#custom space marine chapter
voices-of-favor · 4 months
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Its been said, and I'm gonna talk about it again because I feel like it
Voices of Favor, a mostly Codex-compliant chapter, don't have scouts
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Instead, their aspirants receive old, renovated suits of armor in colors of different noble houses of Malto, which in turn become sponsors to the young aspirants, now known as the Malto Nobles
Their separate company fights alongside augmented and regular mortal warriors, and it is expected that an aspirant serves several decades and fights in numerous battles before they earn the right to wear the chapters insignia and, eventually, a Mark X. armor (when they become fully Primarisized and Primaris sized)
There are, of course, exceptions
Aspirants, who train to become chapter apothecaries, techmarines, tank drivers or devastators, are issued custom sets of armor in chapter/unit colors and are placed in units with their senior battle brothers, so that they can quickly learn all they need to know about their future specialist position
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That is why, if you see a younger, smaller space marine riding on top of a tank, or lugging around a large las-cannon, or running after a Primaris Apothecary/Techpriest, know that they are chapter newbies doing their best
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staladus · 2 years
"The heavens grant us redemption."
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norameld · 1 year
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I'm a bit late posting this here, but I'm very proud of my space marine custom chapter, the Pride Defiant. My next video is the lore behind these, and how I painted them. I painted them based on the trans and pan flags, thanks to the fabulous marines project for last month, I recommend looking into it if you're queer and into 40k.
Either way, I'm super proud of them!
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ka0mik · 12 days
Autism doesn't "speak"
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remoteremote · 17 hours
I might be playing a little bit too much space marine 2
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tinyorcenthusiast · 9 months
Hello again! Since I'm in a sharing mood, and since I've gotten the go ahead from my friend and mutual @the-2nd-random-kid, I thought I'd show off my Obligatory Homebrew Space Marine Chapter (I only have 1 miniature) Behold! Battle-Brother Pedro of the Sowers of Revelation!
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(Yes, I know his barrel is undrilled. I don't own a hobby drill :( and yes, I know I probably should've taken more pictures from different angles, I'll probably add them in a reblog.)
I liked his paint scheme, and with @the-2nd-random-kid helping me out with the lore and color scheme, I think it's a good mutual brain-rot. Lore under the cut
The Sowers of Revelation are a fleet based Chapter of Space Marines from the Ultima Founding in M42. They are allegedly sired from the genestock of the Imperial Fists, though some Inquisitors of the Ordo Hereticus harbor some suspicion towards their seeming unhealthy obsession with the Lectitio Divinitatus, the teachings of the Adeptus Ministorum, and the Codex Astartes. Though, that suspicion is alleviated when the Sowers are compared to another rabidly faithful and devout chapter of Imperial Fist successors; but some do hold doubts about the genestock that Cawl used in their creation.
They have been reported across Imperium Nihilus and much of the Ultima Segmentum ravaged by Hive Fleet Behemoth; Inquisitorial Agents have recorded them conducting experiments on barren worlds to see if they can reintroduce biomass onto them through some of Cawl's experimental technology. As far as reports go, they have had mixed success; but what is even more curious is how they conduct warfare. They form into groups known as "missions," taking a group of anywhere between twenty and a hundred marines and sending them off to the planet that they are assigned to. There, they engage in guerilla warfare with whatever enemy they face, fortifying their positions with ambushes and sensors instead of walls and gates.
But what is most curious is that despite this more stealth oriented approach to warfare, they joyously and fervently sing hymns and praises to the Emperor. One Inquisitorial Agent with them noted that it was haunting, hearing the constant droning and humming of a hymnal but not being able to see the Space Marines singing it. They seek to educate all on the Emperor's divinity, from heretics to xenos, capturing enemies alive to perform a sermon before executing their prisoners, preaching the words of the Ministorum as deftly as any Priest or Zealot. They take a fascination with introducing both new life and new faith to worlds they see as "barren" and chant "By Bolter, By Faith, By Life" as their battle cry.
The Sowers of Revelation are very open towards the Inquisition, openly and proudly following any Inquisitor's request like a dog. They frown upon their fellow Space Marines when they show resistance to the Inquisition's authority and follow what they perceive as the "holy words of the Emperor from the mouths of his chosen Servants."
