#cyber security talent shortage
harlowtales · 8 months
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Had no idea when this was requested that EJ would announce he’s leaving Jack’s team. We love you EJ and wish you well ✨✨✨✨
Everyone but Jack’s daughter loves security that follows her at school
18+ Adult Themes - Drama|Romance
“So embarrassing!!” Patricia yelled “He’s not following me around at school.”
“I’ve had threats to my family, that includes you.” Jack said calmly “It’s protection or you do school at home.”
“No offence I love you EJ but you’re not needed.” You said to your husband’s personal trainer and bodyguard.
“Not you too Y/N.” Jack said disappointed in you not getting that Patricia’s safety was paramount. “Sorry that’s the way it is…or she goes back to private school.”
“EJ, buddy…did I say I didn’t want you following me around all day? I have a bit of heatstroke and was talking crazy. Let’s go or we’ll be late. I’m so excited to spend every school day with you close by for my safety that my loving best father in the world has so wisely provided.” Patricia inherited Jack’s knack for sarcasm and poured it on thick. Private school was a nightmare she never wanted to experience again.
The snotty kids, the uniforms, the strict teachers, the constant monitoring, and being far away from home in the Kentucky countryside in a tiny dorm was too much for Patricia to bear again. Plus she had no friends in private school because Jack was her father. The kids at school had “old money” parents who thought Patricia had no right to be at such an exclusive school even though Jack could more than afford it. Patricia was also never spoiled. Jack and Y/N had her on an allowance, she drove a modest car, had a 2 year old cell phone, and had to do hours of community service with the Jack Harlow Foundation every month.
It also didn’t help that she was tall, beautiful, with long spiral curls, blue eyes, freckles, and an olive complexion. She was a talented singer/songwriter who was set to tour with her dad this summer. The jealousy at school was out of control. Patricia’s godfathers were Drake and Urban and her godmother was Fergie. She had pictures in her phone with J.Cole, Snoop Dog, and on SZA’s knee when she was just a baby. It was no doubt she was the coolest kid in school and the most hated. The brunt of many a prank and cyber bullying got to such a point that Jack and Y/N had to pull her out within just 6 months. Patricia, normally social and bubbly had become withdrawn and sad during that time.
Whatever her dad wanted she had to obey if she wanted to stay in public school. Public school was totally different. Most kids wanted to be Patricia or hang around her. The cafeteria often turned into a talent show with her singing, friends rapping, and dancing. She took theatre classes and stared in a few musicals already. almost every day someone was giving her their demo tape for her dad to hear.
There were the bad sides to public school though. There was no shortage of trouble around a lot of corners. Patricia so far had managed to steer clear of drugs, alcohol, and had never gone further with a boy besides kissing. No boy wanted to have Jack on their case so in spite of her being the prettiest girl in school, only a few had ever been brave enough to ask her on a date.
She was the female version of her father with razor sharp wit and lack of focus in school due to knowing what she wanted to do. Why waste time with algebra when her path was pretty clear in music. She thought it was hypocritical for Jack to want her to go to college. She had zero plans to do that, but all that was for another day to worry about. For now she just had to figure out how she was going to deal with EJ every day.
“Okkkayyyy Big P got a bodyguard now!!” Patricia’s friends said at lunch time. EJ was just a few feet away as she ate looking like a sentinel guard watching everything. The school quite liked having him. He was kind of making everyone behave, plus he was good looking so the girls didn’t mind at all… or the teachers.
“He can guard me anytime” her friend Tracy said biting her lip and looking over at him.
“Ewww Trace, that’s like my uncle!” Patricia said
“Well bring it all over here Unc” Another friend said
“Yo is EJ single?” Yet another friend chimed in
“Guys please!” Patricia said mortified. In fact EJ was becoming very popular at her school. In between classes he chatted with staff, when Patricia was walking from class to class kids always wanted to talk to him, and all the girls kept giving him eyes.
“Dad this bodyguard situation is not working out” Patricia said to Jack at dinner.
“What’s wrong hunny? EJ seems like he’s working out great for the entire school” Jack said “I’ve heard nothing but good things”
“Oh so are you hearing about how every girl wants to…well you know, and all the teachers too! It’s hard for me getting so many requests a day for his number! They’ve even formed a chat about him. It’s unreal! The last football game they cheered for him just for being there! I think it’s getting to his head. I noticed he’s wearing different sunglasses lately.”
“First of all that sounds amazing. Love that for him. 2nd of all, I see it’s stressing you out and as far as I know I can pull him off high school duty. They caught who was threatening me. I think we can relax, plus we’re all hitting the road soon remember? You been practicing your set? You ready?” Jack questioned his daughter
“I was born ready freddy” Patricia said confidently just like Jack would have.
“Ok so uncle Copelan taught you that one huh?” Jack said suspiciously
“Dad I got you.” Patricia said cooly “Now about my outfits…”
“As long as you’re completely covered it’s all good sweetheart” Jack said lovingly before he left the table to go watch the game.
“Mom…” Patricia said looking at you for help
“I’ll do what I can…Big P.” You said. Your little girl wasn’t so little anymore.
@itsyagirljaz @ride4harlow @okaaay-mice
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How Is Generative AI Reshaping Midmarket Firms In India?
Generative AI leads Indian midmarket transformation, with 96% firms onboard. Explore business impacts, trends, and AI talent gap challenges.
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In recent years, Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) has taken the tech world by storm, revolutionizing how businesses operate. Nowhere is this more apparent than in India, where midmarket companies are leading the charge in AI adoption. A recent study by SAP revealed that 96% of Indian midmarket firms—those with between 250 and 1,500 employees—are prioritizing Gen AI, significantly outpacing the global average of 91%. This surge in AI adoption underscores India’s drive toward digital transformation, where businesses aim to enhance operational efficiency, decision-making, and customer engagement.
Why India is Prioritizing Gen AI
Indian midmarket firms are increasingly recognizing the potential of Generative AI to reshape business landscapes. These firms are not only aware of AI’s immediate benefits but are also proactively integrating it into core processes. According to SAP’s research, 66% of Indian midmarket companies listed Gen AI as a top priority for 2024, second only to cybersecurity (67%). This focus is essential in a world where digital threats are on the rise, and businesses must maintain agility while safeguarding their data and infrastructure.
