#custom kith
tatteredworld · 10 months
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It’s custom day! Check out amazing Kith stages and clothing created by none other than you, the users! Club also has some incredible recolors of last month’s prism party hair in some more natural colors, and Fray is teasing some super secret work- what could he be up to?
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leafdoodles · 1 year
I want to give all 260 of you a little kiss
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just-some-person-7 · 2 years
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thesinofthree · 8 months
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Kitchen - Great Room Open concept kitchen - large transitional u-shaped porcelain tile and gray floor open concept kitchen idea with an undermount sink, shaker cabinets, white cabinets, quartz countertops, white backsplash, quartz backsplash, stainless steel appliances, an island and white countertops
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luewashere · 9 months
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Traditional Bathroom - Bathroom Bathroom - large traditional master bathroom idea with raised-panel cabinets, medium tone wood cabinets, a two-piece toilet, beige walls, an undermount sink, quartz countertops, a hinged shower door, white countertops, a niche, and a built-in vanity
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crybaby-bkg · 11 months
hello……. and MERRY WOMB EVICTION DAY MY LOVEEEE!!!! 🥳💖🥂 have yummy cake and ice cream for me :) !!!
VILLLL I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHH!!!!! thank you so much and I’ll be sure to eat all the cake for you :)) 💜💜💜
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heckyeahdeathnote · 1 year
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Great Room - Kitchen
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racingpit · 1 year
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Dining Kitchen
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chaotic-mystery · 10 months
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Pairing: dbf!Joel x f!reader
Summary: your waitressing job has been going good so far and Joel’s finally warming up to you. Halloween being celebrated at White Pony has to you excited for all the customers you can serve…but what does Joel do when one doesn’t treat you how you should be treated?
Content Warnings: eventual smut bc enemies to lovers okay we’re getting there! 18+ mdni!, mean!joel, drinking, no outbreak!au,reader smokes, Joel smokes, Joel’s bitch ass girlfriend, slut shaming (we don’t like Michelle) groaping, fighting, mentions of wounds and blood, reader has daddy issuessss, Joel finally being NICE (will update as we progress)
Word Count: 4.3K
A/N: This shit is starting to warm up and I am biting my fingers for the barbecue scene okay!!! Will they kith? Maybe. If you can spot all my silly references in here, kiss kiss to you pookie.
Within the last two weeks of training at White Pony to be a waitress and being with Michelle almost every night, you had to see more and more of Joel. The first few days he refused to come in the bar like he always did before you got the job. It was his- as he put it, “place to be away from you.” Nice. 
Michelle was still just as scary as the day you met her. She kept Joel close in her eyesight when you first came to training but as the days passed and she watched you two hardly say any words to each other, she loosened the leash on him again. Since your blow up with him, things were still kind of weird in the way that all you said to each other was, “You done with that?” and “Another round.” 
Tonight you were celebrating Halloween down at the bar and Michelle told you all to come dressed as something, no shift unless you actually try with your outfit. It should’ve been no surprise to her that you'd show up as a blood sucking vampire and not just a regular old boring vampire. The black corset dress with the stockings and glitter everywhere had Michelle’s mouth dropping with shock. “Darlin’ when I said dress up I didn’t mean that dressed up.” Her fake witch nose was kind of crooked with the way she glued it to her face but it suited her. The passive aggressiveness she gave you was really starting to work your nerves but the tips were good here, you could easily talk shit about her attitude later while counting all your bills. 
You smooth down your dress and give a twirl, showing off your boots that you just got in the mail. You’ve already heard from Joel how many packages get delivered daily and that “the mail truck parks too long in front of his driveway” yada yada yada. He whined the same spiel every time you almost had it down word for word. 
Joel’s eyes meet yours as he leans back in the stool and he begins turning slowly while his eyes scan your outfit briefly. A sly smirk forms on his lips, “So just how much garlic should I put around me to keep you away?” His glass meets his mouth, taking a small sip of his whiskey. Your plastic tray falls at your side as your shoulders drop, your eyes low with annoyance. 
