#cupcakeslushie separated au
hyperfixationiris · 1 year
(In advance I apologize for any grammatical or syntax error that I may have, English is not my first language).
The Separated AU by @cupcakeslushie has been my complete adoration and obsession in recent days, so (with the author's permission) I created this playlist for Separated!Donnie!
I have chosen the songs mostly for their lyrics, so the musical genres may be all over the place, hehe.
The title comes from the mini comic "Thirds", also part of the Separated AU and creation of Cupcakeslushie, because damn, that interaction between Donnie and Splinter hit me hard.
That there are thirty-three songs (Three Three) in the playlist is... totally a coincidence! But it is one of which I feel very proud!
You can listen it on YouTube here or on Spotify here (I recommend the YouTube version more, since on Spotify I couldn't find all the songs or not in the versions I wanted).
Below is a brief explanation of why I chose some of the songs, (you can ignore this if you like) But enjoy the music and go see the Separated AU, I recommend it with all my heart!
(This part is very based on my interpretation of Sep!Donnie, so I may be wrong about some things.)
— "Saint Bernard" and "Cradles" are the first songs for being the ones I most associated with Donnie. The first for talking about being a failure and that there is something intrinsically "wrong" with you. The second I associated with his way of seeing the world and the fact that he does not perceive what has been done to him as abuse.
— The instrumental melodies I chose I feel they are a good reflection of his mental state, especially in one of his episodes.
— "Papercut" was a song I heard and it was immediately like: "Oh, yes, this is Donnie talking about Three and the hallucinations he has of his brothers".
— "Immer Sie" is one of the few songs I chose with a specific moment in mind, in this case: Donnie attacking his family because he felt they were leaving him behind and abandoning him. The song speaks of a desperate and almost aggressive love, in addition to having in its lyrics a fairly broken syntax. That is why I think it can reflect Donnie's altered mental and emotional state in that specific moment.
— There is a song that clashes a lot with the others and is "Lovefool (Remix)". However I think it represents the affectionate behaviors, although sometimes too intense, of Donnie, as well as his need to be loved.
— I think "Pale Machine" is a song that would play once Donnie was rescued by his family and once he was living with them. Although he is very happy and basically the situation is a dream come true, that does not mean that all his problems are fixed.
— Two other songs for specific moments are "What I've Done" and "Cop Graveyard". I am referring to the moment Mikey finds out about the collars his brother made for Big Mama, and when Donnie realizes that he basically helped Shredder poison Leo's mind.
— "Rolling Girl" is the first of the comfort songs, being a reflection of the way Donnie sees himself and how his family is doing everything possible to help him out of that vicious circle.
— I see "Demons" as a song dedicated to the relationship between Donnie and Vee (which I love). In turn, "Devil Town" would be Donnie's relationship with Leo, Raph and Mikey.
— "New Soul" is basically Donnie on the road to recovery, with its ups and downs.
— Finally, "Somewhere I Belong" is not exactly a happy or entirely positive song, but whose central theme is something that Donnie has been working on and has wished all his life: a place to belong to.
And with this ends my TED Talk, thanks for coming.
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cupcakeslushie · 1 year
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@tmntaucompetition Saw nails bats were being given out. Donnie and Mikey would for sure want in on that lol.
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
Here it is, my animatic for @cupcakeslushie separated AU. 
Everytime I hear this song something like this goes through my head. It just fits them so well. I wish i could have done better but this is all my drawing and video Edition skills were capable of
Now I need to go lie down....
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biographydivider · 2 years
I couldn’t stop thinking about @cupcakeslushie‘s Donnie in his lil black cami in one of the latest comics from their Separated AU, so I wrote a little lighthearted April and Donnie day out in its honour. I would lay down my life for hyper, slowly-learning-he-deserves-to-be-loved Three, and he deserves something fluffy💜
She found him crouched in a corner, behind a rack of coats, rubbing a black satin camisole between his hands and chirruping contentedly to himself.
April shoulda known D wasn’t ready for a trip out.
“Donnie,” she hissed, pushing aside a gigantic, furry, pink monstrosity in order to see her brother better, “what are you doing?!”