Unlike in other regions, where sustainability often takes precedence, Indian firms are laser-focused on AI for business transformation. The ability to enhance decision-making through AI-powered insights allows companies to react faster to market demands, allocate resources more effectively, and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving landscape.
Key Areas of AI Implementation
The SAP study also identified key areas where Indian businesses are leveraging AI to drive transformation:
Privacy and Security:
Over 55% of Indian midmarket firms view AI as essential for strengthening security and privacy measures, compared to 50% globally. This is crucial as data breaches and cyber-attacks continue to rise, and AI's predictive capabilities help identify potential threats in real-time.
AI's impact on decision-making cannot be understated. 52% of Indian companies are focusing on improving their decision-making processes through AI, which exceeds the global average of 49%. This trend shows that Indian businesses are looking to AI for more than just operational efficiency—they are using it as a tool for strategic advantage.
Skills Development:
Another critical focus area is employee training and upskilling. With 51% of companies emphasizing AI-driven skills development, businesses are preparing their workforces for the future, ensuring they stay ahead of the curve.
Customer Experience and Supply Chain Optimization:
50% of firms are using AI to enhance customer interactions and optimize supply chain management. This is particularly important in India’s retail and manufacturing sectors, where AI is helping companies deliver personalized experiences while streamlining operations.
India’s Accelerated AI Implementation
India’s rapid adoption of Gen AI extends beyond just prioritization. The SAP study reveals that 49% of Indian businesses are using AI extensively for forecasting and budgeting, compared to just 40% globally. This higher percentage demonstrates how AI-driven insights are being used to optimize financial planning, reducing waste and improving profitability.
Furthermore, 48% of Indian companies are utilizing AI for marketing and sales content development, far outpacing the global average of 41%. AI is helping Indian firms craft personalized marketing strategies that resonate with consumers, increasing engagement and driving sales growth.
Challenges in AI Adoption: Talent Shortage
Despite India’s strong focus on AI, challenges remain. The biggest obstacle cited by Indian midmarket businesses is a shortage of skilled talent. 39% of companies identified talent acquisition and retention as their top concern. This shortage presents a significant barrier to scaling AI initiatives, as businesses require a workforce that can harness AI’s full potential.
Moreover, data-related risks also pose challenges, with 36% of firms concerned about the lack of transparency in AI-generated results and a similar percentage worried about acting on incorrect information. These issues highlight the importance of ensuring high-quality data and fostering trust in AI systems.
Conclusion: Navigating the Future of AI
The SAP study paints a clear picture of India’s leadership in Gen AI adoption, with Indian businesses placing a stronger emphasis on AI than their global counterparts. By focusing on AI-driven decision-making, privacy, and customer experience, Indian midmarket firms are positioning themselves as frontrunners in the digital economy.
However, to sustain this momentum, Indian businesses must address challenges such as the talent gap and data integrity. Partnering with technology providers like SAP, which offers integrated AI solutions, will be crucial in overcoming these hurdles and fully unlocking the transformative power of Gen AI. In doing so, Indian midmarket firms can not only maintain their competitive edge but also lead the way in shaping the future of business innovation.
Original source: https://bit.ly/3zlm9DB
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timesofinnovation · 9 days
In a strategic move to bolster cybersecurity and digital skills across the European Union, the EU Commission has unveiled a fund worth €210 million under its Digital Europe Programme (DEP). Introduced in 2021, the DEP aims to expedite the EU's digital transformation and is equipped with a total budget of €7.5 billion over a span of seven years. The primary objective of this recent funding initiative is to enhance digital literacy and fortify the region's defense against escalating cyber threats. The allocated funds will be directed towards various initiatives, including specialized training programs, the development of cybersecurity tools, and the establishment of advanced digital infrastructures. By fostering skills essential for the modern workforce, the EU aims to bridge the digital divide and ensure that citizens and businesses alike can compete on a global scale. As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, the importance of proactive measures cannot be overstated. For instance, a 2022 report by the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) highlighted a 26% increase in cyber incidents targeting European entities. By investing in cybersecurity, the EU hopes to mitigate these risks and safeguard critical infrastructures. In addition to enhancing security, the focus on digital skills is set to open new employment opportunities and drive economic growth. According to Eurostat, the demand for ICT specialists grew by 38% in the EU between 2016 and 2020, a trend that is expected to continue. By equipping individuals with the necessary skills, the EU can address talent shortages and fill crucial roles in the tech industry. This comprehensive approach underscores the EU's commitment to securing a digital future that is both resilient and inclusive, ensuring that all member states can benefit from and contribute to the digital economy.
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globalfintechseries · 16 days
AI to Supercharge Cybersecurity Teams – Bridging the Cybersecurity Talent Gap with AI
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The global cybersecurity workforce grew by 12.6% between 2022 and 2023, a significant year-over-year climb for any industry, but the talent gap is still far from filled. According to the World Economic Forum, four million workers are needed worldwide in the cybersecurity industry, and with the ongoing growth potential of artificial intelligence, this shortage leaves companies vulnerable to the ever-evolving threat landscape.
The rapid digital transformation across industries has heightened the need for robust cybersecurity measures. Yet, the pool of qualified cybersecurity talent remains small, while the competition to attract and retain these professionals grows stronger.
So, how can organizations bridge this growing gap and strengthen their cybersecurity practices?  The answer lies not in replacing human talent, but in strategically leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to empower existing cybersecurity teams. By viewing AI as a force multiplier, companies can unlock a range of benefits that make their security teams more efficient, proactive, and insightful, ultimately enhancing overall security posture.
Also Read: AI Integration Roadmap Planning for Cybersecurity Experts
The Talent Crunch
The cybersecurity talent shortage isn’t new in the industry. For years, the demand for skilled professionals has outpaced supply, an imbalance driven by factors such as the increasing sophistication of cyberattacks and the evolving regulatory landscape. Attracting and retaining top cybersecurity talent is a fierce competition for organizations.
