#cthullu the beloved
inkyquince · 2 years
But no really. Is it weird that I think proving to Bailey that you can make a lot of money while keeping your sanity is what's really keeping you at the orphanage. Like after the first time you get sold off, Bailey's not expecting you to be around anymore. Like realistically Eden's not gonna let you go willingly at first and it takes forever to escape from from the farm and the brothel but you manage. You manage to dip and come back. I guess that's just me reading into Bailey being a greedy but manipulative fuck who is gonna monetize our will to live and desire for freedom, which could lead to your "Having to work at the School because you're still stuck with Bailey" bit
But on a lighter note, I've always imagined my pc putting the money in an envelope with Bailey's name scrawled on in cursive and him having to open it in front of her like it's their birthday and pc is his grandmother or worse sugarmommy.
Tbh, i sorta agree? Like, it does cost a lot to keep a child under your roof so I do think that your debt is already a whole lot but also, Bailey definitely tacked interest on, like, at least 30% interest on your debt for each year.
But, while snatching all that money from you, Bailey just openly hates you. Even if you fuck them, they just don't like you. You're their property but they want you out of their hair. So, they can't help but be a bit surprised when you come crawling back. Like a kicked dog with nowhere else to go, they can't help but smirk when you come limping back from Eden and Remy's.
They won't let you fuck off until your debt is paid but honestly, with working at the school, its not gonna pay a lot. Maybe, if I legit sat down and thought about it, maybe Leighton strikes the deal with Bailey. You're 18, an adult, but still, Leighton talks to your caretaker like you're a child, you're in trouble, and Bailey won't have their relationship with Leighton erode because you tagged along with some skidmarks to trash your headmaster's house to celebrate graduating.
Legit, I imagine that one of my pcs does leave an envelope of money in Bailey's office before leaving town, hoping it pays of the last of their debt, in a snide way.
Tbh, Bailey won't see it as a way to make fun of them? Even if they have to open it in front of you, they're still collecting £2000-£4000 from you. Maybe kinda pissy because you obviously are rolling in way more but still
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A be-tentancled understatement
....so everyone saw the orange ocean right? RIGHT? MORE THAN THAT WE ALL SAW THE TENTACLES OUT IN THE HARBOR RIGHT? RIGHT???
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Regional Gothic in Bellwood, ties into my Cthullu Mythos crossover
The world's most beloved and infamous Hero has yet again saved the day, his emerald stare ablaze with secrets and seeming to glow with their own alien light. His gaze seems to peer through the camera and look through all who view him and words linger in the air like a firm embrace of a god desperately trying to remain human.
There are whispers on the Internet and universal Extranet of cults springing up around the boy burdened with the weight of the universe's prosperity, with an ever growing list of faces to herald in a new dawn. Some call him by another name, claiming him to be a god in his own right.
The whispers of cults turn to murmured fact as the universe as a whole watches the Hero go to trial for remaking the universe after it was destroyed, apparently changed from the original in subtle unknowable ways. An uneasy feeling passes through the universe as all wonder if they too were slightly wrong, unknowablely different from their past self with no frame of reference to gauge themselves against.
Some people, you included, still wake up from feverish dreams of a demon worshiped by a hundred damned universes talking in blasphemous tongues that seems to peel the layers of reality before it reasserts itself with a green glow you've seen so often on the news. On rarer nights you wake to find yourself straddling dimensions, body stepping through them as one might step across a doorway, eyes aglow with a yellow light filled with the barest spark of the great Diagon's power biding it's time to free it's dark master.
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felinisfeloney · 5 years
ME: I’m not going to write anything for this... no i’m too busy
also me: i wrote while you weren’t looking
me: motherfucker...
So yeah this connected to that historical france au... don’t @ me on accuracy because this pure rough set up but it is fact that France 30-40ish years prior to the revolution went through this pastoral idealism stage where the aristocracy were taken in by this idealized vision of peasantry and this played a lot in the popularizing of the vielle for its folk tradition roots along with the fact that is was one of the few instruments considered safe for woman to play wuthout looking obscene and manish. Hilariously though in real context historically the symphonia (other name for the vielle or the hurdy gurdy) was used mostly by peasants particularly ones with any deformity (Especially the blind) and they usually sounded awful because they were illmaintained in most cases. There’s also a lot of it just being important for festivals... Plus as someone who’s listened to the hurdy gurdy a lot I love it but sometimes it really does sound like you’re trying to summon cthullu
also Estelle goes on a while before realizing Flynn is blind when she tries to show him her sheet music and he triest to explain he can’t see it so written scores are fairly useless. And she’s just so amazed he’s learned everything by ear alone.
