#curse you tumblr for having a ten pic limit on posts
freshlyrage · 1 year
Running Like Water
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Chapter 1
pairing: Javier Peña x OFC (written as xReader)
fic warnings: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI) language, strained family relationships, mentions of drug abuse, discussions of insecurities and body image issues, daddy and mommy issues, first few chapters are flashbacks to high school, they WILL NOT be explicit just fluff.
fic tags: Best friends younger sister, Life-long crush, Friends to lovers, Unrequited love, slow burn, Push and Pull, Small Town Dynamics, Secret Relationships, latina MC, Fluff and Angst, OFC!Jessica Alba face claim, sorry Lorraine I'm bringing you into this, Time jumps, 2 year age gap, pre-canon
Fic Summary: Andrea has loved Javier since she was a girl in pigtails, yet he has always been off limits. Andrea's older brother Frankie makes sure Javier never crosses any lines, which was an easy task considering Javi's relationship status with long term girlfriend Lorraine. Somewhere, the lines blur.
A/N: Hi tumblr, I decided to also upload on here so heh Hi! It was mentioned in the tags but Ms. Jessica Alba is my face claim for Andrea my beloved. I do have little pinterest boards but I feel like I could also post my inspo pics on here too hehe. Anyway my pinterest is maribari11. My Running Like Water Boards are titled;
Before 1985
Genie and Frankie
Diaz House
First ten chapters are being slowly uploaded on here but can be accessed on ao3. Enjoy :)
word count: 3.3k
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Andrea was fifteen, thirteen, twelve and twenty one in his basement. In 1977 Andrea was only thirteen. Her brother, Frankie was fifteen and most definitely couldn’t be bothered hanging out with the girl. She was a bit awkward and interested in things he wasn’t. Deep in his rebellious phase, skipping church and frequenting smoking pot at Genevieve's house. That bitch. Andrea would mutter when she would roll her car into the dirt driveway.
She used to pick fun of Andrea and Andrea wasn’t one to just “forget” about something like that. Having Frankie around definitely pushed that potty mouth that they wouldn’t dare use around their mama. Having been the one of the only Puerto Ricans within a 3 mile radius, mom would take them to church trying to follow along with the differences in words between the way they spoke on the island and how their preacher from Mexico preached.
Melissa Diaz, single mother with too much money for her own good. The largest home in their neighborhood, courtesy of her grandfather who wrote Melissa’s name in his will. He struck big with oil in the 30s and his only alive relative was his little one Melissa, who wasn’t so little. She was already pregnant with Andrea at the time and obviously dropped her life in Miami as a struggling single mom for sudden Texas luxury.
They were also one of the few people in the neighborhood who didn’t like the ranching lifestyle.
Melissa wasn’t into that, she opened up her boutique in town and let the money pile that way. But it was lonely, for Andrea at least. She had friends in her sixth grade classes of course but it was never close enough to be invited out when they would leave school on Fridays and walk to Genevieve's (bitch) dads ice cream parlor. Despite Frankie’s new habits, maybe once a month he’d take Andrea out. And he had taken her out that summer.
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The fishing rod sound was comforting, down the hill and a sharp left into town. “Frankie! My legs are too short to keep up.” Green short overalls and a baseball ring t-shirt. His back was facing you and you grip the handles, lean forward but it still doesn’t make you as fast as him. You mutter curses under your breath like your mama could hear.
The town came into view, the shops, moms shop and the police station smack in the middle. The police of Laredo, who mama very much disliked after she was pulled over for having Frankie in the front seat when he was six.
Genevieve's beetle parked in front of the ice cream shop, the speed increases and you can’t help but groan with annoyance. You follow him any way knowing you will be ditched for the next 2 hours, I can just ride back home now.
You don’t though. You follow him before the two of you park our bikes by a post, you two hadn’t had your locks because one of the two of you usually would stay out with the bikes, (it was always Frankie) while the other (you) bought ice cream. With Ice Cream you and your brother would walk your bikes to a bench. Sit for a bit and eat ice cream, it was the time where you two actually enjoyed each others company. Frankie is eyeing the car, “Stay here, I’m going to see if I can catch Genie.”
