#mission log: records
evasive-anon · 8 months
[Audio log starts] [Sound of footsteps echoing in the containment chamber] Agent L (L): This is Agent L, leader of Field Team Theta, reporting in. We've gathered in Containment Chamber-XXXX at The Ghost Portal for our final mission debrief. The scientists are preparing to open the portal, and we'll be boarding the Specter Speeder shortly. [sound of the chatter of GIW scientists as final checks are completed] Agent P (P): (eager) It's finally happening! I’ve had all my equipment ready for weeks. I even unpacked it so I could pack it again after creating improved models in my excitement. Agent O (O): (amused) I may not have packed twice but I’ve been dreaming off this day for so long I could claim at least a thousand hours in the somnus simulation. Agent N (N): (wistful) Nothing can beat the thrill of being the first to see the unknown. Agent M (M): (sincere) I imagine you would be the one to know, N. I cannot imagine anyone here has seen more of the unknown than you and your ‘Lost City’. Agent N (N): (doubtful) Not sure I can claim that for a fact with you on the team, Agent M. A Lost City was by its nature seen by someone before. I imagine the depths of the ocean you explored were far less traveled. [sound of a door whooshing open, chatter quiets for a moment, leaving just footsteps as the team boards the Specter Speeder] Agent L (L): (calmly) Remember, everyone, our mission objectives are clear. We're here to explore the Ghost Zone, gather data on entities and anomalies, maintain communication with the GIW lab, and, if necessary, capture or destroy any ectoplasmic entities we encounter. [sounds of seatbelts clicking as agents are seated] Agent M (M): (dutifully) And let's not forget to stay vigilant and rely on each other. Teamwork is crucial for our safety. Agent N (N): (stage whisper) Sounds like somebody is aiming for de facto second in command. [Agent O is heard snickering.] Agent M (M): (embarrassed) It’s not like that! We’re about to embark on a very important mission and we’re being recorded. Some decorum should be expected. Agent L (L): (resigned) I appreciate your efforts, Agent M. [sound of the Ghost Portal opening] Agent O (O): (excited) The portal's open, y’know what that means. To infinity. . . and BEYOND. Agent N (N): (laughing) I know you have kids, O, but I think the rest of these nerds are too old or single for your references. Agent P (P): (quietly) I understood that reference. Agent M (M): (bemused) I admittedly did not. Agent L (L): (sighs) Agent O, prepare to launch.  [sound of the Specter Speeder engines starting and levers being switched, O can be heard faintly humming to the tune ‘You Got a Friend in Me.”] Agent L (L): (firmly) Once we're through that portal, stay alert and stick to the plan. We're Field Team Theta, and we've got a mission to accomplish. We do not know what lies beyond that Portal but we know each other and our skills.  Agent N (N): (enthusiastic) Go Team Theta! Agent L (L): (quietly) Just my luck I got assigned the rowdy ones. [Audio log ends]
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apoapsis · 2 years
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                   “... I often wonder what was... I don’t know--... left behind, so to speak? In regards to... my original reality-- dimension... Wherever I was derived from...“ SIGMA murmurs thoughtfully in a reflective tone, fiddling with a heavily sweetened cup of coffee that’s been going cold for quite some time as his holopad, his dearest security item, lies propped up displaying a video feed of himself as he sits there to video-log while bathing SIGMA’S features in shades of silver and turquoise. “It is remarkably exhausting! Trying to... continue to come to terms with my... unique circumstances...“
“... I rarely, if ever, feel very welcome here...! Well, not here... ‘Here’ as in... this reality.“ he elaborates after a moment of thought. “... It is... difficult, only because there is... Well, there is no place for me. This is not the life I had lived-- something fundamental has been lost in translation in regards to my being here, and I fear that... I may have forgotten what it was...“
                   “-- I also wonder; is there something intrinsically wrong with feeling a sense of... displacement? It is... not as if I have not attempted to re-assimilate myself to the individual nuances and subtle divergences to what remains of my memories of my... Hm. Would it be too terribly cynical to consider it a... ‘past life’...? I am... not so certain!” A quiet, morose chuckle escapes the scientist, though he doesn’t express terribly much while the sound tapers out with rapidity. “... I know it is because they cannot understand-- may never understand-- and that it is not inherently any fault of their own, how they insist that “I have a place here”, and that this is my new niche to fill, but...I cannot help but feel a degree of bitterness; a bias, perhaps-- that they can so freely enjoy their native reality, that they have been placed in their proper place in this UNIVERSE, this reality... And SIEBREN is no better, having only known this to be his reality exclusively-- I know he tries not to imply it, but even as welcoming and comforting as he tries to be, to show that I am not the “true” ANOMALY here, he just doesn’t... understand... I don’t think anyone understands...”
“... A-and.... an inability to properly articulate what I am going through is... “
                       “... Just as frustrating... for both of us...“
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“Humans... have such funny ways of insisting I belong-- only to exercise a distinct level of indifference and-or annoyance with having to share this reality with me. How... little concern they desire to express in regards to my cosmic loneliness. I do not expect any level of empathy from life forms with no conceptualization of the horrors I have witnessed firsthand-- but... is it so much to ask for a little-- for even but a shred-- of additional sympathy...?”
                   “They are SO cute and so kind  whenever I offer them whatever they desire of me, but when I am left with nothing more to give, what does it matter to them how it is that my heart breaks?” Hard not to feel bitter when he reminds himself of that fact. “... I find it so silly that the very notion of treating something-- especially another living person-- with empathy is referred to as having “humanity”...”
“... It is just a word to imply that only humans deserve empathy.... Tch.“
                        A slow, fluttering sigh escapes the astrophysicist after taking a slow sip off of his now cold mug and drumming gloved fingertips against the edge of his desk.
“... I suppose... that will suffice for now! J-just.. needed a few things off of my conscience...“ SIGMA mutters quietly, blinking away the sensation of moisture threatening to burn his eyes.
                  “That concludes audio-video log #742168; SUBJECT: SIGMA signing off.“
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thegodofhellfire · 23 days
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Pep (c. 1923 – 1930) was a black Labrador Retriever who was falsely accused of murdering a cat. On August 31, 1924, Pep was sent to the Eastern State Penitentiary, where he received inmate number C-2559 and had his mugshot and paw prints taken. His log into the prison ledger indicates life sentence for murder, a tongue-in-cheek gesture that prompted widespread outrage. Pep was given as a gift from Maine governor Percival Baxter, to Pennsylvania governor Gifford Pinchot who was inspired by Baxters use of dogs in Maine. Pep was only brought to prison to boost inmate morale.
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Upon Pep's incarceration, international newspapers seized upon the murder reported in Pep's police record and publicly declared him "cat murderer." Governor Pinchot and his wife Cornelia adamantly denied Pep's murder accusation, calling it a "slanderous and unjustified attack on his reputation" and a "wretched tale." The governor received hundreds to thousands of letters from as far as the Philippines protesting Pep's unfair incarceration and demanding Pep's freedom. Governor Pinchot assured the public that Pep was not a prisoner and lived a good life at the penitentiary running the grounds, chasing rats through prison corridors, and fulfilling his life's mission of becoming a friend to all.
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He was put on a diet in 1927 because inmates gifted him too much food. When he became old and tired, he moved to the Graterford Prison Farm, where he was allowed to spend the rest of his days at the home of a retired guard who begged for leave to care for him in his old age. Pep died in May or June 1930 and was buried in a flower bed on prison grounds. A wooden marker was placed on the grave but was later swept away in a flash flood.
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evilvillain123456789 · 5 months
I keep a detailed log of every person I meet in a notebook (NOT just women. Men, children, nonbinary people, animals, pets especially, insects, if I can take note of a slime mold or plant or lichen too). It takes a really long time but I’ve committed most of the repeat offenders to memory. I have three spare rooms in my grandmas house full of these dossiers, and come sunfall I spend my nights rereading them and engraving their faces and forms into my minds eye. Then, when I sleep once a week, I begin to lucid dream. It’s taken years to train myself to be able to function on 14 hours of sleep for one week, and to force my mind to lucid dream, but now that I’m experienced at it it’s instantaneous. If I shut my eyes for too long i WILL fall asleep on the bus and wake up at the end of the line.
Anyways. During these lucid sessions I sit, levitating off of the solid earth in a yogi guru’s pose, hands at Saturn position, and will the creation of tulpas matching the description and behavior of my many subjects. They obey my every whim, and walk into line wearing white linen garments from Altar (available at any mall or shopping center with enough white women per square mile) and hold hands. Every week more and more appear, enough to fill my entire sight. The dogs and plants also wear accessories, all white, preferably a natural linen, and stand in line as well, holding paws and leaves. The microbes I’ve witnessed fill the spaces in between.
When I feel my mission is done I plan to summon an asteroid to destroy them all, and possibly my astral self. I’m making arrangements for my comatose body to be found and cared for by my senile grandma. If I wake, then I will be able to record the results of my lifelong experiment. If I’m successful my grandma will not be able to retrieve my soon to be corpse, as her tulpa will have been wiped out by the asteroid, along with most people in this town, a number of tourists, celebrities, and random passerby’s. I may even be able to decimate the local wildlife population, as well as some of the areas I’ve visited and made logs.
Wish me luck!
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nonasuch · 2 years
here is a fun little star wars scenario that has been pinging around inside my head like a screensaver:
so let’s say there’s some very zealous, very low-ranking fresh young Imperial officer on duty the day they take the Senator from Alderaan into custody. 
and he is very very nervous because a) he’s been here for like a week and b) none of that week required him to be in a room with Darth Vader. which he now is. so he is trying to focus very very hard on Doing Everything Exactly According To Protocol, as a means of not focusing on the seven-foot evil wizard standing fifteen feet away.
and part of the protocol for processing new prisoners is to make a new file for them in the prisoner database, and enter all their biographical details and vital statistics and a gene sample and their known associates and the nature of their terrible crimes against the Empire and so on. which he does! very meticulously!
except the computer keeps throwing an error message. the stupid thing keeps beeping at him, this awful grating little noise that makes his shoulders ratchet up tighter and tighter every time it honks at him, and he can’t fix it and Darth Vader is right over there—
except oh god oh fuck the beeping noise must be annoying Darth Vader, too, because he’s coming over here and our poor junior officer is convinced he’s going to die before he even lives long enough to send his first paycheck home to his poor widowed mother —
he stammers out an apology. Vader just stares at him. he swears he’ll figure out the problem right away, sir, it’s probably a bug in the system, it’s just that for some silly reason it keeps saying this gene sample doesn’t match the one on file for the Senator so he can’t get her logged as a new prisoner just yet —
“Dismissed,” says Vader. the poor kid flees, gratefully.
Vader considers the matter. in fact, his underling was correct: the gene sample, which he saw taken through his very own helmet lenses, does not match the official record of Senator Leia Organa, heir to the throne of Alderaan. so: perhaps the sample on record was falsified. not impossible, but very, very difficult. and ordinarily a crime attempted by the lowly and desperate. he cannot see any need for it, in the daughter of a queen.
another possibility presents itself. Alderaan has no history of using royal doubles, as some worlds do. but Bail Organa has worked closely with royal houses where the practice is long-established. perhaps he was inspired. perhaps the girl they captured is not Leia Organa at all.
Vader runs the gene sample against the ship’s database. it is woefully incomplete, of course, containing only a fraction of the Empire’s billions of citizens: the ship’s own complement, a selection of known criminals and Rebels they might encounter, high-ranking officials whose identity must be confirmed should the Emperor require their presence. unlikely that this girl, whoever she is, would have a record here, or even a partial match—
the computer beeps at him. it’s a cheerful beep, this time, not the error message that stymied the junior officer. the computer reports that the gene sample is a partial match for Pooja Naberrie, the Senator from Naboo. they are, with eighty-nine percent probability, first cousins.
and Vader just. kind of stands there. for a minute.
when he goes to Leia’s cell, there’s no interrogation droid with him. he goes in. he shuts the door behind him. he stands there, silent, for frankly a worryingly long time, until Leia has run through her entire stockpile of  “how dare you, I’m a member of the Senate on a humanitarian mission” and “whatever you want, you can’t possibly think I would be of any help” and “well, if you’re going to interrogate me, get on with it already” and “are you even listening to me?” and  falls silent herself. 
Vader has been listening to her. he has also been listening to the Force, which seems to think that she’s not lying. obviously the humanitarian mission part is bullshit, that goes without saying. but the “I’m Senator Leia Organa” parts and the “I won’t help you” parts? yeah. he searched his feelings. he knows them to be true. the Force is singing in his head, bright and clear, in a way it hasn’t for nearly twenty years.
there’s still Tarkin to deal with, though. Vader turns and leaves the cell without a word.
Tarkin wants to blow up Alderaan. this is unacceptable, obviously, and Vader forbids it on the grounds that the Queen and the Viceroy possess vital intelligence, not disclosed to their daughter, that must be acquired. said intelligence being, not that he’s saying this out loud, how the fuck Bail got his hands on his daughter, and who else knows about it.
“the fate of the galaxy rests on it,” is what he does say out loud. from the way the Force harmonizes with his words, that might even be true.
so the Death Star just. parks there. in an incredibly threatening orbit around the planet. they issue a demand that the Organas surrender themselves, or else, but apparently the happy couple just left for a low-tech weekend retreat in the mountains, what awful timing, they’re sending someone to fetch them right away. Vader shuts himself up in his quarters, to seethe and watch the surveillance feed from Leia’s cell. he’s not really paying attention to much else. 
and it’s not like a random freighter getting tractored in for being an incredibly obvious smuggling vessel is the kind of thing you’d alert Darth Vader over, anyway. 
so he’s still sitting there, one great big thought filling up his whole entire head, watching Leia take a frustration nap, when her cell door opens. 
and a trooper comes in.
and the trooper takes off his helmet.
and he says, “I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue you.”
