saltminerising · 2 years
RE post/705577652190314496; As an R and in Earth I can tell I am not a cryptobro, but which of us R's from earth man I'm here sweating bullets at being compared to shitbag cryptonerds
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madebymandyla · 1 year
Baddie SMP Starters
the one with the goat adventure
"Can you just stop streaming and go to bed?"
"Unless you're a Dick Cheney fan, I would stay out of my room."
"Not to be graphic, but chains and whips do excite him."
"This is the chill zone."
"Someone should spank my butt because I'm a loser."
"Look at the sun setting. So beautiful."
"I get comments about how proportionate my butt is all the time."
"We can sleep together outdoors."
"If you're not a cryptonerd like myself, you wouldn't get it."
"Why can't you just love each other?"
"You're robbing me of the laughter I deserve."
"I'm pretty sure I just told the best crypto/minecraft crossover joke of the century."
"But the glow squid makes me want to drown."
"She throws mason jars full of piss at people."
"Anybody wanna go find a freaking goat or what?"
"I need help finding you so I can kill you."
"Ever since the minecraft update, Cole Sprouse has been so ugly."
"I'm going to absolutely rob them blind, if that's okay."
"I can't pass a cave and not go in it."
"I'm gonna make so many pennies."
"I was gonna call it a bumble bee, but then I was like, wait a minute, I'm not five."
"I got potatoes and carrots. Fuck yeah."
"Can we make a statue of poverty?"
"I feel like I'm Jesus from the Holy Bible when he's at the part when he's in the desert."
"I'm just going to go ahead and say it. You guys make me chortle."
"Just as long as you don't have nefarious intentions."
"Don't tell anybody, but I'm not using proper nautical signaling."
"I didn't want to do this publicly, but you know what? Screw you."
"You just got rammed in your narrow ass by a goat?"
"Are the bees gonna kill me?"
"I wanted him to be my pet, but he hates me now."
"It's not about the goats you end up with, it's about the journey."
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btcmemes · 4 years
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What’s this? Just a non descriptive, couple inches of plastic. It doesn’t hold, all my hopes and dreams. Now put the blindfold on, please. 🤓 #badnerd #btcnerd #cryptonerd #nerdymemes #🤓memes #🤓 #🤓btcmemes #bad🤓 #btc🤓 #bitcoin🤓 #crypto🤓 (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBd49NnASZw/?igshid=1ehtz6uuft7bq
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fx-seatcheck · 3 years
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**** TURN PASSION INTO PROFIT **** Developing your personnel brand is the key to monetizing your passion online.... - No matter the critique the giggles, laughs or pointed fingers. Push for what your passion is.. few years back.. lost it all... current time walking tall. Now I don't sleep and won't till its complete... I'm on the verge of having it all - Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to make you happy your search for happiness will never end. #FxSeatCheck #CryptoNerd #CryptoWealth #NewMoneyGang #BitBoyCrypto <----- Georgia's Crypto Plug (at FxSeatcheck Currency Trading & Training) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNbaVq4gHEZ/?igshid=w6b8m9x4nn3n
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non-binharry · 3 years
but harry owns 2 teslas🙁🙁 so is t that means princess harry literally poured his money to satan? ohh but ofc we should talk about louis following that man more important!!!
lmao ask yourself why you really needed to send this to me because *nicki minaj voice* it's not that serious, trust me
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rbullsugarfree · 3 years
<the riddler 3301> pauldano¡riddler x reader chapter one
edward nashton falls in love with his blockchain partner.
context: cicada 3301 was one of, if not the biggest puzzle on the internet, it was posted on 4chan in 2012 and brought together many cryptonerds, of course, edward would be one of them. the part of this puzzle i used here has not been officially solved so i followed the steps of the youtuber cellbit in this videos. english subtitles are available.
Edward was searching the QR code on the poster now lying on his bed. The internet of the cheap Seattle hotel made the process a little difficult, but not impossible. The man stared at the image of the cicada between seconds as the website formed the message.
In twenty-nine volumes, knowledge was once contained.
How many lines of the code remained when the Mabinogion paused?
Go that far in from the beginning and find my first name.
The site continued with pairs of numbers that Edward quickly recognized as book codes.