The number of tasks associated with cybersecurity can be overwhelming for organizations. Security teams often battle with manual processes such as data analysis, log file review, drawn-out assessments, and other time-consuming tasks. These leave them with less time for strategic planning – which is where human expertise and judgment are irreplaceable. With these tasks offloaded to AI, human cybersecurity professionals are freed to focus on more strategic processes. By handling the ‘heavy lifting’ of data processing and preliminary analysis, AI empowers security professionals to apply their skills where they are most effective, enhancing the overall security framework.
AI not only benefits the organization by enabling a more proactive security process but also offers a more attractive work environment for security professionals. By taking away the heavy burden of tedious and time-consuming tasks, AI allows them to utilize their skills for higher-level problem-solving and decision-making, ultimately leading to higher job satisfaction and improved retention rates.
Also Read: Will AI Replace or Enhance Cybersecurity Engineering?
From Reactive to Proactive
The traditional approach to cybersecurity has largely been reactive. Security teams typically wait for an attack to occur before identifying and responding to it. This reactive approach leaves organizations vulnerable since even the most well-designed defenses can be breached. The creation and implementation of security tools, protocols, and policies are also usually set in stone and then not revisited. AI offers a solution for companies looking to be more proactive in their cybersecurity approaches.
AI-powered tools can analyze vast amounts of data and quickly comb through it to identify any changes or patterns that might indicate an attack in the making. This allows security teams to take a proactive stance, mitigating risks before they translate into full-blown breaches. By identifying these potential threats early on, security teams can take preventative measures ahead of time to ensure cyber safety. Under an AI-backed proactive approach, organizations can keep a constant eye on emerging threats and the potential solutions to solving them.
Making Smarter Decisions Faster
Every second an attack goes undetected allows attackers to steal data, disrupt operations, and cause significant damage. In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, timely and informed decision-making is essential. AI provides real-time insights that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of cybersecurity. By integrating AI into workflows, cybersecurity teams can automate responses to threats, streamline security operations, and ensure that their strategies are based on the most current data.
These insights are based on the continuous analysis of data collected from various sources, which allows security teams to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently during critical incidents
Also Read: Cybersecurity Solutions to Safeguard against Financial Services Cyber Threats
Building a Collaborative Future
The global cybersecurity talent gap poses a significant challenge, but AI offers a promising solution. By automating routine tasks, enhancing threat detection, and enabling smarter decision-making, AI can empower cybersecurity teams to do more with less.
As companies adopt AI-powered tools, they not only bolster their defense mechanisms but also create a more attractive and fulfilling work environment for cybersecurity professionals. In this way, AI is not just a tool for managing threats but a strategic asset in building a resilient cybersecurity workforce. While the technology is powerful, it’s important to emphasize that AI is not intended to replace human cybersecurity professionals. Although AI expertly  automates tasks, analyzes data, and identifies patterns, it lacks the critical thinking skills, judgment, and creativity that are essential for effective cybersecurity practices.
And, while AI continues to show promise, organizations must proceed with caution for their internal AI development initiatives which could be exposed to data poisoning, cyberattacks, AI model interference, and Intellectual Property (IP) leakage. Ongoing vigilance and proactive security measures are key to balancing the vast promise and real risks associated with AI.
The future of cybersecurity lies in a collaborative approach where AI empowers human expertise. By establishing strong frameworks and fostering collaboration with human expertise, organizations can realize AI’s transformative potential while effectively bridging the talent gap, ensuring robust protection against evolving threats, and optimizing workforce efficiency and expertise.
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b2b-services · 2 months
Is India the next Big hub for growing Global Tech Skill Demand India – a 2nd largest talent pool for AI/ML and BDA globally.
India has emerged as world’s primary sourcing destination for technical talents and has largest qualified pool of technical graduates.
As per a NASSCOM study, India would need more than a million data science and AI professionals by 2026.
“Future Skills Prime” is a partnership between MeitY and NASSCOM that is focused on reskill/upskill ~2Mn professionals in the area emerging technologies.
There are currently ~416K AI/ML BDA tech talent in India.
India has a supply of 2.2Mn STEM graduates annually, one of the largest in the world.
India stands 1st in AI skill penetration with an overall score of 3.09 out of 5.
Growing digitization has also led to multiplication of cloud professionals in the country.
33% of India’s data science and AI developer professionals are in the age group of 18 to 21.
On the flip side, India has a shortage of nearly 1.5 million cyber security professionals.
3-11 lac is the investment needed in India for training individuals in cybersecurity.
The growing digitalization is creating huge demand for technology professionals in India. As the AI and data analytics startups continue to thrive, there will be further demand for tech talent. With initiatives like Skill India Mission and government-corporate partnerships, the skill gap challenges, especially in areas like cybersecurity can be addressed and this can make India, a global hub for tech talent know more...
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newintern · 3 months
5 Major Advantages of ESG Initiatives
Being an ESG Award, has emerged as a prominent issue of discussion in the modern corporate world. Although it is commonly associated with climate change, pollution, and resource shortages, ESG encompasses many socioeconomic challenges. Specifically, ESG is a methodology for assessing businesses' sustainability and societal effects. Each of the three ESG elements is described briefly below. Environmental focuses on corporate strategies and policies that improve a company's overall environmental sustainability, including its influence on energy and raw material waste, carbon emissions, and climate change. Social responsibility focuses on a company's dedication to human rights, diversity and inclusion, workplace safety, community relations, consumer protection, and personal data protection.
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We can provide Sustainability Award, Governance focuses on internal rules, procedures, and measures implemented to guarantee that an organization's operations are lawful and compliant, such as statutory reporting, auditing, cyber security, risk management, etc. Although this may be a new trend, research has shown that organizations that prioritize ESG activities experience benefits from doing so. According to a recent study and analysis, ESG can help a business in the following ways: Facilitating top-line growth: A strong ESG proposal and integration can help attract new business prospects, handle competitive challenges, and accelerate growth by improving partnerships. According to McKinsey's latest consumer research, up to 70% of consumers polled across several industries are prepared to spend an extra 5% on a green product that meets the same performance standards as a non-green option.