“Yeah? You feel proud of that one old man?” you mock, leaning against the bar until all your drinks are done being made. The glasses start to pile up, ready to be taken to the corner of girlfriends celebrating the night all dressed up as different colored crayons.
Your fingers delicately place each glass on the plastic tray and Joel gives a breathy laugh. “I’m proud of that, yeah.” 
“Don’t flatter yourself, cowboy. You're not my type to even sink my teeth into.” The firm tone takes him by surprise and his eyes flicker over your body once more before scoffing. 
“I’m everyone’s type, thank you very much. I’ll take another whiskey too, ma’am.” The devilish grin appears once more which only makes your eyes roll. 
“You aren’t even in my section Joel. Fuck off, get your lady to do it.” You shoot back, the annoyance not shying away from your face at all. Joel nods slowly and turns away from you, finally laying off just long enough to let you get back to your job. Michelle watches you closely as she overhears you telling Joel to fuck off, her stern look burning imaginary holes into you. 
When she busted you for talking like that to Joel, it was just best not to even look at her, this not being the first time she’s caught you with your sailors mouth in full effect.
With the night flying by from a packed bar, the tips were coming in well. Everyone was dressed up as something, leave it to Joel to dress up as…himself. 
“Let me know if you need anything else!” You shout over the music to your newest table and give everyone a smile before retreating to the bar. With Joel and Michelle in the corner canoodling at the end of the counter, you couldn’t help but throw up in your mouth a little. Her costume wasn’t going to last much longer, the evidence of a missing nose so apparent. Her costume was falling off her shoulders constantly, it was a bulky old witch dress and it looked ancient. 
Your hands run along the bar and pat it eagerly like an impatient puppy just ready for another table and more money. 
Suddenly a group of men walk in and the bar gets a tad quieter. The dress shirts they have on are so tight you can see the tank top underneath the fabric. Something about them just stuck out like a sore thumb in the best way possible and you wanted to be the one to serve them.
“Nell, how do I look? I’m gonna take that table and get the best tips for us all tonight.” You giggle and fix your hair while the bartender tells you how good you look. Joel must’ve sensed someone having fun because the next thing you know, an arm was grabbing you and walking you towards the back of the bar away from all the bustle and crowd. 
“Ow Joel, get off me. What are you doing?” You shout, grabbing your arm from his grasp and groan while rubbing the tender skin. 
“No, you aren’t taking them. They’re out of town assholes that sometimes stop in and it’s nothin’ but issues every time. Let Danny take ‘em.” He almost sounded concerned but the look in his eyes didn’t last long before he looked away. 
You stomped your foot softly and groaned, folding your arms across your chest. “Danny doesn’t even pool his tips at the end of the night like he’s supposed to! I can handle it Joel, I’ll call you if I need you to reenact Road house, okay?” You snicker at your reference and walk away before he could argue more, your tray innocently behind you as you walk up to the full table of intimidating men. 
Joel was seething in the corner, his tongue running over his teeth against his closed lips while he watched one already get handsy and try to cop a feel under your dress. Joel Miller was not jealous. He was worried for your safety and you were known to get yourself into some crazy things due to miscalculation on your part of common sense. He was almost too aware of how chaotic you could be at times but at this moment it wasn’t a joke to him. He sat back in his chair and turned it so you were in his view the entire conversation. The glasses of whiskey turned to glasses of water so he could be clear minded if things got sticky. You walked back over and he pretended not to overhear your conversation with Nell about the men fawning over you.  
Joel rolls his eyes and drinks his water, the annoyance you even entertained those assholes after he told you not to, just sitting deep inside his chest. Your small tray was packed with beers and shots of your top shelf vodka and his eyes widened, already knowing how tonight was going to play out. He sighed, smacking his hand on the bar before getting up to change the song on the jukebox. Searching for what felt like forever, he finally landed on one of his old favorites.
Porn star Dancing by My Darkest Days & Zakk Wylde. 
You stupidly sit on one of their laps and try to engage in the conversation but it always turns back to you. Hours go by of the conversation being about you and not in the best way. They’re asking what time you get off, where you got your sexy little outfit, what color were your panties, shit you shouldn’t be asking your waitress. A hand reaches to your neck and squeezes, making your skin crawl inside. They all smell of menthol and nicotine mixed with gray goose, too much liquid courage. 
