#two bros chillin in their backyard
wsbhonni · 6 months
Authors Note: I had a quarter life crisis last night and wrote this instead of dealing with my feelings 💖💖💖
Collectkin Fluff in which Asa has a staring problem! Just two gay men watching their dogs frolic in their backyard and just chilling really. (Alot of this was based on DMs between me and the oomfies tbh;;)
"You're starin' again," Arkin teased, smirking playfully at Asa.
"Oh," Asa blinked, turning away.
Arkin simply chuckled, taking the silent apology as he puffed on his cigarette. He looked out into the yard where the dogs were playing, letting them wear each other out. Asa seemed to have moved his attention to the tumbling pups as well, a half amused smile on his face.
Arkin exhaled blue smoke through his nose, leaning his head onto Asa's shoulder.
Emory turned his head back, smiling softly, planting a sweet kiss to the top of Arkin's hair. He wrapped a thick arm around the leaner man's shoulders, urging him to further relax against him.
"Rough day," Asa asked, resting his head atop Arkin's.
"Nah," O'Brien sighed, taking another drag, "Just the usual, rich people not knowing how to take care of their own house."
Asa hummed, eyes naturally falling on Arkin's form.
Arkin went on talking about his day, and Asa happily listened to every detail. He didn't mind that Arkin was dominating the conversation, Asa prefered to listen than to talk.
Slowly, Asa pushed the porch swing with his legs, letting it gently rock the both of them.
Arkin just finished talking about his client's weird teenaged son, his hand resting on Asa's. They fell into a comfortable silence, content to watch their dogs slowly lose energy. They also took time to admire their manicured lawn, the patches of once dead grass now a vivid emerald green.
They worked hard on landscaping the property together, it was their first project as an official couple. They didn't stop at the grass and shrubbery either, Arkin had the wonderful idea to plant an apple tree in the backyard, and Asa happily obliged. The tree was juvenile, for now, but it would soon grow to it's full size, and when it did, they wanted to build a bench around it- maybe tie a swing to it for Cindy.
But Asa was most excited for the apples themselves, specifically, he couldn't wait for Arkin to peel them for him. It was Arkin's way of saying "I love you", and it melted Asa's heart.
Emory's gaze fell back onto Arkin, drinking in his form, breathing in his smell, admiring his natural beauty.
Arkin could feel the gentle gaze on himself again. He smirked and was about to make a comment, when Asa spoke before him.
"You're so beautiful," He said softly.
Arkin smiled, visibly brightening- he reminded Asa of a firefly.
"You mean handsome," Arkin jokingly corrected, giving Asa's hand a squeeze as he took the last drag of his cigarette.
"Men can be beautiful too," Asa responded confidently.
O'Brien hummed, silently agreeing as he leaned forward to snuff the cherry of his spent cigarette onto the ashtray. The backyard table had a couple glasses on it from when Asa made iced tea. The summer was rolling in, and it was already drying up the spring air. Even so, despite the heat, Arkin returned to Asa's side.
He let the larger man wrap his large arm around his shoulders, and pull his securely to his side. He planted a soft kiss to the top of Arkin's auburn hair, the two looking up to see the dogs finally laying down in the grass.
Cupcake was getting a drink of water while Odin panted and rolled lazily into the grass. Just as the sun was nearly down.
The comfortable chill of night was filling the air, serene and dipped in golden shadows.
They had no reason to stay outside any longer. They should call the dogs into the house, take their dishes in, finish their chores for the night.
But, there was no reason to rush the afternoon, either.
The two were fine just where they were.
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frankenruth · 1 year
Normalize giving characters headcanons that are actually just weird things about you so that you feel less alone with them.
Mischa HATES orange juice. Ocean once tried to get him to drink it and he started crying
Penny Savannah Doe Lamb Green or whatever you wanna call her eats heavily buttered (and I mean there’s like, melted butter still sitting in the bottom of the bowl when she’s done eating) spaghetti noodles with that parmesan cheese that’s like powdery and comes in a shake bottle so much that everyone is concerned for her amount of butter intake
Whenever Ricky sees a spider jumpscare video or just anything with a spider in it they aren’t the same for two weeks
Noel has a NASTY pollen allergy. You see him with pink eye, one eyelid folded differently than the other, bright red raw skin in the inner corners of his eyes and below his nose, basically trembling, eyes so watery he looks like a sopping wet cat and he’ll be like “Oh, yeah, there’s a single dandelion in my backyard and i left my window open haha”
Savannah has teeny tiny hands. Compared to, let’s say Ocean’s hand, her hand is like an entire section and maybe almost a half smaller (by section I mean like the fingertip and then the middle and then the part that’s connected to the hand, yknow?)
Constance has a resting upset face. Like how some people have a resting b-word face but Constance’s is just upset. Under the weather. She’s just chillin’ in class and someone’s like “are you alright? What happened?” and she’s like “Huh??”
Ocean has an indescribable hatred towards ravioli
Ricky buys the stupidest clothing. Bro shows up to the function in the TJMaxx aight imma head out SpongeBob shirt and a knockoff Luigi ball cap they bought at some random festival stall two years ago
Savannah can’t tan for the life of her. Steps out in the sun for 0.0000000000000000000012 seconds and she’s bright red.
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bbleague-crispin · 7 months
heyy dude :DDD!!! woe. Incorrect quotes be upon ye (also specifying my Drayton as purple and your universes Drayton as black hehe) @arven-sada-turo
Crispin, watching Arven and Drayton from afar: Two Bros, Chillin in a hot tub. Five feet apart because they think they’re not gay, BUT THEY REALLY ARE-
Crispin: Drayton won’t wake up, what do I do?  Arven: Did you try kicking them?  Crispin: Yes.  Arven: I’m out of ideas.
Arven: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single?  Crispin: Do not do that.  Arven: You won’t even notice!  Drayton, entering: Arven, you wanted to see me again?  Arven: Crispin's single  Crispin:
Drayton: I have an idea.  Crispin: A good idea?  Drayton: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Drayton: It smells like henway in here.  Arven: Crispin: Arven.  Crispin, forcefully: Doesn't it smell like henway in here?  Arven: *sigh*  Arven: What's a henway?  Drayton: OH ABOUT TEN POUNDS!
I have to stop myself or I’ll keep going
// second one is also very accurate. drayton just like me fr... seriously the thing that got me out of bed today was this loud ass bird in my backyard that i could hear IN MY FUCKING ROOM [i really wanted to see which bird it was. i love birds ok]
// the 4th and 5th are also amazing. thankyou sarah ilysm/p
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blvvewolf · 4 years
Tumblr media
Has this been done yet?
When Ryan said “shane apart” that was the only thing I could think about
  i’m sorry
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Way Back Home (Bro!Taeyong x you)
BRO-SIS relationship here. not incest but pure sibling story! 
I hope you enjoy them. Stay safe and healthy and happy everyone! 
Cosmic loves you 💖
here we go!
In this pandemic time, starting first year in college is something different. Yes it was challenging and it was not so fun, especially since you have been waiting for this time of life to really feel what it's like to be an international first year student. You have prepared yourself to meet new roommates, living in a dormitory, and meeting people from different part of the world. Sadly, everything must be postponed because of COVID-19, and for your own safety, you're not allowed to go. Other than that, you are lucky you got accepted to the school you want, but surprise surprise you have to take the classes online. Online means using Zoom meetings and attending it like the scheduled time. This will be okay if you live on the same time zone, but here you are living 14 hours ahead, not to mention they have daylight saving thing your country never has! On November the time had changed to 15 hours difference, and you are still going strong. "Morning Taeyong," you peek your head from the door, your bed hair and pillow face greet your brother and he laughs on your puffiness. "It's almost eleven, come on wash your face." He says as he walks around the house, running a vacuum cleaner with the TV on. "Last night I can't directly sleep. Someone wants to check their Math homework with me, and I just slept at three." you yawn as you make your way to the bathroom and freshen up a bit. "Yes I know it is hard to study midnight, but that is why I didn't wake you up." he turns the vacuum off, stores it nicely in the small room and launches himself on the sofa. "I myself is enjoying the lack of sleep I cannot have during the promotional time." Taeyong leans into the soft couch and breathes a sigh of relief. "Yeah yeah yeah, I want to watch Mtopia but works are still chillin in my bedroom." you grin when you brush your teeth. Taeyong chuckles, "Do you have many things to do this week?" You shake your head, "Research for my Geography and maybe the ALS, and the upcoming Math quiz." Taeyong nods his head, "That is quite a lot." You shrug your shoulder, "Where are you going?" you have washed your face and brushed your teeth and hair. Calmly you walk to the sofa and sit beside him. "I'm thinking of visiting mom, wanna join?" he brushes his long hair away from his face. "Sure! Of course I am joining you. I can bring my laptop with me." you punch him playfully and he laughed, "Ah yeah my bad, You cannot attend college face to face, hahaha yes you can take your laptop!" You want to pinch him, but you remember the last time yo did that, you got scolded by his make up artist noona because they have to cover it up with foundations. "I want to pinch you so bad... Why are you more annoying after meeting Baekhyun sunbae!" you clench your fist.
As much as you love EXO and Baekhyun, you still sometimes wonder if your brother knows he is affected a lot by Baekhyun and you're kind of thankful for it. Taeyong looks happier now. "Hey if you can bring the works to home, we can go Friday and go back Sunday, what do you think?" You excitedly nod your head, "Yes! We can do that. I am so excited!" Well he has to ask you because he cannot drive himself home. So the adventure begins. Friday, you wake up around eight pack your things and with Taeyong. the two of you drive safely in the highways to go back home. "Must be hard eh? Studying online and everything." He looks to you for a while and focuses back on the road. You are the one driving the car, your brother can't really drive one, so he just helps you watch the road and navigates you although you know how to go home. "Brother, you need to learn how to drive like as fast as you could! Imagine if later I am away and you still cannot drive." He lets out a crisp laugh "That is why I am happy when you said you are still taking the winter term online, I am super happy. I need to make more memories with you before you're gone!!" he punches the air. "Well you're busy I cannot blame that. Well we can make memories now, in this pandemic time... we can bake cookies and cakes but I am busy with my classes. We can do that on the term break!!" you also suggest things to do with him. "Well yeah, it'll be hard for me to see you later." "I'll try and see you on your concerts and tours." You send him a comforting smile. "Focus on your studies, I don't want you to fail quizzes because you attend concerts and tours." he lovingly flicks your arm, you ouched but just laugh it off. "Yes yes mother," you taunt at him and he pinches your cheeks. "Naughty!" The two of you take a break in one of the rest area and after a heartful meal from Taeyong's credit card, you are ready for the rest of the journey. "We're almost there!" Taeyong roots for you, well he really understands you are tired but what can he do other than cheering you and feeding you snack and drinks while jamming to his playlist. "You remember that time you followed me secretly and Doyoung to get ice cream?" he starts his memory lane talk and you are already laughing when you play the scene back in your head. You laugh and hit the steering wheel, "Of course! I cannot forget you and Doyoung screaming so loud!" Taeyong laughs too, well back then, Doyoung offered Taeyong a ride to get ice cream, and when you heard that you sneakily jumped into the car and no one knew you were there. "What are you going to have?" That question was proposed by Doyoung and you popped in between them, "I'm thinking of getting a milkshake." Taeyong jumped like he had just seen a ghost and Doyoung screamed. You laugh heartily and they scold you on the way back because you scared them, but you're happy since you got your milkshake. "I swear you made the two of us looked like an idiot." Taeyong grins You clicked your tongue, "Best milkshake story ever!" You two exchanged more stories and suddenly the world has changed. The highway has changed to a village sceneries and oh the flowers and trees are nice candy orange! "hey hey stop here for a while!!" Taeyong taps your shoulder. You hit the brake and question him,"Huh? Why? We're not homed yet." He unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the door, 'I want to take pictures." he grins and hands you his phone. You roll your eyes, "Fine. Quick I am not taking too much. I am tired okay we better arrive and eat lunch." "Yes yes I know." he carelessly answers you, his hand is already busy fixing his clothes and hair. You wait for him to pose and you take a quick snap of him in his all white attires. Well he really looks good in white and the background flowers are in a nice contrast. Orange and yellow flowers. He changes position and poses and you just calmly take his pictures, later he will choose it by himself. "Alright you're getting better in taking pictures!" he messes your hair when he is satisfied with the results. "Want me to take you one too?" he asks in a mannerly way, you shake your head, "I am good thank you, so shall we go?" He nods happily and when you're back in car Taeyong is already busy picking pictures to upload in Instagram for his fans to see. "Thank you for driving me here, the way back home is always the best ride!" He kisses your cheek and hugs you when the two of you already settle your feet in mother and father's backyard. "Welcome home!" you whisper and grab his hand to knock on the door. "Mother! Your two sweet bad dreams are here!" the two of you mischievously knock on the door and wait for your mother to open the door. "Look who's here! Welcome home honey!" she greets the two of you with a big hug and a surprised happy face. "What a great surprise!" father also hugs you two and ushers you in. "Food is ready in the table, wash your hands and eat." You and Taeyong smile, well after all home is always the best place to rest and eat. "You must be tired from driving here?" your mother runs a hand on your hair. You shake your head, "It's okay. I am glad to be back here! Taeyong shall we eat?" And with that you two are back at home.
