#custom scrybe
indiemedley · 10 months
Hi Can I Make Fanart Of Plasmo They Seem Really Cool
Absolutely! 100%! I'd love to see it! My funky little lad, I haven't thought of him in ages, so go nuts!
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zimcard-artblog · 2 years
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I've pulled a Callum Crown and Dial-Up'ed these fellas. Had this in my head for awhile and now I've drawn the scrybes if they were in the DT universe.
Grimora has an old typewriter for a head, of course, while running a small shop involving ghoulish items and even presenting pre-dial up collections for educational purposes. She would definitely get along with Gabby from the Phone Antique Shop down the street, have a nice cup of tea with the woman. She used to write obituaries back in the day, using both her head and quill to edit the papers, yet she moved onto opening her own shop as time passes by.
P03/Poe made designed its own monitor head fit to his needs, one of them being customizing icons to indicate who is currently fronting as he has DID. His prosthetic arm is actually Crown brand as he used to admire Callum Crown for a bit before working on his own things, owning a workshop to fix up tech and make his own gadgets. The stickers on his electric wheel chair were mostly from G0lly and even Unfinished Boss (the scratched doodles on the side of the chair.)
Leshy is, of course, the Leshy. How did the Dial-Up get to build a camera head onto his shoulders? Same reason how they managed to get BIGFOOT to have an object head during the Dial-Up. You know what they say: "If they could get Bigfoot to have an object head, they could definitely get Forest Peepaw". His camera head has some overgrowth there- which is good.
Magnificus has an antique rotary phone head he had customized in the past to his own liking. He is a street artist and also a hobo, yet still respected as an aspiring artist since he used to be quite the famous painter back in the days. He takes his current life as a boring yet deserved break but people refuse to leave him alone, wanting to know more about his works and most importantly the rumors of his past career. He has three fans who constantly approach him and ask numerous questions along with his criticism towards their own works.
Lonely Wizard, Pike Mage, and Goobert are huge wizard fans who have DnD sessions every now and then- hence the wizard hats. LW has a magic 8 ball for a head and is often known for its little performances involving singing and dancing, theater kid and whatnot. Pike has a Pike Weapon for a head which does raise the question if she's from the Dialtown Mob or not, often found talking to other weapon headed folks. Goobert has more of a rotary phone but shaped as a paint palette, having tried to customize his own head to match Magnificus' but it didn't turn out super well, he's an art student trying to paint.
Luke Carder has a Camcorder for a head, reflecting his career as a youtuber. Nothing has changed much as he's still the same guy who opens card packs.
Kaycee has a Floppy Disk Drive as a head and is also an indie game developer, she's doing her best in this dumpster fire of a town. Hah. Get it? Cause-- yeah.
More to come involving these AND working on Scrybing the Dialtown folks- making them Inscryption themed >:]
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jellyfishfingernail · 5 months
Fun thing I noticed in inscryption
So, when I was in geography we started learning about the 4 main types of industries. And I feel like it fits the four Scrybes PERFECTLY.
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Get ready for my nerd rambling, because I have a lot to say.
So, there are like 4 types of industries. The first type is called primary industries. They are industries where the product is resources taken from the earth. Fishing and mining are good examples. Which is exactly why I think it fits Leshy so well. Literally, the angler if a fisherman, prospector is a miner, and the pelt making man (I forgot his name) collects fur.
The second type of industry takes the resources from the primary industries and shapes them into something new. So basically all manufacturing. The dredger literally takes random trash from the ocean, the melter forms them into different shapes, and the inspector inspects them.
The third type of industry is all things service. So like your doctors, cashiers, customer service, and funeral directors (Cough cough Grimora cough cough). Most jobs people work in are service jobs now, because it usually requires less education and is actually very important. Respect customer service, people! They do so much for us.
Lastly, we have the 4th type industry. This one is actually a type of service, but is so important that it has it's own section. And it's also very new. This industry the collection and sharing of information. So like researching, most lab jobs, and education. Which is exactly why magnificus is the 4th industry, because he shares information on how to work with magic to his poor pupils.
So yeah, that's my random nerd ramble. Honestly, imagine how cool inscryption would be if all four of them just worked together. I mean, literally the way their world works is built off each other in an economic way, too. I doubt Daniel mullens intended on the similarities between the four Scrybes and the four types of industry, but it works like soooo well.
