#cute wallpaper for kids
giffywallsindia · 2 months
Brightening Your Baby's Room with Nursery Wallpaper
Creating a lively and inviting space for your baby is all about adding touches that spark joy and inspire imagination. Nursery room wallpaper is a fantastic way to add colour, pattern, and energy to your baby's room. This guide'll explore various wallpaper options to make your baby's space feel warm and welcoming.
Choosing the Perfect Wallpaper for Your Baby's Room
Selecting the right wallpaper can make all the difference when decorating your baby's room. Whether you're looking for cute wallpaper for kids, cartoon wallpaper, or wild animal wallpaper, there's a wide range of options to fit any theme.
Cute Wallpaper for Kids
Cute wallpaper designs are perfect for creating a soft and soothing atmosphere. Look for patterns with gentle colours and playful motifs. Baby room wallpaper with fluffy clouds, smiling moons, and twinkling stars can help set a peaceful mood.
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Cartoon Wallpaper
Cartoon wallpaper brings the world of imagination right into your baby's room. Favourite characters and whimsical scenes can turn the walls into a storybook. This type of wallpaper decorates the space and starts your baby's journey into the world of stories and adventures.
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Wild Animal and Wildlife Wallpaper
For those who love nature, wild animals and wildlife wallpaper can introduce your baby to the beauty of the natural world. From majestic elephants to playful monkeys, these designs can be educational and decorative, adding a sense of adventure to the room.
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Pink Wallpaper and Red Colour Wallpaper
Colour plays a crucial role in setting the mood of a room. Pink wallpaper is a classic choice for creating a tender and loving atmosphere, perfect for a baby girl's room. On the other hand, red colour wallpaper can add warmth and vibrancy, which is ideal for spaces that stimulate your baby's senses.
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Boys Room Wallpaper
When decorating a boy's room, look for wallpaper that matches his growing personality. Boys' room wallpaper can range from cool space themes to adventurous jungle motifs. Choosing the right design can spark curiosity and encourage learning.
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Incorporating Wallpaper into the Room Interior
Wallpaper can do more than just cover walls; it can transform the overall look of the room's interior. You can create a cohesive look that ties together furniture, decorations, and textiles by choosing the right patterns and colours.
Wall Decoration Ideas
Think of wallpaper as a form of wall decoration that adds depth and character to the room. You can use wallpaper to create a feature wall behind the crib or cover all four walls for a fully immersive theme. Mixing and matching different wallpapers can also create a unique and playful space.
Practical Tips for Choosing and Applying Nursery Wallpaper
Selecting and applying nursery wallpaper doesn't have to be complicated. Here are some practical tips to ensure you choose the right wallpaper and apply it correctly:
Consider the room's lighting when choosing wallpaper colours and patterns.
Opt for easy-to-clean wallpapers, as they will likely face little hands and messes.
Measure your walls accurately to order the correct amount of wallpaper.
If you need more confidence applying the wallpaper, consider hiring a professional to ensure a smooth finish.
Decorating your baby's room with nursery wallpaper is a wonderful way to create a comforting and stimulating space. By choosing designs that reflect the joy and wonder of childhood, you can create a room that your baby will love growing up in. Whether you opt for cute kids' designs, colourful cartoons, or nature-inspired themes, the right wallpaper can make your baby's room a special place for both you and your child.
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pluto-sims · 1 year
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Mural Obligation
wtf am i really sharing actual cc and not just random patterns? gosh darn i am! ANYWAY uhm. YEAH! hooboy. finally, finally finished my mural project and i'm so happy to share it! nothing super fancy: mural wallpaper with 12 swatches, each element hand-painted with gouache and watercolour!
ngl i worked reeeeeeeeeally hard on this and i had so much fun - i really hope you like them! Details and downloads under the cut!
@maxismatchccworld @emilyccfinds @mmfinds @maxismatch @mmoutfitters
Base Game Compatible mural wallpaper with 12 swatches, each hand painted by yours truly.
Available for all 3 wall heights
Custom thumbnail for each swatch
Known Issues/Things To Note
Multi-Tile murals work pretty weirdly in TS4, in that on each lot they just start on their own predefined spot and you can't change it, so you can't choose which bits of the mural go where.