END. please his insta pic is sooo pretty!
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myownworstenemyyy · 4 years
What do the boys like doing on their days off. Where would they go? Would they go out or stay in?
ooh i love this, let's see....
Javier – boy doesn’t know the meaning of the phrase “day off,” and if he’s forced to, i feel like he’d take work home with him. Now, if we're talking after all the shit with Escobar? I could see him veggin around his apartment for most of the day, nursing a bottle of whiskey and watching old western movies from when he was a kid, and then going out to a bar later that night and picking up someone to drown his sorrows in (someone give this man a hug please for the love of–)
Frankie – i think he’d spend his day outdoors, maybe fishing or hiking, either alone or with the Delta Force guys (unless you have the day off as well, then he much prefers spending the day with you). if he’s not up for a whole day out in the woods or by the lake, i could see him doing some long-overdue house repairs or finally putting a dent in building that backyard patio he’s been meaning to finish for months.
Din – kinda similar to Javi, i feel like this guy doesn’t take nearly as many days off as he should. but when things seem calm enough for him to let his guard down for a day or two, he’d land the ship on some planet in the outer rim and let the kid stretch his legs, playing around in the tall grass or hunting as many frogs as he can get his little hands on. (maybe Din will even stop on Sorgan for a short visit)
Whiskey – I don't know why but i keep picturing this guy at a casino on his day off, just going from table to table and gathering his winnings in all his yeehaw glory. he’d flirt shamelessly with all the waitresses and single ladies hovering around him while he’s gambling all his Statesmen’s paycheck away (but with all the money he loses, he ends up earning 10-fold, he’s a pro at cheating gambling). i bet he’d even use that southern charm on the dealers (doesn’t matter the gender imo) to gain even more winnings.
Ezra – i could see him chillin out in the green with a good book and whatever alcohol he’s got on his ship (if he even has his own ship, otherwise i could totally see him raiding someone else’s lol) 
Oberyn – orgy, all day long 😂
Marcus – hmm i don’t know much about this guy, but if he’s in a relationship i could picture him just spending the day with his love in bed (not necessarily sexy times, more like snuggling and watching netflix together) OR maybe he’d spend the day strolling around his favorite art museum or taking his love for a date there and telling them all about the significance and fun facts about each piece 
Maxwell Lord – probably crying in his pajamas because he has no friends 
Max Philips – chillin with his frat bros and bragging about being salesman of the month, like nonstop
Dave York – hopefully dead in a ditch somewhere
HC tags: @bestintheparsec @aerynwrites @hiscyarika @haildoodles-writing @lovingtheway
mayhaps some more HCs for the boys??
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7team7 · 5 years
SasuSaku Month Day 7: One of These Nights
Title: Sasuke and Sakura’s Night Out! // Rating: M (drugs, language) // Summary: Sakura and Sakura don’t get out much, but just one night is enough to make up for a lifetime of staying in. Very much inspired by my love for both the movie booksmart and those memes where it’s like aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you want to just go absolutely fucking feral? Yeah, nerd SasuSaku going feral basically // ao3 link 
A/N: something to make up for yesterday’s angst, this was a ton of fun to write!! Also why do i keep writing things i dont know about?? Idk anything about the good old mary jane or drugs in general lol but just go with it this isn’t really supposed to make sense Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto, Booksmart, or anything mentioned in this story. I’m just a wee speck of dust in the universe
“One of these nights we should do something actually fun.”
“Since when did watching movies with me stop being fun? Did you want a snack or something? I saw that post you tagged me in this morning, I guess we can build a blanket fort on the trampoline, but you can’t complain about it being cold.”
Sakura sat up from where she was lounging on Sasuke’s bed, staring at the wall. “Now that you mention it, I could go for some boba. Or an edible.”
Sasuke, sitting in his bean bag, stared at Sakura in disbelief, “do you even know what’s in those?”
Sakura straightened up even more and looked down haughtily, “of course I do. Naruto told me a long time ago. And doesn’t a brownie sound so good right now?”
“Sakura, you got drunk off a few sips of your Aunt Tsunade’s rice wine and you’re telling me you want to get high? We’re about to go to college and you want to fry your brain?”  
“We’re about to go to college and we’ve never done anything. Do you know how lame that is?”
Sasuke seemed to contemplate Sakura’s words for a moment before giving her a wolfish grin, sounding every bit the teenage boy he was, “that’s not true. We’ve done stuff. We’ve had sex. Lots of it.”
One of Sasuke’s pillows sailed across the room towards his face, accompanied by a screech, “I knew it, I knew you’d say something dumb! What does it matter when you’re already a stupid boy with no brain. Those ads are totally false, by the way. What’s the harm in trying weed, Sasuke? I wanna try, so you should do it with me.”
Despite being the captain of the speech and debate team, he couldn’t find anything to argue about. He texted Naruto; at least he could trust their “plug” or whatever he’s called by half the school.
Except, they actually couldn’t because he was somehow all out and directed them to Kiba instead.
“Seriously? We’ve known Naruto, like, forever? And he lets us down now? Kiba is smelly and weird. His weed probably...smells like weed.”
Sakura doesn’t let up, “just text Kiba, he’s not that bad. Don’t be lame.”
“What should I even say? Leaf emoji? Side eye emoji? Plug emoji? Is he going to give us a friends and family discount?”
“Sasuke, I know you love using color coordinated spreadsheets to organize your life, but now is not the time. Mention my name. Maybe he’ll give us a hot girl discount.”
“I just sent him ‘weed’ with a question mark. Oh, he already responded. He said come over right now and he’ll ‘give us the hook up.’ Sakura, does that mean he wants us to have a threesome with us?” Sasuke asked with false, exaggerated concern.
That earned Sasuke another pillow thrown at his face (this time it’s his favorite dinosaur plushie) before Sakura gets to her feet and announces with a rather dramatic clenched fist, “get in the car, we’re going to Kiba’s.”
“Yooo, Sasuke! Woah! And Sakura? The Kiba Hut is going to have a blessed night if these two legends are here! Come on in guys, we’re having a kickback.”
As Kiba opened the door wider to let them in, a haze of smoke wafted out and the smell hit them like a wall. They had definitely come to the right place.
They saw Kiba’s usual crew, Hinata and Shino, sitting on the couch looking very blissed out already, along with a number of other kids from their school. Sakura checked her phone, isn’t it like 9 pm? Is this late or early for this kind of stuff?
“My guy Naruto told me you’re here for some famous Kiba Hut edibles, and like, welcome to the bake sale, but I’m telling you man, you gotta try the newest from Shino. Shit’s dank, bro.”
The couple turned away from Kiba to look at Shino sitting there with his sunglasses still on despite being indoors. He raised a single hand in greeting, then gestured to a plate of brownies plus something less familiar in front of him. “The new goods or pot?”
Sasuke looked disturbed by the sight and was about to say “neither” before Sakura elbowed him sharply in the side, “we’ll take both!” she cut in with a big smile.
“Adventurous! I fucking love it! Man, you kids are too cute, I’ll give it to you real cheap. You got Venmo?” Kiba pulled his phone out to start the transaction.  
Sakura glanced around, they had never been to Kiba’s house before, so this was a new experience all around. She spotted a bowl of water by the kitchen, “uh, can dogs get high?”
Kiba laughed, “you’re probably wondering where Akamaru is! He’s chillin’ in the backyard. He’s cool with it though, he’s a total bro. He’s got hella treats out there, we’ve got hella treats in here. Equality, you feel?”
“For sure, for sure. I’ll just approve the charge now and we’ll be on our way!”
“Not so fast you two! Here at the Kiba Hut, we support tripping out in a safe environment, so you should take Shino’s new-new here.”
Sasuke and Sakura exchange glances. What did they have to lose?
Well, for starters, their grasp on reality.
They sat at Kiba’s kitchen table to take what Shino gave them and saved the edibles for later. And it was like nothing they had ever experienced.
“Sasuke. Your eyes are really red. Like not just the whites but your uh, pupil or whatever is the colored part.”
Sasuke rubbed at his eyes, “no they’re not. I can see them. So I know they’re not red.”
“Uhh, okay? They totally are though. And..did your head get bigger?”
“No but yours did. Ha, if only Ino was here. Hey, forehead. Wait—what the fuck, when did we get so small?”
“Oh my god, you’re so cute. You’re so short, Sasuke, you’re so small!”
*A/N: please imagine them as the SD versions of themselves*
Sakura started scooting forward on her chair. “What do we do now? How do we get down? We’re so small. We can’t stay here. What the fuck is going on? What did they give us?”
“It’s so hot in here. What did Kiba say about getting ready to hot box? What does that mean, like sweaty boxing? Where’s our water?” Sasuke looked up to their glasses of water on the table, which seemed miles away in their shrunken state.
“There’s no way we can reach up there. My head feels too heavy for my body, I’ll fall over if we try to jump.”
“Shit. Shit, okay, take your jacket off, first of all, am I the only one melting? Are the walls melting? Just throw it on the ground and to make a cushion. I’ll throw mine down on top and we can jump down.”
“Are you insane? What if we die?”
Sasuke gave Sakura a judgemental look, “we might as well be, I’m so fucking high! Just jump, I’m sure it won’t be that bad. Plus, I’ll go first and I’ll catch you,” he finished with a wink. He threw his jacket down on the floor with a pointed expression. A burgundy cardigan soon followed. And Sasuke jumped.
