#cupiditas speaks
cupiditas-and-ao3 · 5 months
Fuck I forgot to put monster fucker extraordinaire in my pinned post or blog description I've been falsely advertising myself
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An Unholy Alliance
Fandom: undertale AUs
AUs: underfell & storyfell
Ship: uf!Sans x ssf!Chara
Chapter Six (FINAL): Radix Malorum Est Cupiditas
Chara raises their knife, pointing it at Sans, nether of them breaking eye contact.
“Think about this, Sans. Please.” Chara begs, breaking the silence. “I know you want me to stay with you forever.” They begin, a look of sorrow taking over their face, “but we both know that’s not a possibility… so please… just back down.”
Sans sighs, summoning more bones behind him. “i’ve thought about it plenty, sweetheart. and i’ve made my decision.” He states. “i don’t want you to stay… i need you to stay. i can’t imagine living another day in a world without you.” He adds, taking a step forward, “come on, we don’t ha-”
“ENOUGH, Sans!” Chara yells, cutting him off. “I’m not backing down, and that’s final!” Chara pauses as their arm begins to shake, “Now… Make. Your. Choice.” They demand, voice shaky, all through gritted teeth.
The pair stand still in complete silence for several moments, until… Sans attacks, sending a conglomerate of sharp, red bones towards Chara.
Chara scatters themselves, reforming several meters away from Sans. They summon several circles of flower petals around Sans, who teleports out of the way each time.
Sans counterattacks, summoning five red blasters, aimed at Chara; who dodges out of the way, sliding under the energy beams.
The two stop attacking and face each other once more, “I don’t want to hurt you, Sans! This is ridiculous!” Chara yells in protest.
Sans takes steps towards them, “i thought you loved a fight? what’s with the change up?” Sans asks mockingly
Chara growls through their gritted teeth. “The difference is that I love you, moron.” They rebuke, standing up straight. “And because of that, I don’t desire to do you harm!” They explain.
Sans lets out a half laugh, “funny, cuz…” his eye begins flashing once more, “that’s the reason i keep going.” He adds, before attempting to throw Chara into a wall with telekinesis.
Chara begins to counter by locking themselves in place with vines, but is interrupted when Sans summons a wall of sharp bones beneath them. They use a vine to launch themselves in an opposite direction, still getting clipped by a few of the bones in the legs.
They summon a massive swarm of vines and petals aimed at Sans, who expertly maneuvers around them. Summoning red bones and blasters to attack Chara.
Chara scatters into vines, and digs themselves into the ground, reforming next to Sans and attempting to slash at him.
Sans teleports away, rapidly summoning sharp bones where he stood, managing to stab Chara in the stomach. “you really think i don’t know yer tricks sweetheart?” He asks demeaningly, “give up, you can’t win.”
Chara rips the bone out of their body, as the wound heals itself. “That what they all say. And they’re always wrong.” They respond, with a scowl.
Sans' cocky smile returns, as he reaches into his pocket with his left hand, grabbing ahold of a small remote. “maybe that’s true. but those sorry sons of bitches don’t know you like i do.” He responds, before pressing a button on the remote.
The moment he presses the button, the beautiful collar he gave to Chara, suddenly—and violently—detonates. Tearing a massive chuck of flesh out of Chara's neck, almost entirely obliterating their jaw, and causes them to collapse on the ground.
Chara, unable to speak only lets out noises of pure agony, shock, despair, and hatred, as their vision fades.
“remember what we said? that collar proved that you were mine. good to know it fulfilled that role to the end.” Sans says, before summoning an immense amount of bones, tearing Chara's body apart, until only bloody gibs remained.
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Chara stands behind Sans as he’s sat in his chair, contemplating. They immediately rip their collar off of their neck and throw it onto the floor, against the wall.
Sans perks up upon hearing the noise, teleporting behind the chair to face them. “that reaction, and expression, tells me that you fell for my little trick, and you’ve just died to me.” He says confidently.
Chara stares him down, knife drawn, eyes full of hatred and disgust. “You’ve been planning this.” They state, voice quivering with rage.
“and that look tells me you’re really pissed off.” Sans adds, taking steps back.
The two slowly circle each other. “I TRUSTED YOU!” Chara yells, “I would’ve died for you.” They add, stopping in place. “Stop this! We can talk this out. We can fix this!”