You give him pleading eyes, “No Frankie, this isn’t fair.” You look around anxiously at the thought of being alone in the street next to two pricey bikes. He laughs and shoves your shoulder before walking into the shop. God, you hate this phase he’s in. He’s totally in love with her and she was older- seemed like she just wanted to be around him to smoke. You look out at the town surrounding you. Summer classic, just so busy this time of year. You watch as 3 girls leave mom's shop, bags in hand. Teenage boys laughing over something near the bar that was closed.
“Andrea?” A deep voice comes from behind you, deep voice? You turn, your pigtails practically slapping against your face. You blink rapidly as the boy approached you. He looked your close to brothers age, but with one of those awkward puberty staches. “Sorry, your Frankie’s sister right?”
You nod, looking down at the bikes, still confused as to why he was talking to you. Or how he knew your name, or why he was getting so close. “You should know that your brother owes 30 cash for a few ounces, has been avoidin’ me” His steps even closer and you can’t hold both bikes at once, Frankie’s bike drops to the floor. Shaking your head, you already had a fear of boys, let alone teenage boys. Now one is close to you asking for money you for sure did not have.
“That’s not my issue dude.” You squeak, and grimace, you really couldn’t have looked weaker than at this moment. Twelve years old in overalls and pig tails. The tween quickly retrieve a blade from his pocket.
With quickness and without any time for thoughts you step away from the bike.
Fuck this.
The boy crouches down and stabs the wheel and the scream you let out is nothing short of embarrassing.
Is no one seeing this?
In a split second the kids face is on the ground, pushed as he stabbed the wheel.
“What the fuck is your issue?” A voice growls, not deep like the prick on the floor but definitely a voice of someone awaiting puberty. Your eyes flash up from the sight-seeing the voice, reaching down and grabbing the collar of blade boy, turning him on his back. “Get the fuck out of here.” He shoves the kid further into the concrete and now people were paying attention.
Yet still, no sign of Frankie, who was probably already smoking with Genie in the back of the store.
The guy with a smudge of sidewalk dirt on his cheek runs away from the 14-year-old vigilante, abandoning his weapon.
The boy had a familiar look, like you’ve seen him in school. A grown look to him already to which his voice contrasted. Your face flushed red when he reached down to grab the bike, “Are you okay?” He stood straight, tall. You nod embarrassingly quick, wishing for a moment that you hadn’t looked so young.
“Yes I-”
“Javier? What the fuck happened to my bike?” Frankie steps out of the shop, Genie behind him, her hair in its perfect voluminous state. The small crowd that formed from Javier’s quick action had already desolated.
Javier, Javier.
Javier scoffs, “You left your little sister with your bike and some kid nearly mugged her.” Frankie’s eyes widen, looking at you, your fear and embarrassment broadcasted on your face. He closes his eyes for moment, pinching the bridge of his nose. Cursing under his breath. He takes a few steps forward, disarming the bike from Javier’s grip.
“Dillan…” He grits. Frankie puts his hand on your shoulder, Javier stood to your left shaking his head. “Shit, Andrea I’m sorry,”. Frankie turned to look at Genie. “Would you mind driving us to Javi’s”
She agreed instantly and by the grace of God we somehow fit the bikes in her small car. To your benefit, you and Javier peeled next to each other. You just couldn’t help but crush immediately. Frankie explained that Javier’s dad “Chucho” used to fix bikes, he probably had a replacement wheel there. He also apologized over and over, Genevieve laughing at how apologetic he was. And Chucho fixed his bike out in the driveway. So you stayed in Javier’s basement for hours. But like always, you felt like an outsider.
A bit too young to be in that crowd. They spoke of things you couldn’t relate to yet. But you were occupied, a gaze on Javier seemed to be the only interesting aspect of the night. And your assumptions were right-well almost right...
Javier was fourteen, turning fifteen in August and he was at your school but just in the 8th grade. Its something you two shared in common, you were both a year older than everyone else in your grades. It was the summer going into 7th grade which meant Javier was joining Frankie at Laredo High School in a matter of months.
