#cute dogs ahhh my heart
beom-pyu · 1 year
txt as your boyfriend
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txt x g/n!reader , tags; headcanons , fluff , non-idol au? , happy soft mushy feelings ew , no warnings!
(rest of the members after the cut!)
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。 °₊ yeonjun
∙ matching outfits allll the time
∙ if he sees a cute hoodie online, he'll buy you guys matching ones and surprise you with it
∙ takes aesthetic pictures of you
∙ you used to hate his constant candids of you because you were a little insecure
∙ but he always captures you in the most flattering, heart wrenching pics ever
∙ he wants you to see yourself in the way that he sees you
∙ a cute pic of you stopped on the sidewalk to pet a dog is his lockscreen <3
∙ constant forehead/top of the head kisses
∙ if he's slipping past you while you're cooking, he always plants a quick kiss on the crown of your head with a small "love u" before going back to whatever he was doing
∙ kissing your forehead is a mandatory step in his a nighttime routine
∙ when he has you wrapped up in his arms at night, your head resting on his chest and he just presses a few kisses into your hair before snuggling into you tighter
∙ fixes your hair and clothes for you
∙ makes it super romantic too
∙ like he'll run his finger down your cheek before tucking some hair behind your ear, gazing down at you with the most infatuated look ever
∙ if you try to cover your face in embarrassment, he'll gently remove your hands and cup your face in his before muttering how pretty you are
∙ "my pretty baby."
∙ soft smiles and loving gazes as he watches you do things you're passionate about
∙ like you could be reading a book on the couch and he'd be at the other end with your feet in his lap, just massaging your legs while watching you silently
∙ you've gotten used to the feeling of his eyes on you
∙ he just loves watching you exist
∙ like he's always in awe of your beauty, no matter how many times he's seen your face
∙ gives you those hugs where he wraps his arms around your neck and pulls you into his chest
∙ works especially well if you're shorter than him
∙ shows you off
∙ he's always posting you on his instagram story with captions like "my everything" or "my angel <3"
∙ wants everyone to know that he's proud of the fact that you chose him out of all the people in this big ole world
。 °₊ soobin
∙ exists at your every beck and call
∙ you said you're thirsty? he's bringing you three water bottles in the blink of an eye
∙ oh your shoulders are tense? he's working his nimble fingers into your muscles with soft neck kisses in between
∙ he wants to make your life as easy as possible, and he's willing to do whatever it takes
∙ pouts with a small "hmf" when he wants kisses
∙ which is a common reoccurrence because he always wants kisses
∙ nuzzles his head into your neck when he laughs
∙ plays with your fingers when he can't fully hold your hand
∙ or has an arm around your waist to keep you close at all times
∙ takes silly couple pictures with you and makes them his profile picture
∙ feeds you
∙ he'll do that dumb airplane move and you'll just blink at him like "what..?"
∙ and he just goes "ahhh" with that cute little smile and you have no choice but to roll your eyes and give in when he looks that adorable
∙ please play with his hair, it's his favorite thing ever
∙ your hands are so gentle and calming, so it always helps him fall asleep
∙ gives you his jacket whenever you show even the slightest sign of being cold
∙ like he'll wrap it tightly around your body and kiss your nose when he's satisfied with the bundling
∙ always goes to you when he's feeling down because you always manage to lift his mood
∙ like you'll be laying in your bed on your laptop, and when he comes home, he's immediately at your side
∙ he hates feeling like a burden so he doesn't say anything until you ask him what's wrong
∙ and he just spills everything out as you hold him
∙ he feels comfortable showing you his emotions because you always take care of him
∙ especially because he's always the one taking care of you, so you appreciate when he lets his guard down around you
。 °₊ beomgyu
∙ quite literally your bestfriend
∙ lovingly teases you because your reactions are so cute
∙ always kisses the pout off of your lips so you can't be mad at him
∙ he is soooo clingy
∙ always has to have a hand on you, whether it be holding yours, resting on your back, slung over your shoulders
∙ baby just loves being close to you
∙ teaches you how to play his favorite games
∙ sits you on his lap as he explains the controls
∙ but he may get a little sulky when you turn out to be better than him
∙ he'll be like "i let you win that time!" and you'll be like "you wish!!"
∙ tickle fights
∙ he lets you do his makeup or paint his nails if you ask very nicely
∙ but only if you let him do yours in return (and he's absolutely horrible at it every time)
∙ takes candids of you, but they're TERRIBLE
∙ like you'd be mid bite of a big sandwich and you just see the flash of his phone go off and you freeze
∙ and then you proceed to chase him around, whining at him to delete the picture with him cackling in the background
∙ you two are always bickering like an old married couple
∙ but you can never stay upset at each other for longer than 10 minutes before one of you gives in
∙ he's obsessed with kissing you
∙ will find any excuse to do so, even though you guys are quite literally dating
∙ "if i eat this in 10 seconds, you owe me 10 kisses"
∙ "gyu, you can literally just ask me to kiss you"
∙ "okay, but where's the fun in that..?"
∙ you guys joke around a lot because you know that you are each other's safe space
∙ you can always be yourself around beomgyu, and he loves that he can do the same with you
。 °₊ taehyun
∙ mention anything you want around tyun and he's buying it for you in a heartbeat
∙ you could mutter how a necklace was pretty as you passed a shop, and it'd show up in your mailbox within the next 5 business days
∙ secretly loves when you wear his clothes
∙ you could walk out of your bedroom with one of his t-shirts on and his hands would be all over you immediately
∙ kisses the back of your hand while looking up at you with his pretty doe eyes
∙ literally makes you feel like royalty
∙ holds the door for you everywhere you go
∙ even if you beat him to the door, he'll literally jog to grab the door handle first
∙ never gives you unsolicited advice, but if you come to him first, get ready for a philosophy session
∙ he just wants to see you being your best self, so he's always open to giving you advice when you want it
∙ comfortable silence
∙ like you could be doing your own things in silence, and still feel like no time is being wasted because you are just that secure in eachother
∙ don't worry though, he makes sure to slip in a kiss every few minutes
∙ he isn't one to be sappy with his words, but when he does verbally compliment you, it's the most heartfelt sentence ever
∙ like you'll just be cuddled up next to him on a lazy day that consisted of napping, kisses, and more napping
∙ and he'll just slip out a, "being with you makes everything make sense"
∙ and you're just like "where did that come from?"
∙ and he just shakes his head with a smile and kisses your lips so tenderly, you forget everything you were going to say
∙ late night drives
∙ you'll call him at 1 a.m. because you can't fall asleep, your mind too full with thoughts and stress and the weight of life
∙ and tyun will be outside your place in seconds
∙ he lets you be the dj as he drives, rolling down the windows a bit to let the cool breeze run through the car
∙ his right hand is firmly planted on your thigh, glancing over at you every now and then to make sure you're okay
∙ and he lets you talk his ear off with the softest, most fond smile resting on his lips, just happy to see you feeling better
。 °₊ kai
∙ napping together is the biggest love language in your relationship
∙ it'll be midday on a weekend and he'll come over with a few of his plushies, clad in character themed pajamas
∙ and you'd have your own character themed pajamas on too
∙ he loves sleeping on your chest, or as the big spoon
∙ napping together is just so soft and intimate to him
∙ plus he gets your beautiful face being the first thing he sees when he wakes up, which is a win in itself
∙ comes up with a new stupid pet name for you every single week
∙ one day you're "babe", the next day you're "boo bear", and the next, you're somehow "sweetie honeybun baby"
∙ he just thinks it's funny to see the confusion on your face as the names get worse and worse
∙ he lives to make you laugh
∙ he'll send you every funny video he comes across, or crack the most random jokes just to see your smile
∙ always looking for your praise and approval
∙ he could get a new haircut and you'd be the first one he texts with a selfie asking "new cut, does it look okay?"
∙ and even though you say yes yes yes, every single time without fail, he still does that shy laugh and the tips of his ears go red and turns into putty
∙ he's literally your boyfriend, but he has these moments where he can't believe he's your boyfriend
∙ like you could randomly straddle his lap while he's sitting on the couch and push his hair back with your fingers before kissing his nose
∙ and he'll just be staring up at you with the prettiest sparkly eyes and let out a quiet "woah", out of breath by simple looking at you
∙ back hugs back hugs back hugs
∙ if you're out at an event with friends, he'll just be hanging off of you like a koala
∙ literally doesn't care about pda
∙ he's super shy, but nothing but pride fills his chest when you hold his hand in public
∙ or if you lean up to kiss his cheek while standing in line to order ice cream
∙ you always manage to give him those goofy little butterflies in his chest
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reblogs are highly cherished!
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nocturnest · 3 months
The y/n that nervously asks if she can marry Jonathan instead of death or exile, would be the opposite of Jonathan, she’s shy and sweet, and Jonathan would find her puppy dog eyes to be so cute that he can’t help himself but to agree which is why he’s just like, “Hmm. Interesting. Why not”
@kpopgirlbtssvt This is one of my absolute favorites now! ahhh! please enjoy!
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In the dimly lit chamber of an abandoned courthouse, Jonathan Crane, Gotham's infamous Scarecrow, held court with an air of authority that sent shivers down the spines of those gathered before him. The room buzzed with nervous anticipation as citizens awaited their fates, their faces drawn with fear and uncertainty.
You, amidst the sea of anxious onlookers, found yourself unable to contain a nervous laugh as the tension in the room weighed heavily on you. You were on trial for attempting to steal from the city's food stash, which Bane had accumulated for criminals and the like. It wasn't exactly your fault - you were desperate. You just wish you hadn't been so foolish to have gotten caught.
As you were shoved into a brown leatherback chair, you observed your surroundings. Criminals of all kinds gave you harsh looks of disgust and disapproval. They looked practically ravenous and hungry for a new form of entertainment, which some of them had found in you. Their attention made you uncomfortable.
You gazed up at the stand and your eyes widened in surprise. You'd heard rumors, to be sure, but you had never seen Jonathan Crane in person. And even from afar, you could see the bright blues of his eyes, like a beacon of hope in this horrendous situation that you found yourself in.
He looked bored, glasses in his hand as he cleaned its lenses. A lackey of his taps him on the shoulder and Jonathan rolls his eyes, putting his glasses on to read the papers in front of him.
He clears his throat and announces your name, which sends shivers down your spine. His voice was gravelly and hoarse from yelling yet calming all the same. You find yourself wishing you had met him under other circumstances.
"Guilty of attempting to steal food from the people of Gotham. Now what will it be, Death or Exile?"
"Isn't there another option?! I mean...can't I just marry you instead?" you blurted out, the words escaping your lips before you could stop them. Your attempt at humor was feeble, a desperate bid to lighten the oppressive atmosphere.
To your surprise, Jonathan's sharp gaze snapped in your direction, his pale blue eyes glittering with intrigue. "Hmm, interesting. Why not?" he responded, his voice carrying an unexpected hint of amusement.
Your heart skipped a beat at his unexpected reply, your mind reeling with disbelief. Surely he couldn't be serious. But, before you could gather your thoughts, Jonathan pressed on with his characteristic bluntness. "Would you rather death or exile?" he inquired, his tone matter-of-fact yet oddly playful.
Caught off guard by his question, you stumbled over your words, unable to form a coherent response. "...No," you managed to mumble, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"Great," Jonathan exclaimed, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes, "Exile! By marriage."
With a swift motion of his gavel, Jonathan sealed your fate. He beckoned you forward with a wave of his hand, his expression betraying a hint of sly amusement.
You padded across the room cautiously as a wave of confusion swept across the spectators, who watched in bewilderment as Jonathan Crane orchestrated an impromptu wedding ceremony in the midst of what was supposed to be a trial. As you approached the judge's area, the whispers of the onlookers swirled around you like a whirlwind of uncertainty.
Jonathan took your hand in his. It was soft and warm. The emotions in his face were guarded but you could see what seemed like sympathy in his eyes, as if he knew you knew how you were feeling - with being married to a complete stranger and all that.
Though, you weren't entirely complaining...Jonathan was much taller up close and practically towered over you. Not to mention, he was quite attractive. His eyes were as clear as ocean waters and his brown hair looked so soft that you fought the urge to run your hands through it. His suit was tattered and feathers were sewn into it, its cut tailored remarkably well to his figure.
As you stood beside Jonathan, his grip firm yet oddly comforting, he began to recite the vows with a surprising eloquence. His voice, smooth and commanding, filled the room as he spoke of love, commitment, and partnership. You found yourself mesmerized by his words, drawn into the enchanting rhythm of his speech.