(continued here)
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commsroom · 5 months
circumstances surrounding the “leaked” documents about eiffel’s sentencing in need to know, as i understand them:
one of the very first things kepler does is offer eiffel, minkowski, and lovelace a drink. in true “at any given moment, kepler has about eighteen ulterior motives” spirit, it is, among other things, “hospitality”, sure, a test for eiffel, definitely, but… i think the main reaction he was checking for was minkowski’s. will she look at eiffel, or react to his reaction? how much does she know? how much does he trust her?
in don’t poke the bear, jacobi and maxwell stop lovelace from breaking into kepler’s server by pretending to be in on it with her: “she’s very good. it might turn into a problem.” / “i’ll run it by kepler.” two episodes later, files from kepler’s very secure server are “leaked.”
(the words "need to know" are spoken offhandedly by eiffel in the episode itself, but it also calls back to the excuse maxwell gives lovelace: "colonel kepler practically lives by the words 'need to know.' and, apparently, nothing i can say will ever convince him that i 'need to know' everything that's in our databanks.")
need to know opens with minkowski finishing an eleven hour shift, and then finding out kepler moved that shift to, well. now. she’s already frustrated and sleep deprived.
minkowski complains to kepler. jacobi and maxwell, on cue, barge in and complain to kepler. kepler assigns minkowski, jacobi, maxwell, and lovelace to punishment detail, taking eiffel out of the group because “you’re the only one who hasn’t wasted my time with pointless whining.” lovelace says: “um, i don’t think that i did any complaining either, so…” but that doesn’t matter. it’s just an excuse to remove eiffel from the group; he could just as easily have been singled out for special punishment. either way, it was going to happen.
hilbert isn’t there. not the most significant factor, since he’s already been effectively sidelined by kepler, but remember he already knows about eiffel’s sentencing, doesn’t care (about eiffel’s history OR about anyone else’s personal drama), and will later respond to minkowski asking by telling her to grow up and get back to work. it simplifies things to not factor him in.
consider the files themselves: we know from happy holidays that maxwell not talking to her family is common knowledge, but jacobi reacts like it’s news. we know from hera’s performance review flashback in memoria that kepler and jacobi were aware of “multiple attempted crew member homicides” in her record. the file about hera’s bentham directory was on kepler’s server. if there’s one person who would’ve been briefed on everything there was to know about hera, it would’ve been maxwell; her shock is entirely feigned. in fact, almost every reaction from jacobi and maxwell here is feigned. they’re black ops specialists who arrived prepared with divide-and-conquer tactics. there’s no reason they wouldn’t know these things. also note that none of the “leaks” reveal anything about the mission they didn’t already know, and that nothing about the si-5 is incriminating - if anything, it’s mostly silly and even humanizing. and, yes, all of that contextualizes maxwell’s reaction to “skiing?!”
eiffel’s file comes through last, once they’re already worn out. kepler sends eiffel to check on them at the same time so that he’ll walk in. jacobi shows minkowski the file. he lurks around waiting to see how her not-confrontation with eiffel goes, and then cements the thought in her head: what about you? are you going to care?
it’s true that there are aspects of the mission only kepler knows, but as far as information on the hephaestus crew goes (barring one very particular detail about lovelace)? that’s part of the job they were chosen for. when they kill the plant monster, kepler says: “you think we didn’t know about that thing? please. we listened to every log that you beamed down to canaveral.” kepler’s entire foundation is shaken when jacobi turns on him because this is how they operate: “have one person take the blame, say the mean things. meanwhile, the poor, betrayed little guy gets a bit more leeway - just enough to sneak up and hit you from behind.” the show is not subtle about any of this. you can pick apart any early-s3 interaction between two hephaestus crew members and an si-5 agent and see the same divide-and-conquer tactics at play. jacobi and maxwell are always - in morals, loyalty, job description - closer to kepler than they are to the hephaestus crew, and to even sort of believe otherwise is falling for that facade. it’s worth remembering that the hephaestus crew are prisoners. some of them were aware of it from the start, and some of them were lied to, but none of them were meant to leave. the si-5, on the other hand, went up there with a unified goal, and the knowing intention they would be, among other things, prison guards.
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grandline-fics · 1 month
Immune To Your Charms
DESCRIPTION: Soulmates are incapable of harming the other in any way. Normally that would be a good thing but not when you're meant to be enemies.
WARNINGS: It's Doflamingo so it features mentions of killing/ injury/ general violence. Soulmate! AU, Enemies to Lovers
CHARACTERS: Doflamingo
WORDS: 2,046
A/N: Part of the Good For Your Soul Series. The next part is here, I had so much fun writing the first part that I just couldn't stop thinking about the next chapter of this.
Chapter One | Chapter Two (here) | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven (coming soon)
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Your Marine photo lay on Doflamingo’s desk beside a copy of your file, the information sent through by Vergo in record time. It was sitting waiting to be read the second he returned to Dressrosa. One of the Palace’s doctors tended to your injuries while he withdrew to the peace and quiet of his private quarters to get his mind straight. The entire journey home he couldn’t stop but think about the cause for his powers not working on you. Over and over he tried to make sense of it, nothing added up and the longer he thought about it the more agitated he became, desperate for an answer. Desperate for a cure or a fix or whatever you wanted to call it. No one would get the better of him and certainly not some unknown Marine that came across his path at the wrong time. 
Settling into his chair he pushed your photo aside and flicked open the file, lazily reading over the information. He didn't need to know about your past missions or any of that inconsequential nonsense. Doflamingo was searching for something remarkable, a mention of a Devil Fruit, anything in your parentage that could give him some insight in his search for answers. He felt the vein in the centre of his head throb when nothing jumped out at him. As if sensing his unhappiness, the den-den mushi rang and he lifted the receiver, not even bothering to speak first. Vergo’s voice sounded. “Was the file acceptable Doffy?”
“Acceptable in that it's detailed but not what I was looking for.” Doflamingo snapped your file closed and pinched the corner of your photo between his thumb and finger, lifting it to inspect your appearance blankly. “Could anything have been missed?”
“From what I can see everything is accurate and up to date. Medical history, combat and mission logs, specialised training and skills.” Vergo noted, on his end of the call he was looking at your file too checking over everything to ensure he hadn't missed a page or annotation. “Is there something specific you’d hoped to have known?”
“Devil Fruit ability? Something that would render my skills useless against them.” There was a beat of silence from the other end of the call. Vergo found himself genuinely surprised that someone could be unaffected by his master’s power.
“If they possess a Devil Fruit capable of that, they’ve managed to conceal its existence for as long as they’ve been part of the Marines.” Doflamingo glared at your picture, not satisfied at all. “I’ll look into things on my end just in case someone higher up has intentionally kept certain information out of their file.”
“Good.” Doflamingo ended the call and discarded your photo, in one swift movement he rose from the desk and left his room. He suspected you would be awake by now and he was in no mood to just sit back and wait for Vergo to research things. It was time to ask you directly and if you knew what was good for you, you’d answer his questions. 
He slammed the door open and without needing to say a word the doctor fled the room, leaving him alone to stare down at you as you lay on the bed. You were awake as he suspected and staring blankly at the ceiling. You weren’t restrained and you’d only been in here with the doctor, even with your injuries you were most likely capable of overpowering him and escaping had you wanted but in Doflamingo’s view of the situation you looked bored. “Did any of them survive?”
Doflamingo’s grin appeared at your question and he sat on the edge of the doctor’s desk. Still no begging for your life? Not even a curious ask of where you were or what was going to happen. Instead you were looking for confirmation of your unit’s status. “Every single one of them died.” He tilted his head to see you nod in acceptance. “No tears to shed for them?”
“I’ll mourn them privately if I live long enough.” You told him stiffly, training you gaze on the ceiling, refusing to look at the man whose presence filled the room intensely. The memory of what happened at the warehouse was fresh enough and you didn’t need to look at the Warlord. Perhaps if you didn’t feed into his sick entertainment of tormenting you, he’d grow bored and kill you quick. You’d reasoned that was why you were still alive, you’d fallen unconscious too soon before he had his fun. “You’ve been keeping me alive for a reason.”
“I want answers about your power.” Doflamingo told you, grinning wider to see you slowly look at him at last. Your expression was unreadable but the fact you finally looked at him felt like confirmation that you knew what he was talking about. “Born with it or is it a Devil Fruit?”
“I don’t have any power.” You answered, confusion evident in your tone. Doflamingo’s jaw clenched, you were a skilled liar. You had to be because for a second he almost believed you. “You wasted resources in healing me. I can’t tell you anything about something I don’t have.”
“I’m trying to be patient here. You can stop lying about your ability I saw it for myself.”
“Then you were imagining things. I don’t have any-” You were cut off when Doflamingo was across the room and lifting you into the air so you were eye level with him, his hand tightly around your throat. You could feel the strength in his grip, the power but you didn’t feel any pain. Was he just trying to intimidate you? To let you feel the ultimate control he had over himself when he could easily snap your neck or squeeze the life out of you. In a way you wanted it to be quick, being a prisoner and dragging out the torment was not ideal. With a heavy sigh you could only repeat. “I don’t have any power.”
Doflamingo felt the rage building in him once again. Even now you lied to his face so blatantly? He had put enough force into his hold to choke you, to at least make you squirm and hold some fear for your life and yet you didn’t react. You didn’t even twitch or try to struggle for breath as it still came to you so easily. It wasn’t just his powers or using a weapon, his own strength failed him around you. He was incapable of harming you.
Keeping you in his hold he turned and left the room, ignoring the frightened and scrambling servants who leapt out of his way and bowed lowly until he passed. Even his subordinates from the lowest rank to some of his elites didn’t even register in his mind not even when they called after him and followed close behind. At this point in time he was in search of only one other person who could give him some clear insight. Bursting into one of the drawing rooms he locked eyes on the former Princess of Dressrosa. “Violet. Your power now.” He growled as he dropped you onto the plush armchair. “I want to know the truth of their ability.”
You looked at the woman who stepped forward, remaining silent as she made a circle with her thumb and finger and peered at you intensely. If only you knew what power or ability Doflamingo was so adamant you possessed, at least then you’d have some idea of what was going on. One moment you were a Marine, just doing your job and now you sat in the home of a feared Warlord completely clueless. You jumped when Violet let out a shocked, strangled yell. Even Doflamingo tensed at the sound and he stared at her hard. “What do you see?”
“It’s not possible.” She whispered, not just looking at you but also Doflamingo with equal shock and disbelief. “Never thought I'd see such a thing.”
“Stop the riddles Violet, what’s their ability and how do we reverse it?” Your head snapped up to him and you frowned heavily. Reverse? What had to be reversed? Did something happen while you were unconscious? Could it have been something to do with what was in the warehouse before it exploded. Had remnants of some weird substance gotten on you? 
“It’s not an ability…it’s something bigger than that. It’s fate.” She whispered and Doflamingo scoffed in annoyance, his fingers flexing. He was getting agitated and if he didn’t get answers soon, a lot of people were going to get sliced. “I swear! It’s the only way I can explain what I see. The two of you are connected. It’s not at the mind or heart…it’s deeper. Your souls are bound to each other.”
Now it was your turn to scoff. No, this had to be some trick. Some sort of bizarre theatrics planned while you were unconscious. You still didn’t know how long you’d been asleep for, it was likely they kept you sedated in order to perfect these performances although for what end you couldn’t tell. You weren’t high ranking enough to be of any use to Doflamingo and he was a Warlord and a King of an entire island. He had enough power and influence as it was. Just what was going on and why of all things go with the ‘connected at the soul’ nonsense? The existence of soulmates had been recorded a few times throughout the world’s history but it was extremely rare to the point it was considered myth. Violet seemed exasperated at not being believed and looked to Doflamingo. “You’ve tried to kill them already?”
“A few times.” He answered tightly. First at the warehouse with his strings, then with your gun, then again in the doctor’s room. You didn’t even bruise in any of the attempts. Behind his bright glasses he looked down at you out of the corner of his eyes, noting you didn't seem surprised by his admission. Instead you looked confused about how you were still alive. You shook your head, still not convinced by any of this. No, this wasn't happening. You jolted in your seat as the sound of gunfire sounded loudly above you. 
Slowly you tilted your head up to meet the smoking barrel of the gun that had been aimed directly with the top of your head, the weapon held steadily and unwaveringly in Doflamingo’s grip. There was no missing with that proximity but you were alive, you hadn’t even been grazed by any of the bullets. Swallowing hard your body began to shake, not out of fear of the weapon but by the undeniable truth of the situation. You glanced down to see the bullets on the ground, the pathway they would have had to take to land beside the chair was impossible but there they were. You were protected from any harm by Doflamingo's hand by fate as Violet said. 
Both of you had the answer now and neither of you liked it. Those that were in the room that had been there to witness the truth of the matter for themselves were stunned and silent. To see the existence of a soulmate and the rumoured power it had for the pair would be something they would never forget. For some it was also an extra thread of proof that their master, Doflamingo was truly amazing to have a soulmate. With a growl, Doflamingo threw the gun across the room, letting it smash through the antique vase and send the roses it held scattering onto the floor. Then a sound filled the room, you began to laugh. You couldn’t help it. The sheer absurdity of it all and the weight of this new reality was too much. It was like some higher power had decided to play the cruelest joke imaginable on you and you finally got the punchline. 
