#crewmate: lemon
ninebaalart · 7 months
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Fruity Among Us
some crewmates as various different produce. apple, durian, lemon, garlic, orange, pear, strawberry, tomato, and pepper
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crew7811-b · 2 years
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Lemon is the crew's unofficial therapist, and probably the only one Basalt willingly opens up to, but she has absolutely no filter.
For context, Basalt is a survivor from a couple impostor attacks. They have a lot of emotional baggage and trauma to deal with.
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hollow-jack · 2 years
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i don’t think of my among us ocs that often anymore but oh fucking boy when i do
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marlynnofmany · 7 months
The Good Perch
“You would think,” Captain Sunlight said drily, “That a spaceport organized enough to have a whole section for courier ships would have a more visible labeling system.”
“Yeah, really,” I agreed with a frown at the small sign marking our ship’s berth. The thing was barely ankle-height and a thin font. Not even a bright color; it hardly stood out from the pavement in its gray-and-black subtlety. With all the spacefarers parading past in a rainbow of body types and clothing styles, not to mention the equally wild spaceships everywhere, those signs were easy to miss. I asked the captain, “Have you been here before? Is this normal, or did the wrong person take charge of designing things?”
“It’s been a while,” said Captain Sunlight, crossing her scaly arms. “I don’t recall this being a problem before. But I suspect our wayward client is still wandering the walkways looking for us.”
“Normally I’d say our ship would stand out, but the visibility’s not great for that either.” Lemon-shaped spaceships with foldable solar sails were pretty uncommon. The one parked behind us would have been easy to spot from a distance if not for the larger ships looming close on either side. These berths were too close together.
Captain Sunlight pulled her phone out of a belt pouch. “Still says they’re on the way.”
“Maybe we need to scoot forward a bit?” I suggested. “Make the ship easier to see?” I stepped up to the walkway for a better look at the view from there.
This turned out to give someone else a better view of me.
“Hey, person who climbs things!” called a cheerful voice. “Come help me brace this.”
After a confused half-second, I located the speaker on top of the gray-brown ship next to ours. I realized with a start that this wasn’t the first time our ships had been parked side-by-side. “Hey, Acorn!” I called back. “Are you waiting for clients too?”
“We were,” the fellow courier called back, waving something that looked like a wrench. She herself still looked like a baboon crossed with a crocodile. “Now it’s time for errands and maintenance, and this needs fixing before we get back into space. Care to give me a hand? Everybody else is either busy or too much of a coward to get up this high.”
“Sure thing!” I said with a glance at Captain Sunlight, who was waving me on. “What’s the best way up?”
Acorn directed me to a row of handholds on the other side of the ship, which made for a nice easy climb. A pity her crewmates didn’t appreciate heights; the spaceport was a beautiful, chaotic sprawl of color from here. And the top of the ship was flat enough to feel plenty safe.
“Welcome to the good perch,” Acorn said, offering me a wrench. “It’s a very exclusive club. Can you hold this part in place so I can adjust that?”
“Absolutely,” I told her. “This end, right? Wait, got it.” I actually had no idea what this open panel was for, but I like to think I hid it well. The job was a simple one with two of us. I could see how it would have been awkward with just one, though. I wondered if she’d resorted to using her feet to hold things in place. I sure would have.
“Got it!” she said. “Now to close it all up. I knew that would be quick.”
I removed the wrench. “What’s the saying? More hands means less work?”
“Makes sense to me. Though by that logic, your friend there could get everything done by himself.”
I looked down to see that Mur had joined Captain Sunlight, in all his many-tentacled squidlike glory. “He probably could, actually. Though I don’t know how he is with heights.”
“Well, no need to share the good perch,” Acorn announced, snapping the panel shut. She spread her arms. “Look at this panorama!”
“It is a nice one! I was just thinking that. What kind of ship is that blobby green one over there? I haven’t seen it before.”
Acorn stood up for a better look. “I think it’s a Waterwill design?”
“That makes sense.” I got to my feet too, glad the ship we stood on wasn’t one of the shiny racer models. Those were much too slippery to make good sightseeing towers.
Not that Acorn seemed bothered either way. She probably would have found grippy shoes somewhere and run up the side just to prove she could. Her appreciation for climbing had been a nice change the first time I ran into her, and was no different now, given how much time I spent among alien crewmates who didn’t have tree-swinging monkeys in their family trees.
“That ship looks like it would make an excellent climbing structure,” she said, pointing at a pink model with grooves along the sides. “Pity it belongs to a security force who are likely to be uptight about such things.”
I laughed. “Isn’t that always the way of it? There’s a police station in my hometown with a roof that slopes down to meet a very climbable wall, and you have no idea how tempting it looked. Well. Maybe you know.”
She definitely understood, and we spent an enjoyable few minutes talking about which buildings and spaceships looked like the most fun to climb.
Then I spotted someone wandering from one berth marker to the next, looking both lost and a little nearsighted, and I had a suspicion that I’d found our missing client. This was a fellow human wearing the kind of drapey clothes that spoke of dignity and no little wealth. Her expression was exactly the kind I’d wear if I had to deal with those hard-to-read signs long enough to be late.
“Hey Captain!” I called down to Sunlight. “Is that her?” I pointed.
Captain Sunlight hurried forward with her phone out, matching the look of the person with an image there.
Yup. Called it.
Acorn chuckled while the pair of them exchanged greetings and complaints about the station layout. “Nice one. The wisdom of the heights strikes again. Do they need you down there now?”
“Probably,” I said. “Actually not yet, this package is a small one. Mur’s got it.” As I spoke, Mur pushed a hovercart forward with a box on it liberally covered in “fragile” stickers. It had a carrying handle on the top, which it had come with, and rubber bumpers on every corner, which Paint had added just to be safe. All precautions had been taken.
“Oh good,” Acorn said. “Then enjoy the view with me a little longer.” She bent to pull something from the toolbag’s side pocket. “Top-of-the-tree snack?”
“Are those the ones you’re named for?” I asked, remembering a conversation the last time I’d seen her. Translations being what they were, her name meant a similar nut from her homeworld. It had been an amusing conversation, since we were both named after things found in trees. She didn’t know what a robin was, but once I explained it, she claimed to have met a number of people back home with similar names.
“Yes, the salted version,” Acorn said, opening the bag. “I recall these were on the safe list for your species.”
“Safe and tasty,” I agreed. “Thank you.” I accepted a handful of alien acorns and marveled quietly at how universal salt was on snacks. Well, for some species. I don’t think Waterwills or Strongarms were that into overly salty food in general. Probably for slug-like reasons. Eggskin the medic would know. I should ask him later.
Acorn peered over the other side of the ship. “Ohh, Riverbrook’s wearing his goofy helmet. I owe him some acoustics since he played that loud music while I was working.” She crouched, peering down at a crewmate who had just emerged. With care, she selected a nut from the bag. “Think you can thwack him from here?” The grin she threw over her shoulder was full of teeth.
I joined her at the edge. “I like my odds.”
The crewmate was one of those people made of crystals instead of flesh. I forget the species name. Very interesting to look at, and unlikely to be hurt by a high velocity acorn no matter where it hit. The helmet was golden, shiny, and probably a fashion statement of some kind.
“First we throw, then we hide.”
“Got it.”
“One, two, throw!”
Ping! Ping!
“Ow, what was — Acorn, is this yours?!”