A voice sounded from below, “it worked! I made it! Jump now!”
Somehow Sasuke’s now doll proportion arms caught Sakura despite her now huge head. He set her down and started looking for the exit. There was no way they could push the kitchen door open, and he didn’t even want to see Kiba at the moment. It was so hot in the kitchen, he just wanted to get out of there.
“Sasuke! There!” Sakura pointed across the kitchen to the backyard. The doggy door.
“Fucking score! Let’s go.”
He grabbed her hand and they scurried across the tile as fast as their little legs could take them. But they needed to climb up a small threshold to get through the door, and the run combined with the heat of the kitchen had really drained them. They exchanged a look. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Akamaru’s dog bowl was full of water.
“Give me a boost!” Sakura told Sasuke as they faced the metal bowl. The way the metal warped their reflection made her feel even more tripped out, if that was possible. She just needed water now.
Sakura climbed up onto Sasuke’s clasped hands, grabbing onto the edge of the bowl. She held herself up on the edge and dipped her head to take a cool, refreshing drink.
Except her mouth encountered strands of white dog hair floating all around the water. She nearly toppled backwards as she tried to spit it all out, “ew, ew! Disgusting!”
Sasuke lowered her and asked as if it wasn’t already apparent, “so I’m guessing I shouldn’t drink the dog water?” She shook her head, “let’s just go outside.”
They walked to Kiba’s lawn and collapsed. It seemed like the sprinklers had just finished their cycle, so the cool, wet grass was a welcome change from the stuffy kitchen. “Sorry for dragging you here. I didn’t think it would be like this,” Sakura spoke quietly. Sasuke was a bit of a homebody to say the least, so when he didn’t have a good time during their outings, she always felt guilty for pushing him too far for comfort.
But he didn’t care as much as she always thought he did, he just enjoyed spending time with his girlfriend. They would both cherish these memories in the future since they were attending separate colleges. “It wasn’t that bad. Makes for a good story, I guess.”
Except the night wasn’t over, because a deep growl sounded from the shadowy corner of the yard.
Sakura bolted up, “Akamaru?!” before Sasuke dragged her back down, “are you trying to get us eaten? Keep quiet and just run!” Sasuke pointed to the side gate and without another word, they made a break for it. They didn’t bother locking the gate up again, too intent on getting the fuck out of there.
Sasuke took one look at his car and said, “nope. I’m not getting in that thing. We’re still coming down and it’s not safe. What if I get a DUI? What if we die? My dad would kill me either way.” Sakura nodded along as they started walking down the street, not another soul in sight.
Konoha wasn’t a huge town, despite never visiting Kiba’s house before, they could easily make their way back. “Hey, the park isn’t that far away. We could go sober up there then come back for your car?”
It seemed like whatever Shino gave them had mostly worn off during their walk and their stone bench looked more inviting than ever. They had shared countless moments there, from their first kiss, to their first “I love you”. They even opened their college acceptance letters there. Sakura swung her legs back and forth on the bench, “You know, I still have the edible in my bag. Should we?”
Sasuke ran a hand through his midnight hair, “Jesus fuck, alright. We’ve gotten this far and I know you wanted to try it. We can split it.”  
They had been sitting and talking for quite some time when Sakura started giggling more and feeling some type of way. “Woah. Is this why half our classmates came to school high everyday? What have we been missing?”
Sasuke’s eyes were half lidded as he slouched on the bench, “maybe Naruto is actually onto something. We should call him. Haha. Naruto. What a loser.”
Sakura started patting around her pockets to call their friend, “Sasuke. I think I left my phone in my cardigan pocket, which we left on the kitchen floor. Fuck, I’m so stupid,” but she was still laughing a little and Sasuke just shrugged. “It be like that. I left mine too. We can get them later and we can call Naruto later. Life is so chill.”
Sakura smiled, “exactly, it really do be like that. And life is so chill. Like woah. Are you hungry by the way?” Sasuke perked up a bit and nodded, “starving. Ichirauku is just around the corner.”
Sitting in the vinyl Ichiraku booth waiting for their cheeseburgers, Sakura was relieved to be somewhere she’s familiar with. But then she spotted a face she’s very familiar with after years of sleepovers and flower shop visits: Ino’s dad. She ducked down started tapping her palm the table, “Sasuke, don’t look, don’t look, it’s Ino’s dad. This is terrible, he’s like a fucking mind reader or something he’s totally gonna know we’re high.”
“Can you stop, he’ll look this way if you keep making noise. Just be chill or something.” He couldn’t help but steal a glance over his shoulder to confirm if it really was Inoichi. “Holy shit, wait. Is that Shikamaru’s dad?”
Sakura craned her neck to see over Sasuke’s head, “it totally is! And they’re with Chouji’s dad too! This is crazy. If they see us they’re gonna tell my mom. And then I’ll be on permanent house arrest.” She sank lower into her chair until her pink head rested on the table.
Sasuke placed his chin on his folded hands. He had endured enough shenanigans for one night, it was time to just wait this one out. Once he got his cheeseburger with extra tomatoes he was ready to go home and knock out.
Except Chouza’s laugh carried across the diner, and so did his booming voice, “just like the old days, right guys? We still get the munchies!”
Sakura perked back up when she heard this, “did he just say the munchies? Oh my god, Sasuke they’re high. They probably smoked weed and now they’re here because they have the munchies. Just like you and me. This night is too fucking weird.”
Thankfully as the trio of dads was about to walk out with their food to-go, the waitress arrived with their order and blocked them from view. The pair ate in relative silence, glad for a moment of calm. But it didn’t last because not long after the dads left, another familiar figure walked in.
“Sakura, you’ll never fucking believe it. Actually just look, it’s Kakashi.”
She whipped around to see that it really was none other than their favorite literature teacher. She waved him over without thinking twice and Sasuke kicked her under the table. “What are you thinking,” he grits out. Kakashi was cool, hell, cool enough to let everyone call him by his first name, but he was still their teacher. An adult who worked for their school. Someone who could totally get them in trouble. Like, worse than detention, and they’d never even had detention.
“If it isn’t my favorite students,” Kakashi smiled as if seeing them outside of school was a perfectly normal occurrence. “What are you doing here?” Sakura questioned innocently, as if it wasn’t well into the night and she didn’t reek of weed.  
“Picking up some food,” he answered matter-of-factly. “I could ask the same of you two, you’re normally home studying at this time of night, am I wrong?” Nope, he was 100% correct.
Sasuke chose his words carefully, “tonight has been an anomaly. But I am ready for bed now.” Kakashi nodded, “I see. You look like you’re done eating, so it won’t be long now. Drive carefully.”
The students exchanged a look before Sasuke swallowed his pride and started to beg as best as he knew how, “please, can you drive us home, we walked here from somewhere else and I don’t feel comfortable operating a motor vehicle in my currention condition, if you know what I mean.” Kakashi considered the two of them. They were certainly acting strange. Was Sakura trying to wink at him or was that a nervous twitch?
His eyes crinkled, “one ride won’t hurt, it’s late and what kind of teacher would I be if I left my students out to fend for themselves? I’ll just pick up my order and we can leave.”
They got situated in the car, just to find their former elementary school teacher Iruka sitting in the passenger seat. Sakura’s jaw dropped as she looks between Kakashi and Iruka. “You,” she points to the gray haired man, “and you?” she points to the ponytailed man. “Huh,” added Sasuke, “I thought Iruka hated tardiness, but Kakashi is late to class everyday.”
“Honey,” Iruka laughed nervously, “did you not tell your students about us? You always call them your precious students, I mean, I thought you’d tell at least these kids and Naruto.”
“Yeah,” jeered Sakura from the back seat, “what other secrets are you hiding Kakashi?”
“Sakura, shut up, shut up, Naruto texted me to come over now. He has something really cool to show us—or so he says. I wanna see, plus he owes us for sending us to Kiba’s. Kakashi take us to Naruto’s instead.”
Kakashi sighed, “I’ve seen some shit being a teacher, but I never thought I’d become a chauffeur for my students. But alright.” He made a U-turn and headed to Naruto’s. He had been there plenty of times, seeing as Minato was the school principal and something of a mentor to Kakashi.
After a car ride filled with the Mamma Mia soundtrack (Iruka claimed it was neutral territory, everyone loves it), they finally got dropped off at Naruto’s. They knocked on the door, ready for whatever surprise Naruto had to show them. When he flung the door open, they had never seen their friend so excited. His blue eyes were sparkling, “hurry! My room!” and he scurried into the house before they could even take their shoes off.
Naruto’s room was already quite a sight to behold considering the orange color scheme and ramen cups littering his desk, but his new orange quilt wasn’t what had Sakura screaming. “Why the fuck do you have a fox? Is that legal? Where did you get that thing?”
The blonde sniffed, “excuse me, ‘that thing’ has a name. Say hi to Kurama. Isn’t he a cutie?” Sasuke crossed his arms. Yup, their best friend had lost his mind. Even the fox’s collar and ID tag were orange. “And just what do you plan on doing with a fox, idiot?”
Naruto considered this for a moment, “I dunno. Didn’t think that far. I got it from this guy I know. Do you think Suna State allows pets in the freshman dorms?” Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose. Hopeless, he was really hopeless. And then he remembered how Naruto had let them down earlier, but he didn’t think it was because he had acquired a new pet. “What was that all about earlier? How do you not have weed?”
“Oh yeah! I have something else to show you! It’ll explain everything. Come into the basement. Say bye to Kurama first.” Sakura half-heartedly waved at the rather grumpy looking fox in his cage before they followed Naruto down below.
There was no way the universe wasn’t fucking with them. “Sai? Why the hell are you in Naruto’s basement?”
“So rude, Saucey-k! He’s my guest, you’re a pest! And he’s painting, duh.” Their very strange and very pale friend was sitting in front of a giant canvas that nearly stretched the entire span of the wall. He was adding details to what looked like a picture of Naruto in a loincloth. He was lounging on his side, eating grapes with one hand, and petting a fox with the other.
“Yeah no shit, I can see that,” Sasuke quipped, “but why?” Naruto huffed at him again, like it was obvious, “he needs money for his college tuition, so I commissioned him to paint me and Kurama. I’m looking pretty sexy, right?” Sakura didn’t bother answering him, “how does this ‘explain everything’, though?”
Naruto snapped two finger guns at them, “oh, right! Sai is an artist. And he does his best work when he’s high. He obviously needed a lot of weed to complete this masterpiece, so I gave him all my weed. It’s like, paying it forward or something.” If at all possible, Sasuke was even more irritated than before. He couldn’t spare a gram for his lifelong best friends, but he could give it all to this guy? Traitor.
“Well, now that you’ve seen it, we should leave Sai to work in peace. Looks amazing, cutie! Kurama, we’re coming back up, did you miss me already?”
“Wanna pet him? He’s only bit me six times in the last hour, I think he really likes my vibe or something.” Before either of them could protest, Naruto started opening the cage. “Kurama, come here, come here. Who’s a good boy? Who wants to get pet?” His arms made a circle for Kurama to settle into when the fox started stalking towards the cage door. He pounced through the gap in Naruto’s arms and hit the ground running.