“So what’s the plan?” You asked, looking at your ‘soulmate’ expectantly. “Do I go home and we pretend this isn’t happening? Or do you have another idea?”
“You’re not going anywhere.” Doflamingo’s statement was firm and quicker than you anticipated. You could only nod slightly and glance once more at the bullets on the floor.   
“Thought as much.”
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa @kabloswrld , @atanukileaf , @ane5e , @stuckinthewrongworld , @deathsmajestysworld , @cloudysunset04
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onskepa · 2 months
Left Behind: Moments
Here is another chapter of the left behind series! Hope you all enjoy!
Left behind series
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Jake’s pov 
“So ummm…..I was told to vlog my day to day stuff. Guess to keep record of things I do and not lose my shit on this planet” Jake tells himself on camera. It has been a few hours since he woke up from his cryo sleep. His body ached, felt like a statue from not moving for 5 years. 
“This is year is 2154….those fuckers lied. It's been 7 years since I left Earth for this jungle gym crap. 7 years felt like nothing. My baby girl, probably in her preteen years right now. I wonder how she is doing. I wouldn't blame her if she hates me, no scratch that. She is incapable of hate. Maybe mad, yeah. But not hate. I want this mission to be done and over with.” 
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Jake’s pov
“First day in my avatar…gotta say, it felt fucking amazing. I was able to breathe the native air! Best part, I can run! WOOHOOO! YES! Oh man, never in my life have I felt this amazing. Though I did get carried away. When I woke up in my new body, the excitement got to me. I ran almost all over the fields, the basketball court, the botanical gardens, it felt great. Almost got in trouble but grace was there to save my ass” 
“Still have to adjust to this body, grace is giving me a week to get used to it. I am not the only one though, there is a weird guy named Normal Spellman. Nerdy but otherwise cool. He is the one who studies alongside with tommy. Good pals I can only imagine. He just got his avatar too”
“I bet if my baby girl was here, she would be surprised. With everything really. Maybe a bit scared. Would enjoy it no doubt. Learn how this planet works. I cant help it. I wonder what she is doing. Is she making friends? Doing good in school? So many things. But I know the sooner I get this mission done, the sooner I get home to her” 
“Gotta rest now, got a big day tomorrow, this is Jake Sully, singing out” 
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Jake’s pov 
“Colonel Quaritch, tough and kinda scary guy but he keeps people safe here. As safe as it can get on this planet. Met him in the brief meeting as a welcome home type of talk. But, weirdly enough, I admire him. He seems to know what he is doing and how to do it. Said he has a special mission for me, didn't say what yet but to expect a visit from him soon” 
“I can worry about that later. Tomorrow starts a new mission. Get samples from more remote areas of the forest. Norm was given a special task. Try to make a peaceful contact with the aliens here. Na’vi is what they are called. Grace gave me a brief on them. Some important figures too. Guess they have a system of rulers here. Like the old native tribes back on Earth. My missions is to guard and make sure grace and norm get what they need” 
“I will be honest, does not seem too bad. Was given the ok to shoot any possible threats. Practice with the guns, proud to say I have not lost my aim. It is getting late but I still have to do this. Does keep my mind busy, recalling the day’s events. I am starting to get into a routine” 
“After shutting off the camera, I look at the picture of me and my daughter. I would stare at it for a while until my eyes drop. See this? It was the day I won a little toy for her at an arcade. She was so happy. Not often was I able to give her something new. Hopefully the paychecks are getting funded for her needs. I bet she is getting nice, brand new things” 
“So many birthdays I missed. Im so sorry baby girl, but I promise, the second I go back, I will give you the biggest hug ever. Buy you all the gifts you could ever want, hell, if the pay is that good, get a better place. Maybe close to your favorite park that you like to play in. Better yet, go to the zoo like you always wanted. I know you will be much older but I dont care. You are my baby girl for life. Nothing is going to change that” 
“Guess now I better log off. Big day tomorrow, this is Jake Sully, signing off”
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Jake’s pov 
“Things didn't go right during the mission and I was split up from grace and norm. A giant weird animal, thana-something called by grace, deadly, found us. Had his eyes on me, grace told me to run so I went the opposite direction of where those to were, to not get them in the crossfire. Seriously, that animal was huge, but I guess by some miracle, a bigger animal came into view. Like in those old nature documentaries, the two giants began to fight. Either way, I made a run for cause I know it was not going to end pretty” 
“I got lost along the way, had no idea where I was or how far I was from the crew. Took me sweet time though. Admiring the pretty sights that Pandora had to offer. Felt like a kid again. Everything was bright, colorful, alive. I can see why the RDA wants to use the resources here. Crazy to think that Earth was one like this. Green, healthy, breathing” 
“Of course somewhere along the way I lost myself even more, lost my gun. Had to make a spear then turn it into  a torch because night came. Now night time felt like a whole different world. Everything glowed, pretty almost neon colors illuminated the plats. Some small creatures also glowed. Sad that I couldn't appreciate it enough. Got attacked” 
“Freaking hyena looking animals, running in a pack. The fire helped create a distance as I ran but they were too many, though I was done for. My ass got saved by an unlikely person” 
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Jake’s pov 
“Neytiri, princess of the Omatikaya clan. Scary lady but she saved me. Called me a baby, and told me that I have a strong heart. Stuff happened and next thing you know, I am in their home base. Word passed and neytiri was tasked to train me. Teach me their ways. I am where the RDA needs me to be. It is now only a matter of time. Give the Colonel what he wants, give grace what she wants. It is a win-win situation” 
“Still holding out on that little meeting Quaritch wants to have with me. Maybe it won't be that far, since now I am within the premise of the indigenous, I guess I need to collect more info” 
“A lot happened so to say. I gotta rest soon. If allowed, I can bring something from here, take it with me when I get back home. Pictures seem the best answer. Or something na’vi related. My little girl knows so little of what is being told about pandora. Or knew I should say. How old is she now….? Probably a preteen. Guess I dodged a bullet. I know pre-teen years are hell. No, I shouldn't say that” 
“Soon baby girl. The wait will be worth it. Like I promised. Training day begins tomorrow, so, with that, this is jake sully, signing out” 
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Jake’s pov 
“I am part of the people. I am the son of the people and child of Eywa. Passing my iknimaya, taming my ikran, everything. I am na’vi. It feels unreal, hard to accept. Tsu’tey and I are brothers, wasn't that long ago he wanted to kill me, calling me ugly, but now we are at the same level” 
“They celebrated my rebirth. It was fantastic, neytiri made me dance even though I was terrible at it. The whole thing felt magical. Truly, I felt like I really belonged somewhere, being accepted. It felt nice. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, it did get better” 
“Surprise surprise, I am now mated to neytiri. She took me to the tree of voices, telling me of how sacred and precious it is, being able to connect to their ancestors. It was beautiful. Neytiri was beautiful, still is. Taking my breath away, and my availability” 
“I wouldn't change it for anything, she is someone I have come to love with all my heart. As cheesy as it sounds, it's true. Neytiri changed me, made me better, and I have no regrets”
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Jake’s pov 
“They are starting to pressure us, more like me. The RDA really want the omatikaya gone, away from their home tree. Just because it houses the materials they want. It is not easy, none of it is easy. To tell them to leave, when it's been their home for thousands of years. According to Grace, I don't doubt her. This is their home, it is us who are the aliens” 
“They are not going to leave, nothing is going to change their minds. Worst yet, I know quaritch will do drastic things to get what he wants. I was an idiot to follow him, to believe him. What he will do, knowing his tactics, he will shed blood and bullets. I need to warn neytiri, mo’at, tsu’tey. Can't believe this is coming out of my mouth, but I pray to Eywa, that she guides me. What can I do to make sure things don't go downhill” 
“I came to make good money, to finish the mission given to me and be done with. Now, I am in a moral dilemma. I am stuck” 
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Jake’s pov
“I am sorry. No amount of sorry’s that I say will ever be enough for anyone. Not to neytiri, not to eytukan, not to mo’at, tsu’tey grace, norm, anyone. It will never be enough. I brought this to them, it is only right that I help. War is coming, and soon. So many na’vi died when they destroyed their home tree. Many wounded, kids, infants, innocent lives” 
“Grace and I did our best to warn them, tell them to leave. Tsu’tey was adamant to fight, their weapons useless against the valkyries. In an instant, all was gone. I wanted to apologize to neytiri, she was furious, telling me I am not one of those people. She is right. Before anything more could be done, those damn bastards forced me to pull out. Pushed me in a tight closure” 
“Quaritch, a beast he is, heartless. Keeping me locked up yet outside of my cage he dangles the picture of my little girl. Telling me it's not too late to take his side if I ever want to go back to earth and see her again. Going on about how she will react to all of this. Her father rebelling against humanity. As much as I hate to admit…”
“He is right….I dont know if I will see her again. I hate to say….sacrifices have got to be made. I'm sorry, but I have to atone my sins. Like I said, no amount of sorry’s will be enough. Not even for my little girl, I am sorry baby girl, but daddy is not coming home”
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Jake’s pov 
“We won. Quaritch is dead, and unfortunately, so is Grace and tsu’tey. Both sides lost many lives. Yet that is war, but we won. Humans are no more, many left, only few remained. Sworn their loyalty to the na’vi. Only they can stay. We made many sacrifices, I made many.  Many I dont regret, or will look back to. This is the beginning of a new chapter for me. There is nothing left to hold me back, not my past, not my memories.  I am at peace with what I did” 
“Neytiri is with a child, I am excited, I am going to be a father. I cant wait when they arrive, I will be there, welcoming my son or daughter into a new world of peace. First born, neytiri likes to say it over and over.  She is not wrong, our first child together in a new era of peace” 
“However there is still one thing left to do. A grand celebration is going to be held” 
“This I look forward to, many are coming together for it. It is my birthday after all, can't miss my own party. So, one last time. This is Jake Sully, the human, signing out. For good” 
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Third pov
A young girl looks at the last vlog of her father, Jake Sully, eyes wide as she takes in what she just saw. This was a side she never knew, nor did she think it would be hidden.  
She clenches her hands into a fist tightly, gritting her teeth, her body shaking in fury. Hot tears streaming down her face, not knowing whether to cry in sadness or scream in anger. So many emotions mixed, creating a tornado in her mind. 
Hearing a door open behind her, she turns to glare at the man. 
“Why….” was all she could say before breaking down.
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Aaaaaaaaaaand that is it for this chapter of the ongoing series! This one I chose to have only jake be the main point, his vlogs. See how his mind changes, perspective and what lead to the final choice. Trust me, this will come back for future chapters. So until next time! See ya!
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starcurtain · 4 months
Ratiorine Fics I Want to Read
1) Modern AU: When Veritas Ratio discovers a beautiful businessman poised to jump from the roof of his apartment building, he does something he's never done half as seriously before: makes a bet. One month--in just one month, he will find this "Aventurine" a reason to keep living. The terms: 30 days, anything goes, whatever it takes to make some kind of meaning out of a miserable existence. If Ratio loses, a brilliant-eyed gambler will disappear from the world forever. If Aventurine loses... well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. (Of course, neither of them anticipated that Ratio would end up becoming Aventurine's reason to live--but there's something to be said for non-zero-sum games.)
2) "I'm real sorry to bother you, mister, but I think I'm lost?" Aventurine is pretty sure he's dreaming. Pretty sure he's been pulled back to the hellscape known as Penacony. Pretty sure the Lady Emanator might need to come back and take another swing at him, to burn out the last hold of the Harmony for real this time. Because those are the only logical explanations for why Aventurine is currently locking eyes with his own younger self, standing very confused in the middle of his trussed up Pier Point condo, far from the Family's shadow. (Or: That one where a blessing from Gaiathra temporarily sends the young Kakavasha out of harm's way--straight into the care of his future self. Aventurine isn't the ideal person to care for a child, but hells if he's going to let his younger self experience anything less than the safest and most wonderful weeks of his short, miserable life. The only real problem is, well, how is he possibly going to explain this to Ratio?)
3) A super soft, small fic of Ratio reflecting on all the ways his life has changed since Aventurine came into it--there's noise in his apartment now, and a photo on his desk in the office; there's troublesome snacks to pet sit and someone keeps sneaking inappropriate jokes into his lecture transcripts. There's a sounding board to test his lesson topics on, and a peacock on his cellphone lock screen because he's developed a newfound fondness for the color. There's a go-between nowadays when the ravenous investors come sniffing after the results of his research, and unlabeled packages containing exotic bath salts from star systems even Ratio has never heard of... But most beloved of all: the sense of soundness and symmetry, of something unexpected settling perfectly into his hold, at last.
4) Bodyswap AU: Ratio and Aventurine end up on a mission that goes wrong in every sense of the word (aeons, it's always aeons). They're separated with probably half the known universe between them, stranded on unrecorded planets without credits or technology, and--most bizarrely have all--have definitely swapped bodies. Cool. Cool. What the fuck. Aventurine is honestly tempted to say he might be coming out ahead in this whole drama--he's ripped and tall now--until he discovers that in Ratio's body, he doesn't have his luck. Meanwhile, Ratio is discovering just how much harder life is for Signonians, and coming to truly appreciate how strong of a person Aventurine really is. Somehow, they've got to make it back from half way across the universe, accomplish their mission, and get their own bodies back. Please?