We both giggled in childlike glee, just out of sight.
“No thanks, you can have it!” Acorn called back.
“I’m going to put this in your fruit drink next mealtime.”
“Good luck with that!”
I nodded. “Ah, a prank war. A noble pursuit.”
“See, you get it.” Acorn offered me more nuts.
I took them and made myself more comfortable. “I don’t suppose you know what a rattlesnake is?”
“Then let me tell you about the time I got Trrili — the big scary Mesmer on my ship — with a classic prank from Earth.”
“Oh, do tell!”
I didn’t have to get back to my ship for a few minutes yet, which left plenty of time for more anecdotes and snacks on the good perch.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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ofmdrecaps · 1 month
08/18-19/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi; GalaxyCon SanJose: Vico, Con, Kristian, Nathan; Leslie Jones; Madeleine Sami; Connor Barrett; Tell Tale TV Poll; Fan Spotlight: BairNecessities Affirmation Cards; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika.
== David Jenkins ==
Davi's sharing more love for our crewmates and their dedication to OFMD. @smolbus, you're right hon, there is always hope! Ty for sharing your ink!
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Source: David Jenkins Twitter
== Taika Waititi ==
More birthday shenanigans for Taika and Rita!
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Source: Rita Ora's Instagram
Annnnd More Time Bandits Articles! This week Taika's gonna be in quite a bit of the final episodes it looks like!
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Image Sources: The Taika Archives Twitter
= GalaxyCon San Jose: Vico, Con, Kristian, Nathan =
These four had such a lovely time in San Jose, and so did so many of our crewmates!! The cast was kind enough to post lots of pictures of the convention! Hope yall had fun! Please feel free to share your pics/stories!
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Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
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Source: Vico's Instagram
Nathan was out with Harvey Guillen and lots of other friends at the Winchester Mystery House while out in San Jose!
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie's going to be doing another stand up tour-- coming up Sept 29 you can see her at the Because They're Funny Comedy Festival at The Wharf in Washington D.C.! Learn more on their website!
Source: BecauseTheyreFunny Instagram
== Madeleine Sami ==
Nice to see Madeleine was out with the ladies of Deadloch at the 2024 TV Week Logie Awards!
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Source: Prime Video AUNZ's Instagram
== Connor Barrett ==
Our beloved Hornberry out and about watching Angel City FC!
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Source: Connor's Instagram
== Tell Tale TV Votes ==
Our dear friends over at @adoptourcrew are keeping us appraised of Tell Tale TV's new polls! You can vote for Ed and Stede for Category 3: Ship of the Year (Comedy or Animated Series)! While you're there if you want to help support some other queer shows, What We Do In The Shadows - Nandor and Guillermo are up in Ship You'd Most Like to See Sail (Round 1)!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= BairNecessities =
Back again tonight is the kindest soul, Mik, aka bairnecessities! Her OFMD Affirmation cards continue to make me smile every time I look at them! Did any of you get to stop by her table this past weekend at GalaxyCon San Jose? If you didn't get to you can check out her shop/follow her on the various socials here: Instagram / Twitter / Linktr.ee / Etsy
First up is probably my favorite card from her S2 Deck:
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The next two are from her secondary character expansion! I adore that we get Alma and Louis in there, and even Doug NoLastName and Jeffrey Fettering get a spotlight with wonderful messages for all of us!
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Mik does other series too aside from OFMD (like Good Omens, and Helluva Boss!) You can check them out on her instagram below!
Source: Bearnecessities Instagram
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
New Epitizer this week from our good friends over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction. Seriously, the amount of content they put out, keeping us all engaged is amazing. If you haven't given them a listen or a follow please do! You can check out the new "when life gives you lemons" on their linktree!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies, I hope your Monday started your week off well <3 As I'm sitting here typing this I have my son asleep under one arm, so I apologize if this is a bit scattered. I saw this infographic today and it made me think of you all. I don't know about you, but I spent a lot of my life thinking I had to do everything, excel at everything, have all the money, and the car, and the house, and the kids, etc. But you know what? Life isn't about having everything. It's about finding the things you love and matter most to you and focusing on them. The things that matter most to me will absolutely be different from everyone else (we may share some of the same) but no two people are exactly the same when it comes to interests, and thats beautiful. Dig deep into the things you love crew, and remember you don't have to feel any shame for the things that mean the most to you. Do you like video games? Or Ornithology? How about fanfiction? Or maybe Indy 500 races? Do you find joy when you're alone in the woods? Or sitting out with friends at a bar? Do you enjoy being alone? Or maybe you love to sing your heart out at karaoke? Whatever it is you love-- embrace it, whether it's "Weird" by someone else's standards or not. If it makes you smile, if it makes you enjoy your time on this little blue dot-- dive in lovelies, with no regrets. I so very hope that even if it's only little bits at a time this week you get to spend doing the things you love, whatever that may be. Rest well and drink some water tonight <3 Love you crew
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Happy Murray Monday, and Taika Tuesday everyone! Tonight's gifs are courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome and @meluli, thank you so much for keeping us well fed with fantastic gifs of our favorite folks <3 You are doing Calypso's work my friends.
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abardnamedreginald · 3 months
im a wolf-demon-salamander-grey treefrog-katydid-cricket-luna moth-klingon-trad vampire-cat-romulan-harry potter wizard-gnome-drow-orc-wood elf-high elf-werewolf-twilight vampire-chihuahua-android-bard-druid-sorcerer-d&d wizard-lotr wizard-mind flayer-kraken-owlbear-genetically modified human-andes mint-harry potter merperson-h20 mermaid-great white shark-raven named nevermore-amontillado-sewer clown-animatronic-ink person-reality bender-ringwraith-chicken-fairy-telescreen-multibear-manic pixie dream girl-d class-horcrux-dragon-unicorn-pegasus-among us crewmate-among us imposter-game master-sharpie king size marker-dwarf-dragonborn-toothbrush-rock-paper-scissors-lizard-vulcan-politician-god-phone guy-icebreakers ice cubes pineapple-a doctor not a miracle worker-troll-ent-poodle-rabbit-Bear.-orange zombie-purple zombie-green zombie-professor plum-col. mustard-in the library-with a knife-hoola dancer-fish-villager-pelecan-defense against the dark arts professer-mafia boss-peep rabbit-peep chicken-gymnast-hairbrush-philosopher-music freak-school teacher-kidnapper-police lieutenant-farmer-trash can-dumpster out back-turtle-tribble-my little pony-kratt brother-high diver-pearl diver, dive, dive, deeper-chef-fire-earth-water-wind-wasp-bee-hornet-yellowjacket-mud dabber-grasshopper-rattlesnake-armadillo-cowboy-flashlight-starfleet science officer-harlet-elephant-gater-muppet-emo-goth-preppy-teabag-loser-sucker-mouse-rat-a puppet-a pauper-a pirate-a poet-a pawn-and a king-father albert-the pope-a nun-pastor jeff-gambler-metalhead-death rocker-the grim reaper-angel-lighthouse-paw patrol dog-hobbit-starfish-sponge-crab-squid-shrimp-jellyfish-chipmunk-hammerhead shark-nurse shark-humpback whale-blue whale-orca-sexual harrassment panda-south park character-jakoffasaurus-scrabble board-ouija board-pillow-toilet paper-period pad-tampon-baby diaper-elderly diaper-martian-touch tone telephone-starfleet operations-starfleet command-kirk-spock-bones-sulu-chekov-uhura-scotty-yeoman rand-KHAN!!!