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definitelynotalpharius · 10 months
Converted Chaplain with Jump Pack (32 - 40 mm base) - WIP
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scalene-triangles · 1 year
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It’s me again. And I’ve got some fun news. I’ve resurrected my original Custom Chapter scheme with the release of Leviathan. I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do with them at first. I usually make all my models space wolves or divy them into my “for sale” pile to help fund my studio but I want getting any strong vibes from the space marine half of the box.
However, the tyranid half has been going into expanding my fathers tyranid army. Hive fleet Rhamnusia. And I thought, with his original concept getting love, why shouldn’t I do so?
I had abandon my army in 2018 for a full space wolf legion. And two years before that I had changed the armour design. Still, all wolfified. But, I never felt the primaris marines really fit the space wolf vibe. So most of them waited patiently for me to decide how I’d go about adding them into my space wolf army. And a few did. But many received no such love.
So with Pops nids getting love, I revived my original army. The Angry Dragons. And returned to their original scheme, eating up all the ignored primaris marines and building a fully fledged primaris army. Pulling most of the units from leviathan, Shadowspear, indomitus, Dark Imperium and wrath of the soulforge. My dragons have returns stronger than ever before.
With this new development, my dragons will sport no firstborn. My wolves will take them all for themselves. And I’ll just run both chapters uniquely. It’s nice because I don’t have to really customize the bits to fit the chapter as much. I can take the models at face value and add my colors.
And should the inevitable phasing out of firstborn ever happen, I still have a full functioning army and a super sexy firstborn Space Wolf army to reminisce about.
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The Redemptor Roses ("Fulgrim's Faithful")
In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future, there is only war.
The return of the Emperor’s Avenging Son, Robuote Guilliman, has kindled the Era Indomitus, in which the Empire’s ailing defenses have been shored up, and glorious offensives finally undertaken against the forces of Chaos, which have long had mankind on the defensive. It is an era of hope and glory of a kind unseen since the Horus Heresy.
Yet in the dark immediately preceding Guilliman’s return, and the unveiling of the Primaris Marines, a desperate Imperium was forced to consider other, less savory prospects for restoring the Empire’s strength and filling in the holes in the Adeptus Astartes’ defenses. One of these prospects, was itself, ironically rooted in the opposing side of the Horus Heresy that had left the Empire so broken.
Guilliman had not yet returned. The Imperium did not yet know of the plans to restore the Avenging Son to life. The Space Marines were battered, Cadia had fallen, and the imperium was left reeling from the after effects of Abbaddon’s 13th Black Crusade. Gene-seed stores were, as far as anyone knew, the lowest they’d been in millennia. It was a time of darkness and desperation. In this dark time, the High Lords of Terra conspired to create a light, and it would come from a most unexpected source: the gene seed of their mortal enemy. The only gene-seed stores the Imperium retained in great quantity at this time were those of the Traitor Legions, left unused for fear of the risk that crafting new Space Marines from sources that had ultimately turned traitor might present. But, desperate times, as they say, call for desperate measures, and the need to defend the Imperium was paramount.
After much deliberation, the order was reluctantly given.
A test run.
A single Astartes Chapter, forged from the gene seed of one of the traitor Primarchs, powerful enough to be of use, but not so powerful that they couldn’t be eliminated if they Fell.
The Primarch was chosen with great care. Some, like Angron, had to be discounted out of hand – even before the collapse of the World Eaters and their Primarch into joining the Heresy, they had been possessed by an intrinsic violence. Pre-Heresy behavior had to be noted as much as their Corrupted behavior. For several years, The High Lords, Inquisition, and Adeptus Administratum scoured Imperial records that had not been used in over 10,000 years, studying their options carefully.
In the end, they came to three options: Horus Himself, Magnus the Red, or Fulgrim - the Phoenician of the Emperor’s Children. Horus was rejected - as the Warmaster of the Heresy itself, it simply raised too many concerns. Magnus was a strong contender, as his support for the Heresy only followed Leman Russ and the Space Wolves’ attempted destruction of him and his legion for an action that HAD been well intentioned for the defense of the realm. Still, his psychic potential and that of the Thousand Sons gave the High Lords pause, as it came with a strong potential for Warp Corruptions. 
Ultimately, Fulgrim was chosen. The Emperor’s Children had once been the glory of the Imperium, the only legion permitted by the Emperor to bear his own standard and his name. They had embodied all that it meant to be a Space Marine. Furthermore, Fulgrim’s corruption, and that of his legion, began on Laer, with the claiming of a Demonically Possessed blade. It was the judgment of the Inquisition many centuries earlier that, absent the corrupting effects of the Greater Daemon of Slaanesh inside the Blade of the Laer, Fulgrim’s fall could have been averted. It was therefore the hope of the High Lords that, absent such outside influences, Fulgrim’s potential descendants might live up to the best of the Emperor’s Children’s legacy while avoiding their ultimate corruption.
