#cv crafting experts
mochirizu · 9 months
𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚍 || 𝚆𝙺 𝚘𝚌
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Name: Valerie Littlebird
Also known as: Val, Chickadee (Martin), Kiwi(Gourmand), Dr. Lady(Zach)
Age: 25
Ethnicity: Cree
Gender: Female(She/Her)
Birthday: April 29th(Taurus)
Occupation: Medic for Tortuga HQ, Herbalist for Tortuga HQ
Height: 5'6(168 cm)
CV: Sarah Podemski
Signature Colour: Teal
Valerie is known for her quiet, stoic and reserved nature. She usually keeps to herself, but she is not averse to joining in on the fun. Her level-headed and strategic thinking is particularly valuable during missions, especially when things get stressful. Valerie is a great listener, and her unwavering self-confidence makes her one of the most hardworking members of the team. She is very practical in her approach to problem-solving and is highly attuned to the world around her. Valerie has a very strong moral compass, and she holds her beliefs very strongly, to the point where she can be petty about them. Despite being kind-hearted, Valerie can sometimes be overly analytical and judgmental. She has a strong aversion to dishonesty, believing that lying is a cheat to life, and this can visibly upset her. She can also be dismissive of emotions and tends to avoid discussing them unless she initiates the conversation. Valerie has a strong need for personal space and dislikes physical contact unless she initiates it herself.
Valerie is an incredibly skilled individual when it comes to medicine and first aid. Her skills extend to both animals and people and she is often seen tending to her crewmates' injuries, ensuring they are well taken care of. Valerie's expertise in herbs, flowers, and various other plants led her to take on the role of the team's botanist. As a medic, she can make medicine from plants and herbs she grows, making her an essential member of the team. Her proficiency in cooking also means that she can whip up a delicious meal for the crew to enjoy after a long day of adventuring. Valerie is an expert problem solver, and her ability to think outside of the box has often led her to come up with creative solutions to complex problems. Valerie is also fluent in Algonquian, French, and English.
Birds(Ravens in particular)
Crafting Jewelry
Personal space
Donita Donata
Loud Noises
Valerie gets the nickname ‘Chickadee’ because of her Chickadee feather earrings. 
Ironically enough, her colour scheme is reminiscent of a Bluebird,
Her last name is also ‘Littlebird’.
Valerie makes her jewellery and likes to braid for people when she’s stressed or someone needs to be de-stressed.
Valerie’s medicine bag contains foldable medicine equipment, such as a scalpel, bandages and even several syringes and blood testers.
Valerie has been shown using her Creature Power Suit, but she prefers to use her ‘fold-a-bat’ as a weapon.
Valerie is the only girl in her immediate family - being raised by her two fathers and several older brothers. 
Her favourite continent is Central America.
Despite her CPS, Tail Attachment and Creature Pod being teal, her favourite colour is blue.
She is pansexual.
She has a surprisingly good relationship with Donita.
She has never once had a bad hair day.
Her favourite Greek Goddess is Athena. 
Hey guys! Sorry, for the unannounced break, Uni started for me and it is a LOT. During this, I started thinking about various ways to improve Willow's design to make a sort of 'final boss' if you will. Thus, Valerie was born! I love her design and just her in general. Let me know what y'all think!
Yes, she is still paired with Martin so expect cute art of them soon.
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theworsthistorynerd · 7 months
"In the late 6th century, a new monotheistic religion called Islam was founded by its prophet Muhammad, whose followers became known as Muslims. Muhammad united the tribes of Arabia into a religious polity, a caliphate, whose domains he and his successors extended into a vast empire through holy war (jihad).[296][ci] They conquered Palestine in 636 to 640.[247][cii][ciii]
Society in the caliphate formed a pyramid with five layers.[297] Arabs were at the top, followed by converts to Islam (mawali) (this distinction disappeared after the Abbasids seized power).[297] Below them stood dhimmis, followed by non-Muslim free men and slaves at the bottom.[297] The dhimmi (meaning "protected person") were Christians, Jews, and Samaritans, who the Muslims designated as "peoples of the Book" (ahl al-kitab), meaning that they, like the Muslims, based their worship on a book God had given to them, which, in its essence, was identical to the Koran.[298] Unlike the previous rulers, the Muslims allowed them to practice their religions in peace. However, non-Muslim men had to pay a special tax (jizya) and they had to be submissive to Muslims.[298][civ] Dress regulations were imposed on non-Muslims, but it is uncertain whether they were ever enforced in Palestine.[299][cv] Muslim men were permitted to marry non-Muslim women even if the latter choose to remain in their faith. Muslim women, however, could not marry non-Muslim men, unless they first converted to Islam.[300][cvi] The Muslims also lifted the Romans' centuries-long ban on Jews in Jerusalem.[301]