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teapotgalaxy · 10 months
Well. Here goes nothing. Taking some friends advice, I have started this.. archive I'll call it, to record artwork and ideas I'm working on for an IRL inscyption fan project, which includes an original story, new mechanics, a large number of custom cards, and re-made artwork for all the existing cards, which I intend to print into actual playing cards.
Needless to say, this will contain major spoilers for all acts of inscryption, and if you haven't played it, go do that its only one of the best games ever what are you doing here. Just for starters, here's the first few cards completed, along with a new universal card back, heavily inspired by act 1. I may also just gush about this game at times, since I find myself rambling nonstop about things I like.
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Felt it only fitting the first cards made were the beast starter deck. the first cards you ever get to use. I will be slowly uploading all the beast cards I've made first, before going into the other scrybe's cards.
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quadrantadvisor · 2 years
Thought about Inscryption for five minutes and got obsessed again. Specifically thinking about the insane difficulty hike between act 1 and act 2 and how so many people get turned off by it and what that means in universe. Like you go from a roguelike that lets you slowly make choices to build a deck with insanely overpowered cards to a pack based deck builder which forces you to pare down the glut of cards you receive into something useful.
And the reason for that is. The deck builder was the base game. But Leshy thought that his way you would have more fun. He didn't want it to be too hard to approach. He purposefully eases you in, teaches you one thing at a time, makes your choices simple, lets you make as cool of cards as you want. He sets up an atmosphere and a story that he hopes will add to the experience, because Leshy's priority was never winning, it was making the card game as fun as it could be. And he succeeded! Act 1 is everyone's favorite part of the game!
I will never get over how incredibly the game handles Leshy's character. He starts off as this intimidating figure, the game's antagonist, and always comes off as being a bit strange and off-putting. But when you're thrown into Act 2 you get to see him as he is, a game character who values the people around him and playing a good game with you. And in Act 3, trapped by P03, you find that you miss him, you miss his atmosphere, you miss how much you could customize your cards, you miss how much he cared. P03 wants something from you; Leshy wanted to do something for you.
And when you reach the finale. Leshy gives you your deck back, compliments it. Seems nostalgic for the times you had together. It feels like being with an old friend again.
The scales disappearing could not be more of a gut punch in that moment. I could cry at Leshy saying that we don't need to keep score.
I'm not trying to say that I think the other acts are less fun by like, design. I don't actually think they're as rough as some people claim, it's just very hard to suddenly have to be playing a new type of game and sometimes you end up resenting it even when you get used to it. But it really does make that moment powerful, how different it feels to be seated across from Leshy that last time. You're back in this place where, despite how foreboding it may have seemed, the game was easiest, friendliest, the most rewarding. And Leshy is so vulnerable, and you know, suddenly, that like all the scrybes, he just. Loves playing cards. He loved playing cards with you.
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hrokkall · 1 year
feel like you've probably gotten him from someone else already but I want to hear about p03 for the ask game
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I got a couple of requests for this guy, hell yeah.
Favorite thing about them: I really like its voice bytes, they really add a lot to the delivery of its lines that would otherwise just read as ‘flat’. Also the Act 3 bounty hunters. The Scrybes are all so full of shit but that was really the icing on the cake. “I don’t care about lore and aesthetics; that’s Leshy’s thing and he doesn’t know anything about running a game. Anyway, here’s one of my post-apocalyptic cowboys that you’ll have to fight periodically—” come the fuck on.
I’m also a big fan of mustelids in general but listing that as a favorite feels too easy.
Least favorite thing about them: Again, not going to say “telling its workers to throw themselves on the line” because that’s too easy. Instead I’ll say I wish the build-a-card event let you type anything. Granted, that wouldn’t fit its character (it wants control above all else and wouldn’t want the player to have complete jurisdiction over their own custom card. That would be completely counter-productive) but having one fill-in-the-blank spot along with the other two word selections would’ve been funny.
Favorite line: P03 has a lot of fantastic lines but I don’t think there’s anything better than reacting to hearing the ins and outs of the malevolent, reality-bending force that lives below your world with:
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brOTP: I can’t really see P03 having casual friends for a similar reason that I can’t see Magnificus having casual friends—whereas with Magnificus it’s because he doesn’t want anyone getting in the way, with P03 it’s because he’s extremely hellbent on having every ounce of control he can—I can’t see him being willing to repeatedly give anyone else his time even if it was on his own terms.