Joel grabs Michelle and starts dancing with her in the corner, her back to you at the table the entire time. He keeps his eyes locked onto you, very very closely. Even when you extend an arm to grab an empty bottle out of the way his eyes are following.  They kept tugging you to sit back down, making his blood boil and his teeth clenched tightly. Somehow you managed to slip away for just a moment and make your way to the bathroom, darting around the corner into the pitch black hallway that was sheltered from noise. Joel lets go of Michelle and follows you without any sound, trying not to startle you. 
He stands against the wall and listens to your sobs muffled behind the bathroom door. The tears were pure fear and regret. Maybe, just maybe, Joel had a point. Even if you wanted to close their tab and stop serving them it would just make things so much worse for everyone. You got yourself into this mess, now it was up to you to get yourself out of it. You grab a small piece of toilet paper and blot away your tears, the post cry makeup making you look even better than before. Such a silly way of looking at the situation but you couldn’t deny a good cry moment.
A chill ran down your spine as you faced Joel outside of the bathroom, his head hanging to hear better. When the door squeaks open, his head snaps up and his eyes are on yours. With his strong gaze not leaving yours, you clear your throat and shrug like you know nothing. 
“W-why are you outside the ladies bathroom?” You knew why he was out here, he probably saw you run in here and wanted to report back to Michelle, or even worse, tell you, “I told you so..” blah blah. 
“Are you okay?” His hand rubs his neck as he stands up straight, moving closer to you. He reaches out and grumbles as he wipes away a tear. “Can jus’ ask Danny to finish out the table, s’okay if you change your mind.” Your glossy eyes look up at him and you smile, shaking your head no. 
“Can’t. I got this Joel, I just need to get through it and I’m done for the night.” Your hands wrap around your arms, shivering under the A/C vent. Joel’s shoulders drop in frustration and he sighs loudly. 
“Darlin’...” he starts, “don’t do this. Look I’ll tip you whatever they were even thinking about and more jus’ don’t do this to yourself.” His soft words were actually making you reconsider but then again, what did he care? You snap out of it and sniffle, shaking off the sadness. 
“I’ve got it Joel, promise.” A fake smile passes from your lips and he doesn’t take the bait at all. You both walk down the hall to find the table empty of bodies and three dollars squashed under a shot glass with vodka dripping down the side. Three. Dollars. You embarrassingly grab the money and look around confused as to what you could’ve done to deserve a three dollar tip. “God damnit..” you mutter under your breath. The glass clanks together as you begin to clean off the table, not wanting anyone to see this mortifying crime scene any more than they have to. 
Joel’s frame catches in the corner of your eye, his mouth covered by his hand. When you stop cleaning to look at him, he stares right into you and for a split second it doesn’t look like Joel at all. He gets up, snatching the three dollars from your hand and you knew something bad was going to happen. Joel shoves the exit door wide open and smacks the siding of the building. As he marches outside, he sees the fancy car still sitting in the parking lot, the men outside around it cracking jokes and being rowdy. 
“Joel…” You call out and immediately run after him, small struts because of your boots. “Joel sto-”
“S’cuse me fellas. Three dollar tip, really?” Joel chuckles and puts a hand on his hip, the look on his face hard as stone. Here we fucking go, you thought to yourself. Everyone from inside gathers outside and you slowly make your way to Joel, his hand flying in your direction motioning you to stop in your tracks.
“What’d you say, dickhead?” One of the men called out, his words semi slurred. His friends laugh and Joel sarcastically laughs before standing up straight. 
“See, I don’t know where y’all are from but around here we tip our waitresses real nice. Three dollars? Cmon man.” He was maybe thinking they “forgot” to put down a ten dollar bill or something, no way they meant three dollars. 
“Man she was worth three dollars but she can come home with me if she wants for the rest of the tip, know what I mean?” The assholes behind him hoot and holler, clapping their hands together and praising the man for the disgusting comeback.