The crafting of the chapter was carried out in utmost secrecy, with no less than the vaunted Grey Knights themselves overseeing the security of the initial stages, while observers from the Sisters of Battle and the Ordo Malleus of the Inquisition oversaw the later stages.
The story fed to the Imperium at large was that the new Chapter was of Ultramarines descent. With the amount of existing Ultramarines Successors, it was anticipated that nobody would question or resist one more. This story was also fed to the new chapter, which was initially founded under the name “The Falcons of Calth”.
The Falcons of Calth were soon assigned to the Orders Militant of the Inquisition’s Ordo Hereticus, and often found themselves working alongside the various sisterhoods of the Sisters of Battle. The Falcons of Calth proved their value in every engagement, rising with honor and courage to become highly regarded Marines. Like the Ultramarines they believed to be their parentage, the Falcons of Calth embraced a Combined Arms and Logistics-focused method of warfare, but did so with a certain “knightly flair” that organically developed over the course of their frequent collaborations with the Sisters of Battle. They came to respect and admire the fighting women who were their closest and most frequent allies, and as the Chapter approached their 89th year of service, swore an oath to always defend and support “their cherished ladies”, and it was around this time that the emblem of the Rose first began to become prominent throughout the chapter. From this point on, the Falcons of Calth pursued a more idealized and chivalrous aesthetic and mode of behavior, finding inspiration in surviving tales of the Knightly Orders of Old, comparing them to the various Space Marine chapters in the modern day. Incorporating ancient notions of noble conduct, brotherhood, chivalry, and courtly love into their traditions, the Falcons began to diverge from their supposed Ultramarine sires, which raised some alarm among the Inquisition, who pledged to watch them more closely for signs of heretical leanings.
Ultimately, these leanings failed to manifest, and in the very month prior to the return of Roboute Guilliman, the Falcons of Calth were declared a successful trial run of the High Lords plan to produce emergency backup chapters from unused pre-heresy gene seed stocks. Guilliman’s return torpedoed the project, however. Greatly angered by the audacity of the program, he had it shut down immediately, and it was under these circumstances that the Falcons of Calth learned of their true origin when they sought approval from their “Grandfather” – Guilliman denied them, and in a rare moment of genuine fury, revealed enough that the Inquisition decided that keeping the truth from the chapter was going to become impossible in short order. Under these conditions, the decision was made to reveal the truth.
The Falcons of Calth had heard all about the Horus Heresy, of course. But to discover they were descended from the gene-seed of one of the most infamous traitors in Imperial history… that obviously landed more heavily upon the Falcons. The reveal brought a great clarity to the brothers of the Chapter, as they realized that the Sisters of Battle and the soldiers of the Ordo Hereticus, their most trusted and beloved allies, had been under orders to constantly observe them and report back, and to purge the chapter if necessary.
The Truth was a tipping point, the most vulnerable moment in the chapter’s history. Confronted with near betrayal, but most certainly breached trust and wounded pride, it would be recorded that at no other point was the chapter more at risk of turning traitor. Yet armed with full knowledge of the failures of those who came before them, and the understanding of why they had been made, the Falcons held fast to their loyalty, meeting the truth with flexibility and understanding.
Casting aside the Falcon as their sigil, they embraced the Rose, a symbol they had chosen for themselves, and one more heavily linked to the chivalrous past they sought to emulate. Little over a century after their Founding, the Falcons of Calth were no more, and the Redemptor Roses stood in their place. Sometimes referred to as “Fulgrim’s Faithful” within the Inquisition, the Roses have leaned into their Knightly visage since learning the truth of their origins. Standing by their oath to support the Sisters of Battle, they serve as true companions for the fighting women of the Ecclesiarchy, supporting them in battle, and even engaging in the tradition of courtly love off the battlefield. These self-proclaimed knights have taken it upon themself to be a model of what they believe a Space Marine should be: a consummate soldier, but more than that, a warm and protective image of nobility for the common souls of the Imperium to look up to, aspire to become, and take shelter beneath. Like the Salamanders, they prize defending the common people of the Empire. Like the Ultramarines, they seek professionalism and excellence in their conduct. And like the Blood Angels, they constantly desire to add beauty to the galaxy through art, poetry, music, and philosophy, as well as defend that beauty which already exists.