The Muslims organized the territory of the Byzantine Dioceses Orientes (Syria) into five military districts, or provinces (jund, pl. ajnad).[302][cvii][cviii] The territory of Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Tertia became Jund Filastin and stretched from Aqaba in the south to the lower Galilee in the north and from Arish in the west to Jericho in the east.[303][cix] The Tulunids later expanded the borders of the province eastwards and southwards to include regions in modern-day southern Jordan and north-western Saudi Arabia.[304][cx] The newly founded city Ramla became Jund Filastin's administrative capital and most important city.[305] Jund al-Urdunn corresponded with Palaestina Secunda, covering most of the Galilee, the western part of Peraea in Transjordan, and the coastal cities Acre and Sur (Tyre).[306] Tabariyyah (Tiberias) replaced Scythopolis as the province's capital.[307]
Throughout the period, Palestine was a sort of gold mine for the caliphate and among its most prosperous and fertile provinces.[308] Palestine's wealth derived from its strategic location as a hub for international trade, the influx of pilgrims, its excellent agricultural produce, and from a number of local crafts.[309] Products manufactured or traded in Palestine included building materials from marble and white-stone quarries, spices, soaps, olive oil, sugar, indigo, Dead Sea salts, and silk.[310] Palestinian Jews were expert glassmakers whose wares became known as "Jewish glass" in Europe.[311] Palestine was also known for its book production and scribal work.[312]
The Muslims invested much effort in developing a fleet and in restoring seaports, creating shipyards, fortifying coastal cities, and in establishing naval bases in Palestine.[313] Acre became their chief naval base from which a fleet set out to conquer Cyprus in 647.[314] Jaffa came to replace Caesarea as Palestine's main port due to its proximity with Ramla.[315]
Though Palestine was now under Muslim control, the Christian world's affection for the Holy Land continued to grow. Christian kings made generous donations to Jerusalem's holy sites,[cxi] and helped facilitate the ever increasing pilgrimage traffic.[317][cxii] Pilgrims ventured for the adventure, but also to expiate sin.[319][cxiii] Many pilgrims were attacked by highwaymen which would later be cited by the Crusaders as a reason to "liberate" Jerusalem from the Muslims.[320]"
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Made references for all the ‘main cast’ in the TMA AU!
This is just the characters who recur a lot and / or have lots of importance in the story, minor characters will be drawn up later, maybe :3
The Institute is called the Robloxian Paranormal Institute, but is shortened to the RB Institute by the general public, hence me using both names. The story's not set in total stone just yet, but I have a vague idea.
This reference style was based off the lovely refs by @/theellipelli, check em out! Information under the cut, I’ll add the transcripts later I’m tired while posting this rn
EDIT: Took me like a month (i am so sorry) but I got the transcripts!
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Kreek Craft
The [Beholding’s Special Little Boy] Head Archivist
Workaholic, obsessive over anything mysterious/paranormal
Was promoted after the ‘death in the line of work’ of his
predecessor, Dan Minecart
Feels responsible for the safety and health of his employees
Refuses to talk about why he believes in the supernatural
Devoun Monarch
The nicest guy in the Archives Lied on his CV
Jackeryz bullied him and trapped him in his apartment for 7 days
The longest out of the OG Archive crew to not get traumatised
Until the Collective get their hands on him that is
Super loyal to his friends
Tries to stay optimistic at all times even when he Absolutely Shouldn’t
Denis Daily
Literally only joined the Archives because of the pay raise, does not care at all
The Distortion loves to mock him
After an interaction with an Avatar of the End, he loses his ability to feel fear
Brings his cat to work sometimes (he really shouldn’t)
“Hey boss can I make memes”
Night-Foxx Nebula
Other than Kreek, has the longest tenure at the Institute
‘The Reliable One’, used to work in Storage
Super strong
Overworks himself a LOT
Joined the Institute to try and find his missing brother, Ominous Nebula
Unknowingly is part of the Nebula family who worships the Vast
This leads to his inevitable downfall
Ends up becoming an Avatar of the Vast
Dylan ‘Hyper’ Plays
Host of the YT Channel ‘Bloxburg Ghostbusting’ with Poke
The ‘Hyper’ stands for ‘Hyperventilating
First came to the institute to look for darker cases to film
Already anxious, suddenly becomes super paranoid in Arc 2
Later joins the Archives, though not out of free will
Poke is his best/childhood friend, becomes friendly with Tanqr and Ashley
Zachary ‘Poke’ Diger
Host of the YT Channel ‘Bloxburg Ghostbusting’ with Hyper
The ‘Poke’ stands for ‘Poking his nose where it shouldn’t be’
Had the idea to use the institute for darker cases
Though him and Hyper are locked out of the ‘real’ stuff until they happen to be there when Night-Foxx goes missing / Jackeryz attacks
Overconfident but also easily scared
Tanqr Titanium
Works at the Arsenal Activity Range
Is marked by the Slaughter, is slowly turning into an avatar
Hair dye and guitar enthusiast
Bandites is his best friend
Also later joins the institute (not by choice)
Immediately starts plotting to kill Russo
The later in the timeline, the longer his hair
Bandites White
Works at the Arsenal Activity Range
Tanqr’s best friend
Dragged Tanqr to the Institute to make a statement after being attacked by Jackeryz
Expert at survival, so helps out when the Institute is attacked
Excellent at conflict de-escalation
Becomes Tanqr’s Morality Chain
This attracts Sabrina’s attention (in a bad way)
Lego P.G.H.L Films
Begins working in the Archives after Night-Foxx disappears
Has 4 middle names. His parents were weird.
