#cringe eww turn to dust
honeybreadbee · 3 months
Lmao I adore the beef between the head vamp and Frost
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tataelingmoon · 3 years
𝒲𝒾𝓁𝒹 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇
Word Count: 3.7k  
Summary: You and Park Jimin have been together for as long as you can remember. However, when you find out that you were pregnant you didn't know what else to do but run away in fear of his reaction.  
You looked at the test in your hands. Positive. Your thoughts prior had been confirmed, you were pregnant. Without a doubt, you were happy that you were pregnant but as much as you knew Jimin would still love you and the child, you were worried if he was ready to settle down. For something more than just girlfriend and boyfriend. Was Jimin ready for these responsibilities? Would he love you just as much? Is he ready to even get married?! Doing the thing that you were best at, you grabbed your items and left the shared apartment that Jimin had bought for you both. You then called your friend, Haeji and your brother Doyoung to meet up.  
You arrived at the park near Doyoung's house and it didn't take long to spot your brother and Haeji sitting on the benches. Taking a seat on the bench you told them the news, "I'm pregnant with Jimin's child." There was a subtle silence before your brother asked, "Is Jimin willing to take responsibility for you and the child? Have you even told him yet?!"  
"I haven't told Jimin yet but I'm afraid that he's not ready" You shook your head as tears began to run down your face. Haeji, speechless, tried to comfort you the best she could. Rubbing your back soothingly and whispering that 'everything  will be okay'. Your brother and Haeji understood that you needed a moment, they knew you were afraid. Afraid of parenthood and of Jimin.  
"Y/N, I think Jimin would be more than willing to take you both into care. The man really loves you and I don't think you need to be afraid. I've seen how much Jimin cares for you and how he even bought a place for you both so that he knows you're safe and that you won't miss him so much. So please, don't let your doubt get the most of you." Haeji nodded, agreeing with your brother's statement. "He looks at you with so much adoration and love sweety."  
"Yea Y/N I know you're worried but I think you might be thinking too much into this. Jimin's love for you is endless and I think instead of worrying him that you fled, you should go and tell him the news. I think he'll be more than overjoyed. He'll make a great father and a loving husband." Haeji added onto Doyoung's statement. It wasn't after having heard their comforting words, you thanked them and started to cheer up a bit.
"Doyoung, would it be okay if I stayed at your house for a while? I think I might need some time before I have the courage to tell Jimin the news."  
"Sure Y/N, take the time you need but not too long or else your Jiminnie might miss you" Doyoung teased. "But I'll let Jimin know so he won't freak out that you're gone." He reassured.
"Thank you so much Doyoung and Haeji, I didn't mean to bother you guys but I was just scared." You sniffled.
"It's okay to be scared Y/N. I probably would have been afraid too. We all have doubts but if you need time, we'll allow you to think it through first. Doyoung and I know that you and Jimin would make great parents!" Haeji's last statement caused you to laugh and feel slightly better.  
"Don't be sad Y/N-ie or else Doyoungie will be sad." You and Haeji laughed at your brothers attempt at being cute.  
"Eww please don't do that, it makes me feel like I have a weird boyfriend." Haeji cringed.  
"Okay but Jimin does it all the time and I don't see you saying anything." Doyoung huffed.  
"Hold up, at least Jimin is naturally cute." You defended.  
"Are you saying that I'm not cute?! You're probably just saying that because Jimin is your soon to be husband." Doyoung pouted.  
"No, I agree with Y/N Jimin is just overflowing with cuteness." Haeji said in an attempt to make Doyoung jealous. It seemed to work because soon after Doyoung had his arms crossed and was pouting. You laughed at their childish behavior. "Aww is my Doyoungie mad at me. I'm sorry baby, I think you're cute, probably not as much as Jimin, but you're my baby." Haeji cooed. It wasn't until moments later that Doyoung gave in and gave Haeji a quick peck on the lips before smiling again. Haeji smiled back leading up to the both of them coming in for a big hug afterwards. You watched them and smiled. It reminded you of you and Jimin. All the morning kisses he gives you before leaving to work and the cuddles he gives whenever he's home. You loved Jimin undoubtfully. You knew he would miss you and you would miss him but you knew you needed time. You also wanted to plan something special to tell him that you were pregnant. Knowing that both your brother and best friend were being lovey dovey, you took that time to plan the day you were going to tell Jimin of your pregnancy.  
Jimin arrived home at around 8 pm. He was excited to be home so that he could shower you in kisses. However when he went into  the apartment, he realized that it was empty. He checked the shared room but only saw that it was empty as well. Worry coursed through Jimin's mind. Where did Y/N go? Did she go somewhere and forget to tell me? Is she safe? She's usually home by this time.  Jimin checked the apartment one last time to search for any sign that the apartment was broken into but he found no sign. As a last resort, Jimin called Doyoung knowing that Y/N had probably went to her brother or Haeji to spend time with them. Jimin dialed Doyoung's number and it wasn't long before Doyoung picked up. "Hyung, is Y/N okay? Is she safe? Is she with you?" He questioned as soon as the call was picked up.
"Your Y/N is doing fine don't worry. She's with me. She just wanted some time to herself for now. I'll make sure she comes home and to work safely." Doyoung laughed.  
"Okay thanks hyung. I was really worried."  
"It's no problem but I'm sorry that she forgot to tell you." Doyoung apologized.  
"Oh no its okay hyung. I know she can be forgetful at times and if she wants some space I'll let her. I'm sure she misses you and Haeji." Doyoung was touched by Jimin's understanding. Y/N really caught the jackpot he thought. "But hyung do you know when she's coming back?" Doyoung sighed knowing that the younger might not take this the best way.  
"Jimin, Y/N loves you a lot and I know that you know that but I think it might take weeks. Please don't take this the wrong way. She isn't mad at you or anything but she just has a lot on her mind right now." Doyoung reassured the younger knowing that Jimin might overthink things.  
"Ok, I understand hyung. Thank you." Jimin ended the call and sighed. What was he going to do without you for awhile? Hearing his stomach grumble, he headed to the kitchen to make himself a meal. Searching the fridge, he found ingredients to make his dinner.  
An hour later, Jimin sat at the table alone with his plate of food. Sitting down, he realized that he had made enough food for 2 people. Jimin sat alone at the table and munched on his dinner in silence. He felt empty. Although he knew that you needed her own space, it felt weird without you talking and him replying cheekily or you listening to him about his day at work. Jimin quickly ate his food and when he finished he cleaned up the kitchen before heading to the bedroom. Grabbing his towel and clothes he headed to the shower.  
You came out of the shower and headed for the guest bed that was provided along with the guest room. When near the bed, you fixed the fluffed the pillows and placed them accordingly before laying down. It felt weird not spending the night in one of Jimin's cuddles. It was something you got used to when you moved out to live with him. But now that you were alone once again, it was hard to fall asleep. You thought about if you were with Jimin right now, he would have cuddled you and sang you to sleep if he knew you had trouble sleeping. Knowing that thinking about Jimin would make it harder for you to sleep, you thought about your plan to surprise the man you love. Would Jimin like it? It was an hour later of thinking that finally led you to sleep.  
Jimin laid on the bed staring at the ceiling that was looking right back at him. It was only day one of you not here and he was already feeling lonely. He thought about how close your bodies would be and how warm it was to be right next to one another. How cute you would look while you slept. Jimin knowing that if you were to be needing space decided that tomorrow he would be hanging out with the boys before heading home. After tossing and turning for about 30 minutes, Jimin finally fell asleep.  
You were in the guest room, packing up all your items before your brother would come pick you up. It had been a month since you last saw Jimin and in that time, your tummy had not grew in any infinitely special way but you knew it was maturing and preparing for pregnancy. You felt bad to have left him for that long but the plan to surprise him had been finalized. After negotiating and planning with Jimin's friends, you were finally able to set the plan into action. Jimin, according to his friends, was supposed to be in Japan right now for business matters and would be arriving in 5 hours. Which would allow you enough time to surprise him. Gathering the rest of your items and zipping up the suitcase you headed out to your brothers car.  
It was a 30 minute car ride before you arrived at the shared apartment. Getting out of the car, you, your brother and Haeji helped to unload your suitcase before heading up. Upon opening the door to the flat, you realized that everything had been the same. Jimin had kept the place in relatively good shape. If not better than you had left. Heading into the bedroom, you put your items away before making a meal for you three. After the meal, Haeji and your brother had set up the balloons and banners while you cleaned up the house by dusting the blinds and wiping down every surface. Once the place had been set up, Doyoung and Haeji left to pick up the cake you ordered 2 days prior. The house now smelled clean and of homey food. Knowing that Jimin was probably homesick from the business trip and probably missing you, you made his favorite foods. Along with his favorite desserts. Adding in one last pinch of salt into the soup, you started on writing the notes that would be placed around the house. When you heard the doorbell ring, that was when you stopped writing. Opening the door, you saw the delivery man with the crib that you had bought. Since you had paid extra for the service fee, the man had helped you to set up the bed in your and Jimin's room. It was an hour later that the man left and you thanked him for helping you set up the bed. Once the man was gone, you resumed writing the notes and sticking them around the house in places you knew Jimin would find them. With the notes finally finished, you got the flower petals that were supposed to go in the bath and around the house. You made a trail with the flower petals to the first clue before putting petals around the bed. The rest of the petals were saved for the bath later. Letting out a big breath, you looked at the clock to see that you had about an hour before Jimin arrived home. With the time left over, you tried to reheat the food on the stove and set up the table. It wasn't long before you heard the door beginning to rattle. Taking that as a que, you grabbed the cake that was dropped off, out of the fridge and put it into the well-made and decorated crib. It was then that you hid in the bathroom closet, waiting for Jimin's arrival.  
Jimin opened the door, expecting to see an empty house like he had seen for the past month but when closing the door behind him he saw the house was decorated. The house had smelt of homemade food and it was warm, not cold like it had been for the past month. Is Y/N home? Confused with the decorations, he followed the flower trail to a note.  
Jimin thought for a second. Our first date was the beach. Jimin dropped the first note and went to the small bookshelf where sea shells decorated the top. Jimin looked through each sea shell collected from that beach until he finally found another note.  
We cooked for the first time together. Jimin made his way into the kitchen where he saw the set up table. He looked at the food and was reminded of the day they tried to make the same foods. It wasn't long before he found the next note.  
Jimin smiled then put the note down. "Y/N I know you're here. I love you so much but baby please come out. I want to see you already. Can you come out so I can give you the kisses you missed out on? Baby, I don't want this charade to go on. I know you want to tell me something but you're just scared, but I guarantee you, I'll still love you. Your brother told me, you were afraid to tell me something please just tell me. I love you so so much please don't be silly." Jimin pleaded desperately then looked around for any sign of you. You almost cried and wanted to come out at his plea. You knew he was desperate to see you but the surprise wasn't over yet. Jimin out of urgency, went into the room to find you but there was no trace, however, he found the set up crib. Running up to the crib, he found the last note and a cake that said 'We're going to be parents!'  