As the ceremony continued, you couldn't help but marvel at the absurdity of the situation. Here you were, standing in a courtroom turned makeshift wedding chapel, about to marry a man you barely knew—all under the watchful eyes of a room full of criminals.
And yet, despite the unconventional circumstances, there was something undeniably captivating about Jonathan. His confidence, his intelligence, his sheer audacity—all combined to form an irresistible allure that left you spellbound.
As Jonathan pronounced you husband and wife, a sense of disbelief washed over you. You stole a glance at him, unable to suppress the awe flickering in your eyes. How could one man possess so many talents, wear so many hats? Psychologist, villain, minister, judge—each role seemed incongruous with the next, and yet, Jonathan Crane embodied them all with effortless grace.
As the ceremony concluded, Jonathan flashed you a grin that sent a shiver down your spine. His eyes sparkled with mischief as if he knew the effect he had on you. You gave him a shy smile in return.
Your brief moment of peace was interrupted by Bane, who had a foreboding presence about him. He was large, and the breathing mask that masked most of his face intimidated you.
Suprisingly, he seemed to be in good spirits, his deep voice booming, "Now is a time for celebration! Let the newlyweds have the day off and trials shall commence again tomorrow."
As Bane's booming voice echoed through the room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over you. With the trials postponed, you and Jonathan were free to escape the chaos of the courtroom and retreat to the sanctuary of his world.
Jonathan led you out of the courtroom, his hand warm against yours as he guided you through the labyrinthine corridors of the building. As you stepped out into the crisp night air, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of your mind. Bane's presence had cast a shadow over the proceedings, his intimidating figure a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows of Gotham.
But as you climbed into Jonathan's car and he started the engine, the tension began to melt away. The warmth of the car enveloped you, cocooning you in a sense of security as Jonathan navigated the familiar streets of the city.
As Jonathan drove you through the bustling streets of Gotham, you couldn't help but get lost in your thoughts. What now?
Jonathan's voice broke the silence, his tone gentle yet reassuring. "You're safe now," he said, his gaze flickering to meet yours briefly before returning to the road ahead. "I'll make sure of that."
You offered him a grateful smile, though the weight of the situation still hung heavy in the air between you. The thought of being married to Jonathan—albeit in name only—was both exhilarating and daunting. You couldn't deny the attraction you felt towards him, the magnetic pull that seemed to draw you closer with each passing moment.
As you arrived at Jonathan's surprisingly luxurious apartment, you couldn't help but be impressed by the opulence of his surroundings. The spacious living room was bathed in warm light, casting soft shadows across the elegant furnishings.
The warm glow of the lights bathed the room in a comforting ambiance, momentarily easing the tension that still lingered in the air.
Jonathan led you further into the apartment, his demeanor calm and collected as he gestured for you to take a seat on the plush sofa. As you settled in, he turned to face you, his expression thoughtful.
"Listen," Jonathan began, his voice gentle yet firm, "about what happened back there... The marriage isn't official unless I make it so. I don't have to, but only if you want me to."
You blinked, taken aback by his words. "But why would you even consider it?" you asked, confusion evident in your tone.
Jonathan's lips curled into a sly smile as he tilted his head, his gaze piercing yet playful. "Ah, now that's the question, isn't it?" he replied, his voice laced with intrigue. "Why were you so ready to marry me, hm?"
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Jonathan's playful gaze seemed to penetrate straight through you. "I... I don't know," you stammered, feeling completely out of your depth. "I mean, it was just a joke... I didn't think you'd actually..."
Jonathan chuckled softly, his laughter echoing in the quiet apartment. "Perhaps it was more than just a joke," he mused, his tone teasing yet strangely sincere. "After all, why else would you propose marriage to a man you barely know?"
You shifted uncomfortably under his scrutinizing gaze, unable to meet his eyes. "I... I guess I was just caught up in the moment," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "You're... you're not like anyone I've ever met before. And when you looked at me in the court, I don't know, something just... clicked."
Jonathan's expression softened, a hint of warmth creeping into his eyes. "You find me intriguing, don't you?" he observed, his voice low and measured. "Admit it, there's something about me that draws you in."
You swallowed hard, unable to deny the truth of his words. "Yes," you whispered, your admission hanging in the air between you. "Yes, there is."
A knowing smile tugged at the corners of Jonathan's lips as he reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from your face. "Then perhaps this marriage isn't such a far-fetched idea after all," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the soft hum of the city outside. "But only if you want it to be real."
Jonathan's fingers lingered on your cheek, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. You could feel the weight of his gaze, as if he was searching your soul for answers.
Taking a deep breath, you mustered the courage to speak. "I don't know what I want," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "But I do know that being with you feels... different. Exciting, even."
A soft smile graced Jonathan's lips, his eyes reflecting a mixture of understanding and something else, something deeper. "Then let's take it one step at a time," he suggested, his tone gentle yet reassuring.
You couldn't help but return his smile, feeling a sense of warmth spreading through you at his suggestion. "Dinner sounds wonderful" you replied, your voice tinged with anticipation.
Jonathan was methodical in the kitchen. You insisted on helping him, but he assured you he could manage. Rather, Jonathan urged you to explore his bookcases after hearing you mention that you enjoyed reading.
He directed you to the room that he considered his library. At which you muttered, "Of course, you have a library." He merely grinned at that. Even though you had just met the man, the room seemed so remarkably him.
The library was a reflection of Jonathan Crane's meticulous nature and intellectual depth. As you stepped into the room, your eyes were immediately drawn to the hundreds of books lining the shelves, meticulously organized by genre and subject matter. There were classics, modern literature, and an extensive collection of texts on psychology, each spine neatly aligned in perfect rows.
The air was imbued with the scent of aged paper and leather bindings, creating an atmosphere of quiet reverence. Soft light filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room and illuminating the countless volumes that filled the space.
You ran your fingers along the spines of the books, marveling at the wealth of knowledge contained within their pages. Your gaze lingered on a particular title, Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, a classic novel that seemed to echo the complexities of the world you found yourself in. You had read it countless times before. You, like Raskolnikov, had found yourself on trial for criminal acts, except that stealing food and committing flat-out murder, like Raskolnikov had, weren't exactly comparable. Nevertheless, his story of redemption and overcoming guilt after such an act continually resonated with you.
You settled into a chair and found yourself whisked away into the novel. Lost in thought, you barely noticed Jonathan's presence until you felt his eyes on you. Turning, you found him leaning against the doorway, his expression unreadable yet open and somehow inviting. There was a quiet intensity in his gaze as he watched you.
You marked your page with a spare slip of paper you found in your pocket (rather than dog-earing the antique book like a heathen) and felt Jonathan's gaze upon you.
"Find anything interesting?" he asked, his voice quiet yet filled with genuine curiosity.
You turned to face him, holding up the copy of Crime and Punishment. "Just considering some light reading," you replied with a hint of amusement, feeling a warmth spreading through you at his presence.
Jonathan chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "An excellent choice," he remarked, stepping further into the room to join you. "Dostoevsky certainly had a way of delving into the depths of human nature."
You nodded, feeling a sense of camaraderie in your shared appreciation for literature. "It's fascinating how universal and timeless his insights are," you mused, trailing your fingers along the rows of books.
Jonathan's gaze softened as he watched you, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed," he agreed, his voice tinged with a hint of what might have been nostalgia. "There's a certain comfort in knowing that some truths remain constant, no matter the passage of time."
He reaches his hand out, inviting you to join him for dinner. You place your hand in his. You and him discuss your lives and interests over dinner and it feels like you have always known each other.
It's late. You don't quite know what time it is, and all you do know is you can't sleep. Rain patters on the windows of what is now your room. You have a nice view and notice that the city is less lit than usual. It seems that most people have either fled or gone into hiding, if they haven't already been taken by Bane's men.
You can't help but feel unease. Maybe it's the whole situation, or being in the menacing presence of Bane, even if only for a short time. But you can't help thinking about your apartment or the friends you haven't seen in months. You wonder if the elderly neighbor of yours who you often check on and her cat are alright.
You pad through the room feeling chilly. You pull on the sleeves of your sweatshirt. Jonathan gave you some of his clothes in the meantime, or at least until you both can stop by your apartment for your things. You're thankful for him being so accommodating but have a small internal voice that tells you that you're intruding, that you're a burden to him.
As you approach Jonathan's room, you hesitate at the doorway, feeling a sense of guilt for even considering disturbing his sleep. But then you remember the kindness he's shown you, the way he's gone out of his way to make you feel safe and comfortable. With a soft sigh, you push open the door and step inside.
Jonathan stirs from his slumber as you enter, his eyes fluttering open to meet yours. His hair is tousled and his eyes are like beacons in the night. There's a moment of silence as he takes in your presence, his gaze softening with understanding.
"Can't sleep?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nod, unable to find the words to express the turmoil swirling within you.
Without hesitation, Jonathan lifts the covers beside him, inviting you to join him. "Come," he says gently, his expression warm and inviting. "You're not intruding. I want you here."
You hesitate for a moment, your shyness holding you back. But the offer of comfort is too tempting to resist. With a grateful smile, you slide into bed beside him, feeling the warmth of his embrace enveloping you like a protective shield against the darkness outside.
As you nestle against him, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulls you into a sense of peace you haven't felt in a long time. And as you drift off to sleep in his arms, you can't help but feel a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos that surrounds you.
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@kiss-me-cill-me hope you enjoy this take on the dark knight rises court scene!
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pennylanefics · 1 month
Animal Shelter - Seth Jarvis
a/n: ahhh i think this turned out so cute! 🥰 i'm more of a cat person but there are a couple breeds of dogs that i have a love for, and greyhounds are one so i put my own personal touch to it :)
summary: you and seth plan to adopt a dog, but things take an unexpected turn while at the shelter
word count: ~2k
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“You wanna get a dog?” Seth asks you late one night, as you lay in each other’s arms in the soft candlelight. The power had been out for a couple hours due to a bad storm, with no idea of when it would come back on. But thanks to a few flameless candles, you were safely able to light the room.
“What?” You wonder, looking down at him in confusion, the question seemingly out of nowhere.
“I feel like it’s a pretty straight forward question. Do you want to adopt a dog?” He repeats, his hands playing with the ends of your hair. You stare at him in disbelief.
“What kind of dog?” You ask, sitting up to stare down at him, your hand running along the chain of his necklace that laid on his bare chest. He shrugs against the pillow and moves his hand to rest on your back, caressing it up and down your shirt covering your skin.
“Dunno. I figured we could go to the shelter and find a good fit,” he nonchalantly says. “I think it would be a great addition, you know. We’ve been together for a while, we finally have this house with a backyard so they can run around and play. Just a thought.”
After talking about it for the rest of the night, since there was nothing to do with the power out, you make plans to head to the animal shelter close by in the morning to go and ask about adopting and meet a few dogs.
In the morning, you and Seth head to the local animal shelter and are immediately approached by a volunteer when stepping inside.
“Hi! I’m Rhonda, how can we help you today?” She welcomes you in, standing up from her spot near the entrance to the area where the cages are.
“We’re looking into adopting a dog, just not sure which one,” Seth chuckles, looking over her shoulder at the noisy room.
“Wonderful! If you want to come with me, I can show you around or you can roam yourself, whatever you would prefer. Are you looking for an older dog or more of a puppy age?”
You and Seth share a look and shrug.
“Not too old of a dog, but older puppy a puppy,” he answers. She nods and walks through the automatic doors, pausing after she steps in and making sure you two are with her.
“So a lot of the middle aged dogs are on the outer aisles, but there are some spread about.”
“I think we’ll just take a quick walk through and see,” you say.
“Okay! Everyone adopting gets to meet with two dogs per day, so if you don’t find that special pet today, you are more than welcome to come back another day.”
“Alright, thanks so much.” 
Seth takes your hand in his and begins walking around, pausing every few steps to take a look at the dog in the pen.
“Oh look at this lovely lady,” Seth coos, leaning down to let a pitbull sniff his hand. Her tail wags like crazy, but she was a little older than you two had the ability to care for.
So, you keep on looking, and after a bit, you have a couple dogs in mind that you’d like to see their personalities outside of their pens.
Meeting with the first dog, a Norwich terrier named Birdie, she was far more shy than either of you noticed. She cowered away when Seth tried to pet her, and he sighs, looking up at you.
“She came from a house with five other dogs small dogs that were not properly trained. She doesn’t do well sometimes, but she just needs some time and patience,” Rhonda explains.