Also lied on his CV, he’s like 18
His family were Hunters, they were killed as a result
Finds comfort in the Dark
Shy and feels under appreciated at first, comes out of his shell with time
Bella Cinder
Interning in the RB Institute’s Library
Wants to join the Archives, instead she resorts to providing the Archives with information and hangs around there
This means she’s a bystander to A Lot Of Things
Best friends with Pink Leaf & is Booshot Mistr’s cousin
Looks after some random kid calling himself ‘Timmeh’
This turns out to be a mistake
Ashley Unicorn
Substitute Teacher at Royale High School
Comes to the Archives to make a statement, ends up befriending Hyper and Tanqr
Becomes ‘allies’ with Peetah Bread, hence her connection to the Buried
Tries her darndest to stay out of trouble
Ends up throwing herself into trouble to save her friends
Will not take any of your nonsense
Sabrina Brite
Avatar of the Web
Doesn’t actually work at the Institute, just hangs around
Tends to tease the people she’s manipulating a lot
Works alongside Russo with all the Archives nonsense
Filled to the brim with spiders
Dresses up in Vintage clothing because why not
Has villainous flair down to a science
Russo Talks
Director of the RB Institute and Avatar of the Eye
Pretends to be a nice friendly boss at first, reveals his malicious intent later
Has the ability to read minds and is vaguely omnipotent
The Big Bad of the story
Still makes so many puns even after he’s revealed he’s evil
Quite a hammy guy honestly, how on earth did he end up as the Director of the Institute
There’s a chance he’s not actually Russo
Deejay Monopoli
Avatar of the Hunt
Not officially employed at the Institute but acts as Russo’s bodyguard
The only ‘not evil’ one of the hosts, but he’s still an avatar/murderer
“I miss my wife, Russo”
Has tried to kill Russo before, now is unable to due to blackmail
He’s not given up on trying to get his wife back, has given up on everything else though
Listens to music all the time to distract himself from the horrors
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tsreviews · 7 months
AvatoAI Review: Unleashing the Power of AI in One Dashboard
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Here's what Avato Ai can do for you
Data Analysis:
Analyze CV, Excel, or JSON files using Python and libraries like pandas or matplotlib.
Clean data, calculate statistical information and visualize data through charts or plots.
Document Processing:
Extract and manipulate text from text files or PDFs.
​Perform tasks such as searching for specific strings, replacing content, and converting text to different formats.
Image Processing:
Upload image files for manipulation using libraries like OpenCV.
​Perform operations like converting images to grayscale, resizing, and detecting shapes or
Machine Learning:
Utilize Python's machine learning libraries for predictions, clustering, natural language processing, and image recognition by uploading
Versatile & Broad Use Cases:
An incredibly diverse range of applications. From creating inspirational art to modeling scientific scenarios, to designing novel game elements, and more.
User-Friendly API Interface:
Access and control the power of this advanced Al technology through a user-friendly API.
​Even if you're not a machine learning expert, using the API is easy and quick.
Customizable Outputs:
Lets you create custom visual content by inputting a simple text prompt.
​The Al will generate an image based on your provided description, enhancing the creativity and efficiency of your work.
Stable Diffusion API:
Enrich Your Image Generation to Unprecedented Heights.
Stable diffusion API provides a fine balance of quality and speed for the diffusion process, ensuring faster and more reliable results.
Multi-Lingual Support:
Generate captivating visuals based on prompts in multiple languages.
Set the panorama parameter to 'yes' and watch as our API stitches together images to create breathtaking wide-angle views.
Variation for Creative Freedom:
Embrace creative diversity with the Variation parameter. Introduce controlled randomness to your generated images, allowing for a spectrum of unique outputs.
Efficient Image Analysis:
Save time and resources with automated image analysis. The feature allows the Al to sift through bulk volumes of images and sort out vital details or tags that are valuable to your context.
Advance Recognition:
The Vision API integration recognizes prominent elements in images - objects, faces, text, and even emotions or actions.
Interactive "Image within Chat' Feature:
Say goodbye to going back and forth between screens and focus only on productive tasks.
​Here's what you can do with it:
Visualize Data:
Create colorful, informative, and accessible graphs and charts from your data right within the chat.
​Interpret complex data with visual aids, making data analysis a breeze!
Manipulate Images:
Want to demonstrate the raw power of image manipulation? Upload an image, and watch as our Al performs transformations, like resizing, filtering, rotating, and much more, live in the chat.
Generate Visual Content:
Creating and viewing visual content has never been easier. Generate images, simple or complex, right within your conversation
Preview Data Transformation:
If you're working with image data, you can demonstrate live how certain transformations or operations will change your images.
This can be particularly useful for fields like data augmentation in machine learning or image editing in digital graphics.
Effortless Communication:
Say goodbye to static text as our innovative technology crafts natural-sounding voices. Choose from a variety of male and female voice types to tailor the auditory experience, adding a dynamic layer to your content and making communication more effortless and enjoyable.
Enhanced Accessibility:
Break barriers and reach a wider audience. Our Text-to-Speech feature enhances accessibility by converting written content into audio, ensuring inclusivity and understanding for all users.
Customization Options:
Tailor the audio output to suit your brand or project needs.
​From tone and pitch to language preferences, our Text-to-Speech feature offers customizable options for the truest personalized experience.