"You silly goose, how do you expect me not to cry. I love you even more that you're carrying our child." Jimin silently wept before putting down the note and looking around the room. "Y/N! When I find you, expect a big hug and lots of kisses! You better hide good or else, it's going to be nonstop kisses! Here I come!" Jimin excitedly ran around the apartment and searched every cranny that he thought you would hide in. It wasn't long before he looked in the bathroom and found you in to closet. "I found you!" Jimin smiled as he ran towards you. You squealed and tried to run away. However, it wasn't long before Jimin caught you in a strong back hug and tried nuzzling his head in your neck. Your heart fluttered. Being near Jimin like this again felt nice. It felt like home and you didn't ever want to let him go. "Y/N-ie I missed you so so much. I know you were scared but don't you ever do that again. I was so lonely without you and your warm body that I cuddle and kiss every day. It was so lonely without your presence, how could you resist your boyfriend for so long?" Jimin pouted. "Aren't I cute? Too cute to resist?" You laughed at Jimin's expression to which he frowned even more.  
"Okay, my little baby mochi, I missed you so much that I felt like going crazy." You cooed and expanded you arms in the air to show how much you missed him.  
"If you miss me, give me a kiss then." Jimin puckered his lips out waiting for a kiss. You waited a few minutes before Jimin turned the other way with his arms crossed and pouted. "See you didn't even kiss m-" Jimin was cut off with a quick peck. "Heyyy it wasn't even long. Let me show you how a kiss is like" With that, Jimin pulled you in and kissed you deeply. It felt like forever since he last kissed you. Your mouths moulded against one another's as you both tried to kiss away the longing that once etched your hearts. As the kiss continued, Jimin pulled you in closer before breaking apart. "Baby, you don't need to worry. I'm even more happy that you're pregnant. I love you in every way so please feel free to talk to me about whatever. I don't know what crossed your mind but tell me. Let your little mochi know what happened for the past month."  
"I'm so sorry. I was scared. I was scared you were going to leave me. I was scared you wouldn't want a baby because it would mean more responsibilities. I thought you, we weren't ready yet for a baby." You cried and it was then when Jimin soothed out your hair and pecked you lightly on your temple to reassure you that you cried harder.  
"Is that why you were scared baby? I'm sorry if I made you worry. I'm willing to take responsibility and mature a little more so we can take care of our little bean."  
"Thank you for being so understanding Jiminie."  
"Now, should we go out there and eat the dinner you made me and then we could take a bath together." You nodded your head in affirmation while Jimin took you both to the dining area.  
"Wait, let me warm up the food again." You took the food and quickly heated it up. Jimin sat at the table, looking at you heat up the food with a smile. He had missed this view. It would be even better if he had proposed earlier. He thought that if he did, you probably wouldn't have freaked out like you had. "Okay here we go. Now eat up baby!" You smiled. Jimin had missed your smile and he swore when he saw it, he wanted nothing else but to see the twinkles to continue to glimmer in your eyes. Jimin dug in and exclaimed in moans to show how good the food was. With occasional forced feedings from Jimin, the food was finished and you both were cuddling on the couch watching a movie. "Jiminie, did you miss me a lot?" Jimin answered with a hum indicating that he had. "Will you forgive me?' Jimin turned from the movie playing on the screen.  
"I already forgave you, you silly goose." Jimin nuzzled your noses before giving you smooches. You giggled at his smooches before asking, "You look really tired Jiminie, you want to take a bath now?" Without any notice, Jimin yelled out a 'Yes!' And then proceeded to carry you bridal style to the bathroom making you squeal at the sudden carrying. You both stripped off your clothes before getting into the tub.  
You both sat in the tub relaxed, with your back against Jimin's chest. "Y/N, I can't wait until our little bean is born. The baby is going to have such amazing parents. And we're in this together so don't worry. If you're ever scared, we still have our parents to talk to. And we have each other." Jimin stared at you lovingly before squeezing your hand in reassurance.  
"Thank you so much Jiminie. I'm so grateful to have met you. You're so understanding that sometimes, I don't feel enough but I love you just as much." You blew on the bubbles and played with the petals in the tub. The bathroom was in gentle silence before Jimin pulled you closer to his chest and started caressing your stomach. You gasped, shocked with his actions. You tried to take his hands off but he stopped you.  
"I didn't mean to scare you, Y/N. I just wanted to feel our little bean. I can't wait to go to our first appointment together!" Jimin kissed your cheek before you both decided it was time to get out and go to bed.  
7 months later, Jimin had been true to his word. He became much more responsible and mature. He helped you when you needed it and loved you like no tomorrow. You and Jimin were now engaged. It was in the 5th month that you were pregnant that he proposed and with the overflow of hormones felt during pregnancy you bawled worrying your fiancé. It was a sight to see. The love you had stayed strong like it always was and looking back to the moment when you freaked out, you felt foolish for feeling such way. Throughout the months, you realized that no matter what, Jimin would love you, except if you cheated of course. Jimin's devotion and undying love only added to your loyalty to the man. And despite the many obstacles that you both will encounter in the future, you were willing to go through it together with him. Because you were his flower to guide him in the wind.  
A/N: I might add in a little drabble series of Y/N’s journey. Probably just little snippets. But I hope it was enjoyable! 
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heirtoapplesoft · 3 years
Lixie starter for @ask-ittybitty-pico dis for John and Steve lolz, becuz I think it's funny for a child to insult the tankdads <33
Lixie was running away from home. . . Yes, running away, him and father had an argument and it turned out– Lixie was the wrong one in the argument and so, out of pure, absolute embarrassment, Lixie was running away! He just couldn't face his parents anymore without cringing.. ah well, they had another son.
All he had was a little backpack with cash in it and a weapon he stole from father.. no, he didn't know how to to use it at all, he just took something he thought looked cool.
– He fell on his back- did he just? He just bumped into some arsehole's leg. Lixie blanky stared at them before getting up and dusting himself off. "Eww.. watch where you're standing, uglys! Some of us are trying to run away here, ugh.. peasants.."
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lets-talk-appella · 6 years
That’s When She Knew
Hey, so here is the *sort of* part 2 to Chloe’s Secret (the one where she goes to visit Jesse following his and Beca’s split) that I’d promised! I hope you enjoy.
If you’re curious about Chloe’s Secret, you can find it HERE.
Summary: In which Beca finally pulls her head out of her ass to realize that she’s been in love with Chloe this entire time. Much fluff ahead, enter at your own risk.
Timeline: Just under a year since graduation/PP2, set about 6 months after the events of Chloe’s Secret.
Word count: 4k
Beca sneezed violently for what felt like the millionth time; her nose scrunched up, her body tensed, and she stopped dead in her tracks as her face exploded outwards in a torrent of mucus.
“Eww…” she groaned, examining the wet spot on the inside of her elbow, which she had used to cover her mouth. A tissue was presented to her, held between a thumb and forefinger.
Accepting it with a grunt, she glanced at the bright-eyed redhead beside her and asked bitingly, “Why are we doing this again?”
Chloe beamed at her, utterly delighted. “Because it’s absolutely beautiful outside for the first time in months!”
Beca glared back as she blew her nose with enough force to pop her ears. She wiped, sniffled a little, and whined, “But I’m dying! Let’s go back inside where I can breathe.”
Chloe shook her head and smiled as she spun away from Beca to skip across the short grass of Central Park. As she moved, the slight breeze played with her hair and the sunlight made her eyes look even more impossibly blue.
“I’m sorry you have spring allergies, Bec, but it’s finally nice out again and I want to celebrate! Besides, if you build up immunity now you won’t be allergic later.”
Beca rolled her eyes in disbelief as she shoved her used Kleenex into a pocket for later disposal. “I’m not sure that’s how these things work, Chlo. The trees are like, literally attacking my face.” 
Nevertheless, she picked up her pace slightly to catch up with Chloe so they could walk side by side again.
She never could say no to Chloe.
Chloe looked at her best friend triumphantly and the two continued their leisurely walk across Central Park. Despite her stuffy nose and itchy eyes, Beca couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling of the afternoon sun warming her shoulders. It had been a long winter. They weren’t used to the cold New York temperatures after living in the south for so long at Barden.
As they made their way across the grass and toward a nearby footpath, they were almost taken out by a stray Frisbee thrown by some teenagers. “Oops, sorry about that!” one goofy-looking guy called out to them as he ran by to retrieve the lost disk.
Chloe, sweet as ever, replied with a smile and a quick, “That’s okay!” while Beca narrowed her eyes and muttered, “That was close, dude.”
She looked around the overcrowded greenspace filled with people who shared their desire to enjoy the nice weather. There were several Nike-clad joggers, a few young kids playing around, and various people walking their dogs. Beca cringed at the sound of a screaming toddler in the distance; she wanted nothing more than to be alone with Chloe. The park was nice and all, but the number of other people there distracted her and made her feel on edge. She would have preferred a quiet walk with just the two of them and as little outside distraction as possible.
Her broody thoughts were interrupted when Chloe started, “So, I told Aubrey I’d Skype her this weekend since Stacie’s planning on visiting her at the lodge and this way we can talk to them both. Is there a time you’re free to join?”
Beca raised her eyebrows and glanced at Chloe before sending her gaze to the ground in front of them as they walked. “And have to hear both of you squealing at each other for the first five minutes of the call? No thanks. Also, since when does Stacie visit Aubrey?” she added in confusion, looking back up at Chloe.
Chloe clicked her tongue in protest as she narrowed her eyes and crinkled her nose. She replied with as much dignity as she could muster, “We do not squeal, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She took a breath and her face turned thoughtful as she continued, “As for Stacie, well, I think that started when –”
She cut off suddenly and threw her arm out to the side, catching Beca in the stomach and stopping them both in their tracks.
“Oof! What the hell?” Beca wheezed as she recovered from the unexpected blow.
Chloe pointed to the ground about a yard ahead and exclaimed, “There! We almost squished the little guy!” Beca craned her neck to squint at the ground where Chloe was pointing. After a moment, she saw it: a fuzzy little black and brown caterpillar inching its way across the walkway to the grass. If Chloe hadn’t stopped them, it was likely that one of them would have stepped on it.
“How the hell did you see that thing from here?” Beca asked incredulously.
Chloe shrugged and moved to the caterpillar. She squatted down and gently rolled it to its side, where it curled into a tight, protective little ball. Carefully scooping it into her hands, she squat-waddled over to a tree near the edge of the path. She placed the caterpillar back down on the ground, where it would be safe right next to the tree trunk. Chloe nodded once, apparently satisfied with the caterpillar’s new placement.
Beca got a funny feeling in her chest as she watched the interaction. As Chloe dusted her hands off on her jeans and stood to face Beca, the strange feeling only intensified and spread to her stomach. She wondered vaguely if she was about to be sick on the sidewalk.
“There!” Chloe exclaimed proudly. “Now he’s safe!” She picked her way back to the path and continued walking in the direction they had been headed before the interruption.
Beca stayed rooted to the spot, eyes zeroed in on her roommate’s back as she walked further away. She felt…odd. Her mind drifted and her eyes lost focus as something settled into place deep within her.
In that instant, Beca realized she was in love with Chloe.