“April!” Donnie yelled, beaming. “How pleasant to see you here!”
A woman walking past tutted, saying something about kids these days and no manners. April whipped her head around to glare daggers at her retreating back. D had a volume control problem; so what? Least he wasn’t a passive-agressive bitch about it.
“Donnie. We came in together. Remember? I gotta pick out some jeans and then we’re going to get --” 
“Boba. I remember, I remember.” Donnie clicked his fingers at her, nodding so fast April wasn’t sure how he didn’t tweak a muscle. “But look what I found; look look look look.” He inched his way out of the coat rack and was pushing the vest into April’s hand, still passing the material back and forth between his finger and thumb. “Oooh. Soooooft.”
His eyes glittered with delight, and April had to press her lips together to stop herself from laughing; she had to at least try to be a voice of reason, here.
“Get up. You look like a pervert. Sittin’ on the floor with undergarments in y’hands.” She hauled Donnie to his feet, re-adjusting his hood so his green skin wasn’t as visible. “‘Nah, Raphie,’” she muttered sarcastically to herself, “‘Me an’ D’ll be fine on our own for one afternoon, suuuure...’”
“I’m going to buy it,” Donnie was saying, looking down at the puddle of satin in his palms. “I’m going to buy it - with the money Spl...that Papa gave me. And I’ll only use it to clean up my very best paints. Or I’ll make it into a...a pillowcase. Ooh, or even better; I’ll hang it up on the wall in my room! And when I finally - finally! - get my hands on some uranium I’ll use it to create a pattern on the fabric - so when I use my blacklight, it shines! Or...”
“Or,” April interrupted, slinging her arm around Donnie’s neck, “you could wear it. Like you’re supposed to.”
A tiny crease appeared between Donnie’s unnervingly immaculate brows. “Wear it?”
“It’s a cami. To go under your clothes? Or by itself, so you can show off those guns of yours.” April poked her brother in the bicep and was quietly thrilled to hear him laugh under his breath at the joshing. There was a time when Donnie had flinched away from any and all roughhousing; which, as the family slowly and tentatively tried to glue themselves back together, made April sadder that she’d ever mention out loud.
“Papa said no guns in the lair. I asked.” Donnie’s gaze was torn away from the camisole. “And I can’t wear it. Not something this nice. I’d...I’d spoil it. Tear it. Get it dirty.” Suddenly, that manic glitter in her brother’s eyes was clouded by a shimmer of tears. “C-contaminate it.”
Well. If that didn’t just break your heart. It suddenly occured to April exactly why Donnie had hidden himself away with his treasure, without showing her or telling her where he was going. Because he didn’t feel worthy of something as inconsequential as a stupid vest top.
Donnie and April hadn’t exactly got on when he’d first crash-landed in her life. Being used to big, kind, stalwart Raphael hadn’t prepared April for a brother who was spiky, loud and more than a little brittle. But then Three...Donnie...D...had started to relax. A little. And Raph had told her things, like when they’d had a trip to the junkyard together and he’d learned a little more about his brother’s past. No wonder this kid thought he was a walking bio-hazard. And slowly, the loudness had started to look like passion, the spikes like defensive armour. The brittleness like a desperation to be loved. And if there was one thing April could do, it was love.
“Get in there,” she said, shoving Donnie towards a changing booth at the back of the store.
“Just do it!”
“It’s too bright!”
“I know, changing rooms have bad lighting so you feel like shit an’ buy their stuff to feel prettier.”
“I see -- aghh! My face! My porous face in the mirror!”
“Close your eyes, then, and put your arms up.”
“Just do it!”
“April I refuse to be part of this harshly-lit torture chamber for a moment --”
”Okay fine! Come out. Better? Okay. Arms up. Hoodie off - just for a second, then you can have it back, alright? Then just slip your hands through those holes there, let me just pull that into place annnnd...yep! Open your eyes.”