-mudd-the uss enterprise-the uss reliant-botany bay-v'ger-valeris-saavik-sybok-surak-sarek-the abbreviation 'idk'-sheldon-leonard-penny-howard-raj-amy-bernadette-mary cooper-george sr-george jr-missy cooper-meemaw-tam-dr sturgis-dr linkletter-dr jack bright-dr clef-dr gears-dr kondraki-dr mann-dr iceberg-dr crow-dr rights-dr sherman-scp 049-scp 3008-scp 4231-scp 166-scp 682-scp 2521-scp 590-O5 6-bill cipher-stanley pines-stanford pines-dipper-mabel-wendy-soos-schmebulok-gideon-mcgucket-dipper goes to taco bell-sheriff blubs-deputy durland-tad strange-andy taylor-william afton-michael afton-elizabeth afton-crying child-henry emily-charlotte emily-dave miller-jack kennedy-dee kennedy-peter kennedy-steven stevenson-aragorn-sam-frodo-merry-pippin-boromir-legolas-gimli-gandalf-faramir-denethor-sauron-elrond-thranduil-harry-hermione-ron-voldemort-pettigrew.-moony-padfoot-prongs-snape-edward-bella-alice!!-carlisle-charlie-cthulhu-greg heffley-pennywise-bendy-sammy-norman-jack-alice (susie)-allison-henry stien-joey drew-bruenor battlehammer-raskolnikov-heather-heather-heather-veronica-jd-kurt-ram-martha-kurt cobain-david bowie-freddie mercury-hozier-mitski-lemon demon-jack stauber-tally hall-hamilton-burr-jefferson-madison-washington-phillip-angelica-eliza-peggy-king george iii-king henry viii-ben franklin-catherine of aragon-anne boleyn-jane seymour-anne of cleves-katherine howard-catherine parr-dracula-𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂-evan hansen-conner murphey-john adams-raymond barron-fred randall-jane doe-ocean-noel-mischa-constance-ricky-karnak-vergil-alternate-thatcher davis-ruth-dave-cesar-mark-adam-sarah-jonah-evelyn-gabriel-trump-biden-sunny-basil-kel-aubrey-hero-mari-vanessa (the mean girl that kinda likes u)-tux the linux penguin-perry the platypus hybrid princess...dont fw me
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citrinae · 9 months
sanji x reader
contents; just another christmas drabble for the soul. sfw, established relationships, gn!reader, cw: 469
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Feeling the wooden surface of the counter with your fingertips, watching your movements roll from this perspective is something you’ve not experienced in a while. The clutter of mixing bowls, the low drone of the fridge, milk pouring from the carton as you absent-mindedly coordinate your ingredients with a whisk that you know is not your own. There’s a tune escaping you as you do, airy and sweet like a bell chime, yet quiet enough not to wake your crewmates. The ship creaks when it hits a larger wave and the sun still hasn’t breathed any colour into the windows and you begin to understand why Sanji spends so much time here, between spices and herbs and ceramics, stirring edibles in a lethargic trance. It’s peaceful. 
You hover the whisk before your eyes, raising a brow at the batter slipping back into the bowl—it needs more flour. You add some. Mix it together with the rest of your composition. Your voice wraps itself around words now, humming verses of a song you’ve come to remember, and you bend down to rummage for something to zest your lemon with. There’s smoke hovering by your wingspan once you return to the mixing bowl. You flinch. Utensils fall onto one another, bowl spinning, clank, clank, clank.
“For the love of God, Sanji!” you yelp, bringing your hand to your chest. 
Sanji—barefoot, arms crossed, knitted sweater—watches you from the doorframe, a loose, loosening smirk tugging at his mouth.
“Are you having fun, my love?” he takes a drag of his cigarette. 
You look at the batter spiralling in the bowl, then at him. “Traditional recipe on my home island. We make this every year around this time. Guess”—a laugh, awkward—“I felt a little nostalgic.”
“Darling,” arms unfolding and guilt sprouting in his tone, he rushes his way towards you. Grabs your shoulder. “You should’ve asked, really. I could’ve made it for you. I’ve—” 
“I know.” There’s something peaceful in the way you say this, mellows the worry on his face like chocolate topping on a blueberry cake. “It’s just different when you make it yourself.”
“I see,” Sanji’s smile finds a quiet place between pride and contentment as he takes a minute to look at you, and something clutches your stomach as soon as he does. With a finger he leans forward to inspect the consistency of your batter. “I’d still very much like to learn how to make this one, if you don’t mind.”
“At all,” you assure him. “In fact,” leaning your head on Sanji’s shoulder. “Could you be so kind as to heat up the oven before I finish here? Then we can arrange the set-up for the next one.”
Sanji’s chuckle tingles your temple before he kisses it. “With pleasure, sweetheart.”
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lost-technology · 5 months
I was alerted to Trigun Fanfiction Appreciation Week! I have recs! It's Cinco de Mayo and I am full of tacos. Let's roll! Roleswap The Purple Hyacinth bouquet of stories by @somereaderinblue Summary: A universe in which Vash was born as the first Independent Plant and it is Tesla and Nai who are the twin-siblings. Other characters switch roles as well - Luida and Rem, Livio and Wolfwood, each retaining their unique selves. The symbolism of the purple hyacinth and little details like Tesla's love of lemon-cake really make this. Tesla is a rougher kind of heroic desperado, being more nuanced, rougher and less absolutist than Vash, making for an amazing ride. (The first tale, centered on Luida and little Vash, though, will break your heart). Canon-typical violence and abuses of children and science. General AU Sun, Moon and Stars by @tragic-unpaired-electron Summary: At a crucial moment, Rem does something crazy to save baby Tesla and the entire universe changes. What follows is the saga of the Saverem family - mothers, daughter, sons, a more hospitable planet, but not without social and political challenges for Plants to gain legal personhood. This had me hooked like a thrill ride, beginning to end. One of my absolute favorites in the fandom. Each and every character has a realistic, organic change stemmed from this one pinpoint. (Nai doesn't go genocidal for example, but has points where he could have gone dark and has reasons to choose a better path). Treat yourself and read this! Canon-typical violence. Conrad being particularly a bastard. For my fellow Rem-enjoyers Out Cold by Miricals Summary: Vash, Wolfwood and the girls find themselves sheltering in an old crashed escape ship they found with coldsleep capsules still running on half-dead solar power. Guess who they find. Some sadness with unnamed characters' deaths, otherwise no warnings. Accidents Happen by exai_lostjune Summary: Set in the 1998 anime / first anime only. Rem finds out that crewmate Steve has been beating her kids, not just being bigoted in speech. She beats his ass with a crowbar. That's it, that's the fic. Little Plant Twins get protected by their Mama Bear, Steve gets what he deserves. In-Series / Main Timeframe Let the Ransomed be Free by SpiritusRex Summary: Wolfwood and Meryl impersonate a pair of rich-bitches to get into a auction attended by all of the planet's worst billionaires. Their mission? To find an extract a certain Vash the Stampede, who is up on the auction block as a slave to the highest bidder. Shenanigans ensue. Canon-typical violence / un-fun use of a cattle-prod on our poor Vash. Just Follow My Yellow Light (And Ignore All Those Big Warning Signs) by haveloved Summary: In the aftermath of Vash getting hurt, Wolfwood notices that Meryl hasn't eaten. Milly usually helps her remember to eat. Just a little story about self-care and others-care. Canon-typical violence. WTF? Aaaah! Why did someone write this? / are people going to look at me weird for reading this? Aaaaaaaah! Horror. Sin Eaters by @dragonofeternal Summary: There is an old tradition Vash read of once wherein a ritual meal is consumed to absolve the sins of the deceased. Livio, however, was Wolfwood's first friend and does not intend on letting Vash dine alone. BIG WARNING HERE! This was written for Trigun Body Horror Week. NOT for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach! While I think this is the best story to come out of Trigun Body Horror Week... it is... just that. This one's for gore-fiends - outdoes canon.
