#cyan caster
sockiesock · 3 months
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some silly cybutch drawings... sorry i have not been posting art too much </3 i just keep forgetting to upload after i finish bleh (just wait for the end of artfight!)
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cdfreak · 1 year
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toontownportraits · 1 year
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artfight art!! revenge attack for @sockiesock bc he drew rolan :3 his fallout oc cyan!
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blackestnight · 9 months
tonight in pathfinder:
we've been playing this campaign for almost four years and tonight is the first night anyone in my party has thought to ask if "electra the incandescent" is a stage name
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evilmagician430 · 2 years
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i had 2 literally relearn color theory for this because i wanted my art to actually look pretty for once. just for them
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ph0enix-12 · 2 months
Ichorverse - chapter 3
~ Knowledge’s keeper ~
This may sadly be the weakest chapter in the story, there just wasn’t that much to say
<- Chapter 2 . Chapter 4 ->
He was named Dust, for that was all he was, dust to be swept under the rug and forgotten. To be left in a library and gather over the books, to be quiet and invisible, to not ever be seen by anyone.
His family was far too powerful and influential in high society to be seen with a son like him, a frail and cursed child.
He was never fully alone, he saw spirits as they moved around his parent’s villa, but even they didn’t spare more than a glance at the forgotten child.
Many of the books of the library were used as decoration, lining the shelves just to fill them, like magic books, his favorite thing in the world. He was honestly grateful to be in that family just because it meant he could study magic. His mana lines always felt full and stuffy, making him always sluggish and sleepy. He only realized once he grew up that the reason for that was a surplus of magical energy hidden inside him.
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He studied science even if magic was his true calling. Reading every single book written by the greatest researchers he could find was easy, always hungry for knowledge and more stimulus for his head.
He found magic books of all kinds and he ate through each one, devouring the words eagerly and stewing over each single page for days until he knew it by heart.
He quickly learned that spell casters were able to save spells as cards. Spell caster, mage, magic user, he loved those appellatives, he yearned to be called that too. So, he started to make his own cards, and even if the first ones were incredibly unsuccessful, he kept going every day he spent in that library. Painting and writing each little detail he found described in the books he so loved.
And then his parents had to ruin it all, of course.
After almost his entire life spent in that library, he was dragged out to attend some sort of party, which was weird, but he would have been an idiot to question them.
The lights were too bright and the music was way too loud even if soft jazz was the only thing playing. He felt the expensive garments he was made to wear stick to his bones and the lace itched badly, the tag of the shirt dug into his neck like searing needles. It was all too much all at once.
He couldn’t look people in the eyes, even if it was required for him to speak to other nobles. He didn’t care about this stupid thing, he didn’t care that he had the honor to be hosted in the king’s palace. Why the heck would he!? His library was perfect, he liked his living conditions!- to a certain degree..
He ran out into one of the openings that from the ballroom gave into the gardens outside. His breath was short and everything was spinning. Dust tried to shield his eyes, because everything felt too bright, and loud and- Something was wrapped over his head…it was a nice fabric, it felt like good quality, but not like some stupid fancy lace.
He heard someone quietly guide him to take deep breaths and he listened, slowly being able to open his eyes again.
He was utterly stunned when he saw the man in front of him, who had wrapped the cloth over his head. This was no ordinary man, this was a god.
The god had a golden crack over one of his eyes and from that close, Dust could notice tiny cyan freckles over his cheek bones. He knew very well who the god was, since there was only one other god to live in the mortal realm. This man was Nightmare, Dust had read stories about the six gods before, and he was the youngest among them even if he came from a set of triplets.
His older siblings made the sea and the planets in their galaxy, while he made the night. From the moon and the stars, to the darkness that was casted over the world- he had made it all.
And now, there he was, looking at Dust with a calm yet worried expression.
“Are you feeling better? Can you hear me now?” He asked, making sure to keep his voice low for the startled mortal, “Yeah- i am fine-“ Dust blushed at his stuttering, it wasn’t often he spoke to new people and it was surely the first time he spoke with a god.
The star sighed relieved, “good. I worried when you ran out” he tenderly wrapped the cloth around Dust further, it was like a big scarf made of heavy cotton and thankfully not itchy wool.
The god sat beside him on the grass, keeping his legs gracefully folded under himself, “thank you..” Dust muttered shyly, “I- don’t know what happened”.
“You almost had a meltdown” he was hesitant, but he gently placed a hand over Dust's shoulder in an effort to soothe him further, “did something in particular upset you? Did someone bother you?” Dust closed his eyes, surprisingly letting himself get touched. “Uh- I don’t know” he spoke softly, starting to get embarrassed- fuck, the king had to step in to calm him from a meltdown, first day out into society and he was already messing up.
“It was…loud and bright. And these clothes suck” the god chuckled amused by his brashness. “Yes well, fancy clothing isn’t really ‘sensory friendly’” he smiled at him and the mortal felt..understood, maybe.
“You are Dust, correct? I learned just today that the Arkani family had a son” He tried his hand at some light conversation, maybe trying to distract Dust from the noise of the party. “Yeah..I don’t get out much, I mostly study” He perked up, looking interested, “really? What do you study? I enjoy litterature the most”
A small smile bloomed on Dust's face, hidden under the scarf that wrapped around his head, “magic…I like magic studies”
He was admittedly very excited to finally talk with someone cultured about it.