We are an ESG Awards, Increased external investment opportunities: Today, investors regard ESG data as a significant predictor of a company's long-term financial success. As more investors seek to participate in companies with higher ESG performance, those who do will have access to larger pools of capital. According to research, this is happening in equities markets and lending markets, with some banks connecting loan interest rates to ESG performance. Optimizing investment and lowering costs: According to research, allocating cash to more sustainable investments lead to higher long-term investment returns for businesses. Furthermore, research of a company's downstream, direct, and upstream activities using key metrics has revealed improvements in energy and raw material waste, which positively influences operating profits.
In our role as Sustainability Award, ESG certification assesses firms using various metrics from the Environmental, Social, and Governance fields. Carbon emissions and biodiversity are two environmental criteria that assess global implications. Social aspects examine how a business manages connections with its employees, suppliers, and the community in which it operates. Governance evaluates the effectiveness of a company's management structures, shareholder rights, and CEO compensation, among other things. Different industries have distinct ESG issues and opportunities. As a result, ESG certification must be flexible enough to accommodate these quirks while being rigorous enough to maintain consistently high standards and minimize regulatory and legal involvement.
To help you as ESG Award, an efficient ESG integration can increase transparency, reducing the overall regulatory load on firms. While the primary benefit of ESG from a regulatory standpoint is reducing the risk of adverse government/legal proceedings, it can also gain support as stakeholders advocate for a more sustainable economy. Talent management: In general, a firm ESG offer helps recruit and retain top talent while also motivating employees by instilling a sense of purpose, which can boost productivity and employee happiness. As stakeholder demand grows, ESG becomes more than just a feel-good activity. Is your company starting their ESG journey? Contact us if you need help determining your business's best course of action.
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dailystraitsdotcom · 3 months
Healthcare Cybersecurity Challenges
Healthcare faces rising cyber threats due to digitisation and data value.
By June Ramli In an exclusive interview with DailyStraits.com, Aaron Bugal, Field CTO for the Asia-Pacific and Japan region at Sophos, discusses the increasing cybersecurity challenges facing healthcare organisations. With the rapid digitisation of the healthcare industry and a growing shortage of security talent, these organisations are becoming prime targets for cybercriminals. Bugal provides…
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promiseins · 3 months
Adapting to the Evolving Threat: Cyber Insurance Trends and Challenges
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As cyberattacks escalate in frequency and sophistication, the insurance industry is adapting to meet these evolving threats. Let's continue reading to explore the significant trends shaping cyber insurance, the challenges confronting insurers, and strategies to navigate this dynamic environment.
Significant Trends Shaping the Cyber Insurance Industry
The trends are as follows -
Increased Security Requirements: Insurance companies are raising the bar for cybersecurity controls before issuing coverage. This may involve implementing multi-factor authentication, data encryption, and regular vulnerability assessments. Businesses seeking cyber insurance can expect more stringent requirements to demonstrate a robust security posture.
Increased Scrutiny During the Claims Process: With a growing number of cyber claims, insurers are scrutinizing a company's cybersecurity practices during the claims process. This scrutiny aims to assess whether the company's actions contributed to the breach. Businesses with inadequate security measures may face higher deductibles or even policy denials.
Rising Premiums: As cyberattacks become more costly, the associated risks for insurers translate to increasing premiums. While this might be perceived as a negative, it incentivizes businesses to invest in robust cybersecurity to reduce their risk profile and potentially secure lower premiums in the future.
Challenges Facing the Insurance Industry
They are -
Ransomware Proliferation: Ransomware attacks continue to plague businesses of all sizes. These attacks encrypt vital data and demand a ransom for its decryption. The growing volume of ransomware incidents significantly impacts insurers, forcing them to carefully assess the risk profile of potential clients and adjust premiums accordingly.
Legacy System Vulnerabilities: Many businesses still rely on outdated legacy systems that are inherently vulnerable to cyberattacks. Patching these systems can be challenging due to compatibility issues and potential disruption to business operations. However, failing to update legacy systems creates a significant security risk that insurance companies must consider when evaluating cyber insurance coverage.
Third-Party Risks:  Businesses are increasingly reliant on third-party vendors and partners. A security breach within a third party's network can have a domino effect, impacting the main business and potentially triggering a cyber insurance claim. Insurers are now focusing on a company's supply chain security and potential third-party vulnerabilities when assessing cyber risk.
Cybersecurity Skills Gap: There's a significant shortage of qualified cybersecurity professionals. This talent gap makes it even more difficult for businesses to implement and maintain effective security controls, further complicating the risk assessment process for insurers.
Navigating the Path Forward
Despite these challenges, there are positive steps businesses can take to navigate the evolving cyber insurance landscape. Here are some key strategies:
Invest in Cybersecurity Measures: Implement multi-factor authentication, data encryption, and regular security awareness training for employees.
Conduct Regular Risk Assessments: Identify and address vulnerabilities in your network infrastructure.
Develop a Comprehensive Incident Response Plan: Outline a straightforward process for responding to cyberattacks, including data recovery and communication with stakeholders.
Work with a Reputable Insurance Broker: Partner with a broker who specializes in cyber insurance. They can help you understand your coverage needs, navigate the complexities of securing a policy, and ensure you get the right level of protection.
Secure Adequate Cyber Insurance Coverage with Promise Insurance Agency
Businesses can proactively manage their cyber risk and secure appropriate cyber insurance coverage by prioritizing cybersecurity and partnering with a knowledgeable insurance broker like Promise Insurance Agency. Remember, an effective cyber risk management strategy benefits both your business and the insurance industry as a whole. Contact us today to discuss your cyber insurance needs and explore how we can help you navigate the evolving cyber landscape. Call us at (951) 691-8087 to get started.
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fizza-feed · 4 months
Calling All Defenders: High-Demand Jobs in Cyber Security
The digital age brings countless benefits, but it also creates a playing field for cybercriminals. This is where cyber security professionals step in – the guardians of our information age. The need for skilled cyber security professionals is exploding, with a vast array of exciting careers available. Are you ready to join the fight?
Why Cyber Security?
