapons, Noah couldn't help but feel torn. His loyalty to his friends and his unexpected reunion with Alejandro had placed him in an impossible situation. He was now tasked with keeping Alejandro's existence a secret, knowing that the consequences of discovery could be dire.
Noah's mind raced with questions. How had Alejandro survived this long in his current state? Could he be cured? And, most importantly, could love truly conquer the horrors of a world overrun by zombies? Only time would tell, as Noah grappled with the weight of his secret and the uncertain future that lay ahead.
The group returned to their makeshift base, weary and on edge after their scavenging expedition. Noah's heart raced as he tried to act normal, but the sweat on his brow betrayed his anxiety. Alejandro, hidden away in the closet, let out a faint, trembling whimper.
Heather, ever observant and skeptical, slowly turned her gaze toward the closet. Suspicion clouded her expression as she took a step closer, her eyes narrowing. It was then that Alejandro's fear got the best of him, and he let out another soft whimper.
Noah, desperate to divert Heather's attention, quickly stepped in front of the closet, trying to mask his nervousness. He turned to the group, feigning exhaustion from their mission.
"Whew, that was a rough one," Noah said, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. "I'm beat. Anyone find anything good out there?"
Courtney and Owen began to recount their findings, detailing the meager supplies they had managed to scavenge. Their conversation acted as a welcome distraction, but Noah's heart still pounded in his chest.
Heather's suspicion lingered for a moment longer, but she eventually seemed to accept Noah's explanation. She turned her attention back to the others, but her eyes darted back to the closet once more before she joined the discussion.
Noah felt a mixture of relief and guilt. He knew that keeping Alejandro hidden was a risky endeavor, and that their secret couldn't remain hidden forever. But for now, he had managed to avert a potential catastrophe, all while trying to navigate the complexities of a world that had been forever changed by the zombie apocalypse.
In the days that followed, Noah continued to hide Alejandro in the closet whenever the group ventured out into the treacherous city. When they were alone, Noah would cautiously let Alejandro out to feed him and tend to his needs. Alejandro, despite his gruesome appearance, had a certain tenderness about him, and he would gaze at Noah with a deep affection that grew stronger with each passing day.
Unbeknownst to Noah, every act of care and compassion he showed Alejandro only deepened the zombie's feelings for him. Alejandro had been changed by the infection, but his emotions remained intact. He found solace in Noah's presence, even if he couldn't express it in words. Each time Noah looked into those undead eyes, he missed the subtle signs of love that had begun to bloom.
Noah, on the other hand, couldn't see past the horror of Alejandro's condition. To him, Alejandro was a terrifying reminder of the world they now lived in—a world where death lurked around every corner. Despite the care he provided, he couldn't bring himself to see Alejandro as anything other than a threat.
As the days turned into weeks and their secret interactions continued, a silent and unconventional love story unfolded amidst the chaos of the zombie apocalypse. Alejandro's love for Noah grew stronger with each passing moment, while Noah remained oblivious to the affection that had taken root in the unlikeliest of circumstances.
Noah's frustration with Alejandro's constant presence grew day by day. Alejandro shadowed him like an eerie, undead puppy, and Noah couldn't escape the overwhelming sense of discomfort that came with it. He couldn't understand why Alejandro clung to him so persistently, especially when his appearance was a constant reminder of the horrors they faced.
Then, one harrowing day, as they were scavenging for supplies in an abandoned store, disaster struck. A zombie lunged at Noah, its rotten teeth inches away from his arm. He froze, unable to react in time, when suddenly Alejandro sprang into action. With astonishing speed, Alejandro sank his teeth into the attacking zombie's neck, tearing it away from Noah and tossing it aside. The zombie twitched and fell silent.
Noah's heart raced as he realized what Alejandro had just done. He looked at the zombie, then back at Alejandro, who was breathing heavily, his gruesome face contorted in what looked like a mix of triumph and desperation.
Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, Noah's world seemed to crumble. He felt his knees give way, and he sank to the ground, hugging Alejandro tightly in his arms. Tears welled up in his eyes as he trembled with fear and confusion.
"I don't get it, Alejandro," Noah said, his voice quivering. "You're a... a monster now. You're terrifying, and I can't... I can't stop being scared of you."
Alejandro, unable to speak in his current state, could only look at Noah with his lifeless, dead gaze. His heart ached as he realized the truth of Noah's words.
Then, in a moment of tragic irony, Alejandro leaned in and sank his teeth into Noah's shoulder, leaving a painful bite mark. The action shocked Noah, and he cried out in agony.
As Alejandro pulled away, Noah stared into those soulless eyes, finally comprehending the depth of his predicament. The love that had grown within Alejandro was a twisted, tragic version of what it once was, marred by the horrors of the zombie apocalypse. Noah's worst fears had come to life, and he was left to grapple with the horrifying truth—that the one he had tried so hard to protect had become the very thing he feared the most.