Dust proudly showed him his cards, he hadn't even realized how much he needed someone to ask about them and to see his achievements-
“It is rare for a young man like yourself to be interested in this field. Who taught you?” Dust blushed, ashamed, “..no one taught me..your grace” he lowered my head- most nobles had a proper education, none of them were self taught like him.
“You learned magic by yourself? That is-'' Dust hunched his shoulder, ready to be chastised or something, “-quite impressive!”
To say Dust was stunned was quite the understatement- he had understood this man to be someone interested in culture, he would have imagined to be reprimanded for not having a teacher-
“You have quite the interesting talent for cards too” the god gently picked up one of the spells Dust had displayed on the grass. He studied it carefully, squinting his good eye and rubbing his chin, the mortal admitted to himself that the god looked a little silly doing so-
“-and the writing on the cards is very pristine and polished, it means that you have been writing multiple cards for a long time-” Dust hid his little snort of amusement as the god kept examining his work, he honestly felt a lot better now, the sounds and lights were dulled by the scarf he had been given.
The star offered him a polite smile as he handed the card he held back to the mortal. “How would you like a place in my court?”
Dust blinked. “Me?” the god chuckled amused, “yes, you, Dust Arkani”
He blinked again, “are- you sure your majesty?” the god shrugged a little, “why not? I don't think you want to be stuck in a library forever, no?”
How did he-
I’m so sorry Dust, I promise you are interesting in other chapters 😭😭😭
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creaturefeaster · 11 days
how does muscical magic work?
Musical magic, also known as rhythmagic or just blue magic, is a kind of magic that works and is channeled through precise timing of beats and movements. Technically you do not need to be very musically talented to cast basic rhythmagic, you just need to be able keep a steady tempo. (It can also be induced through dance, though that can start leaning heavily into the more emotional cyan magics.) There is more to the actual channeling of magic through the body, and that is it's own kind of challenge to overcome, but that is a varying case for all kinds of magic and not just blue magic.
Blue magic taps into the steady clock of spacetime, exchanging precise timing for precise spacial manipulation. Essentially, it is the magic of levitation/object manipulation. the worse your tempo is, the less effective the magic. And this needs to be very, very precise, which can make it difficult to continuously maintain.
It's used often in musical plays for synchronization, used mechanically for automation, levitating one's self or other objects, and can even assume control of a target's full movement, if the caster is good enough.
It's a more difficult magic to learn, and somewhat socially unacceptable to use outside of professional settings because it's rather impermissible and can be easily abused.
Elliot, who likes things like rhythm games and music already, picked up rhythmagic quicker than most would, but he's only a few years into his magical study as a whole and doesn't always have the best grasp on channeling it.
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Ching also taps into some magic over time, in true form he dabbles more in purples, but leans towards blue magics when he starts hosting and gets more into theatre. Holly and Jarna also use some blue magic from time to time. As is all in their bluish nature.
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stevebattle · 5 days
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Kermit (1978), by Ron Milner and Larry Nicolson, Cyan Engineering, Atari's secret think tank in Grass Valley, CA.
"The robot was a pet project for Nolan Bushnell, then still the head of Atari and a very creative guy. Its purpose in life was as Nolan put it to "bring me a beer!" Navigation for robots was a sketchy thing at that time with lots of pioneering work at MIT but no consumer cost ideas. Nolan brought us the incredibly original idea to navigate a robot (which mostly meant knowing where it was) by means of scanning bar codes attached here and there to the baseboards in the rooms the robot was to service. Why it wasn't patented I don't know.
I had lots of fun building the R2D2 style robot about 20" tall. I liked to put mechanical and electronic things together and we had a great shop at Cyan. Its brain was one of the 6502 based single board computers-I think it was a KIM but not sure. Locomotion was two DC gear motor driven wheels and an instrumented caster-about the same rig as a modern Roomba. A rotatable turret covered with a plexiglass dome carried microphones, an IR sensor to detect people, and ultrasonic ranging sensors I built on a separate PC board. A speaker so Kermit could beep gleefully, of course.
A ring of contact-detecting burglar alarm sensing tape (green in the pictures) around Kermit's middle told the software he had hit something and should back off. The ultrasonics provided range to obstacles and to some extent direction as the turret was rotated, so we could go around things.
My pride and joy was the barcode remote scanner which was mounted on the bottom of the robot so its rotating head would be level with the barcodes on the baseboards. It had a vertical telescope tube with a beam splitter between the IR Led and the photodiode sensor and a lens to focus 2-20' away. It aimed down at a front surface mirror at 45 degree to scan horizontally. The mirror was mounted on a motor driven turret so it spun around continuously with a sensor once around to resolve the continuous angular position of the beam horizontally of course with respect to Kermit's rotational position. Unfortunately, this part of the robot did not survive the closing of our group. The barcodes I made for the prototype to detect were about 4" tall made of 3/4" reflective 3m tape on black poster board.
My programming partner on the project was Larry Nicholson, a really bright guy. He made the barcode reading work to detect not only the barcodes, but where they were angularly with respect to the robot and also their subtended angle or apparent size (all from timing of the rotation of the scanner) which was a measure of distance combined with angle from the barcode. We worked out some pretty clever math to resolve that information from two or three of the barcodes into a position and orientation of Kermit in the room. We had rented an empty room upstairs on the third floor of the Litton building to try all this out and work out the navigation. Larry and I got the basic navigation and obstacle avoidance working so Kermit could go from one place to a designated other place in the room and avoid wastebaskets placed randomly. We demonstrated it to Nolan and he was impressed.
