#cut magazine
janetmiyuki-06 · 13 days
Scans from CUT magazine❤️❤️.
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Source: Weibo
Cr: 2兆円
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KILL BILL soundtrack cd AD in Cut magazine(japan), 2003
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tnbscans · 6 months
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Interview with Hiroaki Hirata and Masakazu Morita from the May 2022 issue of Cut magazine
If this is translated somewhere please let me know and I’ll link to it.
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cantcatchmeee · 2 years
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Glorilla Covers Cut Magazine
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pinkumiilku · 1 month
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Tadanobu Asano, Cut Magazine, 1999.
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8loom · 2 years
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Takahashi Fumiya for CUT - February 2023 Issue
♡ read article here ♡
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lebomboniere06 · 2 years
CUT December 2022 issue
Eiji Akaso interview✨
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In the last episode of the drama <You can become a wizard if you are a virgin by the age of 30>(Cherry Maho), Fujisaki, a colleague of the main character Adachi Kiyoshi, tells this story.
"Whether I'm with someone or not. Whether I'm in a relationship or not. It's all up to that person's freedom, but whatever I choose, I have to like myself first."
I think that one of the reasons why we want to repeatedly say "precious" to Eiji Akaso is in this line. In any work - even if it is a sad scene or a scene that is endlessly bright, if you see his acting straight and without a cloud, you will feel 'I like Eiji Akaso' and 'I like Eiji Akaso'. I think I'm a little better than the me before that'. Today, somewhere, he lives someone's life through his role, making the characters around him smile or shed tears. I'm just happy for that fact and just happy to be able to look into the story.
For Akaso, what he is thinking and feeling right now about the work of 2020, which has grown more and more, and about himself. I asked the story with a mind that carefully approached the current location as it was.
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Today, the day of the interview, is the timing to wait a little bit for the appearance in the serial TV novel, Maiagare! Looking back now, how was <Ishihane>?
The staff around me, the director, and the people watching said, "It was fun." Ah, my first impression was that I was able to appear in a really great work. I think I had a good summer.
You said in an interview that Ao Ohba, played by Akaso San , has many similarities with you.
Now that I think about it, it might be easy for me to be drawn to the role in the end. When I played Ohba, I thought I'm like Ohba', but now while I'm playing (Umezu) Takashi in <Maiagare! ,I'm Takashi (laugh).
Quite often do you hear the phrase "similar to a role"?
Yes. Even when I was Adachi in <Cherry Maho>, I was told, "You look like Adachi." (Tendo) Akira of Netflix's <Zom 100>, which will be released in the future, says "You look like Akira". After all, do we have something in common?
Are the staff members saying 'it looks like?
Most of them are performers. During <Ishihane>, Nakamura (Tomoya) said that too.
When it comes to role creation, do you create an image that matches the character to yourself?
No, I think I want to get as close to that role as possible. It should be said that it is the soul that is the basis of the role, but it is like making a character after knowing the essential part. As I expand things like what I live for in this role and how I want to live, the character of the person and the way the lines are spoken come naturally. I think the important point for me is how much I can think about the inner part of the role.
When it comes to acting, how important is it to Akso-san to empathize with the role?
I've never played a role I couldn't relate to at all. Maybe it will come out in the future. When I played the criminal in <Cold Case 3 ~The Door to Truth~>, of course I couldn't understand the behavior, but I thought it was important to talk with the role. But the difficult thing is that self- consciousness comes out. I think it would be nice if I could get rid of my greed a little more.
However, the reason why many people's hearts are moved by Akso-san's acting may be because he has that'self-consciousness' It seems to make you feel, "Ah, it's like a very lively human being."
Is that so… But, good acting… I think in the end I have to move my own heart in order to impress people.
When did the approach to acting like that start to be established? Is there a work that became a turning point or someone?