You and Seth share another look as she describes the dog’s situation, and your heart aches for her; she looks so friendly, but extremely timid.
“We have found that she finds comfort in larger dogs, so if you have another pet at home, she’ll be just right.”
“Oh no, this is going to be our first pet,” you say, looking at the sweet brown terrier, who finally warmed up to Seth a little bit.
After spending a few more minutes with her, Rhonda leaves and brings in the next dog, a chocolate brown greyhound, just under two years old.
“Maple is a rescue from greyhound racing, she came off the track a little over a year ago. She’s been here for a little while. Her foster home didn’t work out and she was surrendered to us.”
“How long has she been here?” Seth asks.
“Almost eight months.” You groan as you hear this, Maple coming right up to you and licking your hand that you stick out to pet her with. You laugh softly, her tail beating from side to side excitedly as Seth calls her over, showing her a rope to play with.
The two of them immediately start playing, and you could tell this was the right decision. However, after Rhonda takes her back and gets the paperwork ready to fill out, Seth looks at you.
“We should adopt both,” he says, a serious yet sad look on his face. “Birdie would do so well with Maple, I think. And that way, she won’t be in here alone anymore and we can give her a chance at having a happy life.”
“Two dogs? Will they even allow us to adopt two at the same time?” You wonder in disbelief that Seth was bringing this up. You rub your face, but think back to the little dog that was first in here.
You could tell she was happy that someone was around, but her nerves were too much and it was overwhelming for her for a moment; she just needed patience and love, something you saw once the energy in the room settled a bit and you sat on the ground with her.
“We should do it,” you say, nodding a little. Seth smiles widely and wraps you in a tight hug. 
“She did say Birdie would be good with bigger dogs. And with Maple being so much larger and full of energy but still calm and sweet, I think they’d fit well together.”
“We can ask her when she comes back.”
So, when Rhonda comes back with a set of adoption papers and everything, you ask her for her honest opinion on things. After some deliberation and conversation between the three of you, a second set of adoption papers is ready to be signed, for Birdie.
Rhonda leaves you alone with Maple while she brings back the smaller dog, Seth looking at you with a huge smile on your face.
“You think this is a good idea?” He teases, scooting over closer to you as he sets the paperwork aside, petting Maple as she comes up to you.
“Maybe not financially responsible, but we’re giving two wonderful pets a happy home, so it’s definitely a positive choice,” you chuckle, resting your head against his shoulder. 
Maple rests her head on your lap, staring up at you, her tail still wagging a little. You rub her head and your heart soars. This was a new chapter in yours and Seth’s life, and it felt so right and perfect.
Not long after, Rhonda returns with Birdie, Maple turns around and sniffs the smaller dog. To your surprise, Birdie stays put, allowing Maple to examine her and check her out. Birdie’s little tail starts to wag a bit, causing you and Seth to look at each other, ecstatic and eager.
When all the right forms were filled out, Rhonda gave you a few personal tips that she thought would be important, just a couple things she’s learned from personal experience. Both of you listened and kept those tips in mind, and finally, you were ready to be on your way.
Seth helps both Maple and Birdie into the back seat, carefully putting a harness around them and buckling them in, a product that you just bought at the shelter, and it was definitely going to come in handy.
“So, you want to head to the store with them, or do you want me to drop them off at home with you and I’ll go buy food and beds and toys and everything?” Seth wonders as he hops in the driver’s seat. 
“I think it would be fun for them to pick some toys out themselves,” you say, turning around to look at them. Both were panting lightly, due to heightened anxiety from being in a car for the first time.
After half an hour at the pet store, you are headed back home and ready to finally settle in with your two new pets. Seth unbuckles them the second he parks in the driveway, not wanting them to be in distress any longer.
He helps Maple up the porch steps while you carry Birdie in your arms, leaving Seth grab all the items from the store that were left in the car.
“Come here, let’s see the backyard,” you coo to the two dogs, leading them over to the patio and opening the door up. They rush outside, Birdie far more timid than Maple, who runs out and circles the large backyard like she does it all the time. You laugh as she sprints freely, and Seth comes up behind you, his arms going around your waist.
“They seem to be enjoying it here so far,” he whispers in your ear.
“I think so,” you smile, turning around in his arms. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
You watch them continue to explore the backyard before Birdie decides she’s had enough and heads back inside. You give her time to scope out the new space on her own, while Maple, enjoying the nice weather, lays down in the grass, panting like crazy as she tries to catch her breath, a joyful gleam in her eyes.
“Should we change their names?” You wonder, looking up at your boyfriend.
“I like Birdie, so we should keep that one. For Maple…” he pauses to think for a moment, staring over at her in thought. “Maybe we can think on it for a few days.”
Later that night, during dinner, Seth had fed both Maple and Birdie, and you were in the kitchen making your dinner, which consisted of breakfast foods, when Maple comes strolling in to get a drink of water from the metal bowl near your feet. 
The toaster pops up the bread and Maple’s head pops up in curiosity, and suddenly, she starts to howl. The sound startles you a little, but it’s not a noise of fear, her tail is wagging back and forth, her head tilted as she gazes up at you. So, you test it again. You click the trigger down, then pop it back up, and she does it again.
Seth walks in with a confused expression, thinking something was wrong.
“What was that?” He asks, stepping over to where you are, looking down at the greyhound. You giggle and reach to pet her brown fur.
“I think I just found her new name,” you say, the idea clicking instantly in your head. Seth’s eyebrows raise in wonder. You show him the discovery you made and he laughs with you, crouching down to give her a hug.
“Toast,” he says. “My toasty girl. It’s perfect because she also looks like slightly burnt toast,” he comments, running his hands along her fur, kissing her head playfully. You continue making your food as Seth and, now Toast, head to the couch to curl up for the night. 
Birdie was at your feet as you cook and eat your dinner, already attached to you, and that’s when you feel like everything worked out. Seth and Toast bonded almost immediately, and Birdie was drawn to you; neither you or Seth were left out, and the dogs didn’t have to feel “in the middle.”
Everything was falling into place, and after dinner, you joined the two of them, Birdie curling up at your feet on the blanket, as you all relaxed together, Step Brothers playing on the tv, and Seth’s arms around you, holding you close.
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taglist: @petite-potato4
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m0nsterqzzz · 4 months
is it possible for a Carol Danvers x reader where Reader is a new caretaker of the baby flerkens/kittens and sometimes asks Carol tips since she looks after Goose while this is happening Kamala ships it and asks Kate to help her ship set sail and the two of them tries to be like spies like the Black Widow siblings but fails and in the end Carol has the guts to asks reader out but Kamala and Kate has to do training about stealth as punishment?
this is so cuteeee ahhh
love the flerkens with all my heart so i'm so excited to write this <3
it'll actually be the first carol oneshot i've posted!! (despite writing hundreds and hating all of them lol) so thank you for requesting bestie <3333
sorry it took so long but here you go :)
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pairing: Carol Danvers x gn reader
summary: taking care of baby flerkens is scary. That's for sure. But would such a positive outcome of getting a date with a pretty superhero be enough to make you stay?
a/n: love the ask, hate my writing. just like always.
carol is wifey tho so we chill.
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You wouldn’t exactly say your job is superhero important, but taking care of thirty kittens who can open up their mouths and swallow you whole at any second has its own set of risks.
It started with you going to visit the vet place you used to work at as a doctor before leaving to pursue other interests. You’re still close friends with the rest of the vet’s there, so you go and visit when you have time. While you were there, your friend Maggie had been telling you about some girl that came in with thirty cats, which surprisingly, has been seen before. That wasn't why this lady was remembered in the office so well. It was because the kittens kept eating workers, just to spit them back up perfectly fine- well maybe a little bit covered in saliva- about an hour later.
When Maggie described the woman, an older blonde woman that had manners, was accompanied by two young girls that wouldn't stop getting on her nerves, and had fists that glowed when one of the girls accidentally ate a dog treat that was shaped like a cupcake. The woman's name was Carol Danvers- a superhero you and millions of other people were familiar with- and her friends, Kamala Khan and Kate Bishop.
Fun day for the office, and you could only say you wish you’d been there to see it. The smirk on your friend's face was one you see quite often, one she only has when she’s planning something.
So that day, you left the vet building with a piece of paper in hand, one that had a messily scribbled out phone number. Carol’s number. She’s looking for someone to take care of the flerken kittens while she's at work, and she was so happy to hear back from someone that she hired you without even asking to see your credentials.
That's how you find yourself here, chasing around one of the kittens with a treat in hand. Kamala, the sweetest angel, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and now she’s in the wrong place. I.E, one of the kittens' stomachs. As Carol explained it, whatever goes in their mouths aren't technically in their stomachs, just in a pocket of time and space that starts in their stomachs. At least, that's what you thought she said. You were too busy watching the way her arm muscles flexed in the tank top she was wearing while she was hammering a nail to connect parts of the giant bed she’s building for the kittens.
Suddenly, as you get into the kitchen with the cat still several feet in front of you, somebody chuckles and leans down to catch the meowing animal before it can escape again. It’s Carol, dressed in her usual attire of slightly baggy jeans, an old band t-shirt and converse. 
She holds the cat up but it’s armpits, facing him away from her and in the opposite direction of you before she says, “give her back.” That’s all it takes, and then the kitten opens it’s mouth and spits out Kamala.
You’re barely paying attention to the girl gasping for air on the floor though, instead you’re watching Carol's cute smile as she nuzzles the cat and then sets him back on the ground. “How’ you do that?” You start, trying to get your breathing back to normal. “I’ve been trying to catch him for like an hour.”
“Yeah, that was a really long time!” Kamala chimes in, but neither you nor Carol are listening.
“I learned from Goose that if you show disappointment in your voice, they’ll let ‘em go. Weird, but effective.” The blonde says before she goes back to cooking. “I’m making lunch. You want some, honey?
You find yourself turning crimson at the nickname, about to say no thank you before suddenly Carol is speaking again, panic in her voice. “I mean do you want honey! In the tea! That I haven’t made yet. Not you honey! This honey!” She holds up a honey container shaped like a bear to prove her point.
Kamala smirks, awkwardly winking at Carol and mouthing the word, “Smooth!” before the superhero finally just shoves her out of the room.
You sigh, nodding your head before grabbing the baby flerken and making your way out of the room. It’s obvious she doesn’t feel the same way and you shouldn’t be surprised. Why would a superhero like her fall for…you?
Carol Danvers is madly in love with you.
You don’t know that, of course. But she is.
It’s why she’s here, panicking in the kitchen after accidentally calling you a nickname. Someone snickers behind her, and without missing a beat, she throws a rag towards Kamala’s head. “Shut up. That sucked! What is wrong with me? The blonde pleads, and Kamala’s eyes soften even though her tone is still teasing as she says in a sing-songy voice, “You like them.”
“No shit sherlock. Of course I like them. Have you seen their smile? And the little laugh they do whenever one of the flerkens eat something? Or-”
She’s cut off by Kate barling into the kitchen, Goose in her arms and training suit on. “What’s going on?”
“Carol’s telling us about her crush on the flerkins caretaker.”
“Ooooo! Are you gonna ask them out?”
“Can you two shut up?”
“No. I totally ship you guys!”
“Fine. How about this, if you don’t shut up and let me handle this, I’ll make you do 48 extra hours of training over the course of the next two weeks. That's almost two extra hours a day.”
They shut up.
It’s not like she doesn’t want to go out with you. That would be amazing. But she hasn’t had a relationship in years. Well, there was that little situationship with Valkyrie but we don’t talk about that!
Point is, she doesn’t know all the proper dating etiquette nowadays. Should she take you to dinner and a movie? Ask your kin if it’s okay? Recite poetry?
The two younger girls notice her spiral as she leaves the kitchen, making them feel sorry for their friend. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Kate asks with a smile.
Kamala is silent for a minute before she says, “We should go to the store and get Goose to steal ice cream sandwiches for us because we’re poor?”
“Later. Right now, I think we need to help Carol get a date.”
“I don’t know about this Kate. It’s clear she doesn’t want our help.”
“Wow. Since when did Kamala Khan not want to meddle? It’s like your favorite activity.”
The young girl sighs, petting Goose before she says, “You’re right. Carol needs our help and it’s going to take serious meddling.”
So, with that idea in mind, they come up with a plan. As superheroes, their main job is keeping people out of danger. It’s what Carol also does on a daily basis. If they can put you in a dangerous situation, Carol can swoop in and save you.
