princess-ibri · 1 year
Here is Crystalla from "Once Upon a Princess."
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Crystalla was the nursemaid to Ariel and her sister's mother, and before she retired before Ariel was born she had lived many many years in Triton's palace caring for the young members of the royal family. (Ariel is her favourite of Triton's daughters because her spirit and energy remind Crystalla of the late queen). It is also stated that she knows everything there is to know about life in the sea and also quite a bit about life on land (In her youth she liked to swim to the surface every once in a while to look around) In Once Upon a Prince Crystalla is the only merperson who Ariel tells about her falling in love with Eric and when Ariel worries that telling Crystalla about Eric was a mistake and that Crystalla will tell Triton Crystalla calms her down by confessing that long ago she too had fallen in love with a human. Of course unlike Ariel Crystalla's human never knew she existed and she only pined after him from afar.
The human man Crystalla fell in love with was a sailor and here is an illustration of him.
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Awww that's fantastic!! Thank you so much for sharing it!
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azure-wolf-227 · 2 years
Rise of The Crystal Empire
The Crystal Empire was founded by Duchess Crystalla Diamante, a member of the Unicorn Royal Family - she was the cousin of Princess Platinum.
Crystalla lead a group of ponies settlers north of the newly-formed Equestria to find more territory. They found a large, fertile valley filled with crystals. A ley line beneath the valley fueled the crystals with magic, keeping the valley in eternal spring. Using the crystals, the settlers built a magnificent city and named it The Crystal City.
Although meant to be part of Equestria, the newly formed Crystal City was located rather far away from the main Equestrian settlements. Therefor, it was decided that the city and it's territory would become a city-state. Duchess Crystalla was crowned their first ruler. Eventually, Crystal City was renamed The Crystal Empire.
Crystalla's special talent was enchanting crystals and gems. Inspired by how the Fire of Friendship was created, she worked together with other talented mages and Earth Pony rock farmers to craft The Crystal Heart. This artifact would amplify their positive emotions and spread them across Equestria as well as protect the newly-formed Empire from harm.
Sometime after the Empire's founding, the Umbrum, a race of equine-like shadow creatures, attempted to invade it. Fortunately, they were no match for the light and love reflected by The Crystal Heart.
Emperor Corazón, Crystalla's son, the used the Heart's magic to imprison the Umbrum away beneath the Empire. He keep this a secret from both his subjects and Equestria’s rulers with his best friend, the Court Mage, being the only other one to know.
The secret of the Umbrum was passed down the Empire’s Royal Family and from Court Mage to apprentice.
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impulsea · 8 months
can you tell us something about your sister attina?
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"Attina loves to read! Crystalla got her hooked. That's the nursemaid my sisters and I shared with our Mother. Oh, she used to tell us the best stories before bedtime. My favorite was about a sailor...but, when I'd press her for more details, she would always retreat. Anyway, Attina's also one of Sebastian's favorite music students! You'd never guess so, because she always gets so quiet when we're not in singing lessons. But Sebastian likes her because she's so hardworking! I try to be like that too, it's just that I...get distracted sometimes. But Attina's a real treasure!"
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starrrberry · 1 year
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cnnamonrolls · 2 years
so grateful for ash atlas nico-slander-remastered crystallaer fallingfasterr diigital-love and other urls i cant rememrber btw :3
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latribune · 3 months
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Crystal Healing
What is Crystal Healing?
Many of us think about how can Crystals of crystalla heal someone. But the first question is what is Healing? Healing basically means to heal some injuries or wounds. In this era, our Soul needs healing the most. Wounds on our Soul like Anger issues, Trust issues, frustration, broken, betrayed etc. can be cured by Crystals. Crystal Healing is a vibrational energy-based system of healing. Crystals have healing properties and can be used to give a state of peace to our mind and do away negativity, and toxic energy. Crystal healing is used to Heal our 7 Chakras. 
What are 7 Chakras?