And again, to your advantage, it became a constant routine.
Biking to Javier’s basement, you, Genie and Frankie. You didn’t complain despite still feeling out of place, you finally had people to hang out with. And for mama, she was ecstatic that her two kids were actually hanging out together. They would joke about things you hadn’t experienced yet. “Cover your ears Andrea,” Genie jokes as Javier described hooking up with one of Genevieve's friends. She was definitely too old for Javi. God do all 8th graders “hook up”.
You were also quick to realize Genevieve wasn’t all too bad, it sure seemed she grew a bit since her playground bully days. Yet you still managed to be the butt of every joke in Javier’s basement.
“Do you even have friends in school?” Frankie leans into his knees, passing his blunt to Javier. The pass was always skipped over you because you were too little. Surprisingly, you actually agreed. Your eyes narrow at Frankie as he tried to dig at you.
“Leave her alone, I mean you’re here hanging out with your twelve-year-old sister, so you really are no better.”
You couldn’t help it. You were doomed when he beat up that kid Dillan. You couldn’t help but blush at anything he said. It was classic. Little girl crushing on one of her only friends just because he was nice to her. The whole thing just grew deeper with time as you all got closer. As Javier proved himself to be the only one on your side.
Slinging an arm over your shoulders as you all walked home the following summer. It was all friendly to him but you knew Genevieve could read your face.
That face when you're trying to be serious to avoid smiling ear to ear from being so close to your one-time-knight in shining armor.
Though, you never really saw Javier during the school year. It wasn’t surprising, you weren’t even in the same school building during his freshman and sophomore year. You also had to accept that it was just a summer thing, enough time would pass where Javier would be shocked every time he saw you. During his sophomore year you had not seen him those whole nine school months. Not even with all the quinceañeras and town events. You just never saw him, even when you would deliberately bike past his house. You would always see Chucho though. He’d wave, you’d return it and then look straight ahead, oh my god I’m such a creep.
It just became devastating when you were going into high school. You had gotten taller, maybe prettier. But you think it was just the fact that you were 15 now. He hadn’t truly seen you since you were 14. Back when you still had to patch your knees from typical middle school rough housing.
That year he was gone, 1979, he came back briefly just to leave again at the very start of the summer. Attending a summer police camp, for boys. In turn, Frankie spent the summer working and Genie (who was finally your brother’s girlfriend) was taking summer courses at a beauty school.
No, absolutely not, is what you tell Genie when she asked to dye it blonde. You did give in with a haircut and your once long mane now only reached just below your shoulders. “Layers, it makes you look more grown up. Getting you high school ready.” She gleams as she chops your hair in her classroom.
Luckily, despite all of your older asshole brothers jokes, you weren’t completely socially inept.
In that Javi-less year you had met with some girl’s you played lacrosse with. Liandra and Monica. And they really kept you busy that summer. The three of you went swimming and Monica would drive you all around town. They were surely some characters, Monica a bit of a spaz, older than you of course. Javier’s age. Liandra was tougher and much more athletic than the rest of the girls on your team.
It was late in summer, end of July. That familiar feeling was settling in every time you would pass a store with a sign that said Back to school sale.
In your final beach trip with your girls you had come back in Monica’s car like you always did, in shorts and your bikini tops.
7-11 was your haven, steal a few candy bars and pay for Slurpee’s. “God, your tan line.” Liandra grabs your shoulder with her cold hand as it was just gripping her drink. You wince at the feeling.
Gritting your teeth, “Yeah, I just catch sun a bit more.” The cold air of the store nipping at you, goosebumps rising. Monica curses as the slushie overflows, Liandra shoves her in annoyance.
“Mujer, tienes que poner la tapa primero. Tapa ¡primero!” Liandra says very seriously, earning a groan from Monica. You laugh, sipping your cherry flavored slush. The flavor so sweet and concentrated, how you liked. Your eyes fall to the ground as your friends argued in Spanish. You could understand them of course but speaking it, oh that was a whole different story. They thought it was so funny to leave you in a room with their family members to hear you struggle.