“Kurama, wait! We were just becoming such good friends! Come back here!” The trio immediately chased after the animal, but he was too fast and he escaped out of their doggy door and into the night. They rushed into the backyard just in time to see Kurama leap over the fence and out of the Uzumaki property.
They all plopped down onto the grass and Naruto started wailing, “he’s gone! What did I do wrong? Please, you guys we have to find him!” They definitely weren’t high anymore, they were too tired for this, but they weren’t shitty friends, so they agreed to go look for him.
They had even enlisted Sai to help them out. As they walked around Naruto’s neighborhood calling for Kurama, Naruto’s phone started ringing, “do you think Kurama is calling? He wants to come home!” He started excitedly fishing his phone out of his front pocket, “Kiba? Why would he be calling now?” Sasuke and Sakura settled on the sidewalk, expecting some weird conversation between dealers.
“You found him? Holy shit man! Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there soon! Thanks bro!” he hung up the phone and faced his friends, “Kiba found Kurama! Let’s go, we have to go now before Kurama starts missing me too much!”
And they were headed back to the place where the night had begun.
Thankfully Kiba only lived a few blocks away because Sakura’s feet were dragging with exhaustion. They were standing in Kiba’s backyard and she leaned against Sasuke’s shoulder as they listened to the explanation. The back gate was mysteriously left open, and Akamaru wandered out into the front yard. He was having a relaxing evening chewing a bone on the front lawn when a fox appeared. It seemed that the fox smelled Akamaru’s treat bank in the back and wanted a taste for himself. When Akamaru started barking like mad, very peeved that some other animal was trying to get at his precious treats, Kiba went outside to see what was going on. He just thought he was hallucinating since he was super high, but it was really a fox.
“And then I saw he had a tag and it had your name and number!” Kiba finished. Naruto had tears in his eyes, “that’s amazing. Kurama probably smelled Akamaru and just wanted a friend. Friendship is so powerful!” He was hand feeding Kurama treats, who looked much more complacent now that he was being fed.
They all made their way back into the house just as Kiba’s kickback was winding down. Sai disappeared into the kitchen for a while, returning with a cardigan and a jacket. “Ugly, this is a terrible color I’ve only ever seen you wear. And your boyfriend is basically attached to you, so I’m assuming this is his.” Sakura reached out to grab them from his hands before settling back on the couch.
“Thanks again, Kiba. I’m gonna take Kurama home now,” Naruto turned to face Sasuke and Sakura. “You two live in the opposite direction. Are you gonna walk?”
“I can drive.” The whole group looked to the front of the room where the voice came from. “Shino?” asked Sakura, “I didn’t even realize you were still here. And aren’t you high?”
“I’m the supplier and the designated driver.” When he offer any further explanation, Sasuke and Sakura shrugged and got up from the couch. Sasuke could get his car tomorrow. A free ride back to his comfy bed sounded wonderful.
Sakura had fallen asleep almost immediately when she got back to her own room, not even bothering to change her outfit. It had to be well into the afternoon when she finally woke up. Her head felt fuzzy and her mouth was dry. Was last night even real?
She grabbed her phone out of her cardigan pocket just to find that it was dead. But her pocket also held a napkin, “what is this? I don’t remember putting this in here?”
She unfolded the white napkin to see one of Sai’s signature ink drawings. It depicted Sakura, drawn in red pen, leaning against Sasuke, drawn in blue pen. He even added a bit of background—it looked like the grass and fence of Kiba’s backyard. He must’ve drawn it when he went into the kitchen. Sakura plugged her phone in and flopped back down onto her bed. She stared at the little drawing, wishing she was with Sasuke right now.
So last night was real.
A/N: this isnt meant to make nerds feel bad about staying at home. im writing fanfic so i am the nerd at home
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thebackyardsys · 3 years
The Backyard System as Vines
(this is just for fun, feel free to take inspo or add onto it!)
minor warning, I do censor the curse words but these aren't kid-friendly lmao
Amore: "Raaah"
Kai: "Aaah, stop, I could've dropped my croissant >:("
River: "Chris, is that a weed?!?"
Kayden: "No, it's a crayon-"
River: "I'm calling the police!"
Kayden: "What the F*CK is up, Kyle? No, what did you say? What the F*CK, dude? Step the F*CK UP, Kyle."
The Gatekeepers: "Look at this graph......."
Alters having a conversation: "...and they were roommates"
Fronter: "Ahh they were roommates..."
Tami: "Is there anything better than p*ssy? Yes, a really good book."
Hannah: [trying to be edgy] "We all die you either kill urself or get killed-"
Kai: *dances* "Whatchu gonna do"
Kai, bursting in: "I thought you were bae..." *scoffs* "Turns out you're just fam."
Dove: "Bro..."
Kai: *peaces out*
River: *playing piano*
Kayden: "SAIL" *crashes into piano"
Harlow, River, and Dove: "When there's too much drama at school, all you gotta do is... walk away~~~"
Kai: "Hey, you okay?"
Amore: "Yeah, it's just lately I haven't been able to think straight..." 'Balls, two guys holding hands, d*ck, dude's butts, weiner'
River: "I do love working here it's just.. we all have a lot of laughs heheh"
River: "F*ck off Janet I'm not going to your f*cking baby shower"
Dove: "Hey I'm Lesbian"
Arlen: "I thought you were American"
River: "Did you wash the dishes?"
Kai: "I thought you wanted to do that"
River: *chuckles* "You were wrong"
Yuuki: "A potato flew around my room before you came..."
The rest of the fictives: *screaming*
Kai: "Hey look it's the good cush"
Zero: "This is the dollar store how good could it be"
River: "accept yourself.... love yourself....accept yourselfff..."
River: *strums* "I love you, b*tch"
Hannah: "oh my god..."
River: "I ain't never gonna stop loving you, b*tch"
Harlow: "So, basically, what I was thinking of is uh..."
Kayden: *punches (jokingly)*
Harlow: "Aw fuq, I can't believe you've done this"
Kayden: *stirring macaroni* "That's what good p*ssy sounds like"
Faelyn: "... Marc!"
Harlow: "Stop the music stop the music... someone left an ice cube on the ground and now my sock is wet. Who tf wanna d-"
Anyone: "....hi! :)"
Tami: "..ok.."
Kayden: "smack cam!"
Harlow: "b*tch I hope tf you do, you finna be a dead son of a b*tch I tell you that"
Aru: "Hey you want some?"
Dante: "This bish empty... YEET"
*a yard of geese*
Evie: "Look at all those chickens!!!"
Ruby: "I smell like beef.... I smell like beef.... I smell like beeeeef..."
Yuuki: "Hi welcome to chili's"
Amore: *coughs*
Dante: "You sick?"
Amore: "Yeah do you think I could get some chicken noodle soup?"
Dante: "No, just shut up and die slowly, okay?"
Amore: "ok"
Kai, zooming in on Virgil and Amore: "Two bro's chillin in a hot tub, 5 ft apart cuz they're not gay"
Amore, Virgil, and Patton being a cute polycule:
Kai: "is... is that allowed??? is that allowed??"
Kayden and River arguing:
Kai: "Can I get a waffle? Can I PLEASE get a waffle??"
0 notes
nothingsolutions · 3 years
**Only Human.** (ditched short film)
Short Film about October but not directly saying October.
Shot on VHS
"Home Video" style
Shaky footage intentionally but also mix in really cinematic shots
Sooner or Later - N.E.R.D
(Perfect for drive home)
Everyone Nose - N.E.R.D
Purple Baguettes - 88GLAM
Dirt and Grime - Father's Children
Territorial Pissings - Nirvana
(Skating away from home)
Never Can Say Goodbye - Jackson 5
(Perfect for falling back in bed / ending)
The End Has No End - The Strokes
(Loading Docks)
Anti Matter - N.E.R.D
Partners in Crime Part Three - The Internet
(Playing loud in the car that almost hit MAIN)
She Works Out Too Much - MGMT
(Right when they fight / spinning)
Heavy Hitter - Jack Harlow
(Loading Docks)
Molly - Iann Dior
Hive - Earl Sweatshirt
Gonna Love Me - Teyana Taylor
Music credits scratchy handwritten scanned cover titles
The bedroom for context is dimly lit. Windows Closed.
Quick tripod shots through the house symbolize that MAIN is blasting his music through the house. Every room is shown with the faint loud sounds of blaring music.
Music is still playing but the shot is a steady cam shot walking up the stairs. Very slow but symbolizing the music is coming from upstairs.
Through the glass window of the kitchen show MOM cutting carrots on a cutting board. You hear the chop of the carrots rhythmically just a little off beat to the music heard from MAIN's room. Eventually she cuts one last carrot and angrily marches upstairs.
Same shot as before but mom comes marching through the scene.
Sitting in bed MAIN is no the computer but we cannot see what he is doing. Shot from the end of the bed frame. Casually bobbing his head to the beat smashing the keyboard.
Mom knocking on the door gently at first but when the knocks go unanswered.
(Super loud)_
Shot of the door being knocked on from inside the room the knocks harder and harder until she bursts in the room. MAIN does not notice.
(Angry voice)
Hey MAIN. Hello
(Rooms a mess so tracking shot of walking through the room. Walks over and shuts computer.)
Aye what was that for I was in the middle of something.
your music was way to loud.
why didnt you just say that why'd you have to shut my computer. Now I lost all my progress.
Cause you weren't listening. Give me the laptop.
Whattt? Nah?
Give me the laptop
Thats is
(Rips laptop from hands walks out the door same tracking shot with the zoom for when she exits and slams the door)
From end of bed MAIN from sitting up in falls back in bed super bummed.
Bruhhhh what
Shot from above you see MAIN laying in the disheveled bed with his phone right next to him. His phone lights up. Grabs phone slowly.
POV of phone in hand Text reads "what you on rt now" from BESTFRIEND. MAIN reply with "my moms tweakin what's up" . Few seconds later BESTFRIEND reply with "damn that sucks come over" MAIN replies with "OMW".
Outside window of MOM cutting carrots again in piece and quiet. There is a burst of footsteps running down the stairs that you can see out of the corner of the shot. (Have main intentionally stop their feet & record audio from inside)
Where are you going?
MAIN is putting on shoes frantically on the stairs.
((Grunts) because struggling to put shoes on)
Grabs skateboard from front door and runs out the door. As going out the door yells.
Anywhere but here
MOM comes into frame when running out of the door but in the 1/3 of the frame MAIN is in the 3/3 of the frame.
MAIN Ollies down the first step in the front yard
Abrupt zoom in on moms face kinda parallax style showing disappointment and sadness but then she quickly turns out of frame.
((Just a thought the MOM character could be played by a sibling))
Back of car shot with MAIN skating down the hill not bombing the hill but cruising with loud music playing. Happy expression. (Wearing AirPods)
Following in a car of side view of MAIN skating along some old building with a little bit of just cruising. A driveway comes up MAIN is to into the music and doesn't realize the car and barley misses hitting the car. MAIN takes out the AirPods and the loud background music stops. Its silent except for DRIVER.
Looking thru the window of the car (Passenger side) and DRIVER is leaning towards the kid with an angry posture
(Angry tone)
Aye kid maybe watch where you're going next time.
Shot is of the top half of the kid top of skateboard In shot one AirPods out
(Stops Skating)
Aye bruh you almost killed me.
