#cu-poche alice
sanhatipal · 10 months
So.....my PH 15th music box came in the same box with that one Alice keychain from the anime (I wanted her for a long time,it was very cheap so I added it) and honestly? I'm losing my shit
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Tiny doesn't even begin to describe her. She's miniscule. Teeny tiny. Itty bitty
Next to a NENDO
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A Nendoroid Petite
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Next to the chibi Oz figure from vol 20 and my custom Alice chibi
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She's basically Cu poche Alice's Alice doll
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Hell this is her next to a Takara Tomi mascot figure and those are tiny on their own right
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Cracking up
I'm gonna choke laughing
Of course the only perfect place for her is on Gil's head.
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sweetmiremoonie · 9 months
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TBT #31
I thought the cu-poche friends figures of Alice and Alice Noir were so cute, so I made some artwork inspired by them~ ♠️❤️♣️♦️
🌙 You can find me elsewhere here 💕
💖 I hope my artwork brightens your day~
💫 My artwork is free for personal and public use with credit
❗️Please do not repost, trace, or use my artwork for financial purposes
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humblezombieponders · 4 years
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This is another of Cu-Poche Alice's extra faceplates on an Obitsu 11cm body.  I made her an icing wig.  I sewed her outfit using a scaled-down pattern from DGRequiem.  I also made her purse :)
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myethos · 4 years
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brittmiscast · 8 years
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DOLL 365, 2017 - Day 51
I didn't get to post a picture yesterday because I had a job interview, but I wanted to share the good news with a belated picture... I got the job!
Chai, Meiji, Yuuko, and Willice are Cu-poche Cherie, Alice, Anne, and Belle - Outfits: Kotobukiya
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strawberrijpeg-blog · 6 years
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Cu-poche Alice w/ bunny
~ Transparent background & Free to use in edits
~ Nothing commercial please
~ please don’t delete my caption
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geocuties · 7 years
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hobbylinkjapan · 7 years
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Kotobukiya’s popular “Alice in Wonderland”-inspired Cu-poche returns with a new color scheme and optional hair parts to display her with twin tails!
Cu-poche Friends: Alice Noir by Kotobukiya
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dailyfigures · 2 years
Hello,I love your blog, the cute figures bring a smile to my face everyday, and since I went hiatus on twitter,your blog is what brings me little joys everyday here on Tumblr!! Thank you for running it!
I like to make custom figures for myself, I've sculpted quite a few from scratch, and customized others, and... I really loved the OC Nendoroid doll Inventor Kanou ( https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1175848 ) , I couldn't afford him. I already had two nendo doll bodies,so I bought his clothes from gsc and bit by bit sculpted him entirely bit by bit, and I'm almost done, I just need to paint and seal him and put him on display!
I really want to do the same for Anna Moretti too ( https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1381926 ) , but it's been so many months and absolutely no updates from GSC 😭
I found a seller on Etsy who makes boots for nendoroids, and I said heck and bought a red pair,and am trying to design my own steampunk nendo character (doesn't mean I don't want Anna anymore,I 100% do)
Anyways I really love nendoroid dolls (but can't really afford them since they keep getting more and more expensive by each release) and have the Queen of Hearts! ( https://myfigurecollection.net/item/676146 ) ,and she's in the centre of my display along with Cu - poche Alice (https://myfigurecollection.net/item/430675) who was my first ever figure!
Um... I'm sorry for rambling, it's just that I love my collection and I love making figures, and I love your blog and you seem like a very sweet person,so I just wanted to tell you this, I really hope you don't mind!!
thank you so much for your kind words anon you're so sweet 😭😭 i'm so glad you like my blog!!! <3
it's so cool that you make custom figs i love the steampunk style!!!! i also love the alice in wonderland figs you linked i'm sure they look so cute together! nendoroid dolls have gone up like 3k yen just in the past year it's actually ridiculous......it's such a cool creative solution to just customize your own tho! i would love to see how yours turns out when it's finished!!!
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Cu-poche + Nendoroid Co-de
Have you ever wondered if you can switch a Nendoroid Co-de Head / Face to a Cu-poche’s?