The demand for cyber security professionals is on a stellar rise. This is due to several factors:
Increasing cyber threats: As businesses and individuals move more online, the attack surface for criminals expands.
Growing reliance on technology: Our dependence on critical infrastructure makes cyberattacks even more impactful.
Shortage of skilled workers: There simply aren't enough cyber security professionals to fill the open positions.
This talent gap translates to opportunity for you. Cyber security offers a stable, well-paying career with excellent growth prospects.
High-Demand Cyber Security Jobs
The cyber security landscape is broad, offering a variety of career paths. Here are some of the most in-demand specializations:
Penetration Tester (Ethical Hacker): Think of yourself as a good cop – you ethically hack into systems to find vulnerabilities before the bad guys do.
Security Analyst: You'll be on the front lines, monitoring networks, analyzing threats, and responding to security incidents.
Cloud Security Engineer: As cloud adoption soars, specialists are needed to secure these dynamic environments.
Cybersecurity Architect: The mastermind behind the scenes, you'll design and implement secure systems to safeguard an organization's data.
What Skills Do You Need?
While specific requirements vary, some core skills are essential for any cyber security professional:
Technical knowledge: Understanding networks, operating systems, and security tools is crucial.
Analytical thinking: You'll need to solve problems, identify patterns, and make quick decisions.
Communication skills: Conveying complex technical concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences is essential.
Ready to Make a Difference?
The world of cyber security is challenging, but immensely rewarding. If you're passionate about technology and protecting information, a cyber security career path could be your perfect fit. There are numerous resources available to help you get started, including online courses, certifications, and bootcamps.
So, are you ready to join the ranks of the cyber defenders? The future of online safety depends on it!
The cybercrime landscape is constantly evolving, and so are the opportunities for those with the right skills. If you're ready to be part of the solution, consider enrolling in our comprehensive cyber security course!
Our course will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to:
Understand the core principles of cyber security.
Master in-demand technical skills.
Learn from industry experts.
Prepare for industry certifications.
Don't wait! Secure your future in cyber security. Here's what to do next:
Visit our website to learn more about the course curriculum and schedule.
Download our free course brochure for a detailed overview.
Contact us to speak with an advisor and discuss your career goals.
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education30and40blog · 5 months
[PDF] Global Talent Trends Report 2024
See on Scoop.it - Education 2.0 & 3.0
The world of work is in full metamorphosis, forever changed by the seismic shifts of the past few years and accelerated by the imminent human-machine teaming revolution. Just as organizations were settling into a new normal – with a focus on hybrid working, comprehensive health and well-being, digitalization, and upskilling – Generative AI (Gen AI) burst onto the scene. Changing not only how people work but the work experience itself, Gen AI has been met with equal measures of unease and excitement. Will it produce a real productivity lift? Can the increased risk exposure be effectively managed, and is it worth it? What will be the permanent impact on the competitive landscape? These are the conversations dominating boardrooms and team chats, with one universal truth emerging: Unlocking the potential of this new world of work means keeping people at the heart of the transformation agenda.
  There is no escaping the need for new ways of working and new ways to value workers. The societal dynamics emanating from the last few years (including louder calls for fair pay, better working conditions, and less environmental impact) are aggressively reshaping the work contract. Leading companies are rethinking their People practices and leveraging greater talent science to ensure a more sustainable, equitable and intuitive work experience.
  The urgency is coming from all stakeholders. Two in five workers believe that the world of work is fundamentally broken and one in four wish they didn’t have to work at all. People crave the peace of mind that comes with job security and financial well-being – staples that become increasingly important during times of upheaval. Executives are also seeking solid ground, focused on keeping their business running by addressing inflation, digital acceleration, and alternative work models. Climate concerns are hitting closer to home as more frequent extreme weather events impact business continuity. Cyber risk has been bumped from its top spot in 2022, and significantly fewer executives are accounting for an overall heightened risk environment in their plans. HR remains anxious about rising labor costs, managing a remote workforce, and skills shortages. And 89% of asset managers see an engaged workforce as a key driver of company value. 
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trioptus · 5 months
IT TALENT SHORTAGE IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY: Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the banking industry stands at the forefront of technological innovation. From mobile banking apps to blockchain technology, financial institutions are constantly seeking ways to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and stay ahead of the competition. However, amid this digital transformation, the industry is facing a significant challenge: a shortage of IT talent.
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Understanding the IT Talent Shortage
The demand for IT talent in the banking sector has never been higher. As banks increasingly rely on technology to drive growth and efficiency, the need for skilled professionals who can develop, implement, and maintain complex systems has skyrocketed. From cybersecurity experts to data scientists, there is a growing need for individuals with specialized IT skills.
However, despite the high demand, the supply of qualified IT professionals has not kept pace. This talent shortage is exacerbated by several factors, including:
Rapid Technological Advancements: The pace of technological change in the banking industry is relentless. New technologies emerge constantly, requiring IT professionals to continually update their skills to remain relevant. However, the traditional education system often struggles to keep up with these rapid advancements, leading to a gap between the skills employers need and the skills available in the workforce.
Competition from Other Industries: The banking sector is not the only industry facing an IT talent shortage. Companies across various sectors, from healthcare to retail, are also vying for the same pool of skilled professionals. As a result, banks must compete not only with each other but also with tech giants like Google and Amazon for top IT talent.
Changing Workforce Dynamics: Millennials and Generation Z are entering the workforce in record numbers, bringing with them different expectations and priorities. Many young professionals are drawn to tech startups and innovative companies that offer flexible work environments and opportunities for career advancement. Traditional banks, with their hierarchical structures and bureaucratic processes, may struggle to attract and retain these digital-native employees.
Impacts of the IT Talent Shortage
The IT talent shortage poses significant challenges for the banking industry, including:
Increased Cybersecurity Risks: With the rise of cyber threats, cybersecurity has become a top priority for banks. However, the shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals makes it difficult for banks to adequately protect their systems and data from attacks. This leaves them vulnerable to security breaches, which can result in financial losses and damage to their reputation.
Slower Innovation: Without access to top IT talent, banks may struggle to innovate and adapt to changing market conditions. This can hinder their ability to develop new products and services, improve existing processes, and respond to customer needs effectively. In a highly competitive industry, falling behind on innovation can have serious consequences for a bank's long-term success.