An elbow digs into your bare rib. Your eyes snap up at Monica, annoyance prevalent in your face. “Hot guy, older… staring at you right now.” She speaks out the side of her mouth in the most cartoonish way ever. Your eyebrows screw together as you try to slyly look to your right, red straw between your cherry-stained lips.
A familiar pit in your stomach forms, one you would get just a summer ago or when you would bike passed his house and see his truck in the driveway. Your eyebrows shoot up as Javier stands near the refrigerated drinks, a confused look on his face.
 He looks so much older; he was taller and his hair. God, he would be 17 by now. Or 16? It isn’t august, he’s still 16.
“I thought it was you.” He laughs walking towards you, not helping the throbbing in your chest. You could hear the girls stir from behind you. His smile doing the thing. When the corners of his eyes crinkle and you could barely make out the color of them. Has he been working out?
Fuck of course he has, he’s been training. Where was he all year?
“Shit, I feel like I haven’t seen you since last summer.” Without letting you think he pulls you in for a hug, too distracted by his scent and hold to realize you were just in a bikini top. His large hand flat on your upper back, stinging the mixture of burn and tan you had received from being by the seaside.
He lets you go but still has a hand on your tanned arm. You try not to focus on the touch and instead speak. “Uh- yeah where have you been all year.” You blurt, fuck did you sound desperate? Obsessed? You were. You had kind of been worried sick. Worried that something was wrong although you knew deep down that Chucho just wouldn’t just go on with his day if there really had been an issue.
He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “I know, I know. Chucho sent me to that High School for law and justice last year. Lived with my uncle out there” Your eyes widen, that was in Houston. Chucho really let him leave all year-and then for summer?
He laughs again at your reaction, “I know, I’m back now, going to finish junior and senior year at Laredo, it was pricey keeping me over there. I’m here again” He smiles, he hasn’t stopped since he realized it was you. He always looked at you with that sort of gaze, you wanted to believe it was adoration. And his voice, oh my god when did it get this deep. His eyes fall to the girls behind you.
 It snaps you from your Javier Peña daze.
“Oh- that’s great. Sorry-” You awkwardly look at both girls by your side. “These are my friends, Monica and Liandra we play on the varsity lacrosse.” They both are ogling him and you mentally roll your eyes. It’s just the way they are.
Javi crosses his arms and nods, a smirk playing on his lips. He puts a hand out and ruffles your hair. Your cheeks immediately warming at the act, “Freshman on varsity, maybe I’ll stop by some of your games, right ladies?” He crosses his arms again. They both nod, Monica laughs snorting along with it.
Oh my god…
Still a smile playing on his lips, staring down at you. Tall, fuck when did he get so-“Listen, I have to go home to dad but I’ll see you around school, yeah?” He says it like he means it, like he wants to see you around. Like he’s hopeful.
Or maybe you were just making it all up in your mind.
He waves a goodbye to your friends and leaves empty handed, the brass ship bell rings as he goes.
Monica wraps her arms around you and makes a fake moan into your ear. You cringe again pushing her off, “You have to be joking who in the world-”
“Javier, he’s my brothers friend” You brush them away and walk to the register. Taking your change out, 60 cents for a large like always. Monica groans and Liandra puts down her own change, covering for Monica. It was “pay-back” for all the rides she provided you guys.
“He’s so sexy oh my goodness Andrea.” Liandra gushes. You look at her from the side of your eye for a moment, knowing he surely wasn’t her type. She liked those big buff knuckle heads. You smile and thank the cashier before you all exit the store before loading the car.
You do see him in school. He never really sees you, maybe he’s tries not to. Within the first month of freshman year you had seen him in the hall with a new girl at least 4 times. You had heard he was a bit of womanizer, a sweet talker. And he was charming with you so you could only dream of how sweet he was when he was really flirting.
“You wish that was you, don’t you?” Monica laughs from your left, your eyes widen. She caught you staring at him walking with another girl. Truly, shamefully, you weren’t paying attention to the girl he had his arm around but instead the way his ass looked in the jeans he wore. Your cheeks flushing red.
 “I’m good.”