[File 0 Saved]
“you’ve clearly already heard my spiel, enough to know that that ain’t happening.” Sans retorts, summoning a wall of bones behind him. “let’s just get to the point.” He finishes, sending the bones at Chara in sequence.
Chara creates a massive wall of vines, blocking the attacks, before turning the vines on Sans.
He dodges, using red blasters to ignite the plants. He teleports to the opposite end of the lab, pressing another button on the remote; this time, a dozen laser drones hidden away in cabinets activate. “borrowed a couple of these from alph, i'm sure you remember them.” He says.
The drones direct their red lasers at Chara, who dodges out of the way, using vines to crush four of them. “How original.” Chara comments, annoyed.
Sans continues his attack, summoning swarms of bones, and blasters targeting Chara; all while the drones form complex barriers with their lasers.
Chara scatters, and doges out of the way of the bones, destroying some of the drones while doing so. Although they do get hit in the side by one of the blasters which burns the skin off their arm—melting some of the flesh as well—causing them to grunt in pain, before counterattacking.
“You’re going to run out of tricks eventually, Sans.” Chara says, before summoning a massive swarm of flower petals, all aimed at sans. He simply teleports out of the way.
“not quite yet. i still got shit up my sleeve.” He responds, using telekinesis to push Chara away; Chara attempts to use their vines to lock themselves in place, but the drones redirect their lasers on their vines; causing them to be thrown into the three sharp bones awaiting them.
Chara prepares to scatter, but is interrupted when all the drones focus their lasers on their chest, burning a massive hole clean through it. They collapse, completely paralyzed.
Sans wastes no time, using telekinesis to pick up a counter and crush their body, over and over again until it is completely unrecognizable.
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The second Chara is brought back, they use massive vines to crush the cabinets entirely, completely destroying the drones inside of them.
Sans looks at Chara, “so, you have die-”
Chara cuts him off, “This is pointless, Sans.” They state firmly. “No matter how many times you kill me, I’ll keep coming back. You KNOW this.” They add, shaking their knife in his direction. “So why- WHY do you keep doing this?” They ask.
Sans lets out a long sigh, “the only way to beat you, is to keep killing until you give up.” He replies calmly, “give up and stay with me.”
Chara laughs, looking down in disbelief. “How can you be such an intelligent man, yet be so foolish?” They ask, the anger in their voice rising as they speak.
Sans chuckles to himself, “sometimes, you have to take risks. and this is a risk i’m willing to take.” He responds.
“Very well then.” Chara replies, lunging at Sans and attempting to slash him.
Sans dodges out of the way, using as much magical energy as he can to summon hundreds of bones, and hurling them at Chara, along with summoning six large, red blasters.
Chara responds by scattering into flower petals, and weaving between the bones. Sans seizes the opportunity and fires all six blasters at Chara's scattered self, incinerating a large portion of the petals.
When Chara reforms, they’re broken, bleeding, missing: large chunks of flesh, their left arm, an eye, and much more. They shamble about, barely walking, gargling on their blood, before being shredded by bones once more.
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Chara wastes no time, attacking Sans. They summon countless vines and pellets, all dodged.
The two continue trading attacks for what felt like eons. All attacks either being blocked, or dodged, with the occasional hit on Chara.
Chara throws their knife at the exhausted Sans; he outstretches his hand and launches it back at them with telekinesis. Before it can hit however, Chara dodges out of the way and catches it with a vine extending from their hand, then flings it back towards Sans at insane speed.
Sans barely dodges the knife, as it cuts clean through his jacket and stabs itself into the wall behind him. With a panicked look, he walks towards Chara, away from the wall.
Chara's smile returns to their face, “You’re slowing down, darling.” They say tauntingly, before turning into vines and digging themselves into the ground, reappearing behind Sans, to grab their knife.
Sans doesn’t even respond, instead summoning a bone in his hand and charging Chara, who charges at him as well. The moment they get close, Sans teleports behind them and stabs them in the chest. “eat shit…” he says, through heavy, exhausted breaths.
Chara grunts in pain, turning around and ripping the bone from their chest. They look over to him, and start laughing.
They slash at him with their knife, as he barely dodges is; then again, and again, and again, all while laughing maniacally. They make one last horizontal slash, which Sans only dodges by less than a centimeter, but fails to dodge when Chara punches him in the chest with their left hand.
Sans -25hp (5/30 remains)
He flies back and lands on the ground, face planting, grunting in pain. He manages to pick himself up onto his knees.
