#csi 5x10
buildinggsr · 5 months
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CSI ARCHIVE 5x10 No Humans Involved
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lilcathsmith · 2 months
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Greg in every episode of CSI - bonus post - Greg and Sara being siblings™
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eddiestattoos · 2 years
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Sofia Curtis in Every Episode: 5x10 No Humans Involved
"I wasn't chasing the suspect. I was chasing the evidence. I knew the idiot was likely to dump the gun"
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wellntruly · 4 years
Season 5, CSI Season 5
Laugh at me, but in its fifth season, CBS’s CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is starting to get somewhat more complex than I would like in the sense of getting more difficult to dash off a season-long assessment without having to Get Into It about too much stuff. I mean, here is an incomplete list of things that happen to Season 5:
- Greg becomes a Real Boy CSI - Ecklie returns after a two-season absence, and maliciously splits up the team, causing enduring discord among everyone - Sofia Curtis is suddenly introduced, and after eight appearances over about twice as many episode, just as suddenly disappears - Quentin Tarantino
Belying all this change, the only adjustments to the title sequence are Nick and Greg’s sections, which are wholly replaced while everyone else remains untouched. Greg gets a clip from the S5 premier because I guess they wanted to presage his full shift to the field this season, and Nick’s is presumably adjusted because the first two-thirds of this season is where he has the buzzcut and looks generally somehow...wider....than before. It’s just—it’s the season where Nick looks like a thumb, you know one. Thank god, he grows his hair back out for the last stretch and also seems to let himself like, de-bulk a bit. Meanwhile, unreflected in the credits because who has the time, Greg has, conservatively, at least five distinct hair colors & styles this season. I actually didn’t hate two of them, but one was merely a feature of circumstance so it was only present in one scene.
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It’s this more organic chaos that his hair dries into after he and Sara are hauled into an emergency biohazard shower at their crime scene (in I believe this show’s first wholly formalist episode, and thank u for it!! I had a great time with the rewinds).
I included two screenshots here because they capture both front and side views, but also Greg’s light brush to her jumpsuit sleeve after Sara sighs shakily, because alright I’ll Get Into something, and it’s that this season there are three indicators of Greg’s growth: 1. the usual Trial-by-Trauma, 2. whether he has properly affixed his field vest so it doesn’t stick out in the back, 3. if Sara is around
Sara is really great with Greg. She’s been great with Greg since season 2, when he came back shaken after his first trip to the field. I think it’s because Greg is a baby, so her competitiveness she has with the other CSIs never comes into play around him, and then just as a human being he’s so transparent that even Sara Sidle recognizes an opportunity to caretake here. Greg softens Sara, in a good way for characterization. She’s less stressed out around him and so can be more multi-note. They have a fun rapport working together, and they genuinely care about one another, too. Sara always looks out for Greg, which he’s very aware of and loves her for, and so is always right there for her in turn whenever she needs someone.
So, after the first three episodes of this season where Greg’s still being the inattentive lazy punk from S4 who is so bad at fieldwork as to be an active liability, I think they remembered that in the DNA lab he had been characterized as a hard-working weirdo with an almost taxing amount of curious energy, so they switch that back on, pair him with Sara, and send him through the grim experience of his first autopsy for good measure, and the difference from 5x04 on is radical. Suddenly he’s helpful, listening, noticing stuff. He’s finally becoming a good a little CSI!
But, you know this show. They never let him have any large developments without first putting him through it. STEP THROUGH THE CRUCIBLE, GREGGO:
Me, 30 seconds into 5x10, looking at him out here looking sweet and studious in a fucking blazer over a sweater over a button down: “Oh—Young Greg is gonna go sliding headfirst back into being a trauma vector now isn’t he. He’s been all-together too not annoying lately, and that’s what normally protects him...” Me, 90 seconds later, watching Young Greg cowering terrified behind a dumpster as shots ring out: “OH WHO CALLED IT!”
Aannnd after that episode he is deemed ready to finally pass his proficiency exam, in the very next one.
But, in throwing it all at the wall like this, so dramatic is the resulting Greg transformation that by his next horrible experience in 5x18, Sofia (still apparently on the team at this point) comments in a kind voice while he sits sadly thousand-yard-staring in a dark locker room: “Rumor has it you used to be a pretty funny guy. Don’t lose that.” Haha wow, who’s gotten bitch-slapped by the monkey’s paw! It’s CSI Sanders. 