We have heard from many people that there are Chakras in our body. There is an infinite number of chakras in the human body among them 7 Chakras in Human symbolize the Energy Centre and impact our physical and emotional well being. They are present in a vertical position starting from the bottom to the top. If all of our Chakras are open then energy can run through them freely. But if your Chakras are blocked, you can feel loneliness, fear, insecurity and physical pain like headache, stomach problems, back problems, joint pain, cancer etc. Our Chakras are blocked by Stress, anxiety. Tension, negativity, anger etc. In order to maintain our Chakra balance we should avoid these. Every chakra radiate their specific colour and energy. Our first chakra or root chakra is the strongest chakra, you must heal the 1st chakra first.
Chakras Should also be Balanced
Chakra Balancing means bringing them back to their regular speed. There are several methods to balance the chakras. 
Meditation: It is the most common and easy method to open and clear the body’s energy centers as it helps to focus on each and every chakra and also brings clarity of mind. 
Diet: The imbalance in our diet causes imbalance of our elements which is the reason of disturbed chakras. One should focus on diet to keep the Chakras balanced.
can flow easily.
Affirmations: These are positive phrase which can change negative thoughts and energy into positive energy. These are very helpful and powerful to balance out our Chakras by removing negativity.
What Crystals are used for Healing?
Seven chakras are healed by Crystals..
7 Chakra healing crystals stones include:
 Amethyst:- it is used to promote calmness, mental clarity and spiritual Growth 
Aquamarine:- Aquamarine use to enhance communication, soothe stress, and promote courage and inner peace.
Green Aventurine:- Green aventurine helps to attract luck, prosperity, and opportunities
Yellow Aventurine ;- Yellow aventurine is thought to boost creativity, confidence, and optimism
Tiger Eye Stone:-Tiger's eye is use to enhance courage, confidence, and protection
Lapis Lazuli:-Lapis lazuli is use to promote inner wisdom, truth, and spiritual awareness
Red Jasper:-Red jasper helps to provide physical vitality, enhance stamina, and promote emotional strength
The Major 7 Chakras
Muladhara Chakra – Root Chakra 
Svadhishthana Chakra – Sacral Chakra
Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra
Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra
Vishuddha Chakra – Throat Chakra
Ajna Chakra – Third Eye Chakra
Sahastrara Chakra – Crown Chakra 
Asanas: Yoga helps in proper functioning of Chakras and keep them balanced so that energy 
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your-go-to-blog · 3 years
anon you forgot to tag fae
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muzikalmoderator · 6 years
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Birthday Party for Courtney @wildharemusic feat: #RichieStephens 2610 N Halsted st. in Lincoln Park Thursday February 21st {{ live & direct from Jamaica ! }} @kinkyp420 early set in the front bar !! Mc @Field Marshall Guest artists appearances by : #DevonBrown #RastaKelly #Kofi #Errol T #Nego Hights #RasiDre #Princess KazaYah #CrystalLa'Juene #Dainjah #BunnyJackson & more Dj Music by **Dj Boombostic {{ SoCa ObSeSSion }} Guest Djs : @Dj Ringo & Dj Selector Matches DOORS 6 PM SHOWTIME 9 PM *******admission******* entrance fee for show is $15 https://www.facebook.com/events/253628685 Come out early & feel the vibes !! Have some Rasta Pasta or award winning Jerk wings from the Jerk Shack !! 🔥 🌟🦁 🔥🌟 🦁 🔥 🌟 🦁 WWW.WILDHAREMUSIC.COM (at The Wild Hare) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btj-8zglJfA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=as8larhku96f
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strawberrystarcake · 2 years
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when life gives you lemons, you make lemon pie - c!niki and l'manburg
dsmp taglist: @chaotic-queer-disaster @double-cross-my-mind @crystalias @astralrunic @abysslll @miirorange
poetry taglist: @darling-im-moonstruck @quixotic-ethics @crystallaer @moondrop-jellyfish @marveladdictt @matcha-chai @cnnamonrolls @fierreth-who
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
get to know me tag
thanks to @zoya-writes for the tag!