It’s why they went to the store and got 2 pounds of butter, melting it over the stove before dumping it all over the living room floor.
Just because they’re superheroes doesn’t mean they’re smart.
Then, they hide behind the kitchen counter, heads peeking over the side that makes it obvious it’s them.
You open the front door, back from your lunch as you call out for the baby flerkens. You stop in your tracks when you see the butter, eyes darting around the house as you call out, “Carol?”
She comes running in, successfully slipping in the butter before you can catch her. Kamala and Kate gasp from their hiding spot, hiding their heads again when Carol narrows her eyes towards them.
“Are you okay? Do you need help?” You say, but she just shakes her head with a grimace. “No. I’m fine. Go on. The kittens are in my room.” With a hesitant nod, you walk around the pool of butter with your crush smack dab in the middle of it, then into the hallway and towards her room.
Carol takes a deep breath while closing her eyes, deciding to lay in shame and butter. Kamala and Kate quietly get up from their hiding spot, taking her moment of silence to escape this situation. “Three hours of extra stealth training tomorrow. A punishment for this and because I don’t know how the hell you two become superheroes. And please….for the love of god….clean up the fucking butter.” The blonde mumbles with her eyes closed, the younger girls grabbing each other's arms as they hold in a groan and continue trying to sneak out despite the fact they’ve already been caught.
After a quick trip to the grocery store for ice cream, Kamala and Kate spend all night watching movies, eating, and coming up with a new plan to make their ship sail.
Carols a good cook, having had to learn how when she got tired of eating packaged space food on her ship. You don't get home cooked meals a lot, so maybe they can invite you over for a dinner so that you and Carol can have more time to talk about things that aren't work related.
You easily accept their invitation with the idea that Carol knows you'll be there, so its a bit upsetting when you show up and she frowns in confusion. "Hey. Did you forget something?" Carol questions when she opens the front door to see you.
"Um....no. Kamala and Kate invited me for dinner? I figured you knew." You say with a frown of confusion, and she lets out an annoyed sigh that for a second your kinda scared is pointed towards you until she yells, "Kate! Kamala!
They jump up from behind the couch, the nervousness clear in their eyes. "Oh hey Carol. We were just hanging out."
"Behind the couch?"
"Yup. This is our....meeting spot. How'd you not know that?"
The blonde stares at them for a minute before she snickers. "That's another hour of stealth training. Leave the spy stuff to Yelena and Nat from now on girls." You’re still confused about what's happening, but in the end just decide to leave it be and come inside with the dessert you brought.
Carol follows you into the kitchen, thanking you for the treats with a bright smile. “I already ate, and I have to do some repairs on my ship, but I’ll see you tomorrow alright?” With that, she leaves, once again squashing any hope you ever had of starting a relationship with her.
The next day, you show up at the house to take care of the flerkens like usual though something feels off. The air is more tense, and there’s not laughing going on from some dumb joke Kamala told like there would usually be. It’s always been such a fun, energetic home. Right now though, you feel like you’re in a library and have to stay quiet so a 100 year old librarian doesn’t come and tell you to shut up.
After a awkward run in with Carol in the hallway while you’re on your way to the flerkens room and she’s on her way to make breakfast before leaving packing her bags for the week long job she has to go on in space, she walks into the kitchen were Kamala and Kate are sitting at opposite ends of the table. They’re on their phones, both texting someone.
They’re texting each other about a new plan, but Carol doesn’t need to know that.
“What’s this?” They finally look up from their phones when the blonde speaks, her tone bitter and confused as she holds up a takeaway coffee cup with someone's phone number scribbled messily on it. It’s not her phone number, and it’s not one of the girl’s ethier.
“I don’t know. It’s something your little crush brought in. Said something about the girl behind the counter at the coffee place hitting on them.” Kamala chuckles, fighting the urge to roll her eyes when Kate begins to hit her arm repeatedly.
The archer takes a moment to compose herself before she says in the most casual voice she can muster, “Seems like you missed your chance.”
Carol’s eyes finally move away from the cup to look at her younger friend with wide eyes. “You really think so?” Kamala smiles knowingly and hums. “Yup. I do.”
You come into the kitchen with a flerken in your arms right at that moment, not exactly reading the room as you grab the cup from Carol’s hand and smile. “Thanks captain. I was looking for that.”
You begin to make your way out of the room, but she gently grabs ahold of your wrist before you can so you turn around to face her. She’s nervous, you can tell that by the way her hand absentmindedly draws stars on the counter and she uses her other hand to tap the beat of the Star Wars theme song against her thigh.
“You okay Carol?” You ask with a small chuckle, reaching over to put your hand over the one drawing stars which only seems to make her more nervous.
Kate coughs then whispers, “Chicken.” Carol narrows her eyes at the giggling pair at the table, point towards the entryway to the kitchen. “Out.”
They grumble something about her being a big baby as they leave, but you have a feeling they don’t get very far.
“So I was thinking.” She starts.
You snicker before saying, “That’s never good.” 
She groans, playfully shoving you away. The joking helps to ease her nerves a little, and she can finally look you in the eyes as she speaks. “I was thinking….that if you’re free, and you want to, we can maybe….go out to dinner together? Like more than friends? Only if you want to though! I totally understand if you don’t want to and I guess this might have been a little too-” Your laughter cuts her off, but it doesn't help her nerves.
“What's so funny?” She tries to awkwardly giggle as well.
One look at her face is all you need to go silent.
“You’re not kidding?” The question comes out as more of a whisper. Her stomach churns as she shrugs. “Not really.”
You think about it for a minute before asking, “You like me?”
“I really, really like you. But it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I totally understand.”
She watches as a small smile forms on your face, then changes to a cheshire cat grin. “I….I would love to go out to dinner with you Carol. Because I really, really, really like you too.” With that, you pull her into one of the tightest hugs she's ever gotten, her arms hesitantly wrapping around your waist to bring you even closer. 
You guys stand there in silence for a few seconds, just enjoying each other's embrace before she suddenly calls out and is followed by loud groans and your laughter, “Girls, I know you’re in the hallway. That’s five hours of stealth training. Really, how have you guys saved cities?" 
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Carol: And me? Oh, I'm 60 years old.
Kate and kamala: damn!
Carol: ……
Kate and kamala: ……we’re sorry.
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kkongdakz · 1 year
“ BATTERY RECHARGE. ” ft. kim gyuvin
gyuvin x gn!reader, genre : fluff, warning : none, wc : 981
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being a student was not easy — but being a law student was even worse. being overwhelmed with homework, presentations to students and teachers, and the countless hours of classes, was what kept you demotivated. but you had to hold on to your studies to make your parents proud, and reach your dream.
but something seemed to want to prevent you from getting there — and that something was called kim gyuvin. your boyfriend.
trying to finish your homework for almost two hours now, incessant sighing kept breaking your concentration. sitting on your bed, head down, gyuvin was entertaining himself on his phone while waiting for you to finish. but it seemed that the latter was no longer as interesting as before.
you made the fatal mistake of looking away from your computer screen to watch him, falling face to face with his irresistible puppy dog eyes, and a slight adorable pout on his lips. trying to ignore him, you focused on your homeworks again, struggling not to give up everything and run to your bed.
« y/n, » he said suddenly, in a whisper that you would have preferred to be unnoticed, « come and cuddle your boyfriend. »
shaking your head negatively, you didn't expect him to get off your bed and approach you, settling on the floor to lay his head that your thighs. « what are you doing, idiot? » you say, letting a chuckle escape from your lips. « you don't come to me, so i come to you. » — slipping your fingers into his hair, you gently caressed gyuvin's head, watching him tenderly. he was cute, eyes closed, a peaceful look on his face, and a slight smile hanging on his lips.
how could you continue to work with your worst source of distraction on your thighs?
« uh, get up. let's cuddle. » gyuvin's head snapped up, looking you straight in the eye with a falsely surprised look, « really?! »
nodding positively as you unstuck from your chair, raising your arms to the sky to stretch, you end up sliding against him, wrapping your arms around his waist, « i guess a little break won't hurt. »
at that very moment, gyuvin's smile was the most precious thing that could exist. he was adorable. grabbing you gently, gyuvin lifted you up and laid you both in your bed, instantly pulling you against him. his body was warm, which warmed you in no time, the light of the setting sun caressing the features of his perfect face that you never got tired of admiring. he was definitely more interesting than your homework.
sliding your fingers along his arm, you end up moving slightly to camouflage your face against his neck, as he clutched his arms more firmly around you. « this is exactly what i needed. » you mumbled against his skin, making him shiver slightly, « what? a cuddle? » he asked, placing a light kiss on your shoulder.
nodding, you straightened up slightly, leaning on your forearms to be able to observe his face for long seconds. « a cuddle from my favorite person to recharge my battery. » — your words should have made him shy, but you were so cute he thought he felt his heart melt. moving his large hands to your face, gyuvin grabbed your cheeks, pressing excessively on them, before gently shaking your head from right to left, « ahhh, look at my baby, they're so cute ! »
a scoff left your lips, as you tried to pull your face away from his hands — without success. instead, you rolled to the side, taking gyuvin with you, who takes advantage of it to imprison you more in his arms. after two long minutes when you tried so hard to escape him, you end up drowning in the depths of his eyes. « i want to stay like this forever. » gyuvin's smile widened, but you could see a hint of mischief in his gaze, « we can't. i need to take care of my dog. »
bringing your hand close to his face, you hastened to give him a flick on the forehead, with a falsely vexed look on your face. « you mean your ugly dog. », « eh ! watch your words ! my dog is not ugly. »
laughing at him, you nodded and raised your eyebrows, obviously not agreeing with his statement. his fingers pinched your ribs, and you hastened to push him away, giving him a murderous look. « yes, of course. if you say so, » moving a few strands of his hair from his face, you end up placing your hand against your boyfriend's cheek, « you'd rather walk your ugly dog than cuddle with your lover, kim gyuvin? »
« do not engage in a losing battle y/n... » looking stunned, you pinched his cheek firmly before turning your back on him, ignoring his horribly adorable laugh that made your heart miss a beat. gyuvin slipped his arms around your waist, pecking your face with tender kisses, « go away. i hate you, » you say, even though your words sounded extremely false, « i hope your dog can kiss you because i won't do it anymore. »
but gyuvin did not agree — so, he grabbed your cheeks with one of his large hand, creating a pout on your lips before kissing you repeatedly, his actions drawing a crystalline laugh from you. your reaction seemed to satisfy him, so he stopped his slobbering kisses before taking a proud and victorious look. « see, you can't resist me. » sticking out your tongue, gyuvin hurried to kiss you again to prevent you from changing your mind.
in the end, spending a long time in the arms of the idiot that is your boyfriend, was all you needed.
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·˚ ༘ taglist (fill out this form to be added to the taglist) : @iram5shaikh_ @annoyingbitch83 @kpoprhia @ilovechanhee
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leakyweep · 8 months
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Childhood best friends!Corazon/Reader/Doflamingo
Modern AU
Check out the details and masterlist here!
A/N: ahhh i am so happy to be apart of this collab! i hope this fluffy story is a treat for halloween that you’ll absolutely love! and go check out all the other amazing blurbs written by my friends!
Words: 1.0k
No warnings, just some cute fluff 😌
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Doflamingo leaned over the counter, face to the mirror as he fixed the eyeliner adorning his lids. He smudged it a little to give it a natural, smoky look and leaned back to take a good gander. He double checked the powder white paint covering his face and neck, making sure it was correctly blended. Even though you and his brother had practically begged on hands and knees to join them in the costume contest, he had “begrudgingly” accepted, rolling his eyes playfully as you two did your victory dance.
Now here he was, throwing on a purple and white baseball outfit dressed as a vampire. Oh, the things he did for the people he loved.
Walking out of the bathroom, he listened for the rustling of clothing or the sound of your voice, being led into your room to find his brother trying his best to fix a long, brown wig onto his head. He greeted him in the mirror, commenting on how he looked just like the dramatic Edward Cullen, earning a mocking chuckle from the taller man.
“Aren’t our characters like, enemies?” Corazon asked through the mirror, finally getting the hairline of the wig lined up just right with his own. He then grabbed the werewolf ears from the halloween store bag, fixing them on his head in the wig. He laughed when he saw how pale his brother was with the makeup. “Oh my God, you look like a mochi ball.”
