#cus the blue coat thing really does look like what he wore but. shrugs.
liauditore · 14 days
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how many belts and buckles does she need someone save me.
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rose7420 · 3 years
Snow Days
Loki and little Y/n take a day out in the snow, and Loki is scared Y/n will see his true form... requested from @lokiismyhubby
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Y/N shivered in powdered, icy snow. Earlier in the day she had begged Loki to take her outside so she could play and experience the frozen precipitation.
Loki was reluctant about her wish.
Very reluctant.
At the current moment, he towered above her tiny form that was in between his black boots. For such a powerful god he looked harmless in his current attire. He wore more than two layers for each article of clothing claiming he was sensitive to the cold. He resembled the looks of an Eskimo. She smiled as she remembered her earlier teasing.
Unfortunately, Loki hadn’t let up on her layers either. Forcing her to wear even more things than him, she’d practically waddled out like a duck with the amount of clothing she wore. Loki had been pinching out another coat for her to wear, ready to force it upon her upper body if needed when she pleaded for him to let up. He had thankfully relented.
Now, his attention wasn’t on her, however. He seemed to be worried about something as his gloved fingers twitched every so often and that crease on his forehead was even more pronounced than usual.
“Are you okay Loki?” Y/N asked from the far-below ground. He paid no mind to her question, most likely because he couldn’t hear her. That was very unusual, for he had superior hearing to even the borrower herself who was gifted with sensitive ears to watch out for predators since the world was a very big place to a tiny thing like her.
“Loki!” She yelled, her hands cupped around her mouth attempting to amplify her quiet voice.
Still no answer.
She was getting rather cold on the frigid, frozen ground so she walked close to Loki’s left boot and placed a hand upon the leather ready to get his attention. But then an idea came to mind.
She gathered a sizeable snowball that was bigger than her fist and tapped Loki’s boot hoping the sensation would catch his attention. As hoped, he did spare her a glance and kneeled down to see her better, ready to offer a palm. Once his face was closer she readied her throwing arm and launched the snowball towards his face.
It landed on his cheek, barely making him flinch until he felt the coolness of it.
“Why did you have to do that?” He snarled, scaring Y/N. Panicking, Loki stood up momentarily forgetting about the borrower below him.
Y/n backed away from him trying to get out of the pathway of his fury and his boot. Right in time too as she saw the sole of his shoe flatten the snow where she had just stood. Her heart pounded with fear. She craned her head way up to see his face but he was covering it with both his hands.
“Loki, I-I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.” Y/n apologized.
Loki heard Y/n and worried she’d see him for what he truly was… a monster.
He couldn’t lose the only friend he had and wanted.
“Get away Y/n!” He yelled.
His loud voice frightened her. He never yelled. Especially at her. Y/n backpedaled falling into the deep snow. She fought to get back up but the snow was too deep and she too small. She began to cry as she realized she had messed such a good day up by a simple snowball.
Loki heard whimpers and sniffles. He peeked through his fingers to peer down at Y/n but when his eyes scanned the snowy ground her he caught no sight of her. His heart jolted, and his chest was tight with fear when he fell down to his knees searching the cold snow for his tiny friend.
“Y/n! Where are you?” He called. The whimpers before had quieted and the only thing to greet him was silence. His fingers desperately combed through the snow. She was tiny as ever, so vulnerable to the elements. She’d surely die if he didn’t find her in time.
There! His cold digits made contact with a warm object. He scooped her out and scanned her form for any harm, then held her tightly to his chest. Her breath was even as if she had passed out. He tenderly pet her hair with a gentle finger to awaken her.
“Loki?” She croaked.
His hand bearing her was about to raise her to his face when he remembered why this incident had happened in the first place. He held still. Y/n squirmed in his hand that had formed a barrier to properly see his face. She climbed his fingers, latching onto the tip of his middle digit pulling herself up. She felt him shake his hand causing her to fall back down into his cupped palm.
“Loki!” She scolded.
Loki knew he had to show his friend who he truly was. It was not fair to her to hide back his true character, what he was meant to be. He raised his hand to his face and uncurled his fingers. He watched Y/n with apprehension as her eyes landed on his face gazing upon the blue of his skin paired with the indented lines. He waited for the fear to show, to become palpable.