>>>Get More Info<<<
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stepseduworld · 9 months
Navigating Career Growth: Unveiling Strategic Professional Development
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Welcome to StEPS - Your Gateway to Education Consulting and Career Empowerment! We're dedicated to guiding students and Strategic Professional Development towards academic and professional triumphs through personalized services. Our team of seasoned educators and industry specialists offers tailored guidance to suit your unique journey.
With over 25 years of collaborating with Top-Ranked International Universities, StEPS is a leading Consultancy in Education and Study Abroad Services. Our globally certified educational counselors are committed to delivering expert advice, assisting individuals in their personal and professional development.
Are you a university student entering the career world, a recent graduate seeking direction, a mid-career professional craving change, or a senior leader navigating complex workplace challenges? Reach out for a complimentary discovery call. Let's unlock your career potential together!
Besides individual-focused assistance, we specialize in customized training programs for educational institutions and organizations. These programs aim to bolster team communication, transferable skills, and workplace efficiency. Contact us for a tailored proposal based on your specific needs.
Our bespoke consultancy projects are designed to aid educational institutions globally in shaping robust internationalization strategies. From recruiting international students to forging transnational programs and strategic alliances, let's discuss turning your vision into reality.
We comprehend the challenges in selecting and pursuing a career path. Our comprehensive career guidance and mentoring services are tailored to spotlight your strengths and align them with career options. Our aim to see you thrive and achieve your maximum potential.
Through our strategic development plans, we help align your skill set and qualifications with your career aspirations. Whether it's crafting a personalized roadmap or refining communication skills and workplace habits, our expert coaches are here for you. We also optimize CVs and digital footprints to maximize job opportunities and bolster your professional brand.
Connect directly with our founders at StEPS, benefitting from their rich expertise. Their mentorship will equip you to navigate the job market confidently and make informed decisions.
Experience a transformative journey with our career coaching services. Unleash your potential and reach for the stars with StEPS.
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zenotis · 2 years
What are the best IT skills to learn in 2023 to get an IT job in California [ Updated ]
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It turned out that among the most frequently mentioned talents in job descriptions for IT jobs in California were IT abilities such as digital literacy, data analytics, and data visualization.
In today's fast-paced business landscape, digital transformation takes center stage. It encompasses a wide array of endeavors, including embracing the boundless potential of cloud technology, enhancing and modernizing IT infrastructure, and crafting sophisticated data and analytics strategies to steer informed decision-making.
Companies are actively seeking experienced professionals well-versed in the precise skills required to drive technological and business objectives forward.
The caliber of skills has improved over time, which is a consistent trend. It takes more than being proficient in a given field to compete in the talent market. On a CV, prospects might stand out from the competition if they have practical IT abilities. Find out which abilities are likely to be in demand through 2023 and beyond.
Basic programming
Even for non-tech jobs, the fundamentals of programming are frequently in demand. Even with a basic understanding of programming, you'll be able to read other people's code, create your simple programs and algorithms, and gain a deeper comprehension of the lifespan of an IT project.
Being able to program is similar to being able to bead, so you can learn new technologies using the languages you've already mastered. The ability to think abstractly and conceptually, which is necessary for many vocations, is another skill that may be developed through programming.
An index states that the top five programming languages in September 2021 will be as follows:
C- It is widely used in the creation of desktop applications for the Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems.
Python- Managers, analysts, and marketers often use this phrase in non-tech business settings. They use Python to work with data in databases, tables, and even Excel macros.
Java- A language used by everyone to create websites and mobile apps. Java is used to create the majority of Android applications.
C++- A widely used technique for games and graphically intensive software like photo and video editors.
C#- One of the best languages for creating desktop apps and video games.
The index is determined by how many results for programming language queries there are on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, MSN, Wikipedia, etc. Thus, programming languages are rated higher as a result of the increased usage of the language and solution searching by programmers.
Low-code platforms
By 2024, it is expected that low code would account for 65% of all software development activities.
Modern software development tools are complex, therefore low-code application platforms (LCAP) like Mendix, Quixey, and Microsoft PowerApps are an alternative. Low-code platforms allow developers to create straightforward business applications with no coding expertise and a tech mindset.
Since creating software takes careful design and upkeep, low-code platforms can be a lifesaver for managers, marketers, and any other users that lack programming abilities and want to construct and update a codebase without running the risk of destroying something. Low-code development thereby enables cost savings from IT outsourcing and frees up IT departments.
UI/UX design
To design effective and user-friendly digital products, an in-depth research is required, as is a grasp of the target audience. Leave those responsibilities to the experts, but learn the fundamentals of UI/UX design at the very least to maintain the dialogue with them.
Consider this: most marketing campaigns are built on digital assets like landing pages, websites, mobile apps, and social media. It's crucial for those who aren't UI/UX designers to stay up to date on the most recent developments in this sector and be able to articulate their ideas to those who are.
Data Engineer
Data engineering, in its simplest form, combines the skills of various IT specialists, including software engineers, Big Data developers, data analysts, and cloud computing engineers. The fundamental activities of data engineering in a corporation that produces enormous amounts of data from various sources are as follows:
Gathering and arranging the data
Combining and evaluating various data formats that were gathered from various sources.
Enhancing the storage of data.
Lowering data storage expenses to maximize the budget for the company.