You lied. You would walk home nearly everyday with tears pricking at the corner of your eyes. You had a lot of alone time that fall, You had a lot of time to just pine over him now that you had to see him everyday. You wondered most importantly, if he’d ever want you, maybe not now but soon. Before he graduates, You also wondered if he was hooking up with those girls. God, he had gotten so popular when he came back. And you just watched.
You did a lot of watching. You watched Genie and Frankie nearly break up over dinner at your house. You watched Monica get a boyfriend only 3 months into high school, and you watched Liandra have her first kiss at a party.
You watched everyone else have experiences, you could only just watch.
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freakadr0id · 2 years
Here we go, we're at the last part of the special! I actually had to split this up into three parts, so here's part 1 of my favorite Tang moments as I rewatch Embrace Your Destiny - Part 4: Destiny Fulfilled:
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Man, I'm kind of sad we never got to see these three fight. They made a big deal of them getting ready for battle, then nothing came of it. I think it would be really cool to see how these three work together (you better give us that in season 4, LMK crew).
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Look at how worried he is for Mei here when LBD causes her to lose control of the Samadhi Fire. He cares so much for his kids it hurts.
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This is, what, the fourth time in the show he's been carried like that? That is the face of a man who has gotten used to being carried like this and accepted his fate.
(Also, lol, look at Sandy in that first pic)
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I love how everyone is flailing as they're falling, and Tang's instinct is just Ball™
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Tang, you should be dead. At least the others have some excuse for surviving (they're all demons + an OP human). Ik he has powers now, but he's still the Normal Dude. Huh, there might be some validity to the whole "Tang could be immortal" thing I saw a couple people floating around a while ago.
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I love it when Tang is concerned for his friends, but I cannot get enough of Tang being angry or defensive for the sake of MK, Mei, or any of his friends. From what I remember he isn't like that as much in the earlier seasons, and I NEED to see more of it in the future. GIVE ME MORE.
That's the end of part 1 for the final part of the special! Turns out I have a lot more to to say in this episode than I thought I would, so I'll post parts 2 and 3 over the next couple of days.
Here are my other Favorite Tang Moments
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twatkcox · 4 years
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Really, 2020, what has gotten into you? It only took more than a couple of months before everything went haywire and causing a worldwide problem that’s so difficult to manage and control. I’m specifically referring to the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic, which is still ongoing as of this post.
Anyway, let’s take a recap of all the things that happened in 2020:
I’ve published a total of 42 posts on TWATKcox-WP this year, which is slightly higher than last year.
I officially have a new job for the first time in six years, though I’m currently on a pay-per-work basis. Right now, I still don’t have my TIN (taxpayer’s identification number) and I don’t know if my previous company had already filed my TIN application at the BIR office in Makati. Well, I don’t want to risk getting multiple TINs, which is punishable under Philippine law.
TWATKcox’s 7th anniversary post features the seven things about me. Of course, it includes a very serious accident that left a scar on my scalp as a revelation, the last one on the list.
Taal Volcano in Batangas (south of Metro Manila) erupts, causing damage to houses and crops. Surrounding areas were also affected by the ash fall, prompting those living in nearby areas to hoard face masks.
COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019), originating from Wuhan, China (ugh, China!), infects millions of people in almost 200 countries. Several planned events here and abroad (mainly concerts and conventions) were either postponed or canceled for safety reasons.
In late January, I managed to capture some interesting scenes during the Chinese New Year celebration in Binondo, Manila. As a safety precaution due to the possible threat of COVID-19 in the country, I decided to wear my face mask in the area.
I visited the newly-opened Ayala Malls Manila Bay right after Valentine’s day (which turned out to be the final mall-hopping trip before the lockdown), as well as some of the malls (particularly SM Mall Of Asia) in the Bay City area (Pasay). I managed to see my previous employer’s new building along Macapagal Boulevard up close, right next to W Mall (Waltermart).
I bought a lot of manga books earlier this year, including Attack On Titan (volume 9), Nura: Rise Of The Yokai Clan (volume 2), and Buso Renkin (volume 8). Aside from that, I also bought two large plastic storage boxes and four shoe boxes to store my manga collection and my collection of old magazines.