(i was sick for like 5 days and busy with school work so yuh, anyways i know this short story isn't really... romantic but it's something. I STILL HAVE TO WRITE DAY 5 OF SICK NOAH, im going to do that rn)
(I'm 9 days late)
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kinderartifact4 · 7 months
A list of my Total Drama AUs because I love them all wholeheartedly, feel free to ask questions about any of them.
Animal Mutant AU 🐾🧬
+this AU was just an excuse to make Noah an owl person
+canon divergence happens shortly after Action/before World Tour
+The mutations are a worldwide phenomenon, it’s happening to everyone and no one knows why
A Bloodsucker and A Mutt🩸🐺
+Alenoco AU
+Show goes on as normal for the most part
+Noah’s a vampire
+Alejandro’s a werewolf
+Cody’s just there
+made this AU for fun
Magic AU ✨
+Magical creatures living amongst humans type thing, but it’s my takes on them
+Like we got merfolk, satyrs, angels, demons, elves, harpies, that kinda thing
+It’s like an assimilated society thing, they’re mostly at peace with each other with some mild species specific discrimination mostly courtesy of humans
+mild feels like an understatement
+everything’s got so much lore
+and of course, we got ✨magic✨
+there is a war that happens later on in the AU, so there’s that too
Assigned Species: Gen 1 Cast, Hosts, Emma & Kitty
Assigned Species: Gen 2 Cast
Assigned Species: Gen 3 Cast
Assigned Species: RR Cast pt.1
Assigned Species: RR Cast pt.2
Assigned Species: Reboot Cast
Monster Apocalypse AU 🏚
+It’s an apocalypse, but not with zombies, these things are smarter than zombies
+People do die, so warning for that I guess
+Almost nobody is having a good time
Duncan’s Group
Emma & Kitty’s Groups
Shawn’s Group
Cody’s Groups
Tyler’s Groups
Gwen’s Group
Fic Snippets
Mike’s Old Group
RR Beginning Groups pt.1
RR Beginning Groups pt.2
Sky & Scarlett’s Groups
Reboot Groups
Drider! Duncan Dunoah AU🕷
+Sort of a high school AU? Most of them go the same school since a lot are kept human for this)
+Just a clingy drider with abandonment issues and his human bf who doesn’t actually understand how he got here
+definitely more of a self indulgent AU
+I don’t remember why I made this AU but now I can’t get rid of it
Godly Patron(?) AU ✨🙏✨
+Some of the cast each has a god that has taken a liking to them
+they’re my take on gods because I like having full creativity, so none of the ones people usually know about are here(like greek or norse gods)
+Alejandro is not having a good time
+Noah has the oldest god
+Alejandro’s got a lot more lore than he was originally going to have
+Made this AU because I wanted Cody to have a proper parental figure, then it kinda turned into this along the way
+Aleheather got that “Doomed Love Trope” vibe going on
Assigned Gods pt.1
Assigned Gods pt.2
Fic Snippet
Wings of Fire AU 🐉
+My favorite book series combined with one of my favorite shows
Assigned Tribes: Gen 1
Alejandro’s Design | José and Carlos’ Designs
Trent’s Design | Bridgette’s Design
Heather’s Design | Cody’s Design
Tyler’s Design | Justin’s Design
Geoff’s Design | Lightning’s Design
Zoey’s Design | Noah’s Design
Owen’s Design | Fic Snippets
Harold’s Design | Gwen’s Design
DJ’s Design | Izzy’s Design
Cameron’s Design | Lindsay’s Design
Katie & Sadie’s Designs | Duncan’s Design
Trollhunter Cody AU🧌🗡
+I just thought it’d be fun
+Cody would be the type of guy to say “crispy” wouldn’t he
The only post I have
Project Cythraul AU💉
+The whole concept is old, like 2019 old, but it has since then been revamped
+The entire WT cast goes missing like halfway through Egypt, with almost no trace other than what’s on the plane and something left in the sand
+They stay missing for 2 or 3 years before one of them finally shows up again with amnesia
+Main premise of the AU is a secret facility that specializes in DNA manipulation
Hidden Magic AU 😶‍🌫️✨
+AU is otherwise known as “A group of immortals build a camp in a magic pocket dimensional forest for some reason and end up with a bunch of kids”
+there are other residents but the amount of children that show up there is concerning
+humans are quite irrelevant here, we don’t see them much
+the lore for most of the characters is a bit dark, but hey
Reassigned Species
Nivi AU 👽
+This AU was an excuse to give Cody a best friend, and that friend is my OC Nivi!
+Nothing really changes, even though she’s in World Tour
+This AU has since evolved into “Alejandro and his gaggle of idiots”, ie. Alejandro, Nivi, Cody, Duncan, and Lexi(OC/Nivi’s girlfriend) all share an apartment. It’s an interesting concept.
+I think of this AU often
+During Island and Action, people don’t really think Nivi exists because “Cody couldn’t possibly have actual friends outside the show!”