Python, SQL, Java, Scala, cloud computing services like Amazon Web Services (AWS), and big data processing tools like Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka are essential skills for a data analyst. The fundamentals of distributed systems, as well as knowledge of algorithms and data structures, are also requirements.
Data visualization
Numerous studies have proven that the human brain processes visual information more effectively and increases people's confidence in the material being presented.
The effectiveness of data visualization in a business setting cannot be disputed. For instance, research demonstrates that employees are 28% more likely to find timely information in firms that use visual data recovery solutions than in those that just use controlled reporting and dashboards.
Because of this, the demand for data visualization abilities is rising in the modern workforce. Data visualization is a crucial component of data analytics that enables companies to assess information critically and present it in a comprehensible fashion.
Some of the most popular data visualization tools for marketers, managers, business analysts, and other professions that require working with a significant amount of data are Tableau, Google Data Studio, PowerBI, Datawrapper, and Infogram.
Video editing 
The time when TV and media production had exclusive rights to create videos has long since passed. To promote their goods and services in 2021, 86% of firms turned to video marketing. Videos are used today throughout all sectors of society for a variety of objectives, including marketing, staff development, client onboarding, and presentations.
The widespread use of videos in virtually every part of the business has increased the demand for individuals with expertise in producing scripts and scenarios for films, as well as SEO optimization for higher rankings.
An effective sales process is built on the use of customer management software (CRM). Businesses require a 360-degree picture of their target audience, touchpoints, purchase behavior, and customer experience since customers are growing more demanding.
Because of this, managerial and marketing job descriptions increasingly emphasize the importance of having a basic understanding of CRM software. According to the CRM Software Research by G2, 73% of sales managers use CRM software. CRM tools are used by marketing teams 46% of the time, and customer care teams 45% of the time.
Product management
Product managers are typically the front-line representatives of newly produced goods and services. From the concept stage, till the product is released on schedule, they guarantee product success. To do that, they need a variety of capabilities, including strong project management abilities, a deep understanding of the software development process and a business domain, as well as communication, business analysis, and marketing fundamentals.
The majority of product managers agree that a product manager is a jack of all trades. According to respondents in a recent poll, the two biggest issues they face as product managers are a shortage of time (50,8%) and a lack of clarity around their roles (35,0%).
But there is no denying the importance of a product manager. Given that 81% of businesses track the performance of their products, it is obvious that either hiring professionals with product management skill sets or dedicating a full-time position to a product manager is very necessary.
You won't find any ordinary competencies on this list of in-demand IT skills for 2023 and beyond. Businesses need professionals with a strong understanding of digital technologies as they adopt a more data-driven strategy for employee development, marketing, and other crucial operations. So that you can stay ahead of the competition tomorrow, embrace these changes today.
Zenotis technologies is the fastest-growing talent acquisition company in the US and India. It provides various IT jobs in California and various parts of the US. For more detailed information about IT positions and other positions check out their website.
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piktalent · 6 hours
Beyond the Basics: How Piktalent’s Premium Service Provides a Unique Internship Experience
Looking for an internship that’s more than just coffee runs and shadowing? ☕️🚀 Piktalent’s Premium Service offers so much more! It’s designed to help you find not just any internship, but the right one for you.
1. Exclusive Internship Opportunities Forget the usual internship listings. With Piktalent’s Premium Service, you get access to exclusive roles tailored to your career goals and interests. Whether you’re looking to work in a top tech company or a cutting-edge start-up, we’ve got you covered.
2. Personalized Coaching and Support We know that finding an internship can be stressful. That’s why we provide personalized coaching to help you ace your applications and interviews. From crafting the perfect CV to nailing the interview, our experts are with you every step of the way.
3. Ongoing Mentorship Your support doesn’t end when you land the internship. We offer ongoing mentorship throughout your placement to help you navigate challenges and make the most of your experience.
Ready for an internship that goes beyond the basics? Discover how Piktalent’s Premium Service can elevate your career! 👉 Learn more
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careerzooom1 · 6 hours
CV Writing: Elevate Your Career with Careerzooom
In today’s competitive job market, a well-crafted CV is essential for standing out. At Careerzooom, we understand the significance of a strong CV in your job search. Our CV writing service is designed to help you present your skills and experiences in the best light, ensuring you catch the attention of potential employers.
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Why Choose a Professional CV Writing Service?
Crafting a CV can be a daunting task. Many job seekers struggle to effectively showcase their qualifications, leading to missed opportunities. This is where a professional CV writing service comes into play. At Careerzooom, our expert CV writers in Dubai are trained to highlight your strengths and tailor your CV to the specific roles you’re applying for. This personalized approach increases your chances of landing interviews.
The Importance of CV Writing in Dubai
Dubai’s job market is dynamic and fast-paced, attracting talent from around the globe. A strong CV is your ticket to standing out among a pool of candidates. With unique cultural nuances and industry-specific demands, it’s crucial to have a CV that resonates with employers in Dubai. Careerzooom’s CV writing services in Dubai are tailored to meet these specific needs, ensuring your CV aligns with local expectations and industry standards.
Our CV Writing Services in Dubai
At Careerzooom, we offer a comprehensive range of CV writing services in Dubai. Whether you are a fresh graduate, a mid-career professional, or an executive, we have the expertise to help you create a compelling CV. Our services include:
Custom CV Writing: We create tailored CVs that reflect your unique career journey.