As Donnie regarded himself in the mirror, April wondered if she’d made a mistake. His body language was...well, it was non-existent. He’d gone stock still, staring blankly at his own torso. Then, both hands came up to flatten the material against his plaston, and a shaky, wobbling smile broke across her brother’s face. It was only when those hands began to flap, fanning the sides of his face, that April could finally breathe.
“I look...resplendent.”
“Dang right you do!” April squeezed his shoulder, snapping off the tag at the nape of his neck. That way, the lady at the counter could scan the barcode without interrupting Donnie’s flow. “I should do this for a living. April O’Neil; Personal Shopper! So - how would you rate your experience with us today, sir? Very satisfied, very very satisfied, extremely satisfied...?”
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the-maximist-drawer · 2 years
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This is a drawing for @cupcakeslushie for their separated AU, I love their Donnie so much! I will probably draw more for this amazing AU! Btw in the first drawing Donnie/Three has spray paint on him idk if that was clear. Love y'all bye! ❤❤❤
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tazzmanian-devil · 1 year
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13 - The Evil League of Mutants 16 - Shadows of evil
To Three, the keyword had been "we".
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burritello3000 · 9 months
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Here’s some fanart for Cupcakeslushie’s EW separated au. It’s a frame redraw. I couldn’t help it! They just looked so cuddly and smushy and cute <3 Donnie and Mikey are my favorite duo of all time. Also, Cupcakeslushie, I just love your comics and story and I can’t get these boys out of my head. I also love the way you draw Mikey’s bandanna tails, they look so big and fluffy 🥰
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yabee-tea · 2 years
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Fanart of some of my favorite group separated AUs!!
(Top left) Red Rover by @red-rover-au
(Top right) Separated AU by @cupcakeslushie
(Bottom left) Bloodbath AU by @trubblegumm
(Bottom right) Life Mission by @daedelweiss
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
Just a whole bunch of separated Leos (the sillies) ver. 2
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AUs + Creators below
Red Rover (RR) - @red-rover-au (aka @theserpentsnight)
Empyrean Weeping (EW) - @cupcakeslushie
Gemini Twins - @tangledinink
Tentative Devotee (TD) - Me :}
The Night - @y0unginhumans
Life Mission: Save My Brothers (LM) - @daedelweiss
BloodBath (BB) - @trubblegumm
Never Better (NB) - @less-depresso-more-espresso
Even More of a Disaster Twins (EMD/EMDt) - @teaableu and @3lectricinsomnia
Separated Leo AU - @dianagj-art
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Current Nominees
Updated 8/14/24 (if you recieved more nominations, there will be a + showing how many)
I am tagging the creators so they know if they've been nominated. If they wish to retract the nomination, they can let me know.
Donnie @phykoha (Tiny Mutant Feral Turtles) - 1
Future Leo @nani-nonny (Reunion) - 1
Tenoch Oroku @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal (Forgotten Clan) - 1
Donnie @consume6810 - 1
Omega @kathaynesart (Replica) - 15 +14
Mikey @seaghosstt (TMNT: Bay Area) - 1
Reticent Leo @tmnt-reticent (Reticent) - 1
April @theartofeverything (In This Together) - 1
