#crewmate: nubnub
bun-n-nub · 4 years
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Psst, here, take these pre “Updates Needed” doodles, I’m working on the post stuffs still/ ;p 
(Lemme know if the image goes broke-y broke-y.)
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
ok so yes im in the middle of writing an essay due at midnight, anyways, hear me out bc i thought of a reason nub would know common despite their planet only recently getting visitors from the space hq
so, nub gets stuck on the ship bc they were looking for a snack, yeah? i’d imagine they’d have learned about the ships as a food source from someone, and decided to start doing that themself. their species is highly intelligent, so i could totally see nub picking up on the common that the crewmates are speaking. sure, it’s still difficult to understand sometimes, but they’d probably pick up enough to know the general gist. that way they can navigate ports, stay hidden, and find food easily. 
comes in handy when they get stuck on one of those ships, too. 
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lightkrets312 · 4 years
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belle: so this is my Among Us impostor, i’m calling this form nubnub- me, and whatever part of my brain Tinker (my “impostor” crewmate) resides in: NEW FRIEND NEW FRIEND NEW F-
( @artnerd1123 )
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bun-n-nub · 4 years
Hi, Nub "singing" to themself is the cutest thing ever I'm going to cRI
I’m!!! Glad u enjoy!!! I love that lil tic of theirs ;w;
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bun-n-nub · 4 years
Anyone in the crew got any interesting phobias or fears?
Uhhh lemme see here...
Bunbun: has a big and unshakable fear of being attacked by whatever counts as local wildlife on any planet she sets foot on
NubNub: birds/avian aliens. Any kind. Even the littlest ones
Groud: has a mild fear of ghosts
Silk: black holes/pitch black dark
Nanner: being around an open flame without protection, being around a leak of toxic gas, vacuums
Lemon: spiders/spiderlike aliens. He’s been trying to get over this for forever, but it’s not happening
Junior: needles and various other sharp objects. Sharpest thing he can handle comfortably is a dull dinner silverware knife (and a few select tools as needed)
Rose: bees. Like, just the standard earth-origin ones. Even bumblebees. Just the buzzing is enough to make her hysterical sometimes :(
Laser: for as reckless as she is, she is terrified of dying or someone she loves getting hurt
River: tight spaces and being shut in a room if he didn’t close himself in there. He’s well aware of the irony here.
Cocoa: oceans. Too much water, too big, where’s the end??? No
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bun-n-nub · 4 years
Crewmate Files  -------------------------
admin > file select > crewmates > ORANGE
Full Name: N/A Alias(es): Nubnub, Nub Pronouns: THEY/THEM Age: ??? (ADULT) Home Planet: PLANET 326-OCE-894 - SECTOR G Species: N/A Medical Records: N/A Experience: N/A Role: ELECTRICIAN ASSISTANT / GENERAL TASKS Recommendation: N/A (LOCATION LOCKED / CREWMATE LOCKED: BUNBUN) Suit: ORANGE Backup Suit: ANY Notes: file incomplete, presumed lost in transfer. New information in process of collection. Appears reclusive, doesn’t speak much common. Currently working to learn common signage. Request received and sustained to be transferred with Bonnie Evelynn Ambrosia as need arises, or stay on SKELD D34-H120. Votes if there’s a majority calling for one crewmate, seems overwhelmed if too many options present.
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bun-n-nub · 4 years
Heyo, question about the gals. What would they think about Stranger Things?
Well, first things first!!! Only one of the muses here is a gal! The other is nonbinary :>
As for stranger things, I don’t think Bun would be a huge fan. She’s nervous enough about getting attacked, and the whole impostor/replacement thing. It’d freak her out more than anything. Her persistent fear of getting attacked by local wildlife (on her home planet or on others) certainly wouldn’t help matters. Also, she reeeally can’t handle go/re and bl/ood stuff well. So. It’d be a no lskdjf. 
Nub might enjoy it tho! They really like watching things, and I’d imagine the demogorgon might actually look a little friendly. Plus, some of the more icky imagery n stuff wouldn’t rlly bother em. It’d be like watching a slice of life from another planet. Comforting, if a little disconcerting. 
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bun-n-nub · 4 years
does the crew have any none-task-related-hobbies?
I’m assuming by non-task-related, you’re referring to hobbies that aren’t in any way related to things they do for work? Bc they all have hobbies!!! And some things they do can be used in their work!
But excluding hobbies that somewhat mirror their jobs, we have... mmmmm...