+This makes Nivi feel like some kind of cryptid and she loves it.
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sodac3ndy · 1 day
Hey there! If you like roleplaying, doctor who, and vampires, here's a server for you!
The Doctor Who Vampire AU Server!
The roleplay follows different lore as a heads up! And there are different channels for different locations, for example, there is bakery and a library, etc.
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Taken characters
Classic Who
The Toymaker
Crispy Master
Eighth Doctor
Roberts Master/Goo Snake
Chang Lee
Eleventh Doctor
Twelfth Doctor
Thirteenth Doctor
Rory Williams
Yasmin Khan
Ruby Sunday
Jack Harkness
Owen Harper
Toshiko Sato
Gwen Cooper
The fourth doctor
If there was a character you wanted that is claimed, you can also roleplay as original characters or expanded media characters! Also, if you don't wanna roleplay a vampire, other options include other mythical creatures like werewolves or similar creatures like that!
Credits to ghost @thegoldenghost4 for making this
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missholloween · 6 months
Spies are forever Malevolent au (made with @z3n1g4t4)
Curt Mega is a free-lance private eye investigator in the early 50s. He works with his partner, Owen Carvour, and both of them are one of the best of Arkham.
One day, Curt wakes up with no vision and no memory of what has happened. He soon discovers that there's something, or someone, in his head. The entity doesn't recall their own name, but they seem to be in control of Curt's eyes.
Although wary at first, Curt accepts to work with the entity. They quickly find each other working great together: the entity is throughout in their descriptions, and Curt is good thinking on his feet. They quickly get out of the building they were in (one from Curt's cases) and try to recap what has happened.
Curt remembers working on a case about occultism and superstition, but he didn't take it very seriously. His partner and him had to find some missing girl, and that had taken them to a house. The last thing Curt remembers was finding some books with strange symbols on them and letters he couldn't read. The entity, or the man, as he insisted he was, had some vague memories about himself, but couldn't remember much about his identity.
Given that they couldn't go their separate ways, the couple decide to work together to discover what's going on. Their goals are to separate their bodies (and get rid of Curt's eyes curse) as well as finding Owen. The entity finds him fascinating, as it is one of the few moments were Curt lets his guard down and is in touch with himself. He tells him about the cases they worked together, their achievements as partners. As more time passes, the entity notices how there are some gaps in his stories about Owen, as if there were things he didn't want to say. Curt also seems to be more on edge when the topic comes up.
The entity and Curt have some fights during the investigation. The entity is frustrated with Curt, as he often ignores him to follow his impulses (that usually get them in more trouble). On his hand, Curt resents the entity, as he blames him on his partner's dissapearence. Their egos clash, sometimes ending delaying the case by a lot or even putting their lives in danger just to fuck with the other one over. The dance seems familiar to the entity, but he doesn't know why.
After some setbacks and different leads, Curt and the entity arrive to an occult society that seems to worship the same creature that the books belong to. There, they finally give it a name: Chimera. This Old One is created by pieces of many creatures, taking their abilities and making new amalgamates with them (the greek mythology beast is loosely based on it). It thanks Curt for taking Owen to him. Curt doesn't understand.
Chimera reveals that in their last investigation together, Owen and Curt got in trouble. Although they thought they were alone at the house, they were not, and Owen got shot .As a last resource, Owen reached for the book and summoned Chimera, trying to stay alive. The god then offers him a choice: he would keep living, in a way, but he'd have to give up the memories of Curt and their work together. Clinging to his life, Owen accepts.
Curt can't believe what he hears, he can't accept that the man he loves gave him up to become some sort of monster. He faces Chimera and asks them if that's why he can't remember anything about Owen. It laughs at him. Chimera tells him that it wasn't them that made him forget, but Curt. It makes Curt remember nevertheless, and he relives their last moments together. He remembers how he had carelessly made noise all around the house, and he had left a banana peel laying around in the entry. That banana peel hadn't allowed Owen to flee.
Curt's head is filled with images, and memories, and he's hurting, but he can't still remember about his time with Owen, who he was. It doesn't make sense to him. Chimera tells him that it wasn't their fault, he just simply didn't know Owen. He thought he did, with all their cases, but he never asked him about his life. About who he really was. He didn't have to worry much about it, now Owen didn't remember either.
Chimera thus wants to take Owen back to make him one of his subjects, but Owen declines. His new form has made him think about who he is or what his purpose is, and he's not ready to give it up. And although conflicted, Curt doesn't want Owen to join Chimera. So they run away from Chimera.
Their next big step is to face each other.
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snowmuqqin · 1 year
I have an AU version of HFJONE that I’m still working on! The concept of it all is still a work in progress, so designs, the concept, and stuff with change over time. There ARE characters that don’t have a set design yet that are gonna make it in (Texty, Parker, Owen, Bradley, etc)
Main character is Ellie (this AU’s version of Liam) is lost in another world, it’s full of objects/creatures based or are magical.
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