Chloe’s simple act to carry the caterpillar to the tree, probably saving its life, had stunned Beca. It wasn’t the first time Chloe had gone out of her way to help another creature; Chloe was the kindest person Beca had ever met. But this was a caterpillar, an insect that Beca hadn’t even noticed. Chloe astounded Beca with her compassion. Chloe made Beca want to be better. She had always accepted Beca as she is, had never tried to change her, and yet, Beca wanted to be a better person for Chloe. Chloe deserved only the best people in her life, and Beca sometimes didn’t think she’d earned the right to be Chloe’s best friend. Beca wanted to continue trying to better herself for Chloe for the rest of her life.
She wanted a life with Chloe, and only Chloe.
Her mind was flung back to their time at Barden as she recalled the inexplicable need she’d felt to audition for the Bellas, not for herself, but to avoid disappointing a stranger who’d burst in on her shower. She remembered being confused during her freshman year and kissing Jesse because she thought she was supposed to, not because it had felt in any way right. She remembered her guilty relief when Chloe failed Russian Lit repeatedly because it meant she was going to stay at Barden. It meant she was going to stay with Beca. She remembered touches, glances, dances, that always had her feeling some confusing sense of want that she had immediately shoved down.
She remembered being absolutely terrified of life beyond college, until lyrics of a familiar song, sung over a campfire, had grounded her. She remembered the moment she’d locked eyes with Chloe, whose face had been gently bathed in golden light from the campfire. She’d thought that she was the most beautiful person she’d ever seen. That was the instant Chloe became home. From then on, Chloe filled her thoughts more than Jesse ever had.
Beca loved Chloe. Was in love with Chloe. Maybe she had been for a while.
Beca supposed that she should have seen it coming, really. Since the retreat, the thought of losing Chloe had been unbearable. After they graduated and won Worlds, Beca’s future had, for a time, looked as though it would be Chloe-less. It had been dark, uncertain, and had developed a gray hue without Chloe’s sunshine. Within a few days following the Worlds competition, Beca had found herself starting to dread her original plan of moving to LA. Sure, she’d be with Jesse, but that option lacked Chloe, which was unacceptable.
It had felt like a miracle when she’d gotten the call from BFD, Residual Heat’s sister company. New York was expensive, though, and she’d need roommates. She’d known exactly who to ask. Beca couldn’t remember ever feeling more relieved than when Chloe had agreed to come with her. A weight was lifted from her chest; instead of a gray future, she saw a bright red and ocean blue one filled with sunshine and warmth.
She had never really liked living with other people; even the Bella house had been a bit much for her sometimes. So, Beca had been surprised (but not really all that surprised) when she realized that she liked living with Chloe. Like, a lot. She kind of loved it. And when Chloe had gone to Florida to visit her parents the weekend after Jesse had broken up with her, Beca should have taken a hint from how much she’d missed Chloe, even though she’d been with Amy and several other Bellas. Not having Chloe next to her had felt like she was missing an arm. She’d felt lost, and not from the breakup.
She should have known then.
Even now, though, it didn’t feel like some huge revelation; there was no lighting strike, the earth didn’t move under her feet, she wasn’t left gasping for air. It simply felt like something within her chest – within her being – had clicked into place. She felt whole, complete. She hadn’t known she was incomplete until the pieces fit, and now she wondered how she had gone so long without all the parts assembled. Beca vaguely registered that she should be scared, terrified even, of her feelings. Her younger self would have immediately shut down, rejected her own emotions, and would have built towering walls against Chloe. She would have left. She would have run.
Beca Mitchell was in love with Chloe Beale.
The old Beca would have closed Chloe out, thinking that eventually the redhead would leave her. The old Beca would have cut ties now before the inevitable pain later, because there was no way, no possibility, of Chloe loving her in return. Freshman year Beca would have run and never looked back.
The mere thought of leaving Chloe shot agony through her chest and she gasped.
The current Beca had grown up. She had painstakingly dismantled her own walls brick by brick throughout college and up to the present. She still held strangers at a distance with wit and sarcasm and was slow to make new friendships, but for the most part, her walls were a lot more like paper than like stone. She had a select group of people to thank for that. The Bellas had wormed their way past every barrier she had thrown at them until she had accepted each and every one of them into her heart. Jesse had also contributed to the dismantling of her walls with his own sledgehammer, breaking through to her until she had loved him, even if it turned out to be more of a friendship love in the end.
But if Jesse had been a sledgehammer against her walls, Chloe had been a wrecking ball. Somehow, Chloe had taken Beca completely by surprise. Or, wait – maybe it wasn’t so much that Chloe had broken down Beca’s walls, but rather that Beca realized Chloe wouldn’t stop trying to get through them, so she decided to open up to save them both needless effort. Chloe had always been different. Beca knew that no matter how hard she tried, even if she threw Chloe from her life and never saw her again, there was no way she could ever build a wall between her heart and Chloe Beale. It was unthinkable.
Beca loved Chloe, and always would.
So no, Beca couldn’t run. It wasn’t even an option. But what if Chloe didn’t feel the same toward her? That would be torture.
Oh God. What if Chloe didn’t feel the same way? Why would she? Beca’s heart throbbed as she realized this very likely possibility. Chloe was beautiful, inside and out, whereas Beca was… just Beca. She was grumpy, sarcastic, sometimes unfriendly, and overall average-looking in the right lighting.
She never would have moved the caterpillar. Not that she’d have stepped on it purposely, of course, but she’d simply never considered the potential for its existence. She wasn’t like Chloe. She wasn’t good enough.
Why would Chloe want her, when so many others haven’t? She thought she’d had a good thing with Jesse, but he hadn’t stayed in the end. Though they still talked, it didn’t change the fact that he hadn’t wanted to be with her anymore. If he didn’t want her, why would Chloe?
Fear choked Beca as she thought of how it had hurt when she’d lost Jesse. That rejection had stung much more than she thought it would. Sure, they had started to grow apart, but somehow, she felt that it had been more personal than Jesse had ever let on. She thought he’d been withholding something from her about their breakup, like maybe she never knew the real reason. Though they were friends now, she carried the memory of that pain in her chest. She wasn’t sure she could survive a similar rejection from Chloe.
Just before a desperate scream of self-pity threatened to break free from her and cause a scene in Central Park, a wave of memories flooded Beca’s mind. Each lasted only an instant and flashed before her eyes like some cheesy movie montage: harmonizing to Titanium in a shower; being pulled close at hood night; arms around her, guiding her through choreography; a fight that felt like a breakup; a whispered desire for experimentation (Beca’s stomach fluttered at that memory); the hardening of bright blue eyes at the mention of Jesse; countless lingering stares she’d pretended not to notice; a hand reaching for hers at every opportunity; a body curled into hers every morning in their shared bed; Chloe making dinner and leaving leftovers for her; Chloe always making sure she arrived places safely; Chloe’s hair filling her peripherals as she was hugged from behind; Chloe’s endless support and belief in her; Chloe watching her mix when she thought she wouldn’t notice; Chloe’s gaze over a bonfire. Chloe, in love with her.
Relief washed over Beca even as her cheeks warmed and reddened with shame; how could she have missed it? Beca knew that Chloe loved her but had never considered that she might love her as more than a best friend. However, thinking back, she grew frustrated with herself. How could she have been so blind? Chloe had been telling her she loved her for years, and Beca had only just noticed. She wanted to both laugh with joy and punch herself in the face for being so oblivious.
Beca still had not moved from where Chloe had stopped to save the caterpillar. Only seconds had passed, but Beca’s whole world had changed, truly not with a bang but with a whisper. Her eyes refocused and she snapped out of her own mind to see Chloe standing several feet ahead looking back, clearly confused as to why Beca hadn’t continued walking with her.
Chloe beckoned to her impatiently and called out, “Why are you just standing there? Do you have to sneeze again?”
Beca shook her head slowly, still reeling slightly as she mumbled too quietly for anyone to hear, “N-No, I’ll be right…there…”
Chloe wrinkled her brows, craned her upper body toward Beca and asked, “What? Just – come here! I’ve been waiting for you!”
A corner of Beca’s mouth lifted into a half smile at the word choice. She jogged awkwardly to catch up to Chloe, suddenly nervous. However, when they were side by side again, the sight of familiar blue eyes sent waves of calm determination crashing over her. She knew what she had to do.
With a deep breath, she looked into Chloe’s eyes and said, “Chloe…I’m here. You don’t have to wait anymore.”
Chloe looked completely bewildered. “Allergies getting to you, Bec? No need to be so dramatic.”
Beca almost laughed, irritated with herself; she was so bad with words. Her spine straightened as she tried again. “No, I’m um. I’m just – um.”
Chloe raised an eyebrow. Beca couldn’t blame her. Her mutterings sounded like those of a mental patient.
Yet, Chloe waited as she always did, knowing that Beca needed time to find the right words. Beca fell even more in love with her at the gesture. God, how had she gone so long without knowing?
Beca continued, “I’m trying to say… yeah. Yeah, you have been waiting for me. For a while, I think. And I’m trying to tell you that – well, that you don’t have to wait anymore. I’m, like. I’m here. I’m ready. So… you don’t need to wait anymore. Yeah?”
Chloe stared at her, confused apprehension etched across her face. Beca stayed silent, hoping that she had gotten the message. After a moment, Chloe began in a quietly vulnerable voice, “I don’t…what are you… Beca?”
Beca decided to take the plunge, ignoring the fear in her chest. “Chloe, I think – and you really need to stop me if I’m wrong and just a big idiot – but I don’t think I’m wrong, I think – well I know I was an idiot before, but I mean now – I think that you might like me? Like, like like me? As in want to be with? Like date? And that you might have felt that for a while and I just missed it? Am I right? Do you like like me?”
Beca stopped her word vomit to finally inhale, her eyes never once leaving Chloe’s face, not wanting to miss the smallest reaction from her best friend.
She’d missed so much over the years. She didn’t want to risk missing anything now.
Throughout Beca’s speech, the color had drained from Chloe’s face, and her mouth had opened slightly in surprise. She finally closed and swallowed, hard, her throat bobbing. Her eyes moved from Beca’s, flickering between her and the ground. Beca watched as the muscles in Chloe’s cheeks twitched and knew that she was clenching her jaw. Chloe looked scared, like a small animal trapped in a corner. Beca had never seen Chloe so uncomfortable. Her stomach plummeted; she’d been wrong, and now Chloe was the one who was going to run.
Suddenly watery eyes met tentative dark blue ones, and Chloe choked out, shaking her head, “Bec… I’m sorry.”
Beca felt as though she’d been slapped. Shit. Her gaze dropped and her face burned in shame. She’d crossed a line, and she had no idea how to save what was left. “Shit, Chloe, I – “
“Beca Mitchell!” Chloe cut her off her sharply. Her eyes snapped back up to stare at Chloe in shock as she continued, “Don’t you dare interrupt me right now. Let me finish, please.”
Beca nodded frantically, desperate for Chloe to keep talking.
With a deep, steadying breath, Chloe resumed. “I’m sorry. You have to understand – I never meant to fall for you.” Beca’s eyebrows shot up. Did Chloe just say – but she was speaking again, hands clenching and unclenching at her sides.