Alright one more thing here that I’ve just been thinking about lately, in light of how they were evidently easily this show’s most popular ship: Back in season 2 at that bus crash, Grissom had handed Greg to Nick for safekeeping, which made perfect sense because we already enjoyed them as a pair from all the times Nick would be sent to DNA to pick up whatever results and lines Greg had for him that day. But after season 3, those two have baaasically not interacted. I’ve been a little surprised! Of course part of this would be due to how starting in 5x09, Catherine is supervising Warrick and Nick on the swing team, (generally) working separate cases from Grissom’s team of Sara and Greg. But that wouldn’t explain the entirety of season 4, and it also doesn’t hold when you consider that being on a different shift does not remotely stop Warrick from having this little thread where he’s trying to make sure their paths overlap so he can check in on Greg in person after his most recent scary situation. 
However, one explanation for all of this could be that Nick really hasn’t had much personal stuff to do at all these last couple seasons. When it comes to anything besides just doing his job, Nick Stokes has felt a little underutilized lately. Which is why we can be very grateful that someone else thought so, too.
Which brings us to: ‘Grave Danger’ Round 2!! In context!! There are so many…fucking interludes in this, Quentin. Nearly the whole second act of Part 1, seven straight minutes, is just Various Characters Hanging Out, No Plot Relevance. For that alone we could declare that filmbro auteur Quentin Tarantino straight-up wrote CSI fanfiction. It is: SUCH an emotionally porny joy. Catherine gets to walk in with a leather duffel bag full of a million dollars cash and drop it *thunk* on a table. The villain sinisterly asks Grissom, “What does Nick Stokes mean to you?” There’s a whole scene where Warrick, Greg, and Catherine are just in a three-way stress spiral over Nick in one of the greater Las Vegas area’s many pockmarked corrugated tin structures. George Eads gets to spend like half an episode with his voice frayed & breaking on every line. Eventually Grissom and Warrick are just down in a hole gentling him with their hands while softly begging him to stay lying down as he clutches at them and nods and cries. TARANTINO’S BEST WORK. Yes I have seen Once Upon A Time In Hollywood; that’s why I say it.
⭐ Notable Guest Stars ⭐ - Aisha Tyler as a new regular cast member, playing Greg’s replacement DNA analyst, Mia (the one who actually lasts more than one day) - America Ferrera - a fourth Desperate Housewives actor - baby girls Kate Mara and River Tam - NANA VISITOR, second Star Trek DS9 actor, also I screamed! - Jason Segel, Jason Segel, and Jason Segel---a three-time recurring fingerprint tech, who the fuck knew
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- John Krasinski, whose role I’ve previously described but it’s worth repeating: a stoner who just wants to go to dental school - Misha Collins as a Russian beauty parlor receptionist, an amount of context & accent it took me so long to eat my way through that I didn’t recognize him until the second time we saw him. And given that the only thing I have “seen” Misha Collins in was when he was a guest voice on a radio play, I actually think I deserve some credit for even getting there at all. - Park Ranger Jane Lynch. 7 feet tall, wearing one of those wide-brimmed hats.. - a single episode containing Stephen Baldwin, and Wil Wheaton, and one of the Jason Segel appearances
Name Data Cont’d - This season introduces ‘Super Dave’, with two from Nick and one from Warrick - Nick calls him Rick twice more, and in turn, starts getting Nicky from Warrick! Warrick first calls him Nicky over the phone when he’s in Los Angeles with Brass (whose old partner/flame now working in the LAPD calls him Jimmy, god I love the eastern seaboard). Then Warrick and Catherine—this season’s reigning Mayor of Nickytown—hardly call him anything else during the duration of ‘Grave Danger’, of course a famous one for Nick-names. - In a courtroom, the lil prosecutor trying so hard to prevent this train he can tell is about to run off the rails from doing just that, desperately calls him ‘Doctor Grissom’ - Doctor Grissom calls Ecklie ‘Conrad’ - After his boss uses his first name for the first time, Hodges hopefully returns a ‘Gil’ after he’s already started walking away - Meanwhile, at one point Nick walks into Trace and quotes “Talk to me, Goose”—to Hodges, really Nick? - But maybe the most curious incident in nicknames this season, is that early on Brass walks up on Sara and Greg and addresses them as “Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson,” respectively, and here’s the thing: this is not in the episode with the Arthur Conan Doyle re-enactors. Brass is in fact happily reprising ‘Doctor Watson’ for young Sanders seven episodes later over the DB in tweed whose case is serving as his final proficiency.