Doffy just brandished a certain finger at him before approaching him and fixing some hair on the back of the cheap wig. Sure, he had just compared him to a soft, squishy ball of dough with flour all over the outside, but Doffy still wanted to make sure he, his brother, and their best friend looked the best they could. “Yeah, yeah. At least (y/n) also has to wear this pale ass makeup too.” He grumbled the words, but Corazon caught them and chuckled.
“I’m sure they’re going to enjoy the effort.” Cora turned back to the mirror for the finishing touches, standing from his chair and to his brother. “They really needed this.”
And it was true; your life had been filled with more downs than ups lately, and while the boys were there for you night and day, it still hadn’t filled the empty feeling in your chest thinking about the future.
But right now, it was your favorite holiday. You and your two best friends were going to a costume party, and all three of you were going to look just like the characters from Twilight, your favorite comfort movie. You had forced the older of the two brothers to join their movie marathon, and in the end, though he found it a bit cringy and corny – he enjoyed it for the sole purpose that you had shown such interest in making sure he caught every little detail of each movie. It made his cold heart warm a few degrees seeing someone he loved so much happy during a season of sadness.
When you emerged from the closet, a huge smile painted your face. Doffy’s powder-white face mixed with Cora’s cheap wig and dog ears made you double over laughing, your hands on your knees. Though, you were only laughing because you knew you looked just as ridiculous as them; dark circles painted under your eyes, your own face pale with white makeup, wearing an oversized baseball shirt and hat. “Oh my god, we look just like them!”
“You’re a liar and we all know it,” Doffy muttered, hiding the smile plastered on his face. You only headed over to where the two men were standing to engulf them in a tight hug, leaning into them when they wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Corazon laughed at his brother’s words.
“Oh c’mon, they’re right! Don’t I look like Jacob?” The lanky man turned his head only to dramatically swing it back towards you and his brother, giving his best smoulder and exclaiming, “Bella! Where the hell have you been, loca?”
Again, your stomach was hurting from laughing, leaning against Doffy as Cora approached you again. “C’mon, you gotta admit that was spot on.”
You looked up to Doflamingo now, running your fingers through your hair with a frustrated expression, doing your best to sound like Kristen Stewart as you grumbled, “I-I don’t know- Edward-I-“
Now it was Cora’s turn to guffaw, putting a hand on his forehead before exclaiming, “That was amazing!” Doflamingo tried his best to steel his expression, but you both saw the corner of his lips turn upwards ever so slightly.
“I guess it was good.”
You and Cora giggled and tried to convince Doffy to do an Edward impression but got no luck. He only shook his head and smirked, offering to carry the treats you guys made the previous day. Heading into the kitchen, the boys put an arm around you, kissing each of your temples. As if speaking for the both of them, Cora sighed,
“We’re lucky to have such a great best friend like you. You are so important to us.”
After the shit few weeks you had, the words brought tears to your eyes. Not willing to ruin your makeup though, you only sniffed a bit, holding the tears at bay. Doffy was busying himself with the ghost-shaped rice krispies and vampire blood punch, bad with feelings and trying to show that he cared in his own way. You had learned over the years that while Cora was skilled in verbal appreciation, Doffy was a giving person who opted to help physically rather than emotionally.
You gave each of them a peck on the cheek for their love, grabbing the dish of jack-o-lantern cookies and following them to the car. With a group hug, you squeezed them tight before getting in the car. Of course you were going to give them a pep talk.
“No matter what, whether we win or not,” you started, staring daringly into the men’s eyes, “we’re going to have fun with our costumes, show everyone our cute little treats, and most importantly- enjoy our favorite holiday!”
With a nod and a kiss on the cheek from both men, you got in the car, heading to the party while listening to The Nightmare Before Christmas songs and- of course- Spooky Scary Skeletons. While you and Corazon sang along, dancing and giggling, Doffy sat in the driver seat, trying to fight the beaming smile that threatened to take over his features.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 months
A Father
Media IRL
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Cute
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I stood doing the dishes humming to myself in my little apartment when I heard the door open and close, "Hi thomas, how'd it go at the supermarket?" I smiled, "uhhhh… Fine, the price of cheese is terrifying me, they had no eggs again, I was given a baby and I think a lady tried to slap my butt." He explained, "… What?" "What?" "Say that again." "The price of cheese is extortionate, they didn't have eggs, I got a baby, and some lady tried to touch my butt in the queue," "What about a-" I dried off my hands and actually looked at him to see him stood in his jeans, triumph shirt, loose button down the shopping bag dumped on the sofa and a baby in his arms. A LITERAL BABY! "AHHH! Thomas why do you have a baby!" "I found it," "Found- okay… slowly and calmly before I have a freaking heart attack. How did you get a baby?" "I was walking down the corridor, a lady came up to me handed me the baby and walked off." "Did you not ask her why she was giving it to you?" "she didn't answer she had headphones in," "Did you not try and go after her," "I did but she left and got in her car," "So…. someone just gave you a baby," "Yeah. I thought it was weird," he said his panic actually revealing itself, "I don't think I'm ready for a baby, I wasn't expecting it no one gave me a heads up about it or anything, I don't even have milk to give it, or anything to change it with and it… REALLY needs changing," He explained starting to spiral as he looked at the child in his arms, "I admit I wasn't listening in health class I didn't know this is how I'd become a father!" "Thomas. You're not a father. Someone must have just made a mistake likely low on sleep after a newborn," I explained, "just give me the baby and we'll see if we can find their parents," "No," "Thomas give me the baby!" "No. and don't shout around my baby," he said cradling the child closer, "It's not your baby thomas." I sighed, The door then knocked so I went and got it seeing a very panicked crying woman, "You handed him your baby?" "Yes…" she whined, "I'm so sorry, I've been having postpartum depression hit me so hard, and she hasn't been sleeping, and everything just-" "It's okay, it's fine no problem." I smiled, "At least we could give you a couple of minutes," I explained, "Thank you so much for keeping her safe," "It's no problem, you scared him. you made him think he was suddenly a father." I laughed, "Here you go," I smiled taking the baby from thomas and handing her over to her mother, "If you need a hand let us know we are just down the hall," "Thank you so so much," she smiled, "Bye," "Bye," I smiled, "Bye little baby," thomas waves as she heads down the corridor to her own apartment, I shut the door and sighed, "Well that was an event," I chuckled going back to the dishes, for a while it was merely quiet until thomas wrapped his arms around my waist, his head on my shoulder, cuddling me tightly as I did the dishes his hand settling on my stomach, "Can we have a baby?" "You're only asking because you got to hold a cute baby." I laughed, "You wanna do the changing? the vomit? the crying? the screaming? the sleepless nights? and the nine hundred pounds worth of required baby products." "…Good point," He nodded, "Can we get a dog?" "You wanna pick up dog poop? clean up pee on the rug? Have a dog jump in our bed? and stomp on your dick?" "…a cat?" "Litter box? ripped up sofa?" "…A fish?" "You wanna make the space for a fish tank?" "A………Plant?" "You wanna remember to water it? or let it die like that succulent in the bedroom." "Ohh my god the succulent!" "It's fine I loved it to the bathroom window he's fine." "Ohh… good." He nodded, "……. A plush toy," "Yes, thomas we can get a plushie."
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pjo-obsessed-nerd · 5 months
He's so creep, but he's so good
Percabeth power couple, yes pls
"It's either the realm of the dead, or someone left a carton of milk in there in to 1990's" nah, but that's the fastest way to make me gag about a smell I can't smell 🤣
"No one comes baaaaaack" I love this man so much ❤
"I just think it's safer if I'm not the one holding them all." That's fair. ya know, as someone who drops her phone regularly, that's relatable.
Those pearls sound ✨ c r u n c h y ✨
IT'S THE SCENE - BABY PERCY 😭😭😭 aww my baby I just want to hug him. I can see it now, I'm gonna bawl like a baby in a few mins
"Not in Kansas...", "Hey, focus, we left Kansas four days ago." Reminder she hasn't seen a movie, points for continuity ❤
Grover squeezing that ball omg
Poor Grover, it's ok 😭
"Only suckers wait in line" 🤣🤣
"You're not dead.", "I mean, we're all dying... To some extent." He's a comedian 🤣
The silent whistle admittedly gave me chills; I can just see the horror on Annabeth's face. CERBIE!!!!
i just screamed a little... Oh, my sister is gonna cry
aww, Cerbies TOO cute, the little whines omg I'm gonna DIE. Annabeth giving him scratchies aww even though she's terrified. Percy is impreased
I am a Rottweiler lover at heart, so I'm just obsessed with Cerberus I'm not sorry
OH GROVER EW; Thank god he's okay
Oh, ik how they get separated I bet 😭 JUMP SCARE OH
Aww Annabeth threw him the ball such a good puppy omg
Is. Is Cerberus wearing a leather jacket? Or is that leather armor? I can't tell 🤣
Annie lore drop 🥲 grovers so impressed tho
"I think it's... It's in the dog." His name is Cerbie. /jk
Percy, baby, what did you draw that upset someone so much? He's just a BABY. I WILL FIGHT THIS HEADMASTER TOOTH AND NAIL IT'S A PEGASUS SIR.
Grover, stop guilting yourself sir
OH jeez what tf.
Man I guessed Asphodel, and I was fucking right. My Mythology teacher would be so proud. This is such a haunting take on Asphodel omg. That's terrifying.
"I trust your dad." Athena ain't gonna be happy about this one, ladies and gents. 🤣🥲😭
Annie's gone, and i stg if we lose grover I'm done
Nah, Riptide looks sick tho. Pretty sure that's the first time we've seen it in good lighting
so r we not gonna see Hades..?
"Is this?", " No.", "I, I mean it looks like-" "it, it absolutely is not.", "Okay. So... what is it then?", "Yeah, that's the master bolt!" This exchange was so funny 🤣
The pieces r fitting together... Hehe
"Zeus is just gonna have to wait." HELL YA, STICK IT TO HIM, GROVER, THAT'S MY BOY!!! Grover reminding Percy exactly why he chose Grover, his best friend, to come on this quest in the first place. ❤
Sad Baby!Percy 😭 that's a lotta ice cream for such a tiny boy
sally avoiding the topic and crying, I wanna hug her too. She's trying so hard.
Hades palace is gorgeous, damn.
Are we gonna get to see the Furies again???
Percy's hands must hurt from how hard and how constantly he clenches them fists damn.
Who tf-
HADES IS SO NOT WHAT I EXPECTED. I was expecting a rocker dude, but I love the "silk robe, manicured hair". Man's got class.
"I admire the cut of your jib." Ok maybe not what WAS that 🤣
He's way less scary than I expected, tbh.
Is he wearing heels? It sounds like he's walking in heels
SALLY'S A GOLD STATUE NOW??? Sally reaching out for him 😭 I'm done. I'm done.
"What did you do to her?" I can sense the rage coming
Percy 😭
babe, Hades was so confused. He just wants to be left alone, such a mood tho. Percy's so confused
"But that voice, it definitely did not sound like you." That an insult or a compliment, I deadass can't tell 🤣
Ok... Hades is being very generous, but what's the catch here? This feels sus. Oh. There. Run. pearls. now.
"Hold fast, mom." HOLD FAST MOM YESSSSSS
Sad Sally 😭 What's happening rn
"Tell me why", "you don't wanna hear why." Fair, fair 🤣
Nah, Poseidon's actor fits the bill so well in my mind. Like. Mm.
Poseidon rlly does care.
"His mother raised him well." Damn right!
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folklorebae · 2 years
𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐀𝐔 - 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐞
Cast(s): Timeskip!Suna Rintarou & MSBYManager!Reader
Cw: Suggestive, swearing, reader is using she/her pronouns
A/n: The girls in pictures are for references only and I do not own any of these pics (except the 4th one, it's mine) and video, credit to their respective owner. (This is repost)
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Liked by hinatashoyo and 43,927 others
yourinstagram the disastrous life of suna y/n
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sunaln.daily Your dog is so cuteee🥺🥺🥺
ynspaperairplane I kinda miss your blonde hair era :(
yourbestfriend Doesn't look disastrous to me😴
ynfan1 Sucks to be his wife, wanna be my wife instead?
↳yourinstagram I'd love to😁
↳rintarosuna 😀👍
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Liked by miyatsumu and 1,853,950 others
rintarousuna JPN - IDN ✈️
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yourinstagram Damn, I look cute. Ilysm😘
↳rintarousuna Wdym? you always look cute to me
↳yourinstagram 😳
↳yourinstagram Shut up rin, we literally sitting across each other
↳sunalntimes Modern-day Romeo and Juliet🤔
Liked by rintarousuna
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itsunaln Suna and Y/N arriving in Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali!