5) A collection of complaint logs very important internal IPC records:
Complaints received on the dangerous behavior of new Stoneheart "Aventurine of Stratagems"
Complaints received on the hostile work environment created by Intelligentsia Guild Consultant Dr. Veritas Ratio
Request for transfer
Request for transfer
Request for transfer
Proposal (Joking) to assign Stoneheart Aventurine to joint mission with Intelligentsia Guild Consultant Dr. V. R.
Request for transfer
Request for transfer
Proposal (No Longer Joking) to assign Stoneheart Aventurine to joint mission with IG Consultant Dr. V. R.
Joint Mission Report, Status: Complete, three days before projected date, Casualties: 0, Complaints: 0
Note from Clerk #157B to Clerk #162S, on digital post-it: "Are you seeing this shit?"
Mission Report, Status: Complete, two days behind schedule, Complaints: 1 - "Please don't subject me to the drivel of untrained imbeciles again. If you're going to send someone from outside the Technology Department, at least provide a competent strategist. The same one from last time, preferably."
Mission Report, Status: Complete, Casualties: 1, Complaints: 1 - "Just send Ratio next time, okay?"
Joint Mission Report, Status: Complete
Complaint received on the questionable conduct of Stoneheart Aventurine: "Why did my boss send me to buy bath bombs? Who are these for?"
Joint Mission Report, Status: Complete
Complaint received on the biased behavior of IG Consultant Dr. V. R.: "Why does boss get called 'dear gambler' while the rest of us are 'fool'?"
Penacony Joint Mission Report, Status: Complete
Notice of Hiatus from Intelligentsia Guild Activities and Sabbatical from Lecturing, Reason Given: None
Request for Paid Leave, to: Diamond, cc: Jade, bcc: Topaz, Reason Given: Elopement 💖
6) Maybe it's not a sensitive thing to ask. Maybe some stories are better left in the past. But Veritas Ratio has never been able to curb his desire to know--nor his desire to right the wrongs the world with that knowledge. Laid bare, pale against the lip of the tub, with nothing but the rippling of the bathwater to accompany him, Aventurine tells the story of each of his scars. Some marks cannot be washed away. But some--with time, with touch--can heal.
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szasfuckingwife · 3 months
thinking about widowed!reader struggling after Johnny’s untimely death. And trust me when I say it was really untimely.
You’d nearly saved up enough money to move from your (not-too-bad) high end apartment to a countryside house, You were days away from your 3rd year anniversary and then there was the whole daughter situation.
As in, the daughter you both raised. The very same daughter he promised he’d return too after this mission.
It almost makes you chuckle. Especially when watching his video logs. Some of them he’s just talking to himself, same old Johnny talking about how the clouds seem slightly greyer for a day in June. Or one where he’s sat on the balcony of your old apartment sipping a latte.
Then you find the one of him after you told him you were pregnant. It’s clear that it was midnight, the sky looks pitch black, you had to have been asleep. You hold your breath as you see him adjust the camera and sit on the toilet seat.
“Where do I even start?” He says to the lens, his thick accent echoing through the bathroom. Johnny’s eyes look a bit teary but he clears his throat anyway.
“Y/N’s just told me some news. Some life changing news actually..” He sighs. “And you know, I’m happy. Who wouldn’t be, it’s a great thing.”
He continued, “But I’m scared. I’m not worthy of her, let alone a baby. I dunno…The kid may hate me. I’m gonna be away on these crap missions, away from their mum…It’ll be rough.”
You watch as he lets out a tired groan. He’s so beautiful, the thought crosses your mind. You’ve never not been lost in his eyes, “I hope it’s a girl. Too many lads in our family. I’ll be breaking a curse. And I know Y/n will be a great mum. That’s what soothes me.”
A tear escapes your eye before the next video plays automatically. The clip shows Johnny with your baby girl on his chest. Moments of caring for her after the premature birth flashes in your mind as you watch him stroke her back.
She’s sleeping snug on his chest as he records her. “She sleeps like her mum.” He whispers, making sure the bass in his voice doesn’t wake her up. Johnny was thoughtful like that. “So peaceful, aren’t you, bonnie?”
He places a kiss on her forehead which causes her to stir lightly, “No no no! Don’t wake up…If your mum knew you weren’t in your crib because of me, she’ll kill me.”
But much to Johnny’s dismay, his baby girl begins to cry and it is loud. A laugh escapes your lips as the video ends abruptly.
A couple of more videos play, one from your daughter’s first birthday, to him secretly filming the engagement ring next to you whilst you were sleeping to honeymoon vlogs. It felt like a trip down memory lane.
But then a particular video began to play.
It was the Cyprus holiday. You remember that day because your daughter begged to go one the beach as you were leaving the next day to return to the UK. Even more bittersweet as Johnny left for another mission when you returned.
The video starts and Johnny is sat on the sand in his trunks, sun glasses resting on his head, “My girls are playing in the water and I am far too tired to join them.”
“Daddy! Look!” Her angelic, tiny voice shouts and Johnny turns the camera to her. Swiftly, she picks up a bucket of water and splashes it on Johnny’s toes. “You devil! Come here you-”
The sound of Johnny’s teasing along with your child’s giggles earns another tear. But you don’t notice it. You smile.
And then Johnny sits back down and points the camera at you, who is also in the water. Against the blushing sky, your silhouette is immediately the focus of the video.
“My beautiful wife…She’s so pretty..” He sighs. The compliments earns a smile from your lips.
“Look at that ass. Wow, that’s all me!” He chuckles, and so do you. “We might have a second one on the way sooner rather than later.”
Your husband turns the camera back to him, “Well, bye for now, I’m gonna go spend time with my family.”
The camera is propped up against some object as Johnny runs up to you and picks you up, peppering you with kisses before his daughter begs for her dad to prop her on his shoulders.
From another pair of eyes, they’d see the perfect family, or the goal. But your eyes won’t ever be the same after seeing his autopsy, his funeral, his badge.
But you smile regardless. Because he’s there.
He always will be.
“Hey, dad…” She whispers, staring at the grey headstone. The tulips rests next to his name as the sun shines down on her. It’s quiet, like how mornings with her did used to be.
She hasn’t visited his grave in years, not coming to terms with him really being gone. But with her wedding quickly approaching, all that was on her mind was some one on one time with her daddy.
“You would like him, dad. He’s great. Mum loves him because he can cook..” A chuckle leaves her lips, “Mum says that his carbonara may be a little better than yours but…I never trued yours so I can’t compare…”
Her voice dies down as she continues. The absence of memories is what really gets to her. She should have had father days, she should of had christmases with him, she should’ve had her father/daughter dance for her wedding.
But she’ll never have that.
“Uncle Riley and Uncle Price like him…took them a while. It was a lot of questions..” She smiles reminiscing on the nearly 5hr sit down they had with her fiancé.
Unbeknownst to her, a tear left her eye. She stroked the headstone and sighed, “I’ll start to visit more, I promise. I just can’t…”
The steadiness of her voice breaks as a mini sob erupts from her, “I don’t like seeing you like this. I miss you so much, daddy.”
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i remember seeing a tiktok/reel of a woman with stones that were made from her dads ashes and it made me tear up
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syluscore · 1 year
~Leon Kennedy x fem! Reader~
Word count combined for both parts one and two: 8277
Content warnings: smut, sexual content, stalker leon, obsessed leon, male masturbation times 2, female masturbation, panty sniffing, nude taking, breaking into readers place, exhibitionist seemingly unknowingly but knowingly both times, voyeurism? maybe, reader and leon never actually talk
You didn’t mean to find out, it’s not as if you had been looking for anything. You didn’t even know there was something to be found at all. All you did was set up a couple of cameras inside your house to see what your cats did while you were away. The next day when you got a notification on your phone indicating a motion detected person, you thought great, the system is already bugged. How do they somehow mistake a cat for a person? It was a pretty cheap set up though so you guess you get what you paid for. 
When you clicked the notification and the app opened up, you damn near dropped your phone when you saw someone’s back facing the camera as they looked through your bookshelf. What are the odds the day after you get cameras, someone breaks into your house? You were ready to call the police to report that your cameras were recording your home being broken into when the figure turned around and that’s when you saw his face.
Leon S. Kennedy was in your house. You couldn’t believe it at first, so you sat silently watching him. You kept checking over your shoulder to make sure none of your coworkers saw what you were looking at. How would they react to seeing their superior wandering around some house on their coworkers phone? How do you explain something like that? Would you tell them the truth, fuck, would anyone even believe you? You fail at convincing yourself that that’s the reason you’re keeping this to yourself. Deep down you know you want to protect the man; at least until you find out for yourself what the hell he’s doing. What the hell is he doing?
He walked around as though he was intimately familiar with the place. He picked up the book you’d been reading off of your coffee table and flipped to the page you were on. He ran his finger down the page with a smirk on his face. Why in the world was he smirking at your book like that? As if this isn’t already fucking weird, but then you remembered. You stayed up late reading a few chapters and stopped when you had gotten to a smut scene. You wanted to properly enjoy it, so you put in your bookmark and were saving it for tonight.
He closed the book back up and set it down on your coffee table, exactly as you had laid it down there the previous night. He made his way to your bedroom and opened up the top drawer of your dresser. You blushed as he felt around your undergarments like a determined man on a mission.  He was somehow chaotically, yet methodically ruffling through the pieces of clothing. It seemed he was familiar with the items before him, that even through the chaos, he could recognize and log in his mind what was there. After he had finished going through the entire drawer, he sat his hands on the dresser top, tilted his head back with his eyes closed, and sighed, or at least it looked like a sigh. He closed the drawer and headed to the other side of your room.
He picked up the hamper holding your dirty clothes and poured it out over your bed and rifled through that too. Your whole body felt flushed as he continued his search. Once he was satisfied with his search, he just stood there with an intense look on his face. You watched as his right hand slid down to his groin and he palmed himself through his pants. When he pulled his hand away, even with the shit quality camera, you could see how hard he was. There was no more pretending to convince yourself that maybe he was doing research on you; no matter how out of the code of conduct it was. Leon seemed like the man to use any means necessary when gathering intel. So what information could he possibly find in your panties? 
He hurriedly made his way over to your desk and pulled a small box out of the back of the bottom drawer. Your eyes widened as you knew immediately what was in that box. He opened it and ruffled through the polaroids, until he found the one he was searching for. You could barely make out what was on it, but you knew those pictures well. It had to be the one of you sitting in front of the floor length mirror, legs spread, two of your fingers in your mouth, showcasing the lacy purple matching panties and bralette. 
“Oh my god,” you accidentally said aloud, before quickly looking around to make sure no one heard your outburst. Satisfied you were still alone, you looked back at the man on your phone, knowing what he had been looking for. He knew you were wearing that set today. Not as if you had a special occasion to be wearing something so pretty and extra, but sometimes, a girl just needed a confidence boost and this morning you decided that this purple set was that. And he fucking knew it was missing, he knew you were wearing the thing. 
You tried to comprehend why he would do something like this. It’s obvious he’s done it many times before, with the way he navigated your house with ease and had a mental note of every single undergarment you owned. Was he stalking you? Was he obsessed with you? It had to be something along those lines for him to break into your house and rummage your panty drawer. To care about the book you’re reading, especially to check where you were at in the book. He obviously felt some sort of way towards you, now you had to find out why and what the extent of this whole situation truly was.
You’d hardly talked to Leon. You’d spoken a couple of times, but it was usually in a group or very public setting. How had he formed such a fixation on you? From what you’d heard around your department, he had been through some extremely traumatizing missions and was more of the loner type. Although, everyone around here is pretty messed up considering we work in the business of protecting the population from bioweapons and such. We’d all seen many things beyond comprehension, we all had our demons, but I don’t think anyone else was inside a subordinate's apartment touching their panties. Or maybe they were, you weren’t sure what you understood anymore.
You continued to watch Leon on his little adventure in your personal space. He had laid down on your bed, over top the dirty clothes, and was stuffing his face into your pillows like a puppy or something. He unbuttoned his shirt and ripped it open to expose his chest. Your jaw nearly dropped as his hands made their way to his belt. He quickly undid his belt, following with the button on his jeans and the zipper coming down quickly afterwards. He slid his pants and boxers down just enough for his big, hard cock to spring free.
He slowly starts to pump up and down his cock with his hand as his head digs deeper into your pillows. Your mouth ran dry and heat went rushing straight to your pussy. You couldn’t stop internally asking yourself what the fuck was wrong with you. Why are you aroused by this man in your house, jerking off in your bed, without your permission. How could you allow yourself to feel this way? He was a pervert, a weirdo, a creep, a stalker, but fuck was he pretty. Especially pretty with his dick in his hand, giving himself pleasure. You could feel how soaked your panties had become, your cunt feeling claustrophobic, trapped inside the fabric.
His hand left his cock for a few moments as it dug through the clothes surrounding him until he pulled up a pair of your dirty panties. He brought them right up to his nose and you could visibly see him inhale deeply and his cock jump as he did. He wrapped the panties around his hand and brought it back to his cock to resume his movements. He was jerking himself off using your panties and you had never felt more aroused in your entire goddamn life.
His pace was quickening rapidly and his hips kept bucking up into his hand. His other hand grabbed the pillow from beside his head and he began literally smothering it over his face. You could see him losing all control, he had to be super close to cumming. Maybe he was into some sort of breath play, or maybe it was the smell of you. He was sniffing your panties, so why wouldn’t he also enjoy breathing in your scent off your pillows. Why are you rationalizing or trying to explain the train of thought inside this man’s mind? Why do you love it so much?