Chara stops laughing, staring him down. “It’s over Sans. Unless you have any other tricks up your sleeves.” They announce, firmly.
Sans pants, closing his eyes, and reaching into his pocket. “well… i do have one last trick.” He says as he pulls a small black container out of his pocket, opening it, and retrieving the item.
“And what would this be?” Chara asks, both annoyed and curious.
Sans doesn’t respond, instead just throwing the container to Chara's feet.
On the container two, bold, red, letters are visible “DT”.
“No…” Chara shakily says, their face full of horror. “Sans, NO! You know that will do to you!” They yell.
He presents a small white pill standing up, and making eye contact. “i’m out of options, chara.” He says.
Chara holds out their hand, “Please, Sans, THINK!” They yell in protest, “Be smart about this… like the man I… once loved…” they say through a quiet, pained voice.
“I can’t let you leave, sweetheart.” He responds, “I wont let you leave.” He finishes, before opening his mouth and swallowing the pill.
“NO! NO! Goddamn it!” Chara yells in anger, their teeth gritting down, as their breaths become erratic.
Sans' body starts twitching, as his eye flashes on.
Chara approaches him, face full of anger.
Faster than they could react, a group of bones emanates from the floor, tearing their right leg clean off and barely missing the left one.
Before the second set of bones can hit them, they launch themselves out of the way using a vine. Landing roughly on the ground, they generate a vine from their right thigh to act as a temporary leg.
When they attempt to stand, they’re immediately put back on the defensive by dozens of red blasters circling them. They scatter themselves for a split second, just to get out of range, barely dodging a blaster aimed at them while doing so.
“just fucking die!” Sans yells in rage.
They attempt a counterattack, creating a gargantuan swarm of vines, but are magically thrown against the wall and impaled, by Sans. The dozen bones pierced their chest, arms, shoulders, and leg—barely missing their head.
As they look around, they see their once beloved collar lying on the floor, ripped, and dirty.
When they look back to Sans, they see him destroy their severed leg with blasters, and teleport over to them.
His face looks manic, yet prideful, as they hear him laughing his ass off.
He takes a step forward, “you remember how you said that you’d die for me sweetheart?” He asks, summoning a massive blaster. “go ahead and do that again for me, won’t you?”
In a move of desperation, Chara extends a vine from their hand, grabbing their broken collar, and throwing it into the open mouth of the blaster…
A massive explosion overtakes the lab, as all of the energy built up within the weapon violently escapes. The magic bones within Chara vanish, and Sans is sent flying across the lab.
Chara 25/500 hp
Sans 0.0795/30 hp
Chara picks themselves up off the ground, as their body heals itself. They feel their leg slowly reforming, replacing the vine. Face down, on the opposite side of the lab, lays Sans.
[File 0 Saved]
Chara limps their way over to him.
As he attempts to move, Chara plants their left foot on his back, immobilizing him. “It’s OVER, Sans.” They yell, before leaning down, up close. “You lost.” They say quietly.
All they hear, is the sound of Sans sobbing uncontrollably. They take their foot off his spine, and step back, looking at him.
Sans looks up, tears in his eyes. “i- i’m sorry… i’m so sorry…” he says, unable to even look up at Chara.
“Are you now?” Chara asks coldly, not believing him.
“yes!” Sans yells, becoming increasingly pathetic. “i love you. i love you so much. i lo-”
“SILENCE!” Chara yells, cutting him off. “I don’t buy that for a second.” They respond coldly, staring him down.
Sans sits up, his eyes full of disbelief, “w- w- what?” He stammers out.
Chara turns their back to Sans, looking over their shoulder. “You don’t love me. You’re obsessed with me. If you really loved me, you’d say your tearful goodbye and let me go.” They state, doing their best to hold back tears. “But you didn’t do that, because I’m not a person to you.”
Sans sits in complete silence, as Chara approaches, and kneels down to his eye level.
“Sorry to break it to you, but I’m not your pet.” They say, leaning in close.
Sans wraps his hands around them in a pathetic excuse for a hug, delivering apology after apology. “what can i do to make this right?” He asks desperately.
Chara gently pushes him away from themselves, holding him in place. “Despite all I’ve said, I still care about you, Sans.” They say, as tears form in their eyes, “so… if you send me home. All will be forgiven.”
Sans shoots up, life returning to his eye, “really?” He asks.