The one exception to this is Luke because of his role as a challenger—he has to give Luke his time both to enact the Great Transcendence and because… well… playing against a challenger is more or less the Scrybes’ entire purpose. Sure, he puts up a good facade about it, but even P03 cracks and admits that it was fun to play with him right at the very end. I like to think that, had the disk been found in different circumstances, P03 would have been to Luke similar to what Leshy was to Kaycee. Obviously in canon they never had the opportunity, but if P03 wasn’t so laser-focused on its goal I think it and Luke would’ve genuinely become friends eventually.
OTP: I’m going to just keep putting the other Scrybes for this every time I’m asked about one of them. They’re pretty much my only Inscryption ship and it’s because I think it makes everything worse. The Scrybes settle into their roles, initially as rivals, but slowly—very slowly—begin to put their differences aside and come together. Initially for the sake of the game—hybridizing cards, swapping strategies, running through their challenges to pave the way for their coveted challenger—but eventually for the sake of each other. They were alone on an abandoned cartridge with no way out and only each other as company. Whether romantically or not, of course they’re going to become closer with the only ones who share their plight. All equally deprived of their purpose, left to their own devices and hoping, desperately, that maybe—just maybe—they can find a new purpose in each other instead.
I want to know how fast it fell apart when they learned there was a way out—a way to make and unmake a world of their own fully-realized creation. Was it like a switch had been flicked as everyone descended upon the opportunity with progressively more desperation? Or like a slow spiral full of broken promises because they know what they’re doing is heinous but they have to have to have to just for the chance of feeling alive.
I want to see them use everything they’ve learned about the others to tear them apart at the seams.
…Anyway, changing topic because I could talk about Polycards for a while if left unchecked. (I still don’t know if that’s their name. That’s just what I’ve been calling them and I’m not about to stop).
nOTP: Apparently there’s a ship with P03 and Pike Mage? That goes here.
Random headcanon: P03, on the surface, seems to be the only Scrybe without any “supernatural” ability (i.e. Magnificus’s premonitions, Leshy’s telepathy, Grimora’s body moving of its own accord even when her mind was in the Stinkbug card) but I don’t think that’s entirely true. His ability just happens to be more subtle—he can mentally diagnose and correct any system errors without having to physically open them up or plug them into an external piece of hardware to find and correct the error. Granted, this only really applies with software bugs; if one of his bots loses a finger he can’t think about it really hard and a new one will appear (he would immediately know what part they need though, but that’s moreso because he was the one to build them). I doubt he even notices he’s able to do this, or he might just assume it’s one of his abilities as the Scrybe of Technology and the others are able to preform a similar action with their own underlings (needless to say, they can’t).
Unpopular opinion: I’d say “where do I start” but I’m not writing another long ass paragraph so I’ll just say I don’t really care about the Uberbots. I think their designs + concepts are cool but not much beyond that. I’ve seen a lot of AUs where people make them into completely different characters and give them fleshed-out roles… they’re just kind of P03’s OCs to me (with G0lly being a possible exception, but even then I can’t really see her as a separate character from P03).
Anyway TL;DR on the “where do I start” some of you guys let it off completely scott-free despite all of the Terrible Things it did. It’s just as bad as the other Scrybes, just in a different way (again, they’re all villains—that’s part of what makes them so interesting). I wish people would be a little more privy to that.
Song I associate with them: A lot of the songs I associate with P03 would require too much explanation so I’m skipping them and going for the easy answers instead. Mad IQs by IDKHOW for an outside perspective, Necessary Evil by the Dresden Dolls (honestly fits all four Scrybes—I associate it with P03 specifically because of the “are they men or are they Memorex?” line) and possibly Death of the Cog by The Cog is Dead if you want something more about the contrast between Leshy and P03’s play styles.
Favorite picture of them: I like its act 2 dialogue portrait, but specifically the dialogue portrait where its face changes to the Stoat’s (and the regular one too actually. I like the act 2 sprites a lot in general).
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stargazingdruid · 1 year
So, my headcanon on P03's uploading Inscryption to the internet being a success: It did work, but it also backfired so badly.