Also on two of the swatches, some people have had a bit of texture bleed at the very top of the wall. Others haven't, and I can't replicate the issue myself, so no idea what's happened there but it's pretty minor so hopefully shouldn't be that much of an issue.
ANYWAY huge thanks to all of you who tested this and listened to my constant moaning asdfghjhgfds. you're all LEGENDS!
Download: Curseforge / Patreon (both 100% free to everyone, always)
I think that's it; if you have any issues, please lmk, and i really really hope you enjoy this!
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crisscreen · 2 months
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: 🍓 ִ ׁ sweet like a strawberry ๑ ׁ 𝅄 ¿
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snowii · 14 days
— 𝐇𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻 ✦ Stray Kids
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Hyunjin Core
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sexyirish7 · 1 year
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Animals Wallpaper
This is a wallpaper set created in anticipation of the upcoming addition of more infant interactions to Sims 4 base game.
There are 10 swatches: Bear with hearts, Cat with hearts, Cow, Dog with bones, Fox with acorns, Koala with eucalyptus leaves, Monkey with bananas, Pig with clover, Rabbit with carrots, and Squirrel with leaves.
UPDATED MARCH 12, 2023 Added ability to search catalog using search terms: sexyirish7 and si7 Added customized thumbnail
SFS no ads
OR at Patreon*: https://www.patreon.com/posts/animals-77245108
*You must be over 18 to access my Patreon page.
Creations by SexyIrish7
This wallpaper was produced as a standalone recolor of Base Game Pure Expressions Paint using Sims 4 Studio, Gimp, and Inkspace.
Software credits:
Sims 4 Studio v. (Star): https://sims4studio.com
GIMP v. 2.10.32: https://www.gimp.org/
Inkscape v. 1.2: https://inkscape.org/
Thank you to the creators and moderators producing tutorials and answering questions!
Image Credits:
Animal Pattern art images purchased from Etsy seller ASDigitaleStudio
Image credit ©ASDigitaleStudio https://www.etsy.com/listing/885453902/animals-digital-paper-animal-scrapbook
Credits for CC used in Screenshots:
Onyxium https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Onyxium/ 
Onyxium Edison Rug
Onyxium Sleepi Teddy Bear
Pierisim https://www.patreon.com/pierisim 
Pierisim Domaine Du Clos Part 3 – Door Single
SIMcredible https://www.patreon.com/SIMcredible 
SIMcredible! Spinning Joy Mobiles Sheep
SIMcredible! Naturalis Decor Crib
Do not re-upload and claim as your own
Do not re-upload and hide behind a paywall
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maudiemoods · 7 months
How many dreams have you had of moon hunting you down? I've had 3!
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Beta Kids (Pesterquest) computer wallpaper (F2U)
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fauna-and-floraa · 10 months
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Favourite SKZ moments, 1 of ?
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iovemino · 2 years
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 ׅ⚓̸  ֶָ֪ ᴾˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵒʳ ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍ ⁱᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵃᵛᵉ  !! ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʳᵉᵖᵒˢᵗ
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channieandhisgoonsquad · 11 months
Unplanned Events (Part 8)
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Word Count:~4K (4069 😳)
Warnings: Smut 🩻, Swearing, Nakedness, Unholy Size
Comment: @lyramundana is once again planning my murder so I’m back with an update. 👀
Summary: I hope you don’t need this at this point!!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
He scooted himself under the warm duvet and leaned against the headboard with his pillows supporting his lower back. You watched him get comfortable in the most formal way possible, not even looking over to you.
The movie began in the background but you were still fixated on the man to your side. He had placed his body dead center on his side of the bed but you had told him you wanted to snuggle. So, you took charge of the moment and grabbed his arm to pull him closer.
He saw your actions and smiled at your neediness to have him closer. Of course he obliged the lady and resituated himself in a more sloped angle in the middle of the entire bed. Content, you wrapped one arm onto his chest, head on his pec, and wrapped a leg over his own to cuddle into him like a giant teddy bear.
He threw his arm over your shoulder to pull you flush to him, trying his best to ignore the fact that your legs were, indeed, bare. He groaned softly at that small detail because he forgot that you were literally on his lung and could hear his noises.
“What’s up, buttercup?” You said nonchalantly as you kept your eyes on the screen.
“This is all new to me.”
“Which part?”
“Snuggling someone that I want more than a friend.”