Bunbun: stargazing, reading, journaling, doodling, [insert several excluded hobbies here]
NubNub: “singing” (aka glowing in pretty patterns to themself), Vibing in small /dark areas, people n wildlife watching, throwing random shiz in the chute to launch it into space, watching asteroids, drawing, racing around the ship/their habitat as fast as possible, playing/goofing off with their friends
(Technically they don’t have a job so??? Everything counts?)
Groud: enjoys playing really old games (think space invaders, the first Nintendo/mario/loz games), taking walks, stargazing, reading up on old space history, object restoration, [insert one or two excluded hobbies here]
Silk: making/repairing/messing with robots, [insert several excluded hobbies here]
Nanner: talking with people, looking up jokes in different languages, coming up with new games, playing board games/sims, [insert a few excluded hobbies here]
Lemon: karaoke, songwriting, learning to play several instruments, playing space kazoo, researching kinds of aliens/newly discovered planets, throwing parties, making gadgets to throw colored lights around, playing games/sims, taking runs, [insert several excluded hobbies here]
Junior: photography, learning to code, playing games/sims, listening to music, alien research, playing space softball, [insert a couple excluded hobbies]
Rose: knitting, crocheting, baking, dressing up, yoga, [insert like 500 excluded hobbies]
Laser: yoga as well, boxing, taking walks/runs, playing games/sims, watching movies, [insert several excluded hobbies]
River: [if he’s not doing tasks or on cams, he’s probably asleep. The dude does jack]
Cocoa: baking, making cocoa/other drinks, designing buildings/ships/etc, whatever the space version of dnd is, playing games/sims, [insert one or two excluded hobbies]
And the stuff in brackets is to let u know that there’s more/how much more, I just didn’t list it as per ur request hdjdkd
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bun-n-nub · 4 years
*softly* how would Nubnub react to meeting another, completely unfamiliar bioluminescent sea creature, alien or otherwise :0
They’d be very intrigued and excited!!! It’s not every day they come across another bioluminescent alien, at least since they left their planet. It’d be like meeting someone who instantly looks like a friend. They may try and communicate with them, but I’m sure there’d be plenty of funny mistranslations bc they likely have different light up “languages” hdjsksks
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bun-n-nub · 4 years
*softly* I just want NubNub and BunBun to know that I care them immensely and I hope they have a good day...
Bunbun blinked at the message on her tablet. She didn’t recognize the sender. But that happened a lot. Her face flushed a bit when she opened it. “Oh! Er, thank you...” she smiled shyly. “I hope you have a good one too.” 
Nubnub, who’d been looking over Bun’s shoulder, gave the tablet a thumbs up. They seem pretty appreciative too. 
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artnerd1123 · 3 years
what's everybody's favorite/least favorite tasks(including u bc why not)
Ooh thas a fun one… I’m gonna do like. Short answers bc there’s 10 of them and then me too
My favorite tasks are the wires and asteroid clearing! They’re matchy and/or explodey, v good. My least favorite is downloads bc they always get interrupted hfjdj
Bunbun likes wires, calibrating the stuff in electrical, and taking out the trash! All tasks she’s familiar with and knows well. She hates downloads because they make her nervous with how long she has to sit and watch the screen/have her back turned, often in somewhere isolated.
Nubnub likes asteroids and garbage disposal!!! Shooty shooty crash bang make good sounds and tosses stuff around outside the ship. They dislike downloads because what is a computer. As a bonus, their favorite thing to sabotage is oxygen bc it means they get a snack (eat plant) and they love being in the vents, but they hate going near the engines (loud)
Groud likes tasks that take them around the ship to visit others (wires/downloads/gassing engines/etc) and dislikes card swipe. They know keeping tabs on who’s in the ship is important, but what’s the point if you’re in open space with nobody new coming on/going off?
Silk LOVES downloads and plotting ship courses- it’s xir job but xe enjoys looking through files n figuring out stuff with star maps. Xe also likes Simon says. Is fun. Silk dislikes wires bc of what it implies (bad signal)
Lemon loves anything to do with the engines or reactor. It’s his element!!! He dislikes downloads bc they mean he has to sit still for awhile
Junior likes Simon says and doing the samples in medbay. Patterns fun! He dislikes getting his med scan because he’s always afraid he’ll accidentally morph while being scanned and mess the system up.
Laser loves shooting up asteroids SO much. It’s the best part of her job in her opinion. She also likes gassing the engines bc she likes being around the heavy machinery. She hates downloads for the same reason lemon does. She has a love/hate relationship with Med scans bc they take awhile and might get rose to make her get fixed up, but also rose is there and that’s her gf <3
Rose likes cleaning up the oxygen and checking on shields. One of these means tending to plants (part of her job but still) and the other means making sure crewmates are safe. Also her gf might be there!!! Space gays <3
Nanner LOVES all the tasks actually. She’s happy to help and they find people tasks amusing bc they spent a long time just Vibing in open space.