I think I was able to act with 'heart' in <Cherry Maho>. However, in any work, there is always one person who came with a beeping (feeling) . Noriko Eguchi from <SUPER RICH> thought I wanted to continue acting with her, and from <Ishihane>, Arimura (Kasumi) and Nakamura were straight to my heart, so it was easy for me to act. In the last few years, it feels like everyone I meet is always being led with good intentions.
After filming the drama <Cherry Maho>, a little while later, when he started filming the movie, he said, "When I go to the set, everyone makes me Adachi." He said that he is the type to create good things by leaving it to the performers and staff.
It's scary to entrust it to someone else. To put it to the extreme, there are parts of me that probably don't fully believe in myself. I think that when you do something with the people around you, you have an expectation that it will get better because there will be a synergistic effect. It was late when I started acting, so I couldn't even rely on other people at first. But at some point, I realized that trusting and relying on you is really cool.
At the beginning, "l' I couldn't help but think about things like, how to stand out (laughs). Of course, I think that those times when I was young were also important, but now I am doing it trusting the people around me. Still, I think it's great that you can entrust it.
Is it like that?
What can I say… No, but it must be because there are many people cooler than me around me. maybe. I think it makes me want to be silly (laughs).
Do you have a sense that things like the environment around you have changed in recent years?
I don't know if there is. I'm not the savvy type, so when the filming of multiple works overlaps, I'm like, 'What kind of feeling did this role have?' the same thing or something But in the past, judging only by the results and blaming me for saying 'this is not good', I was really a pro of self-reflection
(laughs). However, since the COVID-19 era, I have been able to acknowledge myself for what I have accomplished and acknowledge the process, not the result, so my life has become a bit easier.
Do you feel any pressure to take on an important role?
Of course, there are times when I get anxious about how far my skills are catching up with great staff and performers in a very passionate field. However, I think that the bigger the wall, the more rewarding it is to overcome, and do you think people who watch it more than before are enjoying it? I can think of the same things.
Ah, but it still feels like 'I was able to do it'
Yes. Up until now, it was a feeling that I had rushed into for the first time, rather than really saying,"Looking at you." Recently, thankfully, I have more and more roles to take on, so I think I can feel the responsibility for my work.
People who watch it just have the impression that'Akaso-san was good in that work'
Eh? … Really, but that's… Thank you (laughs). That's right, I want to be praised (laughs). (laugh).
When you're a little older, you might be heading to a stage where feeling a bit pressured is just fine.
Yes, that's why I think it's better to think about it now. I know that I have no choice but to face it now, to the extent that I can think that 5 years or 10 years from now, I was worried about small things at that time.
Listening to the story now, and seeing this interview by chance at the age of 40, I thought it would be nice if it was an interview where Akaso -san could think, "Wow, you're talking immaturely."
Like, 'Ah, you must have been anxious at that time'. I want to grow so that I can properly say that.
Even if you have worries or pressure, the day you crank-in comes without mercy. How do you face it every time?
Ultimately, it's self-esteem. Neither positive nor negative. "I did everything I had to do. Then it's done (yarukotoyattana, yoshi) ' with the mindset. Also, when things don't go well, that's me, and when things go well, things go well, and that's me too. It feels like jumping naked.
Fundamentally, are you very courageous?
There is a feeling that a strangely delicate side and a very insensitive side coexist. I am also grateful for such a dull side. There are people who say that they can't sleep the day before crank- in. I just slept soundly and got up and went (laughs).
I think that there is such a bold side unexpectedly. So while holding in my heart the fear that it might collapse due to being suppressed, I also have a feeling that somewhere, 'it won't collapse'.
In <Maigare!>, you left a comment saying, want to be like an oasis that supports Mai's back."
Akaso San, for example, what position do you often sit in on the team during filming?
It depends on the work. For example, when I was on the <Kanokire> team, I was mischievous, and when I was on the <Cherry Maho>, I was calm. I don't know if I have a sense of being seen as a role or if I'm doing it unconsciously, but the position changes depending on the work.