I’ve been asking that myself too, and since I like dress up stuff… I decided to own a Cu-poche for my Cardcaptor Sakura Nendoroid Co-de!
I’ve seen articles about switching their Nendoroid heads to a cu-poche’s body but I haven’t seen anyone share about using a Co-de head part. And since my Co-de Sakura is the only available Nendo I got, I find it risky that there might be a chance that it wont fit. But I’d still want to try.
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So, I bought a Cu-poche Alice! I basically could’ve just bought a simple one but this one already has cute clothes, and head accessories.
I got so excited that I opened it up without even recording an unboxing video.
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I’ve put all the acc and clothing, and tried to remove Alice’s head
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Tried to insert my Sakura Co-de’s head, but YES IT IS LOOSE.
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the Cu-poche’s neck joint is too small and short for the Co-de head.
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HOWEVER, I still wanted it to work out and since I can’t seem to remove the neck joint,
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I tried wrapping the stem with some washi tapes to thicken it…and tada~!
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It’s so adorable! though the head is not that tight, but it doesn’t fall off easily compared to the first trial. So there you have it! The Cu-poche + Nendoroid Co-de Experiment.
I’m excited to make some clothes for her too! For more info about swapping Nendo heads to a Cu-poche’s body, I found an article here http://bit.ly/2y0VHNg
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sanhatipal · 4 years
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Merry Christmas,folks!!!
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charactergoods · 7 years
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New face and hair sets for Cu-Poche Alice and Anne
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humblezombieponders · 5 years
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I am so happy with how these PJs turned out!  I made them using DGRequiem patterns for tiny BJDs, which I had already scaled down for Obitsu 11cms, then I had to adjust them even smaller to fit the Cu-Poche body.  This is my first full outfit for a Cu-Poche  (I've sewn for the faceplates I've put on Obitsu bodies, but all of my C-P bodied ones have either plastic/molded on outfits, or outfits I bought that were made for them).  Since she has a sleepy face plate, I thought some PJs would look cute on her ^_^
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plumedepoete · 4 years
  a douăzeci și treia zi  Stătuseră trei zile în Creta pentru afacerile murdare ale căpitanului Papadopilos, dar și pentru alimentarea navei cu combustibil. Julien și Virgil nu părăsiseră nava de teamă să nu fie recunoscuți. Compania celor două fete, Jade și Alice, le ajutase. Jade era amanta lui Julien și Alice, amanta lui Virgil. Se apropiau deja de Strâmtoarea Dardanele și de Bosfor, aproape de sfârșitul călătoriei. Oricât au îndurat până atunci, încă o săptămână sau două, după cum le spusese căpitanul, nu însemna mare lucru. Fiind o navă de transport de animale, Garda de Coastă din Italia, extrem de severă, nu urcase pe nava căpitanului Papadopulos (binecunoscut de altfel). Scăpase de fetele răpite și cu banii obținuți cumpărase droguri și țigări, foarte căutate în România. Julien luase pașapoartele lui Jade și Alice după ce plătise prețul. Din păcate, epidemia de virus corona cunoscuse o răspândire fără precedent în toată Italia, amenințând cu închiderea aeroporturilor și a porturilor maritime, ceea ce părea să le strice planurile. De aceea, îl îndemnase pe căpitan să nu întârzie mai mult decât era necesar. Chiar înainte de a pleca, un membru al echipajului, de origine egipteană, arătase semne de infecție și a fost lăsat pe insulă. Deși exista riscul ca și alții să fie infectați, căpitanul Papadopulos nu luase în considerare pericolul. Încerca disperat să-și protejeze propria investiție, în acord cu cei doi pasageri speciali, de la