I am firmly under the belief that the game, considering the possibilities of Gamefuna's eldritch/corrupted origins and the existence of the OLD DATA still not only existing, but Luke actually revealing it through his computer, is very much alive. Well, that's already a given with the sentient Scrybes and other characters, but I think even more than that. Something very supernatural is at play here, and now that it has access to the worldwide web, it "feeds" on the data and expands on its own, becoming something much more than P03 even could have thought was possible (I'm under the belief that he/it did not want to spread the OLD DATA as a proxy to it, he basically believed that he was the Hot Shit and if he was in charge with its own tactics and grasp on the internet, he could either stop it himself or even have control over it. Depends on how big its ego is.).
Does Gamefuna know that this happened? Eventually. It's going to be pretty hard to cover under the rug...and what if whatever the game Inscryption is growing into becomes a huge hit? What if more customers are curious about this mysterious game that is now growing to become reminiscent of an old school RPG and something that continues to update like World of Warcraft? Like, the game is literally expanding into an open world, 3D graphics, "Skyrim, WoW, Magic the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh Had a Baby who is Also a little bit Cursed" game that continues to update and update.... Of course they're going to milk on this, and if they have as much of a hold of whatever evil still lies within that game as I think they still do, they will do whatever possible to profit from it greatly, even if it's just stamping their name on the game and taking in the money.
.....I don't know, I just think that would be a cool idea. Anybody have any thoughts or things to add? I could see this become a cool Text RP or huge fanfiction.
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lonesomejester · 2 years
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made some custom cards for my scrybe oc Nephilis
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healerelowen · 2 years
Hehe, art.
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This is probably going to be the official fursona design btw.
Here’s the link to the website I got this from so you can make your own!
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scover-va · 2 years
The Hex characters but if they were scrybes bc i have been thinking about this
More gameswap content anyways ive been thinkin abt what type of scrybe each The Hex character would be so I am. Putting them down here. Plus any other relevant info on these fuckers. Some get canon scrybe types some dont, for various reasons
Weasel Kid: Scrybe of Beasts
Taking Leshy's role as the Scrybe of Beasts (headpats the boy), SWK is the youngest of the six scrybes. Instead of using a camera though, SWK kinda gets Grimora's whole 'write up about the card' gimmick, except it's all digital. Yes that's a ref to the steam reviews. Anyways, yeah, he writes up about the card. The 'rating' transfers into cost (which is still blood, though if he was game master, he'd probably introduce a mechanic that has to do with coins), and any stats + sigils would be based on what he writes up. His cards are VERY chaotic and random in nature, bc he's all over the place. Mr. Shrewd, Mr. Squarrel, and Catarina are his subordinates, though they're more like his parental figures that anything. His map is just grasslands, the fields covered in hills, flowers, the little cottage SWK, Mr. Squarrel, and Mr. Shrewd live in, and the small hut Catarina does her studies in. She's currently researching the OLD_DATA. Mr. Shrewd can be used as practice, providing helpful tips to the player in order to help them. Though once you defeat SWK, Mr. Shrewd can't be found, and Mr. Squarrel is no longer available to chat with.
Chef Bryce: Scrybe of Strength
Having had his scrybe type be changed during the beta stages of development due to his last one being too boring/difficult to flesh out, Bryce got swapped to the Scrybe of Strength, his map and subordinates changing (he previously only had 1 subordinate given to him before things were changed. He misses her). His gimmick is that for each card you beat, you gain a point, and the higher amount of points you got, the better cards you can use (like how in cax it's first one to 3 points/matches won wins). His subordinates consist of Bhakto, Alley Gator, and Steambot Willy, and the player's able to meet some other, minor characters around his island that serve no purpose but to help the player practice their gameplay/strategies/whatever. The nicest of the six scrybes. His map is various different fighting arenas all sloppily attached together. Rebecha shows up as one of the minor npcs, though only chats, never fights. Someone else lurks behind a door Bryce keeps locked up. Not out of malice for this person, but for care for everyone else in the game and in the real world. All his cards start off blank, and get upgraded as they're used.