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sunascamera They just flew thousand miles away from tokyo and still look good😩❤️
sunafan1 "Suna and Y/N" you're not wrong tho but yeah, both of them are Suna now😭
↳ynfan2 IKR😭
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lnsweets and ynln.com Y/N via Instagram Story!
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sunafan3 ok google, how to be y/n l/n
ynfan3 God, when is my time😭
sunafan4 *insert that tiktok sound* it's not fair not fair not fair Not Fair NOT FAIR
↳sunafan4 Oh and another one that sounds like "HOW. DOES IT FEEL. TO LIVE MY DREAM? AGGHHHHH"
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Liked by whoishitoka and 23 others
fakesunayn SMACK MY A$$ LIKE A DRUM🥵❤️‍🔥💥💢
Fun fact: finally, me and rin will not get a sin for having sex
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fakelnrintarou May God forgive us for all mistakes we've made in the past🙏
↳fakesunayn Amen!
privbestfriend Didn't know Bali was cold
↳fakesunayn Bitch, there's a technology called "air conditioner". Plus, I wore something cute underneath😊🙏
notyukieee Looking hot, bestie😍
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Liked by idonthaveatwin and 25 others
fakelnrintarou The only goddess I worship
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fakesunayn You've never been to heaven, have you?
↳fakelnrintarou Show around me pls🤲
thebettertwin @fakesunayn Ik you're having fun rn. But don't let your so-called husband know about msby new strategy.
↳fakesunayn Trust me, msby will always in my heart😘
↳fakelnrintarou 👁👄👁
sunalnupdates Suna via Instagram Story!
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ynfan4 I don't think they could be more happier. I'm jealous but happy at the same time😭
sunarin.daily Bestie, let's get married and go to Bali!
↳sunalnupdates Ok, brb gotta pack my stuffs
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Liked by rintarousuna and 84,636 others
yourinstagram sunset, kuta, you.
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rintarousuna Another candid pic, I see...
↳yourinstagram 🤫🤫🤫
↳sunalntimes OMG PARENTS!!! PLS ADOPT ME😭❤️
bokutokoutaro MSBY Goes To Bali in 2023?
↳yourinstagram No need to ask, cuz the answer is YES!
antiyn1 Idk why he married you, your not that special lmao
↳yourinstagram *you're
↳rintarousuna Anyways, here's the recipe for brownies:
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup flour
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Liked by aranojiro and 2,153,075 others
rintarousuna fallin' all in you
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yourinstagram <33
ynfan5 And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God and I'd get him to swap our places
↳rintarousuna pls don't❤️
sunafan8 Manifesting this for myself🤡
↳sunafan9 Let's manifest together bestie🙏
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storiesbyjes2g · 6 months
3.68 Get over it
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Mama had a few things to do before visiting us, so I didn't know what time to expect her; just sometime that afternoon before Sophia got home. I worked out and did everything I needed to do in the morning to ensure I'd be home whenever she arrived. She greeted me with a big hug and a kiss, gushing about the house.
"This is such a cute little house! It reminds me of my first place in Brindleton Bay. I think this is a little bigger, though. How do you like it?"
"It'll do for now."
"Yeah, I bet," she said, staring at my little monsters. "They definitely need more room. That's how I ended up in Willow Creek. The things we do for our fur babies, right?"
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I loved my little guys, but I don't know if I'd buy a bigger house specifically for them. I mean, true, they factored into our thoughts about moving, but we had bigger plans to accommodate. But I wasn't a dog lover like her, so there were plenty of things she did that I'd never do.
"Moving has come up, but we haven't discussed it seriously."
She watched them try to tackle each other and chase their own tails, mesmerized by doggy energy.
"They're so rambunctious! I love it! Luca, you're a daddy!"
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I expected her to be excited, but it tickled me to think about how she'd be when I had actual children. She did everything for me and Less, so I knew she'd move Mt. Komorebi for my children. They have come up indirectly a lot lately, and now and then I thought about them, especially because I had to factor them into most everything I did. Originally, having children was this far off goal I figured I'd accomplish one day. But the goal got closer and closer by the day, and instead of fearing my lack of preparation and stressing myself out about it, I found the idea more and more appealing and welcomed it.
Rosie began running in circles, and familiar twinkling orbs danced around her. I went outside to find Kooper, and he was doing the same thing.
"They're aging up already?" I asked in disbelief.
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Even though they were loud and got into everything, I enjoyed them so much as puppies, and I thought we'd have more time for shenanigans. But I was glad for their adult phase. We could do so many more things together like go jogging. I knew Rosie would appreciate that. She was the more rambunctious one and ran around the house and yard all day like she was vying for a prize. Kooper was much more low key.
"Happy birthday, little dude!"
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I went back inside and scooped up Rosie.
"Don't tell Kooper, but you're my favorite."
"Ahhh, so she's the one," Mama said. "Shiloh was always my best girl, but I had an extra special place in my heart for Hunter."
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"I feel like I shouldn't have a favorite, though," I said.
"Yeah, it seems that way, but it's inevitable. We always gravitate to one thing when we have options. It's natural and happens with everything...favorite shoes, favorite pen, favorite chair..."
"Favorite child?"
Her eyes flicked open, and jaw dropped in surprise. Catching her off guard was really hard, and I felt immense pride in my accomplishment. She pretended to watch the dogs to avoid answering me, and I snickered at her. We all knew who her favorite was.
I thought Rosie would make a mad dash for the door when I put her down, but oddly enough she sat next to us and Kooper as if she were actively trying to spend quality time, and I appreciated it.
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Mama's buzzing phone took her out of her fake busyness. A tiny smirk crawled across her face as she read the text. I had a question I'd always wanted to ask but selfishly never did, especially after I gave her permission to go public with Dwayne.
"Why'd you never move in with him?"
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Again, she was surprised.
"Would you have really been okay with him living with us?"
"Of course not. But even after we left. Every time I come over, I half expect to see him. I just thought you would have jumped at the chance."
"No, I understand. I honestly thought I would too, but...
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She stared out the window for a moment, collecting her thoughts.
"Saying yes to him wasn't as simple as saying, okay we're in a relationship now. I also had to say no to your dad."
"You talked to Dad about it?"
She laughed and shook her head.
"Of course not! You see, even though we had been divorced for a while and were moving on, I still felt the need to show him how sorry I was. I felt like, if I got with Dwayne and lived happily ever after, that meant I won, and he lost."
"But...that's what happened."
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"I know. But I didn't want it to be like that, especially since the situation wasn't malicious. I liked Ali. I mean, I loved him, but I liked him. He's really smart. Like, really intelligent."
"Yeah. I've learned that."
"Yeah! He's kind. And he's wise. I know you know that. He always impressed me, and I wanted him to like me too, even after it was over. Like, I knew he'd be angry for a while, but I didn't want him to hate me. I thought, if I move on completely with Dwayne, that door would be closed and he would never like me. So, when I said yes to Dwayne, I had to close the door and let go of the hope that we could be friends again. I had to reject that fangirl in me who still cared what he thought. Most of all, I had to stop allowing my love for him interfering with my love for Dwayne, because whether or not I like it, I made a choice and needed to live with it."
"Wow. That's...wow..."
"Yeah... But the thing is, Luca...that wasn't a one-time thing. I have to make those choices daily. Some days are easier than others. But lately..." She sighed. "Your dad and I are in a good place now. He likes me, ha! That makes it hard to commit to those choices, and I find myself peeking behind that door and leaving it cracked."
"But, Mama..." I couldn't believe I was about to rally for Dwayne, but I kinda felt sorry for the guy. "You're with Dwayne now. Don't you think you owe him all of your love?"
"Of course I do! This is the fight I have with myself every day."
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I sat there for a moment, mulling over her words, feeling bad that she was still so tormented, but really frustrated that she refused to live with her choices. The rest of us had adjusted and moved on while she still clung to the past. And honestly? She kinda reminded me of a child who had a room full of toys but still screamed for more and was unwilling to share. And sadly, that made it easier for me to see how she decided to destroy our family. She wanted to have it all. And in her own sad way, she was still trying to have it all. That's when I realized what hid between the lines.
"If Dad came to you right now and said he forgave you and wanted you back, would you go back to him?"
She let out the longest, heaviest sigh I ever heard.
"I won't say yes...but I can't say no either."
Wow. Part of me felt for her. The torment I put myself through with all this dating stuff paled in comparison to what she went through. But another part of me wanted to yell, "He's not coming back! Get over it already!"
"Your sweetheart is home," she said. "We'll have to continue this later."
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inevitably-johnlocked · 7 months
Five Fics Friday: December 8/23
Happy Friday everyone!! Ahhh I have finally run through all the recent MFLs on my drafted 5FF Post of Johnlock fics, so I need more recommendations! BUT because I don't want to miss a week, I'm pulling some other ships for today, so I hope it's okay!! I hope you guys enjoy this selection of fics to start off the weekend!! Cheers!!
The Curious Incident of the Detective, the Doctor and the Dogs in the Night by mydogwatson (T, 7,652 w., 1 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting AU || Dogs, First Kiss, Honeymoon) – A meet-cute. Dogs and cases and romance. [TRANSLATION: Русский]
Old Fashioned by green_violin_bow (E, 90,591 w., 14 Ch. || Mystrade || Post S4, Background Johnlock, Accidental Dating, Fake Relationship, Pining, Sad Wanking, UST / URT, Bed Sharing, BAMF Mycroft, Emotional Freakouts, Blood and Injury, Happy Ending) – “I’m sorry, Sherlock, but I think what you just said is that you’ve been catfishing a murderer online, pretending to be a couple, your brother and I, and now you want us to meet him? A murderer? As a couple!” The last few words are really quite loud, and Rosie makes a startled squeak in the kitchen. Sherlock glares at him. Greg takes a deep breath. “Sorry,” he says, automatically, then – “No – no! Not – not sorry, because – of all the things, Sherlock, that you have ever done, this is undeniably the most – the most utterly – I –” He closes his eyes, fists clenched, and takes several deep breaths. “Overlooking many, many other problems with this entire scenario –” he pauses and takes another breath, “– what on Earth makes you think that, as a couple, a detective and a – a – whatever he is –” he gestures wildly at Mycroft – “would put themselves online on a dating site?”
Excultus by Mottlemoth (E, 314,721 w., 68 Ch. || Mystrade Supernatural / Sci-Fi AU || Action/Adventure, Future Setting, Hurt/Comfort, Vampires, Werewolves, Gothic Literature, Vampire Mycroft, Protective Greg, Suspense, Rampant Feelings, Happy Ending) – 23rd-century London is a divided city. Two hundred years of genetic tampering has fractured humanity into subspecies, not all of whom are willing to get along. The capital's crime-ridden streets are now home to some fairly fantastic variants of human—some of them more dangerous than others. For DI Greg Lestrade, Cross-Human Relations at Scotland Yard, it's all just part of the day job. But when a horrifying discovery forces him to seek the help of Mycroft Holmes, Head of Criminal Psychology, Greg might just be tested past his limits. Mycroft is unpleasant, unforgiving, and famously impossible to please—but if Greg needs anyone right now, it's a vampire expert. With dangerous forces fast on their tail, Greg and Mycroft must work together to avert the vampire threat before it's too late.
Marmalade Series by HastaLux & Mottlemoth(E, 389,103 w. across 4 works || Mystrade || Alternate First Meeting, Fluff and Smut, Cat Café, Feline Matchmaking, BAMF Anthea, Divorced Greg, Alternating POV, Strangers to Lovers, Protective/Confident Mycroft, Vulnerable Greg, Angst with Happy Ending) – Divorce wasn't easy on Greg Lestrade - then again, marriage wasn't either. Lonely in his new life, he takes comfort in a local cat café. Soon he has a pawprint in his heart. For Mycroft, work and his younger brother were always his two priorities in life. Sex is one thing; company is another matter entirely. Straying into a café one day, he meets somebody rather special. Little does he know what Marmalade has in store for them both.
how's that for glorious purpose? by unintentionallyangsty (T, 3,081 w., 1 Ch. || LOKI SERIES || Lokius, Post-S2, S02E06 Fix It, Romance & Drama, Soulmates, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, Fluff and Angst, Crying, Reunion, Touch Starvation, Soft Mobius, Hugs, Both Need a Hug, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Romantic Fluff, Hopeful / Ambiguous / Open Ending, Anxiety, Made Me Cry, Forehead Kisses, Soft Loki, Love Confessions, Friendship/Love) – A Loki is left alone without his Mobius. Mobius finds himself completely alone and purposeless without his Loki. Realistically, how long can it last? (Or; directly after Sylvie reveals the reality of Mobius' previous life on the timeline to him, Loki finds a way to return).