Since March 15, Metro Manila (and the rest of the Philippines) was placed under community quarantine in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. For more than two months, I was stuck at home writing fewer posts for my blog as well as downloading tons of stuff. I find it unimaginable not to leave the house at a time like this, but I managed to do so a few times.
For a while, we have to rely on food deliveries and online shopping sites, mainly for groceries, fresh produce, meat products, and essential items.
In June, an online portal (powered by Weebly) and a third Tumblr site (focusing on my own literary works and fan fiction) were launched. TWATKcox’s Weebly site still remains operational, though no longer updated since last year. Also, all of my Tumblr sites are now using the Strongest theme by Glenthemes.
The Otaku Diaries (previously as The Anime Diaries on TWATKcox-Tumblr) debuted on TWATKcox-WP with a different introduction. I’ve already published a few posts under that series.
In September, I had a third smartphone, a Mi A1 (which is passed down to me by my brother, who had just got a new phone) which is currently running a customized OS that is based on Pixel OS. It took me almost a week to set it up and then I messed it up with a bugged update, As a result, I had to set up the Mi A1 again. Right now, it didn’t get a lot of use since I still have my second smartphone (the Vivo Y53), but I’m actually using it to do various jobs off PC, such as writing various drafts, editing photos, and surfing the internet. Once the pandemic is over, I’ll be using it as a primary phone with the Vivo Y53 as a secondary/music phone, effectively retiring my first smartphone, the LG Optimus L3 II, which I’ve been using since 2014.
I celebrated my 30th birthday with a simple dinner. Nothing special, really. But I think it would’ve end up differently had the pandemic not happened.
A couple of strong typhoons hit the country: Typhoon Goni (Rolly) and Typhoon Vamco (Ulysses). Both typhoons caused serious damage to various parts of Luzon, including Bicol region, Cagayan Valley, Rizal province, and Marikina.
I managed to buy a lot of stuff, some of the items are bought online via Lazada. Among those I bought are a couple of micro SD cards (64 and 128 GB), a 10000 mAh power bank, and a USB hub with SD card reader. My PC got an upgrade too, including a brand new 4 TB hard drive to replace the failing 2 TB hard drive. Of course, I initially have plans to buy some new clothing and accessories, but I decided to hold off for now until the pandemic ends.
I celebrated my tenth year with WordPress. It’s been ten years since I joined the blog-hosting site (WordPress.com) to host my blogs The Kin Keihan Times (second iteration, December 2010 to January 2013, now called The Kin Keihan Times Archives) and The World According To KCOX (since January 2013). More than two years later, in January 2023, the latter will celebrate its tenth year in the cyberspace, another major milestone for my current blog.
As far as Christmas and New Year’s celebration is concerned, I couldn’t enjoy it despite my extreme anticipation for the holidays. Private gatherings are limited to about 10-20 people. Public gatherings are still prohibited, so there will be no New Year’s celebration parties around the country, as well as in other parts of the world.
Before the year ends, I created a new banner for TWATKcox-WP, using one of the edited pics from last year. Nothing special, really.
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Right now, I don’t want to get my hopes up (I’m extremely disappointed about my canceled plans for this year, that’s what) so I won’t be listing down any of the upcoming events here. Same thing goes for my upcoming plans. The only things you should look forward to this 2021 are the main blog’s 8th anniversary and a handful of special posts. Whether or not I’ll get to finish the planned literary special and the autobiography will depend on the COVID-19 situation in the country. If things won’t improve by then, I might be forced to drop these projects altogether.
Frankly speaking, 2020 doesn’t deserve a place in world history. I was hoping that this cursed year be erased from this planet’s existence.
The world is greatly suffering from COVID-19 and it will take a while for this pandemic to end. So, it looks like I won’t have a great new year ahead as well.
And so, I won’t end this with a greeting. Just stay safe, stay healthy, and together, we’ll beat the sh*t out of this f***ing coronavirus that ruined our lives. Yeah, 2020, you’re the worst year in history, ever.
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