Shortly thereafter Warner Communication who had bought Atari from Nolan kicked him out and the Kermit project was cancelled."
– Kermit The Robot Notes by Ron Milner.
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pupmusebox · 25 days
[ Final Fantasy ]
Zack Fair Sephiroth Cloud Strife Genesis Rhapsodos Kuja Vincent Valentine Noctis Lucis Caelum Prickly(Cactaur/OC) Skylar(OC) Nicholas(OC) Tobias(OC) Rafael(OC) Prompto Argentum Ignis Scientia Gladiolus Amicitia Cecil Harvey Luneth Arc Ingus Kefka Palazzo Zidane Tribal Vivi Locke Cole Edgar Roni Figaro Sabin Rene Figaro Cyan Garamonde Gau Shadow/Clyde Setzer Gabbian Squall Leonheart Zell Dincht Irvine Kinneas Vaan Rufus Shinra Tseng Reno Rude
[ Pokemon ]
Togekiss/Hibiki(OC) Gallade/Shinobu(OC) Mimikyu/Tabb(OC) Mewtwo/Vero(OC) Lugia/Calin(OC) Ho-Oh/Kasai(OC) Arceus/Kadavul(OC) Lunala/Artemis(OC) Solgaleo/Apollo(OC) Necrozma/Lux(OC) Dialga/Ruka(OC) Palkia/Rozovo(OC) Giratina/Izael(OC) Latios/Taylor(OC) Latias/Quinn(OC) Rayquaza/Daven(OC) Groudon/Reese(OC) Kyogre/Kaiden(OC) Jirachi/Nova(OC) Deoxys/Alec(OC) Shaymin/Sage(OC) Victini/Flynn(OC) Genesect/Briar(OC) Volcanion/Rex(OC) Magearna/Cleo(OC) Diancie/Blair(OC) Melottea/Wren(OC) Wes Ethan Silver Red Green Adaman Rika Piers Allister Gladion Drayton Crispin Giovanni Archer Petrel N Harmonia Maxie Archie Volo Cyrus Brendan Wally Steven Stone Wallace Lucas Barry Saturn Lucian Flint Buck Riley Hilbert Cheren Nate Hugh Calem Lysandre Elio Guzma Chase Rei Kieran Arven Atticus Giacomo Ortega Grusha Larry Hassel Jacq Salvatore Saguaro Prof. Turo
[ Persona ]
Naoya Toudou Tatsuya Suou Makoto Yuki(P3 MC/Protag) Ryoji Mochizuki Jin Shirato Takaya Sakaki Shinjiro Aragaki Akihiko Sanada Yu Narukami(P4 MC/Protag) Yosuke Hanamura Naoto Shirogane Kanji Tatsumi Tohru Adachi Teddie Akira Kurusu/Joker(P5 MC/Protag) Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox Goro Akechi/Crow Futaba Sakura/Oracle Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull
[ Golden Sun series ]
Issac Garet Ivan Alex Saturos Felix Piers Agato
[ Legend of Zelda ]
Link Zelda Sheik Ganondorf Midna Zant Kafei Vaati Shad Auru Sidon [ Sonic series ] Sonic Tails Knuckles Dr. Eggman Rouge Shadow E-123 Omega Silver Victor Espio Charmy Emerl Chaos Metal Sonic E-102 Gamma Black Doom
[ Animal Crossing ] Tommy Timmy Isabelle Tom Nook [ Vocaloid ] KAITO MEIKO Len Kagamine Gakupo [ Megaman Series ] Megaman.EXE Lan Hikari Eugene Chaud Protoman.EXE Baryl Colonel.EXE Iris Zero(Rockman Zero) X Zero Spider Bass.EXE
[ Fire Emblem ]
Marth Ike Soren Sothe Ranulf Tibarn Naesala Reyson Volug Zelgius Robin(M) Chrom Morgan(M) Gerome Inigo Corrin(M) Byleth(M) Claude von Riegan Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Hubert von Vestra Seteth Rhea Shez(M) Arval
[ Splatoon ]
Kit/Captain 3 Drey/Agent 4 Zeke/Agent 8 Kyte/Neo Agent 3 Agent 1/Callie Agent 2/Marie DJ Octavio Pearl Marina Shiver Frye Big Man
[ Stardew Valley ]
Sebastian Sam Shane Elliot Alex Harvey
[ RWBY ]
Adam Taurus Qrow Branwen Salem Cinder Fall Winter Schnee James Ironwood Penny Polendina Weiss Schnee Whitley Schnee Blake Belladonna Yang Xiao Long Ruby Rose Lie Ren Ozpin Jaune Arc Sun Wukong Mercury Black Neptune Vasilias Fox Alistair
[ Fate ]
Ritsuka Fujimaru Ozymandias Gilgamesh Caster Gil Proto Gil Kid Gil Setanta Cu Chuluiann Proto Cu Caster Cu Alter Cu (Culter) Archer Emiya Shadow Emiya Alter Emiya Diarmuid Ua Duibhne Saber Diarmuid Aiden(OC) Aouregan(OC) Arthur Pendragon Immaru(OC) Izar(OC) Lugh(OC) Connla(OC) Achilles Chiron Romani Archaman Bazett Fraga McRemitz Asterios Fuuma Kotaru Merlin [ Fullmetal Alchemist ] Edward Elric Alphonse Elric Roy Mustang Envy Greed Maes Hughes [ Black Butler ] Sebastian Michealis Claude Faustus [ Devil May Cry ] Dante Nero Vergil [ Resident Evil ] Leon S. Kennedy
[ Trigun Stampede ]