Same shot as before
Yea cause your dumbass wasn't paying
Yo my board!!!! BRUHHHH
Shot of the broken board on the sidewalk
Same shot before
You know what bro you wack f--
(Puts in AirPods and walks away dragging skateboard away before he finishes what he was going to say)
Shot from behind the two the DRIVER speeds past MAIN and MAIN is flipping MAIN off while DRIVER drives by. MAIN turns at the next corner into the neighborhood. Dragging board by his feet
Close up shot of just the face of MAIN. Shows sorrow and while walking puts in the AirPods and music starts playing again.
Steady slow zoom in on Coles gate and can hear Loud music playing and people talking. MAIN walks thru the shot and goes thru the gate. Comes in the frame from the right side. Opens the gate and goes in.
MAIN opens up the gate and is looking down but then looks up to see his friends
Pans over from opening the gate to everyone chilling in the backyard. Some people skating the halfpipe some people on the tramp. (Music still blasting)
Bestfriend chillin on the couch looks up
Aye MAINS here.
Whats good MAIN
MAIN walks in and throws skateboard down.
What you guys up to
Jumps on the couch with BESTFRIEND can see others skating on the half pipe.
Can see both MAIN and BESTFRIEND on the couch.
Bruh we just chillin but bro what happened to your board
Some dude hit me with his car
Bruh that's messed. You good tho?
Yea I'm chillin but my boards not
Damn bro well cheer up we all got good vibes goin
(Opens a soda and starts drinking it)
Medium speed montage of Coles backyard of chilling.
Music playing over the montage.
Shot of BESTFRIEND in the backyard holding his phone
Aye some homies chillin at the Docks we tryin to hang
Yea we down
What Ima do? I don't got a board thanks guys.
Homie chillllll. We got plenty of boards you're set.
Yea don't trip we wouldn't leave yuh
(1FRIEND throws MAIN a board)
Ight lets go then.
Broken skateboard in corner of shot. Everyone runs out MAIN is last to go out. Gate slams.
Shot from the back of a trunk of everyone skating but MAIN is dead last and not having fun.
Shot of just MAIN not looking like having a great time half way thru the tracking steady shot puts in AirPods and music starts blasting again.
Shot of loading docks being packed with people hanging out of the back of cars, people skating and people just sitting. Music playing can't hear it yet because MAIN AirPods are still in. Everyone skates into frame and stops in a line in the middle of the frame. Stay like this for a few seconds then break and start skating again but MAIN stays.
Skating past people high fiving other friends / people.
MAINS AirPods are still in.
MAIN can see BESTFRIEND chatting with 2FRIEND but can't hear what their saying MAIN takes out the AirPods and hear the music they're playing and BESTFRIEND faintly in the distance.
Montage of loading docks what's happening with the Loading Docks music.
MAIN starts to skate toward BESTFRIEND as he's starting to do a line.
As they get closer the shot gets tighter.
MAIN starts to get closer while BESTFRIEND is doing a trick. BESTFRIEND messes up and the board hits MAINS shins.
Quick pan like said above. But the shot of face is over BESTFRIENDs shoulder and zooms in slowly but doesn't change.
bro why would you do that
Come on bro you know I didn't mean to do that
Like bruh that really hurt dude that's no cool
(Getting louder more mad)
Brotha you tripping you know I didn't mean to do that.
Oh im trippin ?
(Grabs BESTFRIEND s shirt)
Start circling around BESTFRIEND and MAIN make 4 circles getting faster and faster until 3 then it slows on the forth with it stopping on MAIN face. Every rotation people in the background disappear and on the last one BESTFRIEND hides as well behind me filming. Everyone else hides behind cars or whatever.
MAIN looks super messed up about it. Super mad about what he just did
Looks around and sees nothing is there except the cars and everything MAIN freaks out.
He shuts his eyes and hears faintly.
Bruhhhh MAIN you good chill out you good.
Opens eyes slowly to see what's up. Still a closeup on MAINS face over BESTFRIENDS shoulder position but when he opens his eyes everyones back. And everyones circling around.
Bro lets go home you've had a rough one today
MAIN nods head
shuts the door and drives away tracking shot of car pulling away
Light inside of car so its red inside the car. Silent ride except for the radio playing.
Track car pulling up to the house and MAIN gets out of the car.
Aye thanks for the ride and BESTFRIEND sorry about today
Don't trip brotha
It all good don't worry bout it
Ight see you guys later
Shuts car door and tracks him running from the street to the front door.
Run into the shot while its already going up the stairs
(Faintly heard)
Hey MAIN you ok?
Runs through the door closes it and tracks him (Pan) and he's sitting exactly where he was before with computer closed and he starts to fall back.
Bruhhhh what
Shot from above you see MAIN laying in the disheveled bed with his phone right next to him. His phone lights up. Grabs phone slowly.
POV of phone in hand Text reads "what you on rt now" from BESTFRIEND. MAIN reply with "my moms tweakin what's up" . Few seconds later BESTFRIEND reply with "damn that sucks come over" MAIN replies with "OMW".
Outside window of MOM cutting carrots again in piece and quiet. There is a burst of sound coming from the stairs. you can see out of the corner of the shot. MAIN falls down the stairs.
Hey MAIN are you ok!?
GAME OVER try again title screen appears
(Quiet knocks)
(Super loud dammit)_
(Louder knocks)
(Angry voice)
Hey MAIN. Hello
(Rooms a mess so tracking shot of walking through the room. Walks over and shuts computer.)
Pull back from computer to reveal its a game
out of corner of same shot you see the door open and the feet come closer
ONLY HUMAN save game launcher opens
Mom shuts the computer lid
Aye what was that for I was in the middle of something.
your music was way to loud.
why didnt you just say that why'd you have to shut my computer. Now I lost all my progress.
Cause you weren't listening. Give me the laptop.
Whattt? Nah?
Give me the laptop
Thats is
(Rips laptop from hands walks out the door same tracking shot with the zoom for when she exits and slams the door)
From end of bed MAIN from sitting up in falls back in bed super bummed.
Bruhhhh what
Shot from above you see MAIN laying in the disheveled bed with his phone right next to him. His phone lights up. Grabs phone slowly.
0 notes
blackapplestar · 7 years
The Hero From the Future
AN: Just something for my friend, Dylan. Earth. The year 2017. I just arrived from the year 3017. Earth looks...so primitive. It makes me wonder... Wonder if I can really help these people.. If I can save this planet... If I'm really meant to do this... If I'm even at the right place!!! .......Now, what was I saying...? Ah, right, I'm Dylan and I've been sent from the future to save Earth. From whom, you ask? An evil pirate that stole the time travel technology my organization created. He calls himself Arbuckle and he's intent on taking over the world and he's come to the year 2017 to do it. Their technology and resources are far less advanced than ours so it wouldn't be hard for him to cause a lot of damage. His last location was reported in this general area so it shouldn't be that hard to find a destructive pirate from the future... *STOMP STOMP STOMP* I suddenly heard footsteps coming my way. If I'm discovered, my mission could be in jeopardy! I need to find a safe place to hide before-- "Hey! Who are you?!", a voice yelled from behind me. Balls! I've been found! "Erm, me? Just a humble hero from the fu-- I mean, Dylan... Just chillin', bro.", I said in the coolest, most inconspicuous way I could. "In my backyard?" She raised an eyebrow at me. Stupid sight-to-sight transporter piece of crap! "Uhh, well, yes, actually! It's a lovely yard. You see I'm a...yard eh, enthusiast?", I said as convincingly as I could muster. "Well, enthus yourself in someone else's yard. I'm working here.", she angrily retorted. "Right! I'll be off...", I agreed. I stopped for a moment........ "What?", she asked in an annoyed voice. "What are you working on?", I asked. "If you must know, I'm working on my top secret invention for taking over the world.", replied the girl whose backyard I was currently invading. "Really?", I questioned. "What?", she irritatingly inquired. "Is that just something you tell a random person you found creeping around in your yard?", I asked, expecting to hear a laugh and a different answer. "So you WERE creeping! I knew it! You want to steal my evil inventions!" "No! Not at all!", I said. Primitive moron... " Then what ARE you doing here?", she demanded. "I'm into yards, okay? Gosh...", I claimed, trying to stick to my original story. "Liar!", she yelled as she reached behind her back. *cshick* "Um, what is that?" I pointed. "It's my evil raygun for killing people that creep around in my yard. Now, who are you?", she demanded. I gave her a funny look and said, "Psh, you really expect me to believe that you made a working ray--" *ZAP* *shhhh* The raygun fired. I stood staring for a moment. "Uh, you do realize that you just blew up your evil invention, right? "NNNOOOOOO!!! My life's work! You're going to pay for this!", she yelled, pointing an angry finger at me. "Hey, it's not my fault! Here, take this.", I said, thinking it would solve the problem. "What is it?", she asked, taking it from my hand. "One of your primitive collecting devices." She looked at it and back at me.... "A Pikachu trading card?!?" "You're wel--", I began to say. "I hate Pikachu, dangit!", she interrupted. Who hates Pikachu...? "Fine, give it back.", I ordered. "No...", she said quietly. "I don't have this one..." "Omg.... I have to go.", I said, irritated. "Oh no you don't! I'm following you until you pay me for my invention! How am I supposed to take over the world without it?" She followed me. "Look! I've got better things to do than babysit some prehistoric nutball that's trying to take over the world! Don't you know there's a futuristic nutball trying to take over the world and he has far better resources than you do!", I blurted. She stared at me. "There's a wha...?!" Double balls! "Okay, forget everything you just heard!", I said, hoping to trick her. Maybe if I just wave my hands like this..... "What are you, a Jedi?", she deadpanned. Clearly this isn't working.... Improvise! "Yes! And I am your faaaaatherrrr!", I continued to wave my hands. ........"So, are you buying any of this?", I inquired. "What do you think.", she rhetorically returned. "Yeah, thought so...", I said. Just then, there was a loud sound soaring through our ears. *ZZZZZZZOOOOOM* *CRASH* "What was that?!", the girl yelled. "Arbuckle!", I exclaimed. "What's an Arbuckle?" "Shuddup and come on!", I ordered. Dangit! Where did he crash? We ran out of her yard and down the street in Arbuckle's direction. The dark line of cloud his ship painted in the sky was dwindling, making it harder to track him. "There! A cloud of smoke!", The girl reported. "Good eye!", I rewarded. "It's a giant cloud of smoke. Kinda obvious, Dylan....", she replied with monotone. I looked at her as we continued to run. "Didn't I say to shut the balls up?! I will futuristically beat you." "Whatever.", she deadpanned. We came to a clearing nestled in a small patch of wood just outside of the town I appeared in. There's Arbuckle's ship, filling the air with a feathery stream of dark, grey smoke. My eyes frantically searched for him but he was no where in sight. I glanced at the door on his ship and it was slightly bent but closed. He must still be inside. "We're here, Arbuckle! Come out with your hands up! This is Dylan--", I started to say. *cough cough* A voice came from the other side of the ship's door. "Dylan, from the secret organization that's tryin' ta foil me evil plans ta take over the world, arr. Aye.... I know a lot about ye.", Arbuckle interrupted my line as he forced open his door, leaping down to the ground from his wrecked ship. I was a little startled by his knowledge of me but that didn't cause me to waver. "Then you must know my track record. I always catch the bad guy and I always win.", I said, my voice solid. "Not today ye won't, arr. Today I has the