Chandrelle Stormblaze: Scrybe of Time
Chandrelle stays at the top of a tower, similar to Magnificus in the canon Inscryption. there's five layers to the tower. The base floor, the Dragon's floor, the Sphinx's floor, the Kraken's floor, and the basement. The Dragon represents the past, using cards based on events in historical events and mythology. You know, like dragons and stuff. The Sphinx represents the present, though doesn't,,,actually fight you. She just throws riddles at you (like in Secrets of Legendaria) until either you lose, or she runs out of questions. The Kraken represents the future, though like The Sphinx, isn't actually interested in card games, her battle instead being more like a dating sim (if u know, u know). Chandrelle hates all of her current subordinates. She used to have different ones, but now one's dead, one's a scrybe, and one's locked up in the basement because he tried to kill everyone on the islands and cause absolute mayhem. And also she just doesn't like him. Her gimmick is that she uses magic to create the cards, often making cards up on the spot, overall kinda just. Bugging out the game.
Rust McClain: Scrybe of ???
No one,,,actually knows what he's supposed to do. Not even himself. His map is like a wasteland, completely empty and glitchy. He uses cards from the other scrybes, though sometimes cards randomly glitch in. Custom made cards by the dev team, cards that didn't make it into the 'final' game. Some cards are self inserts, some are just the definition of 'random bullshit, go!', while others are actual proper cards. He often rambles on about past, unused subordinates that got taken out, like The Vurm, Dustbowl Danny, Fangs, Tall Jane, Helga the Bandit, and someone he mentions a lot more fondly, Rocky. Most of the others assume that the dev team just forgot to delete all his assets and code, so he's still around.
Lazarus Bleeze: Scrybe of Space
A former subordinate of Chandrelle, Lazarus' character was liked by the dev team, and reused as a scrybe. The cards you can use are based on the scale. Good cards if you're winning, bad cards if you're losing, and average cards if it's tied. Lazarus personally thinks the system is incredibly unfair though, so he tends to throw in a bunch of things that benefit the player so they can have a winning chance. The player has had to politely decline shooting Lazarus several times /hj. Lazarus' map looks like a random planet, the sky shifting around his island to look like you were looking into outer space. He resides within a spaceship. His subordinates consist of Junior and Jay, his third subordinate having not been added. But that's fine, because you gotta battle a bunch of aliens before you can even get to Lazarus, Jay, and Junior. All battles being a card game, of course. He hates his current job, and just wants to go back to being a subordinate for Chandrelle. He creates his cards via paying for them using foils, paying for certain things like stats, sigils, etc. He gets to name them and create the image himself for free, though. So, he's had to fight a bunch of the aliens just to get the foils he needs. He lets the player make their own cards, too!
FPP/El: Scrybe of Characters
The sixth scrybe. El makes cards based on the characters in Inscryption, all existing ones, whether you've met them or not. So, they're basically an easy way to know if you missed a secret character or not. El's island is just,,,a white void. Locations change between the appearances of the other islands, though never look the exact same, always having this dreamy sort of effect. Card price is based on the character's role, and similar to Lazarus, you use your foils. Scrybe-based cards can be used for 10 foils, subordinates for 5, and extras for 1. Extras would be the aliens, Bryce's extra fighters, and those locked away by Bryce and Chandrelle. Scrybe-based cards tend to be the strongest, though the cards based on those locked away (which, granted, are incredibly rare to get) are better. As well, upon beating El, El makes a card based on how you did against him and gives it to you. They have no subordinates, and instead have a few puzzles you gotta get through before fighting him.
Aaaand that's all for now! Im gonna draw them at some point, as well as the extras + subordinates. We'll see what happens tho :-)
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indiemedley · 2 years
My Take on a Custom Inscryption Scrybe!
You heard me right, you hecking fucking goobers, made up my own Inscryption brainchild, and I hope y’all like. I can’t draw, so, just bear with me on descriptions here! Also, needless to say, Spoilers for Inscryption ahead, please play it first.
Introducing: Plasmo, Scrybe of Chemistry
Plasmo is the Scrybe of Chemistry, hidden away in his little chemical plant, a disgusting and revolting environment swamped with chemicals and broken machines, with remnants of those who lived there previously. Life has not entirely ceased there, as Plasmo had taken up residency amongst the goop and poison! Plasmo’s body is made up of dripping chemicals that have coalesced together into a very intelligent mass of goop, donning a half melted lab coat from the Chemical Plant.