Vash Nai/Knives Nicholas D. Wolfwood [ Homegrown Pet ] Hector Eli Pierce(OC) [ Elevator Pitch ] Protag Coworker [ Dead Plate ] Vincent Charbonneau Rody Lamoree [ Diabolik Lovers ] Ayato Sakamaki Laito Sakamaki Kanato Sakamaki Shu Sakamaki Reiji Sakamaki Subaru Sakamaki Yuma Mukami Ruki Mukami Kou Mukami Azusa Mukami Shin Tsukinami Richter Karlheinz Kino
[ Mystic Messenger ] Zen Yoosung 707 Jumin Han V Unknown/Ray [ Piofiore ] Dante Falzone Nicola Francesca Henri Lambert [ Fandomless OCs ] Draco Noire (Vampire) Aristaeus (King Bee Demon) Leo Cooper/Chase
[ Genshin Impact ]
Zhongli Venti Aether/Traveler Kaeya Diluc Albedo Tartaglia/Childe Itto Alhaitham Gorou Tighnari Cyno Xiao Wriothesley Neuvillette Il Dottore Pantalone Il Capitano
[ Honkai Star Rail ] Caelus/Trailblazer Blade Boothill Adventurine Dan Heng Gepard Gallagher Dr. Ratio Jiaoqiu Jing Yaun Luka Loucha Moze Sampo Welt [ Jujutsu Kaisen ] Satoru Gojo Yuji Itadori Sukuna [ Dragonball series ] Goku Gohan Android 17/Lapis Cell [ SpyxFamily ] Twilight/Loid Forger
[ YGO ]
Yugi Moto Yami Yugi/Atem Seto Kaiba Joey Wheeler Dartz Rafael Mahad/Dark Magician Jaden Yuki Syrus Truesdale Chazz Princeton Bastion Misawa Zane Truesdale Atticus Rhodes Aster Phoenix Jesse Anderson Jim Crocodile Cook Yusei Fudo Jack Atlas Crow Hogan Astral Kite Tenjo Trey/Micheal Arclight Quattro/Thomas Arclight Quinton/Christopher Arclight Reginald Kastle/Shark/Nash Rio Kastle/Marin Ray Shadows/Vector
[ Digimon ]
Tai Kamiya Yamato ‘Matt’ Ishida Koushiro ‘Izzy’ Izumi Daisuke Motomiya Ken Ichijoji Takato Matsuda Lee ‘Jen’ Jianliang Takuya Kanbara Koji Minomoto Koichi Kimura
[ Obey Me!/Nightbringer ]
Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satan Asmodeus Beelzebub Belphegor Yuki(OC MC) Xavier(OC) Diavolo Barbatos Simeon Solomon Luke Raphael Thirteen Mephistopheles Michael Mael(OC) Dante(OC) Caius(OC) Silas(OC) Ignatius(OC) Samuel(OC) Belial(OC) Raguel(OC) Theodan(OC) Neo(OC) Zephyr(OC) Kuro(OC) Asura(OC) Meagera(OC) Astraroth(OC) Gardonus(OC) Lilith(OC) Cerberus
[ Twisted Wonderland ]
Azul Ashengrotto Vil Schoenheit Riddle Rosehearts Malleus Draconia Idia Shroud Leona Kingscholar Jade Leech Floyd Leech Jack Howl Ruggie Bucchi Kalim Al-Asim Jamil Viper Ortho Shroud Ace Trappola Deuce Spade Trey Clover Cater Diamond Epel Flemier Rook Hunt Lilia Vanrouge Silver Sebek Zigvolt Divus Crewel Dire Crowley [ Undertale/Deltarune ] Sans Paparus Mettaton Frisk Kris
[ Nexomon ]
Omnicron Ulrich/Grunda Nadine/Ventra Fenrir/Fona Merida/Arqua Deena/Nara Zetta/Luxa Nexolord/Metta Solus/Omnisun
[ 7th Dragon III: Code VFD ]
Yuma Kisaragi Yamato Mishiru Jet Sakaki Yuujin Nabaru Bastian Renstu Kirino Kirika Mei Nami Aogiri Urie Nio Misha Azerin Katanako Chelsea Citorin
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Fate Fanservant: Bruce Cipher, the Master with a Mystical Worldview
Alright! It’s time! This! Is my BIG! FUCKING THING! (/ref, /pos)
Content warning for the song “Abnormality Dancing Girl,” repetition, anger caps, unreality, and mentions of blood under the cut.
Ascension Stages
Stage 1: A young, unassuming AFAB person, aside from the eyes with +-shaped pupils and cyan sclera. They have rosy skin and a dirty blonde bob cut, and are wearing black pants and a blue long-sleeved shirt with black stripes. They looks unsure of themself.
Stage 2: Bruce’s teeth have turned sharp and silver, and the Foreigner has sprouted three tails, each ending with a heart of a different color (cyan, lavender, and magenta). Bruce now wears a dark blue dress shirt with a black tie, a long blue trench coat with silver streaks, black gloves, and black knee-high boots with heels. Bruce is beaming with pride.
Stage 3: Bruce’s skin has turned light blue and their hair purple. The hair now flares out further and curls inward. Bruce’s gloves have turned into black goop crawling up the Foreigner’s arms. Bruce now wears a blue leotard with dark blue fishnet tights and a giant dark grey feather boa. The Foreigner looks down on the viewer sternly.