care primise încă două mii de euro. Căpitanul se aștepta la controale mai strânse pe drumul spre Constanța, așa că evitatese toate porturile mici până la ieșirea din Bosfor. - Cele trei poduri peste Bosfor sunt foarte impresionante! spuse Virgil - Da, răspunse Julien, dar cred că am văzut patru! De acum înainte, frate, nimic nu ne mai poate opri! - Alice îmi spunea că și în România este foarte periculos! Ea și Jade sunt din România, dacă nu știai! - Foarte bine! Nu vorbesc prea bine română! Fetele ne vor ajuta foarte mult în relația cu românii, care sunt corupți până în măduva oaselor! Marea Neagră era calmă și nava înainta încet, scârțâind îngrozitor, cu toate balamalele sale ruginite. În apropiere de Constanța, o navă militară rapidă, cu zece bărbați la bord, le ordonase să se oprească. - Portul este închis! Cu ce trecuri, căpitane, pe aici? - Import de animale, șefu! răspunse Papadopulos, salutându-i militărește. Vă rugăm să veniți la bord! Liderul de patrulă urcă rapid și a examină pașapoartele echipajului. Julien și Virgile își prezentaseră pașapoartele umplute cu bani. - Voi doi cine sunteți? - Cumpărătorii. Vă rugăm să ne lăsați să intrăm în port! Navigăm de trei luni! Șeful de patrulă luase banii din pașapoarte și îi băgase în buzunar. - Bine, băieți, intrați cât de repede puteți! Dacă sunteți întrebați, deși nu cred acest lucru, spuneți că căpitanul Apostolescu v-a controlat! Julien aruncă o privire spre Virgile. - Iată, frate, cam așa merg lucrurile pe aici! - Și nu ai văzut încă nimic! spuse Alice. Vei vedea după intrarea noastră în țară! Virgil insistase cu ochii pe ea. - Dar cu poliția cum stăm? - Chiar mai bine decât crezi! Majoritatea sunt săraci și banii fac minuni! Dacă nu știți, aici prețurile sunt de trei-patru ori mai mici decât în Franța! - Avem un loc sigur unde să stăm? - Nicio problemă. Există mii de pensii turistice, familiale, ieftine, unde nimeni nu îți pune întrebări despre sănătate! Un pașaport de la unul dintre noi este suficient pentru toți, iar poliția nu verifică registrele de intrare ale unor pensiuni turistice izolate. Căpitanul Papadopulos reușise să readucă nava la țărm, abia păstrându-și echilibrul. Era bine cunoscut în port, dovadă că fusese primit cu aplauze. le vingt-troisième jour   Ils étaient restés trois jours en Crète pour les sales affaires du capitaine Papadopilos, mais aussi pour alimentation avec du navire  le carburant. Julien et Virgil  n'avaient pas quitté le navire de peur de ne pas être reconnu. La compagnie des deux filles, Jade et Alice, il les avait aidés. Jade était la  maîtresse de Julien et Alice, la maîtresse du Virgile. Ils approchaient déjà du détroit de Dardanele et du Bosphore,    près de la fin de leur voyage. Autant qu'ils avaient enduré jusque-là, pendant une autre semaine ou deux,   comme le capitaine leur avait dit, ne signifiait pas grand-chose. Étant un navire de transport d'animaux, la gardes côtière italiene, extrêmement sévère, il n'avait pas grimpé le navire du capitain Papadopulos ( bien connu d'ailleurs).  Il s'était échappé des filles kidnappées  et avec l'argent obtenu, il avait acheté des drogues et des cigarettes, très recherchées en Roumanie. Julien avait pris les passeports de Jade et d'Alice après avoir payé le prix. Malheureusement, l'épidémie de virus covid-19 elle avait connu une propagation sans précédent dans toute l'Italie, menaçant la fermeture des aéroports et des ports maritimes, le chose qui semblait les ruiner leurs plans. Voilà pourquoi, il avait exhorté le capitaine à ne pas être en retard plus qu'était nécessaire. Juste avant de partir, un membre de l'équipage, d'origine égyptienne, il avait montré des signes d'infection et a été laissé sur l'île. Bien qu'existait le risque, que aussi d'autres soient infectés, le capitaine Papadopulos n'avait pas envisagé  le danger. Il essayait désespérément de protéger son propre investissement, en accord avec les deux passagers spéciaux, dont  il avait  reçu encore deux mille euros.  