Increased Costs: In the face of a talent shortage, banks may be forced to pay higher salaries to attract and retain IT professionals. Additionally, they may need to invest in costly training programs to upskill their existing workforce. These increased costs can eat into banks' profit margins and put pressure on their bottom line.
Navigating the Talent Shortage: Strategies for Success
While the IT talent shortage presents significant challenges, there are several strategies that banks can employ to mitigate its impact and thrive in the digital age:
Invest in Training and Development: Rather than relying solely on external hires, banks can invest in training and upskilling their existing employees. By providing opportunities for professional development, banks can equip their workforce with the skills they need to succeed in an increasingly digital world.
Embrace Remote Work: Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly among tech-savvy millennials and Gen Z. By offering flexible work arrangements, including remote work options, banks can attract top IT talent regardless of their location. This can also help banks tap into a wider talent pool and overcome geographic limitations.
Partner with Educational Institutions: Banks can collaborate with universities and vocational schools to develop specialized training programs tailored to the needs of the banking industry. By working closely with educational institutions, banks can ensure that graduates are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in IT roles within the banking sector.
Foster a Culture of Innovation: To attract and retain top IT talent, banks must foster a culture of innovation that encourages creativity, experimentation, and collaboration. This can include initiatives such as hackathons, innovation labs, and cross-functional teams that bring together employees from different departments to work on new ideas and projects.
Outsource Non-Core Functions: In some cases, banks may choose to outsource non-core IT functions to third-party vendors or service providers. This can help alleviate the burden on internal IT teams and allow banks to focus their resources on strategic initiatives that drive growth and innovation.
The IT talent shortage poses significant challenges for the banking industry, impacting everything from cybersecurity to innovation. However, by adopting a proactive approach and implementing strategies to attract, retain, and develop top IT talent, banks can overcome these challenges and position themselves for long-term success in the digital age. By investing in training and development, embracing remote work, partnering with educational institutions, fostering a culture of innovation, and outsourcing non-core functions, banks can navigate the talent shortage and emerge stronger and more competitive than ever before.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
80% of AI decision makers are worried about data privacy and security - AI News
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/80-of-ai-decision-makers-are-worried-about-data-privacy-and-security-ai-news/
80% of AI decision makers are worried about data privacy and security - AI News
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Organisations are enthusiastic about generative AI’s potential for increasing their business and people productivity, but lack of strategic planning and talent shortages are preventing them from realising its true value.
This is according to a study conducted in early 2024 by Coleman Parkes Research and sponsored by data analytics firm SAS, which surveyed 300 US GenAI strategy or data analytics decision makers to pulse check major areas of investment and the hurdles organisations are facing.
Marinela Profi, strategic AI advisor at SAS, said: “Organisations are realising that large language models (LLMs) alone don’t solve business challenges. 
“GenAI should be treated as an ideal contributor to hyper automation and the acceleration of existing processes and systems rather than the new shiny toy that will help organisations realise all their business aspirations. Time spent developing a progressive strategy and investing in technology that offers integration, governance and explainability of LLMs are crucial steps all organisations should take before jumping in with both feet and getting ‘locked in.’”
Organisations are hitting stumbling blocks in four key areas of implementation:
• Increasing trust in data usage and achieving compliance. Only one in 10 organisations has a reliable system in place to measure bias and privacy risk in LLMs. Moreover, 93% of U.S. businesses lack a comprehensive governance framework for GenAI, and the majority are at risk of noncompliance when it comes to regulation.
• Integrating GenAI into existing systems and processes. Organisations reveal they’re experiencing compatibility issues when trying to combine GenAI with their current systems.
• Talent and skills. In-house GenAI is lacking. As HR departments encounter a scarcity of suitable hires, organisational leaders worry they don’t have access to the necessary skills to make the most of their GenAI investment.
• Predicting costs. Leaders cite prohibitive direct and indirect costs associated with using LLMs. Model creators provide a token cost estimate (which organisations now realise is prohibitive). But the costs for private knowledge preparation, training and ModelOps management are lengthy and complex.
Profi added: “It’s going to come down to identifying real-world use cases that deliver the highest value and solve human needs in a sustainable and scalable manner. 
“Through this study, we’re continuing our commitment to helping organisations stay relevant, invest their money wisely and remain resilient. In an era where AI technology evolves almost daily, competitive advantage is highly dependent on the ability to embrace the resiliency rules.”
Details of the study were unveiled today at SAS Innovate in Las Vegas, SAS Software’s AI and analytics conference for business leaders, technical users and SAS partners.
Want to learn more about AI and big data from industry leaders? Check out AI & Big Data Expo taking place in Amsterdam, California, and London. The comprehensive event is co-located with other leading events including BlockX, Digital Transformation Week, and Cyber Security & Cloud Expo.
Explore other upcoming enterprise technology events and webinars powered by TechForge here.
Tags: llm, privacy, productivity, sas, security
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researchinsight24 · 2 months
"Breaking the $30 Billion Barrier: The Rise of Managed Services"
The managed services market has witnessed significant growth over the past decade, driven by the increasing adoption of digital technologies, the need for cost optimization, and the growing complexity of IT environments.
Read More - https://market.us/report/managed-services-market/
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Companies are increasingly outsourcing their IT operations to managed service providers (MSPs) to focus on core business activities and improve operational efficiency.
Growth factors include the rise in cloud computing, increased demand for IT security solutions, and the proliferation of big data and analytics. However, the market also faces challenges such as data security concerns, the need for skilled professionals, and regulatory compliance issues. New entrants have the opportunity to capitalize on emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and IoT to offer innovative solutions and differentiate themselves in a competitive market.
Emerging Trends
Cloud Services Integration: Increased demand for hybrid and multi-cloud environments is driving MSPs to offer comprehensive cloud management services.
AI and Automation: The adoption of AI and automation tools is enhancing service delivery, predictive maintenance, and reducing operational costs.
Cybersecurity Services: With the rise in cyber threats, MSPs are focusing on advanced security services, including threat detection and response, and compliance management.