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axcel-lucci · 2 years
I love you too... (Y/n)
Law x reader
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Warning: lemon / smut under the cut
"(y/n)..." Law grunted under his breath as he held (y/n)'s hand tightly under the table
She hummed and looked over to him, he may look 'normal' on the surface, but, he's destroyed inwardly. Smiling softly and looked at the clock before stating: "I think our break time's over, captain..." As her crewmates let out a small whine
"Five minutes is up already??"
"Sadly, time goes by faster when you're shaving fun" she smiled as she got up and left, law soon following after.
She was starting to walk down the halls to hers and her captain's office for some 'work' to be done.
Being his assistant and significant other is quite.... Let's say cool.
Not because he's more gentle on you but he's actually more attached to you.
Originally, her job is in the navigation team, but ever since they were together, he moved (y/n) where she could work closely with him, which is his assistant.
Back to now, she heard the door to the gallery close rather loudly behind her, she didn't need to turn to know who it was by the heavy footsteps that raised to hers as she turned a corner.
Meanwhile, in law's perspective, (y/n) calmly turned on one corner seductively while looking him in the eyes screaming for him to follow.
Like a spell, he followed unknowingly. His feet dragged on the floor as he went to follow where she turned until he found himself in front of his office door with the sign outside that says "do not disturb" on it.
The crew instinctively placed it there so they'd know when to "barge in" and make noise or something. That's their words.
(Why? Cause the last time they ever did that was when law is being intimate with (y/n), just kissing of course.)
Entering, he found no one but himself in there, he walked to the desk and soon felt the vibrations of the door being closed and locked right after
"Why on earth did you give me that look?" She scoffed angrily, while in his head, it was just sexy.
He sharply inhaled and turned to her only to have her literally as close to him as possible. He slowly started to backup before feeling himself be trapped between her and the desk behind him.
"Needy much?" She laughed softly before pulling away
He grumbled some incoherent words before leaning in for a kiss, in which she didn't deny him.
The kiss soon turned into a hot make out session in which tongues were involved and breathes were exchanged with small moans and grunts filling the room.
"(Y/n)... Please..." He breathes
"Begging, aren't we?" She teased before placing both her hands on his chest and ran up teasingly while her fingertips were tracing his abs until they were crossed around his neck, "I don't mind. You're feeling submissive today" she just smiled softly.
It has always been like this, law would tell her if he wants to be a dominant one or a submissive one. Either way, (y/n) is a switch and so is he. (But mostly it's (y/n) to set whether he's dom or sub)
"Just... Please." His hands were now clutching unto her hips and swayed them to brush against his crotch making him groan.
"Then sit on your office chair, let me deal with it." She smiled reassuringly
He trusts her. Of course he does. (Y/n) always asked him what would make him comfortable and uncomfortable, she keeps his secrets, she doesn't even tease him in public just to see his embarrassed expressions, hell, she even asks if he wants to go on a small PDA moment like holding hands of he wants to or not.
Sitting on the office chair, she placed her hands on both his legs and leaned down to kiss him, "relax... It's daytime and everyone is awake" she warned before slowly sinking in between his legs with kisses running down his body.
By the time she was well seated in between his legs, his shirt was already buttoned down to the last button leaving them wide open with the evidence of her kisses still lingering on his skin with lipstick marks.
"You look handsome yesterday, today, and tomorrow..." She smiled before palming his growing erextion at her praise
"You think so?"
"I know so..." She grinned brightly at him making him blush
She started to pull the zipper down until it was undone and saw his growing erection rubbing against his boxers.
"Since when have you been this hard? There's precum already staining your boxers" she hummed while rubbing it
Groaning, he answered, "since this morning... When you were changing to your uniform."
"That was 5 hours ago. You should've came to me." She pouted before pulling both his boxers and jeans down to his ankles.
He instinctively threw them off him while fixing how he sat to be more comfortable.
Grabbing hold of his thick member, she hummed. "Didn't know dicks grow in size. The last time I remember, my fingers can still touch"
"Yep." She said while surprising him with a wet kiss on the base making him groan unexpectedly
"Calm down" she laughed before licking up the underside and licked on the tip like an ice cream
"How can I... Hng.... Calm down?" He groaned
"Hush now. You should relax, you're tense" she hummed
"What about less talking and more sucking dick?"
"Good idea" she smiled before sucking on the tip making him gasp audibly while throwing his head back
She shrugged before continuing down his dick with her mouth, seeing if she can still fit all of him into her mouth without gagging like she used to.
She still can, although she felt his dick go down deeper in her throat than she remembered it to be.
Using her tongue in time for her bobbing her head on his dick, it sent him over the edge.
Not exactly, but he's right there.
It sent him great pleasure, so much so that he can't stop moaning softly and gripping the edge of his desk and chair.
If he knew this as pleasure, it just gave him another chance to heighten it.
"Do you mind if I use a toy on ya?" She asked with his cock still in her mouth.
Looking down, she looked terribly sexy with his dick stuffed inside her mouth, "g-go ahead..." Stammering wasn't a part of him but yeah, it happens when he's too high off the momentary pleasure that he didn't even understand what she said and just agreed to it.
Working her wonders again made him groan loudly until he gasped when he felt the tip of a very familiar feeling start to prod at his entrance.
It was wet and cold with lube as it spread some of it around and inside his own hole.
He, for some reason, likes it.
As the toy starts to be pushed in little by little, he can feel himself lose control and moan softly while throwing his head back
The toy was pushed all the way in that he can't believe it reached that far up his ass.
"(Y/n)... What toy is that...?" He asked, panting heavily
Looking up, she smiled. "Your favourite"
He was about to ask what she meant, he just felt it. A strong vibration from the toy starting to stimulate his insides making him jerk uncontrollably as she proceeds to give him the best blowjob he has ever had in his life
All this stimulation caused him to moan, groan, grunt, and arch his back all the way
(Y/n) didn't expect for a simple toy to make him like this, she guessed it was just him being extremely horny is what, but at the same time, it gave her some sort of idea on how to please him better next time
"(Y/n)... Ahh... I'm close. So... Fucking... Close..." He groaned
He knew this pleasure was on its maximum level. But he was proved wrong when she started to pull that device out and thrust it back in only to repeat the process over, and over, and over again until it was fast enough he could feel himself clench on tightly on the toy.
It was so fast it made wet sound everytime it was being pulled out then back in
His mind was already blank when (y/n) had him in her throat, but now he was just a dumb mess begging to finish.