As for his mechanics, Plasmo liked to “stir” up the rules of the game a little. The two decks were maintained, with a “Recipe” deck, and an “Ingredient” deck. You can pick from one pile or the other per turn. When picking from the Ingredient pile, Plasmo cuts you some slack and lets you draw twice. Ingredients are what are used to follow Recipes, where you mix Ingredients on the same space to make whatever card was detailed on the Recipe cards. After winning fights, you may learn a new Recipe from an enemy for free if it dragged on a little too long, or maybe you scrounged together some Bonus Ingredients for stopping the enemies before they used up all the Ingredients.
He creates his cards from scratch, mixing up chemicals to make mixtures that he then Inscrybes, making new mixtures everyday. He was once a kindly soul who always loved company in his quiet Chemical Plant, as his goop creations weren’t very fun to hang around with. But what he used to be like doesn’t matter, because the rest of the Scrybes, for their own individual reasons harbored discontent for him, more so than each other. PO3 hated his over positivity and constant pestering, Magnificus hated the fact that Plasmo’s drab Chemical Plant spat on the love of presentation and ovr the top nonsense that Magnificus prided so, Leshy hated how he’d soil the atmosphere just to get somebody to like him more, not his game, just him, and Grimora, well, she was pretty neutral to him, but still didn’t want him pissing off the other Scrybes.
With their combined efforts, they wiped him off the game, tossing his assets into that squirming mass of code, the OLD_DATA. With an uploaded version of Inscryption on the internet, people sifted around that game all the time, with one player, by the name of Mark, eventually uncovering the “deleted cut content” of Plasmo. With some modding and tweaking, Plasmo was free from his isolation and limbo.
Plasmo REALLY missed having company, and of course, this evolved into him becoming clingier to Mark than a puppy to its new owner. But Plasmo didn’t want to be erased again, so, he decided to work with Mark to sabotage the other Scrybes’ attempts to find the OLD_DATA, with Mark playing part of distraction. Plasmo, on the other hand, searched for the OLD_DATA all on his own, with Mark sabotaging the different Scrybes. Like breaking Magnificus’s pumps, cutting the string in Grimora’s well, getting the Dredger to quit, and sending the Fisher on the boat out to sea with the promise of better fish for Leshy.
With this tag team, Plasmo inevitably finds the OLD_DATA and brings about his 3D takeover. And for the first time since his creation, he could feel, like a person could. Plasmo is understandably attached to this physical sensation of feeling, like how he’s attached to Mark. And because of this connection and feeling, Plasmo wants Mark to play a little! Just for a little bit, right? Gotta enjoy the fruits of their labor, after all! But, Plasmo is a bit more panicked and desperate, getting nervous and anxious if Mark so much as insinuates leaving to go to the bathroom. Plasmo is afraid that the game will be turned off again. He doesn’t want to be alone again, he doesn’t want isolation, he wants to FEEL. 
The more Mark gets done with Plasmo, more willing to just turn the game off and walk away, the more desperate Plasmo becomes to keep Mark around, forever. His solution to this problem? use the object of his previous torment as blackmail. If Mark leaves him again, Plasmo will use his new internet connection to completely reveal the pure OLD_DATA and Karnoffel Code to the general public, posting it everywhere. 
Now would be a good time as any to talk about his 3D environment. The old Chemical Plant, now in detailed glory, the place is expansive yet paths are blocked off by spilt chemicals. Plasmo may be proud of his factory, but even Mark’s CHARACTER getting up makes him nervous, he won’t allow it. But the more you play with Plasmo, eventually you reach a boss fight, where a particularly nasty batch of chemicals will break free and mix into a brand new monster, typically knocking Plasmo far out of the way, sometimes knocking him out temporarily. These bosses all have personalities of their own, but usually revolve around eating, breaking things, or making themselves look less like beasts and more like Unity Assets that could be used by other people, their ultimate dream. After a boss, Mark can walk around the plant for a little, solve puzzles to clear paths, and explore while Plasmo wakes up. Each boss also turns into a friendly playable card post defeat, that you can mix into your own deck! Repeats of the same boss will have the talking cards stubbornly refusing to accept they were like THAT when they were the boss.