They withdrew from Calth, returning the world to the control of the Ultramarines and their successors, and established a new home world, one fit for their redemption, Quatora Prime. Located not far from the Realm of Ultramar, Quatora Prime is a world of great extremes: a single arid supercontinent surrounded by a vast, freshwater ocean. Determining this as a place from which they could establish a bastion of those knightly and aesthetic values they prized, they set about transforming a large stretch of the Northeast Coast of the Continent into a slice of a well manicured garden world, with a presently small but thriving population eager to continue the terraforming project. While life outside civilized spaces is greatly dangerous, inside those spaces is a great and rising fiefdom where citizens live in relative comfort and safety compared to the incredible risks that those outside the Garden Zone take on an everyday basis.
The Lord of Quatora Prime, Chapter Master Gautier Boudreaux, is in many ways the apex of his chapter. He is inordinately beautiful to behold, very much resembling Fulgrim in his youth. He is ambitious and eager to prove himself and his Chapter, but also compassionate and wise, and his skill in battle is second to none in his chapter. However, he is also humble, admitting his youth leaves him significant room to improve. Despite Roboute Guilliman’s disapproval, Gautier has maintained close ties with the Ultramarines, and several successor chapters, and often seeks advice and wisdom where he can from older, more experienced warriors, all the better to lead his men down a True Path which might avoid the pitfalls suffered by his fallen brothers in the Emperor’s Children. To that end, he has sought much advice and wisdom from the Blood Angels and their successors, feeling kinship in their struggle with innate flaws in their own essential selves, and their never ending need to manage and control it. 
This has given the Redemptor Roses a number of rituals, or “Sacraments”, inspired by Blood Angel rituals meant to combat The Flaw, but in the Redemptor Roses, these Sacraments have been modified, both to make the rituals their own, and because the Roses have come to believe that there was nothing wrong with their gene-seed per se, but rather that the fatal flaw had been with the mindset of the Emperor’s Children. These Sacraments serve to reinforce each Rose’s bond with his oaths, bolstering his faith, and through faith, his loyalty. The Sacraments are administered by Chapter Master Boudreaux and Master of Sanctity Maximilian Clarisseau, with support once again coming from the Adepta Sororitas. Seeing the practical spiritual value in embracing the Imperial Church, the Redemptor Roses have become closely affiliated with the Ecclesiarchy, holding fast to the teachings of the Imperial Creed to enforce spiritual discipline and encourage adherence to their oaths. Furthermore, they hold to the Codex Astartes quite seriously, looking to its rules for wisdom, guidance, and discipline. The Redemptor Roses will reach out and claim with both hands any means to uphold discipline and resist the lure of Chaos.
After several campaigns that included the Battle of the Black Scar, the Siege of Stuxuhr, the Assault of Criod, and the Ambush of Cronecht, Gautier and most of the Chapter chose to undergo the Rubicon Primaris, hoping that such a process would help them better endure any weakness inherited from their “father”. The successful ascendancy of so many of their ranks to Primaris Marines has not significantly changed their battle tactics or methodologies – they remain steadfastly Codex compliant and determined to hold fast to their oaths to the Emperor and “their cherished ladies”, though some slight aesthetic influence from the Third Legion may have slipped in; the Redemptor Roses paint their armor white and purple, with gold trim, and their Chapter standard is a gold-winged rose on a field of dark blue.
The Redemptor Roses finally won Guilliman’s respect and trust during the Indomitus Crusade, at the Second Fall of Cannaey, wherein they confronted their twisted “brothers” from the Emperor’s Children on the field of battle at long last. Whatever hope the Roses might have secretly held that the tales of the Third Legion’s debaucheries and hideous hedonism were exaggerations, or that there existed a chance that their brothers might be redeemed did not survive first contact. Confronted with the warped visages and mutated forms of those who shared in their bloodline, the Roses reacted with pure disgust, and charged forth with a fury that shocked even the most veteran soldiers of the Emperor’s Children. At Cannaey, some 200 Redemptor Roses stood against three times their number from the Emperor’s Children, but charged with righteous fury and aglow with the Emperor’s fire in their eyes, they tore through the traitor ranks, slaughtering their traitor kin to a man like they were putting down rabid animals, and while they could not save Cannaey, they managed to rescue the civilians the Emperor’s Children had kidnapped to use as slaves and outlets for their unspeakable desires, escorting them to safety with the Sisters Hospitallers, though whether these civilians could ever fully recover from their ordeal was a question the Roses were not fit to answer – being themselves unsure they could ever fully come to terms with what their treasonous brothers had become.