Edge Computing: The growth of IoT and edge devices is pushing MSPs to provide edge computing solutions to manage and process data locally.
Unified Communications: There is a growing trend towards integrating communication services like voice, video, messaging, and collaboration tools into managed services offerings.
Top Use Cases
IT Infrastructure Management: MSPs manage and maintain the IT infrastructure, ensuring high availability and performance.
Cloud Migration and Management: Assisting businesses in migrating to the cloud and managing their cloud environments efficiently.
Security Management: Providing comprehensive security solutions, including monitoring, threat detection, and incident response.
Network Management: Ensuring the optimal performance of enterprise networks, including WAN, LAN, and wireless networks.
Application Management: Managing enterprise applications to ensure they are up-to-date, secure, and perform optimally.
Major Challenges
Data Security and Privacy: Ensuring the security and privacy of data in a complex and evolving threat landscape.
Regulatory Compliance: Navigating various regulatory requirements across different regions and industries.
Talent Shortage: Finding and retaining skilled IT professionals to deliver high-quality managed services.
Cost Management: Balancing the need for investment in new technologies with cost constraints.
Service Differentiation: Standing out in a crowded market with unique value propositions and innovative solutions.
Market Opportunity
SMB Market: Small and medium-sized businesses are increasingly adopting managed services to improve their IT capabilities without significant investments.
Vertical-specific Solutions: Developing tailored solutions for specific industries like healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.
Geographical Expansion: Exploring untapped markets in emerging economies with growing IT needs.
Partnerships and Alliances: Forming strategic alliances with technology providers to offer integrated solutions.
Advanced Technologies: Leveraging emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, and IoT to offer cutting-edge services.
The managed services market is poised for substantial growth, fueled by the increasing complexity of IT environments and the need for cost-effective solutions.
While there are challenges such as data security, regulatory compliance, and talent shortages, the opportunities for new entrants are significant.
By focusing on innovative technologies, industry-specific solutions, and expanding into new markets, MSPs can capitalize on the growing demand for managed services. The future of the managed services market looks promising, with continuous advancements driving the evolution of service offerings and business models.
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Solutions and Consulting Services for Data Analytics
Introduction to Data Analytics Consulting
Businesses now must overcome the issue of gleaning insightful information from massive amounts of data in a data-driven society. In order to assist businesses use data to make wise decisions and spur expansion, data analytics consulting services are essential. Companies in a variety of industries, from small startups to huge corporations, are turning to data analytics consulting businesses for advice and assistance.
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Importance of Data Analytics Consulting Services
Data analytics consulting services are essential for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge in their respective industries. These services help organizations uncover patterns, trends, and correlations within their data, enabling them to optimize processes, improve efficiency, and enhance decision-making. By leveraging advanced analytics techniques, businesses can identify opportunities for revenue growth, cost reduction, and risk mitigation.
Types of Data Analytics Consulting Solutions
Descriptive Analytics
Descriptive analytics involves analyzing historical data to understand what has happened in the past. It provides valuable insights into trends, patterns, and anomalies, allowing businesses to gain a better understanding of their current situation.
Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics utilizes statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to forecast future outcomes based on historical data. By identifying patterns and trends, predictive analytics helps businesses anticipate customer behavior, market trends, and potential risks.
Prescriptive Analytics
Prescriptive analytics goes beyond predicting future outcomes by recommending actions to optimize decision-making. By analyzing data in real-time, prescriptive analytics helps businesses identify the best course of action to achieve their goals and objectives.
Benefits of Data Analytics Consulting Services
Improved Decision Making: By providing actionable insights, data analytics consulting services enable businesses to make informed decisions.
Enhanced Efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks and streamlining processes, data analytics solutions help businesses operate more efficiently.
Competitive Advantage: By leveraging data-driven insights, businesses can gain a competitive edge in their respective industries.
Cost Savings: By identifying areas for optimization and resource allocation, data analytics consulting services help businesses reduce costs and increase profitability.
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Industries Utilizing Data Analytics Consulting
Data analytics consulting services are utilized across various industries, including:
Real Estate
Asset Management
Oil and Gas
Asset Management
How to Choose the Right Data Analytics Consulting Firm
When selecting a data analytics consulting firm, businesses should consider factors such as expertise, experience, and industry knowledge. It’s essential to choose a firm that understands the unique challenges and opportunities within your industry and can tailor solutions to meet your specific needs.
Case Studies: Successful Implementation of Data Analytics Solutions
Company A: Increased sales by 20% after implementing predictive analytics to forecast customer demand.
Company B: Reduced operational costs by 15% by optimizing supply chain management processes using descriptive analytics.
Company C: Improved customer satisfaction by 25% by leveraging prescriptive analytics to personalize marketing campaigns.
**Learn Data Analytics Case Studies**
Challenges in Data Analytics Consulting
Despite the numerous benefits, data analytics consulting also presents challenges such as:
Data Quality: Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data sources.
Data Security: Protecting sensitive information from breaches and cyber-attacks.
Talent Shortage: Finding skilled data analysts and scientists to interpret and analyze data effectively.
Future Trends in Data Analytics Consulting
The future of data analytics consulting is shaped by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things. These advancements enable businesses to collect, analyze, and interpret data more efficiently, unlocking new opportunities for innovation and growth.
Data analytics consulting services are essential for businesses looking to thrive in today’s data-driven economy. By harnessing the power of data analytics, organizations can gain valuable insights, improve decision-making, and drive sustainable growth.
What are data analytics consulting services?
Data analytics consulting services involve helping businesses analyze and interpret data to make informed decisions and drive growth.
How can data analytics consulting services benefit my business?
Data analytics consulting services can improve decision-making, enhance efficiency, and provide a competitive advantage by leveraging data-driven insights.
What industries utilize data analytics consulting services?
Industries such as healthcare, finance, retail, manufacturing, telecommunications, and marketing utilize data analytics consulting services.
What are the challenges in data analytics consulting?
Challenges include data quality issues, data security concerns, and a shortage of skilled talent in the field of data analytics.
What are the future trends in data analytics consulting?
Future trends include the integration of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things to unlock new opportunities for innovation and growth.