But it never did.
She extended her arms out as if she wanted to touch it.
“A-are you not afraid of me? Do you not see who I truly am?” Loki asked, astonished.
Y/n crossed her arms and sassily replied: “All I see Loki is that your skin changed colors and that you have really cool lines on your forehead. Can I touch it?”
Loki couldn’t help but laugh. Y/n saw who he truly was, and didn’t just tolerate it but liked it. He felt relieved and happy.
“Well normally if you were to touch it I could harm you,” Loki informed Y/n.
“Well… if it does hurt me or whatever I’ll stop!” Y/n retorted.
Loki knew there was no way he could say no, Y/n was a stubborn thing. He raised her carefully to his forehead, holding still as her tiny hands ran across his skin. He closed his eyes and relished the little massage.
He felt Y/n jump off his hand and onto his shoulder.
“Hey! What did I say about doing that? You could get hurt and fall!” Loki scorned her. Y/n just shrugged and snuggled into the shade of his jacket hood up close to the uncovered skin of his neck, the blue tint receding and reverting back to his usual pale tone.
“Hey, no rush big guy but we may wanna head inside cus I think it’s about to snow some more and I can’t handle another one of your hissie fits,” Y/n said, completely ignoring his scolding.
He rolled his eyes and smiled trekking his way back to the little cabin they called home.
Later on, when Loki sat on his recliner, and Y/n in her own she thought of something.
“Loki you asked me if I was afraid of you out there. Why?”
Loki took a sip of his hot chocolate and looked at Y/n questionably.
“Isn’t it obvious?” He asked confused setting down the mug lightly to not jostle Y/n.
Y/n bit her lip and pondered the words she wanted to use. “I mean maybe to normal people it may be unusual but to us not really, you know? I mean look at me! I’m smaller than your thumb and escaped HYDRA.”
Loki gave her an intrigued look so she continued.
“My point is Loki, is that I know what real monsters look like. And you are not one of them. Sure we may be a bunch of weirdos who turn blue and need therapy but we are good weirdos. I just want you to know that.”
Loki smiled at her. Y/n stood up from her chair and jumped over to his arm resting on the side of his chair.
His smile changed into a frown and was about to scold her again but before he could she hugged his wrist. He pried her off, holding her waist between a finger and thumb and setting her on his shoulder where he herded her close to his neck in a makeshift hug.
“Well then, you are certainly my favorite little weirdo.”
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drowninginblox · 4 years
Thrown into it
Part: 1,2,3,4
Part 6
I just want to say, whoever shopped for my change of clothes- thank you so fucking much. I mean I really thought I wouldn’t be able to pull off ripped jeans but.. I think I look great! Especially how the shirt contrasts how light they are. Oh wait let me clarify. In the bag were some light blue jeans, a white shirt that was a little big on me, some black shoes with orange butterflies, a hair tie, the necessities, and a letterman jacket. Don’t worry I’m all dressed! The only thing missing from this outfit is the jacket. But I'm a little perturbed by it. Like- the more that I look at it, the more I wonder if this is Mirio’s. I mean it's dark blue with white sleeves and white symbols on it. Or are they logos? What I mean is that it looks like the one he wore to the school’s culture festival at the end of season 4. 
Wait.. what if this is Mirio’s? What if he gave this to Mic so he could give it to me? My face flushed at the thought. Me wearing Mirio’s jacket.. What would it feel like? What would it smell like..? I hesitate to grab the jacket, eventually doing so and lifting it to my nose. Wait a minute- what the fuck am i doing? This could be his jacket and here I am being a creep! Why am I like this? He might be cute but no way in hell am I gonna turn into Toga! “Stop thinking about him!” I throw the jacket over my shoulder before hiding my face in my hands. “Stop with that shit!” I remind myself. “He is out of our league! Real or not!”