River hates any task that sends him underfoot of other people. Which is… most tasks. But he especially hates the reactor/engines tasks bc of lemon being there. The only one he really doesn’t mind are the wires, so long as he doesn’t have to go in electrical for it.
Yeh there u go
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
*softly* how does da captain feel about everybody on their ship...
Imma jus uhhhhh list time
Bunbun: hard worker!!! A great asset to the ship, and a really nice friend once she warms up. So very glad they managed to snag her with how high her rec is. Happy to have her aboard
Nanner: has been on the ship as long- If not longer- as they have, a brilliant cook, a solar beam and peppy sweetheart. Good friends with them, and loves having her aboard
River: man’s a little rough around the edges, but he does his job well enough. A little concerned about his habits (ie: shutting himself in security) but has learned to just leave him be for the best results. Neutral on him
Lemon: a very talented worker and dedicated father! Thinks he’s hilarious and likes his energy, even if they sometimes butt heads. Enjoys his antics more in down time (but he knows the engines n reactor inside and out so the on duty goofs go unreported)
Junior: takes after his father but is much more mild, makes a fine engine and reactor worker. Wishes he’d get out of his shell a little more around them, and hopes longer on the ship will warm him up. Good lad
Silk: came onboard when they did, and trusts xem with their life. Their best friend, closest confidant, and the only person willing to call their ideas stupid to their face. Xey’re a real team player!!!
Rose: shy and soft spoken, thinks she could do with a little less of what they call “guesswork” in diagnostics. Might be biased just bc they don’t like to wait long in recovery periods. She’s got a lovely bedside manner and quite a knack for the air n Med stuff tho
Laser: quite literally a loose canon, they often wish she’d spend more time repairing the shields than blasting asteroids. There’s nobody with a quicker mind than her, though, and she’s saved their necks more times than they can count. Rowdy but fine crewmate
And bonus...
NubNub: not quite sure what to think of them, honestly. Is a little bit of an enigma, but is quite confident they’ll prove to be a very valuable crewmate. Even if they seem to be acting as Bun’s assistant a lot. Ah well, nothing to concern themself with
Cocoa: a little strange there’s a new security crewmate on board, but his sunny disposition and careful monitoring put them at ease. They’re hoping to become better friends as more time passes. For now, they’re just... gonna... stay a little distant from him.
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
Hey belle, what's a fun and totes-not-foreshadowing fact about the beans?
Ill do uhh one per bean bc,,, :3
If any of these look familiar, apologies, but they r still a lil ominous so hfjfjfj
Bunbun: she checks ship systems on her tablet a lot more than many crewmates- it’s stopped more than a few disasters before.
NubNub: they can’t go too long without food. Nor are they comfortable enough to eat around most of their fellow crewmates
Groud: they’ve got a mild fear of ghosts
Silk: xe eventually learns everything about everyone on the ship. At least, at some point xe does.
Nanner: she’s over a century old, and she picks up on a lot more than ppl give her credit for
Lemon: he would do anything for his son/his son’s safety
Junior: not everyone on the ship knows his little shifty secret
Rose: she does her best to take care of everyone on the ship, but can be a bit scatterbrained when it comes to keeping on top of records
Laser: her reckless habits can sometimes result in ship damage, so minor damage around weapons can sometimes go unnoticed
River: he locks himself in security all the time, so if the doors are shut, people don’t usually pay it any attention
Cocoa: he has a photography hobby, and likes to take casual pics of random rooms
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
hmmmmm... what made everybody want to yeet into the great big void of space ASDFLKjn
Bunbun: she loves!!! The stars!!! So much!!! And she loves all the i software/technology that goes into spaceships. Makes for a lovely pursuit of a crewmate career
NubNub: didn’t actually have a choice, seeing as they got stuck on the ship when it left with them in it hdjsjks—
Groud: has always been amazed by space since they were younger, and had a passion for exploring n meeting new people/seeing new worlds!!! Space travel makes that happen hdjjd
Silk: originally going along with it with groud, but xe fell in love with charting the stars as xe progressed in school. Wants to chart as much as xe can, which u need to be out among le stars to do
Nanner: was born in space and figured the humans n other planet bound people in HQ could use a hand! Feels quite at home out there
Lemon: someone told him he wasn’t a rocket scientist and he decided to prove them wrong. Also, was dreaming of being a crewmate since he was very little. Space travel cool and so are new planets!!!