Once again, that was the answer. He had read a good number of them to amuse his time at the orphanage. Of course, he preferred the puzzles, but they were not always available. Twenty-nine volumes of knowledge clearly referred to encyclopedias, figuring out which one of them was the problem.
He quickly opened the discord app hoping she was online, the solution to his problems, of course she was.
thewitchlands: did you find it?
theriddler: I did. It was a QR code
thewitchlands: and?
theriddler: I need to find twenty-nine volumes of encyclopedias
thewitchlands: twenty-nine volumes of encyclopedias or an encyclopedia of twenty-nine volumes?
Actually, encyclopedias used to be separated into more than a single volume. He needed to give her more credit, the girl he knew only as "thewitchlands" had been his blockchain partner for just over a year and now Edward, or "theriddler" as they referred to him on the internet, couldn't see himself doing anything without introducing her to him first.
theriddler: maybe it is.
He typed thoughtfully. The unfamiliar atmosphere was getting in the way of his thinking, he didn't like leaving Gotham City. The computer screen flashed with a new message.
thewitchlands: hey riddler
thewitchlands: send me the poster photo
Edward attached the photo of the poster with the QR code and the illustration of a cicada. He would never risk sending a picture of the code to another person, but she was special. He described her this way several times in his diaries: special.
He knew some things about her that she had never told him. He was not a stalker, just a very good detective. Not only that, but he knew that she lived in Metropolis, the city connected to Gotham, he knew that she studied data science there and that "thewitchlands" was her username on all social networks, including Instagram.
The sound of notification disconcentrated him from his thoughts. He looked at the screen.
thewitchlands: England
thewitchlands: the English encyclopedia has twenty-nine volumes.
Edward was more than impressed with the girl's agility in finding the clue.
theriddler: you are incredible
thewitchlands: thank you
thewitchlands: I think there are some volumes in the Metropolis library, I can try to find them.
A key turned on Edward's head. Once in Gotham, it would not take more than an hour to the neighboring city. It was a perfect opportunity. He started typing.
theriddler: can you show me the place?
theriddler: I think I'd rather see this in person.
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ayanathedork · 3 years
i cant believe a cryptonerd fell for a yo mama joke then proceeded to fake ally in order to make me take an L 
i have never seen such stupidity in my life and i think ill print these tweets out /hj
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some NFT dudebro liked my art and I was so excited when I got the notification on twitter but then it was that, like I've never felt so much disappointment hit in the same second as serotonin. I don't want those bitches anywhere near my art like fuck all the way off if you’re a cryptonerd, actually.
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v-vs-s · 3 years
a veces sueno como un emo de 15 años, pero este vacío no es propio de tan poca experiencia
tras mucho pensamiento sobre el vacío, intentando ser lo más objetivo aunque sea imposible, lejos de cualquier emoción , lo cual me es muy difícil, se me hace muy cuesta arriba entender la vida
El punto de partida ya en si es erróneo, que es intentar controlar y entender todo, pero siendo esta la base, llegar a una conclusión y acatarla se me hace imposible. Me acabo aburriendo del liviano respirar y los momentos espontáneos que forman parte del día a día, un simple paseo, un detalle sin importancia
en parte por el sistema y la mierda asimilada, me creo que tengo que ser más que todo eso, y tener una vida de película, cuando realmente la única conclusión que he obtenido de todo esto es que
estoy aquí para morir. Es una conclusión muy simple, pero ante tantos vacíos, sentimientos enfrentados, problemas emocionales, relaciones complicadas que deberían ser sencillas, llegar a vivir sin una guía, solo puedo hacerme la idea
de que voy a morir, sin dramas, sin prisas, pero estoy hecho simplemente para morir, estamos para ello, es inevitable. No defiendo la vida como un trámite como x religiones , o más bien comunidades que se unen para aceptar x invenciones,  tampoco como un regalo como hacen otras comunidades
simplemente creo que aunque quiera sentirme un gigante, solo soy una hormiga, el ente errante que lleva años vagando, mirando a los demás, por desgracia, cada vez hablando más y escuchando menos
aprendiendo menos, compartiendo menos.