Chara simply nods, summoning green petals to heal Sans back to full.
The pair wordlessly walk over to the machine, and hug one last time.
“i’m gonna miss you, so fuckin much…” Sans says, through teary eyes.
Chara places one final kiss on his head, “I’ll miss you too, Sans.” They say affectionately.
Chara steps up onto the platform and Sans enters the confirmation code on the terminal.
“ready?” He asks.
Chara nods.
Sans starts to cry again, “goodbye, Chara.” He says.
“Goodbye, my lover.”
Sans slams his fist down on the activation button. In an instant, Chara is gone, returned home.
Sans collapses onto the ground, sobbing.
The End.
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hivesfics · 3 years
Warnings- dark content, fuck or die, minors dni
Content Warnings:
heisenberg has lycan-like features, sharper teeth, sharper nails.Knotting, rough sex, probably can be considered animalistic, cumplay, messy sex, lots of growling, biting, hair pulling, scratching. (Also ik he is not a werewolf himself i just think it'd be hot) breeding kink
An odd spore has taken root in the depths of Heinsenberg's lab, upon doing research the two of you suffer the effects of it.
"A FUCKING WHAT?!" Karl shouts, towering over you.
"And you didn't think to- I don't know- block off the fuckin' area?" He growls, glaring down at you.
"A spore known as Cupiditas Spora, its effects manifest as lust. Once the fungus releases the spores, it takes at least an hour for its effects to begin."
"You and I are the only ones who are authorized for this level of the lab so I didn't think about it, sir."
"So how in Miranda's name do we remove the effects?"
"The effected individual or individuals usually, must participate in coitus."
"Can y'use simpler terms?"
"Well- for lack of term, they have to fuck." You mutter, playing with the edge of the coat you wear.
"You know I hate when you fuckin mumble." He groans, grabbing your jaw, tilting your face up to his.
"So speak the fuck up, and quit with your damn terminologies."
"Sex! The infected must fuck!" You shout, face flushed.
You could already feel the effects of the spore, heat pooling in your abdomen. Or maybe it was just the feeling of his hand on you.
"There ain't any other way?"
"No. Simply put, if the individuals don't have sex, they'll die. Now- I'm not sure how it will effect your- well the lycan DNA you possess thanks to Mother Miranda."
"Gods- don't mention her when you're talking about sex." Karl groans, releasing his hold on you.
"My apologies. Throughout this do I have your permission to document more information on the effects of the spore?"
"You really think you'll be lucid enough to do that?" He scoffs, looking you up and down.
Judging by his body language, he's begun to feel something.
"It wouldn't hurt to try to be." You shrug, removing your coat as your body temperature rises.
"Stripping already, pet?"
"Its hot in here, I suggest you do the same. Seeing as we'll be nude anyways." You say as you make your way to your desk, shedding your shirt as you sit down.
Hands immediately busying themselves with a pen, writing down how the spore is effecting you.
"You're enjoying this aren't you? Being your own little science experiment, dragging me into this. If you wanted to fuck me s'bad you coulda just said so." Heisenberg sits on the edge of your desk, hat, jacket, and glasses removed.
"I did not drag you into this. You came down here yourself- y'know if you listened more often you'd remember I told you that I had a possibly dangerous fungus down here." You grit out, your cunt throbbing.
You wanted to fight the effects as long as you could, not wanting to submit to the primal urges within. Wanting to document as much as you could.
"Shut your fuckin mouth, unless you wanna use it for somethin' more useful than bitchin' at me." He removes his oil covered gloves, setting them on your desk.
Hes so close you can smell the cigars he smokes on him. The oil and natural musk.
You grab hold of the collar of his shirt, pulling him down to your level. Eyes lidded as you smash your lips to his. You feel him grin against you, teeth, much sharper than they usually appear, nipping at your bottom lip.
Your curiosity gets the best of you, pulling away. You're in visible awe as you pull and touch at his mouth. Examining the sharp points of his canines.
He slaps your hands away, grabbing them in one of his larger ones. Holding them so you don't fuck with his face again.
"Next time you pull away to study me like some fuckin pooch, I'm putting some cuffs on you." He growls, grabbing a handful of you hair to keep your head still so he can kiss you again.
Your underwear was absolutely soaked, sticking to your crotch.
Despite the fact that the kiss was all teeth, it spurred you on further. Panting and moaning against him.