Cannaey did more than earn the Redemptor Roses the trust and respect of the Imperial Regent. It also served as their full initiation into the galaxy, their first true glimpse at the horrors that awaited mankind in a hostile universe, and the depths to which such madness could drive even the mighty post-human warriors of the Adeptus Astartes. Their resolve tested, tempered, and ultimately hardened like the strongest steel, the Roses declared they would be the loyal sons the Third Legion had failed to be. Where the Emperor’s Children fell into corruption, the Redemptor Roses would rise in fraternity, loyalty, and glory. They would keep the Imperium safe from the perverse seductions of Slaanesh, stamping out its influence wherever, whenever, they encountered it.
Furthermore, while not actually Ultramarines, the Roses came to the defense of Ultramar during the Plague Wars, honoring ties that, while they may have begun as a lie by the High Lords of Terra, have grown genuine indeed, with the Redemptor Roses counting the line of Guilliman as dearer brothers than they would ever consider their actual kin.
From their new home world of Quatora Prime, the Redemptor Roses are knights overseeing a glittering kingdom, a world of beauty and art. They have risen from the din and grunge of traitorous gene-seeds to become cultured aesthetes and philosophers who invoke ancient traditions of nobility, chivalry, and virtue, and they hold fast to Imperial truths, and with the full knowledge of their treacherous origins, hold faster still to the friends and allies they have made – be it the Chambers Militant of the Inquisition, the Sisters of Battle, the Ultramarines and their descendants, or the Blood Angels and their myriad successors. The Roses see a universe of horrors, and are dedicated to not just rooting out corruption and deformity, but also preserving that which is still beautiful and good within it, while struggling to add further beauty and goodness back in. While the arrival of the Primaris Marines and Unnumbered Sons solved the very problem they were created to address, leaving them as a unique chapter that stands alone in their origin, they have shown the galaxy that the Sins of the Father remain with the Father; they do NOT pass to his sons. Whatever those who came before them might have become, the Redemptor Roses are determined to avoid the Fall, and have become the very image of the best of the Space Marines.
Call them the Falcons of Calth, Fulgrim’s Faithful, or Redemptor Roses… just don’t call them traitors, for none stand more loyal to the Emperor and his realm than the Redemptor Roses. They see a great future ahead for the Empire, and marshal towards it with their battle cry:
“Porro! Aurea enim via praecedit!”
“Onwards! For the Golden Way is ahead!”
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voices-of-favor · 3 months
Lets talk allies of the Voices of Favor
I have mentioned a couple chapters once before, but I gotta give one some extra attention
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The Scarab Stewards, distant descendants of the Blood Angels, are a small but steadfast space marine chapter of the Varil sector
A fleet-based chapter, they are people protectors, lore seekers, art collectors, fending off space pirates and seeking to preserve both the people and the cultures of the Imperium
Like the popular Salamanders, the members of this chapter treat other servants of the Imperium with much greater respect, kindness and care than most space marines would
Sadly, they have suffered severe losses at the hands of the arch-enemy at the battle of Argent forest, barely avoiding total annihilation when marines of the Voices of Favor and a Raven guard company came to their aid, chasing the chaos warband away
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Since then, the surviving Scarab Steward fleet (led by their chief warship, The Spectator) has been traveling around the Malto sector, sticking close to their allies until they can replenish their forces to continue their mission
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Their symbol, though covered by a plume of smoke, is a purple and copper scarab beetle on a bright green base
Their motto is: "We stand for the living, we fight for their memories! "
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gasha40k · 1 year
Codex: Thunderbearers
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The Thunderbearers
“I invoke thee, Machine-Spirit; awaken anew,
Hear this anointment and be reborn,
Contained within thine shell shall be not the spirit of a weapon, but the spirit of Man,
For you are not a weapon; you are a vessel of all wrath,
Within every man unfairly slain,
Every life stolen,
Every dream shattered,
Every hope extinguished,
Every cry of terror, pain, or anguish, offered in woe unto the silent void
For you are not a weapon; you are retribution, and we its deliverers,
Blessed be this weapon.”
