#cuz right now im leaning towards this being an Akutagawa from a different universe
vampireonastick · 8 months
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How come Akutagawa got a cool new cunty outfit and Atsushi is still fighting in the same raggedy ass clothes he’s had since the start of the series??
It’s been two hours. They haven’t even left the airport yet. Where did Akutagawa even GET this outfit??
Did he have this sitting in his closet and get it delivered?? Did the Mafia find extra funds after budgeting and set it aside for cool as fuck battle outfits?
Is this what Gin was picking up from the dry cleaners that one time?
Why does his hair look different? Did he have a hairdresser come along to give him a haircut??
Why the fuck wouldn’t he lend Atsushi his hairdresser for a 20 minutes fix up of his god awful hair.
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