He suddenly pulls away, a glint of mischief behind his lust blown pupils and glazed over eyes. Before you can react, he's swiped everything off of your desk and made quick work of bending you over it.
"Bastard." You growl, pouting at the papers scattered on the lab floor.
"Hush now, pet."
He doesn't even bother with removing your pants or underwear, simply using a newfound claw to rip the crotch open.
"I just convinced Mother Miranda to allow me to wear those!"
Heisenberg grabs the base of your throat, snarling in your ear.
"What did I tell you about mentioning that bitch?"
You mutter out an apology, the cool air of the lab feeling heavenly on your heated skin.
"Hurry and get this over with so I can go back to- oh dear heavenly mo-"
Before you can finish your sentence, three of Karl's fingers lodge themselves into your mouth.
"Next time I'm cutting your tongue out." He remarks, pulling on the said muscle.
Its all bark and no bite, his other hand on your hip as he pushes further into your cunt.
"Fuck- how could you keep this from me." He moans, pulling out to slam right back in.
His hand leaves your mouth, grabbing at your breast.
"Shut up- cocky little-"
"Thats no way- shit- to talk to the man saving your life."
"Saving your own ass. Just- just fuck me!" You whine, it felt like your insides were boiling.
Karl rolls his eyes, snapping his hips. Those claws of his digging into the fat of your hips.
He could feel his thoughts melting into incomprehensible blurs of you.
"Going to fill this perfect cunt- defile it with my seed." He growls, its the most lucid thought he has.
You aren't much better, babbling and moaning, hands clawing at your desk. The only thing he can make out from you is his name.
Something swells at the base of his dick, piquing your interest. You can't speak, the thought dissipates as you feel the knot in your stomach tightening.
His hands claw at your sides, he's snarling as he leans down and bites your shoulder.
"Oh fuck!" You sob, thighs shaking as you reach your peak.
"Gonna flood that pussy." He growls as he pushes the swell of his knot into you.
And that he does, you shake and moan at the warm feeling.
"And you thought you'd be lucid enough to document." Karl chuckles breathlessly.
"Lycan cock." You mutter, panting against the desk.
"Good huh?"
"Think I need another example." You tease.
"Oh I can do that darling."
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wolfal-e-hinsley · 2 years
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Title: Bittersweet.
This is a Short Story and Painting I Made a While Ago During the Lockdown:
It’s easy to forget that things weren’t always this way.  There was once something more than just empty husks and skeletons that tower over everything. How the sky in the day didn’t used to be violet, but blue. I think I prefer the violet. I think I like the city empty. With nothing but crumbling buildings, all deteriorating and decomposing. It’s eerie, with the city this way. Eerie isn’t exactly bad. Just unnerving. It keeps you attentive. It keeps you ready for anything. 
Do you remember when we first met? 
Oh, that was a good day!
I was out and about, just like I always am, looking through this jungle of concrete and steel. And there you were! Just about scared the daylight out of me! In that aviator’s jacket and running around with that homemade spear of yours! Honestly, you should be more careful with that! You could really hurt somebody! Like those mean guys. You know, the ones who attacked me? Boy, that sure was scary, wasn’t it? But then, there you were, just like you always are. That spear in hand and you looked so brave! It was cool when you came in and saved the day! A real hero! Ever since then, it’s been me and you. And oh, the adventures we’ve had!
My favorite was when we climbed out onto that hill. Out of the city to where the grass is green and flowers blossom in the trees. Far from the ruin and the nearly empty city full of memories and ghosts. With my leather bound book. You know the one? With lots of archaic words and that absolutely lovely story. You know? The story about how everything’s supposed to get better? 
I mean, it’s not so bad now.
But I hear from the people we meet in the city and outside it. 
They say everything used to be so good. 
And that they want things to get better. 
I don’t see exactly what they mean. The world got so pretty after everything went wrong. The grass grows again. Trees are everywhere. Sure the city’s a mess, with the tangles of vines and wild flowers that seem to try and corrupt it. At least, they say it’s corrupted now. With all the flowers and the trees and the plants that are eating the city.
That’s not how I see it. 
It’s peaceful. The world is peaceful now. There’s no more war, just petty fights over food. Everything is silent, and the air is so fresh. And people like me and you? We thrive in this environment. In this landscape of decaying towers and blossoming roots. In this silent, empty city where life starts anew. We laugh. We sing. We dance. We enjoy what we have and are content with it. 