“I just, I don’t know, I saw you at the activities fair that day and you looked so beautiful, and then we sang together and something just clicked for me, and I couldn’t get you out of my head. And then you had Jesse, and I felt horrible, Bec, honestly, I tried so hard to not to like you, but I couldn’t help it because you were always so perfect, and I just – ”
Beca had heard all she needed to. She lunged forward and clutched desperately at Chloe, one hand placed on her cheek and the other flung around the back of her neck. She saw Chloe’s eyes widen just before she slid her own shut. She pressed her lips against Chloe’s, muffling whatever words were going to come spilling out with the rest of her rant. Beca tried to put everything she could into that kiss, everything she’d realized in the last moments.
At first, Chloe didn’t respond and Beca almost pulled away, worried that she’d somehow misunderstood. But then, Chloe’s lips softened under hers and strong arms encircled her waist to pull their bodies closer together. Their lips moved against each other; Chloe tasted like sunshine and strawberries. Beca felt like she was floating away.
Beca pulled back briefly to double check Chloe’s reaction; when the contact between their lips broke, Chloe’s eyes fluttered open. She looked dazed, her eyes slightly unfocused.
She was absolutely beautiful.
“Was that okay?” Beca checked quietly. “I’m sorry, I should have asked first.”
Chloe smiled softly and Beca’s insides melted a little.
“That was completely okay. In fact…”
Chloe closed the space between them this time, and they kissed again with more care. Beca noticed that Chloe’s mouth fit perfectly against hers, with Chloe’s lower lip nestled between both of Beca’s. The kiss was brief and stayed PG (they were in the middle of a crowded Central Park, after all), but Beca didn’t think she had ever been kissed with so much love in her life. Her skin burned pleasantly where Chloe’s lips met hers. She’d never felt anything like it.
They broke apart naturally but kept their bodies close. During the kiss, both of Beca’s arms had ended up around the back of Chloe’s neck, resting on her shoulders. They smiled shyly at each other before Beca cleared her throat awkwardly. Wanting Chloe to understand her completely, she said, “You don’t need to wait for me anymore, Chlo. I’m sorry it took so long, but I’m here. I want to be with you.”
Chloe smiled blissfully and said, “Mmm, I think we can arrange that.”
With a mild sense of horror, Beca realized her eyes felt a little watery. Gah. Must be the damn allergies. Blinking rapidly, she grinned back at Chloe, hardly able to believe her ears.
Suddenly, panic gripped her heart; what if Chloe meant this as a fling? Beca didn’t think she could stand it if Chloe was planning on this being too casual. Beca knew she was too far gone for anything between them to be considered a meaningless fling. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and forced the words from her mouth.
“Good,” she said, “Because I’m about to completely demolish our friendship.” Her eyes opened in time to see concern cross Chloe’s face as she continued. “And… you don’t have to say it back – I know this is coming out of nowhere, but – I … I love you.”
Chloe’s eyebrows jumped to her hairline and her jaw dropped. Beca would have laughed if she hadn’t been holding her breath in anticipation. All at once, Chloe’s face shifted to an unreadable expression that sent adrenaline shooting to Beca’s already shaking legs.
Chloe leaned forward slowly until her mouth was at Beca’s ear. Beca, rooted to the spot, didn’t think she could move even if she wanted to. With a soft exhale, Chloe whispered, “Can I tell you a secret?”
Beca nodded mutely, more frightened than she had ever been before, including the time she’d almost died in that bear trap. Chloe chuckled softly, then breathed into Beca’s ear, “It’s a good thing that I love you, too.”
Beca’s heart soared and her face broke into a huge smile which Chloe matched with her own once she’d leaned back enough to see Beca properly.
“Oh. Okay,” Beca managed to choke out, happier than she could ever remember being.
“Well,” said Chloe, leaning again to press a brief kiss against Beca’s smile, “that settles it.”
Cheeks sore from her smile, Beca chased Chloe’s lips with her own until they met again. She’d never get tired of kissing Chloe.
When they broke apart again, Beca laughed at Chloe’s slightly pink cheeks. “I like doing that.”
“Me, too,” replied Chloe. “But we are in public.”
Oops. Beca looked around to see that more than a few people had started to watch their interaction, including the teenage boys that had been playing Frisbee. Yikes. “I forgot,” Beca said sheepishly as her own face warmed.
With a wink and the smirk she had learned from Beca, Chloe nudged her harm playfully and purred, “It’s okay. I know a place we can go.”
Beca’s right hand slid down naturally to be enveloped in Chloe’s left as Chloe turned and led them back in the direction of their apartment, both wearing identical smiles. Beca, lighter than air, knew that she’d follow Chloe just about anywhere, whether it be a cappella auditions or an unknown future. 
She’d be okay, as long as Chloe was with her.
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impala-dreamer · 6 years
Bad Medicine
SPN FanFic
~Sometimes, as a hunter, you gotta go undercover. And sometimes, going undercover leaves you very exposed.~
Dean x Reader, Sam
5,390 Words or there abouts #oops
Warnings: Talk of murder! A Case! Saucy language! Strippers! Stripper!Dean! Nakedness! Implied Sexual Activity! Man thongs! PG13.
A/N: This was a long time working. Based on a tiny comment in a drabble by @roxyspearing​ who graciously let me roll with it. I think this is hilarious, but what do I know? 
Feedback is GOLD ~ My Masterlist ~
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Y/N and Dean made their way into the kitchen in search of caffeine, neither of them surprised to see a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Sam hunched over his laptop at the table.
“Mornin’!” he greeted them loudly, making Y/N cringe; the case of beer she’d helped Dean empty the night before banging loudly in her skull. Sam didn't notice or seem to care about her hangover and sat back, pointing at his computer. “So, get this…”
Dean held up a hand, begging for silence as he shuffled to the coffee pot. “No. It's too early for that. Gotta let me get some coffee in me before you start with that crap.”
Y/N nodded in agreement while she took a seat, groaning as her head dropped to the tabletop. “What he said.”
“OK,” Sam sighed and closed his laptop. “If you don't want to hear about the strippers, it can wait.”
Dean's head snapped around so quickly he pulled a muscle in his shoulder. “Stippers? What now?” He looked to Sam with a dumbstruck expression and waited patiently for more.
Sam crossed his arms and shrugged smugly. “No, it’s fine, you don’t want to hear about it.”
Y/N lifted her head in interest, her eyebrows raising as she waited for an argument to ensue.
Dean set his mug down and grabbed the laptop, spinning it around to face him as he sat down. “Gimmie that.” He raised the screen and blinked his bleary eyes while he scanned the article. Y/N slyly snatched his coffee and sipped it gratefully as Dean’s face lit up.
“So?” she asked over the rim of the mug. “Strippers?”
Dean’s eyes grew wide with a ridiculous smile. “Strippers,” he nodded. “Lots of strippers. Dead ones, too.”
Y/N frowned and smacked her lips. “Eww.”
Sam sat forward and reclaimed his computer with a sigh, having had enough of Dean’s teenage behavior. He cleared his throat and laid out the details for Y/N. “Beksley, West Virginia. Seven exotic dancers have gone missing over the last few months, all from the same strip club. A few of them have been found, but only parts of them.”
Y/N’s stomach, already sour from the beer, gurgled in protest. “Which parts?” she dared to ask.
“Uh,” Sam shrugged and scrolled down a bit. “Bits of hair, a few teeth…”
“Glitter,” Dean chimned in with a smirk that neither tablemate returned.
“That’s not funny, Dean,” Y/N chastised him.
He stammered, “Well, no, but…”
“Those girls are somebody’s daughters,” she scolded.
“Oh, come on!” Dean sighed and looked to Sam for help, but his brother frowned and gave him a look, silently agreeing with Y/N. “They get paid more than we ever will, and I’m sure they’re…” He waved his hand, trying to come up with a good answer. “...working their way through med school or whatever… Shut up.”
Again, Sam cleared his throat, putting an end to Dean’s pain. “Anyway, I think we should go check it out.”
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The drive took only twelve hours under Dean's lead foot, and the trio had a look around after checking into the Bluebird Motel off the back highway.
The town was small, but felt like a big city in its bustling downtown and grimy sidewalks. Mom and Pop stores lined Main Street, and the townsfolk were generally pleasant, nodding hello with gentle smiles as they scurried past the impressively suited federal agents that surveyed the area.
“Oh, that place is disgusting. A real black mark on our town,” Mrs. Ritter, the blue-haired owner of Minnie’s Bakery commented as Y/N casually questioned her about the strip club.
“I'm sure it is,” Y/N nodded in sympathetic agreement. “Can you tell me, Ma'am, did you know any of the victims?”
Mrs. Ritter sneered as she handed Y/N a white paper bag filled with homemade jelly donuts. “Absolutely not. I wouldn't go near any of them.”
Y/N smiled kindly, biting her tongue at the hate the old woman was spewing on the poor dead women. “Of course not. Well, thank you very much for your time.”
Sighing with annoyance, Y/N met up with the guys outside the little shop, tossing the bag of pastry at Dean who grinned excitedly.
“People in this town are really nasty,” she said with a nice eye roll.
“Really?” Sam shrugged. “They seem nice.”
“They're all extremely huffy about the strip club,” she explained. “Dude in the hardware store slammed his fist on the counter when I asked about it. Creepy.”
“This place is weird,” Dean agreed as he shoved half a donut in his face. “Dere’s no ar effer.”
Y/N and Sam titled their heads in tandem confusion and Dean swallowed his massive bite. “There's no bar either,” he clarified. “Except the club. And technically that's not even in town. The property is right on the town border. So two-thirds of the parking lot are in Beksley, and the actual building is in Manook.”
Again, Sam and Y/N seemed genuinely confused and Dean scoffed as he took another, albeit smaller, bite. “What? I did my research. You two clowns were out chatting up the locals and I was digging through the real dirt.”
“Huh, OK.” Sam frowned and nodded as he pondered the information. “So what do you think we're dealing with?”
Dean shrugged and dug out another donut. “I don't know, but these things are heavenly.”
Y/N chuckled as he shoved another pastry down his gullet, and white sugary dust settled on his sports coat. “Glad you like them,” she said and turned to Sam. “I have zero theories. What kind of monster attacks strippers and leaves random body parts behind?”
Sam sighed and bit his lip. “No clue.”
“E hood o to da flub.”
“Dean, would you please swallow before you talk? You're going to choke.” Y/N rolled her eyes, but secretly enjoyed watching him enjoy himself.
Dean swallowed dramatically and wiped his mouth with his fingers, then popped them between his lips one by one to lick them clean. “We,” he said, slowly and clearly, “should go to the club next. Check out the chicks...um… clues.”
“Agreed,” Y/N sighed, adding quickly with an exasperated sigh, “about the clues.”
Dean chuckled as he rolled down the top of the donut bag and spun around towards the car. “Nothing I love more than working a case with real strippers.”
Y/N clear her throat and glared at Dean who gave her an apologetic smirk. “And you…” he said, trying to weasel his way out of the dog house.
“Shut up and drive, Winchester,” she sassed, and opted for the back seat, wrenching the door open in a huff.
Sam laughed over the hood of the Impala at Dean who cringed. “You do this to yourself, you know.”
Dean rolled his eyes and threw himself into his seat. “Yeah, yeah, yeah... shut up.”
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The Cat Scratch Lounge was a strip club straight out of a bad movie. The lighting was dim, save for pink neon around the bar and stage, the music was painfully loud, and the decorator seemed to own stock in the red crushed-velvet industry.