Do you feel comfortable changing positions depending on the work?
Maybe so. I think I am in that position as an extension of my role and think that my acting is getting better. For example, when you're playing the role of a bully, if you're trembling on set and can't communicate with others, you won't get energy even during filming. If you turn on the switch and have the heat to boil at any time, it feels like you can show off your energy in the role.
You can do better acting.
Yes. I am the subjective type when it comes to being objective or subjective. I also think that switching between on and off would be completely different (from me) if I was more objective.
The theme of this special feature is 'respectable", and 'respectable'has various meanings.
Looking back now, is there a moment that reminds you of'that moment was precious?
The time spent eating and talking with the wonderful people I met while working might be the most precious.
Wow, that's cool!!
In the midst of the increasing number of starring roles, there are now co-workers I didn't know five years ago, and things like that. There are a lot of seniors who would be rude if I said they were co- workers… But inside of me, more and more people say they want to be together again, or think that we can definitely be together again, so I'm happy. In my early 20s, I couldn't afford to pay attention to other people, but I met people who made me want to continue acting even when I was in my 40s and 50s. It's rare that we get to see each other right away through a project, but the time to eat and talk about work and personal things is precious.
I can really imagine Akao-san eating, drinking, and listening to other people's stories while thinking "It's precious" (laughs).
ha ha ha. I also like delicious food. I like spending time alone, but when I'm with co-workers, I think that my mind and various things must have been formed by these people.
Are there times when you think, "Oh, you're precious" in a light sense?
It is also an open-air bath. The weather these days is clear, so I can see the stars. The moment you see the stars, 'Oh, how precious!' I think. What is that moment in the open-air bath? The moment when a voice comes out saying "Ah…" might be the most precious.
It's definitely a sacred feeling (laughs).
That's how it worksX2. Is this heaven? and (laughs).
The theme of the photoshoot is "Akaso Eiji's Holiday"
Holiday morning woke up later than usual. After bruising a little on the veranda, I roll around in my room and lightly go out to a convenience store. The setting of this photo story is that I return home thinking the weather is nice, open the book I have been reading… How was it?
The most important thing in this shoot was to capture 'Akaso-san when he was alone'. In order to create that atmosphere, I gave an abstract order, "Please don't mind the camera, just exist", but Akaso san responded without hesitation to such a request. "I often boil ramen!" "With you, everyday life is precious," such as the way he completes homemade ramen with familiar hand movements, and so on. I would be happy if you felt as if you were looking into Akaso's daily life through this photo session!
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 years
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foolsparadise1986 · 2 years
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Cut magazine, No.156(2003)
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zira-draws · 2 months
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when i played disco elysium for the first time i was so sure you could take a picture with kim. because in the game they tell you that kims camera can only make two photos, so naturally i was like OKAY kim, take a picture of that dead guy and after lets make a selfie together<33 turns out there is a much more important photo to take, but maybe they could take a selfie together on a more meaningful occasion for both of them :)
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janetmiyuki-06 · 3 months
Mamoru-san in CUT Magazine😍💗💗.
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Source: twitter.com
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useyourimagination2020 · 11 months
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Le Mans - Steve Mcqueen, CUT magazine(Japan), 1998
(via 3a6ea4e369a528905c120a9af3b697b6.jpg)
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maria-ruta · 1 year
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alright but jokes aside, wanna guess my favorite spiderverse character? X'D
doodled a bunch of stuff in my sketchbook, I do not have that many colors tho hahaha so it's all pretty limitted X)
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themusicsweetly · 13 days
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Caitriona x TIFF puppies | 2024 vs 2019 🐶
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gooberscollage · 28 days
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Various 1950s and 1960s Photos and Illustrations
Sources: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
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cestcirque · 6 months
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Working day and night on promotional volleyball events, actively engaged in what is now becoming the “blood” of the industry
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