"(Y/n)... Please...! Urk-!" His breath hitched when sucked on him
This continued on until he finally let's go of the knot in his stomach. It caused a pleasure filled warmth spread throughout his body and all over everything.
Her mouth, chest, uniform, the toy... Everything even the wooden floors.
Pulling away from him, she breathes slowly, a stark comparison to his heavy and fast paced pants.
"That... Was the best. Don't you think?" She smiled genuinely as she pulled the toy out and leaving it on the floor to clean up later.
He was still unresponsive from the aftermath so she stood up and cleaned everything up for him.
"I hope that satisfies your need?" She asked after kissing him on the lips after helping him get into his clothes.
"Yeah... You know, you could always find your pleasure in me" he responds and pulled her to sit on his lap
"Nah... Seeing you all pleased made me come." She joked as he snorted,
"Really? Haha..." He laughed, "thanks... I really needed that."
"You need to relax. Trust me, take the day off... Hang out with your friends, don't worry. I'll be just fine here... I'll wait for your return. Go to a bar or something, cool off"
"What about the work? You're doing it all?"
"I will. Don't worry, about that... Haha"
"Okay... As long as they didn't hear me moan like that" he blushed.
"What do you mean? You sounded heavenly"
"Oh. Hah. Don't worry, I'll be here" she smiled while rubbing his head softly and humming a small tune to calm him down, "but seriously though, I loved how you sounded."
"I love you too... (Y/n)"
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valeriianz · 1 year
Pirate AU, they've been rivals for a while, but when one of them almost gets hanged, the other rescues them and well, the ship is so small, guess we have to share my bunk 🤷‍♀️ one humble drabble suggestion from me.
“--Three shots to the wind, ya are. I can smell it on your breath.”
Hob is this close to just knocking Dream out with the butt of his gun, the man had been chatty and reluctant throughout this entire rescue.
“Yeah, well–” Hob peers left and right, crouched low in the orlop, finding ground after climbing the ladder and hauling them both onto the ship Hob helped crew. “Needed a bit of rum to convince myself to save your skinny ass.”
Dream scowls, but still manages to keep his voice low in the darkness. 
“I will not be spoken to this way.”
Hob turns around, shoving Dream against the wall and leaning in close, brushing his lips against the man’s ear. “You’re a pirate,” he snarls. “I’ll speak to you anyway I goddamn well please.”
He leans back, studying Dream’s agitated visage before taking him by the wrist and pulling him along once more. Hob can hear the crew above deck, shouting orders and readying the ship for sail. They had managed to sneak by as the ropes holding the ship to the dock were untethered and the sails lowered, obviously far enough away from the public execution where the crew were sure to not be caught… until all hell broke loose with Hob’s little escape mission.
With a great sigh of relief, Hob locates his cabin and shoves Dream inside first before closing and locking the door.
“I had it under control,” Dream growls, voice a tad louder in the privacy of Hob’s tiny setup. 
Hob huffs a breath of derision. “Oh, did you now?”
Dream had been scheduled to hang at the execution square in Thames. He seemed ready for it, his face impassive as his list of crimes went on and on, giving Hob plenty of time to stalk the crowd, finding an entrypoint and exit strategy. It was a spontaneous, rum infused decision to cause a distraction and shoot the rope that held Dream by the neck, snagging the other pirate and hauling ass back to Hob’s ship nearly on the other side of the island. 
He almost fought with Hob, face crumpling into something unsatisfactory, like biting into a lemon upon seeing his rescuer. Hob wasn’t sure why he was doing this either. Hob and Dream’s ship had met on the water once in the past year, cannon fire that turned into plunder missions where Hob had met Dream for the first time, high off the adrenaline of a proper attack, on the deck of his own ship.
They’re dueled with swords, well matched with a blade, amongst the chaos around them. Hob would be lying if he said he’d given it his all… mighty distracted by Dream’s pale skin and blue eyes, like the clear waters of a coral reef.
The fight had ended in a parley, their captains coming to an agreement, but promising one another that if they’d see each other again, there’d be no mercy.
And indeed, months later, Hob had run into Dream at a port, finding him in a dark corner of a pub, not engaging with his crewmates and holding onto a tankard without drinking it.
Hob had approached him, unsure what to make of the unexpected excitement in his belly, his chest, at seeing the pirate again. All he knew was the sea and booty and blood, so as he caught Dream’s attention, Hob drew his sword and challenged him to a fight.
It had been magnificent. Dueling Dream was like crossing blades with a nobleman. Dream was all fluidity and composure, while Hob was brute strength and honed skill. Years and years of learning how to fight by trial and error, no proper training, and with the scars to prove it.
Hob had lost that fight, falling to his knees in front of spectators jeering and throwing booze. He looked up at Dream, panting hard and pointing the tip of his blade at Hob’s jugular. 
“Any last words?” Dream had said, his voice low and cool, musical, like a siren out of water, come to test Hob’s resolve.
Hob cracked his most roguish smirk. 
“Give me a chance to fight again.” Hob licked his lips, utterly smitten. “Let me prove myself worthy of such artistry-- to lucubrate your mastery and that I may step with equal footing.”
Dream cocked one elegant brow, his blade lowering.
“Well spoken. Scallywag.”
Hob had seen Dream here and there, as the months went on, but found himself unable to fight him again. He’d gotten lucky, Hob knows, earning Dream’s mercy. But that didn’t make them friends. On the contrary, if Hob’s fellow crewmates caught him sneaking Dream aboard, they’d both be tossed into the sea.
“Why did you even bother?” Dream’s deep timbre interrupts Hob’s wandering thoughts. “Now that you’ve aligned yourself with me, we’re both doomed.”
“Shut it, I haven’t ‘aligned’ myself with nobody.”
Dream stands there, in the middle of the room, casting his eyes up and down Hob’s tattered clothes and sweat soaked skin. “Certainly seems like you have.” 
“Your crew left you for dead, mate,” Hob crosses the scant space between them, causing Dream to step back warily. “I don’t think I have an enemy anymore. You got nowhere else to go.”
Dream glared, but Hob could see the admission in his eyes, the truth. That he was truly alone now. What did it mean, to be captured– nay, saved by your adversary?
“And what do you plan to do with me now, Gadling?” Dream’s arms came out wide at his sides. “You’ve brought an enemy onto your ship. If the captain finds out–”
“He won't.”
Dream levels him with a look. 
“And even worse,” Dream continues like Hob said nothing. “Your crewmates will give me no quarter upon discovery. They would see me back at the gallows.”
“I should’ve left you to hang, ungrateful prick.”
“And now you’re hiding me,” Dream ignored the jab, his brows narrowed, suspicious. “Like some little boy who’s picked up a stray pet.”
“You said ‘pet.’” Hob grinned.
The room gave a sudden lurch and sway, indicating the ship was finally off. Dream tumbled back onto the small bed while Hob propped a hand on the wall, smiling down at the inelegant tangle of limbs Dream made on the mussed cot.
As the ship began to gentle in a rocking motion, Hob stepped up the Dream, who clambered up against the wall, long legs dangling over the edge, which Hob stood between now, leaning down and pressing his palms against either side of Dream’s head, caging him.
“I’ll admit I’m making this up as I go,” he said, privately pleased in the way Dream’s neck stretched back to look up at him, hatred burning in those crystal blue eyes. Hob wondered if he could make that fire burn for a whole different reason. Could soften those lines along Dream’s brow. Hob could almost imagine it, Dream with a darkened gaze, jaw slack, lips parted, body open and relaxed– for him. 
