hate5sixofficial · 3 years
Cruel Hand June 27, 2021 Reverb Reading, PA
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aboutfailing · 7 years
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Throwback to better days. 
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bridge9 · 7 years
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5 years since these came out as part of the Bridge Nine Mystery Box series! 📷: via Tumblr #bridgenine #expire #expirehc #strikeanywhere #cruelhand #cruelhandhc #b9mysterybox
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cairis-in-the-field · 6 years
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“Here’s a face that hasn’t been seen in a while!  Welcome back, Commander Seiban.”
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crownofwhispers · 7 years
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“ …………. ”
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Today's #radiostation.🕺🏼Tape from 2011? #pullingteeth #pullingteethhc #baltimore #eurotour #tape #trapthem #incendiary #cruelhand #naysayer #etc (at Brighton and Hove)
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a879a4-blog · 7 years
cruelhanded replied to your post:
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sumrakov-blog · 7 years
cruelhanded replied to your post: Taps microphone- yeah why's sumra such a wiener...
Bitch if Seiban stepped on Sumra he’d cream gtfo of here
ooc;; how dare you spread these lies about my boy??
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"I can't believe you two are fighting over dicks"
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cairis-in-the-field · 7 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (sorry this is so late :') )
They haven’t interacted much; Cairis has tried to catch Commander Seiban’s attention long enough to ASK for an interview much less conduct one.
But she’s seen him; lithe and tall, with that gorgeous mane and that wicked smirk and those clever fingers.  She wants to know what that smirk feels like; tastes like.
Every time she sees it, that’s the only thought that fills her head: I want to know what beautiful Seiban’s smirk tastes like.
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (shows up late with starbucks)
SEND ME ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) TO HEAR A DIRTY THOUGHT MY MUSE HAS HAD ABOUT YOURS | Closed until Next Sinday or Something [ Just Catching Up ]
              Valoren and her team had notbeen warned about Seiban’s light system outside his lab, though in retrospectthe colours should have made the situation obvious: green was a universal symbolof “go” and red was “stop,” after all, and yet they had chosen to overlook thisfact and enter during one of the red lit days. Lufir – weak stomached and naïveas he was – did not last past the initial opening of the door: he whisperedexcuses as he hurriedly pushed back, a hand firmly clasped over his mouth ashorrified eyes glassed over in shock at the sight contained within.
The propagandist didnot even so much as blink, beyond making an idle joke about if a seat was taken,and politely setting aside some piece ofa creature that she could not identify, un-phased by the blood that stained intoher hands from the gore. Valoren had almostthought she had seen a quirk at Seiban’s lips as he worked, but that couldhave been a trick of the lighting and nothing more. Still, she had been pleasedto think that she may have earned some sense of amusement from the man.
It would certainly havebeen an honour, if it was true.
Valoren was allowedto stay so long as she was quiet – for once – and she rarely broke the silence beyondthe occasional genuine question of curiosity directly related to his work. Noprying questions for some gossip article, no “get to know the Commander,”nothing so banal. That was Cairis’ job, not her own. This was markedprofessional curiosity in what the Creatorcould do, and what he was currently elbow-deep in the body cavity of. Even withher experience with the Universe, Valoren could not identify the specimen – butit was really no matter. Who (or more aptly what) it was no longer mattered.
What the Commanderwas going to yield from it did.
She looked up fromwhere she was taking her own notes on what Seiban had informed her (somethingabout the creature’s unique structure – the words were escaping her quitesuddenly) in time to see his tongue dart out to lick a stray bit of blood awayfrom the corner of his lips. Valoren swallowed, drawn to that point in thoughtas her stylus ceased moving across the surface of her datapad. The action hadcome so reactionarily – so idly and without thought – that Seiban had not somuch as blinked or looked up from his work. Simply went on as if nothing hadtaken place.