“Joel stop cmon just drop it it’s fine let’s just go back inside.” You firmly shout, voice cracking from humiliation. Joel turns to look at you and pushes his hand down telling you to calm down. As his boots drag against the gravel making his way to the group of skeezy men, he tuts loudly at them. 
“Do I have to teach you a thing or two about manners, asshole? She’s not a fuckin’ fast food burger that you get for three dollars. She’s worth way more than that. You basically groaped her all night, askin’ what color her panties are, when she’s leavin’, how badly does she want your money, but I don’t have to tell you any of that. You know exactly what you’ve been sayin’ to her all while she’s jus’ doin’ her job. So let me ask you this, you do plan on tipping her correctly, yes?” Joel stopped just as he was toe to toe with the man, not a smirk to be found anywhere except on Joel. 
“Ye-yeah man um, let me get my wallet.” He hastily reaches into his pocket while he stutters apology after apology to Joel. Just as he’s pulling his hand out, he balls it into a fist all wound back to hit Joel. Never once did it connect with his cheek, never. 
Joel grabs the skeeze’s wrist and twists it roughly before throwing him on the ground, his buddies getting up contemplating if they really wanted to do this or not. Joel gets on top of him, throwing punches left and right, grunting with every connection his fist has with skin. Blood trickles down his hand between his fingers and he doesn’t stop until the guy is begging for mercy. 
Wiping his nose and breathing in deeply, Joel gets up and grabs the wallet that was supposed to be taken out before all this started. His bloody fingers split it open and find a bunch of cash, flicking through all the bills. 
“How much was their bill, darlin’?” 
Everyone's eyes were on you and the chattering started to fill your ears. 
You clear your throat roughly and walk closer to Joel by just a few steps, not wanting to get too close. 
“Uh…I don’t remember. It was around 213 dollars I believe…lots of gray goose shots.” Your eyes went wide when he pulled out two 100 dollar bills and folded them, passing it to you between his index and middle finger. You take it apprehensively, staring at the grunting man rolling around on the ground. Joel nods at you a little and asks if you’re okay. Just as your lips part to tell him thank you, someone is running up on him. 
“Joel watch out!” You shout and he pushes you back so much you fall on the ground. A fist hitting him right in the face, “You fuckin’ prick! Wanna piece of me old man?!” The other guy shouts at Joel and hits him, starting to wrestle him on the ground. They roll around causing the gravel dust to stir up and you think quickly on your feet. Going behind the guy trying to wrestle Joel to be on top, you kick him right in the balls with your boots. “Get off of him!” You shriek and grab his hair, tossing him backwards. The audible winces and groans from the crowd echo off the buildings, Joel sits up and looks at you like you were some angel or something. 
Reaching out your hand for a lift, you take deep breaths and help him up off his ass. 
“How was that for your reenactment? You okay?” He asks as he begins to brush the gravel off his palms. The men were on the ground rolling in pain still, such a funny thing to watch. 
Chuckling softly, you turn back to Joel,”Yeah I’m okay. You okay?” You nudge his arm and see his knuckles still dripping blood. A small nod comes from him and you grab his hand slowly to observe the wounds. 
“Should get some ice on that Mr.Miller.” The glimmer in his eye takes you and draws you in, standing there holding onto his hand for far too long. Everyone behind you cleared out and went inside, leaving Michelle there alone. She clears her throat and you snap back to earth and drop Joel's hand rather fast. 
“Take her home Joel. She’s done.”
“What?!” You shout in complete surprise.
“Mich come on baby I don’t think that’s very fa-” Joel’s reasoning is cut off by a groan from Michelle. 
“No! I can’t have a floozy willing to do whatever for tips work here and expect my boyfriend to protect her! You’re done!” She was expressive with her hands just like your mother used to be, which was exactly how you were feeling. A little girl once more and your mom was beyond done with you. 
Your tongue pushes against your cheek and you go inside to get your coat and purse. Nell was the only bartender who didn’t treat you like a monster and she started to get pissed off when you told her the news. Joel and Michelle were outside arguing and you stood by the door eavesdropping, careful they couldn’t see you.