“Who?” I jump at a familiar voice. “What the fuck man!” I turn to see the hot mess known as Present Mic along with a smiling Nezu in the doorway. Fuck that blonde bastard and shit eating grin. I inhale sharply at the scene I just made all the while silence hangs over us. “Im so sorry.” I mumble, my head hanging down. “I- If I knew you were there I wouldn't have sworn sir.” The small principal laughs light heartedly while Mic chuckles at my suffering. “Y/n, my name is principal Nezu of UA.” He says calmly. I raise my head to properly see him. “Some of my staff have met you and you seem to know them. I can not interfere in the government’s  investigation of you, however I am allowed to ask on behalf of my staff how you know them along with some other questions in order to assist.” The mousy man explains. “For example, we will be escorting you to a safe place for you to stay.” He looks up at Present Mic with a smile. “Can you escort Y/n to the car?” He asked. Well, it’s framed as a question but it sounded more like an order. But Hizashi wasn't complaining, at least as far as I know since he nodded with his signature, enthusiastic smile. Once Nezu left the door frame, Mic turned his attention to me. “Got what you need?” Mic asks. I glance over to the jacket, abandoned on the bed. “Hold on.” I say as I go to get it but when I get to the bed it isn’t there. “What the..?” I begin to question only to be stopped by light. Not white light, it was a light yellow- almost gold in color- forming around my chest in the shape of the jacket. “Uhhhhhh-!” In a matter of seconds the light fades and the jacket appears on me. It's a little big but so warm. Almost like a hug from a family member or friend that you haven't seen in awhile. I look back to see Mic in awe at what I just did. “What did-?”
“Dude dont ask me cus I have no idea!” I say to defend myself. From the lower, right hand corner of the door frame, Nezu popped his head back into view. “Did I miss something?” Mic nods his head while I shake mine, both of us dumbfounded at what just transpired. He looks between the two of us and chuckles, leaving us once again. “I-” I start but he just shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Nope. Not right now. Let’s just go.” He decides and leaves. Seeing as I have nowhere else to go, I follow him.
Walking through the hospital is weird in itself. Partially because I don't remember entering along with the fact that seeing people with animal or alienistic attributes to them isnt something I’m used to yet. Accompanied with all the smells and sounds that come with hospitals, it just is a big nope for me. Some people don't like heights, some people don't like tight spaces, others dont like bugs- “Hey are you okay? You sound like one of my students.” Speaking of. “Huh?” I look around. Couples, families, some people alone sit in chairs while women at desks work quietly. In front of us is a sliding, glass door leading to the world I seem to be stuck in. “Are you coming?” He asks with a hint of concern in his voice. “Oh-um.. Y-yeah. Just grapelling with this again.” I try to calm myself with a laugh. “Again?” He prompts, lowering his shades a little. Woah look at those eyes. Since when did he have heterochromia? I thought he had red or green eyes..? “Uh, kid? You’re spacing out again.” He points out. I jump “Fuck- sorry!” I apologize. “Hey, hey, it's okay! Just got worried that you were trying to bail on us.” It takes me a moment to register what he said but once I did snort at that. “Me? Try to bail on pro heros? Does it look like I am insane?” I ask. The blonde takes a moment to stare. He sighs, taking his shades off to stare at me. Again what are those eyes? He looks up and down at me before I break the silence “You’re a Christmas boi.” I mumble under my breath. He narrows his eyes as a smile teases his lips. “W-what?” He says through a laugh. “You have red and green eyes! You’re a Christmas boi!” I smile wide at my declaration. The sleek, black, car beside us opens a door. Once again Nezu poked his head out for us to see. “I’m sorry to interrupt but we are on a schedule.” He reminds us. We apologize and rush into the car. 