Rules: Tag the people you want to get to know better or catch up with.
Favorite color: blue!
Last song: Mercy, by KING MALA
Currently reading: The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
Last movie: Turning Red
Sweet, savory, or spicy: i don't like flavour </3 but uhhh spicy i guess?
Currently working on: finishing the Rose Librarians draft! (only a few chapters left.....)
tagging. uhhh @redpeng, @thepotatowriter, @quixotic-ethics, @crystallaer, @peepolove! no pressure :D
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princess-ibri · 1 year
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So I went to a second-hand store today and was able to get my hands on a copy of this book here. I'm reading through it slowly right now and so far I've liked how they've decided to retell The Little Mermaid in this. They've added some really cool additions like the added aspect of Ariel keeping a diary so we get a really good glimpse into her inner thoughts and a whole new character that wasn't in the film Crystalla who provides us with some new lore and world-building. I haven't gotten to reading the other two stories yet but if they also add unique aspects to the story the films didn't touch upon I'm sure I'll like them.
Oh yes I think I’ve heard of that one before! From what I’ve heard it seems like Crystalla sort of fills the role of the grandmother mermaid in the original story and I like that a lot!
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impulsea · 2 years
What would your ideal TLM continuation be like?
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That's a great question! I have so many ideas, plot-wise, but overall these are the things I wish we got more of after the first film/general content that would've been incredible and that I want and think about every day:
Vanessa. Her emergence into this universe, seemingly ushered in by the nighttime tide, with the wind caressing her hair and Ariel's voice shining on her chest is one of the most potent moments of iconography in film. I want more of her, more of Jodi's powerful singing as her, more of Andreas Deja's animation of her having a private show for herself in her bridal chamber while she's preparing for the wedding, more of how deceptively sweet she is, more of her range, more of her expressions, more moments where the Ursula in her is threatening to reveal itself before being enclosed beneath layers of angelic acting. I think any of her spin-off films or episodes or whatever the case would be would have to be adult audiences so that we can get more evergreen content, as opposed to so many people who primarily discuss children when talking about The Little Mermaid.
Ariel's sisters! People say we got them in the third movie but, first off, they didn't even get the birth orders right, they messed with their personalities, and the target audience for that was Pre K-12. We need actual substance and there's so much to work with here! How does Aquata feel about humans, after everything their father has told her and what family secrets does she know that the younger ones aren't privy to? Could she potentially become more of an advisor to Triton than Sebastian? Andrina's athleticism would be wonderful for more scenic shots of life in Atlantica, Arista's personality is so engaging and it'd be interesting to see Disney pull off a character that's so simultaneously bitchy but likable, Attina's love of books and how that connects her to the world around her, Adella's vanity and all of her beauty secrets, and Alana's gardens and mer-pals would be so informative to general marine life!
More feature film animation work! As I mentioned in my previous tags, The Little Mermaid was extremely, extremely, extremely low budget and, while they were still able to pull it off and it holds its own alongside other movies like Beauty and the Beast that were made on a much grander scale, I wish we could see more of Ariel and the world of Atlantica on a higher production value. Ariel is probably one of the princesses that is the most off-model, there's at least four versions of her in the film, and I'd love to see more of her and better consistency. The animation is so poor in the following film and she just doesn't feel like herself in the third film. The series is hit-or-miss but general offers more of a wooden performance, because of the budgetary restrictions.
More Ursula! Ursula's a theatrical character, so I can only imagine all the more life she has to give. I want prequels about her life and time in the palace, about her relationship with King Triton and their affair, about her origins with her family, about her banishment, just- everything. The TEA would be piping!
I want them to offer more original characters, namely Crystalla, that actually fit within the universe as opposed to the ones the series and sequel gave us (looking at you, Lobster Mobster, Marina, and Morgana).