Your thighs were clenched together painfully tight. It was taking everything in your power not to pant and whimper at the sheer need to feel some sort of friction on your needy, begging cunt. Part of you wanted to run off to the bathroom to give yourself some relief that you desperately needed, but the other part of you wouldn’t allow you to move from where you sat. You couldn’t miss a single second of the show happening on your phone screen. 
His hips were rutting up into his quick moving hand so fast, you knew he would be cumming any second. And fuck you couldn’t wait to see him cum. Suddenly he was holding his hips up off the bed, back arched, hand movements so sloppy, as his cock twitched and shot the ropes of his release all over his chest and abdomen. Watching him cum had you rubbing your pussy down against your chair, trying to find some sort of relief of your own, but you quickly stopped yourself before anyone could come around the corner and catch you.
He laid on your bed for a minute, face to the side buried in your pillow, panties laying over his freshly spent dick, his chest rising slower and slower as his breathing returned to normal. Once he caught his breath, he used your panties to clean his cum off of him before he secured his pants and started tossing your clothes back into the hamper, hiding your panties covered in his cum in the mix of them. He made quick work of fixing up your bed and putting the box of your explicit polaroids back into your desk. 
As quickly as he had shown up on your cameras, he was gone. You felt like you could breathe again, but the ache deep in your core persisted and only worsened anytime your brain flashed back to Leon’s cock in his hand. Pumping up and down, up and down, up and down, fuck snap out of it! You were so aroused by Leon’s behavior and you felt ashamed. But as you started to process the depth of what had just happened, you realized that he was obviously as fucked up as you were, all things considered.
You couldn’t believe it, but you can’t wait to see when he’ll come again. If you’re lucky, maybe he’ll even show up again tomorrow. You want nothing more than to watch the show put on unknowingly just for you. And you’ll be damned if you don’t leave a surprise for him to find on his next visit. No one ask you what the cats were doing, you wouldn’t have any clue where they were all this time.
After the events of yesterday, you’d been too distracted to get any real work done all day. You were skittish waiting for a notification to alert you of your special visitor. You were running out of nails to chew on, the anxiousness making you feel like an absolute wreck. At least the anxiety was keeping you awake and alert, considering you could hardly sleep last night in anticipation. Not only had you put a lot of thought into your gift for Leon, but so much work as well. You just had to have him right where you wanted him.
Last night when you were leaving work, Leon was in the entryway chatting with a couple of your coworkers. Well, they were doing most of the talking as Leon politely nodded and acknowledged what they had been saying. His eyes wandered off until they fell on you walking through the lobby, heading for the main doors. Your eyes met and he held your stare. You played it off as you smiled and waved at him, continuing for the doors. His eyebrow cocked in confusion as he gave you a small wave back. You weren’t ready for him to know what you knew, but you also wanted to somehow acknowledge him. Maybe to fuel his obsession, you weren’t sure exactly why.
You hurried home embarrassingly fast, almost falling flat on your face as you excitedly unlocked and threw the front door open. You quickly dropped your stuff off on the table and shed yourself of your shoes and jacket before rushing off to your room. Everything looked just as it should, but you just had to find that little bit of physical proof that he had really been here. Maybe you were going through some sort of lack of dick psychosis and your brain was providing you with wonderful, erotic delusions.
You emptied your hamper out over the bed, throwing anything that wasn’t that small piece of fabric out of the way. And then you finally had it and held it within your two hands. Without a doubt, everything you had seen was so very real. Your cum covered panties looked so beautiful, so fucking delicious as your fingers rubbed in the dried up substance.
Nervous to execute the plan you’d been fantasizing about at work since you’d caught Leon on your cameras, your hands were shaky as you tossed the panties on the bed and made way to the bookshelf in your main room. You haven't used your Poloroid camera in such a long time that you weren’t sure where it would be exactly, but you just had to take some pictures for this man. You ransacked and shuffled things all around the shelves until you finally found the treasure you’d been searching for. After making sure it had film ready, you headed back to your bedroom.
Satisfied with the lighting in the room, you unbutton your blouse leaving it pulled open yet still tucked into your shirt, leaving your bra covered chest on display. You point the camera directly at your chest. Snap. You wait for the little print to pop out before laying it on your desk and working on your next photo. You got down on your knees, tight skirt covered ass sticking out towards your floor length mirror, soft thighs and curves perfectly posed in the reflection. You angle the camera just right and snap. You hiked your skirt up mid ass and spread your thighs wide, showing off your panties in the mirror. Snap. You hike your skirt all the way up your hips and sit on your ass, legs spread open, and remove your blouse. Snap.
After a while, you’ve snapped all sorts of pictures, experimenting with what poses and positions looked the best. You’d tossed a few fails away, but were ultimately happy with the collection showing off your undergarments. But it wasn’t enough for you. You laid back on your bed, throwing your bra off somewhere so that you were just in your underwear and snapped another picture. You snapped a picture of the wet spot on your panties, before dipping your hand beneath them and running your pointer finger over your clit, snapping another picture. You shivered when your finger made contact. You felt edged after the events of the day.
You removed your hand from under your panties and pulled them to the side, exposing your aching, wet cunt and of course, snapping another picture. You brought your finger back to your clit, flicking it, lightly running circles around it. You snapped another picture and knew that if you applied any more pressure you’d be done for, but you weren’t quite ready to be done yet. 
You gathered your wetness on two fingers before slowly pushing them inside your needy hole. Your back arched as the pleasure instantly flooded your senses. You slowly pumped them in and out, letting little whimpers slip as you were far too worked up to keep quiet. When your two fingers were buried in your cunt, you snapped another picture, before continuing fucking yourself at a steady pace. You needed to cum so badly, but the need to display yourself for Leon was far fucking stronger.
Your wetness was slipping out of you and running down your thighs, creating a wet spot on the sheets beneath you. A great photo opportunity, of course you fully utilized this. You removed your fingers from your pussy and used your thumb to swirl your arousal around your fingers. A wet string hung between your two fingers and you snapped a photo of your fingers coated in your wetness. You brought your fingers to your mouth and started sucking them clean, moaning at the taste of yourself and snapping a photo.
It had to be enough photos, you’d find some you were pleased with to leave laying around for him to just happen upon. You tossed the camera to the side of your bed and covered yourself back up with your panties. Your hand slipped under the waistband and you quickly swirled your finger around your clit, eliciting that sweet, sweet pleasure. You were determined to come in your panties so that Leon could find them.
Your mind flashed back to Leon laying in the exact same spot as you are now, jerking his cock with your panties. You wanted so badly to help him, to wrap your lips around that pretty cock until his eyes rolled back in his head and you could taste his cum as he let himself explode in your mouth. He’d grip your hair so tight, tell you how good of a girl you are, how good you feel wrapped around his cock, how good you take him. Just the thought of Leon alone had you trembling beneath your touch, back arching off the bed as his name slipped from your mouth between moans as you came inside your underwear.
You ran your fingers over your clit until the overstimulation became too much. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d come so hard and so quickly. Eventually you came back down and got up off the bed, placing everything in your hamper but laying your freshly used bra and panties on the top. You’d lay in a different spot on your bed tonight so your wet spot would be there for Leon. You laid the Polaroids haphazardly across the desk for him to find nice and easily too.
Now you’re sitting impatiently in your office chair, hoping, maybe even praying, for the man to make a visit to your house. It was getting later on in the day than it had been for his visit yesterday and you were starting to lose hope. You were finally starting to focus on work when a notification on your phone had you nearly jumping out of your seat. Motion detected. Perfect.
You quickly opened the app and the live camera feed came to life across the screen. Leon was walking through your living room, looking around for anything out of place. His brows furrowed in confusion when he opened your book and saw you hadn’t made any progress. Oh well, you have been very busy. Now it was just time for him to discover what had had you so caught up last night. He lazily walked into your bedroom and scanned around, freezing when he saw some new cluttered papers on your desk.
He walked over and upon discovering they weren’t just little slips of paper, he quickly pulled out your desk chair and fell back into it. He quickly spread the pictures all around, flipping through them, staring and admiring each and every single one. It felt like he sat there and looked at them forever before he finally stood, heading towards your bed. 
He threw the duvet cover back and stared down at the wet spot on your thin, fitted sheet. He quickly turned and looked at your hamper, immediately recognizing what was laying right on top. He reached over and picked up your panties, bringing them to his nose, and deeply inhaling them over and over again. You could see how hard he was from all the gifts you’d left for him and it had you growing increasingly hot all over your body. He walked back over to your desk and sat your panties down next to the photos. He stood there for a few minutes scanning over everything that was displayed in front of him.
Suddenly he was staring straight into the camera. Your heart stopped as you stared right back at his face. Did he really just find the fucking camera? Could he sense you watching him? Fuck, you had to be in deep shit. What would he do now knowing that you know? Would he realize you left all of that stuff there specifically for him? With the bullshit you pulled, maybe you wanted him to know. A smirk slowly grew on his face as he grabbed the panties and one of the photos before sitting himself back on the bed, immediately staring back into the camera.
He laid the panties and photo next to him as he undid his belt at an agonizingly slow rate. You were in a trance, hypnotized by the show being put on before you. He completely shed himself of his pants and boxers this time as he spit down onto his cock and brought your panties to it. He pumped himself all the while it felt like he was staring straight into your soul. The mixture of shame and arousal had your entire body on fire, feeling like you might combust at any second.
You don’t know how much time passes while you stare at Leon staring into the camera while pleasuring himself, but he doesn’t break the stare as he cums right onto the photograph he’d brought to the bed with him, some spilling on the panties as well. He got himself dressed and laid the cum covered picture of you and your panties back on the desk. He stopped and looked back into the camera one last time, shooting it a wink, and then he was out the door once again.
You were quickly jumping up from your chair and heading to the bathroom to collect yourself. That really just fucking happened. He knew you were watching, knew he had been caught, and knew he was jerking off right into the camera. What the fuck were you going to do now? You thought you’d have your fun with this while he didn’t know, considering what he’d been doing without your knowledge for god knows how long. But he caught you just as you had caught him.
The day goes by in a blur. If you thought you couldn’t focus before, you definitely couldn’t focus for shit now. When it’s time to head home, you’re practically throwing yourself into your jacket, tossing your things together, and heading for the front doors as fast as you possibly could. All you had to do was make it out of the building, then you’d be alone with your thoughts and could think of some sort of plan for what you were going to do now. But of course things never work out as you would hope.
As you’re making your way through the lobby, your gaze locks into a pair of pretty blue eyes loitering near the front doors. You shift your eyes away as you take a couple more steps, but you can’t help but to look back at Leon as you get close to the doors. This time he shoots you a big cocky smile and waves at you. You aren’t sure what to do, so you give him a small, nervous smile back as you push through the front doors and out into the fresh air. 
You feel yourself let go of a breath you were unaware you’d been holding in. You turn your head and look back through the windows on the front of the building and see Leon still staring at you. What do you do? You feel like you might throw up, so you do the one thing your legs will allow you to. You hurry the fuck out of there and rush your ass straight home. You were so fucked.
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hwaddist · 8 months
i gonna be so real and honest here and say that some of you do not know how to read:
QSMP2024 is still the same damn server with the same damn lore and they are STILL ON THE SAME DAMN ISLAND
Phil pointed out yesterday how they were 200k blocks away, today Luzu tried using the waystones but they were deactivated because the waystones in the og spawn and surrounding areas are still there, when Cucurucho was going around talking to the islanders he asked “how are you liking THIS PART of the island”
there wasnt no lore restart nor this is a new server, the lore is still there, but this is day TWO of this new era of fucking course theres no lore, bad even said that today on stream that “there could be lore at any point.” the eggs even have immunity!
yes! it was kinda shitty that Richas and Pomme went without Phil to rescue Cellbit and Baghera but maybe, just maybe, you guys should remember that this people have lives outside of the server and maybe phil couldn’t make it to the recording of the video!
Willy pointed out today that the reason he stopped logging in when he first joined the server was because everyone else was already way too OP with literal castles and armor so tough they would barely get scratched by mobs when he barely had diamond armor, so he got discouraged and didn’t logged on again. Now that everyone is back at being balanced he wants to log in again! Maybe even tell Vegetta to log in again!!
edit but also general minecraft knowledge: they probably traveled so far out to get new world generation because they jumped from 1.18 to 1.20 (from what i can see because the spawn wouldn’t generate stuff like deep dark don’t generate on already loaded chunks), so that is why they are 200k+ blocks out. also the create mod didnt got taken out, its just disabled at the moment because the admins probably dont want another tubchunk.
you guys SERIOUSLY need to stop doomposting and trust in the admins and in Quackity.
UPDATE: Baghera has talked about having planning issues and thats why they had to cancel the rescue mission with Phil!
and Fit said that his lore is STILL ONGOING
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You're my emergency contact.
König x reader.
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Everything started with a simple favor and it all ended with your emergency contact accidentally attending your call.
(Give a ♥️ if you enjoyed it)
Warning: perhaps it is a very long and not good story, mentions of violence, as always grammatical and spelling errors.
📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
You're König's neighbor, he's rarely at home so he asked you to keep an eye on his apartment, he gave you his number, just in case something happened.
- Danke, I Know I'm asking too much but I will give you my number, just... In case something happens, ja?
Your smile when he gives you his number In a piece of paper, he will never recover from that moment.
- For sure, it's not a problem, and thank you König I hope there's no need to use it for an emergency, I would prefer to use it in other circumstances.
-Ja, totally agree, well I have to go, thank you so much Schatz.
- Okay, have a nice trip König, see you!.