Excerpt from the “Psalm of the 1st Tempest,” the first in a cycle of many blessings that the Chaplains administer on a daily basis unto every bolter in the Chapter’s possession
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Sons of the Hero Unremembered
“Nos tempestas sumus.”
These are the Thunderbearers, a monastic Successor Chapter of shadowy origin who worship the bolter and specialize in utilizing drop pod shock tactics and heavy ballistics.
The Thunderbearers were my first 40k army and are still my favorite to this day. They’ve been my main dudes since I started in the hobby, and over the last few years, I’ve written a lot of completely unnecessarily in-depth fluff for them. On this page you’ll find various lore posts diving into the Chapter’s structure, culture, and history, as well as periodic update posts documenting my progress working on their tabletop presence, alongside other stuff like my World Eaters, Crusades, and other more general hobby things.
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Felled Chapter-Master Lucius Harold, now contained within the Venerable Aurum Eternatus, also known as “Big Harold”
The tag Codex: Thunderbearers will contain exclusively more semi-polished loreposts about the Thunderbearers and their inner workings, whether that be character profiles, remembrancer logs, or tidbits on Chapter structure. The rest of the blog will be whatever else, who care
Thanks for stopping by!
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hooliganpaints · 1 year
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WIP on an Ancient as a gift for my sister's Arktoi - a codex-compliant chapter reborn from the legacy of one of the two missing Primarchs, the one implied to be interred in the Shadowvaults beneath the Palace on Terra. Unleashed on a galaxy of terror, they'll see their first battles against the encroaching forces of the Tyranid fleets menacing the Segmentum Solar when 10th launches.
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Some recent Warhammer 40k Art. 1. My 40k-Sona. Yeah I'm tired of Tzeentch's bullshit XD 2. A scene from my Alternate Heresy, the Cipher Heresy >:3 3 and 4. Members of my custom Warband the Oil Weavers!
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garden-wolves-40k · 2 years
Ask The Garden Wolves
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1. Queen Vargarna. Called by some the Mad Wolf Queen. As a mortal, even as a space marine, being over 10,000 years old has put extreme pressure on her mind and body. Regardless she masters herself and the realm of the garden wolves, for the most part...
2. Rune master Voltair. The Cheif Wolf Preist, outranking the chapters head librarian. But seldom present on the homeworld, or fortress moon. He mostly petroles the edge of the galaxy, maintaining a series of rune satellites that dull physci power. These runes are used to prevent Tyranid intergalactic vessels from waking up, They remain dormant thinking they are still travelling. He is a master of naval invasion and raiding.
3. Dreadnought Librarian Ampernir. Head librarian and far more learned then Voltair, but less psychically powerful. He is a master of both lore and warfare, and serves to instruct new psykers along with maintaining much of the chapters history.
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4. Chapter Master Bim Ironside. Not so much a traditional chapter master, as Vargarna is master and commander officially. But he is responsible for most of the running of the realm, and is leader of the space marines, if not the interplanetary realm of the Garden Wolves. He official leads all Sub-Chapters across the realm.
5. Scout Lord Ragginr Half-Wolffen. Famous for being lost during his penultimate trial as an asparent, and only making it back to civilisation after many years in the wilderness. He surves under Bim Ironside and teaches the scouts of each Sub-Chapter. He of course leads the greatest and largest scouting force of the garden wolves, complete with several speedy cloaking corvettes.
6. Ancient Bartholumue. The last loyalist deathguard. Most of his mind is lost to the ages, but some old stories are left to him.
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7. Cheif Apothecary Helgruff. His primary duty is the teaching of new apothecaries on the fortress moon and the maintenance of the chapters geen seed, both spacewolf and secretly deathguard. He also maintains the consprisy of the Apothecaries to diminish rumours of the deathguard spacemarriens in the chapter. Most deathguard in the chapter don't even know themselves, just that they are less ferocious than some of their brothers. Although he is often absent for he must as the best physician in the realm tend to the queens ailments, both mental and physical.
8. Cheif Iron preist Blotmanoth. Critical to the realm, as he is overseer of all fabrication in the realm. As their are no forge worlds in the realm, production for such a war machine can be greatly difficult, none the less he finds a way !
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mundanemiseries · 10 months
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also just sayin:
Koko getting into w/arhammer 40k and absolutely running space marines cause he read up on their lore and related a bit too hard to them.
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