This car is packed for what it was. Mic was in shotgun while I was behind the driver. It’s so weird having everything be backwards. Nezu sat right beside me and on his right was pro hero Snipe. Nezu faces me- which was weird in itself since I’ve only seen three- fourths of his face most of the time- and smiles kindly. Before I could say anything he turns his head to Snipe. “Y/n, this is Snipe. He is a teacher at UA. If the government allows it, you will be seeing him again.” The pro remains straight laced from what I can tell. His gas mask leaves much to the imagination. “And if you don't mind looking at our driver,” Nezu adds with a point of his paw. I look through the right rear view mirror to see the helmet of none other than arbor day himself. “Woods!” I shouted, starling everyone in the car to the point of jumping in their seat. “You know him too?!” Mic exhorts, his shades crooked from my excitement. “Of course!” I confirm. “Dude is amazing! So underrated, so little screen time!” Kamui sighs and sits up. “And to think I was getting away from fangirls..” He mumbles. “Sorry! I’ll tone it down. It’s bad enough Mic is in the car.” I apologize with a smile at what I did. “Hey!” Mic yells. From Nezu’s side Snipe gives off what I can only assume is a snort. “Not you too!” The blonde whines. Kamui only starts the car with a sigh, pulling us out of the hospital and out onto the open highway. “The kid has a point Hizashi, you know damn well it's true!” He says through his laughter. “It’s not! Nezu back me up here!” Mic pleads. I laugh when I turn to see the tiny principal with comically wide, Allmight headphones covering his ears. Snipe laughs louder while Mic continues to call on Nezu to help only for it to fall on deaf ears. Kamui- from what I can see- just taps his fingers on the wheel muttering about the situation he’s in. Poor man needs a couch and a blanket. “Hey, um.. Mr. Woods? Woods?” He sighs. “Kamui is fine.” He assures. His eyes glance back at me through the mirror. “What made you want to be a hero?” I ask with a cock of my head like an airhead would. He chuckles a little. “Its a long story..” He assures. “And it isn’t all that interesting. And I don't think I should tell you.”  I shrug my shoulders. “Doesn't matter if it is or isn’t interesting. I only know you for your quirk. And your pro hero status. There is always more behind a title.” He rolls his head for a minute and exhales. “Okay but you could be a little brat who could tell everyone.”
“True, but I don't know anyone outside of UA, and surely you've been asked this before?”
He takes a moment and sighs again. “Well, okay. But only because it’s gonna be a while. It's not that interesting though.” He restates as if to ask me if I’m sure. I scoot up a little in my seat like a child, making him chuckle again. “Okay! Okay!” His slumping spine is straightened again. “I didn't really know what I wanted to be when I was younger. My dad said I should be a carpenter.” I chuckle. “Really?” He nods. “Yeah, either that or a fireman. But looking back on it-”
“Fire and wood?” I questioned with a look. He laughs. “I know! If it wasn't for the money that came with being a hero he would’ve insisted. And I would’ve been one too if it wasn't for my sister.” I put an elbow on my knee. “Now what did she do?” A noise of amusement makes its way out of him. “It wasn't all her fault!” He defended. “Well what happened?” 
“On Christmas eve, I was about 13. My sister comes running in saying that the family cat ran away. My dad was drunk on the couch and my mom was still making dinner so she didn't hear her. She begged me to help her find the poor thing. So me, being the amazing brother I am- put on my coat and walked out into the freezing cold with nothing but a flashlight. My family lived right next to this deep forest and in that forest is a lake. I walk to the lake to see the cat meowing at some frozen water.” I nod along. “I look too over at it and see a person banging against the ice! So without hesitation I grow a branch larger than anything I have ever made at that point and shatter the ice with it. Later helping out the guy who was trapped under there.” My eyes widened at that. “Woah! Who was the guy?” He shrugged. “He told me he was a friend of one of the neighbors. There were some parties around so I didn’t question it. He went on his way, and I found satisfaction in helping him.” A smile found its way in his voice, now warm and calm behind the wheel. “I guess you could say without him you wouldn't be here.” I conclude. He nods his head. “Wow woods. I didn’t know that was why.” Snipe commented, making me jump. “Y-You-!” Woods stumbled over himself. “Since when did you guys-”
“A third of the way into your story.” Mic pipped. “That's very selfless of you.” 
“O-Oh.. Thank you.” Arbor boy mumbled. “Oh! We’re here!”