As soon as he left and you closed the door you started to jump with excitement, you finally had his number, you tried so hard for the last months to start a friendship with him and this is a big step for you.
But... What's next? You thought. After a few days you got an idea, you sent him a message.
«Hi König, I'm your neighbor, I forgot to give you my number, so here it is.»
An hour passed, two hours, four... Maybe it was a bad idea, then.
«Danke :D»
That's all? Well, at least he texted you back. You decided to not insist, maybe he was busy, another week passed, you really want to text him, why? Why do you want to be around him?
«captain's log: König's house is still safe, a package arrived at your door. :)»
You sent a selfie out of his door. A Risky move, you were getting nervous when you saw «seen» under the message.
«Hallo Schatz, danke for the notice, can you save the package at your house?, I'll pick it up when I arrive» «P.S. you look very pretty today ;)»
That was the beginning, for months you started to text each other. You send a lot of pictures about anything while he rarely sends you something, usually sunsets or just the sky. When he's at home you invite him to eat at your house or to drink a beer, you don't know yet but for König this is more than he expected, you and him are good together, jokes, loud laughs and a good conversation are always present when you're together, he's happy, he feels better with you, he feels affection for you.
- Well, this week I won't be at home for a few days, I hope you don't mind.
- What? Nein! Don't worry, I won't be at home either, I have some work, just a few days.
- ahh well maybe we will arrive home at the same time!
- ja! It would be a coincidence, a good one. Where will you go?
- Oh, my Mom's house, I'll visit her for a few days, my flight is this Wednesday, and I'll be back on Monday.
- Ah that's really nice, I hope you have a nice moment with her.
You're ready to take your flight, you were just waiting, when a group of armed men appeared.
- okay everybody, lay on the floor! We will not harm you if you obey!
Some people started to run, others screamed, the sound of shotguns...
The same man was shooting, while the rest of his companions were capturing people, you were on the floor, you took your phone and pressed the quick "emergency button" an old app your mother made you download just in case you needed, you knew it was useless because you and your mother lived far from each other, but after König gave you his number you added him on the emergency contacts list.
König was on his way to a mission when he Received a text. Your app sent a message with your location, an audio and a short video of what the camera phone could record, in those 15 seconds a man was yelling at you and others.
He opened it and saw that your location was the same as where he was going, he froze when he saw you were a hostage, the biggest fear, rage and desire to protect you grew inside him.
He and his team arrived, but they couldn't access the place easily, every door had a bomb, they didn't know if those were real or false but they couldn't take the risk, they started to plan and work.
You and the other hostages were on the floor, the group of men were kicking, yelling and hitting you, one of them was enjoying hurting you, taller than you and corpulent, you couldn't do much to protect yourself, he made you stand up pulling you by the hair, you yelped and asked him to stop.
- Sit this one in that chair, we're going to start the show.
You were sitting, you looked like a scared puppy, why you? What will they do to you? Why are they doing all this? What they want?. One of the men started to record everything, while another was talking and showing a photograph of a criminal.
- (...) Yeah, so we have hostages here, innocent people who are in serious danger, if you don't let this man free, we will start to torture and kill everybody in this place, we have bombs everywhere, don't be stupid and don't try to send cops or any kind of shitty government deal maker, those are our conditions.
Both men walked to you, while the guy who initially selected you to be tortured was ready to play his twisted game, he made you stand up from that chair.
- This pretty one is the first, we need an answer in 15 min or this one will be dead soon. Let's start...
You looked at all of them, scared, begging them to not do it, a knife cutting deep your thighs, a punch on your eye, your nose and mouth were bleeding, your ribs broken, you were crying, yelling because of the pain, one of them was ready to stab you when a big man dressed in black shoot at him, a clean headshot, you fell on the floor while all the men started to run, shoot and fight, you saw more people in black joining to the fight, you can't focus your view, you can't see clearly, you're fainting, you saw this big guy approaching, you can't see his face, he's wearing a black mask or something, he's talking to you but you can't hear him well.
- Schatz! Look at me, stay with us! Do you hear me?
Schatz? You remember that word, but... Where? Who? You're exhausted, your body aches, you're probably hallucinating.
«Hey! Prepare an ambulance!» you hear him yell at someone else then he carried you in his arms, this strange blurry guy in black saved you, you rested your head in his chest, you're feeling sleepy.
- Schatz, Mein Liebling, stay awake, I'm taking you to the ambulance, you will be fine, ja?
You didn't listen to him anymore, you closed your eyes, you just had flashbacks of the trip In the ambulance but that was all.
After two days you finally opened your eyes. There's a white lamp in the ceiling, the smell of medicine and sickness, a hospital? Were you alive?
You tried to sit but the pain in your ribs prevented you and a familiar voice filled the silence of the room.
- Hey, easy Schatz, you're fine, you're in the hospital.
There he was, König was in a chair close to you, he looked tired, and... Was he wearing black? What's going on?
- König? What... What's going on? What happened? Why are you here, what happened with your job?
He just let a small laugh out and handed you a glass of water.
- too many questions, drink some water first please, ja? You are in the hospital because you were hurt after the airport attack, I'm here because apparently I'm one of your emergency contacts... Schatz, Do you remember what happened in the airport?
You looked at him carefully, his voice, his clothes, and that word, «Schatz». Was he the one who saved you?
- I remember I was waiting to board the plane when those men appeared, then I... Well... You're my emergency contact, so I sent the emergency text, I remember those men hitting and hurting me and I remember the man who saved me, you probably will think I'm crazy but... That man looked pretty much like you... But he was covering his face with a mask or something.
He smiled nervously at you and hid his face with his hands.
- Was it you könig?
He looked at you once again and nodded in silence, the surprise in your face made him more nervous, he never told you about his job but you weren't expecting to find it out in this way.
- You never told me about your job...
You were playing with your hands and the glass, he was looking at his shoes, talking almost in a whisper.
- I can't talk about it... For your protection... And because it's better if you don't know how and who I am at work.
You don't want to make him feel as if you were angry or uncomfortable with it, you're just surprised, he looks too shy and kind to work in something like that.
- I understand... And I know it was really a coincidence and that you were just doing your job but... thanks for saving me.
He doesn't respond, he's still looking at his shoes. As if he was a little boy in trouble.
- König?
- Hmm?
- I won't ask you about your job, If you can't tell me about it, I'm fine with it... look at me Kö.
He finally looked at you, he looked sad or ashamed but you smiled at him and took his big hand on yours.
- Thank you for saving me. You're a good emergency contact.
You blinked your good eye at him, He smiled at you and kissed your hand.
- Just call and I'll be there Schatz.
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spookypete-94 · 11 months
Reader is a medic that has been assigned to specifically take care of TF141. She learns just how difficult the lieutenant can be.
SFW, CW for- language, more then likely medical inaccuracies
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You had worked next to Price shortly a few years after he started. Your impressive skill level always imprinted on him. After he became the Captain, he had sought you out specifically. The risks of the missions he was on he wanted someone he could trust on standby to take care of him and his men if something were to happen. Sure, you knew your way on the battlefield and could do basic operations if needed, but your area of expertise was caring for the injured. It was almost like you were hardwired and made for it, a natural.
Once learning Price had requested you, sought you for so long- it was a no-brainer to join him and his team.
"Ready to meet everyone?" He asked, his voice quiet but still carrying a booming effect.
"Sure am," she you replied, crossing your arms as he led her to his office. Inside stood 3 men. One that wore a blue hat in casual attire, the second one with bright blue eyes and a mohawk, and the other was a large looming man that leaned against the desk face covered with a skull balaclava, dressed all in black.
"Would like you all to meet the team medic, this is Y/N L/N. I sought her specifically for us."
Y/N stuck her hand out to greet everyone, shaking the first two, easily learning their names as Gaz and Soap. The third one, however, did not step forward to shake her hand. One could feel the distrust from his gaze.
Fine, You thought to yourself and instead stood next to the Captain again.
Price explained your duties and how you would be attending missions with them on scene, in your own helicopter, and would respond as needed.
"If I could have dog tags, just to have full name and blood type, I'd appreciate it. Makes it easier for me to log and store blood if needed."
Again, the first two she met and Price complied, handing their dog tags over with ease. The large one never left his stance from the desk, arms crossed, hands never reaching into his shirt.
"Lieutenant," Price said just shy of a scolding manner.
"No worries, Captain, I'll manage." you said, waving it off. Honestly, far from offended, dealing with difficult men your entire career, becoming used to it. Price looked at you, shocked, wondering how you would "deal" with it. Scribbling the information down, your own chicken scratch looking difficult to anyone else who might read it before handing the tags back. "Thanks," you said cheerily, handing the tags back. "Lieutenant," nodding in his direction still being courteous to him. "I'll be in the MedBay updating my records and starting carts for all of your needs. Hope you all have a pleasant day." Nodding, and stepped through the group of men.
Once the door was shut, they all turned to Ghost appalled by his behavior to such a kind woman. "Why ya' gotta be like that, mate?" Soap asked him.
"Don't trust new people," he grumbled, leaving them all to shake their heads.
Time had passed, you had her records all updated and built trust with three of the group she cared for. Not quite with "Skullface" though, as you called him. Being on the team with the TF141, means you still had to qualify on all weapons... leaving you at the mercy of the range with the grumpy Lieutenant as he was the instructor.
His tone came across condescending at the very start. The first weapon he picked was a handgun. He showed how to load and reload the mags, how to place it in the bottom of the guns and forcefully shove up to make sure the mags don't fall out. How to use the iron sights and the difference between red dots, the difference between calibers - things already known by you but dared not say anything wanting to make a point. He handed back the pistol, taking aim, and shortly emptied the clip, hitting the metal target in the center. The ping echoed, target shaking with each bullet. Managing tactical reload, dropping the mag, pulling the full one from your belt, reloading it, and doing the same thing.
"You know how to use a gun?" he asked stunned.
"I do."
"You could have led with that."
"Didn't want to interrupt your whole "spiel, "seeming it's the most you've said to me the entire time I've been here."
Behind him, Price stood smiling, arms crossed as he stood at the front of the range. Game, set, match, he thought to himself comically.
"Can we do shotgun next, or are you gonna break the basics down for me on that, too?" Your tone playing coy, making Ghost shake his head, handing her the shotgun.
The day was over faster than Ghost expected it to be, thinking you would be inexperienced.
"I'm sorry I treated you like that," Ghost said humbly as they picked up the empties.
"Used to it."
This answer caused silence among them both. You took it upon yourself that he was waiting for you to answer why.
"Most men in this field just see me as a nurse. They seem to forget that Medic's have to be battle trained, too. Used to being treated like that."
He turned to look at you. "Shouldn't be a medic, you're better than most of the soldiers I've seen in the field."
"All be it surprised, I'm a better medic, then I am on the battlefield."
"Have to be one hell of a medic then."
"I am." you said confidently, throwing the expended bullet casings into a bucket to be repressed.
How grateful you were, that it ended on a positive note between the two this time.
"Here," he said, going to hand her his dog tags.
"Don't need them any more."
Even though his face was covered, you could tell he was confused by your response.
"Got it taken care of." smiling widely to him, throwing your assigned weapons over your shoulder and heading back to the base.
You had left him preplexed and him watching that smile never leave as your legs carried you away. Satisfaction filling you, knowing you made your mark on him.
"Fuckin' hell," he said quietly to himself.
Inevitably, the day came. Ghost had found himself and Soap injured, Ghost was losing blood rapidly, taking the grunt of whatever exploded. They requested evac but had to wait for an extraction team to get to him. His conscious status was in and out, vaguely remembering you and your squad getting to him and Soap. Your facial features make you seem like you were is glowing, the light being so bright. If he had not seen your ability to be deadly, he would have thought an angel was standing before him from the golden glow.
The next thing he knew, he was on the helicopter, finally coming to. He started to sit up quickly, the sudden alertness making him realize what had just happened
"Sit your ass still," you growled to him.
Even as a threat, your voice calmed him, making him indeed sit still.
"Where's Johnny?"
"Next to you, across the bird behind the curtain, my team got him stitched and wrapped up. Hold still," You said, pulling his arm back to her. He realized you were stitching him, hand holding his arm close. Noticing the IV for fluid and another for blood attached into his other arm. There, he saw a rolling cart with "Skullface" wrote on the top where his name should have been, bags of O- blood inside it.
"My blood type isn't O-," he said, head rolling over to look at her.
"Mine is. It's the universal donor."
Finally, he realized what you meant.
"That's your blood?"
"Yup, been pulling mine off for your cart in case something happened since you wouldn't give me your tags that day."
He was silent for a bit. That was her way of managing... using your own blood to save him. "I'm sorry I was such an asshole to you."
"Stop. You already apologized. Just be grateful I did what I did and didn't leave you to bleed out." Some men just needed tough love.
Somehow, you had struck him. He was seeing you in a different light once more. How grateful he was for his mask because if it wasn't there.. you would be able to read his face. Adoration and all. He leaned back into the pillow, letting you finish and look him over. Fingers ghosted across his skin as you moved his body to be able to check for whatever it was you were looking for. No resistance was given by him now. You had earned just more than his respect and trust. Just on the ride back to base, you already had him stitched up.
"Still will have to do scans to make sure there is no internal bleeding, but have to do that back at base. I'm glad you're still alive." you said, patting his thigh in an area that you knew was not injured.
"Fuckin' hell," a phrase he found saying all too much with you. Eyes watching your walk away and prepare for landing.
Soap pulled back his curtain, smiling mischievously at Ghost.