Realmente, no sé si es esto lo que quiero. Diría que no, pero tampoco tengo una respuesta a qué quiero, solo intento no convertirme en un propio delirio, en un ente que se auto-olvida, en una invención de sí mismo
pero no me vendan la vida como un producto, como la hemos querido transmitir, si es un proceso vital, no me miren raro por no desesperarme por trabajar 14 horas al día, por querer devorarme, por querer alcanzar sueños de cryptonerds engañados por un sistema insostenible que nos hacen creer que es sostenible
no me vayan a negar, que no hay nada más falso y alejado de la vida, que una vida. Por eso, creo en definitiva , ante tanto incierto, que morir debe ser la conclusión y no darle más vueltas a todo, pues así es imposible siquiera respirar
no voy a ser como otros, no voy a contentarme con todo, no voy a ser esclavo de mi propia venta, pero sí acepto las condiciones propuestas, al menos temporalmente, para recomponerme en esta rutina y darle una vuelta a este concepto de vida que tenemos, que siempre acaba siendo un proyecto por terminar.
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thegoofyholler-blog · 7 years
i was only gone for thirty seconds! [witchynerdlord; from the CritRole starter sentences; pick any muse you want but imagine Korry holding hot chocolates from Starbucks XD]
There is a tall, awkward bat/moth/bigfoot-looking cryptid and he’s standing amidst a bunch of little fires and paint splattered all over the walls.
“I... have no explanation for this...”
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procrastin8r · 6 years
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Street Bit Miner. Hadouken! Satoshi! Let's fight: www.ProcrastiN8r.com #bitcoinmemes #streetfighter #cryptonerd #lazygamer #bitcoin #gaming #tothemoon #miningbitcoin #miningcrypto #cryptominer #bitcoinminer #satoshi #hadouken
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diaryofaned · 3 years
serious question: how do you get cryptonerds to shut up about blockchain and bitcoin
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mitchipedia · 3 years
Elon Musk wants a currency he can control. He does not have your well-being or mine at heart.
Goldbugs and cryptonerds say fiat currency is a ponzi scheme, overdue for collapse. Been going for nearly a century, but I’m sure that collapse is coming any second now.
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 5 years
Is Bitcoin Too Early For Mainstream Adoption? Study Suggests So
College students at the University of Colorado Boulder were asked if they would rather have one dollar or one Bitcoin. Initially, the majority opted to take the dollar, but that was before the host disclosed how much one Bitcoin was worth.
Even then, they were uncertain about accepting the Bitcoin due to ignorance over how to store and use it. This goes to show, even though research indicates cryptocurrencies to be a millennial trend, there’s still a long way to go before it becomes mainstream.
One Dollar Or One Bitcoin?
Little known YouTube channel, Capital Creators, posed this question to a bunch of college students in the US mid-west. They intended to find out which of the two students preferred as a freebie.
While most had heard of Bitcoin, the near-unanimous tendency to choose one dollar, over one Bitcoin, came from a lack of awareness. Not only on the value of Bitcoin, but also on the workings of holding and using it.
Near the start of the video (0:33), two male participants both wanted a dollar over the Bitcoin. When the host asked why one of the pair said:
“That’s almost enough for Reese’s [from the vending machine.]”
As the video continued, and other students had their say, the host uncovered a series of misconceptions over Bitcoin. This included a man in a cave in Antarctica controls Bitcoin; there is nowhere to spend it; it’s illiquid and more telling; the dollar’s value is stable, and is, therefore, the better option.
Barriers To Entry
A common theme throughout the video was a lack of knowledge acting as a barrier to entry. When asked, what’s the main hurdle in wanting to accept the Bitcoin? One student said:
“I don’t think I really understand it well enough to know anything about it. Like, I hear about it, but it kind of feels like it’s one of those things other people know about, or value more.”
From this, it’s clear that mainstream acceptance is limited by a lack of education on cryptocurrencies through conventional channels. Equally, this could be due to a lack of motivation from ordinary people to self teach. Either way, the outcome is the same, and reaching the masses remains an onerous task.
Crypto conferences need to find a way to attract beginners into their events.
Currently, the barriers to entry and comfortability are too high due to price factors and more.
I imagine a free ticket model and some educational content could be a valuable option.
Any other ideas?
— Nye (@MrMichaelNye) March 2, 2019
Not only that, but the technical nature of cryptocurrency turns people off. For example, talk of proof of stake versus proof of work is the realm of geeks. And wanting to find out more takes time, which most people don’t have. This issue isn’t helped by the mysterious reputation of Bitcoin, whose founder remains unknown.