CV Formatting: Professional formatting to ensure your CV is easy to read and visually appealing.
Cover Letter Writing: Pair your CV with a strong cover letter that complements your application.
LinkedIn Profile Optimization: Enhance your online presence to attract recruiters.
By utilizing our CV writing service, you can focus on what you do best while we handle the details of your CV.
The Role of CV Writers in Dubai
The role of CV writers in Dubai is critical in navigating the local job market. Our writers at Careerzooom are not only skilled in writing but also have a deep understanding of various industries prevalent in Dubai. They stay updated on the latest hiring trends and employer expectations, ensuring your CV stands out. With a keen eye for detail, our writers craft CVs that not only highlight your achievements but also tell your professional story.
Achieving the Best CV Writing Results
Achieving the best CV writing results requires collaboration. At Careerzooom, we believe in working closely with our clients to understand their career goals and aspirations. Our process involves an in-depth consultation where we gather all necessary information about your background, experiences, and the roles you’re targeting. This personalized approach allows us to create a CV that truly represents you.
Why Careerzooom Stands Out
When it comes to CV writing in Dubai, Careerzooom stands out for several reasons:
Experienced Writers: Our team consists of seasoned writers with diverse industry knowledge.
Client-Centric Approach: We prioritize your needs and preferences throughout the writing process.
Satisfaction Guarantee: We’re committed to delivering a product that meets your expectations. If you’re not satisfied, we’ll make revisions until you are.
Success Stories: We take pride in our track record of helping clients land interviews and secure job offers.
Contact us today
In a bustling city like Dubai, where opportunities abound, having a standout CV is more important than ever. With Careerzooom’s professional CV writing services, you can be confident that your CV will effectively showcase your qualifications and experiences. Let us help you unlock the doors to your dream job. Contact us today to learn more about how our CV writing service can transform your job search and elevate your career!
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visualcvdesing · 2 days
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Get Professional Online Web CV Writing Service In Lucknow
Looking for a professional online CV writing service in Lucknow? Our expert team crafts customized resumes that showcase your skills and experience, enhancing your prospects of securing your dream job. For more information, visit visualcvdesign.com.
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avonresumesus · 5 days
Get Your Dream Job with Our Expert Resume Writing Services in Australia
Are you looking for professional resume writing services in Australia? Your ideal partner for crafting compelling resumes that stand out in today's competitive job market is Avon Resumes. Whether you're a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, crafting a resume that highlights your abilities and knowledge is essential.
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We understand the intricacies of Australian hiring trends at Avon Resumes. Our expert writers tailor your resume to meet industry standards. We can help you compellingly showcase your achievements, from executive resumes to entry-level CVs.
Our focus is not just on resumes. Avon Resumes offers cover letter writing, LinkedIn profile optimization, and career counseling services. We aim to provide you with all the tools you need to secure interviews and land your dream job in Australia.
Avon Resumes has become a trusted name for professionals seeking resume writing services in Australia, with a reputation for delivering top-notch results. Take the first step towards a better career future today. Learn more and book a consultation on our website.
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bidisharay · 7 days
Best CV Writing Service in London: Elevate Your Career with Bidisha Ray
In the bustling job market of London, standing out with a compelling CV is crucial. The Best CV Writing Service in London offers the expertise needed to craft a CV that captures attention and opens doors to new opportunities. Bidisha Ray, a seasoned career coach with over two decades of experience, provides exceptional CV writing services tailored to make a significant impact.
Why Choose the Best CV Writing Service in London
Expert Craftsmanship
The Best CV Writing Service in London goes beyond basic formatting. Bidisha Ray’s approach involves:
Showcasing Achievements: Highlighting your key accomplishments and skills to demonstrate your value to potential employers.
Customizing Content: Tailoring each CV to align with the specific requirements of the job role you’re targeting, ensuring it resonates with hiring managers.
ATS Optimization
In today’s digital job market, many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter CVs. A CV from the Best CV Writing Service in London ensures:
Keyword Integration: Incorporating relevant keywords and phrases to match job descriptions and pass ATS filters.
Proper Formatting: Designing a CV layout that is ATS-friendly while remaining visually appealing to human readers.
Professional Quality and Precision
A CV from the Best CV Writing Service in London guarantees:
Error-Free Documents: Bidisha Ray’s meticulous editing ensures that your CV is free from spelling and grammatical errors, which can make or break your application.
Clear and Concise Communication: Crafting a CV that effectively communicates your skills and experiences, capturing the attention of recruiters quickly.
Key Services Offered
Bidisha Ray offers a range of services designed to support your career advancement:
Best CV Writing Service in London: Producing CVs that not only pass ATS but also make a strong impression on recruiters with a professional, impactful presentation.
LinkedIn Profile Optimization: Enhancing your LinkedIn profile to increase visibility and attract more job opportunities.
Mock Interview Preparation: Providing practice sessions and guidance to improve your interview skills and boost your confidence.
One-on-One Career Coaching: Offering personalized advice and strategies to help you navigate career transitions and achieve your professional goals.
Job Application Support: Assisting you throughout the job application process to maximize your chances of success.