Donnie @kaysdenofchaos (Teenage Mutant Meddling Turtles) - 2 +1
Venus @ (Jumpstart Separated) - 1
Sensei Donatello @theredponcho (Microwave) - 1
Swanattello @tangledinink (Swanattello) - 1
Mikey @ (Deep Water) - 1
Dai @sweeneydino (Paper Scales/Little Dragons) - 6 +5
Hamato Antonello @ants-turquoisewave (Led Astray) - 2
Kasey Jones @caseyjones-junior (Krang Parasite) - 2 +1
Baby Mikey @pezhead (Age Gap) - 1
Mikey's Cat @anomalysstuff (Anomaly) - 1
Splinter @broken-slime-boi (Grayscale) - 2 +1
Yuichi Usagi @azucar-skull (Feral Casey) - 2 +1
Marcelo @irequirealobotomy (Just Around The Corner) - 2 +1
Leonardo @dancingthesambaa (Star Blind) - 1
Cerise Mylene Hamato @fanartmayhem (Mikey's Unplanned Purpose) - 1
Calamari @cokoweee (Quilt) - 1
Glamrock Raph @thejade-forest (RotTMNT x SB)
Ghost @amevello-blue (Ghost In The Shell) - 3 +2
Casey Jones Jr @delicatechildwitch (Old Soul) - 1
Shelldon @mostlyvoid-partiallyturtles (Lifetime Achievement Award) - 1
Donatello @kaysdenofchaos (Battle Scars) - 2 +1 & Leo
Little Leo @misshowdoyoudo (Reminiscing That Old Time) - 1
Maro @eternalleader - 1
Villain Mikey @onionninjasstuff (Villain PB&J) - 3 +2
Future Leo @cosmoscrow (Odd Man Out) - 2 +1
Donnie @jacky_fruit3529 (Deep Water) - 1
Cassandra Jones @gremlinscomics (Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself) - 1
Donatello @cryptidofthecove - 2
Caiji @gornackeaterofworlds (Butterfly Effect) - 4 +1
Mustachello @revitalizationrat (Mustachello) - 4 +1
Poptart @intotheelliwoods (2 Arms Left) - 4
Toast @intotheelliwoods (2 Arms Left) - 5 +2
Liam @fishsticksloser (Last Echoes) - 6 +1
Krangified Donnie @abbeyofcyn (Krangified Donnie) - 1
Raphael @thegunnsara (Hamato Warriors) - 1
Feral Leo @cupcakeslushie (feral Leo au) - 2
Kid Leo @angelpuns (Kid Leo au) - 1
August Hamato @star-sparkler (August Hamato) - 2
Leo @villainleoau (Villain Leo au) - 1
Raphael @remedyturtles (Firefight) - 1
Hop @nights-flying-fox (Dimention Hopper Leo) - 2
Future Leo @loryska2 (GooseyLeo) - 1
Leo @andistarbee (Extra) - 1
Brook @
Feral Donnie @kittynomore (Snapper Lou) - 2
Mikey @allyheart707 (Little Subjects) - 2
Prince DubbleBubble @sketchiefoxie (Rottmnt x Adventure Time) - 1
Frigid Leon @sketchiefoxie (Rottmnt x Adventure Time) - 1
Mikey @tizeline (Tiz Sep) - 3
Draxum @tizeline (Tiz Sep) - 1
Donnie @tizeline (Tiz Sep) - 1
Leo @nights-flying-fox & @mostlyvoid-partiallyturtles (Gentle Hands I Don't Recall) - 1
Micheal @gingerchickens (Astray) - 1
Leo @kathaynesart (Replica) - 1
Chompy @probably-not-a-rutabaga (Mutant Chompy) - 1
You have until the end of Friday this week to nominate. Show creators some support, ask them questions, and have fun.
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dianagj-art · 1 year
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Kappa is losing Cool Guy points
Context: we were talking if the Usagis would be able to tell their Leos apart and EW!Usagi has a very simple way to find his
AUs left to right:
Bloodbath @trubblegumm
Gemini @tangledinink
Red Rover @red-rover-au
Empyrean Weeping @cupcakeslushie
Even More Disaster @3lectricinsomnia @teaableu @evenmoreofadisaster
Never Better @less-depresso-more-espresso
Separated Leo - me:D
The Night @y0unginhumans @the-saturn-project
Life Mission @daedelweiss
Tentative Devotee @s0fti3w1tch
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diona-98 · 9 months
Rottmnt leo aus!
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Time to tag the people 💀
(If you guys can't find your leo, just send me an ask then i will screen shot it for you!)