Featured Music There was this two-part running joke this season about Mia listening to an Avril Lavigne CD that she claims Greg left behind in the DNA lab—Warrick suggests she try Nina Simone. But otherwise I think the biggest musical moment was the pristinely 2004 use of U2’s ‘Vertigo’. Wow that takes me back. Oh also, forgot to mention last season’s also very au courant pull, Jet’s ‘Are You Gonna Be My Girl’
INTERIOR: Forever Baby, a store that sells pacifiers, ~playpens~, etc For Adults Saleswoman, turning to Nick: “Well, aren’t you lucky! To have such a nice daddy!” Grissom: :) Nick: … Me: Y’know what—
There’s been no more juice since season 2 :(, but now sometimes people will sip with scotch with Brass in his office after a case is wrapped. And by people I mean only Gil or Catherine so far, but I really enjoy this concept.
Does Poncho here have the best Spanish of the group, is that why there’s a case in the local Latinx community where eventually it seems the whole thing has just been handed over to him and Detective Vega. Incidentally, missed you, Vega! They’ve added some new officers in homicide to fill in for Lockwood, RIP, and O’Reilly, vanishéd, and I have No affection for either Detective Marc Murphy or Detective The Other One.
Spare observations: - 5x12 was the first time I ever recognized hearing a PA system overhead in the crime lab - One of the end credits in the episode with the bear reads “Bart the Bear: The Bear” - La Perla brand lingerie has been name-dropped twice so far this series - The lab’s password for online forensics journals they’ve subscribed to is “Margaritaville"
Things David Has Been Fully Ready To Believe In Until Proven Otherwise - Vampires - Aliens - Aliens, sub-category: Crop Circles
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More hilarious night sky VFX from my best friend the CSI program
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Collected Brass Quips, Round Whatever
man: [slams a door in their face] Brass, brightly: “I thought that went well.”
Brass to this white kid using AAVE: “Yeah *a’ight*, One Cent. Let’s go.”
“Bet it’s tough to turn a folie á deux into a menage á trois, n’est-ce pas?” Brass?!
reassuringly after he asks this freshman if he was doing his floormate’s Spanish homework for him: “Look, it’s not the Spanish Inquisition.”
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thewhumpproject · 8 years
Crime Shows Whump Catalogue (WIP)
Crime/Cop/Detective/Investigative dramas/whodunnits/Murder mysteries/whatever you want to call them. Incomplete and will be updated as I write it all up.
NCIS - DiNozzo:
Found this halfway through making this list. Goes as far as 8x15. Has every little thing [x]
1x20 – Drugged, kidnapped
2x22 – Plague
2x23 – Still lowkey weak from Plague, gets almost blown up and ‘collapses’, continues to need rest
3x08 – Tied to a chair (w/ Ziva) and punched
3x12 – ‘Shot’ (scratched) in arm
3x16 – Injures ankle
3x23 – Bloody nose
4x04 – Knocked out
6x24 – Fight, breaks arm
6x25 – Still has broken arm, gets tackled by Ziva
9x01 – Shot in head, amnesia
10x21/22 – Car crash, unconscious, cut nose (Ziva hurt more these eps)
NCIS: LA – G. Callen:
[NCIS 6x23] – Shot multiple times
1x08 - Hit over head/‘concussion’
4x01 – Captured, beaten
4x20 - Poisoned
5x04 – Thrown/knocked out by explosion
6x12 – Exposed to ‘deadly’ virus
7x01- Tased (tasered? Shot with a Taser? ...Mildly electrocuted)
8x24 - Shot in vest
NCIS: NOLA – Christopher Lasalle
1x15 – Gassed/high
1x22 – Shocky (emotionally)
2x02 – Shot in Kevlar
JAG – Harmon Rabb:
1x20 – Captured, tied up, drugged, interrogated
2x03 – Head injury, blinded
2x13 – Hit by car, nasty gash, ligament damage, slight concussion
2x14 – Knocked out, hits head again
3x01 – Deteriorating concussion
4x01 – [After ejecting from plane, wakes up in a tree] Knocked out
7x01 – Head injury, severely hypothermic, amnesia
9x01 – Knocked out in plane crash, head injury
Criminal Minds – Spencer Reid:
An in-depth breakdown [x]
1x06 – Hostage, kicked