“But in the meantime, you’ll do as I say, and keep quiet,” Hob took Dream’s chin in his hand, fingers curling around his jaw, sharp as a blade, and definitely didn’t imagine the soft gasp that snuck through Dream’s lips. “Savvy?”
Dream swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing with it. 
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thesharktanksdriver · 11 months
Hey! Its me again! :D
I love the fact that Reader plays a ukulele to distract themselves away from their thoughts, it's wholesome oml.
(ALSO Your post abt Zoro and reader is so funny and gives me the giggles- I love platonic one piece ITS SO UNDERRATED)
Anyways, I have a few random memes and incorrect quotes for your reader and the Determination! Series! Hope you'll like it! :)
*this takes place after Zoro just joined Luffy's pirate crew and Reader is tagging along*
Luffy : Hey Zoro! I just have one question for you
Zoro : What is it Luffy? *His arms behind his head trying to nap*
Luffy : What color is an orange?
Zoro : Luffy you bonehead, the color is just the same as its name. Just like a lemon *he is proud of himself*
Reader : *questioning their decisions*
Crewmate : You're smiling. What happened?
Young!Buggy : What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it?
Reader : Shanks tripped and fell down the stairs today. *Treating shanks broken nose*
Young!Shanks : *with a broken nose* >:( jerk (to Buggy)
: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
* they're eating dinner*
Reader : Can you pass the salt?
Shanks : *throws Buggy across the table*
— 🛎️ Anon!
Never thought I’d be getting the honour incorrect quotes for my series from someone else : D
I shall also post some as well
Nami: Every time I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke.
Luffy: Okay, but what is updog?
Sanji: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish.
Ussop: No, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released.
Y/n: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden.
Zoro : Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter.
Nami: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs.
Ussop: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current.
Zoro: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway.
Luffy: What’s a henway??
Nami: Oh, about five pounds
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’*
Y/n and Luffy: Thanks fam!
Ussop: Oh no.
Zoro: Sounds fake, but okay.
Sanji: *A flustered mess*
Nami : Can I get a refund?
Ussop: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Zoro: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...
Y/n: Oh wow, my childhood innocence and My will to live! I haven't seen these in years.
Sanji : I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Nami: Mental stability, my old friend!
Ussop: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Y/n: *dies*
Luffy: Timer starts now! When are they coming back? I say two months!
Zoro: Bullshit. One month.
Ussop: Nah, half a month.
Nami, scratching chin in thought: One week.
(This one is wayyy to real lol)
*after the Squad has been separated for a few years*
Luffy: So what have you been up to recently?
Zoro: Leading a revolution with Sanji.
Luffy: Good for you two! Me, I've joined the mob.
Zorro: *nods* Oh, how cool! That's awesome!
Luffy: I know! Anyway, have you heard from the others? Y/n ?
Zoro: Happily living as a hermit in the woods. Ussop?
Luffy: Wrongfully locked up in an asylum, which reminds me, we need to break them out later. Nami?
Zoro: Cult leader.
Luffy: Yeah, that sounds about right.
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bugsinthebayou · 6 months
heya i am quite enamored by lyrebranch and would really love to learn more. would you be interested in elaborating on their personalities and history together? :3
EXPLODES I LOVE LYREBRANCH SO MUCH !!!! im so obsessed with them theyre so unhealthy
now im not gonna go super into detail because 1. im tired and 2. these two are actually characters ive got for a possible meowdy bit, so i dont wanna spoil Everything
Calypso Nudibranch - calypso nudibranch is a triton/fish person from the undersea. specifically, she's their beloved princess. shes a natural-born leader, flounders when she has to lie, and is generally calm and collected. she's an incredible warrior, known and loved by her people for her dedication to being their guardian and future leader. there's one thing that gets her so, so angry, and thats people like jasmine lyre
Jasmine Lyre - now jasmine lyre... well. do you remember what chip jrwi was like? in the first few riptide episodes? shes like that but like, wayyy worse. way worse. and also a bisexual woman. my first ever message/concept idea for her was literally this
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i have a playlist for her and it only has two songs so far but theyre So Her its insane. shiny from moana and a mask of my own face by lemon demon. she cares about one thing, and one thing only; gold. gold, jewelry, fame, power. and i guess she cares about her crew mutinying a bit. she sucks so bad she broke up with her girlfriend the day she met calypso because she hated calypso more passionately than she loved her gf. most of everything about her is a lie. she even made up her last name, but she wont spill the beans on if her first name is fake too. and yes, "lyre" sounding like "liar" was very purposeful.
LyreBranch - THREE CHEERS FOR TOXIC YURI!!! they hate each other so much they want each other (dead. and sexually) so bad. they want nothing more than to kill each other and to be the ones To Kill the other (so no assassins or crewmates/guards doing it for them). i have some images that are very Them
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theyre obsessedddd which each other. jasmine's crew is verymuch sick of her shit. calypso's guards are concerned, but not enough to intervene (they think that if anything happens calypso will just kill jasmine). they daydream and dream about killing each other (and in weaker moments, about more suggestive situations). i usually talk mostly about how much jasmine flirts with and mocks calypso and how obsessed she is, but dont get the wrong idea. calypso is just as obsessed as she is. she just doesnt flirt or externalize it as much as jaz does, which gives it the appearance that jasmine is the one pursuing calypso and fighting her when in reality theyre both fucked up and toxic about it
ive got so, so much more about these two (both as individuals and together) but its almost 3am and ive got a headache, so i'll let that be a topic for tomorrow o7 hope you enjoy them!!! o/
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crew7811-b · 2 years
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Ice likes to info-dump about his hyperfixation. You can't blame him, that show is pretty awesome! Basalt just...needs to tread carefully here.
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mamamittens · 1 year
A Lone Melody (Pt. 7)
soft Platonic Yandere Arlong & OC (Melody)
Warnings: Canonical mentions of slavery and racism. As well as mentions of branding but, to be honest, I'm pretty damn sure re-branding an ex-slave isn't the most... sensitive way to address trauma. So uh... I'm not doing that. Maybe Koala gets a tattoo over it later but like... no.
Anyway! Howdy! Been a bit, yeah? Well, there's no going back now, I suppose. I wanted to get at least a chapter out before tomorrow since I'll absolutely be playing Pikmin 4 this weekend lol
Thank you all for your patience as things start to get heated soon~!
Word Count: 1,489
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Koala… didn’t know how to handle this.
It’d been three years since she was ‘freed’ by Fisher Tiger’s unexpected rampage and fleeing to this island. Sure, she was free now. No longer a slave. She understood that.
In her head.
But even three years later she flinched at loud voices. Messes made her anxious until she cleaned them up herself. Any mistake had her heart pounding. What was once a desperate hope to cope with her cruel reality became a hazy daydream.
Her mother, sweet and loving in the kitchen making breakfast. Her quant village full of faces she couldn’t remember. It was all fading away under the brutality of her memories of slavery. The name branded into her mind out of desperation, hotter than the brand that sealed her fate. She would go home but… she was just a kid. And the seas were a big place.
And then, shockingly, a vaguely familiar face came into port. Fishmen, which brought back memories of screams and smoke, lead by Fisher Tiger. Bright red skin and dark eyes staring out as he looked around.