Le capitaine s'attendait à des contrôles plus stricts sur le chemin de Constanța, il avait donc  évité  toutes les petites ports jusqu'à bien partir du Bosphore. - Très impressionnants les trois ponts sur le Bosphore! dit  Virgile. - Oui, Julien avait répondu,  mais je crois que j'ai vu  quatre! A partir de maintenant,  frère, rien ne peut pas plus nous arrêter! - Alice me ditait  qu'en Roumanie c'est très dangereux aussi! Elle et Jade sont de la Roumanie,  si vous ne saviez pas! - Très bien ! Je ne parle pas trop bien le roumain! Les filles nous aideront beaucoup dans la relation avec les Roumains, qui sont corrompus jusque la moelle osseuse! La mer Noire était calme et le navire avançait lentement, grinçant terrifiant, de tous ses charnières rouillés.  Près de Constanta, un navire militaire rapide, avec dix hommes à bord,  les avait ordonné de s'arrêter. - Le port est fermé! Avec quelles  choses, capitain, par ici? - Importation d'animaux, patron! Papadopulos répondit, les saluant  militairement. Montez, s'il vous plaît, à bord! Le chef de patrouille grimpa rapidement et examinait les passeports de l'équipage. Julien et Virgile avaient presanté leur passeports bourré d'argent. - Vous deux qui êtes-vous? - Cumpărătorii.  Nous vous demandons nous laisser entrer dans le port! Nous naviguons depuis trois mois! Le chef de patrouille avait extrait les argents de ses passeports et  les avait mis dans poche. - Bien, des mec, entrez vous aussi vite que vous le pouvez! Si vous quelqu'un vous le demande, bien que je ne pense pas, vous le disiez que le capitaine Apostolescu vous contrôlait! Julien a fait un clin d'œil à Virgile. - De cette façon, tout se passe ici! - Et tu n'as encore rien vu! dit Alice. Vous verrez après notre entrée dans le pays! Virgile avait insisté avec ses yeux sur elle. - Mais avec la police comment nous restons? - Encore mieux que vous ne le pensez! La majorité sont pauvres et l'argent fait des merveilles! Si vous ne sachiez pas, ici les prix ils sont trois à quatre fois plus petits qu'en France! - Avons-nous un endroit sûr pour rester? - Pas de problème. Il y a des milliers de pensions touristiques, famille, bon marché, où personne ne te pose des questions sur  santé! Ça suffit un seule passeport de l'un de nous pour toutes, et la police ne contrôle pas les registres d'entrée du quelques pensions touristiques isolés. Le capitaine Papadopulos avait réussi à ramener le navire à terre,  maintenant à le peine son équilibre.  Il était bien connu dans le port, preuve qu'il avait été reçu avec les applaudissements.
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brittmiscast · 8 years
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DOLL 365, 2017 - Day 48
Don't Sayla and Meiji just look perfect together?
Sayla is a VOLKS Dollfie Dream M.O.M.O. - Faceup: VOLKS - Eyes: VOLKS - Wig: Leekeworld - Shirt: TTYA - Underwear: Licht
Meiji is a Kotobukiya Cu-poche Alice - Faceup: Kotobukiya - Outfit: Kotobukiya
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tasmefigurines · 6 years
Little dragon
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I am at it again with hunting down good bootlegs... THOUGH, I couldn’t say that in this case it is a bootleg! 
It’s a nendoroid merged with a cu-poche. Why? It has nendoroid head and a body of cu-poche Alice:
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Though the face shape is really close Little red ridding hood cu-poche that I have. The makers might not have copied it off a nendoroid. 
The dress is completely original on Kanna, the quality is good. It comes apart in several parts, detailed nicely. 
Lovely socks and red shoes are included. The quality overall is high.
Not many, there are some iffy parts though: 
♦ The stand is a mess
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♦ Weird thing going on with her left side hair, seems to be present in all Kanna Cu-poches. Only really visable by an agle and lighting. Most likely a mold issue.
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♦ Messy horns
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Apart from that, not so many issues, it is good quality. 
I did pay around 20 euros, she was on sale, so it was less than what she goes for now. No extra shipping fees, arrived fast, plus proper tracking. She usually go over 25 euros, so hunt for sales and get her then. 
If you want to see the unboxing: 
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