No Mass Appeal, No Mass Adoption
While much is said about what needs to happen for mass adoption to take place. Such as using stable coins to deal with volatility, incorporating its use as a payment method at major retailers, or even improving UIs. No-one is talking about the most fundamental thing. And that is, where is a final product that has mass appeal, and doesn’t require in-depth knowledge of crypto to use it? Until that comes along, cryptocurrency will remain the preserve of geeks like us.
It’s Blockchain week in NYC. This is the cryptonerds Senior Prom.
— Tony Greer • Easter Enthusiast (@TgMacro) May 13, 2019
The post Is Bitcoin Too Early For Mainstream Adoption? Study Suggests So appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken Tumblr http://bit.ly/2HLQ9da via IFTTT
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brettzjacksonblog · 5 years
Is Bitcoin Too Early For Mainstream Adoption? Study Suggests So
College students at the University of Colorado Boulder were asked if they would rather have one dollar or one Bitcoin. Initially, the majority opted to take the dollar, but that was before the host disclosed how much one Bitcoin was worth.
Even then, they were uncertain about accepting the Bitcoin due to ignorance over how to store and use it. This goes to show, even though research indicates cryptocurrencies to be a millennial trend, there’s still a long way to go before it becomes mainstream.
One Dollar Or One Bitcoin?
Little known YouTube channel, Capital Creators, posed this question to a bunch of college students in the US mid-west. They intended to find out which of the two students preferred as a freebie.
While most had heard of Bitcoin, the near-unanimous tendency to choose one dollar, over one Bitcoin, came from a lack of awareness. Not only on the value of Bitcoin, but also on the workings of holding and using it.
Near the start of the video (0:33), two male participants both wanted a dollar over the Bitcoin. When the host asked why one of the pair said:
“That’s almost enough for Reese’s [from the vending machine.]”
As the video continued, and other students had their say, the host uncovered a series of misconceptions over Bitcoin. This included a man in a cave in Antarctica controls Bitcoin; there is nowhere to spend it; it’s illiquid and more telling; the dollar’s value is stable, and is, therefore, the better option.
Barriers To Entry
A common theme throughout the video was a lack of knowledge acting as a barrier to entry. When asked, what’s the main hurdle in wanting to accept the Bitcoin? One student said:
“I don’t think I really understand it well enough to know anything about it. Like, I hear about it, but it kind of feels like it’s one of those things other people know about, or value more.”
From this, it’s clear that mainstream acceptance is limited by a lack of education on cryptocurrencies through conventional channels. Equally, this could be due to a lack of motivation from ordinary people to self teach. Either way, the outcome is the same, and reaching the masses remains an onerous task.
Crypto conferences need to find a way to attract beginners into their events.
Currently, the barriers to entry and comfortability are too high due to price factors and more.
I imagine a free ticket model and some educational content could be a valuable option.
Any other ideas?
— Nye (@MrMichaelNye) March 2, 2019
Not only that, but the technical nature of cryptocurrency turns people off. For example, talk of proof of stake versus proof of work is the realm of geeks. And wanting to find out more takes time, which most people don’t have. This issue isn’t helped by the mysterious reputation of Bitcoin, whose founder remains unknown.
No Mass Appeal, No Mass Adoption
While much is said about what needs to happen for mass adoption to take place. Such as using stable coins to deal with volatility, incorporating its use as a payment method at major retailers, or even improving UIs. No-one is talking about the most fundamental thing. And that is, where is a final product that has mass appeal, and doesn’t require in-depth knowledge of crypto to use it? Until that comes along, cryptocurrency will remain the preserve of geeks like us.
It’s Blockchain week in NYC. This is the cryptonerds Senior Prom.
— Tony Greer • Easter Enthusiast (@TgMacro) May 13, 2019
The post Is Bitcoin Too Early For Mainstream Adoption? Study Suggests So appeared first on NewsBTC.
from CryptoCracken SMFeed http://bit.ly/2HLQ9da via IFTTT
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cryptonerd like one of my random twitter posts and like, fuck them but I'll give em one thing at least they're very loud and open about being into that shit so that I know to block them on sight lmfao
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