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mkiss723 · 2 months
LitG S8 Max Route
Vol. I-V Ep. 1-15
I chose Jack to couple up with because Oakley can’t take a joke about being a fireman… sorry but it is hot. In both senses of the word 😅 sorry not sorry! But also Jack liking dogs and gardening was such a great initial common interest thing to go on.
Sophie/Jack & Luna/Jin are replaceable after you pick your guy. Whichever couple stays are buttheads to you.
Jack is ok, but more serious than I thought he would be. I miss Jin’s humor so much. I have to say that even with most of the same dialogue choices/banter between us, there is no spark. Which does makes me going full on for Max an easier decision.
Vol. VI Ep. 16-18
Again I did not flirt at all with Hari, but I did pick the options for saying I missed Jack so it pretty much went the same. I’m really just plugging along until Casa… which is next 😆
Vol. VII Ep. 19-21
CASA TIME!! I am choosing all the gem options to get with Max. ALL OF THEM! Bring it on!
E19: Straight away, the fill in the blank game gem option I picked was the “smooch a boy” and wow what a smooch it was! Choosing to share a bed with Max was such a good choice too. He is so flirty and cute! Telling me what he likes was sexy and I agree with them 😏
E20: ooh raunchy races! And this time I actually kissed the others (except Liam cuz I have standards lol) and I did the gem option to win and had another epic smooch with Max 😘
E21: Winners party was fun. The sipping game was fun and the gem selection scene was incredible if you kept flirting *chef’s kiss* Loved sitting with Max and talking and getting to know each other more. He is so flirty and I love it. Slept with him again and did bits with him that night. Worth it! He’s amazing! 😏
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Vol. VIII Ep. 22-24
E22: This is where I started to fall for Max in my first playthrough (w/o any diamond scenes & then I started replaying for his), but getting to keep the previous options and choosing the new one was even better. He just gave serious butterflies during the date. Telling about the smile lines, going over the “words” on MC, cuddling in his arms, sweet story of him paying for a girlfriend’s parents to visit even though he was saving, playing with her hair. Ugh my heart! I’m so smitten with him 🥴
E23: We smashed it at the Mr & Mrs game! And I loved all the flirty things we did and said to each other during. More annoyed when Luna took Max. Definitely called her out this time for picking him.
E24: Last night at Casa. Yay! Obviously spent the night with Max and I think it was even better since I got to have all the earlier moments with him too. And hearing him recap them all the next morning and how mushy he was about them all was sweet. He’s just perfect 🫠
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Vol. IX Ep. 25-27
E25: This is a short episode. Most compatible with Max of course! Yuck to Liam. Pushed him in the pool again 😜
E26: Brought Max back and walked in holding hands. Sorry Jack. Told Max I’m into him. Obvs! Didn’t argue with Sienna when she wanted to steal Jack. Go right ahead.
E27: Pool party was much less awkward since I’m focused on Max and don’t care what Sienna does. Liam’s question and Luna’s deflection ruined the mood of course. Then Jack asked me that very important question about cracking on in casa…
Vol. X Ep. 28-30
E28: I started this episode off with a big old LIE - told Jack I did nothing at Casa (for reasons that pay off later) Snogged and married Max! Pied Liam cuz who else is worth this one?! And then I sexily pied Max with the extra pie. Yum 😜
E29: Ahhh couple drama! Everyone lying to their partners about Casa stuff. So messy… So glad I’m with Max because we are golden!!
E30: Couple Goals 2.0 was fine. Pretty much the same results except Max and I got voted most likely to marry this time and I’ll take it! And the terrace scene… holy moly Batman 🔥 I loved it and didn’t have to feel bad because he’s my couple and the one I want 😍
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Vol. IX Ep. 31-33
E31: MOVIE NIGHT!!! woohoo drama!! Max’s two scenes were so sweet I almost got a toothache 🥰 I have to say that I actually kept the secrets this time around because I wanted to see everything unfold at movie night which was fine… Until we got to mine and holy shit did FB go all out with what they showed! 🫣
E32: Boys choice recoupling and this is why I lied to Jack… he does not pick me because of that lie - which does kill me inside, but I want Max. Only Max. And again, the only time I will thank Liam for anything - so glad he got cream all over us so we could have another amazing spicy scene 🥵
E33: The scene is much funnier with Sienna if you’re coupled with Max because she really thinks we care if she tells Jack?? Like ok whatever floats your boat honey! 🤣 The heart rate challenge is all good this way too. Sienna can have Jack all she wants and she stays away from Max! But OMG Jack’s superhero outfit is so bad 😂 like how could they do that do him?!
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When Jin said his dream was to run in a marathon and wanted MC to join him, I almost died. My friend has been trying to get me run with her for over a year but I would rather go on a date with Liam than run anywhere 🤣 BUT Max wanting to go to a concert in the outdoor amphitheater in the mountains of Colorado?? Count me the fuck in 😅 I googled it and it looks awesome!
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johnslittlespoon · 2 months
I love your bucky is dog fic so much!!! I reread it all the time it's so heart-warming and funny and just ahhh so good!! refreshing ao3 patiently and excitingly waiting for more<33
(a BIG mix of non–brainrot asks so i don't spam the timeline <33 some of these are from so long ago i'm so sorry. also lil disclaimer at the end about some specific asks i've been getting recently and why i won't be answering them! x)
1) !!?? you REREAD IT?? my heart wtf that's so sweet??? 😭💗 THANK U SM i will do my best to not let u down with future chapters even if shit gets a little bit angstier SDJKG <33
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2) LMAO backseat gala–ing from the comfort of a couch 😭 judging the outfits as if they don't show up in plain tuxes half the time <3
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3) <3333 thank u omg sjgkdk i'm so happy if my lack of stfu ability brings any bit of joy to anyone LOL
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4) ILY THX LEGEND @air-exec u enable me too much <33
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5) ALWAYS HAPPY TO INDULGE!! thank u for indulging my constantly rotting brain ur so kind 😭 <333
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6) yaurrr i think it's just bc i do Not enjoy being around children LMAO i can't ever get into pregnancy/family dynamic type fics in general, i wish i could tho bc they're so wholesome :') but YEAH exactly ugh. it's like. the action of talking about it, especially when it's unattainable, is so intimate bc it's like an "i love you this much" thing. but it's also so hot bc the possession of it (and possible feminization depending on the pairing) sighhh
also i feel that sooo hard, sometimes you just gotta go where ur writing heart takes u yk? it's hard to write something if ur not fully invested :') and omg stop i WILL cry. 😭💗 wtf. thank YOU!! ofc i would read!! some ideas just /hit/ and urs is one of them <33 but also yes omg it's UP there (if not at the top) on my list of pwps i wanna write once i finish yad(iym) <33 thank you for sharing urs too and sending u good writing vibes regardless of what u write!!
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7) GAHH this ones been on my ao3 read later since u sent this ask in!!! i literally have started a doc with links to moots fics i need to read/general fics i've stumbled across that look good and this one is for sure going in it. i do love reading sooo much, i just have the hell combo of adhd and dyslexia but i did start concerta a couple weeks ago which has def made it a bit easier to read lmfao thank fuck.
i think i just get in this headspace where i'm either a reader or a writer when i'm working on smth, idk if anyone else does this? i have a hard time slipping btwn both mindsets, i'm usually locked in on one at a time LOL but i need to get my shit together bc fuck everyone in this fandom writes so damn good and i want to leave long essays on all the fics and hype people up <33 i think once i finish the dog fic i'll take a few days to just consume my reading list to celebrate SJDGK
also omg i can't believe this ask is from before i even posted it that's crazyyy MY BAD. thank u and also that made me giggle JSKDG if that's my legacy in this fandom i'm honestly so happy ab that okay dog coded bucky is everything to me and i will do whatever i can to do him justice <333 and thank u again for the rec!
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8) [ X ] UGHHH stop mammal RUINED me. he's soososoo pretty i want to die i think about that barry era as curt in the motaverse so often it makes me sick. i love pretty twinks!! xx (i have a whole motaverse au curtbucky where curt looks like 2012–ish barry and he's ken's age and they're cute lil mechanics together and it's so stupidly elaborate and niche and maybe i'll do smth w it one day who knows)
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9) this is very sweet and i do appreciate you respecting my boundaries! thank you <3 i think a lot of people get annoyed at adults asking minors not to interact with nsfw posts on here bc the argument is always "they're gonna look even if you ask them not to" which, yeah, true! i was a teenager growing up online, i sure as hell did not let 18+ warnings stop me ever lmfaoo. i'm not telling minors to stay off my account because ik if people wanna find specific content, they're gonna find it. if teens are learning ab gay sex thru my blog, then at least they're learning ab it from a gay man who tries to keep things realistic in fic and who isn't a creep LOL.
that being said, i more so bar off minors interacting with my nsfw posts/writing bc i personally just feel uncomfortable discussing stuff like that with anyone who isn't an adult, and sometimes i don't have the time to check bios for ages (or sometimes bios don't have ages) before i reply to comments or whatever, so it's just easier to ask that y'all stick to the sfw so i don't accidentally brainrot some cooked shit with a child JSDJKG bc i would feel icky. i hope you understand <3
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10) IT MAKES ME SICKKK. not only that, but when i was rewatching it with my irl last week, i realized that in e5 when bucky's smoking in the plane after gale goes down, he's sitting in the right (gale's) seat, which i'm pretty sure he doesn't do at any other time :((( like he was trying to be close to him in anyway he could </3
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11) omg i've been meaning to watch that just to get a better inside look at stuff for world building purposes lmaooo but that sounds so wholesome :( i read that a lot of the guys would get real sad/touchy around holidays (obviously), so i could see a oneshot where one of them takes it upon themselves to try and cheer everyone up the best they can under their circumstances. a little found family holiday </33
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12) thank u for the rec!! i'm suuuch a slow reader, i'm still working my way thru the actual mota book LOL but i've added this to my reading list <3 i think i might've actually read a couple excerpts from that one in doing research for my fic and it looks really interesting (and heartbreaking) so i'm sure i'll pick up a copy eventually :^)
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13) oh 100% agree!! as someone who already isn't super interested in fashion/pop–culture, i find it very hard to look at the men's outfits and be blown away by any of them LOL but the women?? insane. was losing it over lana and zendaya's fits tonight ngl. hunter had me in a chokehold with last year's <3 tangent alright i always say this to my friends but i'm just jealous in general that women have so many more options in terms of clothes like.
okay listen i know i can leave my house in a skirt or crop top or whatever and a lot more guys are def starting to feel comfortable doing so. but i also enjoy not worrying about getting jumped or looked at funny! it's a lot safer than it used to be to do so, even in my small ass conservative town i'll sometimes put on some dangly earrings or a bit of rodrick–liner SJKDG but that doesn't mean it's normalized yet or whatever. point being that i wish it was because men's outfits would be sm more exciting at these fashion events if they had a wider range of options too!
but that aside, absolutely. until that changes, really it's not that hard for the men who are going with women (who don't want to go crazy with their outfits/who are more lowkey like you said) to just. wear something nice and on theme that compliments their partner's outfit and they'll be FINE. anything is better than something boring with no effort; effort doesn't have to equal crazy and fancy and elaborate. like austin's 2022 look has always been a standout to me because it was still a really nice look (even if it was simple) and it also worked so well because of who he had at his side. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but i also literally don't know shit ab fashion so i rly shouldn't be speaking on it LOL. i just know some things make me go oh no and some make me go YUM
and that's probs the last i'll post about the met bc i rly don't care thaaaat much, i was just happy to see barry since he wasn't at the panel this weekend <3
OKAY THAT WAS SO MUCH I'M SORRY. i just felt really bad bc some of those have been sitting in my inbox for months bc i was waiting to compile them all into a post like this :-) but also one last thing, idk if it's bc of me stepping out of mota to talk ab the emmy stuff/the met this week, but i've had a couple gossip/drama(?) asks and i just wanna say rn that i won't be posting stuff like that, even though they've been worded kindly! one, because i rly only post about fic/brainrot/mota–fandom related stuff here (aside from rare exceptions like today lol). and two, because as much as i adore our boys and try to keep up with the things they're up to, i personally don't vibe with speculating about them (esp if it's in a way that kinda. forgets they are grown men who probably don't think twice ab some of the stuff that people think they do lolol). i have no issue with people who do like to talk ab that stuff, i follow update blogs and think it's totally fine as long as it's done respectfully! i just don't feel like talking about gossip fits the vibe here and frankly i don't care enough about what goes on behind the scenes half the time; i'm just here to create and support and be insane. <33 that's all, just wanted to say that so ppl aren't waiting to have those asks answered/aren't sending more in! x
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iwanttofuckereh69 · 9 months
now reading 2ha vol 2
ch 55 - 71
… but the careless thought would fly through his mind and soon be lost, like the drizzle of rain falling into a deep pond.