"Not a fuckin' word," he grumbled to him, knowing all to well that Soap knew that Ghost had caught feelings for hyou.
Simon Ghost Riley Masterlist
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hearts4werka · 2 months
The Devil Herself
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Summary: You’re the famous Ghostface killer in the town of Boston while your ex-bodyguard Christopher is also an FBI agent investigating your murders, you overhear his conversation with his mother about a set up date with another woman so you decide to pay the woman a little visit after the date… Genre: Horror, slasher, age gap (it’s not a big one), female killer, obsessive stalker, crime investigation, The FBI, arranged date Warnings: This fic contains darker themes that may trigger some readers like gore, kidnapping, acts of torture, illegal possession of various of dangerous weapons ( don’t do this irl ) obsessive female!character, cursing, murder, detaching-limbs. Read At Your Own Risk! authors note: this turned out wayyy longer than I expected it to. I started to write this last night still kinda shocked how I finished it in one day. I’m already writing pt.2 to Missing and need to finish that but here’s a long Chris fic for while you guys wait for it. There might be a pt.2 to this too but I have to see if y’all will want one. Hope you enjoy!
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
The Halloween season is right around the corner and I’ll have to do some work to set the atmosphere for the lovely town I’ve been slashing for couple of good years.
I am called ‘The Ghostface killer’ around this town, known mostly for the gruesome crime scenes I create which I’m proud to said in know for that, how I always manage to cover up any evidence that could lead to discovering my identity.
There’s been many before me, some were better some worse. Dating back almost centuries, I can say I’ve been through some stuff in the past. I don’t want to get into detail with it but let’s just say I’m on a revenge mission, murdering and torturing the people who’ve hurt me in the past.
But there’s a little problem flowing in my mind… my ex-bodyguard, Christopher.
He’s an FBI Agent, often a bodyguard or guarding something. The FBI are currently investigating ‘The Ghostface Killer Crimes’ how do I know? Oh it’s obviously because I stalked him, unfortunately I also found out some unpleasant things too.
His mother has set up him with another women for a date. And it’s fucking tonight.
I may have hacked into his chat logs as well and overheard him and his mother talking over the phone when I was just watching him on the cameras with sound recorders I’ve installed along with the cameras.
As much as I try to let go of him, when I manage get him out of my mind and focus on other things at hand he just latched onto my brain and messes with it, just coming back each time like a boomerang.
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
I’m getting ready to discretely stalk Christopher’s date, dressing up normally but keeping my mask on me since I’ll be doing some dirty work today and I can’t get blood on my beautiful face, can I? But mostly to hide my real identity from her.
I walk into my closet, picking out a black corset along with some matching black jeans that make my body look amazing together with the corset, I want her to see something pleasant to look at before she will go out.
Adding the finishing touches such as jewelry, a black leather jacket draping it over my shoulders and black boots I glance over at the mirror of my bathroom and fix my hair. I almost feel like I’m getting ready for a date to which I chuckle internally at the fact I’m going out for a completely different reason. ( outfit here )
I grab my bag off the bathroom counter it was sitting on, walking over to a big black duffel bag dropped on my bed I pick out what weapons I would like to use today.
Picking the classic and iconic knife along with a small electric saw but also a gun for extra fun, I shove the gun into a hidden pocket in the leather jacket and drop the knife and saw in the bag of today’s choice.
Inside of the bag already resides my phone, a digital camera I take pictures of my beautifully gruesome crime scenes and of my victims for little pieces of memories.
After I’m done preparing, I make sure everything is in place and locked as I finally walk out of the house.
Time to start this little shitshow
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
Im in my car, sitting in front of a fancy restaurant the date was planned at with my laptop sitting my lap, watching them through the restaurants cameras I’ve managed to hack into. People really need to make their security devises have a stronger protection because this was easier than I thought it would be.
My blood boils with jealousy as she reaches out with a napkin in her hand to wipe off a piece of the food they’re eating that got left on his upper lip. If she puts her hands on him again, I’ll cut the motherfuckers off and give them to him if he continues to allow it.
He’s very aware of having a person stalking him but he doesn’t know who it is even being an FBI agent he couldn’t simply figure out who it is, I grab my phone out of my bag and open the messages app. Typing out a simple text I send it over to him and watch him on the cameras for his reaction.
Me : Is someone running off with other women? Keep having her hands all over you and you’ll see what happens next.
Seeing him excuse himself to check the message on his phone I’ve sent, a look of horror and caution creeps into his features as he looks around nervously but he hides them with a tight smile from the woman that’s completely oblivious of what the message contained nor why he suddenly changed in demeanor.
For the rest of the night, he avoided her touch as much as he could but slip ups did occur. At the end of the date he cautiously walked her back to her car, I was parked not far away from her so I saw everything with my eyes. When they say their goodbyes she leans in and places a gentle kiss on his cheek before getting into her car and proceed to drive away.
He returns to his own car and just sits there lost in thought, the look on his face etched into his features, more evident now that he’s alone. After a few minutes he starts the car and drives away.
Now it’s time for the fun part to start.
I tracked the woman’s home address before they went on the date and found out all of the basic knowledge about her without unnecessarily digging too deep, putting her home address into the gps now it’s finally my time to drive off.
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
After a while of driving I finally reach my destination and park in front of an old-money house thats a pretty good size for someone who lives alone. Looks like mommy and daddy’s wealth payed off for her.
I have a feeling she’ll be fun to torture.
I grab my bag with all of the supplies I need and get out of the car in one swift open of a door, walking around the car I face the trunk. Opening it I take out a cloth along with a small bottle of sedative.
Popping the cap off the bottle I pour some of it onto the cloth, glancing around the containments of my trunk if I won’t need anything else, grabbing my signature mask as the last item I need and slide it over my head now concealing my face.
With one efficient and swift move I close the trunk and finally head towards her house, time to do some breaking in now, put the bitch to sleep and drive her to my house. After I’m done with that I’ll have some good old fun with her.
Going through the back door that thankfully was left open behind I quietly enter the building, checking if anything besides me is lurking in the dark shadows covering her house and find nothing, no sign of any animals too to which I sigh in relief. I really hate killing peoples animals. ( don’t actually kill animals irl )
I slyly maneuver my way through the darkness and up the stairs, them creaking as if I’m in a horror movie. Getting up the creaky ass stairs I see light coming out of one of the rooms, assuming that’s where she’s currently located I decide to put more of the sedative on the cloth in my hand to make sure she doesn’t wake up during the ride back to my house.
Scanning the surrounding area I can’t help but wonder if she left the door unlocked, she does live alone so no one could technically get into her house and into the bathroom while she’s in there, right?
As I come closer to the bathroom my ears suddenly get assaulted by music coming out from the slightly opened bathroom door, she has shit taste in music.
Creeping up to the bathroom door I widen the open hole with my hand as quietly as possible to not draw any sudden unwanted attention to it.
I take a small peak inside and see the shadow of her figure through the shower curtains she’s concealed behind, thinking this is gonna be easier than I thought I slowly enter the room and make my way towards the shower.
Pulling open the curtain my eyes are met with my target being completely nude while water rains onto her naked body from the shower head secured to the wall in front of her.
Without giving her anytime for further reaction than the horror slowly spreading across her features I slap the cloth over her mouth to muffle her screams pouring out of her mouth.
When she falls asleep I get her out of the shower and put the clothes she left in the bathroom onto her body, tossing her over my shoulder again I carry her back to my car and drop her into the backseat.
I drive off from under her house and on the path back to my house.
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
We arrive at my house and I check into the backseat to see if she’s woken up.
“Still knocked out.”
I exit the car and take her out of the backseat, tossing her over my shoulder again and carry her into my basement or how I like to call it ‘The secret layer of crime’
Walking down the stairs and underground I drop her from my shoulder and into a bloody wooden chair in the middle of my basement or torture chamber, tying her down to it with a thick rope that was sitting next to it on a small wooden stool so she doesn’t get away when she finally wakes up.
Next to the chair is a white plastic table with various torture weapons I usually can’t carry around with me, opening my bag I dump out the weapons I took with me earlier.
I wait for her to wake up because I need her to be fully conscious during the whole process, I’m gonna make this painful for her. Mentally and physically.
After a few minutes of waiting she finally regains her consciousness and looks at me with the same horror on her face as when I took her, she tried to scream but realizes her mouth is ceiled shut with a cloth taped to her mouth.
A sinister laugh rumbles in my throat at her desperate tries to pry her way free or scream for help, this basement is sound proof so no one will hear her even in the slightest mumble.
“Oh are you trying to escape? You poor little thing, how sad.” I say with mockery lacing my tone, my eyes settle down on the table full of weapons and her eyes follow right behind, her horror spreading further and becoming more evident.
She violently shakes to try and loosen the thick rope she’s secured with tightly to the chair, grabbing a knife off the table I walk over to her. My shoes creating echoing foot step sounds that bounce around the walls of the basement.
Leaning down and getting up close to her face I raise the knife to her jawline and slowly trace it, the cold blade leaving goosebumps behind its path.
Her eyes become glassy and tears roll down her cheeks, a smirk spreads across my face at the beautiful sight of her being scared.
“You know why you’re here?” I ask, knowing I won’t get a clear answer out of her, the cause of it being the cloth taped to her mouth.
Shaking her head negatively, meaning she’s saying no and I become amused by not having a lack of an answer from her as I expected. She’s really desperate to stay alive, how pathetic.
“Well you don’t have to know but let’s just say you might be loosing some limbs today, hm?”
Her eyes widen at my sudden statement as her horrified state intensifies along with her desperate tries to escape, the sight is complete gold or a rare find that can only be dug up deep in the cold mines.
I slide a small stool with some blood covering the surface of it and place it under one of her hands, extending my hand behind me onto the weapon table I grab the mini electric saw.
Without hesitation I flip it on and it starts up with a roar, bringing the circling saw blade to her wrist and saw right down which detaches her hand from her arm. Blood sprays out from her arm and onto my clothes and everything around it as I take the severed hand and place it onto the weapon table.
Grabbing the stool and putting it where her other hand is and copy the same procedure of detaching the hand as on the other.
When that’s done I put the new severed hand next to its sister on the weapon table along with the now blood-covered saw. She’ll die a slow, painful and torturous death after I’m done with her.
I hover my hand over the weapon table and select a weapon at random, I grab onto something long and sharp, knowing what it is already I grasp the leather handle of it and bring the blade to her neck, slicing it open but not enough to kill her yet.
Putting the weapon down back onto the weapon table I walk over to a chest and open it, taking out a small carboard box among different body bags, trash bags and gloves I’ve left in here because I was too lazy to throw it out.
I close the chest and place the box on top of it, walking back to the weapon table I grab the severed hands and then go back to the box and neatly place them inside.
Thinking of what to add to it I decide or grab my camera from my bag I dropped onto the ground after taking out the weapons I took with me earlier I take a picture of the tortured and slowly dying woman on the chair. Just a little memory for him to remember.
I take the Polaroid out of the camera and grab the knife off the table, stabbing into what’s left of her hand to draw some blood onto the blade of it and I write a small letter with it on the back of the Polaroid.
After I’m done with my little letter I return back to the box, closing it and ceiling it shut with some tape I had in my grasp.
Grabbing the box and the Polaroid I exit the basement and go into my car to give Chris a little surprise. By the time I exit the basement the sun is already coming up and starting to illuminate the world.
I drop the box next to me in the passenger seat along with the polaroid and drive off to his house. He should be awake by now since he usually wakes up when the sun comes up.
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
Arriving at my destiny under his house I take the box with the Polaroid and get out of my car, walking over to the front door of his house I place the box down onto the doormat that has ‘Welcome!’ written across it in black bold letters on a white background.
I neatly place the Polaroid on top of the the box that’s slowly leaking blood from one of the bottom corners and onto the white and black doormat, I ring his doorbell and walk back to my car to drive off from under his house before he saw me.
The note on the back of the Polaroid says is bloody letters.
‘Like running off with other women so much? Here’s a little surprise for you but I’ll say one thing. You are mine and no other woman is allowed to lay your hands on you. Ever again.’
- Your lovely Stalker
@slutforsturnioloss @sturnioloblues @sturnsxplr-25
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demonic0angel · 1 year
God!Danny and Servant!Damian
Damian stared at the long hallway of various knickknacks and doohickeys. The ever-changing wallpaper was cracked and peeling, sticky with a green substance. Bizarrely shaped and decorated doors would occasionally peek out from the mountains of loot. The tables that lined the hallway were filled with books and books and many random objects. The hallway was illuminated with a combination of different things, candles and chandeliers and crackling TVs and lightbulbs lighting up the way. At the very end of the long hallway was a lone door, unmarked and conspicuous in its simplicity.
Once he walked through that door, he would be able to complete his wish.
Something to his side caught his eye. It was a small picture of a family, one with many unique characters.
It reminded Damian of his own.
It reminded him of his failures, his goals, and his desires.
Wiping away the liquid that welled in his eyes, he turned and glared at the door that seemed more and more like the light in the darkness as well as his own personal demise.
Damian grit his teeth and began to run.
It all started simply. It was an average day, a normal afternoon as Damian bickered with his siblings as always. He and Timothy were rubbing on each other's nerves, only instigated further by Jason who would gleefully laugh every now and then whenever he sparked the dying fire.
Dick sighed and said, "C'mon you two. Why can't you just get along?"
"It's  because Damian knows that Tim is better than him at detective work." Jason said.