“You’ve never once defended me from a creep like that!”
“Oh Michelle, is that what this is about? Really?”
“No, of course not Joel! You know damn well she knew what she was doing dressed like that coming to work and getting on their laps the way she did! What else did she expect from them?!” Her hands were flying up in the air as Joel’s head dropped, shaking side to side. 
“Michelle she’s just barely started her life, what did you want me to do, hm? Watch them take advantage of her?!” His arms reached out, searching for something that wasn’t there. 
“No but what do you think is gonna happen when she walks around here acting like a slut?!”
As your fast breaths started to fog the glass awaiting Joel’s response or even some sliver of defense, nothing. He said nothing. 
Joel knew that wasn’t true. He watched your driveway like a hawk regardless how many times he said he didn't. Tommy was the first and last person you’ve been with since you moved back but that was none of Michelle's business even if you wanted to get with everybody.The door flew open and you walked to your car, getting in the passenger side. All you wanted to do was cry yourself to sleep, Joel could drive. More muffled sentences rang outside the car, something about Joel calling her tomorrow. You felt pretty buzzed after that encounter until overhearing that fuck ass conversation. That was probably the first time anyone has cared so much about your safety, your well-being, you in general. No one has ever willingly stuck up for you like that and beat someone the way Joel did. Not even your own dad has done that or would ever. You must’ve been replaying in your head the images of Joel beating that man so much because all at once you came back to the now, his fingers snapping in front of your face.
“Cmon, we’re home. You’ve got a cut on your knee sweetheart. Let’s go clean it.” He fumbles with your house keys and unlocks the front door, making his way into your house. 
“Jus’ sit, I’ll be back. Where’s the bathroom?” Shutting the front door, you point to the left and sit slowly to observe the cut. 
It was definitely something. The nylon stocking was tattered and covered with dry blood caked onto the broken skin. Joel arrives with the rubbing alcohol sloshing in the bottle along with a washcloth. 
“I didn’t mean to push you down so hard, m’sorry.” Joel kneels down in front of you and rests your foot against his thigh so he can examine how bad it was. Those beautiful brown eyes were getting you again. It didn’t seem so far-fetched to forget everything, even the conversation you overheard, until he pressed the alcohol to your skin. Sucking in a sharp breath, you grab the armrest of the couch and whimper quietly at the contact. 
“Ow..Joel that-ah-ooh-that hurts.” You suck in sharply again, his eyes going back to your cut. 
“I know baby, I know..I’m sorry, jus’ hold on f’me.” He whispers as he rips the material of your tights until a large hole is created around the scrape. His rough hands covered in blood were so gentle on your leg, his fingers wrapping around the back of your boot covered calf. 
“You should really let me bandage up your hand, can at least do that much for you.” The room went silent and all that was heard was Joel’s deep breaths and the washcloth pressing against you. He sighs and grabs a bandaid from where he set it down on the couch cushion, opening it to cover the wound. 
With a firm press on the edges, his thumbs smooth over the entire bandaid and he glances up at you hoping you weren’t wincing in pain. 
After a long pause he mutters, “I’ll be fine, just need some ice is all. Also um…darlin’..” he started and continues to ever so slightly rub the bandaid. 
“I know you overheard ‘Chelle and I talkin and I just wanted to apologize on her behalf. She doesn’t think those things about you and neither do I, okay?” He didn’t sound too sure that he even believed the words coming from his mouth. 
You were too emotional to argue with him so a small nod was all you responded with.
It was a bullshit apology and it didn’t even need to come from him but there was too much in your head right now, an apology was the last thing you were concerned about. 
Without a word you get up slowly and step onto the front porch with a new pack of cigarettes in your palm. Joel hesitated following but he wasn’t done with you just yet. The front door squeaks open softly and before even turning around you had the cigarette held out for him to take a few drags from. 
“Are you uh..are you goin’ to your dad’s barbecue this weekend?” The smoke rolled out of his mouth and he ashes over the railing.