It didn’t used to be this way.
People used to live here, here in the city. It was buzzing with people. Like a beehive, full of workers and drones. Most of them are dead now. That’s pretty sad I guess. I don’t know. I never really had time to pay attention to those around me, back when the city was still busy. I just went to work. Got my money. And then I went home. It was that way every day. There was no time to care about people. And now that there’s no people. You are all I have time to care about. 
Speaking of money. Wow. Remember when people like us used to obsess over it? Then everything changed. And the world changed. Now we walk through these empty streets and look at the looted stores. The broken windows. The littered floors. And the walls all painted up, with those vines all over them. I remember pulling some down once. 
I wanted to see the art. 
The paintings made in panic. 
The ones that so frantically declared ‘The World Is Gonna End!’ 
I remember your favorite of those works of art. The one that stated ‘Beware Cupiditas.’
I don’t quite know what it means. You say it is latin. You say it’s still here now. Even in a world with no property. No money. No nothing but that hunger for food. The primal needs to survive at all costs. 
You say you’ve seen people kill for food. People used to kill for money. 
You’ve seen people fight to survive, just like we used to all that time ago. Only somehow this kind of survival is different. The stakes feel the same to me. I dunno. I could just be slipping again. That’s what you called it, right? Slipping? When you stop caring about what we’ve lost and are just happy, satisfied with the one friend you have and the rubble of a city you now call home. When you cheerfully talk about the end of the world as if it was the easiest thing to ever face. Because really, what was so different between the world back then and now? 
There’s less people, sure.
And we could be a little cleaner. 
Man, what I’d give for a bath!
But we still fight to survive. It’s just in a different way. At least like this there’s a reason, and we aren’t just surviving because we have no other choice. And really, the world didn’t really end. It’s different now than it was, but it’s still here. It keeps spinning. When we die, I have this funny feeling it’s gonna keep turning even when we’ve decomposed and have joined the ruined landscape. 
Or maybe they said the world was gonna end because they were so wrapped up in those busy bee lives, that when everything happened, and those lives came crashing down, the world they’d built had ended. With it, billions of others. 
Who knows. I could just be looking too deep into it. 
What I do know, friend, is that you're here with me now. That’s what we are, right? Friends?
I sure hope so.
Because even after a billion worlds have ended. Even when we fight and kill for food. Even when the plants consume this broken city. 
I like to think I still have you. 
And well, with everything that’s happened. With all the nothing and all the everythings that is going on. I think about you and how I met. How we fight and live in this place. And well…
I’ve got you.
That’s gotta count for something. 
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cupiditas-and-ao3 · 5 months
Tempura paint is safe for body paint
I just got a crate of the stuff.
It's criminal how little of my body is covered in paint and kisses rn
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cupiditas-and-ao3 · 6 months
Match with me on dating sites I'll tell you shit like
"Laid down to sleep and had spontaneous writing energy and if I don't hunt that shit down like a wolf fixing an overpopulation of deer it'll destroy the creativity ecosystem"
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cupiditas-and-ao3 · 6 months
Wishing the bruise on my knee was from adoration and exaltation and not from fucking banging it on the inside of a car door
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cupiditas-and-ao3 · 6 months
I don’t know if this is a kink but when a guy has a short shirt or he lifts his arms and you get a peak of tummy
It better be a kink because yes 😍 lemme see the tummy lemme smooch the tummy bonus points if fuzzy and happy trail
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cupiditas-and-ao3 · 6 months
[Dial up loading noises]
Smut writing spin off of jackeloop, call me Kel or Cupid or pet or god or whatever I'm not terribly particular
They/them Faun/fauns
18+, minors absolutely DNI
Ask box open, anons on, ama
Posts smut on AO3 writes on Jackeloop (where you can also tip me and commission me for writing)
#cupiditas speaks for getting personal #comes on queue for queue posts, #cupid gets mail or #cupid sends mail for ask posting, otherwise tagging is hit or miss
Named for MC of current smut WIP
Monsterfucker extraordinaire
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cupiditas-and-ao3 · 6 months
How'd I already get a bruise under my fishnets pre-show? (I know how I'm just impressed)
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cupiditas-and-ao3 · 6 months
Alright spam reblog done I'm gonna go write now
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cupiditas-and-ao3 · 6 months
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Jealous of my queue right now on this holiest of trans rights days
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