Investing in the Best CV Writing Service in London can significantly enhance your job search efforts. With Bidisha Ray’s expertise, you receive a CV that meets the highest standards and effectively showcases your qualifications. Transform your career prospects and make a memorable impression with a professionally crafted CV. Contact Bidisha Ray today and take the first step towards achieving your career ambitions.
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resumeassistant9 · 8 days
Ottawa Resume Writing Services: Craft Your Perfect CV | Resume Assistant
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Elevate Your Career with Top Resume Writing Services in Ottawa
In today’s competitive job market, having a standout resume is more crucial than ever. If you're in Ottawa and looking to make a lasting impression on potential employers, Resume Assistant is here to help. Our professional Resume Writing Services Ottawa are designed to craft compelling resumes that highlight your skills, experience, and achievements, setting you apart from the competition.
Why a Professional Resume Matters
Crafting a Resume that Stands Out
A resume is often your first impression on a potential employer. A well-crafted resume not only showcases your qualifications but also reflects your professional brand. At Resume Assistant, we understand the nuances of resume writing and focus on creating documents that capture your strengths and align with industry standards. Our expert writers use their knowledge of hiring trends and employer expectations to ensure your resume stands out in a crowded job market.
Tailored to Your Career Goals
Every career journey is unique, and your resume should reflect that. Our team at Resume Assistant works closely with you to understand your career objectives and tailor your resume accordingly. Whether you’re transitioning industries, aiming for a promotion, or entering the job market for the first time, we customize your resume to highlight your most relevant skills and experiences, positioning you for success in your desired field.
Our Resume Writing Process
Comprehensive Consultation
Our process begins with a detailed consultation to gain a deep understanding of your career history, accomplishments, and goals. We ask the right questions to gather the information needed to craft a resume that truly represents you. This initial step ensures that we capture your unique value proposition and translate it into a compelling resume.
Professional Resume Writing
Once we have all the necessary information, our skilled writers get to work. We focus on creating a resume that is not only visually appealing but also strategically written. Using industry-specific language and keywords, we optimize your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and ensure it highlights your achievements and qualifications in the most impactful way.
Revisions and Finalization
Your satisfaction is our priority. After completing the initial draft, we provide you with the opportunity to review and request revisions. We incorporate your feedback to ensure the final resume aligns perfectly with your vision. Our goal is to deliver a polished, professional document that you’re proud to share with potential employers.
Why Choose Resume Assistant?
Expertise and Experience
At Resume Assistant, we bring years of experience in the resume writing industry. Our team of professional writers is skilled in crafting resumes for various industries and career levels. We stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in resume writing to provide you with a document that meets current standards and effectively communicates your value.
Personalized Service
We believe in a personalized approach to resume writing. Each resume we create is tailored to the individual client, ensuring it reflects your unique skills and career aspirations. Our writers work closely with you to understand your needs and provide a customized solution that enhances your job search efforts.
Proven Success
Our clients have successfully landed interviews and secured positions with top employers thanks to our expertly crafted resumes. We take pride in our track record of helping individuals achieve their career goals and are committed to delivering high-quality resumes that get results.
In a competitive job market, a professionally written resume can make all the difference. At Resume Assistant, we offer top-notch Resume Writing Services Ottawa that are designed to help you stand out and achieve your career goals. Our expert team is dedicated to crafting resumes that highlight your strengths and position you for success. Contact us today to get started on your journey to a better career with a resume that truly represents your potential.
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resumeglitzseo · 9 days
Expert Resume Writers in Noida
Need a professional resume that stands out? Our expert resume writers in Noida are here to help you craft the perfect CV! Whether you're a fresher or an experienced professional, we tailor resumes that highlight your skills, achievements, and strengths, increasing your chances of landing your dream job. We specialize in industry-specific resumes, keyword optimization, and ATS-friendly formats to get you noticed by recruiters. From writing and formatting to personalized consultations, we ensure your resume reflects your true potential. Let our resume writing services in Noida give you the competitive edge you need in today’s job market!
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akulaku · 9 days
Crafting Your Biotechnology CV for Success
Gadgetwins – Crafting Your Biotechnology CV for Success.
Read more :
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stepseduworld · 9 months
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Elevate Your Career: Professional Development Services by StEPS
Welcome to StEPS, your premier partner for education consulting and career coaching tailored for optimal Professional Development. Our mission is to guide and support students and professionals, ensuring informed decisions that lead to tangible strides in their academic and career pursuits.
We prioritize personalized services that foster unbiased advice, empowering individuals to navigate their unique professional development journeys. With over 25 years of esteemed experience collaborating with top-tier international universities, we specialize in recruiting international students, bolstering educational opportunities globally.
Our dedicated team of internationally qualified educational counselors stands committed to offering specialized and impartial guidance, aiding individuals in their pursuit of personal and professional growth. We take pride in crafting bespoke counselling for students and expert career coaching for professionals at various stages, be it their initial job search or aspirations for career advancement.
In today's competitive job market, we recognize the significance of adapting and thriving. That's why our tailored career coaching services are designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to stand out. Our industry-specialist advisors provide expert guidance on CV optimization, crafting impactful cover letters, and establishing a robust digital presence that captivates potential employers.
Recognizing that career transitions and growth are constant in the dynamic professional landscape, StEPS is here to mentor and coach you through every phase of your professional development journey.