Mo Ran’s entire existence put into words perfectly
1. now im sad 😭
Ahhh the way Shi Mei’s death is described is gut wrenching. I was so sad reading that. But yeah, at least there are more details to what happened. It seems like Chu Wanning couldn’t do anything to save him that day. Or rather, he had to choose. I feel like if he tried saving Shi Mei, he wouldn’t hold the barrier. So he chose, faithful to his principles. It ties to Chu Xun’s sacrifice that seems to be supposed to show how hard of a decision it must have been both on Chu Xun and Chu Wanning. My guess is Mo Ran either didn’t realize at the time that CWN had to choose one over the other or he couldn’t understand why he would sacrifice his disciple to protect all those people he himself doesn’t care about. 
But damn that description hurt. Mo Ran’s heart was truly aching. And that comparison to a snowflake, equally beautiful and equally unimportant. Ehh
@thegreymoon if this is "moderate and usual amount of suffering" then i dont know if i want to continue!!!!
(jk, i like when it hurts 🙂)
2. Chu Wanning is even more awkward than i was in high school which should be considered an achievement
Tbh I like moments of Mo Ran’s longing for Chu Wanning. And how he reacts when he sees Chu Wanning finally after all this time CWN spend “in seclusion”. Its lovely, but also hes so dumb for not realizing. This whole whatever was going on between them during New Years Eve celebration was just lovely but also so awkward. Chu Wanning deliberately giving him a copper coin dumpling? Absolutely cute. But also so awkward and just 😬 Instead of finding thousands of weird ways to flirt maybe just tell him? Idk its an outrageous idea, but idk give it a try maybe?? And omg that awkward moment when he wanted to invite mo ran to watch fireworks but… yeah. I felt it in my bones. 
3. Breaking news, Mo Ran, despite being 32 yo in 16 yo body mentally somehow ended up being 5
Sometimes it feels to me as if mo ran desired CWN not as a person but as an object. And he is even comparing him to an ugly box that nobody wanted with perfectly fine food inside. An ugly box only he himself dared to open to discover the treasure inside. And he is so childishly jealous when now that box is on display for everyone to look at. Its almost silly. But also yeah, its another time he treats CWN more like a thing he owns. And nobody else should see any worth in that thing, because its only his to consume. There is a fine expression in my native language for a person like that, and funny enough, its also dog related. But I couldn't find any translation that would convey all the nuisance. It’s for a person that won’t let anyone else enjoy a thing even if they themselves have no intention of enjoying that thing either. It reminded me of this quote:
Eventually, like a beast, he had known only one thing: that Chu Wanning was his. Even if he didn’t care for Chu Wanning, he was still his to sunder and to ruin. 
And like… Right now, Mo Ran seems to me like an annoying jealous kid that wants CWN for himself out of pure spite. Because CWN never gave MR attention he thought he was owed or that he deserved. I want to punch him just a bit.
4. Shi Mei is totally Chu Wanning’s wingman
Like he always tries to show Mo Ran that CWN isnt all that bad XD And I won’t believe he didn’t realize after all those completely awkward confessions and random hand holdings that Mo Ran has feelings for him. Like I won’t believe he wouldn’t see right through him especially on that boat. And I think he is smarter than MR and saw that CWN isn’t indifferent to Mo Ran after all. I want to say he would be happy if they’d get together but BASED ON COMMUNITY’S REACTIONS i feel like i will look like a clown lol. But oh well thats my very biased impression of Shi Mei. 
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Never back down never what? NEVER GIVE UP!
Also it dawned on me while reading that you’re totally right @02cm, Mo Ran totally is wasting his chances with Shi Mei. I mean it happened before but that boat scene striked me as so annoyingly obvious. Like, he knows Shi Mei dies after he gets back from that “summer camp” in peach blossom springs. Its not gonna be long till that day and he can’t be sure it won’t happen again. And he is waiting around, unable to express his feelings that he was supposed to be so sure of. Is it… perhaps… a live showcase of Mo Ran’s only two brain cells almost connecting? Almost! Not quite there yet, but we’re on the right path. 
5. This book makes me feel disdain towards the characters and then feel bad for them in the matter of chapters njnjgviuvnjuigi im not well
I'm so heartbroken with the story of how Mo Ran was punished when he tried to steal the haitang flower for Chu Wanning because he had a crush on him. And CWN never let him speak and explain himself and punished him instead. I mean it’s kinda understandable but it makes me sad knowing that MR had such pure intentions... Also, that bedtime story about ox… Mo Ran sees himself in that boy? Because it seems like he always took the beatings no matter if he deserved it and nobody was kind enough to actually listen? And it seems like it will happen again now that he's being framed for murder.
6. Me when MR gave Xia Sini butterfly hair clip and made his hair:
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THIS HAS NO REASON TO BE SO CUTE. Also i'm actually enjoying that smol Chu Wanning arc despite being weirded out at first. It gave CWN opportunity to be more relaxed around MR and the rest. And just like he can enjoy sweets as much as he wants without having to worry about losing his face, he can also just chill a bit because oh boy, my guy needed it so much
7. Someone really dislikes Mo Ran and is actively plotting his demise (which im not even surprised with). It’s either someone he already managed to wrong after reincarnating or someone of those many, many people he offended in his past life that somehow also got reincarnated into the past. What are the odds?!
Also, if Chu Wanning and Chu Xun are related (rather closely given how they look alike) and Chu Xun died and Chu Lan died and it seemed like there wasn’t anyone left out of their bloodline… how. Also what’s the self sacrifice gene because it clearly runs in this family. 
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necros-writing-stuff · 5 months
Ahhhhhh new event PC coaxing black dog into meeting Eden because black dog already trusts PC. 😩🥰 Agghhhh black dog being scared and wary of Eden at first but gradually Eden gains Black dog’s trust with PC’s help like how Eden and Gwylan become friends through PC. 😫 Ahhh Eden building black dog a dog house outside. 😫❤️Ahhhh black dog curling up by the fireplace while Eden and PC snuggle on the loveseat. 😩 Ugggghhh Eden being a secretly doting dog parent and spoiling Black dog with treats. 😩👌 Ahh Eden and black dog playing fetch. 😭 Gaaahh Eden and black dog being the fiercest hunting duo. 😫 Aghhh Black dog guarding Eden’s PC spouse and future babies while Eden is away. 😩 Errrgh new forest rescue event Eden and black dog rescuing PC. 😫
Sorry, those were my groans of pain from being punched in the heart with the cuteness overload my imagination was putting me through after learning Eden loves dogs and seeing your post about Eden and black dog together.
Although, if PC were to run away, I imagine Black dog would easily be able to sniff PC out for Eden which would be BAD. Still kinda cute they’re cooperating but BAD for a runaway PC lol. Not sure how black dog would react to seeing PC in a cage either. Would probably trigger PTSD. Black dog would likely have to stay outside during PC’s cage time.
If PC were to sneak away, I don't think BD would help Eden get them back. It's a direct parallel to them being stuck in the pound and I think they're smart enough to realise it. Eden is a good place for them to be, but not for PC.
BD most likely ain't snitching in my honest and humble opinion.
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hyperfixationcenter · 2 months
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Carve in My Heart ❤️🗡️
Tw: Mentions of drinking and a few cuss words
Flickering streetlights make your path and you walk down the street just wanting to make it back home, its the last thing you wanna do in the day from your legs being tired, as you keep walking its a normal scene, trash in the alleyways, the sound of the club right down the road, and the little shops with their glowing signs but closed.
You take a sigh and keep walking until you see a shop catch the corner of your eye, its still open even though it’s a late night, strange. You turn around and look at the shop window looking at the little wooden statues and wood burnings of monsters, finally you look up and see the shop name.
“Horrors of the Forest?” Pretty strange name for a wood shop
“Well, I guess I got nothing else to do, and I got a few dollars in my wallet” You finally shrug and step into the store.
Walking into the store you hear a bell ring and little steps rushing towards the door. It’s a little Boston terrier, and it’s absolutely adorable, you bend down and pet the friendly little pup and holding the dogs name tag.
“Haha, well hey Betsy, your a cute little dog for such a mysterious shop”
The dog bumps their head into your leg and runs off into the rest of the store wanting you to follow them, you try and follow the dog down the long shelves.
Eventually you stop to look in awe at the little wood carvings, some just wood and some painted. You see one that looks exactly like Betsy and pick it up carefully looking at the details and paint strokes.
Suddenly you hear Betsy bark at you and start to follow the little dog again, a minute later you reach the end of the stop and see a little cashier stand but no one there.
You hear the sound of carving to the right of you, you turn your head and see a large intimidating man cutting a wood block, looking up and staring at you.
“Woah, woah easy there, you act like you seen a ghost”
The scary man gets up and walks towards you to hold out his hand
“The names Robert. Im the owner of this store here”
“It’s nice to meet you, Robert”
You shake his hand and he gives a tiny smile
“So you gonna buy anything?”
“Oh yeah! I thought this little wood sculpture was cute”
You pull the statue of Betsy out and Robert gives a big grin
“I see you have a liking to my old girl Betsy”
“Yeah she’s such a cute dog!”
“Well that wood sculpture won’t be as good as the real thing”
He puts Betsy in your face to show her off and she licks your face all over
Robert gives a hearty laugh and pats you on the shoulder, you tense up a little and blush from this scary but attractive man being so wholesome and touching you. Robert puts down Betsy and walks behind the counter only to look back at you
“I’ll get you a bag alright?”
“Okay” You smile and he gives you a smirk
You nervously wait, wishing you could stay at the store a bit longer, after thinking for a little you find a way to at least get a few more seconds with him.
Robert walks back in with a little bag and you hand over the wooden Betsy, as he bags it you quickly work up the confidence and ask him
“I’ve never seen you around here before, what made you wanna make this store?”
Robert opens his mouth but then pauses and gives a thoughtful look while holding the bag. He sets the bag down and looks at you with a frown
“I was in a dark place before I started this store, drinking till I couldn’t remember how I even got home, staying up and staring at the ceilings remembering all my regrets…”
You get worried not knowing how deep this conversation got
“Eventually I got some help and putting mostly a stop to my drinking and instead finding other things than unhealthy habits. Before I even started this store I used to carve wood in my free time and said ‘fuck it, why don’t I make it a job’, and thats exactly what I did”
He finally notices your facial expression and quickly switches the mood
“But anyways I had to do a bunch of boring paper work blah, blah, blah and here I am!”
He gives an awkward grin not knowing he was going to say that much. After a few seconds of silence you finally speak
“That’s amazing” Your voice genuine and joyful
“Really? Usually being an alcoholic doesn’t make a great story”
“But its the fact that you made it through, you made that first step and I know I’ve only met you for a few minutes but you look way better than you described”
Robert goes a little quiet before giving a tiny smile and locking eyes with you
“I guess I have improved huh?”
You give a big smile back and the both of you kinda stare at each other before the two of you out snap out of it from Betsy giving a tiny bark
“Let me uh, ring that up for you” Robert exclaims
“Oh yeah for sure”
He rings you up and holds out his hand
“That’ll be…you know what, I’ll give you a discount cutie, that’s 3.20”
You immediately tense up as your face goes red from him calling you cutie. You pull out your cash and he hands you a small bag
“Let me walk you out”
He holds out his hand and you put yours in his, praying that your hand doesn’t get sweaty
The both of you walk towards the entrance and he opens the door for you
“Well, I‘ll see you later” You awkwardly smile
It goes quiet for a while and you almost walk away but suddenly Robert grabs your hand and pulls you to kiss your cheek
“Come back when you can, you might already be my favorite customer” he winks
You giggle and give a big, goofy grin
“Maybe when I walk back home again”
“That’d be great, I’ll see you then”
He gives a smirk and walks back into the store, you stare at the door knowing that walking back home will now be your new favorite activity.
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