#cupcake was named by Cindy and Odin was named by Arkin lol
wsbhonni ยท 6 months
Authors Note: I had a quarter life crisis last night and wrote this instead of dealing with my feelings ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
Collectkin Fluff in which Asa has a staring problem! Just two gay men watching their dogs frolic in their backyard and just chilling really. (Alot of this was based on DMs between me and the oomfies tbh;;)
"You're starin' again," Arkin teased, smirking playfully at Asa.
"Oh," Asa blinked, turning away.
Arkin simply chuckled, taking the silent apology as he puffed on his cigarette. He looked out into the yard where the dogs were playing, letting them wear each other out. Asa seemed to have moved his attention to the tumbling pups as well, a half amused smile on his face.
Arkin exhaled blue smoke through his nose, leaning his head onto Asa's shoulder.
Emory turned his head back, smiling softly, planting a sweet kiss to the top of Arkin's hair. He wrapped a thick arm around the leaner man's shoulders, urging him to further relax against him.
"Rough day," Asa asked, resting his head atop Arkin's.
"Nah," O'Brien sighed, taking another drag, "Just the usual, rich people not knowing how to take care of their own house."
Asa hummed, eyes naturally falling on Arkin's form.
Arkin went on talking about his day, and Asa happily listened to every detail. He didn't mind that Arkin was dominating the conversation, Asa prefered to listen than to talk.
Slowly, Asa pushed the porch swing with his legs, letting it gently rock the both of them.
Arkin just finished talking about his client's weird teenaged son, his hand resting on Asa's. They fell into a comfortable silence, content to watch their dogs slowly lose energy. They also took time to admire their manicured lawn, the patches of once dead grass now a vivid emerald green.
They worked hard on landscaping the property together, it was their first project as an official couple. They didn't stop at the grass and shrubbery either, Arkin had the wonderful idea to plant an apple tree in the backyard, and Asa happily obliged. The tree was juvenile, for now, but it would soon grow to it's full size, and when it did, they wanted to build a bench around it- maybe tie a swing to it for Cindy.
But Asa was most excited for the apples themselves, specifically, he couldn't wait for Arkin to peel them for him. It was Arkin's way of saying "I love you", and it melted Asa's heart.
Emory's gaze fell back onto Arkin, drinking in his form, breathing in his smell, admiring his natural beauty.
Arkin could feel the gentle gaze on himself again. He smirked and was about to make a comment, when Asa spoke before him.
"You're so beautiful," He said softly.
Arkin smiled, visibly brightening- he reminded Asa of a firefly.
"You mean handsome," Arkin jokingly corrected, giving Asa's hand a squeeze as he took the last drag of his cigarette.
"Men can be beautiful too," Asa responded confidently.
O'Brien hummed, silently agreeing as he leaned forward to snuff the cherry of his spent cigarette onto the ashtray. The backyard table had a couple glasses on it from when Asa made iced tea. The summer was rolling in, and it was already drying up the spring air. Even so, despite the heat, Arkin returned to Asa's side.
He let the larger man wrap his large arm around his shoulders, and pull his securely to his side. He planted a soft kiss to the top of Arkin's auburn hair, the two looking up to see the dogs finally laying down in the grass.
Cupcake was getting a drink of water while Odin panted and rolled lazily into the grass. Just as the sun was nearly down.
The comfortable chill of night was filling the air, serene and dipped in golden shadows.
They had no reason to stay outside any longer. They should call the dogs into the house, take their dishes in, finish their chores for the night.
But, there was no reason to rush the afternoon, either.
The two were fine just where they were.
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