Final Ascension: Bruce is propped up on one knee, holding themself up with a giant pair of scissors (not the ones you’re probably thinking of, though). The Foreigner looks exhausted and enraged, with blood dripping down the right side of their face (the viewer’s left-hand side). Their character art is split in two, with the left-hand side using their second ascension design and the right-hand side using the design from Stage 3.
Class: Foreigner
Alternate Classes: Caster, Avenger, Berserker
Region: North America
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Attribute: Earth
Voice actor: Yamashita Daiki
Strength: E++
Endurance: [TBD]
Agility: D++
Mana: A+
Luck: B+++
Noble Phantasm: D++
Passive Skills
Identity Derived From Empowerment (Rankless):
I don’t have a fancy in-universe explanation for this one. I just wanted to make Bruce’s genderfluidity a gameplay mechanic.
(FGO Effect):
Change Gender trait at the beginning of each turn after the first, based on the following criteria:
Male: number of buffs greater than number of debuffs
Female: number of debuffs greater than number of buffs
Genderless (default for first turn and outside of battle): number of buffs equal to number of debuffs
Existence Outside the Domain D+:
Due to the nature of the Mystic Eyes of Story Perception, Bruce essentially lives with another layer of reality affecting their vision. As the Mystic Eyes are inherent to Bruce’s Spirit Origin, they would still have Foreigner traits, including this skill, if summoned in another class. However, being put in the class has boosted this skill’s rank from D to D+.
(FGO Effect):
Gain 2 critical stars every turn.
Increase own debuff resistance by 5%.
Active Skills
Mystic Eyes of Story Perception EX:
A trait that allows one to see “the universe’s plans for a narrative.” If the current course of events is projected down a path that can be considered a “story,” Bruce can see how that story is expected to play out, as well as vital information about the “characters” therein. This allows Bruce to discern most Servants’ True Names, Active Skills, and major Noble Phantasms.
(FGO Effect):
Chance to inflict Skill Seal for two turns.
Chance to inflict Noble Phantasm Seal for two turns.
Supporting Curse (Faust) A+:
Bruce’s experience as a parallel Master of Chaldea is intrinsically tied to the Heroic Spirit Mephistopheles, who was by their side throughout the entire ordeal. This has severely affected Bruce’s manifestation as a Servant, although the Foreigner wouldn’t have it any other way. Tails, fighting with scissors… and as for this skill in particular, it is a manifestation of one of Mephisto’s own skills, albeit diluted. With this skill, Bruce essentially channels Mephistopheles’ Impotent Rage skill.
(FGO Effect):
Decrease attack for one enemy for two turns.
Decrease defense for one enemy for two turns.
[Third Active Skill (Rank)]:
I haven’t been able to come up with anything yet, lol.
Noble Phantasm
Fetta Finale - Final Slice
Rank: D++
Maximum Targets: 1
Range: [TBD]
Classification: Anti-Unit (Evil)
Type: Buster
A simple Noble Phantasm. Bruce’s scissors grow to seven feet long, and the Foreigner sticks them through their opponent, opening the scissors to tear up the enemy's body and maximize damage. The similarity between Fetta Finale and Mephistopheles’ normal attacks allows Bruce to imbue the scissors with curse-based magic.
“You think the name is cool, right? …Right???”
(FGO Effect):
Inflict special damage to one “Evil” enemy.
Chance to inflict Death to one “Human” enemy.
Inflict Curse on one enemy for five turns.
Voice Lines
Summoned: “Behold! The demonic Foreigner of the Mystic Eyes is here! True Name, Bruce Ci-what?! Why do I look like this?! I was supposed to look cool!!”
Level Up: [TBD]
1st Ascension: “Ahhh, that’s much better. This isn’t quite how I looked when I was alive, but I like it.”
2nd Ascension: [TBD]
3rd Ascension: “Kuhahahaha! Now this is a Foreigner! Oh, I’m so happy!”
4th Ascension: “Master… if there is one thing I can ask of you… please, promise me that you won’t give up on this version of history.”
Fight Start 1: “Ahahahahaha!!!”
Fight Start 2: “Let’s do this thing, Mephisto! …uh, sorry. Force of habit.
Skill 1: “Kuhehehahaha!!”
Skill 2: “This is as far as you go.”
Command Card Select 1: “Keh!”
Command Card Select 2: “Live it to me!”
Command Card Select 3: “Kuhahahahahaaa!!”
Command Card Select 4: “Certainly!”
Noble Phantasm Select: [TBD]
Attack 1: “Feast your eyes upon this!”
Attack 2: [TBD]
Attack 3: [TBD]
Extra Attack 1: “Ehehehe… Ahahahahaaaa!!!”
Extra Attack 2: “Show me what you’ve got!”
Noble Phantasm 1: “Eyes, sides, knees, spine… Oh, who am I kidding? Fetta… Finale!!”
Noble Phantasm 2: “Don’t move! I’ll deliver justice with my own hands! Fetta… Finale!!”
Damage from Noble Phantasm: [TBD]
Regular Damage: “Hrnng…”
Defeated 1: “I’m so… tired…”
Defeated 2: “You’ll defeat ‘em! I swear! I swear it into being!”
Victory: “Hoo-whee! I need a nap.”
"My Room" Dialogue
Bond Level 1: “Of course I’m evil!! Say my name! ‘Bruce Cipher…’ What kind of goody two-shoes has a name like that!?”