"Shut up, Todd!" Damian said as Timothy made a strange expression of both smugness and also exasperation. Despite knowing that Jason was deliberately goading them on, they still fell for it and walked right into another heated argument.
Dick only sighed further as his little siblings argued like children. The door to the command room opened with Batman sweeping in, Stephanie following him with a little skip to her step.
"Heya, everyone!" She greeted cheerfully while Batman flew past them to inspect the controls.
All of them were in a spaceship commandeered by the batfamily in a mission to inspect a small alien planet that had recently pinged itself on their radar. It was a dangerous new colony that had an ability to steal the memories of those that they had killed and use it to conquer new planets.
The batclan was currently in a mission to investigate if the rumors were true and to find any weaknesses.
"Father?" Damian asked, as he noticed Batman's tense body language. "What is the matter?"
".... Orphan hasn't come back from her stealth mission."
A ripple of dread went through the room. Timothy immediately sat down on a seat and began to pull up mission records. They updated it regularly as they went, and Cassandra had logged in for her mission a few days ago, but now she was several hours past her expected return. This was a bad sign, especially since it was only a reconnaissance mission, with little to no conflict and even if there was, Cassandra would've contacted them.
Something had gone very, very wrong.
Stephanie whispered, "No... she couldn't have been."
Jason gave a snort, although it was weak and filled with false bravado. "There's no way. She's probably trying to find some new information for us. She's stronger than that."
No one said anything.
His attempt at gathering hope failed.
"... fuck." Jason said quietly, as the worst of what could've happened finally sank its claws into his mind.
Everyone was aware that this current mission was one with high stakes. The alien race they were investigating was a dangerous one, and unknown at that. Although they expected danger, they hadn’t expected one of their own to actually get hurt.
Batman shook his head, a hand reaching out to clasp Jason's shoulder. "We'll find her and then we'll help her." He reassured him softly. It said a lot that Jason didn't shake off his touch.
A stone sank in Damian's stomach.
This was his first mission in outer space and he loathed how vulnerable he felt. In an effort to hide it, Damian scoffed to himself and straightened.
They all lifted their heads in unison, however, when a crash rang through the ship. Their gut instincts had alerted them to the danger a second beforehand, but it was still too late.
The light flickered off, inciting another gasp of panic. They all put on their masks to switch on their night vision.
Batman immediately pulled out several batarangs and said, "Dick, with me! The rest of you, stay here and be careful. We'll investigate."
"Fuck!" Jason screamed, louder. "Why am I not coming?!"
"I need you to protect your siblings!" Batman said before he ran off with Dick in tow.
"Grayson!" Damian couldn't help but yell. "Father, shouldn’t we stick together instead?!”
He couldn’t help the worry that stuck to his voice.
Dick swerved back before he could leave the control room and immediately pulled Damian into a hug. "Little Bat," he said softly. "Stay here and protect Stephanie and Tim, okay? They need it."
Damian wanted to protest at his reassurances, almost indignant at the idea that he possibly needed comfort, but he didn’t say a word as Dick stroked his back. Timothy didn't speak up either, completely silent. Damian knew that he was also feeling some sense of immense dread, their survival instincts giving them a premonition of danger and death.
Damian tried to hold his brother closer, eyes wide before Dick pulled away, pulling on a false smile.
"Be careful!" He screamed and then he left.
"This isn't good, this isn't good." Tim muttered as he furiously tapped on the keyboard to figure out what was going on. Everything was down, even their systems and now they just waited in the darkness for a signal of safety.
Jason cursed under his breath. "I should've been with them!" He muttered.
Damian pushed down his nausea and said, "Then let's go. With the computers down, there is no reason for us to stay here when we could go out and help them."
"Fuck, I'm going." Jason pulled out his guns and immediately began to load them with bullets.
"Dammit." Tim cursed and Stephanie pulled out her own bo staff and looked determinedly at them.
"Let's go." She said, and they all followed her as she left first.
They ran through the halls to get to the sector where the explosion had supposedly started. The air seemed stale and dark, and a distant 'ooh'ing noise like wind going through a hole disturbed them greatly. Damian wished he had his swords, but all he had was a bo staff and a few batarangs to protect himself.
His eyes searched the darkness. Stephanie and Timothy were next to each other, their shoulders almost bumping against each other's for comfort, while Jason trailed a little behind Damian, guns out and ready. Damian reassured himself that his family was safe. Cassandra was surely just fine and so would his father and Richard be. They would be okay.
They would all be okay.
There was another crash right in front of them and Stephanie screamed. Jason immediately shot into the dark, the bright flash of a gunshot illuminating the hall for a moment, showing just who came through the wall.
A grotesque monster with bulging, writhing black tentacles stared at them before the light faded. Jason relentlessly shot his bullets, but they seemed useless.
There was a short scuffle before a disturbing squelching noise.
Timothy gave a long, loud keen before his body blocked Damian's vision.
The last thing that Damian saw before Timothy was pulling him away was Stephanie's fallen body, a deep blackness covering her that would shine crimson red.
They ran.
The moment Damian was able to reconnect with his thoughts and surroundings, he pulled his hand out of Timothy's and said, "Brown! She's still back there!"
"No!" Timothy snapped, his voice sounding wrecked. "We have to run. I saw her. She's not coming back."
Jason cursed violently and they quickly skidded into the next hall, shutting the sealed doors for a moment.
"Fuck. It's them. They found Cassandra and took her memories." Jason said and Damian choked on his fear and shock.
Timothy shuddered visibly and then said, "I think they got Stephanie too."
Damian grimaced, hurt shooting through his chest like a bullet wound before he gasped.
"Father! And Richard! They—They went ahead of us!" It was almost instantaneous how both Jason and Timothy paled.
Jason smacked his hands over his eyes. "Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!"
He took out his helmet and quickly put it on. "I'm going out. Maybe I can find them. Bruce is smart, he's probably still alive and I'll find them."
"You're not invincible, Todd." Damian snarled. "Let us come with you. If we die, we'll all die together."
"Like hell we will." Jason said curtly. "You little shits are gonna live because if another Robin dies, I'm...." He paused. He didn't know what to say.
None of them could find the words needed to comfort each other.
Damian's stomach dropped further into his feet, as if he was about to be sick.
Timothy reached out and grabbed onto Jason's sleeve. "Jason. You know it's a suicide mission. You can't go."
Jason reloaded his bullets and didn't say anything.
When he turned, Jason's helmet was still on his face as he stared at both Tim and Damian. Then he reached over to put a gloved hand on their heads and said, his voice crackling softly, "I gotta go, Robins. Protect each other. Be safe. I mean it."
His touch was heavy and warm, even through his glove. Damian stared at his akhi with wide, wet eyes.
Timothy screamed in shock and despair as Jason sealed that exit and then ran off. They heard the distant sounds of gunshots before they faded.
Timothy gasped for breath, tears flowing down his face but he quickly wiped them and then pulled on Damian's arms. "C'mon, Robin. It's up to us now. We have to get to the exit bay and hope that everyone else gets through this alive and back home."
No one voiced the fact that it would be near impossible.
As they ran, Timothy was furiously typing on his communicator. When they reached the ship bay, where extra spacecrafts were stationed and ready to fly, they found it blissfully empty.
Already suspicious, they snuck inside. Damian was almost irritated by the small gasps that left Timothy's throat but he understood, with the grief that seemed to eat through his stomach. After a moment, as they inched towards a spacecraft, Damian reached out to hold Timothy's hand and squeezed gently.
Timothy squeezed back and they both sped up to the spacecraft. They both worked together to open it up and get it ready for space travel when there was a distant roar.
Damian shuddered hard, goosebumps rising over his skin as he worked even faster, flicking on buttons and readying the controls and coordinates.
Timothy cursed and said, "Dammit. I can't message Earth."
Damian bit into his lip.
Nothing was going well. Where were their family?
Timothy handed Damian the communicator. For a moment, Damian just stared at it in confusion before he turned to Timothy with questioning eyes, his heart squeezing in his chest.
What was the meaning of this? Was Timothy possibly handing off their last chance of survival to him? For what reason?
"What is this for?" Damian snapped.
"Just hold it," Timothy said exhaustedly. "I need to go out and see if the exterior of the pod is functional for space travel. You stay here and stay inside while I go check outside."
"No! What if something happens and I am unable to stop it?" Damian said, his foot stomping once on the ground to emphasize his point.
Timothy didn't say anything as he started to walk down the ramp to the ground outside of the ship. Damian rushed forward to grab his hand and pull him back.
"Why must everyone sacrifice their lives?!" Damian shouted. "You don't need to do this! Let's just stick together!"
"Just shut up, Damian!"
"No! Let's leave now! I-I want to leave now!"
Timothy turned to him with a furious expression but whatever was on Damian's face made him pause. Then he pursed his lips together before pulling Damian in close.
They had never hugged before.
The closest they had ever been was whenever Damian lunged forward for a knife to Timothy's gut.
But this... this wasn't so bad. Damian's eyes burned with an urge to cry and he grabbed onto his brother's suit.
"We will be okay, Damian."
And just as he said that, he pushed Damian forward and through the aircraft as the aliens finally revealed themselves as well as the tentacle that now wiggled into Timothy's stomach.
It happened in an instant.
Damian couldn't even react as Timothy was impaled through his torso.
Blood spilled on the floor and through Timothy's mouth. Timothy coughed, more blood dripping down his chin. He inched forward as the tentacles seemed to pull him back. It was a slow thing, as Damian watched in frozen horror as Timothy moved towards him.
"Timothy!" He couldn't help but blurt it out. "You're going to be ripped in half, you imbecile!"
He took out a batarang, already formulating a plan to hopefully cut away the tentacle but then Timothy reached into his side pouch and took the access card out, slotting it into the card reader and smiling reassuringly at Damian as blood dripped from his lips and body.
"You'll be okay." He croaked, before a black blur shot out and impaled his skull, blood splattering over the doors as they quickly shut themselves.
The aircraft began to lift itself from the ground automatically as Damian screamed with rage and grief, his fist smacking into the door as he flew away. The last thing he saw before he sped off into space and back to earth was Timothy's limp body being dragged backwards.
Damian sank to his knees and didn't get up for a long time.
When he arrived back to Earth, it was useless.
Because Gotham was now gone.
Damian opened the door.
Inside was a wide, circular room with marble walls and floors. The ceiling was tall, and windows covered it, letting in golden light that lit up the room with an ethereal glow. In the middle of the room was a pool of water surrounding a tall tree on a little island.
Damian couldn't help the gulp of air that he took, rejuvenating him with a refreshing lightness like he was breathing in sunlight.
"Ah." A voice gasped softly. Damian whipped his head upwards and stared at a figure floating within the tree branches. "Hello."
This person wore white and black, their clothes all flowing around them. On their face was a deer skull, its horns stretching behind them as their white hair, strangely similar to Jason's unique white coloring, floated gently.
"Are you the God from the legends?" Damian asked, his voice sounding braver than he felt as the pressure of this being encased him.
"The legends? I suppose so. Do you have a wish, Damian al Ghul-Wayne?"
Damian flinched before his gaze hardened. "Yes. I would like to make a deal with you."
"I see." The god jumped off of the tree branch and floated in front of him. The air felt colder as they drifted closer to Damian. "What is your wish?"
"I want my family to live again."
The being paused. They tilted their head and then said, "Your family?"
"Yes." Damian paused and then clarified, "I want my entire family to be alive again. My father, all of my brothers, my sisters, my grandfather, and my extended family within Gotham."
"... a very big ask." The god murmured.
A chill rose within Damian and he said urgently, worried that his wish wouldn't be granted, "I am willing to do whatever it takes to have my wish granted. I can kill whoever you ask, I can offer my own body...! Anything, as long as my family is alive again."
The god tilted their head the other way. Then they said, "I see. Name your family."
Damian's breath hitched but before he did, he asked, "Will my wish be granted?"
Damian thrilled at that, before he paused. Then he asked carefully, "What is the price?"
The god turned to look at him. Their empty eye sockets, filled with a faint green glow, seemed to bore holes into his soul. "The price of the revival of your family is to sacrifice your life and eternity to me. You will offer your life, your death, and your eternity to me, for me to do whatever I wish."
Damian's breath stuttered. He paused, heart pounding as he debated with himself.
But who was he kidding?
There was no such question in the first place. Damian was not worth even an toe from his family. He wasn't even worth enough to even gaze upon their shoes.
Damian nodded firmly. "I agree to your deal. If I offer everything that I am to you, you will agree to revive my family as they once were?"
"They will be revived and reverted back to a time when they were once alive. They will be well and healthy, I assure you. With this deal, I can promise that they will live to old age."
Damian beamed. "Deal. My family's names are Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, and Timothy Drake."
The god seemed to give off an air of satisfaction. "Then, for the soul, eternity, and life and death of Damian al Ghul-Wayne, the aforementioned people will be revived and brought back to life."
They clapped their hands. "It's been done."
Damian couldn't tell if they were lying or not. Still, Damian was overjoyed at this piece of news. "Then... may I go see them?"
The god floated a bit in front of him. "No. You'll stay here, with me."
Damian paused, his stomach dropping and he wanted to smack himself for hoping. "I see. What will you have me do?"
Would they make Damian kill for them? Be a slave? Use his body? Would he have to sacrifice his body parts for them? Kidnap people? The possibilities were endless and although it made a bitter, sour taste go through his mouth, Damian did not dare complain.
The god seemed to be smiling as a broom appeared into existence in their hands. They handed it to Damian who grabbed it unsurely.
"Clean up."
And that was the beginning of how Damian became a servant of a lone God.
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