Y/N and Sam took in the surroundings with their noses in the air, each trying to figure out how they could avoid touching the floor, while a wide-eyed Dean grinned like a fool.
“You really are enjoying yourself, aren't you?” Y/N asked as his gaze became locked to the stage.
Dean laughed and then calmed himself when he saw her disapproving eyebrow raise. “I'm sorry,” he murdered pathetically.
Y/N shook her head and moved away, not really mad, but enjoying keeping him on edge. Dean was Dean, she knew, and no amount of feminist ranting was going to change him. Not that she'd want to anyway.
They split up and slyly interrogated a few of the patrons, chatted up the bartenders, and sniffed for clues. An hour later, they met back up at the car, having gotten exactly nowhere.
“Well that was a bust,” Dean sighed, folding his hands on the roof.
“We need to talk to the girls,” Sam said simply.
“I'm all outta twenties, Bro,” Dean joked. “Can you spot me?”
Y/N let out a breath filled with annoyance. “No one's going to talk to you anyway, ya Horn Dog. You pay them and they'll just rub all up on you and tell you how pretty you are.”
Dean cocked his head and laughed. “What exactly do you think a lapdance is, Y/N/N?”
“My point is,” she said, tossing her hands in the air. “We need to talk to them...off the clock. Gain their trust. Someone had to have seen something.”
“What would be better,” Sam interjected, “is to have one of us backstage.”
Y/N and Dean looked to Sam with exceptionally opposite reactions. Dean’s face lit up at the exact speed that hers fell.
Sam crossed his arms and went on. “No one's going to talk. The owner is clueless and everyone else is scared or not willing to think about what's happening. I think we need to set a trap and wait.”
“Are you suggesting that one of us goes...” she paused and crossed her arms, mimicking Sam's stance. She knew what he was saying, but didn't want to believe it. “Undercover?”
Sam nodded and Dean chuckled.
“Well, only one of us looks good in stilettos…” Dean grinned and wiggled his brows at Y/N.
“I hate you.” She looked to Sam who gave her a sympathetic smile, and then rolled her eyes as she agreed. “Fine! Fine! Use me as bait. I'll just roll in there and chat up the Glitter Squad and wait for some monster to eat me. Makes perfect sense.”
“I'm sorry, Y/N.” Sam sighed.
“I'm not,” Dean smirked.
Once again, Y/N yanked open the back door with just enough force to show her displeasure. “Of course you're not.”
“Hey,” Dean whispered once they were settled inside the car. “You bring that red lacy thing with the straps and the things cut out? You should wear that.”
Dean wasn't sure what hit the back of his head, but it felt strangely like Y/N’s shoe.
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Back in the room, Y/N locked herself in the bathroom, getting ready for her stage debut, while Sam hit the books. There wasn't a thing in John's journal that remotely mimicked the killings in town, but after digging through the Men of Letters’ Archives on his tablet, he had formulated a hunch.
“Hey, so…”
Dean looked up from his phone, waiting for Sam to continue, but Sam was actively reading something and his lips were still.
“Huh?” His head twitched as he tossed a bit of hair back into place.
“You started talking…” Dean said, “and didn't...finish.”
Sam looked over at his brother, confused for a brief second before snapping back into reality. “Oh, yeah. Sorry.” He stood up and brought his tablet over to Dean. “You ever hear of Bacchus?”
“The fat guy with the grapes?” Dean asked, peering at the screen.
“The Roman god of wine?” Y/N appeared by the bathroom door, her hair curled and shining, her makeup exaggerated and fierce. The boys both turned their heads and stared with gaping mouths. Y/N huffed and set her hands on her hips, but that only drew attention to the fact that they were bare. Her tight leather mini skirt did not quite meet her bright red tank top, but neither brother seemed to mind this hint of flesh. Y/N cleared her throat, but neither man dared blink, so she sighed and grabbed her black peacoat, covering herself and pulling the sash tight. “You two are pigs,” she said.
Sam regained himself quickly, blinking and shying away. “Sorry, Y/N. You...look very nice.”
“Thank you, Sam.”
Dean let out a noise that was almost a word but more of a bunch of words shoved into one syllable. Y/N shook her head, seething with annoyance, and focused on Sam and his findings.
“So Bacchus. What's up with him?”
Sam handed her the tablet, but explained anyway. “Well, little known fact, Bacchus is actually the bastardized version of Dionysus, who basically governed the same things, except she liked to dine on the flesh of her worshipers and partygoers. Bacchus just liked to get everyone drunk and happy.”
Y/N chewed the inside of her cheek while she thought it over. “So, you're thinking this Greek Goddess is in town having some snacks...just randomly?”
“Good,” Dean said suddenly.
“What!” Y/N snapped at him.
“You look good,” he replied, licking his lip and trying to refocus.
Y/N laughed dispute her annoyance. “Thanks. Jerk.”
“Yes,” Sam said, speaking over the two like a teacher calling his class to attention. “It would seem to be random, but…” He took back the tablet and swiped through some pages. “I found a spell to call the gods. What if…”
Y/N’s eyes sparkled as she caught his drift. “Pissed off townsfolk invoked the god to come clear out the riff raff?”
Sam nodded. “Yup.”
“That's uncalled for,” Dean said sadly. “What'd those girls ever do but try to bring some joy to people's lives? What a waste.”
“So how do we kill a god?” Y/N asked, stepping over Dean's mock sympathy.
“It's surprisingly not that hard,” Sam said with a chuckle. “We just have to draw her out.”
“Which means, I'm definitely going up on stage tonight.” Y/N looked towards the door, wondering if there was any chance she could sneak away. Her bucket list had never included stripping, but there was really no way out of it. “Awesome.”
Dean swung his legs over the side of the bed and grabbed Y/N’s hand, pulling her over to him. “Hey. You're gonna do great. And Sammy and I are gonna be right there the whole time. Nothing is gonna happen to you.”
Y/N looked down at him with narrowed eyes. “Do you think I'm worried about being bait? Dean, we've played this con a hundred times.”
“Then what are you worried about?”
“Uh, taking my clothes off in front of a room full of strangers?”
Dean laughed so hard it made Y/N laugh too, and poor Sam retreated to his chair by the door.
“You,” Dean said, pulling her closer still. “Are so beautiful…” He kissed her cheek. “So sexy…” A press of lips to the other side. “No one is gonna be able to take their eyes off of you.”
Y/N tried to fight it, but she felt her cheeks grow warm under his attention. “You think so?”
“Baby,” he said honestly, cupping her face in both hands. “I know so.”
After their kiss lasted longer than ten Mississippis, Sam decided to seek shelter elsewhere, and went to prep the weapon they needed to take down the goddess. He said goodbye, but he doubted very much Dean or Y/N could hear him over their own sloppy noises.
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Armed and somewhat prepared, the Winchesters and Y/N drove back to the club. The night was clear and cool; the stars shining bright over the countryside.
Dean parked in the lot and the boys watched as Y/N made her way to the backdoor, wobbling slightly in her stilettos on the uneven pavement.
“She'll be fine,” Sam said, nodding as Y/N talked to the bouncer who answered the door.
“I know. She's amazing.” Dean agreed, squinting into the dark, trying to see her more clearly.
The conversation didn't appear to be going the way Y/N wanted, and Dean watched as she turned up the charm, kicking her left foot out to pop her hip. The flirting got her exactly nowhere, and Y/N shuffled back to the car in a huff.
“Well boys, I got good news and bad news.”
Sam turned around fully, and Dean tossed his arm over the back of the seat.
“What happened?” Sam asked.
Y/N grinned and then cleared it away, trying to look professional. “Tonight is Ladies’ Night,” she explained. “As in, ladies come to watch.” Neither guy was picking up the hint so she went on. “More specifically, to watch the ameature male stripper competition that is starting in an hour.”
Sam’s eyes glazed over with legitimate fear, but for Dean, it took a moment longer to sink in. Y/N raised an eyebrow and stared at him until it clicked, watching as his smile faded into apprehension.
“You mean?”
Y/N grinned. “Yup! One of you hotties is gonna have to step up and take one for the team!”
Dean physically recoiled, pulling his arm from the seat and sinking into the space between the door and the steering wheel. Sam looked down and away, rolling his tongue along his inner cheek as he visualized their predicament.
At the exact same moment, the brothers came to the same conclusion, and each raised a balled fist. They brought their hands down slowly, then back up again, three times in all, before revealing their choices. Sam knocked Dean’s scissors away with a crushing rock, and Dean stifled a yell as he hit the steering wheel in defeat.
“Son of a bitch!”
Y/N could hold back her glee no longer, and let loose with a roaring laugh that sent her head flying back against the leather seat. “You...never...win...that!” she cackled and Sam started to shake as well.
“Hey,” Sam interjected in between laughs, “he won once.”
“Alright, alright, enough!” Dean bellowed, tossing his hands up in surrender. “Whatever. You both suck.” His face was bright red, and he looked to Y/N in the mirror, but she couldn’t hold a straight face. “Wait, what was the good news?”
“Huh?” Y/N stopped laughing long enough to sit up and listen.
Dean rolled his eyes. “You said you had good news and bad news. What was the good news?”
Y/N struggled to contain her laughter. “That one of you were going to have to strip. I thought that was clear.”
“I thought that was the bad news.”
Y/N leaned forward and clamped a hand on Dean’s shoulder. “That depends on where you’re sittin’, Sweetheart.”
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It took twenty minutes of meditative deep breathing, instructed by Sam, and a pep talk from Y/N before Dean would get out of the car.
Y/N went with him, as she’d already been seen by the bouncer, and signed her nervous boyfriend up for a fun night of exposition. Unlike the first time they had entered the club, Dean looked around in panic rather than awe, and Y/N made sure to squeeze his hand a little tighter as they made their way through the velvet wonderland.
“You got this, Babe,” she whispered in his ear before planting a firm kiss on the corner of his mouth.
Dean nodded and let out a quick breath. “Yeah. I got this.” He squared his shoulders and turned away, stepping through the dark red curtain and into the unknown.
Y/N was stationed close to the stage, trying to act like all the other drunk ladies that surrounded the empty pole, waiting patiently for the show to begin. She chewed on the straw in her vodka tonic as her eyes swept the room, looking for anything suspicious. She nodded subtly at Sam when he walked in, their eyes meeting for just a second before he slipped away against the back wall, just another figure in the dark.
The music was loud, and the place stunk of booze and perfume, but otherwise, nothing crazy was happening. Sam had his eye on one of the bouncers, and Y/N’s attention kept turning back to the young, blonde bartender who looked like she should be up on the stage instead of slinging drinks.
When the show began, Y/N found it a little harder to focus on the suspects, her eyes kept traveling to the stage. It was truly ridiculous, seeing grown men of various body types prance about the glowing pink stage and shed their clothing. Still, Y/N allowed herself a few peeks of the flesh being presented for her approval.
After the fourth contestant, Y/N’s phone buzzed, and she looked down to see a text from Dean.
‘Y/N! Help!’
Kicking herself for letting her guard down, Y/N’s head shot up and she searched the room for Dean. Panic was replaced by a small laugh when she saw his head sticking out from behind the curtain to her left.
