#cw teen shows
laf-outloud · 2 years
Even if you removed everything J2 related, I’d be interested and would watch Windy. I’d ignore TW. One looks interesting and lovingly crafted. The other looks aimed for an audience that isn’t me. Your opinion?
Ooh, good question. I guess I'd have to try and remove myself from the drama surrounding it, but if I were still watching TW trailer as an SPN fan, I would likely have a lot of the same questions the GA has, about John knowing about hunting, his dad going missing much later, working with other hunters, etc. If you remove SPN entirely, I'd probably think of it as just another teen CW show, which I don't really watch. I mean, I grew up reading Nancy Drew, but I don't watch that show because they put a bunch of supernatural elements in it that just weren't in the books, nor do I watch any other show on the CW. I gave up on Supergirl and The Flash, though I still might go back and watch Superman & Lois. I guess I'm not their target demographic.
As for WIndy... being a fan of Walker, I would totally give it a go. If you remove Walker from the equation and view it on its own, I'd still likely watch it because it looks well-made, and I love history and period dramas, so it falls in line with my interests.
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chaosandwolves · 2 months
Ok SPN fans and Dean and Stiles and Arthur girlies (gn) and Sherlock and Supergirl and MCU ppl
y'all other fandom ppl who are cheering for us cause
one of our blorbos is canonically bi now
How about helping us keep the ratings up for next ep?
(as a bonus you'll probably get men kissing and possibly one of our blorbos coming out to the other)
There is definitely hate and anger out there and ppl will stop watching
And while Oliver (bi Buck's actor) clearly doesn't give a fuck
How beautiful would it be if the ratings go even higher after this revelation???
We could show the execs and haters that queer stories like this are worth it to be included
Cause they also made it quite clear that the actual endgame could be Buddie
But what if they're testing the waters with this now?
So let's show them that we deserve to tell and watch queer stories
and write a little of fandom and TV history
Pls, if you have time and spoons and motivation, put on
911 on abc
next Thursday, 11th April
at 8pm EST
Have Buck being kissed by a man for the first time in his life as a motivation
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behindthescreamz · 5 months
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jessica barden covered in blood on the set of “the end of the f***ing world” (2017)
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Randomly rewatching ‘Cinderbrush’ and remembering that time that Critical Role managed to make the most CW show to ever be a CW show: 
Teen angst as played by 30-40-year-olds, giving the whole thing a weird nostalgic flavor
Witty one-liners that teens only wish that they could come up with on their own
The most shocking amount of gender one can pack onto a screen (that may be less of a CW thing, and more of what everyone wanted from the CW but never got, because the CW only ever wanted to appeal to The Youths in the most safe and boardroom-approved way possible).
Anyway, all this is to say: man I adore this one-shot way more than I expected to, and I still wish it would get a follow-up at some point.  The cast was great, the setup was fantastic, and Critical Role doing a supernatural teen drama complete with raves, murder investigations, and every iteration of hookup possible was such a fun departure from their usual games.  If you haven’t seen it and it sounds like something you’d dig, do yourself a favor and check it out.
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scuddish · 2 years
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theveryworstthing · 2 years
to all who Eat today, i hope you Eat Well and your family doesn’t send your mental heath into a death spiral.
to those who Don’t, i get it.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
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Since @floof-ghostie said my og of this reminded him of Percy and Luke since Percy's transfem-coded and i wanted to make it even with two
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herbaklava · 1 year
The Bear is such a well written series dealing with concepts of found family, enduring traumatic events and grappling with the aftermath of them, not losing hope when the situation may seem hopeless, and having the courage to push through and try again anyways. And yet some people are treating it like it’s some superficial teen CW show omg
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displayheartcode · 19 days
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“I’m not going to tell anyone,” I say firmly. “Or put it in the book.”
This only makes him laugh more, which turns into a groan. “I can see it now. How to Make Your Girlfriend Howl with Laughter . . . In Bed.”
“Instant bestseller.”
business or pleasure by rachel lynn solomon
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cogentranting · 4 months
Just on a mission, apparently, to convince everyone on here that I have zero taste in media.
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prima-donna-worm · 2 years
god henry’s death remains SO dark like it’s one thing to be like we’re going to kill people so that there’s real stakes! it’s another to be like this boy is sixteen and he is about to be murdered by his own father and he knows that, and he knows his friends can’t save him, and he knows it’s too late, and the last thing he is going to do before he dies is say to courtney: don’t let this change your mind, don’t let my death be the thing that makes you stop seeing the good in people, that makes you stop believing in humanity like what the FUCK were the writers on
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bookwyrmpendragon · 5 months
Tragic: You really like the Gotham Knights TV show, but it's already canceled, and the majority of the fandom that's there only seems to care because Misha Collins is in it.
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cellamare · 1 year
I’m 3 episodes into the new Lockwood & Co show on Netflix and I’m very impressed - an honestly standout example of what it is to faithfully adapt books into a visual series without doing it word for word.
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gh-0-stcup · 2 months
The wildest people to me are the "Dean's an alpha hyper manly male who radiates masculinity and heterosexuality".
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dykecadence · 10 months
watching s2 of heartstopper and just remembering the vitriol the first season got is so insane and the fact one of the actors was forced to come out because he was being harassed on twitter over this harmless little teen show was some of the most terminally on bullshit ive seen in a long time. this is a perfectly fine little show its literally just a neat little thing with a bunch of queer characters i also wouldve gone apeshit over it in my early teens
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gods-favorite-autistic · 10 months
I love the fact that people on tiktok are mad about Mean Girls jr and being like “teens shouldn’t be exposed and talking about these things it literally Mean Girls why would you let them perform this”
Like babes do you know whats a thousand times worse than mean girls? Heathers. Do you wanna know what also has a jr version? HEATHERS. Do you wanna know what kept the song entirely about having sex as your last action? FUCKING HEATHERS
Like shut up about Mean Girls Jr unless you are also gonna fucking protest Heathers Jr
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