“I’ve thought about it..” You take a puff and pause. “What would I even say? ‘Hey dad uh I know I just got my job here but I got fired because I was dressed like a slut.’ Mmm, I don’t know, Joel.” All the smoke exited your lungs by the time you were finished talking and the glowing orange light was lifted again as your cheeks hollowed taking another hit.
Joel turns to you slightly, holding out his hand with his fingers spread and ready to take your cigarette. 
“Jus’ don’t tell him anything. He couldn’t even wish you luck or congratulate you for gettin’ the damn job anyway. Asshole.” His face disappears behind a cloud of smoke and it was probably for the best due to the shit eating grin on your face while his words echoed in your head. 
“So you’re finally getting it I see, Mr. Miller.” The cigarette slowly dwindles and he lets you have the last drag. 
“I can’t see why he’d ever treat you like that, I wouldn’t dream of treating you that badly and you really know how to work my fuckin’ nerves sometimes, little girl.”
The pair of you laugh and Joel flicks the cigarette butt on the driveway, shoving his non fucked up hand in his pocket. The dim porchlight hardly illuminated his face but the moon on the other side made up for what you couldn’t see. 
“Get some sleep, you’ve got job hunting to do tomorrow.” His boots clunked against the wooden floorboards of the steps, gravel crunching as he got further across the way to his sidewalk. 
“Oh, one more thing sweetheart!” He shouts from his porch.
“I’ll back you up no matter what. He doesn’t know you anymore, not like I do.” 
Your face was hot to the touch from his words. Joel Miller finally finding his heart? Who knew he had one? Each of your front doors closed and you went to sleep that night just imagining how the barbeque is going to go. Joel fell asleep that night with a bag of frozen peas on his knuckles and a small grin on his face.
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abitohoney · 9 months
So after a recent Big Move™️, I’ve finally gotten my household goods delivered to my new home. WOOT WOOT.
And as I pulled out some baking/muffin pans, I thought
Damn. I’d like to think I’d be rough and tough and a “don’t look at me wrong or I’ll punt your ass over a high-rise” sort of girl boss in the Arcane world.
But realistically all I want is to bake some treats for Sev and Ran. Make sure they’re eating good. Dust off and adjust their collar before they head out on a mission/task or to a meeting or whatever. Pack them little snacks or lunchboxes. Pretend to not be fussy over them since I also have my own work but actually unintentionally show ✨affection✨. Give them a goodbye kith. Be a lil Susie-homemaker in denial.
Also this moonshine is kind of hitting hard send help
OMG congrats on the big move! I still remember my first big move! Exciting (and exhausting)! Hopefully you're past the exhausting part and slipping into chill mode.
Hard same on thinking I'd be a kick ass girl boss in Arcane but really just wanna be Sev and Ran's little Honey homemaker. 🤓
Some silly, cute, fluffy thoughts inspired by this below the cut. SFW believe it or not.
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Fussing over them and packing them lil snacks and lunches sounds like a dream! 🤩 Gosh, just imagine packing them both a little paper sack lunch for the first time. They just give you a look like "Seriously? What am I, 8?" Meanwhile you're just smiling at them adoringly.
Maybe they both sit with the rest of Silco's cronies come lunch time. They're already feeling ridiculous carrying they're matching paper sack lunches, but they're just assuming it's gonna be some lame old bologna sandwiches and stale leftover chips from the last Jericho's dinner.
They simultaneously open their bags to pull out not just any old sandwich, rather it's the freshest looking bread they've ever seen, holding equally fresh greens, meats, and cheeses. And best worst of all, you'd used cookie cutters to cut them into heart shapes. Sevika and Ran exchange glances, brows raised. They both set the sandwiches down, behind their bags, hoping to hide them from the rest of the gang, only to pull out more incriminating lunchables. Several slices of pineapple, cut into disgustingly cute little stars. Then comes the veggies, cause of course you made sure their lunches were a complete balance of nutrition. Chubby little baby carrots arranged on a thick homemade hummus in a flower design. One little cherry tomato decorates the center.
The coup de grâce to their humiliation? Custom, tiny cupcakes decorated in bright pink, red, and purple icing and bedazzled with heart shaped sprinkles of the same colors.