2x15 – Kidnap, torture, drugged (begins drug addiction arc)
4x24 – Anthrax
5x01 – Shot in leg (covers actor’s own injury) on crutches in further episodes
6x12 – Headaches (storyarc that sort of fizzles out)
9x23 – Shot in neck
Derek Morgan:
4x18 – Tackled through window, knocked out
5x23 – Knocked out, tied up
9x23 – Shot in arm
11x16 – [11x15, drugged and kidnapped] drugged, tortured, chemical burns
Chicago PD – Antonio Dawson:
[Chicago Fire 1x13 – shot. 1x14 – Shooting aftermath]
1x13 – Shot
1x14 – Shooting aftermath, hospital
Jay Halstead:
3x01 - Torture
CSI:NY – Don Flack
2x24 – Explosion
6x08 - Beaten up
Mac Taylor:
4x10 - Knocked out, drugged, kidnapped
8x18 - Shot
Danny Messer: 
6x01 - Shot
CSI (Las Vegas) – Nick Stokes:
2x19 – Pushed out window
5x25 – Buried alive
Greg Sanders:
3x22 - Caught in explosion, hospital
7x04 – Beaten up
Numb3rs - Don Eppes
1x02 - Shot
2x24 - Drugged
5x20 - Stabbed
Hawaii 5-0 – Steve McGarrett:
1x01 - Fight
1x20 – Falls off cliff, head injury, broken arm
2x01 – Stabbed, collapses off-screen
2x10 – Captured, tortured
2x16 – Hit by car
4x08 – Shot in arm
4x19 – Trapped in building collapse
4x21 – Captured, beaten, tortured
5x01 – Shot in leg
5x07 – Gassed, drugged, tortured
5x13 – Car crash
6x06 – Fight
6x17 - Gassed
6x25 – Shot on a plane
7x01 – Continuing issues from liver transplant
7x04 – Stabbed (but apaaaarently he’s too tough for being stabbed in the back with a kitchen knife to do more than be momentarily inconvenienced)
7x25 - Peaky, turns out he has radiation poisoning
Danny Williams:
1x01 – Bullet grazed arm
1x23 – Sarin poisoning
3x10 - Shot
4x19 – Trapped in building collapse, impaled
5x16 - Stabbed
6x17 - Gassed
6x25 – Donates some liver
Lethal Weapon – Martin Riggs:
[Emotional whump like every episode especially the first half of the season]
1x01 – Shot twice, shoulder + foot
1x02 – Bar fight, black eye, crashes through window from building across street,
1x03 – Cattle prod-ed
1x04 – Fight
1x07 – Hit by car door, tortured,
1x10 - Drugged
1x12 – Almost drowns
1x13 - Shot with nail gun
1x16 – Angsty, smashes head into mirror
Quantico – Ryan Booth:
1x01? - Shot
1x07 – Shot
1x08 – Continued from shooting
1x09 – Tortured
Bones – Seeley Booth:
1x15 – Explosion
2x18 – Knocked out, tied to chair, beaten
3x05 – Shot in leg
3x08 – Car crash/explosion (Bones in car too)
3x14 – Shot and ‘dies’
4x13 – Breaks his hand punching someone, knocked out, concussion
4x14 – Kidnapped, trapped in box then on ship, hallucinating, explosion
4x25 – Hallucinations
4x26 – Brain surgery, coma
5x10 – Explosion
9x24 – Shot
11x01 – Shot
Graceland – Mike:
1x09 – Stabbed
1x10 – Continued stab wound, attacked
2x01 – Tortured
2x13 – Shot, suffocated
3x01 – Continued shooting injuries (drug addiction arc begins)
3x07 – Drug withdrawal, sweats, vomiting, delirious, ice bath
Rush – Michael:
1x09 – Car crash, knocked out
1x10 – Head injury
2x10 – Captured
3x07 – MMA fight, nasty fight later (attempted eye-gouging involved)
3x15 – Tumbles down hillside
3x22 – Speared
4x06 – Knocked out (beginning of story arc to 4x08)
4x07 – Kidnapped, head injury, shot
4x08 – Coma hospital scenes
1x04 – Hit on head, collapses
1x06 – Smoke inhalation
2x08 – Shot in leg
2x11 – Kneed by suspect
3x09 – Fight, stabbed, injures arm/shoulder, hospitalised
3x14 – Falls through ceiling, dazed for a second, shot (in vest)
4x06 – Fight
4x11 – Comes to on a boat, shot, falls overboard
2x01 – Caught near explosion, minor head injury
3x17 – Hit by a car
4x12 – Hit on head
3x19 – Knocked out
1x10 – Caught in explosion, hospitalised for head trauma
2x18 – Glass in face
1x04 – Hit in face
1x10 – Caught in explosion, collapses, hospitalised
1x03 – Shot in vest 
New Blood: Stefan –
1x02 (Case 1, Part 2) – Drugged
1x03 – Caught in explosion
1x04 (Case 2, Part 1) – Dog bite, drunk, punched
1x05 - Knocked out, strung up
1x06 (Case 3, Part 1) – Car crash (tbc)
1x07 – Fight, car crash, thrown by explosion
1x03 – Caught in explosion
1x04 – Kicked in the nads, drunk
1x05 - Knocked out, strung up, punched