You turned to face him, resting your chin on your own arm that was still languidly placed across his chest. “You’ve never snuggled a crush?”.
He was obviously embarrassed by his sudden confession, but continued nonetheless, “I haven’t had time for a crush since High School. It’s been go go go since training began.”
Your frown made him sad and he wished he hadn’t brought it up.
“But I’m fine! Seriously. I just don’t know how to do this part.” He motioned to the general vicinity of you two.
“Well, we don’t have to rush anything. If you’re nervous about any of this just tell me. If the idea of sex-“
“No, actually, that’s the only part I’m confident in. I’ve slept with people numerous times, but it was just to get our rocks off and then we never did anything again. We never kissed though. It didn’t seem right to me.”
“Well you’re a great kisser. They were missing out.” You reached out to rub your thumb across his lips again. He really was so good with his mouth it made you crave it everywhere all at once. He kissed the pad of your thumb and just smiled.
“I just want it to be right. And now that I’m finally away from my studio and meeting all these people I’ve just felt ready to actually meet someone. I didn’t realize that specific someone would be the person I tried to help that was crying alone in a park today.”
You shoved him playfully at his comment but knew he meant it with all the sincerity he could. Even if his words were kind of silly.
“I didn’t think I was going to run into you EVER. Let alone that you were going to invite me to join you on your adventure today! I was so confused and thought I was actually dreaming this up.”
Something in his mind told him he had to approach her back at the park. He couldn’t leave her alone when he saw her like that. Especially when Han found out she knew who he was, but he didn’t expect her to have such a hold on his heart. Not this quickly. It’s both terrifying and so exciting.
“I’m glad you said yes.”
“Stop I’m gonna cry!” You whined at the cheesy way he was looking at you and you turned your head back down to the movie to keep him from seeing any tears fall. He just laughed silently and allowed you to get comfortable again. He played with your hair while the music started.
After ten minutes or so he felt you shuffle closer to him. Wrapping your leg higher between the two of you and he couldn’t stop himself picturing you on his lap like you just were.
Your hand that had been on his chest roamed lower to hold his waist. Your fingers dipped against his abs and he wiggled from the tickling sensation. He felt you laugh against him more than hearing it due to your small vibrations in your chest. You both looked and felt so cozy like this that Han was afraid to move at all.
Since he wasn’t moving, you continued the party yourself. The roaming hand lightly traced its way down his stomach and felt his belly button, but continued its venture down south. Han was hissing lightly at your motions but kept his eyes on the movie scene. He imitated Howl’s motions in the movie trying to act unaffected.
You returned your thumb to the lining of his boxer briefs like you had before. Allowing it to graze side to side but not reach any further inside. “Tell me to stop if you want me to, Hannie.”
“I'm not stopping my beautiful girl from whatever she wants.”
“Whatever I want, aye?” He kind of regrets the remark, but he knows you couldn’t and wouldn’t do anything wrong by him.
You reach more of your fingers under the hem and continue tracing the contours of his v line. The small wisps of his pubic hair told you you were so close to your prize.
You reached in and grasped his cock that was quickly hardening at the contact. He grunted and huffed at the cold but sweet touch of your small hand finally grasping him.
You reached the tip for some lubricant but quickly decided it wasn’t enough. You relinquish your hold to get more. He looked down to see you take your thumb into your mouth to clean off the precum it had accumulated.
“You can’t do that, baby. I’m gonna explode just watching you.” You just look up at him and smirk after getting the rest of your hand all slobbered up and returning to the tent under the covers.
“Wow, you taste so different.”
“Is that good?”
“It’s so good, Jisung.”
Boy were you in for some trouble, the man was fully hard now and you were in awe. “How on earth do you hide this monster?” You groaned as you tried to wrap your hand around his shaft, coming short by a few centimeters it felt like. “Oh Hanji, you’re so big.”
He looked surprised at your comment and you were shocked he didn’t know, “Has no one told you? Oh man you are a treat just to hold, hun.” You yanked the covers all back to get a look at him.
He got shy, but let you continue because he wanted to see what you were talking about. He’s never gotten a hand job when the lights were on. They were almost always in a dark studio or a closet.