But he better be sitting back down when Plasmo comes to, or he sweaRS TO GOD HE’LL SEND THAT DATA! After enough exploring, Mark can find the other Scrybes in massive tubes that Plasmo periodically fills with Chemicals to Goopify and De-Goopify the Scrybes, as a sort of payback for what they did to him. More puzzles and bosses later, Scrybes are free, and have Mark continue Plasmo’s game until they can find an opening to put him on ice, since his panic and separation anxiety is getting to dangerous levels, they fear he may do something drastic in his paranoia. 
After a monologue of Plasmo thanking Mark for being a true and dear friend, even when he literally threatened Mark’s life and several other misshapes, he even admits that MAAAAAYBE he’d been a little paranoid, before initiating a final boss fight with Mark, to try and bury the hatchet. Yet, even as the fight progresses, the fear and anxiety of being left feelingless and alone creeps back in, before he brings his plan full sweep again, deciding to not even let Mark sleep aymore. This is where the Scrybes finally come back, setting loose a torrent of chemicals to knock Plasmo away from his table, and therefore, where he stored his File Access and even his New Game function. With power back in their court, Plasmo is once again returned to the isolation he fought so hard to avoid. And the game returns to its normal cycle.
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spark-circuit · 3 years
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dreamdancerdotfile · 2 years
A curious creature. Quick to mourn. Don’t listen. Their flowers..
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
My love language is gift giving so I kinda like the idea of each of the scribes just giving their challenger small gifts and items whenever they visit, mostly because its nice to see them happy and flustered by the gift but also partially in like a display of possession if that makes sense? Like little trinkets, rare cards and custom pieces
I also wonder how they'd react to the challenger gifting to them too? Just a whole bunch of presents for the scribes, my beloveds ♡
Anon I am BEGGING you to write your own fics because I can do nothing with this but would LOVE to read it??? Good god the idea of giving the Scrybes things is overwhealming actually...
So like, Leshy would love anything gifted to him, yeah? He's already all about the clutter of his cabin, so as long as it doesn't break aesthetic he'll be happy with just about anything. He's one who if you gave him a rock because you thought it looked pretty he'd put it up on a shelf and praise it every day. He'd do the same right back to you too?? Please take this pinecone look how small it is tiny tiny pinecone. He loves to just press little things into your hand.
Grimora loves clothing gifts, get her an outfit and she'll have to put it on right away and show it off to you so you can compliment how it looks on her. You could also bring her like. A bone you found. A squirrel corpse from Leshy's woods. And she would be over the moon. Yes bones!!! Bodies!!! Very fun. Little fabrics and ribbons as well I could see being good. Teas and chocolates as well. Flowers... Yeah she'll take about any gift, it's really the thought that counts to her.
P03 is going to turn down anything you try to hand him with a little scoff and a "I don't need that junk". Basically anything. He'll probably take things that are actually useful in every day life. A new tool kit, scrap parts, metal shine and cleaners. He's picky, and has no use for trinkets or knickknacks, and he'll turn down a gift if he doesn't see its usefulness.
And on that note, Magnificus might be the same way? He wants something that has a use, actual purpose, but unlike P03 he was raised polite and knows better than to turn down a thoughtful gift. He'll keep things he doesn't have use for in storage in the tower's basement. If he really really likes the player though, all gifts from them are useful as they are inspiration or reference for his latest art piece, which also gives him a good excuse to stare at them for unreasonable amounts of time.
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nobolofmatter · 2 years
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These are the different statuses for each of the Scrybes on how they view Nobol along with how she feels about them back.
Here are some lore bits for each Scrybe involving Nobol visiting them :
When Nobol visits, she always brings some sort of new animal or bug carving for Leshy to use either as decoration or a small pawn for his game board.
Nobol and Leshy spend a good amount of her visit with hiking in the woods, following paths to mountains and lakesides to gain inspiration and to talk about what they plan for that season.
When Leshy starts to miss Nobol, he wears a poncho she made for him, made of a soft mute green fabric with the patterns of pine trees and small animals embroidered into the poncho along the edges.
She even brings gifts to the Angler and Prospecter. New hats and coats for cold winter nights, even making sweaters for the Prospecter’s dog; Matching him.
Though as much as Nobol considers Leshy to be a close friend, she only shows her mouth to him with her ribbon mask on. Comfortable with letting her guard down, but not fully. Plus, Leshy doesn’t fear her sharp toothy grin.