His crew, the Sun Pirates, were in port. And possibly the only crew willing (maybe) and able (definitely) to take her home.
The townspeople asked on her behalf, nervous but hopeful to send her back home finally.
Fisher Tiger had a strange look on his face at that. A twisting expression that seemed to be an awful mix of emotions as he looked down at her. ‘Happy slave’ smile still etched onto her face—had been since she was beaten unconscious for frowning so long ago the edges of the pain blurred.
His eyes held sympathy and heartache as he smiled.
“Of course I will take her home.” He promised, elation rising in her chest.
Though, uhm, he didn’t appear to clear that with his crew. Several looked like they swallowed lemons.
A fishman with blue skin and a jagged nose looked like he wanted to beat her to a pulp before a small body darted between his legs.
“Hi! I’m Melody!” The little girl giggled, a bit shorter than herself. Light gray skin flush with a warm blush as red peeked out from under thick, white, black-tipped bangs. Her teeth were sharp and impressive as she bounced in excitement. “Are you human?!” she asked.
Koala… was incredibly lost.
“…Yes?” She flinched at the questioning tone, expecting someone to lash out at her—which may well have been the blue fishman if it wasn’t for a taller, broader fishman shoving his crewmate’s head down.
Melody gasped in elation.
“Cool! I’m half!” She crowed reaching out to grasp her hands. Her skin was smooth with a strange texture. Stronger than herself but aware of it.
Half? Half?
Somehow, this was the most shocking piece of information Koala had heard in a long time.
Melody grasped Koala’s hand and rubbed the back against her cheek with a giggle.
“You’re so soft! Wanna play?” She asked, still bouncing in elation. “Pah banned Dah from hosting tea parties cause he keeps going on and on about how cool fishmen are and ruins the fun.”
“… A tea party?” Koala asked.
Melody nodded.
“Yeah! Auntie Shar and her friends taught me! It’s easy, you just gotta drink tea and talk.” Melody informed her seriously. “And if we’re quiet we get to have cookies too—oops. I wasn’t supposed to let Pah hear that part.” Melody grimaced.
The taller fishman sighed, shaking his head.
“I already knew, pup. Arlong isn’t half as slick as he thinks he is.” He huffed, settling his hand on the other fishman’s shoulder with a stern look.
‘Arlong’ looked like he wanted to scream and rip her to pieces.
“Oh… does this mean I don’t gotta sneak cookies anymore?” Melody asked innocently, completely ignoring the tense atmosphere.
Tiger Fisher snorted.
“You go play tea party, pup. Jinbe will bring you two some snacks while I… talk to Arlong.”
Judging by the sour look on Arlong’s face, he already knew what kind of lecture he was in for.
“And let some filth—” Jinbe slammed his hand onto Arlong’s head with a hiss, Melody already dragging Koala away. An octopus fishman waved his many arms around and smiled nervously.
“W-Well! How about that tea party!”
“Okay! Wait… do you need six cups or is one fine, Hah-chan?” Melody asked curiously as quickly ushered them away.
“J-Just one, Melody~” He laughed with a look over his soulder.
She just heard Jinbe’s voice as she rounded a corner.
“Do. Not. Ruin this for her. Let her have a friend or I’ll—"
Fisher Tiger scowled at the maps, not really reading any of them. He already knew that he had never sailed to Foolshout before. But a little girl had been away from home long enough.
He had never really considered where the slaves he freed only a few years prior would go when he acted as he did. Just that they all deserved to be free. It was luck that Koala ended up on such a kind island, though she was human so it wasn’t much of a worry to begin with. He didn’t remember her, not really, but there was no mistaking that look in her eyes.
The look of someone made a slave too young. Emotions masked behind a fixed, unnatural smile. Hair a mess from lack of basic care. She was about ten or maybe eleven, old enough to know how to care for it. But just like him, she was still haunted from her time as a slave. It was a miracle she even remembered where she came from.
It was difficult to look at her, sometimes. But Fisher Tiger had grown a lot from that sad man in chains. It helped that he had such a supportive crew and, though he wasn’t sure how, the childlike wonder of his niece. Without that, he would have taken on this task with bitterness in his heart. Seen the marks of slavery still on her soul and done something drastic to try and wipe it away as he had tried with himself.
But Melody was taken with Koala. Always wanting to play with her hair and have Koala braid hers.
Arlong hadn’t stopped scowling since Koala boarded, pissed off that his daughter was close to a human. The first human she’d actually met, in fact. His amusement at Arlong’s plight helped temper that desperation in his soul. Jinbe certainly had his hands full keeping his friend in check around the little girl.
“Uncle Fishy!” Melody bounded into the room, her small hand grasping Koala’s thin wrist as the human’s fake smile faltered with nerves. Melody beamed, ruby eyes glittering behind her hair.
“Yes, Melody?” He asked with a fond smile.
“It’s food time! Food! Eat!” Melody bounced, reaching out for his hand. Fisher Tiger reached back and allowed Melody’s painfully small hand to pull on his fingers. He glanced at Koala with a soft smile.
“We’ll find your home soon, Koala. I promise.” He reassured her, “You’ve been free for three years… it’s time you went home.”
Melody paused, tilting her head as she glanced between the two of them. Letting go of his hand, she reached out and rubbed her thumb over Koala’s cheek, the human flinching at the motion.
“…It’s okay to cry, you know. Dah cried last week when Pah measured my height and found out I gained another half inch.” Melody informed her gravely.
That false smile wavered like a mirage and Fisher Tiger sighed.
“She’s right you know.” He whispered solemnly. “It’s okay to cry.”
He’d wept for hours in the comforting embrace of the sea when he finally found freedom. His brand burning in his flesh as he sobbed and wailed so deep only the sea beasts heard him.
Koala’s eyes watered, wavering smile falling to pieces as Fisher Tiger instinctively scooped up the two children.
He never would have done this a few years ago.
He still felt weak and pathetic from his time in chains, but he was undeniably a stronger man now. Shame no longer dogging his steps so heavily.
Koala would find her way to true freedom. The kind that cleanses the heart and soul that even he had yet to find. She just needed support and kindness she never had while in chains.
It wasn’t, after all, piracy or his flag that brought light to his heart after so long in the dark.
Fisher Tiger looked at Melody who reached out to Koala with gentle hands to pet her hair and shoulders soothingly. Not truly understanding the cause of Koala’s sadness but reaching out anyway.
He was a better man now… but deep in his heart, he knew he was still that pathetic wretch who could never quite let go of his hatred.
Maybe given time they’d both put the past behind them.
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marlynnofmany · 2 years
Human at Work
When our ship landed to deliver the overdue shipment of weird little space goats, I admit I was surprised when I saw what their owners looked like. “Big,” I’d been told. “Polite,” as well. Even “Very careful about where they step.” But no one had told me to expect pink elephants.
I almost stopped in my tracks as I exited the ship, only jumping forward again when a shipmate’s bug leg prodded my shoulder blade. I stepped quickly and did my best to stare without slowing up to the proceedings.
Our small crew was bringing the cages out onto a landing pad raised off the ground, level with the average head height of the gigantic life forms whose home planet this was. They strolled by on business of their own, each with six legs and trunks in pairs: top and bottom. Their tails looked prehensile too. But the most striking part was the color: as bright pink as any flamingo, with flappy ears that faded to a more salmon-orange with yellow edges. All they needed was polka dots to look like the most absurd hallucination this side of the Milky Way.