Another exchange of glances, cheeks flushed, then eyes averted downward. Neither dare make eye contact with anyone else at the table. Not that any of them would dare to even so much as snicker at Silco's second in command or top assassin. Not if they valued their life.
So Sevika and Ran consume their entirely too cute lunch in silence. It's an uncomfortable one, but deep down, beneath those hard exteriors, their hearts swell with pride and joy. They have someone like you- who cares so much- to so lovingly select, create, and craft the sweetest of lunches. And just for them. ♥️
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Sending help ASAP! (It's just me in a box with holes so I can 'help' you finish off that moonshine)
Also, every time you send me something ISTG I get such a strong itch to write my poly Sev x Reader x Ran fic. I will some day. (Still anxiously patiently waiting for your writing too! <3)
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
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A Berry Sweet Sim Dump 🍓 Ft. Strawberry Shortcake & Friends
Thrilled to finally share these precious babies with you all. Strawberry Shortcake was a huuuuuge part of my childhood, so this was a lot of fun. Thank you to those of you who follow me and gave me input throughout the process of making each of them!!
All CC is included and I claim none of it as mine - a big thank you and a little kith on each cheek to the CC creators.
They're all young adults; they all have the same trait (cheerful) and aspiration (friend of the world) for the sake of ease for me and customization for you all! They're only dressed in one outfit in the everyday category, except Strawberry Shortcake and Orange Blossom who have three outfits each because I love them and couldn't decide on just one outfit.
Everything is BGC, but their eyes and some skin details fall in the "occult" section. (If you don't have vampires or werewolves you'll need the CAS unlock mod to get the hidden occult categories.)
PLEASE tag me if you use them and don't reupload/claim them as your own! 👍
CAS Poses by @helgatisha! Full body screenshots below. Let me know if you have any issues. Enjoy! 😘
DL: Patreon (always free)
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tatteredworld · 1 month
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Did I upset someone and not realize it? I haven't been threatened like this in years… Why would someone send me over 140 SEVERED EARS?! Wait, there is a tag attached to one…. Ear…tint? Oh, scripts and scrolls, that worried me! These aren't threats, just fresh stock for the Backstage Broker!
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louisupdates · 7 months
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29 Aug - Barclays Arena, HAMBURG: [CDLP tank] [Saul Nash pants]
31 Aug - Royal Arena, COPENHAGEN: [Casablanca Casa t-shirt]
1 Sep - Spektrum, OSLO: [Nike shoes] [Commes des Garçons x Lacoste polo] [Adidas jacket]
2 Sep - Hovet, STOCKHOLM: [Stone Island t-shirt], [Stone Island pants], [Salomon shoes]
4 Sep - Ice Hall, HELSINKI: [Pleasures x Sonic Youth jersey]
5 Sep - Saku Arena, TAILLINN: [1017 ALYX 9SM t-shirt] [Nike Air Max shoes] [Nike Windrunner fleece hoodie] [Nike joggers] [Nike trainers]
7 Sep - Arena Riga, RIGA: [Champion t-shirt] [Supreme x Lacoste track suit]
8 Sep - Zalgiris Arena, KAUNAS: [Neill Barrett t-shirt] [Neil Barrett IG post and IG story] [Sergio Tacchini tracksuit]
10 Sep - Tauron Arena, KRAKOW: [VTMNTS t-shirt] [Stone Island hoodie]
11 Sep - Atlas Arena, ŁÓDŹ: [Leones The Band tank top] [Converse high tops] [CP Company pants] [424 Logo hat] [Salomon shoes] [Mastermind hoodie]
13 Sep - Wiener Stadhalle D, VIENNA: [CP Company pants] [Palace hat]