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rumowrites · 5 years
Defectum, Ch.3
He stood, making his way back inside to dress properly. A soldier of his status could not be seen wearing nothing but wide, light training trousers. The fabric pooled around his ankles as he changed into his casual uniform, consisting of dark blue uniform pants and a suede vest over a light undershirt bearing his rank in the squadron. Only one stripe on his shoulders missed until he could call himself the high commander of Xadia’s armed forces. However, he hoped it wouldn’t come to that any time soon. He wouldn’t be allowed to take every mission when he had to command all of their defences and Runaan never intended to reach the position he was in now. He’d been perfectly fine following orders instead of giving them. The weight on his shoulders had only increased with every promotion. The Assassin carefully braided his long silken hair back, fastening the braid and loose strands with decorated silver clasps. Checking his appearance one last time in the mirror, he made a few adjustments. Relaxing the collar a little until his collarbones and the top part of his chest mark were showing. He didn’t want to look like he was trying to underline his status, aiming for a more casual look. At last, he took the dark green uniform coat from it’s hook, finally making his way towards town.
His house was rather remote by his own choosing. He loved the quiet of the woods surrounding him and didn’t mind the short trek to civilization.
There were only few possible places he could search for Tinker. Only three workshops he knew bore the sigil of a master and one of them could be ruled out as it belonged to the old smith who supplied his soldiers with weaponry. He passed the remaining two on his way to the market where he arrangements for further food delivery in the next weeks. Seeing he had no missions scheduled in that time and would most likely stay around. On his way back, he instinctively went to the smaller of the shops. Something about the other elf matched the slight chaotic but yet beautiful display in the window.
Upon entering, he almost stepped on a stack of horse shoes that was carefully arranged at the foot of a worktable. Further back in the crammed shop, he could make out a familiar silhouette hunched over a pendant. The short haired elf was so engrossed in his work that he only noticed Runaan when he stood directly in front of his workstation.
Tinker looked up from the magnifying glass he had placed above the delicate silver pendant as he braided hair thin wires around several moonstones. He set the piece aside looking at Runaan intently. “What can I help you with?” his voice was as warm and level as he remembered it from the previous night, leaving him short of words for a moment. “I wanted to thank you for last night.” Runaan felt the golden eyes assess him and suddenly turned self-conscious of his appearances. He hoped the effects of last night weren’t visible anymore and reflexively reached for the two long knives that were currently absent from his belt. The other elf simply inclined his head with a small smile. “Your welcome. I hope nothing hurts anymore?”
“No” Runaan quickly assured, running a hand down his ribcage where the pain had been. “No, I’m alright, thank you. How can I repay you?” The smith looked a little started at his question, taking longer than before to answer. “There is really no need for that.” Meanwhile, the Assassin had finally regained his calm no longer twitching under the other’s gaze. “Please, I insist.” Tinker shook his head, a smirk appearing on his lips. “You caused no inconvenience for me if that is what concerns you. I was glad to help.” He assured again, slowly standing up. The short hared elf was a little shorter than him but Runaan could see defined muscles moving under his simple dark brown linen shirt.
“At least let me buy you lunch. To make up for the time?” the words were out before he had time to think twice about it. It was only past midday and just a little late for for lunh time. Less curious eyes, his mind immediately supplied. Not even in momens like these, the soldiers instinct left him alone.
To his surprise, Tinker nodded, shedding the thin gloves he wore. “Okay, I should have taken a break hours ago either way.” The smith dragged a hand through his hair, pushing strands out of his face in the process. “Where would you like to go?” Runaan managed even though he was strongly captivated by the simple motion. Tinker huffed a laugh “I don’t know. I hardly have time to eat out for lunch. Mostly, I just stay in the workshop.”
The Assassin couldn’t help but grimace “Great, so we are on the same page about that.” The comment got him another laugh from the other elf and an unfamiliar warm feeling began to spread in his stomach area.
Tinker gestured to the door, grabbing the leather vest he’d worn the day before o his way out. “Well then let’s just go and see if we find something.” He couldn’t help but smile at the bubbly nature of his rescuer that was so different from the seriousness of his soldiers. The elf seemed genuinely happy at the prospect of getting lunch with him. Nobody did that usually. They all respected him too much for that.