“Hello, esteemed client!” announced our captain as he led the procession toward the pink face waiting at the edge of the platform. Captain Pockap was, I’d learned, the nephew of the captain of our sister ship, and somewhat new at this. I hoped he was waving his green tentacles at the right alien.
This elephant was pretty noteworthy, actually. Its eyes had the white haze of cataract sufferers on Earth. And as we approached, it moved its ears down to show a hat of some sort— Wait. No.
It that a human on its head?? I thought as I walked. What the heck?
It was. While Captain Pockap greeted the alien that still hadn’t spoken, I took in the sight of the muscley blonde guy perched on a saddle that was clearly custom-made for this scenario. He was wearing weird little booties and had one foot raised, like he was ready to tap out a message on the alien’s head.
“And hello to you too!” Pockap concluded with a wave up at the human.
The pink behemoth finally spoke. “Kindly do not distract my seeing-eye human,” it said in a deep voice. “He is working.”
Pockap gave many flowery apologies, which the alien ignored in favor of enquiring about the state of its cargo.
“The animals are in perfectly good health,” Pockap said. “Though they did give us some trouble. I’m afraid I’ll have to insist—”
His demands for additional money were interrupted by urgent hisses from several crewmates who knew better, and (thankfully) by the arrival of another giant pink elephant.
The two aliens spoke in rumbles almost too low to hear. The crewmates yelled at the captain in whispers. I stood awkwardly to the side, a newcomer without much stake in any of this.
“Hey,” called a different voice. “Quick question.” It was the human guy, waving me over while his employer (owner?) was busy with conversation.
I trotted to the edge of the platform, careful not to lean too far. No railing. “Yes?”
“Is there one ship like that, or two?” he asked, pointing over my shoulder at the lemon-looking thing we’d come in.
“Oh! Two,” I told him. “The other one looks just like it. Parked over thataway.” I pointed off to where Kamm’s ship was picking up a new courier job. The two were nearly the exact same model on the outside, though only one had corridors tall enough for me to stand comfortably.
“Thank you,” the guy said in clear relief. “I wasn’t sure I was describing it right. Glad I directed her to the right one.”
“Yeah, you got it!” I said. I made to move back toward the crew, but he had one more thing to say.
“If you’re looking for a change in careers, there’s plenty of demand for sight assistance here,” the guy said. “We work in shifts, and the pay is good.”
“Oh, uh, thanks! I’ll keep that in mind.” This wasn’t the type of career I was aiming for, but it certainly was memorable. I wondered if there was a foot-tap code.
The second elephant said its goodbyes and moved off, leaving the seeing-eye human to snap to attention and catch his employer up to speed with the surroundings. No one had moved much except for me. I sidled back to where I was supposed to be.
Wiser minds had prevailed, thankfully. Pockap didn’t press for extra fees, and the blind pink elephant who owned the goats didn’t say anything about his conversational misstep. I was quietly shaking my head about how strange my life had gotten when Pockap got involved in moving the cages onto the waiting cart, and he bumped the controls that let all of the goats out.
They immediately bounded across the platform in a wave of gleeful orange tentacle-fur, kicking up their heels and knocking each other over. Their scrambling was only matched by the ship’s crew going for the nets to catch them again.
I chased after two of the little troublemakers who broke away from the herd to make a mad dash toward the alien elephant at the edge of the platform. I could see the human tapping urgently at the giant head, but not soon enough. One of the goats skidded to a stop while the other sprang across empty space to land beside him.
He caught it. Just leaned forward in his harness and snatched it up like a wayward puppy. The one that had stayed on the platform was already scampering back toward the ship.
“Good catch!” I called. “Hey, are they poisonous?” No one had been able to say for sure, and it seemed like an important detail right now.
“Only if you’re allergic to bees!” the human said as he bundled the wriggling creature into his shirt. Anemone-tendril fur smacked his face.
“Thanks, good to know!” I said. “Let me grab a cage to put that one in.” I darted off while the blind elephant asked what was happening with more patience than the situation deserved.
Thankfully for all involved, our ship was the only one on the platform, and the door was shut. Those frisky goatlings had nowhere to go but around in circles. Not that they minded running in circles, of course, but it was only a matter of time before the crew managed to grab them one way or another. Mostly with nets. Sometimes with hands — or the equivalent — and sometimes with trash cans or whatever else was convenient. I hauled a single-occupancy cage over to the edge and got permission to climb onboard the giant alien’s head in order to retrieve the little critter that was trying to kick free.
I almost lost it over the edge. Almost. But the client didn’t need to know that. I got it in the cage and put the cage back on the cart with the rest, and that was all the mattered. The animals were none the worse for their adventure.
Pockap was allergic to bees, though.
“You finish up here,” he wheezed to the yellow Heatseeker who was already ushering him back toward the ship with exasperation on her lizardy face.
She spoke into her communicator to the crewmembers still on the ship. “Need a medical scan for the captain. Toxins and allergens. Quickly, please. He’s — okay yes, Zhee is carrying him in now.”
The gaudy purple Mesmer had scooped up the captain like an octopus that needed to be tossed back into the sea. It looked like an awkward motion with his praying mantis arms, but then, everything looked awkward to me and my human hands.
“Our sincere apologies,” said the new acting captain, coming to join me at the edge of the platform where she could address the client. “In all honesty, that spokesperson is not suited to this job. I hope his incompetence hasn’t caused you undue distress.”
It hadn’t. The large alien was more amused than anything, and willing enough to finish the transaction. Moments later, payment had been transferred and the animals were in a transport car, off to be someone else’s problem. I looked around to make absolutely sure that there were no sneaky little orange faces hiding somewhere. All clear.
“Farewell,” rumbled the elephant. “Safe travels.” It turned away from the platform slowly, leaving plenty of time for the human on its head to scan for tripping hazards and give the all clear. “Home, Jeeves.”
I held in a burst of laughter. Jeeves? That can’t be his real name. Did the first person to be a seeing-eye human suggest that as a job title? Amazing.
A cutesy little peeping noise told me the acting captain was doing her people’s version of a sharp whistle for my attention.
“Sorry, coming,” I said. Everyone else was heading for the ship, and I brought up the rear.
“Considering a job change?” she asked with a flick of her tail.
“No thank you,” I said. “A noble cause, I’m sure, but it doesn’t speak to me. I’d rather stay with you folks.”
“Good,” she told me, walking faster. “You’ll be useful to have on hand when we tell Pockap that we’re voting him out of the captain’s chair.”
“Oh my,” I managed. And I thought today was already as eventful as it was going to get.
(More backstory for the book. I’ve already got the next bit planned out!)
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junypr-camus · 1 year
Hi juni
Please list the roles of your blorbos if they were a pirate crew.
Hello sleepy! Thank you for the ask!
Janette would be ye captain, with a jaw of iron and perhaps a fist of literal iron. Also some chonky boots with brass buckles.
Camus would make a fine responsible quartermaster, quelling the arguments and watching over the treasure.
Emmy would be the surgeon... perhaps a little too eager to get stabby with the scalpel.
Marco would be the bos'n, pillaging lemons so his crewmates never got scurvy (or had to eat maggot-infested hardtack).
Terry would be both master gunner and carpenter. After all, you need something to amuse yourself after hours of repairs...
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