14 Sep - Stozice Arena, LJUBLJANA: [Wales Bonner tank top]
15 Sep - Budapest Arena, BUDAPEST: [Stone Island cap] [Stone Island pants]
17 Sep - Arenele Romane, BUCHAREST: [Burberry t-shirt] [Burberry cap]
18 Sep - Arena Armeets, SOFIA: [black tank top] [Nike pants]
20 Sep - Petras Theater, ATHENS: [VTMNTS t-shirt] [Sunflower Mike shorts]
1 Oct - Bilbao Arena Miribilla, BILBAO (VIZCAYA): [Calvin Klein white tank top] [North Face pants] [Nike shoes] [Adidas Y 3 track pants] [Han Kjøbenhavn hoodie]
3 Oct - Altice Arena, LISBON: [CP Company graphic t-shirt] [CP Company pants] [Asics shoes] [Palace hoodie]
5 Oct - Wizink Center, MADRID: [Fred Perry x Pleasures t-shirt]
6 Oct - Palau Sant Jordi, BARCELONA: [Moncler t-shirt] [Customized face all over Hawaiian shirt]
8 Oct - Pala Alpitur, TURIN: [Sunspel beige tank top] [Stone Island pants] [Y/Project hat] [Adidas x Wales Bonner sweater and pants]
9 Oct - Unipol Arena, BOLOGNA: [Nanushka tank top] [Stone Island pants]
11 Oct - Rockhal, ESCH-SUR-ALZETTE: [Stone Island t-shirt]
12 Oct - Sportspaleis, ANTWERP: [Wales Bonner jacket] [1017 Alyx 9SM Studio bomber jacket]
14 Oct - Accor Arena, PARIS: [Balmain polo shirt]
15 Oct - Ziggo Dome, AMSTERDAM: [Givenchy tank top] [CP Company pants]
17 Oct - Lanxess Arena, COLOGNE: [Ralph Lauren polo shirt]
19 Oct - O2 Arena, PRAGUE: [Junya Watanabe t-shirt] [Nike pants]
20 Oct - Mercedes Benz Arena, BERLIN: [Kith black tank top] [Stone Island track pants] [Axel Arigato shoes] [Fred Perry t-shirt] [Alyx Studio hoodie]
22 Oct - Olympiahalle, MUNICH: [Burberry polo shirt]
23 Oct - Hallenstadion, ZURICH: [Stone Island t-shirt] [Stone Island trousers] [Axel Arigato shoes]
8 Nov - 3Arena, DUBLIN: [CDLP tank] [Reebok sweatshirt] [Saul Nash pants] [Nike mock neck top] [1017 Alyx 9SM jacket] [Vetements cap] [Thames MMXX top]
10 Nov - Utilita Arena, SHEFFIELD: [Givenchy logo tank top] [CP company pants] [Aimé Leon Doré hoodie] [Palace trousers]
11 Nov - AO Arena, MANCHESTER: [Aimé Leon Dore jacket] [Nike shoes]
12 Nov - Ovo Hydro, GLASGOW: [Palace Skateboards shirt] [Stone Island pants]
14 Nov - Brighton Center, BRIGHTON: [Farragamo polo]
15 Nov - International Arena, CARDIFF: [Casablanca Paris top]
17 Nov - The O2, LONDON: [Saul Nash vest] [Saul Nash track pants] [Comme Des Garçons shirt]
18 Nov - Resorts World Arena, BIRMINGHAM: [Burberry t-shirt] [Lacoste top]
23 Nov - Camden Roundhouse, Rolling Stone UK Awards, LONDON: [Neil Barrett mesh jacket] [black vest] [Hugo pants] [Grenson leather shoes]
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Photo via lbfcult
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just-some-person-7 · 2 years
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kith on the cheek!
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bringthekaos · 2 years
So I posted the boys on Twit, but I thought I’d share them here too, now that I’m back!
Behold, Arcane!Viktor, the Machine Herald, and Jayce Talis custom Funko Pops!
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+bonus now kith
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snkrcollctn · 9 months
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As a nod to the mutant hero known for controlling kinetic energy, the Kith x ASICS Gel Lyte 3 'Gambit' is part of a special 60th-anniversary collection honoring Marvel Comics' X-Men franchise. Salmon-colored overlays and crimson leather side stripes combine against a nubuck upper in beige. The split tongues alternate stitching between 'Fieg' and 'X-Men,' while a custom Gambit label adorns the sockliner. Lightweight EVA and ASICS' Gel technology in the heel are featured in the white midsole for optimal cushioning.
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