Of course, perhapsfor him it was nothing. For Valoren it was quite something. Quite distracting,at least. Because be damned if that had not drawn her full attention back tothe Commander’s lips, usually curved into a self-satisfied smirk with his workthat was so delightfully sensual init’s own right. Valoren often wondered if he was aware of that. She wondered ifenough blood splattered on the Commander, would it prompt him to wash it away? Hewould have to untie his locks for that, run long digits through soft curls tourge the filth away… That he didn’t revel in, that was.
She imagined,instead, having leaned across the corpse herself, placing one hand inside theopen chasm of it’s chest to steady herself, to lick away the blood from hischeek for him before turning her headin to give it to Seiban in offering. It was a mere fantasy – she doubted hewould ever allow such an exchange – but in her mind he opened his mouth andaccepted as she licked the blood onto his own tongue, sharing the taste betweenthem, capturing his soft moan into her being.
One kiss would notbe enough. One never was.
With Seiban, shecould not picture the aggressor – she or he. They were more evenly matched inthe physique department, but he did have military training behind him. It wouldcome down to need and passion, and what hermind wanted. It supplied eager hands pushing an empty corpse aside, herbody backing his onto the table in it’s place as she climbed atop his. Theywere teeth and claws – there was no love between them, only passion fuelled byneed, want, and fleeting lust – and oneof them was bleeding. The fantasy blurred the line between who and which(sometimes she saw red on her, then look down and it was his flesh in her mouth), but pressing urgent kisseslower and lower remained.
“Let me worship at the alter of our Creator.”She whispered, teeth catching at his inner thigh.
Valoren feltherself jump slightly as a loud sound drew her attention back to Seiban and hiswork. The Commander frowned, displeased with something in the progress, andValoren took it as cue enough to pay further attention. Fantasies could waituntil she was back in her rooms.
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ℒ fall in friend-love with me nakul
Send ℒ For My Muse’s Reaction to Suddenly Realizing They’re in Love With Yours. - (Accepting for shits and giggles oh christ here we go)
    Between which stroke of his hair did she finally admit it to herself? How many rumbling purrs against her chest warmed her heart? When had her friend become so very dear to her? They simply clicked so perfectly, so different in many ways, and yet each other’s compliment in infinitely more. 
    She lay with her hands threading through that snow-white tuft on the crown of his head, slowly massaging circles with her fingers, making her way through every soft silky inch, delighting in the way each pass brought yet more rumbles from his throat. He was doing that thing again, that adorable smile with just the barest hint of his tongue peeking through. A tell she learned meant he was entirely happy, and seeing it made a smile creep up her lips.
    When did his happiness become my own? There was never anything romantic between them, no butterflies, no odd forlorn looks, nothing except the most pure and absolute comfort and warmth in his presence. However, there was, as always, a little icy dagger that pierced her heart, warning her of the inevitability of his loss, a reminder of unavoidable pain, that ugly gut-wrenching fear.
    But it was entirely hopeless, she mused to herself, there was no turning back. And really now, she had no desire to let this go. To let him go. Perhaps she’d allow this slice of happiness, this peace, this selfish indulgence, just this once. Because beyond any doubt, he felt like home.
                                       …and I love him.
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wrathtied · 7 years
cruelhanded replied to your post: so there’s a dark lance and a dark hunk and...
son are these the evil friends you’re bringing back to me in the empire, do I get a 2 for 1 package deal on evil children
dad im gonna bring back every evil human i find and hand them straight over to you as a gift merry galra christmas festive as hell vrepit sa
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a879a4-blog · 7 years
cruelhanded replied to your post: ღ?
why everybody wanna bully me gotdamn
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“ I don’t know; why do you look so bulliable? ”
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gsrmusic · 5 years
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Get ready for the winter with Cruel Hand. All Cruel Hand orders get a free baby blue 7", until the end of October. Get yours now via www.cruelhandmerch.eu
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sumrakov-blog · 7 years
“I think it’s time for you to bow, don’t you?”
The taller of the pair bares his fangs in defiance, fur bristling and ears pinned flat. He got on just fine with the Commander most days, but the man still really knew how to push his buttons. Every. Single. One of them.
“I only bow for my Emperor, Seiban.”
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