upper hand, matey." "DUDE! What. Is. THIS?!", the girl, I had forgot about, beamed. "Nae! Don't be touchin' that!", Arbuckle uttered. She was standing on top of Arbuckle's ship, admiring a piece of equipment. "Sweet! This will SO replace my invention that someone destroyed!", she said with a glare in my direction. "Thanks, Archibald!" "The name's Arbuckle!", he corrected. "Arfinkle?", she questioned. "ARBUCKLE!", he restated angrily. "Arcanine?", she asked again. "AAAAARBUCKLE!!!", he yelled emphatically. "Dude, calm down, ArrrWEINERFACEbuckle.", she said sarcastically. "It's AAAAARBUCKLE!!! ...Who is this anyways?!" ......."Can you two frootloop dinguses please shut up! And that's a good question! What's your name, weirdo?", I finally thought to ask. "Who are you calling a weirdo, Future Freak?! And the name's Whit!", she stated. "Arr, Dylan! Prepare for a dual! Unsheath yer sword!", Arbuckle demanded as he reached for his. "Do I LOOK like a pirate to you?", I asked. "Arrr....", Arbuckle said in an agreeing tone. "Omg, how did YOU steal the most powerful technology known to the entire universe?!", I yelled. "Simple. Spiffy got it fer me.", he stated. "Dylan, what's a Spiffy?", Whit asked, rejoining me. "You're asking the wrong futuristic hero, yo.", I told her. Just then, a squawk rang through the woods. *BrrrrAAAck* "Arrr! Spiffy! Come to Daddy!", Arbuckle called. Spiffy obeyed and landed on the ground next to Arbuckle. Arbuckle is a tall futuristic, evil pirate but Spiffy towered over him by at least a foot. He had large, blue colored feathers on his boasting wingspan and he wore an eyepatch over his right eye similar to Arbuckle's. "Hooooly what the hay! Dylan, what is that?!", Whit exclaimed. "It's a breed of bird called gigantus pirateus parrotus! They're rare and usually aren't this...BIG!", I tried to explain. "Go get Daddy some prisoners, lad!", Arbuckle ordered his bird. Spiffy spread his wings, lifting high into the air above Arbuckle, who was staring intently at us. "Well, can't you do something about it? It's coming right for us!", Whit urged. "Yeah. RUN!", I said. Whit and I made an about face and quickly began moving in the opposite direction. "Real futuristic thinking there, bud!", she said. "Give me a minute, Pikachu!", I joked. "I swear if you say Pikachu one more time, I'm gonna--", Whit started. "That's it! Pikachu!", I exclaimed as I cut her off. "I really hate you right now....", she said with a glare. "No, give me your Pikachu card!", I said. "What? Why?", Whit asked. I looked at her and said, "Just do it if you don't want to die!" She rolled her eyes and replied, "Fine... Here, dangit...." Still racing along, she took the Pokemon card from her pocket and handed it to me. "What are you doing with it?", she asked. "Interpretive dance.... What does it look like I'm doing? I'm sharpening it!", I told her. "Well, he's catching up so you had better speed it up a bit!", Whit announced. "I am aware! Now, get ready to duck on my count, okay?", I instructed. "Will do!", she obliged. "Wait, what are you sharpening it with? We're running!" "Okaaaaaaaaay, NOW!!!", I screamed. I had taken ninjutsu classes as part of my training so I used my newly sharpened weapon as a shuriken and threw it behind me. *SWISH SH SH SH SH* The makeshift shuriken cut through the fresh air of the forest. *SLICE* "BRRAAAACK" It made contact just as I knew it would. "Dylan, you...." Whit stopped running. "Yep, I cut his eyepatch off. Without it he can't tell the direction and he flew right into Arbuckle's own secret invention for taking over the world.", I calmly stated. "Spiffy! Arr, my little Spiffy!", Arbuckle ran over to his comrade. "Do you give up, Arbuckle?", I asked, walking over to him. "Your precious Spiffy destroyed your invention. You're inventionless. Will you come quietly or do I have to kick your stinky, pirate face until you're ready?" "Arr, ye win, Dylan. It's true what they say about ye.", Arbuckle said as he looked up at me. "Yeah, what's that?", I smugly asked. "Ye really are the world's hero, arr.", he said as he petted Spiffy. "Darn right I am! Recognize!", I agreed. ".....Dude, that was awesome! You were like 'Duck!' and I was like 'Dude!' and Spiffy was like 'Brraack!'. Dylan, you are SO. COOL! You totally have to hang out and play Super Smash Bros after you lock up those two losers! It's my favorite game!" I turned to her and said, "I can't do that, Whit Whit." "But....why not? I thought we were friends....?", she slowly asked. "I'm sorry.... I'm just from a different time and that's where I have to be.", I said, looking up at the sky. "But, video games....", Whit softly murmured. "I have to erase your memory now.", I said as I pulled out my memory erasing device from the future. "What are you, from The Men in Bla--", Whit began to say. I pressed the button that would erase our adventure from her mind forever. *FLASH* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Good job, Dylan! You've caught Arbuckle! I'm going to give you an accommodation for all your efforts and hard work! .....Dylan, are you listening to me?", a familiar voice asked. "What? Oh, yes, thank you, Chief. I'm always here to do my job.", I said as I was jolted back from my thoughts. "Of course you are! Now, take the rest of the day off! You deserve it!", the Chief praised. "Thank you, Chief." I picked my things up and left. ....Well, it's good to be back to my time at least.... Huh? What's this? Vintage Antiques From the Past: Your Past is Our Business. That's odd. I don't remember this store being here.... I looked at the shop for a moment before shrugging and going in. The bell jingled softly as I eased open the door only to be greeted by the energetic shop owner. "Ahh, welcome! Is there anything I can help you find?", he asked eagerly. "Oh, no. Just browsing.", I monotoned as I passed him. I could feel his eyes watching me as I walked through his small store. "Well, let me know if I can help.", he offered. "Mhmm....", I quietly murmured, knowing he couldn't hear me. I continued walking and searching his merchandise as I passed. There were several things I had never seen before. Some parts of the store were so packed that his collections were stacked nearly to the ceiling. Wow, there's a lot of junk in here.... Hm, what's this? I turned the corner to see the soft glow of the sun falling through the window upon a small, white box. "Nintendo Wii?", I questioned aloud as I picked it up. "I see you've found an Nintendo Wii! It's a vintage video game console. Are you interested?", a happy voice from behind me chimed. "Dude, you seriously need a bell on you.... And yeah, I think I am." I inspected the box closer. "I'll take it." "Great! I'll ring you up at the counter!", he replied as I followed him to the front of the store. I paid for my new treasure and headed for the door. "Have yourself a great day!", I heard him call. "Yeah, thanks." I waved a hand, not even bothering to turn around. Just as I was greeted by the familiar, soft jingle of the hanging bell above the shop door, I heard the man speak once again, "Oh, don't forget your free game!" "Free game?" I turned to see him coming towards me. "Oh, yes! Here ya go! Can't play a Wii very well without a game, now can you?" He laughed as he gave me a wink from his twinkling eye. "I guess not...", I plainly said as I took the even smaller box from him. "Come again!", I heard him call as I walked down the sidewalk. I looked down at my hand which held the box I had just recieved. Free game, huh? Let's see it. I opened the small, unlabeled box as I continued home. I stopped in my tracks once I read the title of the disc it held tightly inside.... Super Smash Brothers..... And nestled securely on the side was a cut up Pikachu card. I immediately turned around, only to see that the shop I was just in had vanished. The End
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transplutonium · 7 years
So basically the whole thing is kinda centered around like portals/wormholes and dudes learning to Cope with their past Together in a healthier way also no one is neurotypical or straight. It’s originally supposed to progress in short episodes rather than One Big Continuous Plot, instead focusing on their growth through smaller. stories
There are three Losers™:
Space Cadet Bro -he’s this total grump right? Basically he does (or used to) do a lot of space research and exploration? so he Knows A Lot about space and stuff (in more technical terms/more of a scientific approach?) and is resident owner of the portal generator thingy they have. He ends up Unexpectedly Zooming into this wormhole/portal and is now on a moon and has no idea where he is and where to go (physically and future wise)
Deep Sea Nerd -Resident Adrenaline Junkie, Prime Example of Curiosity Killed The Cat. He’s super impulsive and sometimes kinda laments that? hes,,, (or Will Be) trying. He ends up on the Moon bc he was out Diving and curiously went into the Intimidating Portal. He fools around with it a bit. half in half out oh shit i think i lost my legs?? hes doing his best, chillin
Forest Boi -He’s super Loud and Boisterous and he has a lot of Ideas but he just...takes time to warm up to people? And hes never really had someone that kinda Supports him and encourages him to share ideas so hes like. yeah. He has one of those backyards where theres no end limit/gate it just merges into like kind of a “forest” of trees. One day he gets like superbly upset (or idk. thinks he Saw Something) and ends up passing through the portal. Bam now he on the heckdam moon
So now,, you’ve got these three dudes stuck in completely uncharted space,,
R o  a d t rip
Basically they go planet hopping, trying to get home and trying not to kill each other also they're all Gay and end up in a poly relationship and its gay
Space Cadets trying to do stuff By The Book, Deep sea is Determined to push his buttons, and Forrest Boyo is Amused and finds himself in a loving place w this strange company hes found in also w here did he get all that POPCORN
“No dont touch that”
“JESUS FUCK I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE I goddamn TOLD Y- Holy shit you got it to work what the fuck”
“I did NOT spend Years of my life getting a fucking PHD for some Dumbass to push buttons and solve our problem”
“I hope to god you know you're using a bomb for a pillow” “this is Optimal”
“Hey I heard Deep Dea is fucking ripped. I heard he has an eight pack”
“I love you” “I know” “No I was talking to Forrest also QUIT HAN SOLOING ME FOR THE LOVE OF GOD”
“hey quick question what the fuck” “yes its true we’re stuck in god knows where and all we have is Beyonce next question” 
“There are two lumps in bed except I know deep sea is out so what the FUCK”
(”its our new dog, sparky, also he has three eyes and is twice my size but I love him and so will you so help me-”)
“did you laugh” “no fuck you” “oh my g- you know for a sec there I really thought you lacked the vocal range to laugh” “what the fuck does that mean”
Dumb boys figuring things out
wow thats gay. thats a lot of gay
so many space. so many yelling. maybe someone Dances who knows
..............maybe we shouldnt go back to earth because everything is fucked up and ive learned more with you losers than I have in my few pitiful years on earth
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internetfistbump · 5 years
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Two bros chillin in a kiddy pool 0 feet apart cuz they're not racist . Follow me! @internetfistbump Link in bio . . . #internetfistbump #fistbump #rip #realhero #hero #mrrogers #pbs #bros #segregation #america #friendship #civilrights #fredrogers #police #good #decent #morality #backyard #mrrogersneighborhood #kiddypool #swimming #summer #love #neighbors #community #selfworth #kindness #legend (at Mr Rogers' Neighborhood) https://www.instagram.com/p/B002uY_p39o/?igshid=whsr955c7ime
0 notes
an-anaemic-pen · 5 years
Project Phoenix Chapter 7
The House
The Manifestation || The Power Play || The Green-Eyed Fly || The Middle of The Night || The Alternative || The Attic
Summary: Kate’s a normal teenage Midgardian girl; except there’s a Loki in her attic, and now S.H.I.E.L.D.’s after her, and also, she has powers. Apparently, she’s meant to save the world.