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photocut-ai · 12 days
PhotoCut’s Free Background Remover
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Easily remove backgrounds from any image with a single click using PhotoCut AI background remover. Instantly generate transparent backgrounds at no cost! Discover the top 4 alternatives to PicsArt in 2024, available for free on the web, PC, and mobile devices.
Removing Backgrounds with Precision
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No matter how intricate your images may be, our robust background remover can accurately and precisely cut them out. PhotoCut utilizes cutting-edge technology to eliminate backgrounds while preserving all intricate details, even in challenging areas such as hair and animal fur. Your images will maintain their sharpness and detail even after the background has been removed. Here are some tips for capturing a professional photo for your CV.
Automatic Background Remover
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Eliminate the hassle of manual editing and background removal from images with our revolutionary free background remover. PhotoCut utilizes cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology to effortlessly identify the main subject in your photos and precisely remove the background, delivering a flawless PNG image. Elevate the quality of your images and streamline your editing process with PhotoCut. Learn how to capture stunning product photos for your Etsy store with our expert tips in "How to Take Etsy Photos: 7 Tips for Making Your Products Shine."
Create Transparent Backgrounds for Any Image
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Our AI background eraser tool allows you to effortlessly remove backgrounds from various types of images. PhotoCut is capable of eliminating backgrounds from product photos, portraits, signatures, and infographics. Obtain a high-quality PNG image within seconds! Are you wondering which online selling platform is superior: Etsy or eBay?
Customize Your Photo Background
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PhotoCut not only removes backgrounds from your images but also offers a wide range of background options. From solid colors to customized backgrounds, the possibilities are endless with our background remover. Are you wondering how to take eBay photos that sell?
Easy Photo Background Editing
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Utilize our online background remover tool to have complete control over editing photo backgrounds. Elevate your jewelry photography with these 9 expert tips to make your products shine.
Magic Brush: Perfect your background with ease by removing or restoring elements in the background.
Blur Background: Automatically blur the background to highlight the main subject of your photo.
AI Background Editing: Add or modify elements in the background using AI technology.
Versatile Background Remover for All Needs
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Our online background remover is designed for both personal and business use. Are you looking to enhance your Etsy store's visibility and drive more traffic to your products? Look no further than "Etsy Advertising: The Ultimate Guide to Promoting Your Store." This comprehensive guide will provide you with the tools and strategies you need to effectively promote your store and increase your sales.
E-commerce: Create clean product images for online stores like Amazon and eBay.
Social Media: Enhance your profile pictures, posts, and stories with new backgrounds.
Marketing: Remove backgrounds from logos for seamless integration into marketing materials.
Speed Up Your Workflow
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Easily eliminate backgrounds in large quantities with our AI-powered background remover. Compatible with Windows, Mac, and mobile devices, our desktop application and app simplify the process of background removal, making it fast and efficient. Give our background remover a try today to enhance your workflow and dedicate more time to your passions.
Discover the top tools for batch editing photos on Android, iOS, and desktop platforms.
Create Cool Designs
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In addition to utilizing our background remover tool, you can also take advantage of our editing features to craft one-of-a-kind images. Enhance your creations by adding text, effects, and clipart, or explore our collection of free templates to produce visually appealing designs. Follow these simple steps to effortlessly remove the background from your images and achieve your desired target aesthetic.
How to Remove Background from Image?
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To begin removing backgrounds from images instantly, simply click on the "Upload Image" button. Our advanced AI background eraser will automatically remove the background from your picture, allowing you to customize your photo background and create stunning designs. Explore our top 20 alternatives to Media.io for even more options.
Q1. Is the PhotoCut background remover free?
Ans. Yes, the background remover tool from PhotoCut is free to use. Just upload your photo, and let PhotoCut do its thing. You'll have a clean and transparent image in no time.
Q2. Can I remove a photo background on my phone?
Ans. Yes, you can remove backgrounds directly from your phone using PhotoCut in your browser or with our background remover app. You can remove the background of a picture on iPhone, Android, and tablet devices.
Q3. What image formats does PhotoCut background remover support?
Ans. PhotoCut background remover supports various image formats like PNG, JPG, and JPEG. You can also export your images in high-quality files.
Q4. What types of images can PhotoCut background remover handle?
Ans. Our background remover works on a wide range of images, including portraits, animal pictures, cars, logos, real estate, product photos, and digital art. It ensures seamless background removal for different subjects and projects.
Q5. How to make an image transparent?
Ans. Making an image transparent with PhotoCut background remover is easy:
Upload the image you want to make transparent.
PhotoCut will detect the subject and separate it from the background with transparency.
Click "Download" to save your transparent image as a PNG file.
Transparent images can be used for logos, product images, or overlaying on different backgrounds.
Q6. How to remove a white background from an image?
Ans. PhotoCut can remove white backgrounds from images quickly. Just upload your picture, and PhotoCut will automatically detect and remove the white background. No manual editing is required. Get clean, transparent images for your projects instantly.
Q7. How to change the background of a photo?
Ans. With PhotoCut background remover, changing the background of a photo is simple. Upload your image, let PhotoCut remove the background, then choose a new background from PhotoCut's library or upload your own. Click "Download" to save your photo with the updated background.
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