1x06 – Car crash (tbc), hit, thrown to ground
1x07 – Fight, car crash, thrown by explosion
The Glades – Jim Longworth:
1x01 – Alligator bite
2x01 – Dog bite
2x08 – Snake bite
2x11 – Fight – sand in eyes, knocked out, attempted drowning
4x13 – Shot (cliffhanger, last episode)
The Finder – Walter Sherman:
1z12 – Shot (fine, later complications: subdural hematoma)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine – Jake Peralta:
1x06 – Concussion from falling from ceiling
2x13 - Exercises, flops to the ground
2x19 - Kidnapped
2x20 – Falls through car sunroof, various broken and bruised bones, later hit by car, hospitalised
3x10 - Knocked out
3x16 - Knocked out
4x01 - Run over by go-kart
4x02 - Fight
4x03 - Hostage, shot in leg
4x04 - cont. shooting recovery (cane)
4x17 – Hungover, mentions that he might have injured his ribs
Psych – Shawn Spencer:
3x11 – Knocked out
4x09 – Shot
5x04 – Barely poisoned
6x13 – Appendix burst
7x08 – Head injury, concussion
Endeavour – Morse:
0x01 – Faints
1x02 – Stabbed
1x04 – Shot
2x01 – Knocked out, tied up, beaten up
2x02 – Falls through floor
4x02 – Drugged
4x04 – Head/ear injury from grenade
Lewis – James Hathaway:
2x03 – Drugged, trapped in fire, caught in explosion
4x01 - Shot
5x04 – Mild arsenic poisoning
7x01 – Whiplash
Midsomer Murders – Ben Jones:
15x02 – Knocked out, tied up, concussion
19x03 – Knocked out, tied up
Grimm – Nick Burkhardt:
1x01 - Injected with a toxin, collapses
1x08 – Brutal fight
2x13 – Drinks a potion, stomach pains, collapse
2x15 - Blinded
3x01 – Zombified, enraged and gets into fights
3x02 – Continued ‘zombification’, fights as his pals try to capture him, injected with painful cure
4x02 – Sudden headache
4x06 – Sudden headache develops into general weakness gets worse over time
5x21/22 – Fight, torture, hallucination, shot
6x04 – Lightheaded for a moment
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coolmoviemanmike · 6 years
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I just watched CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 5x10 "No Humans Involved"
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lilcathsmith · 3 months
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Greg in every episode of CSI (95/328) • No Humans Involved •
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buildinggsr · 2 years
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CSI ARCHIVE CSI 5.10 "No Humans Involved"
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buildinggsr · 2 years
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Gil Grissom in hats (pt 1/4) Requested by @motheroffandoms86
CSI 1.11 | 1.14 | 1.18 | 2.03 | 2.05 | 3.08 | 3.13 | 3.16 | 4.08 | 5.10
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buildinggsr · 2 years
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Sara Sidle + coffee (or tea) (pt.1/2) Requested (far too much time ago, sorry for the delay) by @the-grissoms
CSI 1.11 | 1.15 | 1.16 | 2.15 | 4.15 | 5.05 | 5.10 | 6.05 | 6.20
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buildinggsr · 3 years
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You could just see how much she loved those boys.
CSI ARCHIVE CSI 5.10 “No Humans Involved“
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ilkkawhat · 4 years
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5.10 No Humans Involved
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ilkkawhat · 4 years
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5.10 No Humans Involved
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ilkkawhat · 4 years
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5.10 No Humans Involved
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ilkkawhat · 4 years
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5.10 No Humans Involved
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ilkkawhat · 4 years
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5.10 No Humans Involved
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