She just wanted to finish school and maybe fall in love—at least she’s accomplishing one of those.
Relationships: Gen, F/M (Loki/Original Female Character)
Rating: M (Graphic Depictions of Violence, Underage if you squint bit—nothing occurs while characters are underage, Sexual Content)
Mood: Run Free, Unleashed
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A string of profanity Kate wouldn’t dare allow her lips of form ran through her head. Sure, she didn’t have very much of social media and what she had was public so she didn’t care if Loki saw it, but she could only begin to imagine what the trickster god could post. Her youth group friends followed her!
Within her phone, there were art pieces and school assignments and other work she didn’t feel comfortable with him seeing. He could easily get through her passcode. He was the God of Mischief, after all.
Mars rubbed against her leg affectionately and Kate looked down. The cat’s eyes were curious orbs. Kate blinked and pulled away from her father’s hug. She picked up Mars, allowing the fluffy being to settle in her arms. Kate stuffed her face in the cat’s fur, breathing in the scent of the pine needles and fresh outside clinging to her pelt.
“You’re a weird child.”
Kate smiled. “I know.” She walked away from her father, carrying Mars as she went, and settled down on the couch. Kate looked down at Mars and stroked her. “I don’t need my phone. Who cares what he sees?” she muttered.
For a moment, she considered how insane she sounded—how insane she felt. Her heart was still pounding from the incident.
“I don’t need my phone. I’ll just hang out with you today.”
Kate rested Mars in her lap and the tortoiseshell curled up. Kate gently stroked her and stared at a wall. She had just recently downloaded a book on her phone and it was the only way she could read it. Of course, the most recent chapter she had read ended on a cliffhanger. She would have continued reading, had it not already been midnight and a school night. Kate nibbled on her lip. “Dangit, Loki,” she muttered.
She stroked her cat again. “I don’t need to read the book. I can do it later. It will always be waiting for me, but quality time with you will not always be available, right, Mars?”
Mars looked up at her and let out a little chirp, jumping off of Kate's lap when she heard someone placing food in her bowl.
“Gee, thanks.” She sneered at Mars as the cat scampered away.
Kate then put on a higher-pitched tone, cocking her head the slightest bit. “Of course, human! Food is above social interaction.”
She blinked. “I really need some friends.”
She stood and grabbed Jake’s leash. It was still particularly early, but it was late enough that people were outside now. She called Jake over and attached his leash to his collar, then called out, “I’m going for a walk!”
Jake was ecstatic, jumping around wildly and scampering beside Kate despite the fact she was walking at a normal pace. He ran until his leash grew taught, stopped and waited for Kate to catch up, then restarted the process until he settled down enough to trot beside her with his tail wagging.
The neighborhood was easily a mile around and Kate rarely left the house. Especially since moving, she hadn’t spoken to people outside of her family; and although she loathed small talk, she had to admit, she was beginning to crave social interaction outside of those directly related to her.
Kate picked up a jog, going up the slight incline of the street until she reached an intersection. The main road branched off three separate times around the whole neighborhood, each road going about a quarter of a mile itself before ending in a cul-de-sac. Kate knew she would regret walking so much all at once later, but for now, she wanted to waste as much time as possible.
So, she turned onto the first cul-de-sac, and made her way down as she normally would when she went walking. There was a mother with her kids, walking with them while they rode on large plastic bikes with a large front wheel and two tiny back wheels.
Kate simply smiled and waved as she passed. When she did talk to adults, she didn’t really have many topics in common. Adults talked about parenthood, work, or events they had recently gone to. The most similar thing Kate had to any of those topics was school. She didn’t like going to school, so she refrained from ranting about it as much as possible.
By the time the two had walked around the entire cul-de-sac and were back on the main road, Kate had begun to wonder why Loki wasn’t annoying her. In the few hours she had known him, he at least did something to annoy her. “It’s so peaceful in spring, idn’it, buddy?” Kate asked and pet Jake's head. The little dog started panting in the heat of the late-spring sun.
Kate smiled and looked ahead. Someone had put up a sprinkler in their yard to try to get grass seed to grow and the sprinkler sprayed a little bit of water onto the street. “You want some water, buddy?” she asked.
Jake perked his ears and picked his pace up to a trot, heading towards the cooling water. Kate laughed as she scampered under the stream of water, raining water over his white and tan fur and even spraying Kate a bit. She laughed as Jake shook off, his back legs losing their footing for a few moments and flying through the air.
“I love you, baby boy,” Kate cooed and pet him on the head again. When she looked up, she saw a couple of boys, maybe 8th or 9th grade, biking by. She smiled and waved as they nodded to her. One wore sunglasses, and the other didn’t have shoes on, but they both wore the same general outfit: basketball shorts and a graphic t-shirt. The boy with sunglasses didn't even look like he was attempting to match his clothing.
Kate heard the boys both laugh as she called behind her shoulder, “Two bros, chillin’ in a neighborhood, five feet apart, ‘cause they're not gay.”
She was glad they understood the reference, but also glad they didn’t circle around and start up a conversation. It was too early in the day to be worrying about that kind of thing.
Kate took a deep breath and sighed. A gentle breeze blew by and the late-blooming cherry blossoms swirled in the wind. It reminded her of a day in her childhood. Her aunt, a professional photographer, had come over to take pictures of Kate and her then-only-sibling so people could see pictures of them. Mom had dressed them up in cute spring outfits and fixed their hair and sent them outside. They were playing together when Aunt Mary arrived, bringing a giant basket taller than 4-year-old Kate for them to sit in and pose with.
Her gaze shifted, and Kate found herself back in the backyard of her childhood home. The maple tree was already green again and its branches created a perfect orb of greenery. The metal supports of the trampoline shone in the sun and lazy clouds drifted through the sky.
Aunt Mary arrived and came into the backyard. “Hey, guys!” she called and the two already-born kids ran to embrace her. Mom was sitting on the deck watching and smiled and waved, visibly tired as always. After a few more greetings, the photo shoot began. She sat in the basket at one point, smiling like a little kid until her turn was done, then swinging on the swing set until she was called back.
Kate felt woozy and stopped to regain herself. She looked around. She wasn't in the location she had started in. She had almost walked right into someone’s garden. She shook her head and continued forward, following the side of the road and going around another cul-de-sac.
For the rest of their walk, Kate made sure to stay completely and utterly aware. That had happened before, but never for such a distance. She had traversed at least 50 yards before realizing what had happened. Normally, it was just a few feet. Then again, normally that would only happen with recent memories. It had never happened in a completely new location with a memory she hadn't thought of in years.
Kate blinked as she reached the final stretch of the walk. There was one more cul-de-sac, then maybe 1/8th of a mile until home. Jake was panting with drool dripping off the tip of his tongue and leaving a little trail behind him. “Why don't we skip out on the last cul-de-sac, bud?”
Jake merely shook his head a bit in order to swat away a bug. Kate swatted the fly away, making sure it was a normal fly and not Loki in disguise.
Thankfully, It was a normal fly. Kate hummed to herself as she jogged across the intersection with Jake scampering beside her. He was panting quite a bit, and Kate noticed the slightest bit of a limp.
“You okay, buddy?” Kate slowed her pace and picked Jake up, beginning to carry him. He was surprisingly heavy for such a small dog, but she could handle it until their driveway, which had an incline.
Kate unhooked Jake's leash and let him walk the rest of the way up to the house. She opened the door for him and allowed him inside. He promptly drank from the water bowl. Had they not just come back from a long walk in the sun, Kate would have been worried about the amount he consumed.
She was about to grab her phone to absent-mindedly scroll through some sort of social media, but then she remembered. She looked at the clock, which read a short twenty-three minutes later than when she had left for her walk. She groaned.
“What's your problem?” Max commented as he climbed onto the counter to get a cereal bowl.
Kate walked over and pulled her 8-year-old brother from off of the counter and grabbed a bowl for him. “Boredom—you wouldn't understand.”
“I bet I would.” He took the bowl from Kate's hand, poured a bowl of cereal for himself, and sat down at the kitchen table.
Kate's eyebrow quirked. “Very well, entertain me.”
Max looked at her. “That's not my job! Go read a book or play outside with your friends—never mind, you don’t have any.”
Kate stuck her tongue out and sneered. Max did the same right back at her.
“You're the one who said you would understand.”
“Doesn't mean it's my job to entertain you.”
"Oh," Kate realized, “when I said ‘entertain me’ I meant it as in spend time with me, not actually try to entertain me.”
“Then why didn't you just say that?” Max slurped at the straw pre-attached to his plastic bowl.
“Cause it sounds better.”
“No, it doesn't.”
“Yes, it does.”
“Don't you dare start that!” Mom called from the family room.
Kate and Max shared a look.
“Wanna play LEGO Star Wars with me?”
Kate blinked a couple of times. “Why not?” She shrugged, got up, and set up the game while Max finished his cereal.
Kate got lost in the hours staring at the TV screen. She had forgotten what it was like to just not care and play with her little brother for a while and it felt good to relax. She almost completely forgot about Loki.
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It was 1 o'clock when they took a break to eat. Kate made grilled cheese for the two of them and once finished, they completed the level. Kate's eye hurt from staring at the bright screen, so she opted out of playing anymore. “I'll just read for a little while.”
She went into the living room and browsed the bookcase, arriving on a book her mother had read to her when she was little. She had no intention of reading it for very long, but she ended up getting sucked into the French fairy tales. The book was from her great-great-grandmother, passed down from mother to daughter with the spine slowly becoming more and more beaten up.
The book had been opened and the spine cracked so many times it was practically falling off. It certainly didn't help that Jake had chewed on the corner as a puppy. After a cup of tea was brewed, Kate ended up curling up on the couch with Jake and reading the fairy tales. They were silly, unrealistic, and relied too much on chance and luck, but it was something to do.
Still, she was getting bored re-reading the stories. She's already read them three times and had zero interest in any of the other books—they were mainly her dad's Stephen King novels or her mom's dramatic romance tales.
Kate looked at Jake and put the book down. “What do you think, buddy? Wanna go on another walk?”
Jake looked up at her, blinked, then laid his head back down on her lap in a definite ‘no.’ Kate giggled and pet his head. “Fine, I'll settle for just cuddling.”
She repositioned herself to be curled up around Jake and closed her eyes. It didn't seem like very long before she fell asleep with Jake snoring lightly beside her.
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Loki paced in the attic. He was angry. He was very angry. The girl knew just how to push his buttons and rile him up whether she intended to or not.
No, she had certainly intended to. Loki couldn't figure out why she’d spoken of the ghost, or why she had run away. It didn't make any sense—not that her mind did make any sort of sense in the first place. It was a maze of fandoms and lyrics and childhood productions fit into a small box. Amongst all of it, he could find secrets she would take to her grave. If he could navigate her maze-like mind, then he could get leverage over her and make her obey him, just as it had always meant to be.
She would bow to him, ultimately. Norns, the fact that she hadn't yet left Loki feeling a mixture between astonished and impressed. The only people who hadn't bowed to him were Mother, Thor, and Father, but they were family and also royalty. Anyone else who didn't bow was dead.