Once outside, he offered his hand after the smith turned the sign on the door to ‘closed’. “You told me your name yesterday but I didn’t introduce myself to you. My name is Runaan.” Tinker shook his hand with an amused smile. “I know who you are. Everyone does.” But he took the hand nonetheless. “Nice to properly meet you Runaan.” “Likewise”
They ended up going to the first little shop that still served something to eat since neither exactly knew his way around. The two tucked themselves in a little corner booth by the window where both of them were able to observe the passing elves. Runaan asked what the inkeep recommended and both took her choice without even looking at the slate where the menu was pictured. They fell into easy banter, exchanging stories until she arrived with their food. The silence while they ate was comfortable and Runaan found himself absently watching the passer-by’s. Once he was done, Tinker followed his gaze, also tracking the elves outside the window. “What do you see?” he asked suddenly, raising his eyes back to the Assassin. “Oh, it’s just a habit.” He allowed, returning the look. “I like to know who’s around me, just in case.” Tinker nodded with a small smile. “I bet you assessed every single one in here before we even sat down.” He suddenly felt his cheeks heating up, How was this stranger able to read him so well? “No, it’s not like that…” he began, searching for the right words. “I’m not paranoid. It’s just a reflex.” Even though he realised what he just said pretty much qualified as paranoid. “I didn’t mean to offend you.” The smith assured quickly while his smile turned challenging. “Honestly I find it fascinating. What about the elf sitting over there by the door?”
Runaan looked at him with a puzzled expression. “What about him?”
“What can you tell me about him?”
“Married but got divorced before, married again, works as a carpenter, probably something between two and four children.” Tinker grinned “Impressive. And you are right, he’s a carpenter and lives with his second wife. They have two kids and he had one with his ex. How did you tell?” Runaan couldn’t within raising an Eyebrow. “So you tested me? Well, the clothes he wears are made for hard work but there are no signs of ash, only remains of saw dust, so wood. Also his engagement ring is smaller than the tan line of his old one; new wife. And the kids were just math.” The smith laughed. “You really are as good as they say. So what about that one over there?” He discreetely pointed at another elf sitting by the bar nursing a drink. He knew he was showing off but Runaan didn’t even hesitate before answering. After all he had catalogued every single one of them upon entering. “Ex Border Patrol, is now working for the healers, right handed, favours the sword and probably got wounded in service. Married, no children.” There was it again, the little challenging smirk on the smith’s face. “How do you tell he favours the blade?” “Where he an archer, one of shoulders should be more developed than the other. And he holds his cane like a blade and not like a spear-man would.” Tinker laughed again, beaming at him. “It’s fascinating how you are able to assess people like I do with steel.” This cued a long throughout monologue about the elements elements he worked with and Runaan was content with listening to him, drinking in the sight of the other wildly gesticulating and smiling at him all the while.
After a while, Tinker looked around the now almost empty shop. “Oh, I am sorry I’ve been rambling. You probably have other things to do.” The Assassin was then pulled from his thoughtful state, looking slightly startled. Well as much as his stern expression allowed it at least. “No, no it’s fine I have no plans this afternoon. But surely you must get back to your workshop?” the smith shrugged “Yeah you are right, I should probably get back to work. Thank you for the invitation. Getting to know you was really nice…” he then sheepishly scratched the back of his head “…I hope I didn’t bore you with my rambling. I tend to get lost in it.”
That extracted a laugh out of the Assassin. “Don’t worry. It’s refreshing to talk about something that is not related to shift schedules for once. Let me walk you back to your shop.” Together, they crossed the few intersections until the duo reached Tinker’s workshop. “Well…” Runaan started “A productive afternoon, I guess. And thank you, again.”
“Thanks, I would heal you more often if you let me ramble about rare metals afterwards.” He smile on his face was genuine, lighting up the golden eyes until they sparkled. The Assassin felt something inside him jump at the sight. “A-Anytime. When you, um, when you talked about combining the metal with charged moonstones, I thought about a new design I’ve been toying with. It was very inspirational, really.” Not all soldiers designed their own weapons but for Runaan his dual knives were the most important possession he could have. An extension of his skill, completing the movements with purpose. The same counted for his bow and other weaponry. He wanted, needed them to be perfect. So although he lacked the skill of it, the Assassin always made very specific instructions before he commissioned a new blade. Improving the measurements until they were perfect. “Really?” Tinker beamed. “Well, if you like, you could show me your plans sometime and maybe I can help you with it. I’ve experimented a bit in the last few months and a lot is applicable on weaponry.” Runaan smiled “That would be great. I will come around as soon as my schedule allows.”
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