Bond Level 2: [TBD]
Bond Level 3: [TBD]
Bond Level 4: [TBD]
Bond Level 5: [TBD]
Bond Level 10: [TBD]
Dialogue 1: [TBD]
Dialogue 2: [TBD]
Dialogue 3: [TBD]
Dialogue 4: [TBD]
Dialogue 5 (if you have Mephistopheles [Caster]): “You… you’re here! You’re finally here! Oh, how long I've been waiting… to see you again, my love…”
Dialogue 6 (if you have Mephistopheles [Assassin]): “You… you finally got a swimsuit?! …You look lovely… Oh! But please don’t take that to mean I dislike you the way you normally are!!”
Dialogue 7 (if you have Mephistopheles [Pretender], stage 1-2): “You… WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU!?”
Dialogue 8 (if you have Mephistopheles [Pretender], stage 3): “You… you’re okay? Ahahahaha, you’re okay! Don’t ever do anything like that again, okay, hun?”
Dialogue 9 (if you have Snow Queen): “What…? You became this way… to save someone you lost? Heheheh, I see… Perhaps that is simply how I’m supposed to be…”
Dialogue 11 (if you have Oberon and have cleared Lostbelt 6): [TBD]
Dialogue 12 (if you have Kama [Assassin], Kama [Avenger], Sessyoin Kiara [Moon Cancer], or Sessyoin Kiara [Alter Ego]): [TBD]
Dialogue 13 (if you have Ashiya Douman): “You are not a clown. You’re not capable of being a clown. I do not understand… why everyone insists to me that you’re a clown! We already had! A perfectly good clown! But no! NO!! No one was satisfied! I! Understand the clown more than ANYONE! And you! Are NOT!! A CLOWN!!”
Likes: "What I like, hmmmmm... Four words: body. Horror. Power fantasies! Extra eyes, limbs, claws bigger than your head! And tentacles, tentacles especially! ...It makes me glad I was summoned as a Foreigner over anything else, haha!"
Dislikes: “What do I hate? Hmmmmmm… washing dishes. You ever touched wet food before, Master? I’m sure everyone has… It is the worst sensory experience in the world. If it weren’t for the environmental damage, I’d use disposable plates whenever I could!”
About the Holy Grail: “Yeah, yeah? The Holy Grail? I dunno, I’m pretty averse to wish stories… King Midas and stuff like that. But I did use it once when I was alive! …Eh? You wanna know what for? Alright, I’ll tell you. The Mystic Eyes sometimes show me… horrible things. I saw all of my Chaldea shoved inside a suitcase and… I couldn’t bear to see that happen to my beloved. So I used the Holy Grail for my one wish: to protect Mephistopheles from the events of our ‘story!!’”
During an Event: “Oh, yeah? Hey, Master. The Mystic Eyes' a're telling me that something important’s going down. …okay, yeah, I lied. It’s just my intuition. Regardless, you should go check that shit out.”
Birthday: “Happy birthday, Master! …I tried to make you a drawing, but it probably isn’t very good… do you wanna see?”
A Master from “another” Chaldea. Boasting incredible magical prowess and the Mystic Eyes of Story Perception, this Foreigner’s power is derived not from any extradimensional entity, but from their ability to view “the path of the world.”
Bond Level 1:
Height/Weight: 165cm • 71 kg
Source: ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️
Region: North America
Alignment: Chaotic • Balanced
Gender: Fluid, chaos
They insist that they are an evil demon who wants to destroy everything, but they care about humanity just as much as their Master. Just roll with it.
Bond Level 2:
This alternate being who took on the title of “Humanity’s Last Master” was closest of all with the Caster Mephistopheles. The two of them worked together throughout each Singularity, minute or catastrophic.
Two demons, one who saw the worst in themself, and one who pulled them through even the toughest of times.
“This pedestal… this beautiful pedestal built from love… its height is infinite.”
Bond Level 3:
Mystic Eyes of Story Perception: EX
A supernatural gift that lets Bruce see “the framework of the world’s current story.” If their current situation seems to be heading down the path of an interesting tale, they can foresee the expected chain of events with incredible accuracy. This also allows them to analyze the story’s “characters.” Since their current objective is fighting alongside their Master, the Foreigner can use this skill to determine hidden information about other Servants, such as their True Names and the effects of their Noble Phantasms. The only way for a “character” to be immune to the Mystic Eyes would be by possessing a skill such as Presence Concealment at a higher rank, but since multiple factors have boosted the Eyes’ rank to EX, this is effectively impossible.
It should be noted, however, that sufficiently derailing the “story” will cause the Mystic Eyes to stop working.