Loki would have followed her downstairs in a normal situation. He could easily use a bit of seiðr to mask himself and pursued her. Alas, he knew her well enough to know that wouldn't work. Through each and every timeline, force only made her metaphorically throw her head and bare her teeth like some sort of animal.
Damn her. Damn her to Hel for being so… stubborn. It was not his favorite trait. Partially because it was a trait within himself, but also because stubbornness didn't get him what he wanted. And he always got what he wanted. Even as a child, Mother had given him anything he wished. He would have to use his manners or have to complete a servant's task in order to get it, but he always got it.
Poor Frigga. He had been cruel to her.
Not in this timeline, not too much, at least. The worst of his behavior had stayed within the first few. Here, he worked out what Kate called “issues” and then went on with his life. To keep her alive, he couldn't be dealing with becoming the single most powerful being within all of the known—and unknown—universe. He had to stay focused and keep her in his view.
So far, so good, as she would say.
He just had to keep her temper in check and her abilities away from cameras. As long as he did that, he would be fine.
Everything would be just fine.
Loki shook his head and glanced down at the plywood floor. Where she had originally been sitting lay her phone. The nasty tiny box of magic and distractions that Kate clung to. Unlike some of the other humans he had met across the timelines, she wasn't attached to it and always on social media. she was usually just playing a game or keeping from socially interacting with strangers. That was something Loki actually understood.
He expanded his mental range and sensed for any beings nearby. The worst was the cat, who was curled up on the bed in Kate's little brother's room. Loki walked over and picked up the small box.
Kate had never taught him how to use it. He had never found interest, and she had never asked. He blinked and swallowed, staring at the strange thing. It was best he not break it, in fear that she actually attempt to murder him (not that he couldn't simply fix it with a bit of magic), so he handled it with the same care she would a newborn bunny.
Loki pressed the button in the bottom center and the screen glowed to life.
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A thud sounded from above Kate's head. She had been barely falling asleep, and the loud sound easily woke her up. Oh no, Kate thought, no, no, no, no, no, no!
She sprang up, apologizing to Jake when he fell over due to his backrest suddenly disappearing.
Kate did her best to quietly scramble up the stairs, practically sprinting down the hallways and into the spare bedroom. She passed the neatly-made bed and a startled Mars.
Kate stopped at the door, swallowing. She had been relatively quiet, thankfully, and if she was lucky, Loki wouldn't even know she was there and waiting to pounce.
She closed her eyes, hopeful that she could see through walls, and expanded her consciousness. It hurt quite a bit and the headache panged at the front of her skull, but all she could feel was Mars. Mars and Max, who was playing with Legos in his room directly across the hall. Kate gritted her teeth. Great, now my head hurts and I still don't know what he's doing.
To say Kate was pissed was an under-exaggeration.
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petepepsi · 7 years
My First Fanfiction (AKA: Why Did I Think of This When I was Nine Years Old What the Heck)
A bit of background first:
When I was in like 3rd/4th/5th grade, Phineas and Ferb was the greatest thing in the entire world (followed by Smash Bros and pumpkin pie, respectively). I loved that show more than anything ever.
During this point in my life, I also discovered ~*~the internet~*~. Once on ~*~the internet~*~, it was rather inevitable that I would look up Phineas and Ferb on Google Image Search.
One glorious day, I found a picture I really liked. So, wanting to get a better look, I clicked on it. It was at that point that I discovered something that would change my life forever.
KictserAsh on Deviantart. AKA imaginashon on tumblr, but little wee baby Skyler didn’t know what Tumblr was (thank god). AKA: Literally the Biggest Inspiration in my Whole Damn Life. (and now they work on mml ain’t that neat)
I went through their ENTIRE Phineas and Ferb gallery, loving every single piece. I also found some of their written work, and oh boy you bet little Skyler LOVED that.
So I read like everything on their account. And those stories inspired me. They still do, actually (and so does their art everything they make is really good you should go look at their blog/gallery please).
So here’s where we get into the fanfiction (adding a readmore b/c this is about the get REALLY LONG)
TW: talk of death, and swearing.
To put this story into EXTREMELY simple terms, the plot goes as follows: (sidenote: characters are like 16 in this) Ferb dies, and Phineas’s friends help him get back on his feet afterwards (along with a more supernatural friend).
Now, you’re probably thinking: “Skyler, that’s not too weird of a fanfiction.”
That’s where you’re wrong, but I’ll get to that later.
You see, the story begins at Ferb’s funeral (loosely inspired by the fact that I had recently gone to a funeral, so this was pretty legit). Very well-described, from what I remember. The family gave little speeches, it was nice.
Then, the next chapter was Phineas at home (alone) in his room at like four in the morning. This was when we found out how Ferb died. It was some kind of industrial accident (a giant machine fell on him yikes). It was the “project of the day” that P and F were working on that caused Ferb to fuckin die. This part I remember the least about when it comes to the specifics, but I do remember reading it over again in 7th grade (before the computer I wrote this on became deader than Ferb) and thinking that the scene sounded “vaguely like someone contemplating suicide, but in a more child-friendly way.”
The next chapter took place about a week later, from the perspective of Phineas’s friends (Baljeet, Buford, Isabella, and Django i don’t know why Django was there instead of any other character shut up) They were all going to visit Phineas, because “he hadn’t left his house in over a week” and, apparently, that was very unlike him. So they go up to the house, and there’s a tiny little description of the backyard, where, I shit you not, I wrote: “There was still blood on the grass.”
So cut to later that chapter, and Phin’s pals are trying to help him out, but he’s having none of it. He locked himself in his room, and won’t talk to anyone (except in depressed sighs).
Here comes the best scene of the whole story.
So during this part, Baljeet is very quiet, and I certainly made sure everyone was aware of that (I was never subtle, but then again I was eight). Eventually, Isabella and them give up, and Baljeet gets fucking piiiiissed. In a shocking display of strength, Baljeet BREAKS DOWN THE DOOR IN A FIT OF RAGE. And that’s where the chapter ends.
I can’t remember what happened in the next chapter (I believe it was some silly ghostly shenanigans with Ferb  even back then, i was a “master of comedy”), but the one after that was where the plot happened.
So, being a fourth grader, I had at this point in my life discovered “Ouija Boards.” And little Skyler thought that was so cool, until her mom told her a really spooky story about Ouija Boards, which deeply traumatized little Skyler. Little Skyler, having no way to express her emotions other than writing, decided to use this terrifying experience and turn it into something “nice.”
So the gang uses a Ouija Board to chat with ghost Ferb (never thought I’d write that sentence), and things go all right for a bit.
Key words: a bit.
So Django and Co. leave, and Phineas is home alone once again. Well… he’s not really alone.
Phin grabs the Ouija Board, and (breaking the ONLY RULE GOD DAMMIT PHIN) uses it alone.
Here is where we meet the coolest motherfucker ever. His name?
I have no idea.
I wrote this a long time ago, and his name must’ve been pretty dumb for me to push it out of my mind like that.
For the sake of convenience, his name is Todd (b/c why not).
Now Todd was my first ever OC. He's a ghost who wishes to return to the human realm. I remember him looking like "a strange eight-foot tall vaguely humanoid figure with four ribbon-like appendages protruding from his back. His body was completely black, aside from his eyes which took on the appearance of glittering rubies. Aside from the eyes, his entire body looked to be made of pen scribbles, like someone had scribbled over a picture of someone they disliked and then transformed it into a 3-D image.“
Now, you’re probably thinking, “How the heck was Todd going to return to the human realm?” Well, according to my made-up ghost rules, all he needed was a willing host. The “host" offers you their soul, and you take it, giving you not only a physical form, but a slave for all of eternity! It’s a pretty swell deal, tbh.
So Todd, posing as Ferb (reminder that poor lil Phin can’t see the Eldritch monstrosity that he’s communicating with), tries to convince Phineas to give him his soul (using very different terms).
It’s sorta like “Oh hey yeah, you’re sad, but you can fix everything. You can save me. Then everything will be normal again.” And Phineas, being the “uwu innocent naïve cinnamon roll” totally believes him.
Phineas is about to accept “Ferb”’s deal, when suddenly - WHOOSH! The lil Ouija disk thing flies out of his hand (and out the window), and the board flies up and slams down against the floor (as if someone threw it down there hint hint), shattering on impact.
Now, Phineas is fucking distraught over this, but instead of exploring that shit, I zoomed on over to the next chapter.
Chapter six seven who gives a fuck, begins before the previous chapter, and takes place from Ferb’s perspective (because I remembered that he was a character who existed).
So Ghost Ferb (Gerb? Fost?) is chillin and thinkin about ghost shit, when he “senses the Ouija Board being activated” (b/c that’s a thing ghosts can do). Ferb, thinking “Phineas what the shit you broke the only fucking rule goddammit,” goes to make sure no other spirits are fucking shit up, when lo and behold…
So Ferb doesn’t immediately rush in, he stands outside the door thinking, “Who’s this bloke and what does he think he’s doing? I’m gonna go all medieval on his metaphysical ass.”
Ferb listens to his plan (which he is saying out loud because he’s the bad guy), and thinks “Phineas isn’t gonna fall for this.” Then, he hears Phineas agree and he’s like “WHAT THE FUCK, PHINEAS” and then runs in and using his extremely inconsistent influence on the material world, throws the Ouija disk out the window and smashes the board on the floor.
As one could assume, this makes Todd fuckin pissed. However, instead of beating the shit out of Ghost Ferb (b/c really, what would that accomplish?), he leaves, warning Ferb that “he’d be back.”
then i never continued the story the end
Just kidding. Well, not really.
I never actually continued the story (it was at this point I got kinda out of the PnF fandom and more into video game and stuff), but I did have more stuff planned out. But I literally can’t remember any of that shit. And since the computer I wrote this work of art on died, I can’t exactly look it up. But I don’t wanna leave you like this.
So here we have…
the extra shit that i didn’t put into that long-ass description
Django’s speech on the importance of art. This was just kind of a thing that randomly occurred while the gang was on their way to Phineas’s house.
Ferb’s very inconsistent power over the material realm. I’m not exactly sure where I was trying to go wih this, but basically Ferb had some magic powers that let him interact with the physical world (i.e. knocking over stuff, levitation sometimes, etc.). This is sort of a regular ghost thing, but my story had a neat little twist. Ferb could only use this power at the Flynn-Fletcher household, because it only works at the place the ghost considers “home.”
the stuff i never actually wrote in the story itself
So, before I get started on the story parts of this, I should tell you Todd’s Backstory.
Todd was alive back in modern day. He was like one or two years older than Ferb. When he was younger, he was in some sort of academic competition against Ferb and Ferb won. This caused Todd to hate Ferb with a burning passion, and basically create a grudge so strong that only an extremely stubborn crazy determined teenager could hold it.
About a year or so before the story takes place, Todd died in a car accident after a distracting “beam from the sky” caused him to drive into oncoming traffic (It was highly implied that the beam was from one of Phineas and Ferb’s machines can’t believe phineas has a fuckin body count). It is revealed that (using the powers of “evil ghostly revenge”) HE caused the machine to fall on Ferb, and now he plans on getting revenge for Ferb beating him in all those academic competitions.
And yeah, that’s it. My first fanfiction. Hope y'all enjoyed this trip through my eight/ten year old psyche.
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