“You OK?”
“No,” Dean said, looking at Y/N with the most pathetic puppy eyes.
“Did you see something? What happened?”
Dean shook his head, his forehead wrinkled with worry.  “I can’t do this, Y/N/N,” he said in a pained whisper.
Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed at him. “Yes, you can.”
“No.” Dean insisted, gripping the velvet curtain he hid behind. “I really can't. I'm not a stripper!”
“Dean, you strip for me like every night.” Y/N winked, hoping to distract him and get him to see the comedy of the situation.
“That's different. And no one else is around.”
Y/N nodded, but smirked. “Well, except that one time Sam was in the room…”
Dean gasped. “That's not...shut up, that’s different. I can’t do this.”
“Oh, but it was OK when it was gonna be my ass up on the stage?” Y/N sassed and crossed her arms, done with his fussing. Her tone closed his mouth, and Dean looked away, biting his lip. The mix of embarrassment and worry in his eyes melted her heart and Y/N reached out to lay a hand on his. “Dean, if you really don’t want to, that’s fine. We’ll figure out something else. It’ll just take longer, but it’s fine. You don't have to.”
Y/N could see him debating the options, weighing out the pros and cons of four quick minutes on stage versus another week or so in a town with no bar. “How do we know this thing’ll even go after me? It's always after chicks.”
“I don't think it cares what it eats,” Y/N told him honestly. “And besides,” she smirked, “one look at those juicy thighs of yours, it'll be dying for a taste.”
Dean’s eyes snapped back to hers and his jaw dropped. “That's not funny!”
Y/N laughed and patted his cheek. “Come on, Dean, it’s a little funny.”
Dean was not amused.
Y/N batted her eyes and pouted. “I love you?”
“Shut up.”
And with that, Dean disappeared back behind the red curtain.
Y/N went back to her spot, shot Sam a reassuring look, and ordered another drink. Dean would be fine, she knew, but she still felt a little bad. Maybe she should have gotten him drunk first… that always seemed to help.
"Alright alright, ladies…” The DJ’s voice boomed over the crowd as a familiar guitar riff filled the air. “...coming to the stage…” Y/N’s eyes lifted to the curtain. “Ready to cure whatever’s ailin' ya…give it up for Doctor...Sexy!"
As the drums kicked in, a cowboy boot peeked out from the break in the curtain. Y/N watched as the boot slid out, accompanied by a leg clad bright green hospital scrubs. Tentatively, the man pushed through the curtain, and Y/N gasped in delighted shock as Dr. Sexy, M.D. made his stage debut. Dean had scrounged up the perfect costume: a white lab coat atop ugly scrubs, his boots, and a stethoscope slung around his neck.
‘Your love is like bad medicine… bad medicine is what I need… oh whoa oh…’
It was clear from his expression that Dean did not pick the song, but he went along with it, slowly making his way across the stage. The women in the front row went wild as he flashed a grin, and Y/N watched as their cheering worked magic on him. His confidence seemed to grow as wide as his smile, and Dean spun around, coyly slipping out of his lab coat as he shook his ass for the crowd.
‘I ain't got a fever, got a permanent disease...and it'll take more than a doctor to prescribe a remedy…’
With the lab coat tossed aside, Dean locked his hands around the stethoscope and pulled it slowly back and forth across his shoulders as he faced forward again. A particularly drunk brunette at the front of the stage stood up and waved a wad of bills at Dean, who smirked and leaned down, flipping the stethoscope off of his shoulders and onto hers. She screamed and shoved the bills in his chest pocket before falling back into her seat.
‘That's what you get for falling in love… you get a little, but it's never enough…’
Y/N watched from her spot in the corner as Dean soaked up all the love from the room. He was totally over his nerves, and teased the crowd by lifting the hem of his shirt just enough to give a sneak peek of his tummy.
‘That's what you get for falling in love… and now this boy's addicted. ‘cause your kiss is the drug…’
In one quick motion, Dean peeled off his shirt and held it aloft, twirling it in the air as the ladies went crazy. He whooped and hollered, and sent the shirt flying off into the shadows behind him. If Y/N didn’t know any better, she’d be sure he’d done this before.  
‘Shake it up, just like bad medicine… there ain't no doctor that can cure my disease…’
Dean was full on dancing at this point, running a hand down his smooth chest and popping his hips to thunderous applause. Y/N was trying to watch the crowd, inspecting each face to weed out the murderous god, but it was getting harder to focus.
‘Bad, bad, medicine…’
Suddenly, Dean jumped and spread his bowed legs wide. His hands flew down to his thick thighs and Y/N nearly fainted when he ripped away the fake scrubs, popping the snaps down along his legs.
‘There ain't no paramedic...going to save this heart attack…’
Dean Winchester stood under the bright spot light, naked but for his brown cowboy boots and a bright red thong that barely held his package in place.
‘That's what you get for falling in love…’
Y/N’s eyes glazed over as she watched Dean dance over to the pole center stage. He lifted one leg, and hooked his knee around the metal, holding on with his left hand as his right waved and invisible lasso above his head. As Dean humped the pole, riding it like a horse off into the neon pink sunset, Y/N’s mind filled with a thousand ideas, and she started making a list of all the things she was going to do to him when the case finally closed.
‘Shake it up, just like bad medicine...your love's the potion that can cure my disease…’
Dean finished to a round of applause that nearly drowned out Bon Jovi’s wailing. He flashed Y/N a quick wink before parting the curtain with an exaggerated wave of his hands and disappearing into the back.
‘Bad, bad medicine.’
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Y/N was still staring dreamily at the stage when Sam tapped on her shoulder. She jumped up, startled from her fantasy, and nearly spilled her drink.
“Fuck, Sam!”
“You OK?” he laughed.
“I mean, yeah. Way to give a girl a heart attack.”
Sam raised a brow and teased her a bit. “I figured Dean already did.”
Y/N’s eyes glazed over again as Bon Jovi played in her head. “Mhmm.”
Sam shook his head and moved out of the light as the DJ took the stage once more to announce the winners. One by one, the runners up came to take a final bow, and when second place was announced, a shout of surprise left Y/N’s lips.
“Doctor Sexy!”
The crowd cheered, waiting for the handsome doc to return, but Dean did not reappear.
“Paging Doctor Sexy!” The DJ tried again, but the curtain was still. “OK...moving on…”
Y/N didn't wait around to see who took home the grand prize. She and Sam snuck backstage just in time to see the tiny blonde bartender whacking Dean over the back of the head with an industrial sized bottle of baby oil.
“You bitch!” Y/N yelled as she raced forward. Dean slumped to the floor and the interrupted deity took off, rushing towards the fire exit. Sam gave chase as Y/N collected Dean from the ground, pausing to wipe a mess of glitter from his sweaty brow.
His eyes fluttered open as she lay his head carefully in her lap.
“Hey, baby,” she smiled.
“Did I… did I win?” he asked, blinking up at her, only slightly concussed.
Y/N nodded and gave him a gentle smile as she caressed his cheek. “You did great, Dean. You took second place!”
In the distance, a shot rang out as Sam took down the offending god with a magical bullet, and Dean frowned up at Y/N. “Second place?” he groaned. “Son of a bitch. Fuckin’ Bon Jovi…”
Y/N would have laughed, but Dean passed out in her arms then, and she found it just a bit tacky to giggle.  
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“Second place. Second place. Did they see my pole work? I was freaking amazing out there.”
Y/N nodded from the bed, watching with a smile as Dean paced the room, lamenting his loss. “You were great, babe. Totally hot.”
“Second place? Come on! That fireman guy had nothing on me. Did you see what I did with the stethoscope? Did you see?”
“Yes! I saw! It was awesome!” Y/N said quickly, hoping he would stop his belly aching. Sam had gone out to grab dinner from Biggerson’s, using the gift card that Dean had won as his prize, and she really didn’t want to spend their limited alone time crying over a contest he didn’t even want to enter.
Dean spun around to face her, his mouth drawn in a ridiculous frown. “I was good,” he said with a pout.
Y/N stood up slowly and went to him, taking his hand firmly in hers as she tried her best to comfort him. “You were the best, baby.” She kissed his hand, but his frown remained. “Absolutely the best.” A hand on his chest, a kiss to his cheek. “Not a dry seat in the house.” That one made him break, and he bit back a laugh, enjoying playing the victim.
“You think so?”
“Oh, most definitely. I know I was excited.” Her lips met his finally as she kissed his troubles away. She licked her lips when she pulled back and looked up into his eyes with devious intent. “Show me that thing again?” she whispered. “The thing you did with your hips…”
Dean pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow as his hands settled on her ass. “Which thing? This thing?” He pulled her close as he rolled his hips forward, pressing himself between her legs.
“That's the one!”
Sam should have known better, should have seen the signs, but he was tired. Three takeout bags and a six pack were balanced in his arms as he fumbled with the room key, barely noticing the obvious noises that sounded behind the door. He kicked it open and stumbled inside, dropping the bags on the table before turning to close the door.
“Heya, Sammy!”
Sam turned towards Dean’s voice at the exact wrong moment and got an eye full for the second time that day. “Jesus!”
Dean laughed from his spot on the floor, hovering over Y/N who hid her face in shame. “You can just call me Dean,” he said with a cocky grin.
“God, I’ve seen enough of your ass today!” Sam shouted as he spun back towards the door.
“Well, I’d leave now, then.” Dean warned as he rolled onto his side, pulling Y/N with him. “Or you’re gonna see a whole lot more!”  