Bond Level 4:
Bond Level 5:
Extra (Clear Interlude “[Name TBD]”):
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meridian59 · 1 year
Patch Notes - 6.21.2023
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Art by: Carew   We hope you’re enjoying the new resizable game window and taking advantage of all the latest bonus building events. This latest patch has a number of fixes and improvements we think you’ll appreciate! >> Inventory sorting is here! No more dropping and picking up to move items around in your inventory. You can now drag-and-drop items in your inventory. Organize and optimize to your heart's content! >> The sun and moon return The sun and moon play an important role in recognizing time of day and for years they’ve been missing from the universe. Perhaps by the magic of Qor? The curse has been broken and the sun and moon are back. Riija mages will be able to gauge the strength of their spells by looking at the moon’s height, and the Sun will dazzle you with its light. >> Umbrella is back Shal’ille mages have been long-missing this powerful and curious spell, which has undergone several interpretations over the decades. Now, it will act as a personal defense-boosting enchantment, with added protection against the undead inhabitants of Meridian. Client Updates - Inventory items can now be sorted manually using a new drag-and-drop function. - Fixed an issue with the sun and moon not appearing in hardware rendering. - Fixed an issue in which objects would vanish along the edges of the game window. - Added new chat message colors: Cyan “c”, Yellow “y”, and Lime “g” - Fixed a bug causing a player’s safety (preventing/allowing ‘innocent’ harm) to toggle under certain conditions. Spell/Skill/Item Changes - Kara’hol’s Curse can no longer be recast if already active. - Added new condition descriptions for bows. - Umbrella is now a self-enchantment and provides scaling protection from the undead. - Potions now include their color in the description. - Gauntlets can now be swapped without needing to first be unequipped. - Fixed several issues with Second Wind (released back in January 2023). New Player Experience Changes - Players leaving Raza will be granted 200 vigor. - New items have been added to Raza’s shops to provide more variety and utility. General Bug Fixes and Improvements - Prisms on the floor will no longer be removed during the game’s room cleanups. - The Riija Sword is now excluded from the list of items that can be lost when falling from the Temple of Riija bridge. - Guild allies above the rank of Initiate can now enter allied guild halls. - Fixed an issue in which Jala casters could inadvertently leave behind a room enchantment that caused issues for others. - Shrine allegiances and power levels will now be reproduced in the event that they or the overall state of the game needs to be recreated. - Improved the visibility of safety on/off messages. - Fixed missing textures and texture alignment issues in a number of rooms. - Misc game config cleanup. Development Tool Changes - Added a Visual Studio Code extension, Blakod Support, to the codebase to aid in the development of Blakod files. This extension can also be found in the Extensions Marketplace for VS Code. - Updated room files to use floating point to resolve room editor crashes. - Updated several of the room editor’s key bindings to match modern standards. Included in this release are contributions from Toko, Si, Aesica, Ouija, and Diggie. Thank you for your contributions to the game. Looking for the Blakod Support extension for VS Code? https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Meridian59.blakod-support Author: Jonan Date: Wed jun 21, 2023 101 Designer’s News globe
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sockiesock · 2 months
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everybody say happy birthday to the caster twins right now.
(characters from left to right: Rose from @redskysailor, Red from @cdfreak, Cyan from Meeee :3, and Peach from @chambertomb!)
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cdfreak · 1 year
i will never stop woobifying cyan caster he is constantly covered in blood with a thousand yard stare but hes my funny little guy
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mccbrackets · 2 years
Best team from MCC1 (top 2 make it into the bracket)
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melodiaemfrp · 2 years
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Hello, Attuned! Thank you for participating in Melodiae’s ninth Activity Check! Listed here are characters that did not pass the check (Five (5) days of activity in-server) for the period from Thursday, November 8th, 2022 to Monday, January 7th, 2023.
If you believe your muse(s) are listed here by mistake, you may reach out to the Masterlist on or before Sunday, January 15th, 2023. All characters that do not have activity accounted for by 11:59 PM EST on this date will be removed from the server by the next inbox run (Tuesday, January 17th, 2023).
If you did not pass the check, you also have until Sunday, January 15th, 2023 to reapp your muse(s) by sending an ask to the Masterlist indicating your intent to reapp the character. You DO NOT have to resubmit the whole application; simply provide your name, the character’s name & series, your OOC contact, and the date in an ask. Muses marked with an asterisk (*) have failed two consecutive checks, and are ineligible to be reapped this way unless they are an OC. These muses must wait one full week, and may resubmit their entire application on or after Sunday, January 22nd, 2023.
Muses that are not reapped by 11:59pm EST on Sunday, January 15th will be removed from the server by our inbox run on Tuesday, January 17th, 2023.
Thank you for your continued interest in Melodiae!