Junior: his dad’s in space, so he is too. It’s really all he’s known, and he likes it enough to wanna keep up the space travel trend w/ his dad
Rose: fascinated with biology, and loves to learn more abt other species. People need help out there, and she has quite the knack for medical stuff! Figured she’d cast her lot in there and get out to the great starry expanse :0
Laser: a spunky kid who was REALLY into ancient “sci fi” lit, wanted to know how weapons really worked, and the care that went into em. She had it in her mind that shields needed fixed up, and took it upon herself to make it happen
River: comes from a family of crewmates. It’s what was expected of him, so it’s what he did.
Cocoa: wants to keep people safe, and knows there’s a need for it on ships! Just wants to help where they can, and do their best to get everyone home/to their destination safe
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
*slides back in* *softly* how about... 1, 10, 15, 16, 27, n' 34... for NubNub...
Aaa another cluster,,, ty,,,,,
1: What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Awhile, actually! They’re sort of like, an opportunistic omnivore and will eat whatever they find, so sometimes that means just vibing in one place for awhile waiting for food to come to you. That, and once they feel safe, they’re perfectly content to sit around and daydream or jus... exist. Feeling safe usually means being somewhere dark, close quarters, and quiet.
So, y’know. Like the vents. They’ll sit in there for days if they can...
10: What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
That they’re a crewmate/have tasks/anything saying they’re a normal member of the crew and aren’t the impostor. That is, if you manage to get them to say anything at all. They don’t so much care about the lie, more the damage it causes if someone else gets blamed instead. Which is one of the reasons why they typically steer clear of ships in the first place...
15: How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
They’re definitely one to blurt the first thing that comes to mind once they feel comfy! Otherwise, they won’t say anything that’s not well rehearsed. And even then- “saying” something might be more of showing it- like charades.
They can only speak broken common, even if they understand it well enough. They can get out enough to say short, 5 word max sentences, but their vocal cords aren’t exactly made for human speech.
16: What makes their stomach turn?
Humans that’re aggressive, but it’s fine they’ll live. They also don’t appreciate anything birdlike, no matter how small it is. Additionally, loud alarms/sounds/etc are Murder on their ears and they hate em with a passion
27: What causes them to feel dread? 
Being found out/accused, being unable to find food on ships, and being stuck in big open spaces. They really don’t like being somewhere they can’t hide, and if they get hungry enough and the lights go out... well. There’s now one less crewmate on the ship.
34: How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
Depends how guilty they felt. If they get attached and something bad happens that they could’ve prevented, that guilt sticks and doesn’t leave them alone. If they have no strong feelings, tho, then it slides off of em like water off a duck’s back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
QUESTION;,,, how would ur speans (space beans) feel abt void n spids?? Like if they were all on the same crew somehow. I think Spider would constantly threaten to eat River, personally
Oh entirely valid. I cannot comment further without spoiling my fic but I will say he entirely deserves it, come at em spider—
As for the rest!!!
Bunbun is a lil shy at first- as she is with everyone- but she’ll warm up soon enough. Probably wants to chat abt space n stars with em, and would offer to team with em if they need it!
NubNub is like “oh heck there’s more like ME” and is quite happy to hang around em n vibe. Might not talk much, as per usual, but it’s nice to take off the helmet and vibe with some space homies.
Groud likes them both, and as long as they’re doing their jobs, they’re happy with em. They’d probably try to invite them to crew gatherings n fun times, to get to know em better!
River... doesn’t trust either of them. He’s rude like that. He’d do his best to steer clear of the both of em, especially spider. He no want to get chomped HDJJD
Lemon loves em!!! He’d probably try to rope them both into some shenans and get em to open up. He’s glad to have more company, and such neat alien crewmates too!!!
Lemon jr is always ok with new crewmates, and he’ll probably be asking around to see if he can do anything to help em be more comfy on the ship
Silk likes em! Xe enjoys watching the newcomers, is fine with helping, and is probably pretty curious about their origins. Would sit down and have a drink with em n tell stories
Rose is probably a little nervous, but jus bc she wants to make sure she has all her records up to date!!! If anything goes wrong, she wants to be prepared. She probably does her best to give good vibes to the pair of em
Laser is like YELL HEAH COOL NEW ALIEN BUDS and wants to show them all the things. A v good buddy and tries to hang out as often as they’ll let her
Nanner is like “oh frick yeah time for some VARIETY in my cooking” and is quite happy to chat with em and give em the best, closest to home cooked meal as she can manage. Is also happy to talk alien gossip if they have any
Cocoa is very friendly and helpful to em, keeping a careful eye on em thru the cameras to make sure they’re not getting lost or stuck!!! He’d do his best :>
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