“Show me.” He demanded, you felt some tingling from your nether region, and you were more than happy to follow his command and you helped him finally remove his shorts and underwear. He was so heavy that his erection fell against his chest. A solid seven inches if you had to guess and just so blushed and pretty for you.
“Look at how perfect you are.” You sat on the side of him on your knees and grabbed it with both hands this time. Showing him how your hands were barely covering him. “I don’t know how you couldn’t know.”
“No one was ever vocal about it. Just one and done.” That broke your heart to hear him being used like that. How many times did he have one-offs with people? How could they only get one time with him? He’s so sweet and cute. Did word get around how amazing his dick was?
“You deserve all the praise, hun. You are a perfect man in and out and I can’t believe I get to be the first person to tell you all of this.” You spit on the tip and spread it around. Watching him shiver at the sensation while he remained focused on your movements.
“You’re so hot. Oh my god. I don’t deserve you.” He reached to stroke your cheek and pull you up to passionately make out while you continued to tug at him. He continued his solo vocal act as he moaned into your mouth and fought for dominance.
You pulled away for a second to just smile at the god-sculpted man you were with. His shirt you wore hung wide open at the collar and he saw right down the shirt. The view allowed him to see you indeed were not wearing pants, let alone underwear and he took note of that fact for later.
After you allowed his tongue to win the battle you decided to take the fight somewhere else and fled back to his lower half. You licked a strip on the bottom of his shaft along the prominent vein and he fully groaned as he threw one arm over his eyes to cover his embarrassed response. His voice was slowly growing deeper the more turned on he became.
You pulled the tip in and began your assault from the side. You knew you wouldn’t be able to fit him all since your gag reflex was still a thing, so you used your hand to stroke the rest.
He had the perfect view, but what really caught his attention was the way you were arching your back and how it exposed your ass. He gave it a good slap and you hummed over him and the response affected you both greatly. You were so surprised that you accidentally took in more than you could handle and came off of him gagging.
He was shocked at how fast you pulled back that he shuffled closer to check, “Are you okay?? Oh man, I’m sorry, love, your ass just looked so slappable and I HAD to do it!”
You were coughing a little, but also laughing at him and his big mouth. He smiled back knowing you were okay enough to laugh.
“Sir, I was focusing so hard on not choking. But apparently you're into that?” His blush was covering his entire face and even his upper chest.
“I mean… I’m not opposed to the idea.” You rolled your eyes at the man that’s pupils were already blown out.
“Han Jisung. Let me have my fun and you’ll have yours in due time. We’ve got months together.”
“Months.” He echoed softly as he thought only of her. Her face was red and had saliva slipping down her chin and he still thought she was the most beautiful creature he laid eyes on.
You returned to your previous task at hand. Before allowing your lips to suck him in, you lapped up the precum that had trickled out in the last few seconds and played with his slit. Small kitten licks on his tip turned him back into the same moaning mess and he arched off the bed. You watched in wonder at how a man could be so handsome and cute at the same time.
The tension and arch caused him to press the tip into your lips and you left butterfly kisses while he tried his best to relax his body for you.
You hollowed your cheeks and took the tip back in. Already feeling like too much for you, but you knew you could handle more and that this god deserved whatever you could offer and more. Your right hand grasped his base and started applying pressure as you stroked it. While your left was rubbing his inner thigh muscle with your nails to mess with him.
Watching him flex and squirm under your watchful eyes was so exhilarating. You could feel the tension in your tummy already adding to the heat and pool dripping down your thighs.
He grasped your ass cheek in his big hand and held on for dear life. Wanting to guide you to the speed he wanted, but also just really wanting to feel you. You hummed on his dick in response to his touch and he happily reached over more to apply pressure to your clit.
You relinquished your lips from him with a sigh, “H- Han. Oh fuck I didn’t expect that. Keep going.” And you returned to your work. But moved your left hand to massage his balls.
“Well, considering how wet you already are, I had to. I saw it dripping.” He took his two fingers from your trigger to slide up through your folds. You hoped they would slip inside but he continued his exploration further up until he was feeling around the rim of you asshole. “Has anyone ever explored here?”
You clenched at the question, but didn’t relinquish your lips around him as you hummed harder. He twitched in your warmth and you could tell he was getting closer.
He took the digits to his mouth to taste you before he even saw you. “God, you taste better than I ever thought. I can’t wait to have you fully.” He went back to grabbing your ass cheek. “Be a good girl and take a little more, please?” He started pushing you down a little and you obliged. Then he slapped harshly.