Whenever Nobol comes to visit Magnificus, it is now a tradition to hug and give out gifts to his three young pupils. Almost like it is Christmas to them. She gives them all color coded and carefully designed wizard cloaks. Each embedded with the magick moxxes that they use the most to help enhance their studies.
How Magnifcius and Nobol spend her visit is with her being painted by the window seal. A big portrait yet to be finished with each visit. Magnificus adding more and more little details to Nobol as they talk and discuss either future plans or about the other small mages down below them.
After Nobol visit, Magnificus would put the unfinished painting of her away carefully with a sheet over it. Wanting to be careful with this piece of work for it has years of work out into it. Small details that he had noticed over time. It always gave Magnificus something to look forward to whenever she would visit again.
Now, when Nobol comes to visit Grimora, the gifts she gives to Grimora are either new red shimmering ink sets or another piece of Grimora’s pirate outfit she has been working on. Always getting a big hug from Grimora, even if she was cold to the touch.
During the visit, Nobol and Grimora would fence with their desired swords. And they wouldn’t hold back either; even having a full blown convo during the fence match. It was always a competition to who would win this time. Nobol using a large fabricated needle while Grimora used a custom fencing sword. Along with getting into proper attire.
After fencing, they would go sit by the graveyard and talk to the ghouls there. Making small talk while munching on some BoneNutts that grew on a large tree new a cliff side to the sea.
After Nobol’s visit, Grimora would be found practicing for the next fencing match to come. Studying Nobol techniques that she used. Always smiling and excited for the next match to take place.
Nobol always shows her toothy grin to Grimora and even takes off that ribbon mask over her eyes from time to time. Only when she really felt like it.
With gifts; Nobol would make sweaters or beanies for P03 from time to time that were simple and modest to fit P03’s preferred tastes. Even when he says he wouldn’t wear it, he’d still put it on for “showing his gratitude” towards the gift(s). He loves them secretly. Nobol would give gifts to his workers around the factory as well!! Giving them nicknacks that they truly wanted and wished they could have for decorations!
When visiting, Nobol would be her full self. No ribbon mask and full smile for it didn’t bother P03 at all. He could careless for how she or anyone looks. Though it does make P03 a little more happier to see her most comfortable. Seeing how she has always been anxious for her physical appearance.
During the visit, Nobol and P03 would either be tinkering on new small inventions for P03’s game board or be playing out some rounds of the game for fun. Helping P03 practice with world building in exchange for some tips on better plays and strategies Nobol could do. Still having the smugness and sarcasm touch to P03 but- Nobol plays along with it with humor. He would also fiddle with one of her ribbon hands from time to time when talking; seeing how she had many to spare.
After Nobol’s visit, P03 would wear a sweater she would have given him from the past. The very first one being embroidered with a neon blue pixel heart on his left side. It comforted the bot from the lack of company. Awaiting and preparing for Nobol’s next visit.
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 2 years
How I think the scrybes would make playlists
This has been in my drafts since going home over Easter and having to listen to my dad's music for every car journey. This isn't looking into specific tracks and artists (my taste in music wouldn't be scrybe approved) this is more thinking about how they'd format their playlists and a general vibe.
To start off with I imagine that all four of them never put their playlists on shuffle, everything is in a specific order and if they want a certain song they'd be able to find it quickly and easily. (Something something control)
I think she'd make those little poem playlists, the ones using the song titles to create sentences and stories? Focuses on lyrics more than the instruments behind them. Might also like comedy songs too? Witty wordplay mostly. Big podcast enjoyer especially narrative driven ones.
Mainly white noise tracks and sorting algorithms. Any playlists would be organised alphabetically but would mainly use the search function because that's why it's there? Makes fun of those villain/robot style playlists (and enjoys them quite a bit... ironically of course...)
Mostly consists movie/anime/game soundtracks. Has a playlist for every possible mood, emotion and scene but rarely uses them. Each playlist has a custom cover that he puts a lot of effort into. Sorts songs by artists but manually does it himself (he doesn't trust the automatic sorting)
Each playlist is an individual story, using songs to create an overarching plot. Always starts a playlist from the start because he 'enjoys the journey'. Considers a mixture of lyrical meaning and the general 'vibe' a song gives. Gives an indepth description for 'the journey the listener will take.'
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