- The Melodiae Team
Exusiai (Sid)
W (Hika)
Bambietta Basterbine (Maki)*
Edgar Allen Poe (Ike)
Edogawa Ranpo (Cezanne)
Nikolai Gogol (Kit)
Angel Devil (Bram)
Iris Black (Kendal)
Mollymauk Tealeaf (Logan)
Bruce Wayne (Lee)
Edward Nygma (Thysto)
Harleen Quinzel (Nils)
Jason Todd (Benito)
Dick Grayson (Jess)
Roman Sionis (Thysto)
Stephanie Brown (Mace)
Damian Al Ghul-Wayne (Stan)
John Constantine (Nils)
Garfield Mark Logan (Logan)
Yamato Hotsuin (Kem)
Notha Ly’Ehr (Birb)
Kainé (Alex)
Add (Doom Bringer) (Sitri)
Ainchase Ishmael (Bluhen) (Jaden)*
Ainen Rosso (Xanthe)
Morgott the Omen King (Thysto)
Chiaki Morisawa (Liet)
Merlin (Caster) (Remi)
Azem (Nyx) (Lauren)
Haraya Viray (WOL BLM) (Caster)
Hermes (Bram)
Winifreya Sinahon (WOL WHM) (Elyse)
Prompto Argentum (Tom)
Agent Six (Lee)
Doctor Rebecca Holiday (Rhea)
Scaramouche (Riku)*
Venti (Barbatos) (Noct)
Rhy’lua (OC) (Lavi)*
Atreus (Candle)
Freya (Rhea)
Cleo Valentina Running Elk (OC) (Suzie)
Bruno Buccellati (Cyan)*
Narancia Ghirga (Oz)
Sona Buvelle (Avi)
Peter Parker (Nils)
Kumagawa Misogi (Eve)*
Psycho Mantis (Thysto)
Madara Uchiha (Lizard)
Obito Uchiha (Wes)
Annie (Fishnchipsnvinegar)
Daniel Dee (Cezanne)
Erika Ishikawa (Rhia)
Estella VaRossa (Hikari)*
Grayson Grimm (Benito)*
Nikon "Niko" Mstislav Alkaev (Sitri)
Reagan Brennan (Thysto)
Rovaniemi, Lapland (KB)*
Rue Gabriel (KB)*
The Calid Saint (KB)*
The Umbral Vices (Cezanne)
Ana Amari (Rose)
Mercy (Angela Ziegler) (Rhea)
Widowmaker (Amélie Lacroix)
Blue (Riku)
Iono (Carmen)
Red (Hikari)
Angela (Freya)
Angelica (Freya)
Carmen (Corinthia)
Netzach (Cezanne)
Akira (Karol)
Bradley Bain (Sitri)
Mitile Flores (Pidge)
Anthy Himemiya (Cecil)
C-ta (Tom)
E-ki (Shae)
Elster (Cyan)
Cheryl Heather Mason (Pax)
James Sunderland (Alivocch)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Eve)
Whisper the Wolf (Dancer)
Raphael Hamato (Mouse)
Leonardo Hamato (Sam)
Gerard Keay (Kendal)
Oliver Banks (Kendal)
Archangel Gabriel (Bram)
Luz Noceda (Ash)
Nene Yashiro (Alice)
Nikkari Aoe (Athiel)
Nautica (Suzie)
Airachnid (Suzie)
Cater Diamond (Raine)
Idia Shroud (Sety)
Morrigan Desrosiers (OC) (Fris)
Trey Clover (Jin)
Ai Mikaze (Rai)
Eiichi Otori (Kem)
The Operator (Oz)
Takayuki Yagami (Hikari)*
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t3mp0ral1ty-art · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Okay so I don't have anything in particular to show that's new, but I wanted to show off perhaps one of my fav paragraphs/scenes from my fic Memento Mori, Memento Vita because it truly is my magnum opus at this point.
Check out the fic if you haven't already! I can't wait to work on it when I have more time! Do be warned, there is blood/gore in this segment, which I'll hide under the break.
This isn't beautiful.
The Kalos skyline is filled with that familiar scarlet red Lysandre remembers from childhood, and as he runs his bloody fingers through his unkempt, tousled hair his gaze focuses on the lone human standing in the distance. Desperate to see a face full of life, he stumbles forth and almost trips on the bones protruding from the earth; though it feels as if the hands of the dead are attempting to drag him down into the earth with them. As he draws near to the only other living human, Lysandre begins to notice more familiar faces amidst the blood and bones that he tramples upon; Malva's obnoxiously pink hair framing her splintered glasses, young Trevor's broken Holo Caster held in a death grip caused by rigor mortis, Xerosic’s pale, gaunt face stretched into a frozen shriek.
Tattered tulle fabric leaves the Team Flare Leader almost slipping once again, and his gaze flicks to the face of Champion Diantha. Her once pristine white outfit is practically destroyed, stained with yellow, brown and red in an ugly blend that nearly causes Lysandre to retch. Diantha’s beauty isn’t even immortalised in death, as evident from the way that half of her face is missing entirely.
A stuttered gasp pushes out of the man’s lungs at the mere mention of his own name, and as Lysandre tears his eyes away from the fallen Champion he finds himself meeting a familiar blue-grey pair just across from him.
Augustine Sycamore frowns as he stares down at Lysandre Fleur-De-Lis, the Professor seemingly unharmed despite the raging fires and dead bodies scattered around them. The look in his eyes is scrutinising enough that Lysandre wants to look away, but cannot bring himself to do so. Instead he can only watch as the Professor of Kalos reaches down and picks up a red hat adorned with a black bow, swiping off the dust that remains on the brim. Scrutiny makes way for melancholy as Augustine’s features soften, crows’ feet wrinkling at the corners of his eyes as he tenderly holds the hat as if it were to crumble and join the bones below.
“Why…? Why did you do this?” The raven-haired man questions, gaze never lifting from the hat in his hands, “Is this truly what you wanted? Did you want our friends to die? For Kalos to perish?”
“N-No! That was n-not my intention—!” Lysandre’s breath is caught in his throat when Augustine looks to him again, blue-grey eyes turned into a void of chilling cyan. The eyes— not Augustine’s— observe him fervently, rendering the taller man almost completely incapacitated as he falls to his knees. Beneath him, Bryony’s dead body cushions his fall. “This is not what I wanted…I…I swear upon my life—“
“The life you so foolishly cast away in order to attain a mere fantasy!?” The body using Augustine’s voice speaks, tone cold and filled with an anger that the redhead cannot fathom as real. The hat is tossed aside, landing upon the chest of Serena who lays in a pool of her own blood with eyes wide open and staring at the hazy, blood-red sky. “The life you spent chasing after legends and allowing yourself to be consumed by narcissism as you hope to change this world in your own image!? Your life, Lysandre Fleur-De-Lis, has no meaning. Swearing upon it will change nothing.”
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