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*If you read this far, won’t you please let me know? all it takes is one click of one little heart...*
FOREVERS (closed): @akshi8278 @allinhishands @amanda-teaches @atc74 @autopistaaningunaparte @because-imma-lady-assface @blanketmadeofstar @blushingdean @brewsthespirit-blog @brooke-supernatural16 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @cassieraider @charliebradbury1104 @charred-angelwings @chelsea072498 @chrisevansisdaddy04 @chumi-la-chula @courtney-elizabeth-winchester @crispychrissy @daughterleftbehind @docharleythegeekqueen @dustycelt @dylanosprayberry03 @emoryhemsworth @emptywithout @erin654 @evansrogerskitten @evyiione @faithfullpanicmoon @fallenangelsneverfade @fandomismyspiritanimal @fandom-queen-of-wonderland @fangirlofeverythingme @fatalcrossbow @feelmyroarrrr @findingfitnessforme @flormolero @frenchybell @fuckyeahfeysand @geekgirl1213 @ginasmith @grace-for-sale @growningupgeek @hair-dresses @hexparker @icequeen6666 @idreamofhazel @ilsawasanacrobat @imascreamerbabymakemeamute @impalaimagining @im-super-potter-locked @jayankles @jessilliam-caronday @jesspfly @jocelyn-of-the-jellyfish @jpadjackles @just-another-winchester @katelynbkool @katymacsupernatural @kdfrqqg @lauren-novak @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @lefthologramdeer @lipstickandwhiskey @luciisthebest @mandilion76 @meganwinchester1999 @mery-magizoologist @michellethetvaddict @milkymilky-cocopuff @missselinakitty @mistressofallthingsgeeky @mjdoc90 @mrsbatesmotel53 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @musicgleenerd @myfand0msandm0re @naviwhite @newtospnfandom @nichtlisax @notesfromalabprincess @obsessivecompulsivespn @ohmychuckitssamanddean @percussiongirl2017 @pinknerdpanda @poukothenerd @purrculiar @queen-of-deans-booty @ridingmoxley @riversong-sam @roxy-davenport @roxyspearing @samisimportant @saxxxology @sgarrett49 @sireennotsiren @skadi-winterfell @snarkpunsandsarcasm @sofreddie @sophiebobzz @spn-fan-girl-173 @spnjunky @super100012 @supernaturaldean67 @supernatural-girl97 @supernaturallymarvellous @super-not-naturall @tennesseewhiskey-and-pie @theoutlinez @there-must-be-a-lock @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @thinkwritexpress-official @tmccarney @trexrambling @turnttover @typicalweirdbookworm @walkingkhaleesi @waiting-to-find-myshadows @wayward-marvel-sommer1196 @winchesterprincessbride @wordstothewisereaders @wotinspntarnation @xxmizzlexx
The Dean’s List:
@aubreystilinski @bringmesomepie56 @colagirl5 @daydreamingjane @ericaprice2008 @fangirl-brat @gallxntdean @girliciousdreams @hannahsakorax3 @jealousbitxh @jojo-nz @juniorhuntersam @kathaswings @keepcalmimthecupcake @lavieenlex @lostsoulsworlds @love-me-some-pie21 @nerdwholikesword @niamandthings @oreosatmidnight @paleogamrgrl @pilaxia @polina-93 @ria132love @salvachester @samikitten @shamelesslydean @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman @spontaneousam @sweetpeamoose @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @thehardcoveraddict  @torn-and-frayed @valerieshubin @wanderlustnightwanderer @waywardlodging @winchasterdean @winchesterdemon67 @winchestergirl607 @winchester-writes
@born-to-be-his-baby88 (bc bon jovi)
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looneyllama-archive · 6 years
Over Our Heads: Chapter 7
Also available on ao3 or on Fanfiction.net
This is the final chapter of this story, but a sequel is in the works!  Thank you to all who have read!  
tw: body horror, gore
Chapter 7            “Uncle Milford?” The sound of Stephanie coming home was usually welcome, but that night, it made Mayor Meanswell stiffen in his chair.  He responded with a tremor in his tone.            “Um, hello, Stephanie.”              “Are Sportacus and Robbie back yet?”            “Well...yes.” Milford visibly cringed.  Lying to his sweet niece seemed so cruel, but she was so young and innocent, telling her the truth would be crueler.            “They need time to...rest.  Yes, rest and recover.  Just for a little while.”              “Oh, ok.”   Her shoulders fell, but Stephanie seemed satisfied.  She gave her uncle a brief hug before trudging toward her room.  Suddenly, the girl’s nostrils began to burn; she had to pull her shirt up over her nose and mouth to breath with the intense stench of bleach hanging in the air.              “Whew!  Did this place really need to be so clean, Uncle Milford?” The mayor leapt out of his chair and scrambled toward Stephanie.  She tensed, seeing the look on his face.              “Uncle, what’s wrong?”            “N-nothing!  There’s nothing to worry about.” Milford forced himself to take a deep breath, and plastered on a too-wide grin.            “Just some early spring cleaning, that’s all!”   With an eyebrow raised, Stephanie glanced down to the end of the hall, and noticed that the door of their guest bedroom was closed.             “Is someone staying with us?” Swallowing hard, Milford positioned himself between his niece and the rest of the hallway.              “Yes, actually.  Um, I offered Mr. Rotten the guest room for his recovery.  His home is...well, it’s not the best environment for that sort of thing.”   Stephanie nodded, thinking of the strange sounds that often emanated from Robbie’s lair.              “I don’t suppose I could visit him?”              ”NO!”   Shocked, the girl took a step back.  She had never heard her uncle use that tone of voice before.  Milford inhaled shakily, trying to regain control.              “I’m sorry, Stephanie, I didn’t mean to shout.  But you must not go into that room, do you hear me?  Don’t even go near it.”              “Ok...”            “Promise me, Stephanie!”            “I—I promise!” Milford scrutinized her expression, and saw only sincerity.  Suddenly, he fell to one knee and wrapped his arms around his niece.  Stephanie was surprised, but returned the hug.  She could faintly hear him mumbling, talking more to himself than her.              “Hold onto your innocence, my dear, for as long as you can.”   Finally, Milford released her, and turned to walk back to the living room.  She stared for a moment with a knotted brow, then went to her room and quietly shut the door.   Days later, children of Lazytown sat dejectedly in the treehouse, save for Trixie, who paced back and forth.              “I swear, the grownups are hiding something!” Stephanie followed the agitated girl with her gaze and sighed.              “Trixie, I think you’re making a big deal out of nothing.”            “Or maybe you’re being too calm about a big problem!  I mean, come on—Sportacus wouldn’t ditch us for this long on purpose, and Robbie Rotten hasn’t tried a scheme in nearly a week!”              “She’s got a point, Steph.”   Staring at his computer-watch, Pixel clarified.            “Enough time has passed for an adult human to regain their strength and be well into the healing process for minor injuries, but we still haven’t seen or heard from either of them.  If it were just Robbie, then it would make more sense, but Sportacus...it’s not like him to ignore us.” Silence fell in the treehouse as everyone took this in.  Finally, Stingy spoke up.              “Do you think they’re really badly hurt, and that’s why it’s taking so long?”   Pixel nodded gravely, making Ziggy whimper.  Crossing her arms, Stephanie stood up and faced her friends.            “My uncle told me that Robbie and Sportacus were ok, and I believe him.  Things will be back to normal soon, I know it!”            “Stephanie...what if he lied?” The moment the words left her mouth, Trixie wished she could take them back so she wouldn’t have to see Stephanie’s face fall.  It did fall, however, and the rest of the girl slumped back to the floor.  Pixel and Stingy looked at her with sympathy, but soon cast their gazes down.  Ziggy continued to hold back tears.              “I miss Sportacus.”   Wordlessly, Stephanie scooted over and wrapped the boy in a hug.  He let the tears fall.   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The elf, curled in his hastily-dug burrow, opened his eyes.  The sun was finally setting, and it was time to continue his search.  He sat on his haunches, nose in the air, desperate for a whiff of his scent.   The one he had sworn to protect.   The one who he would have as his mate.   There was just a trace of a sugary smell in the air, but it was enough for the elf.  He loped on all fours in the direction of the scent.  It got stronger as he approached a clearing, and the elf put on a burst of speed.  Suddenly, he stopped.  The sugar smell here was mixed with that of rot.  Letting out a whine, the elf crawled around the clearing.  He could detect his own scent, as well as that of the one who had threatened his mate.  A growl started in his throat, but he wasn’t distracted from his task.   He cautiously approached several foul puddles on the ground.  They stank of rot—and of his mate.  The combination made his heart ache, and elicited a mournful howl.  Frantically, the elf doubled his efforts, desperate for a sign that his mate was still alive.  He stopped at another puddle, different from the others.  There was a new scent present alongside that of his mate.  More sniffing nearby revealed a trail that led out of the clearing.   His mate had been here, and someone had taken him away.              “Screeeee!!” The elf keened as he dashed out of the clearing and toward the town.   In Lazytown, the children were just putting away their sports equipment from the day’s activities.              “Was anyone else hoping that Sportacus would show up to join in?  Or that Robbie would try to stop us?” The others nodded in response to Pixel’s query.  Stephanie’s shoulders slumped.            “It’s just not the same without—“            “Look!” At Stingy’s yell, all the kids snapped to attention.  A blond-headed figure far down the path was running toward them.              “Is that—“ “Sportacus!”            Cheers erupted from the children as they sprinted toward the hero.  Trixie ran with the others, but as they got closer, her smile faded. Sportacus was still wearing the leather armor he had on when he left, save for the boots.  His feet, as well has his hands and head, were bare.  Rust-colored stains covered his clothing, skin, and hair.  Strangest of all, instead of his usual perfect posture, the hero was hunched over, not even looking at them.              “Guys, wait!”   She grabbed Stingy and Pixel by their arms.              “Hey, let go!” Stephanie stopped in her tracks to look back.            “Trixie, what are you doing?!”            “Something’s not right here!” The kids followed Trixie’s gaze to Sportacus.  Stephanie’s eyes widened.              “Is...is that blood?” As they stared down the path, they realized that the youngest member of the group hadn’t stopped.              “Ziggy, come back!”   So intent on reaching Sportacus, the blond boy didn’t pay any attention to the cries behind him.  The other kids looked at each other fearfully before taking off after him.              “Ziggy, STOP!”   Still deaf to their warnings, Ziggy skidded to a stop right in front of Sportacus.  The others held their breath, but the elf didn’t even seem to notice the child in his path.              “Sportacus!  Oh, I missed you so much!  I was eating lots and lots of sportscandy when you were gone so I’d have a ton energy to play when you got back!” Ziggy closed the gap between them and threw his arms around the hero’s waist.              “SKREEEEE!” The children clapped their hands over their ears, but their eyes were wide.  In one swift movement, Sportacus has torn Ziggy off his waist and pinned him to the ground.  The child was frozen stiff with fear, staring into Sportacus’s black eyes.  The elf showed sharp, blood-stained teeth as he hovered above Ziggy’s throat and tensed in preparation to strike.   Suddenly, the elf stopped and inhaled deeply. He let out a low, guttural sound that made Ziggy’s breath catch in his throat.  Sportacus approached the child again, but instead of baring his teeth, he stuck out his tongue and dragged it across Ziggy’s hairline.  With that, the elf leapt off the boy and started again toward town. As he left, Sportacus still taste Ziggy on his tongue, and was glad for the reminder.  With his cub’s scent almost completely masked by the stench of preservatives, he would need to give him a thorough grooming later.   The children stared after the running elf in shock.  Then, they turned their gazes to the boy on the ground.            “Ziggy?  Are you ok?”            “I...I think so.” He swabbed at his face with his sleeve.             “Eww.” Trixie hauled Ziggy to his feet and helped dust him off.            “I think we’d better go tell the mayor that Sportacus is back.”            “And that he’s gone nuts!” Pixel squinted toward the town.  Tapping his goggles, he zoomed in on the elf.                “...I don’t think we’ll have to.” The other four children turned to Pixel; his face was pale and bloodless.             “Sportacus is in front your house, Stephanie.  He’s-he’s clawing down the door!” The pink-haired girl gasped.              “Uncle Milford!” Before anyone could stop her, she had zoomed down the path, making a beeline for her house.  Stephanie reached the door just as the elf broke in, and she followed him inside.  Tears obscured her vision, but she could make out her uncle in the kitchen, cowering under the intruder’s gaze.              “Sportacus, it’s me, Stephanie!  Please don’t hurt Uncle Milord!”  He glared at the girl over his shoulder; she shivered as she met his black, cold eyes.  To her relief, Sportacus turned away from her uncle to leap over the counter, making a beeline for the guest bedroom.  Stephanie rushed to Mayor Meanswell and threw her arms around him.  The two clung to each other as crashes sounded from the hall.  Neither dared to move when Sportacus came back into view, dragging Robbie Rotten’s decaying corpse behind him.   Sportacus emerged from the house, Robbie in tow.  With surprising gentleness, he laid the fae facedown on the Mayor’s front lawn.  Blue light gathered in the elf’s hand as he waved it above Robbie’s back.  Suddenly, Sportacus stilled his hand above the gaping hole between the fae’s wings.  As he clenched his fingers, Robbie’s flesh and skin crept back together, closing the oozing wound.  The elf was shaking profusely, as if his hand were an iron weight, but he clenched his teeth and continued to heal Robbie.  With one final burst of energy, Sportacus closed the hole and brought his hand down on the new skin.  An intense blue light blinded the townsfolk who has dared to watch the ordeal.  By the time their vision cleared, all of the plants within ten feet of Robbie had rotted, and the fae himself had opened his eyes.   The onlookers stood frozen as Robbie slowly raised himself off the ground, pale and sickly but alive.              “Ugh, I feel like I’ve been hit by a train.  What happened?”   Robbie’s voice cut through Sportacus’s clouded mind, and the elf blinked rapidly.  As his eyes returned to normal, so did his perception of the world.  Robbie wasn’t his mate, the kids weren’t his cubs, and the mayor wasn’t his enemy!  What had he been thinking?!   Sportacus cleared his throat, and the children flinched at the guttural sound.  The explanation he had been preparing died in his throat.  What had he done?!            “Kids, I’m so sorry!  I—I don’t know what came over me!”   The children stared back in stony silence.  Sportacus felt tears pricking at his eyes when the mayor finally stepped forward.              “Sportacus...” He took a deep breath, struggling to remove the tremor from his voice.              “I’ll be expecting you in town hall tomorrow.  We need to discuss this.”   The elf hung his head.              “Yes sir.”              “In the meantime, I request that everyone return to their homes.  Mr. Rotten, if you feel you haven’t fully recovered, you are welcome to spend another night in my guest bedroom.”              “Um, thanks.  But if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather get back to my lair.”   Robbie got to his feet.  He felt a cool breeze on his thighs and cringed.              “And get some clothes that aren’t made of leaves!”   Covering as much of his chest as he could with his arms, the fae ran out of the town without looking back.  The other townsfolk, previously as still as statues, began to disperse.  They too avoided looking at the elf.   Finally, Sportacus stood alone.  Exhaustion hit him like a ton of bricks, and he had to force his legs to carry him toward his airship.  It lit up at his arrival, but the AI knew enough to remain silent when its elf was in this state.   Sportacus manually guided the ship into the sky.  When it was as far above Lazytown as physically possible, he set it to remain at the current altitude and left the pilot seat.  Through the glass cockpit, the elf watched the town he had terrorized. Then, tears blurred his vision, and he could watch no more. 