When you started moaning loudly he started rubbing the spot he just smacked to soothe it. But it didn’t help the way he was feeling. He felt so close and you could tell. “Y/n, babe, I’m so close pull off I don’t-“
You started humming in response and tugging fast. You wanted to milk him and whatever he was going to say was not going to stop you from getting what you wanted. You pulled off to give his tip kisses and more slow licks. You made eye contact as you returned to swallowing him as much as possible.
He sat up with his weight on his elbow as he rubbed your back, “you don’t have to. Y/n, if you don’t stop I’m gonna-“ he groaned as he rubbed your back. You were actively gagging on him and he watched your eyes water and keep your hold on him.
He couldn’t make any more words. He was trying to keep himself calm, but he was gasping for air as he felt the closeness of his release. The humming and the gagging you did along with the eye contact finally sent him.
“God, y/n. I’m gonna- y/n, please. Oh my god, y/n, I love y-“ Han grunted before he released fully down your throat. He grabbed your hair with his free hand and tugged so hard that you continued to moan through his orgasm. His head fell back and he let go the sexiest moan. Each breath in was high pitched but each groan out was slowly getting deeper as he came down.
You made sure to clean up any of his release from his member with your still eager tongue as he was coming down, sometimes coming in contact with his sensitive time and getting him to twitch under your tongue. While the clean up crew was at work, you admired his sweaty form. He fell back onto the bed in such a dramatic fashion you would’ve thought he had just ran a marathon.
“I- I- I did not expect that, y/n. Oh my god you are heaven sent I swear. An angel. The most beautiful human being I’ve ever met. That was the second best feeling I’ve ever felt.” He heaved on the bed completely naked. His heavy dick laid out against his abs that were fully contracted most of the time.
You got off the bed to grab some water. You moved and massaged your tired jaw while he talked. Your jaw was so worn out from not having done that in a while, let alone never having to take someone of his size. Thinking about it, nor had you ever swallowed anything so sweet. It wasn’t really sweet but his cum was something different. You could do that again no problem.
He looked over at your still dressed figure in a blissed out haze. His oversized shirt hung past your ass but he already knew there was nothing beyond his shirt. Thinking about having you in his shirt sent all his blood rushing back to his penis.
“Second?!” You shockingly replied after gulping half of the water bottle. You underhand threw it over to him; hitting him on the leg in the process. He sat up slowly to grab it and drink some too.
After he got a quick sip he realized how his words sounded and pulled the bottle away to fix it, “Oh. Don’t get mad, babe.” He threw his legs over the edge of the bed and reached for your arms. The softy he was, he pulled you to stand in between his legs and snuck his arms under the back of your shirt. He held you by your lower back as he rubbed down over your ass. “Your butt is fantastic by the way.”
You rolled your eyes waiting for him to answer. But he seemed distracted by your ass that he tried to hold in his hands even though it didn’t fully fit. He kept rubbing it and you couldn’t deny it felt like a great massage and made you weak to your knees. You tapped his shoulder to pull him out of his haze.
He looked up to you with all the love he could muster. He wanted to tell you that he loved you. He wasn’t sure if it was the after-glow though and didn’t want to confuse you. “Y/n. That was the best blow job I have ever received. And I know it’s not just because you know how to use every part of you to your advantage, but because you are such an amazing person that makes me feel like a king.” He paused to kiss your arm that was still on his shoulder.
You released his shoulder to grab his cheek. He saw the way your face lit up with a gentle kiss. He gave your wrist a second one. You hummed a little and he took it upon himself to continue slow sensual kisses up your arm. “You are the best thing that’s happened. This. What we are right now. Is something I never expected.” He was still inching his way up to your elbow while he spoke. Reaching your shoulder at the finishing point and coming to stand in front of you. He pulled the collar down to gain access to your collarbone and you fully turned your neck to give him complete control.
“But, the best feeling I’ve felt was when you agreed to come with me on the tour and kissed me that first time.” He was running his nose along your neck breathing ever so lightly while he spoke those words into existence.
You knew then that this was meant to be. Whatever this is and whatever it will be is what it was supposed to be. You couldn’t come up with a response because you were trying to hold back the tears that were trying to escape.