So, Ariel and Eric are one of the best canonical ships in all of Disneydom and I love them...but I want more! I want to see them leading up to the wedding, I want to flesh out their shared interests and what they talk about and what their relationship is like once they do get to know each other and begin to establish communicational patterns. I want to see Ariel with Grimsby and how she flourishes under a loving male authoritative figure (and I really want as much Grimsby as I can get btw). I want to see Eric tell her it's okay and comfort her when he sees her visually get triggered in fights or moments of tension, or when her past trauma acts up. I want to see how his kingdom accepts her, who was formerly a mermaid. Now that she's made it to be part of that world, I want to see what her part in that world is.
More family backstory with Ariel, as I mentioned above, but also I want canonical material about the mother! Athena isn't it.
How Ariel navigates her mermaid roots. The name of this franchise is "The Little Mermaid" and she'll never be able to escape it, it's a part of her. Because she was born this way, does she feel sometimes out of place in the human world since she's not a part of either and is in this weird middle ground? Is it jarring to drown, or look at the water and know she couldn't swim beneath its surface the way she once did? Does she not miss it at all? Likewise, I think it'd be a cute plot idea if she continues to embrace her mermaid roots, if only to continue her expeditions with Flounder at sunken ships. While Eric is sailing overhead, she continues learning and studying his world and brings him back historical things that were rotting at the bottom of the sea that could be used in museum exhibits for his country, helping preserve the history. Maybe she could even find some artifacts from members in his family that were lost at sea.
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daisymp4 · 2 years
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@kill-the-liiights <3 taglist under the cut
@nakaharaswife, @double-cross-my-mind, @pubwegf, @darling-im-moonstruck, @abysslll, @tomsholland2412, @astralrunic, @scribblersupreme, @iluvjj, @fierreth-who, @jadentheflowerboy, @dancing-queen-17, @cool-way-to-die, @quixotic-ethics, @crystallaer, @tiny-gremlinss
ask to be +/-
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cnnamonrolls · 2 years
who are your otps?
glad you asked!! (these are all /p btw. unless your relationship's /r then it's /r. also /hj dont be uncomfy <33)
@crystallaer and @quixotic-ethics
@strawberrystarcake and @chaotic-queer-disaster (dont kill me it's /p i promise 💞)
@viva-la-resistancce and @jadentheflowerboy
@kill-the-liiights and @narcissisticvictorian
@fierreth-who and @fxbvlously-weird
@marveladdictt and @tomsholland2412
@httparker and @gwenspter
@corgette and @alessblogname1
@clifford-thebigreddog and @death-and-the-lady13
okay bye 🙏
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losing-track · 3 years
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𝘁𝗮𝗴𝘀 ༉‧₊˚.
: ̗̀➛ #crystal original
: ̗̀➛ #art !
: ̗̀➛ #fave
: ̗̀➛ #😧
: ̗̀➛ #ask acknowledged ~ 💌
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𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 ༉‧₊˚.
: ̗̀➛ #cinnamon ~ 🥞 (@.cnnamonrolls)
: ̗̀➛ #daph ~ 🌼 (@.corgette)
: ̗̀➛ #aless ~ 🙏 (@.alessblogname1)
: ̗̀➛ #mika ~ 🍓 (@.strawberrystarcake)
: ̗̀➛ #zuri ~ 🌙 (@.darling-im-moonstruck)
: ̗̀➛ #ali ~ 🍂 (@.snowdin-shopkeeper)
: ̗̀➛ #luce ~ 🪐 (@.abysslll)
: ̗̀➛ #dorcy ~ ❕ (@.double-cross-my-mind)
: ̗̀➛ #nico ~ ✒ (@.chaotic-queer-disaster)
: ̗̀➛ #sage ~ 🌻 (@.quixotic-ethics)
: ̗̀➛ #atlas ~ 🔮 (@.crystallaer)
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enjoy your stay ! ༉‧₊˚.
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