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potenza-educare · 6 months
Empower Your Future: Ethical Hacking with Power Educare
In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is more critical than ever. Enter ethical hacking — the proactive defense mechanism against cyber threats. At Power Educare, we’re dedicated to equipping you with the skills to safeguard our digital world. Let’s explore why ethical hacking matters and why Power Educare is your gateway to mastering it.
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Why Ethical Hacking Matters:
Identifying Vulnerabilities: Ethical hackers proactively unearth system weaknesses, allowing organizations to patch vulnerabilities before cybercriminals exploit them.
Strengthening Defenses: Through simulated attacks, ethical hackers help fortify digital infrastructures, ensuring resilience against real-world threats.
Protecting Data: Ethical hacking safeguards data integrity and confidentiality, preserving individual privacy and organizational assets in the face of digital proliferation.
The Future of Ethical Hacking:
Rapid Technological Advancements: Emerging tech like IoT and AI expands the attack surface, making ethical hackers indispensable in securing these innovations.
Cybersecurity Talent Shortage: With a global talent shortfall, skilled ethical hackers are in high demand to bridge this gap and safeguard organizations.
Regulatory Compliance: Stricter regulations necessitate robust cybersecurity measures. Ethical hacking ensures compliance with standards like GDPR and HIPAA.
The Role of Education:
At Power Educare, we offer comprehensive online courses to empower the next generation of ethical hackers. Our expert-led curriculum covers penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and incident response, ensuring you’re equipped to tackle evolving cybersecurity challenges.
Through hands-on labs and real-world simulations, we instill the knowledge, skills, and ethical mindset necessary for success in cybersecurity. Our courses are continuously updated to reflect industry trends, keeping you at the forefront of innovation.
Investing in ethical hacking education not only enhances your career prospects but also contributes to a safer digital ecosystem. Join Power Educare and embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a skilled ethical hacker. Together, let’s shape a future where cybersecurity is paramount.
Join us at Power Educare for the best education and become a guardian of the digital realm.
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roamnook · 6 months
US Treasury Warns Financial Sector of AI Cybersecurity Threats: Reveals Risks and Recommendations. A report discusses advanced AI tools' impact on attacks and fraud in the financial industry, urging better risk management and data protection measures.
US Treasury Urges Financial Sector to Address AI Cybersecurity Threats
US Treasury Urges Financial Sector to Address AI Cybersecurity Threats
The US Department of the Treasury has issued a warning regarding the cybersecurity risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI) in the financial sector. This report, prompted by Presidential Executive Order 14110 on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, aims to provide recommendations for financial institutions on how to mitigate these risks.
AI-Based Cyber Threats to the Financial Sector
The report highlights the potential threat posed by advanced AI tools such as generative AI. Financial services and technology-related companies interviewed for the report expressed concern that these technologies may give threat actors the upper hand, as they improve the sophistication of attacks like malware and social engineering. Additionally, these tools lower the barriers to entry for less-skilled attackers.
The report also identifies vulnerability discovery and disinformation as potential ways in which cyber threat actors can exploit AI to target financial systems. For example, deepfakes, which use AI to create realistic but fake videos, could be used to impersonate individuals like CEOs and defraud companies.
Although financial institutions have been using AI systems to support operations for several years, the report suggests that existing risk management frameworks may not adequately address emerging AI technologies like generative AI. In particular, the report emphasizes the unique cyber threats to AI systems used in financial organizations, which may make them a prime target for insider threat actors. These threats include data poisoning attacks, where the training data of an AI model is corrupted.
The report also notes that in-house AI solutions can increase financial organizations' reliance on third-party IT infrastructure and data. The handling of training data and the resource requirements of AI systems can expose financial organizations to additional financial, legal, and security risks.
Managing AI-Specific Cybersecurity Risks
The US Treasury provides a number of recommendations for financial organizations to address AI-related operational risks, cybersecurity threats, and fraud. These recommendations include:
Utilizing applicable regulations, even if they do not explicitly mention AI. Existing laws, regulations, and guidance related to risk management can still be relevant.
Improving data sharing to build robust anti-fraud AI models. Smaller financial institutions can benefit from data sharing with larger organizations to develop effective AI models for fraud prevention.
Developing best practices for data supply chain mapping. Monitoring data supply chains will help ensure that AI models use accurate and reliable data while considering privacy and safety. Implementing "nutrition labels" for vendor-provided AI systems and data providers can help identify the origin and quality of training data.
Addressing the AI talent shortage by providing training for practitioners on how to use AI systems safely and offering role-specific AI training for non-IT employees.
Implementing robust digital identity solutions to combat AI-enabled fraud and enhance cybersecurity.
The report also emphasizes the need for government action to help organizations combat AI-based threats. It suggests ensuring coordination at the state and federal levels for AI regulations and expanding the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) AI Risk Management Framework to include more applicable content for the financial services sector.
Under Secretary for Domestic Finance, Nellie Lian, states, "Artificial intelligence is redefining cybersecurity and fraud in the financial services sector, and the Biden Administration is committed to working with financial institutions to utilize emerging technologies while safeguarding against threats to operational resiliency and financial stability."
In light of the growing cybersecurity risks posed by AI in the financial sector, it is crucial for financial institutions to address these challenges proactively. By implementing the recommendations provided by the US Treasury and staying vigilant to emerging AI threats, financial organizations can enhance their operational resilience and protect against fraud.
To navigate the evolving landscape of AI cybersecurity and maximize digital growth opportunities, financial institutions can partner with RoamNook. As an innovative technology company specializing in IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing, RoamNook is committed to fueling digital growth. With RoamNook's expertise, financial organizations can leverage AI technologies securely and effectively, enabling them to stay ahead of cyber threats and drive success in the digital age.
For more information on how RoamNook can help your organization navigate the complexities of AI cybersecurity and achieve digital growth, visit https://www.roamnook.com.
Source: https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/us-treasury-financial-ai/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjwnbDn7ZiFAxUkElkFHZwICOUQxfQBegQIBBAC&usg=AOvVaw1C7jPb7tyhNATbB4lbfe2A
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