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therealestvc · 7 years
Abridged Max chapter 4
Chloe, Kate, and Victoria stood in front of other Max who looked like she wanted to be somewhere else. "What do you want?" She spoke with an irritated tone and started tapping her foot hoping the time would go by quicker. "Maxine, we need to know where you came from" Victoria asked while the other just stood by her. Other Max rolled her eyes and cringed at the sound of Victoria's voice. "First off Vicky...mah name is mahx, who the fuck is Maxine? And second you should know this by now, ughhh when a mommy and daddy love each other very much they g-" other Max answer before being cut off by Victoria. Victoria put her hand to stop other Max describing the birds and bees, she didn't want to hear that discussion again her nanny already told her that when she was younger. Kate and Chloe tried to muffle their laughs at Max's comment about the gift of life. "Ok...eww I already know that but I mean you're obviously not from here, what happened...no ugh...when did yo-ugh nevermind" Victoria finished throwing her arms up in frustration. Other Max smirked like she knew she had won, she started walking off leaving the other three confused. Once she is out of sight, Kate speaks up "now what do we do?" Turning towards the others, Victoria after her mind embarrassment just shrugs, Chloe sees this and jump in with an awfully good idea "let's watch the rest of that video series". Finding nothing better to do, they all go back to Victoria's room for another video watching session. After watching the second episode of the YouTube series, they all thought about other ways to get their Max back. "Ohh ohh I have an idea!! Pick on me!! Please please!!" Chloe started jumping up and down like a little kid. The other rolled their eyes cracking a smile at Chloe's antics "what is it Chloe!?" They said to her. Chloe sat down "well Vicky you said Max hit her head before she started acting different...soo what if the same thing happened to this Max and the only way to get her back to repeat the action?" She quickly said waiting for their responses. The other two looked at her confused, Chloe tends to do that when giving ideas. Victoria finally got what Chloe was saying and reassured Kate of it. The three devised a scheme to get other Max to come over there then they would knock her over the head with a book or fruit...the only hard part was getting Max to come to Kate's room willingly. Kate was the chosen one for the task, since other Max would've insulted Chloe that she would beat her up and other Max just didn't like Victoria. She was to approach other Max in the hallway and proposition her for a make out session. Kate was feeling rather nervous about that but they reassured her that it wouldn't happen. Everything was going according to plan, Kate approached other Max in the hallway. "Oh Max, I was just thinking about you and how we never got to make out and if you wanted to then I would be up for it" Kate saying internally cringing. Other Max looked thoughtfully about the offer 'I hope this isn't a trap' she thought before accepting the offer. Kate lead the way silently cheering because it had actually worked. Once they reached Kate's room, on the other side of the door stood Victoria and Chloe, Chloe had a big ass book in her hand...from the library. Once the door knob turned Chloe would hit other Max in the head. Simple task. Right? Wrong! Other Max decided it wasn't the right time to accept such an offer from Kate and said they could later, then mumbled something about going to go beat up Warren then left. Chloe still thought she was going to hit other Max in the head. So she was ready. Kate sighed walking back to her dorm room, she had forgotten about Chloe standing there with the big book ready to swing so when she opened her door she was met with a whack on her head sending her falling on her back. "Yes! Yes! We did it!!! We did it!!! Vicky did you see that? Kate did you se-oh" Chloe said then looked down to see Kate laying there with a big bump on her head, quickly they helped Kate up. Victoria went to the nurses to get her some ice. "Hehe, sorry about that bun bun...I thought you were Max, where is she?" Chloe asked rubbing the back of her neck. Kate sat down on her bed, Victoria had returned with the bag of ice and a towel to wrap the ice around. She took the ice and towel with a silent thank you. Putting the ice on the bump she winced "she said we could later then something about beating up Warren then left...ow by the way it's okay Chloe" she smiled at Chloe. Now they were at a total lose for what to do about the situation. They all put their heads together...thinking about what to do to get their Max back, 30 minutes have gone by with nothing. Victoria was walking back and forth, she realized something and stopped. 'The spell books', she got the others attention "Kate there has to be something in one of the spell books right?". She started looking for the right book prompting Kate and Chloe to look through. Kate found her old book on portals and other other universes. She dusted off the book, since her room was already turned into the lair they all sat down at the table, she flipped through the pages then found the portal spell it read: The Portal Spell One must enter and another must leave, (warning:if another's from another dimension enters their world with their regular in there then reality will be altered) That meant that it was certain to keep the other version of the person busy until their regular person was ready to return then they would simultaneously switch places. But who would be the right person for the task? Kate thought about Victoria but other Victoria from the abridged Arcadia Bay would get into a fight with abridged Max. It had to be Chloe. Kate prepped the spell ready, Chloe stood ready..to get abridged Chloe in their world, they would have place the portal somewhere that abridged Chloe would be so they could quickly swap. In the magic mirror ball, abridged Chloe was in the junkyard. Kate spoke the spell words then the door appeared, they all hoped that this would work. Chloe stepped into the portal door with abridged Chloe entering their world. "Yo yo yo! What is up my homedogs?!" She spoke with a surfer type voice. 'Oh boy' they both thought before greeting this Chloe. She was easier to deal with their Chloe. Other Max walked back to Kate's room, she was ready for the makeout session she was about to knock on her door then she heard a familiar voice. 'Oh mah gosh, is that mah best friend Chloe?' She thought knocking on Kate's door and was confirmed right about her best friend Chloe who stood by Victoria, the two looked at each other and ran to hug each other. "Chloe I'm so glad you are here! This place is just soooo boringggg like it has more rules than our school. Let's leave this dump!" Other Max quips. Other Chloe nodded her head, she said they could go back to their place with that fancy gadget that she came out. Oh boy they were talking about the portal. Kate and Victoria remembered about the rule about not having the other person go in. They had to find a way to distract those two while Chloe was getting their Max back. Victoria thought for a minute then got her phone out texting Courtney to get her some weed and to put it in the junkyard. Once Courtney gave her the okay, she got the other Max and other Chloe attention. "Hey you guys! How would you like going on a treasure hunt?!" She said with such enthusiasm to convince the other of her friends. Both of their faces looked like they just won the lottery. "Hell yeah!" They said. Victoria quickly made a map that was foolproof and had Courtney put clues in the select places. It lead straight to the junkyard where their prize was waiting for them. She gave them the map once they left, she let out a big sigh before crashing down on Kate's couch. Kate gave her a soft smile. 'What trouble could those two get into?'. The other two versions of Chloe and Max set out their little adventure,the first stop was to look at the totem pole for the next clue, it read:splish splash let's go swimming...the swimming pool of course! They ran to the swimming pool both happy to spend time with each other. "Yo Max I missed you so much, that other Max is boring and doesn't want to smoke the Mary Jane" other Chloe expressed as they walked to find the next clue. Other Max snickered "likewise, most people at this town are lame and don't know how to have fun..I missed you too" they found the next clue, it lead them to the train tracks. Once they reached the train tracks, other Max recounted the time that other Chloe got her boot stuck in them..the two spent that time laughing, the next clue was on the train tracks it lead them to other Chloe's hangout where the treasure was. They walked into other Chloe's hangout and looked for the treasure. They searched for ten minutes before other Chloe shouted "YO! MAX ITS DA MARY JANE!!!" Other Max turned her attention to where other Chloe was. The two gave knowing looks, automatically deciding they would smoke at Chloe's house. They arrived at Chloe's house in Chloe's truck, rushed upstairs and started smoking the couple of joints Victoria left them. David being the person he is, immediately noticed the smell and where it was coming from. "Chloe" he said angrily. The two friends were relaxing on Chloe's bed when they heard a hard knock on Chloe's door with a loud voice. "CHLOE!! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT TOKING UP IN HERE!?" David yelled through the door. Other Chloe retorted back "ahh! Will you chill out bro and go find some terrorists?" David horrified by that voice yelled Joyce's name and then scrambled off saying something about knowing the weed would do this to them. Joyce laughed at David's statement, "oh David leave them alone...stop being so paranoid" she even walked to Chloe's room to ensure David that he was losing it. She opened Chloe's door, she spoke "girls could you please stop smoking in here?". Other Chloe wide eyed replied "oh my gosh mom that's how your voice sounds?! Whoaaa". Joyce backed away from the door then fainted. The other Chloe and other Max just shrugged then lit up another joint. In another universe, it was just like Arcadia Bay. Chloe stood in the junkyard, she couldn't text Victoria and Kate because an interference with the different universes. She thought scared out of her mind 'where are you maxiepad?' Then headed to her truck, determined to get their Max back.
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