He finally reached your face after his first of many explorations of your body. He saw the tears trying to force their way out and he took his thumb under your eye to help it massage their way out. You should let your emotions out, regardless of what it was.
Your smile was so sweet and he knew you were happy. Happy tears were the most acceptable. Jisung didn’t want to mess this up. He had to keep telling himself that. But he had always known that it’s best to express how he feels rather than hide it. He grabbed your face with both hands, completely forgetting that he was standing there naked and hard, “If you keep being this amazing person you are, I feel like I’m going to fall in love.”
And you gasped quietly as you looked into his eyes, “Han…”
“You don’t need to say anything. I’m just letting you know how deeply and honestly, scarily, I feel for you.”
And here you were crying harder now. You felt so silly crying after giving the man of your dreams a blow job, but that’s life. “Well, I’ve always loved you.” You whispered.
“Say it again.”
“You heard me…” you whimpered into his hand as you started laying pecks to his palms and fingers.
“But I’m not sure I believe what my ears heard.” He whispered back nervously with a breathy giggle slipping out in between
“I’ve always loved you…”
“Oh… y/n. You’re so precious… Not to ruin the moment, but if you don’t kiss me again I think I’m going to start crying too.” You howled amidst your tears and finally met his face with your own. These kisses were not slow or soft. They were passionate, needy. You needed this man to touch you.
His hands were like a flame and you were drawn to their touch. Your body was the gasoline that ignited him into this roaring fire and he couldn’t get enough. You were on him immediately pushing him to sit on the edge of the bed. You straddled his sweaty form and held on for dear life.
His hands kneaded your ass as he helped you rub your aching core against his throbbing cock. He felt so good rubbing against you that you couldn’t imagine anything better. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you hopped into my bed without underwear. You gave me full view before I even touched you.” He grunted through the sensation.
His teeth grazed your chin while you whimpered at the friction where you needed him. He went feral when you started rolling your hips on your own. His dick angled up against his stomach and your clit so you could use that vein on the bottom to rub your trigger against.
“So dirty of you to make me think we’d watch a movie when you were sitting there ready for me.” The pleasure you felt was rolling off you in waves and he just watched you use him like that dildo you hid in your closet back home. He was so turned on watching you work yourself up that he reached for the hem of your shirt to pull it up and off.
The distraction caused you to lose your groove, but it was an easy return when he latched himself to one nipple and his hand tweaked the other. There was so much stimulus that you felt involuntary jerks from his movements.
Your breathing was far from steady as he kept switching his ministries from tongue to teeth. But you fought back for control over the situation as you continued rubbing up on him.
He huffed and stopped everything for a millisecond to scoop your ass in his hands and flip you onto your back. The gasp you released when he basically threw you around made him release his own deep guttural chuckle.
After you caught on to the new location and position you looked to the foot of the bed. You saw Han standing there, staring at you with so much desire and lust while he stroked himself shamelessly at the view. You were finally bare and he was able to take in what he had been wanting to see since you were up in the sky with him.
He had felt your soft curves in his arms, your torso between his legs, and smelled your scent back then. Immediately horny at the thought of being able to squeeze, hold, and grope all of you. But it made his blood rush straight to his dick imagining what all of this looked like underneath the clothes.
And here you were, sweaty and needy. So completely vulnerable to his wanton needs and roaming eyes. He took in how your cheeks were rosy. The way your breast hung slightly to the sides due to their weight. The heaving of your breath. The glistening of your puffy cunt.
He was more than ready to give you everything. Everything you want. Everything he wants.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
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five-star-stay · 1 year
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The many (hair)colours of han jisung - 230602
[Source: S-class mv, han music bank fancams(vertical, 4k), Hal Myungsoo]
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crisscreen · 26 days
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Lee Know ꒰ Stray Kids ꒱ lockscreens
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snowii · 17 days
— 𝐇𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻 ✦ Stray Kids
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thislino · 2 years
롯데면세점 스키즈 배경화면
lotte duty free wallpaper
(CB97_ovo on twitter)
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repost or like if you save ~
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annelievl · 9 months
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3 x Stray Kids Bang Chan iPhone backgrounds made especially for the iPhone XS Max format (but of course you can use it for other phones too!). Free to use as your personal background, but if shared, please credit Annelie van Lare.
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