KL (Kid Leo): @angelpuns
EW (Empyrean Weeping): @cupcakeslushie
LS (Little Subject): @allyheart707
LM: SMB (Life Mission: Save My Brothers): @daedelweiss
TD (Tentative Devotee): @s0fti3w1tch
SL (Separated Leo): @dianagj-art
Gemini: @tangledinink
2AL (2 Arms Left): @intotheelliwoods
CAS (Cass Apocalyptic Series): @somerandomdudelmao
TMNT 04: @koolaidashley
Hidden Hero: @egg04
TN (The Night): @y0unginhumans
RR (Red Rover): @theserpentsnight
BS (Battle Scars): @kaysdenofchaos
EMD (Even More of a Disaster): @teaableu/@3lectricinsomnia
Totpocalypse: @pastadorable
TMNT Double or Nothing: @mobiitez
Addams! TMNT: @lackablazeical
NFOE (New Friends Old Enemies): @sunydays
Mertles: @qquewpp
The Kendra Childhood: @zeawesomeness
Unnamed Separated : @v-albion (lol, i know it doesnt have a name yet but still want to include it)
Wretched Little Pests: @abbeyofcyn/@noxvee6/@spacemimz
The 4 Servents: @angelosorangebandana
Cowboy leo: @rufwoof (idk if this is an actual AU but still want to include cowboy leo cuz i love him)
TMNT aberration: @probably-not-a-rutabaga
Celestial: @ashwii
Villainous Brothers: @signanothername
Mutant Manhunt: @baskeigh-ball
Is This Right?: @cruilty-ink (ink, im sorry but i accidentally drew him curse, i tried man 😭)
Battle Racing: @apollo-not-in-space
TMNT Redline: @0ddbugs/@coffinpal
ANLFM (A Ninjas Life For Me): @triona-tribblescore
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trubblegumm · 2 years
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Read about @cupcakeslushie ‘s separated au today and this was the result. Love reading this person’s writing
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
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Some of the stills from my animatic
Not all of them, just those I don't mind you looking at for longer than 5 seconds .thank you for your nice words btw
Designs/AU by @cupcakeslushie
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allyheart707 · 10 months
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WOW THIS TOOK SO LONG- But it was worth it! Also, anatomy was NOT my friend during this. XD
SO here is a stack of all of the Leos (from comics, at least) that inspired me to make my own comic. They are actually stacked in the order I found them! Thank you all for creating such unique and amazing comics and being amazing! I tried to get all the Leo's color pallets accurate to the ones used in their respective comics! Cass Apocalyptic series by @somerandomdudelmao For being the comic artist that got me into tmnt in the first place. Your AU is not only the base of my love of TMNT, but also one of the biggest supports for this entire fandom- so, naturally, he is the base of this stack!
2 Arms Left by @intotheelliwoods Sweet bean Poptart is next. An absolute gem of a comic! Also... beetle saga is one of the few comics that made me bust out laughing. I loved that SO much.
Gemini by @tangledinink Your art style. Oh my gosh, I cannot get enough! And the amount of amazing comics under your belt? You amaze me.
Separated Leo AU by @dianagj-art I started reading your comic shortly after I got REALLY into TMNT and your comic has been the BIGGEST inspiration on my comic. I love your murder gremlin so much. (also yes, One is bragging that he is above Gemini)
Tentative Devotee by @s0fti3w1tch Omg omg your artstyle? SO SQUSHY. I love your Leo's design and the idea is soooo cute!
Life Mission: Save My Brothers by @daedelweiss Wow. Just wow. This comic is so well put together and professional looking it still impresses me. I was there for the premier of the trailer and I couldn't stop gushing about it all night!
Empyrean Weeping by @cupcakeslushie Ohhhh I am a sucker for angst and you DELIVERED. Your Donnie design is still one of my absolute favorites. I found your comic VERY late, but I am SO glad I did!
Kid Leo AU by @angelpuns Loved your comic so much when I found it- you draw all the turtles so adorably! I also am having so much fun in the collab meeting everyone, and I cannot thank you enough for letting me join!
And, finally, Little Subjects AU by ME! :D
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Gemini/Separated Leo/Tentative Devotee/Villain PB&J Duo vs Empyrean Weeping/Bloodbath/Life Mission
Gemini AU- @tangledinink
Separated Leo AU -@separatedleoau
Tentative Devotee - @s0fti3w1tch
Villain PB&J Duo AU - @onionninjasstuff
Empyrean Weeping - @cupcakeslushie
Bloodbath AU - @bloodbath-au
Life Mission: Save My Brothers - @daedelweiss
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