She loved the sound. It was a deep sound that was unlike most string instruments she’d ever heard with it’s organ like tone and the way the keys when pressed shifted like a piano. There were so many ways to play and so many little sounds you could find just in playing the crank. It was beautiful and sometimes even haunting in a way that reminded her of the sky. The shape was comforting and somehow chaotic in its form. So precise and yet it felt absurd.
Estelle was fond of the instrument to say the least so when the carriage rolled on through the French countryside and they came towards the small rustic town near the villa they would be staying at she heard the beautiful sound drift through the air she couldn’t help peaking out to see who was playing.
He looked a simple man- poor- with patchy clothes and dirty yellow locks. His eyes shut tight as he played with remarkable precision and skill that had those notes drift beautifully into the air mixed in with a singing voice that seemed to be making notes rather than words. She wondered what that part was about. A man walking by dropped a single coin in a tattered hat at his feet and she saw a small nod of thanks as his pace never ceased.  
“His playing seemed rather nice for a commoner,” Ioder spoke as they rolled further and further away from the sound.
Estelle turned away from the window and gave a soft nod, “Well, the vielle is the instrument of the rustic man as well so it seems only natural.”
“Do you wish to play once we get to the manor?”
Her hands twitched with an itch to play, “Yes. I do,” but really there were more important matters to attend to then her wanted need to play an instrument. She really did wish sometimes she could learn something… less ladylike. Oh the trumpet would be fun or the cello- if they weren’t so out of fashion a guitar, perhaps! “Ioder do you think I’m strange?”
“In what way?”
“Never mind. It’s nothing. Just ignore I said anything.”
As the carriage rocked back and forth she thought over and over about those notes and the melody.
I wonder what song it was?
Flynn’s fingers were rough and calloused from both poverty and playing of his beloved vielle. He remembered that there must have been a time when hours of plucking the strings and pressing the keys left him with blisters and Yuri had once mentioned he’d bled all over his strings but he could never picture such a time or feeling as he played his instrument today.
The sun was rather warm and he was tempted to move off street towards where he knew a shady tree sat but people didn’t pay if they couldn’t see you and it was time to move to a new location soon anyway.
In all honesty, he really didn’t need the walking stick but it helped remind people when he was in public. Strange to live in a town his whole life and yet people would forget the obvious facts. As he walked he heard the sound of footsteps and a small call, “Hey, moving already?”
“Well it is after noon.” Flynn said with a shrug as he kept down the road only stumbling a bit when his foot hit a rather large rock.
“Some fancy carriage came rolling through town.” Yuri said reaching out to hand him a small sack. “You forgot to eat.”
“Ah, that time of year again.”
“You don’t mind if I listen to you play for a while?” Flynn shook his head as he bit into a bit of stale bread.
“Not unless you’re skipping out on work.” Between the two of them Yuri is honestly the real breadwinner most days.
A laugh, “Right, right. To bad not all of us get to sit around playing music all day.”
It was meant as a joke obviously but Flynn couldn’t help but feel embittered by it. He wasn’t a viellist by choice even if he loved the instrument. It was simply in the lineup of jobs available for someone like him- someone broken as the world like to put it to him often- simply not in the grace of god enough to present better this was the one he’d landed on. He wished he could have a job like Yuri and not feel like a freeloading beggar living off his grace at times.
“Well I’ll be sure to play a special tune for you for working hard.”
“I don’t know how, but I swear you are the only person I know that can make that thing play music.”
“Come on, there are others!” Flynn protests because he’s heard some beautiful viellists.
He can hear the grimace on Yuri’s face, “Ugh, it always sounds like it’s summoning some deep sea monster or they’re calling down the rapture. I refuse to call that music.”
“I heard there’s been constructions lately of many wonderful and intricate pieces now that the nobility have taken a liking to it…” Flynn smiled thinking of what the notes could sound like. “I’d like to hear it.”
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