hoa-bulletin-board · 8 months
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🔵🚨 Let's talk about online safety! It's crucial to protect our online communities, especially our kids. The Australian safety watchdog has fined a social platform for failing to address child abuse content. The recent $385,000 fine for not tackling child abuse content serves as a reminder of the importance of a safer online experience. 🤝🌏 Let's work together for a safer internet.  🌐💪 
For More Information, Contact us at https://www.hoabulletinboard.com/hoa/jgcc/news/
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sistervirtue · 1 year
you can report them to the FTC for Deceptive advertising via false reviews.
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The page states these reviews were collected through "Judge.Me", a website that filters the authenticity of reviews. Searching the product on the website yields no results, meaning they do not exist. This is in direct violation of regulation as it "misleads the consumer into purchasing something they would not otherwise purchase without trust in the testimonies of others" (which is financial fraud)
don't scroll down in this section
that being said, this can also be reported for violating the following statute:
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"harmful to minors" is defined as below, which is a lower standard than that of "obscene content"
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You can report this to the cybertipline here, you will see the option to report misleading words or digital images
This is why most websites featuring adult content must have filtering options and confirmation the user is 18+, for the record.
I doubt reporting them to the FTC for misleading health claims will work-- they have the "this is not intended to treat or cure illnesses" disclaimer, which tends to be a catchall disclaimer, but misleading advertising in other areas is fine
ALSO: the creators of the website have been exposed as fash and its likely this website if a phishing scheme. keep an eye out for reports of consumers not receiving products, and send in ftc reports as they arise.
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bumblee-stumblee · 5 months
Sextortion training materials found on TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube, according to new report
Sextortion is “a crime that involves adults coercing kids and teens into sending explicit images online,” according to the FBI. The criminals threaten their victims with wide distribution of the explicit images, including to the victims’ friends and family, unless the victims pay them, repeatedly, through a variety of peer-to-peer payment apps, cryptocurrency transfers and gift cards.
Please read the entire article.
It happens a lot. It is also not just strangers that do this. People you considered friends and family can be capable of doing this as well.
Do not send nudes of yourself to anyone. Do not pay anyone if they threaten and tell you they want money to not post them.
In the U.S., people who have experienced sextortion (or their parents or guardians) can report it via the FBI’s cybercrime portal IC3.gov online or a local FBI field office. Sextortion incidents involving a minor should also be reported to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children or NCMEC Cypertipline at report.cybertip.org or by phone at 800–843–5678.
Please keep yourselves safe.
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lhazaar · 1 year
there's a post going around wherein op discovered csam in tumblr blaze and is encouraging people to visit a specific tag in order to report the blogs using it. op has good motivations but this is a terrible post to make and i would strongly encourage people not to spread it or similar calls to action that provide pathways for people to directly access the blogs. because you don't have control over who sees your posts on tumblr, gaining any kind of traction with something like this will inevitably lead to distribution. you should not share csam content, even to report it. mass reporting will not make tumblr staff deal with the content faster, it will just spread the content itself. instead, report it yourself to tumblr and organizations such as cybertip or the ncmec's cybertipline.
you don't need to spread awareness of a tag that most people would otherwise never have known existed, you need the tag gone.
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mariacallous · 7 months
Omegle, the video and text chat site that paired strangers together to talk, ultimately shut down as part of a legal mediation with a female user who sued the company, claiming its defective and negligent design enabled her to be sexually abused through the site.
Omegle’s chatting service was shut down Wednesday, just a week after it settled a court case with a plaintiff identified as A.M. Her lawsuit, filed in 2021, alleged that she met a man in his thirties on Omegle who forced her to take naked photos and videos over a three-year period. She was just 11 when it began in 2014.
“The permanent shutdown of Omegle was a term negotiated between Omegle and our client in exchange for Omegle getting to avoid the impending jury trial verdict,” Carrie Goldberg, an attorney who represented A.M., tells WIRED. Attorneys for Omegle did not respond to a request for comment on the settlement. Emails to Omegle were not returned.
Omegle, founded in 2009, regained popularity during 2020 as Covid-19 lockdowns kept people at home. That popularity was, at least in part, driven by it becoming a place where lonely people could chat and also a place for sexual exploration. But its very design was different from other social apps: It instantaneously paired strangers on camera.
“Virtually every tool can be used for good or for evil, and that is especially true of communication tools, due to their innate flexibility,” Leif K-Brooks, Omegle’s founder, wrote in a note announcing the site’s end. “The telephone can be used to wish your grandmother ‘happy birthday’, but it can also be used to call in a bomb threat. There can be no honest accounting of Omegle without acknowledging that some people misused it, including to commit unspeakably heinous crimes.” K-Brooks’ note did not mention the settlement in his statement, but blamed the closure of Omegle on unspecified “attacks” against communication services.
There’s a flaw in K-Brooks’ argument: The telephone doesn’t connect children and teens directly to sexual predators with the click of a button. Omegle’s model allowed sexual predators to sign on and click through a roulette of people, continuously jumping from one to another until they were face-to-face with who they were looking for.
Omegle has a long, problematic history of sexual abuse issues. In August, a man was sentenced to 16 years in prison after admitting to chatting with approximately 1,000 minors on Omegle and recording many of them undressing. The recent settlement with A.M. stems from a $22 million lawsuit which claims the man who abused her had saved thousands of sexually exploitative images of children, including some of A.M. In 2022, a CBC reporter spent time on Omegle and found that the majority of the people she matched to chat with appeared to be men who were either naked or off-camera.
In 2022, there were 608,601 reports of child exploitation on Omegle to the nonprofit National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s CyberTipline. Of all the sites the center tracked, only Facebook, Google, Instagram, and WhatsApp ranked higher.
In the US, social platforms are often protected by Section 230, a broad act that shields them from liability for the content their users post. But the judge in A.M.’s case found last July that Omegle’s design was at fault and it was not protected by Section 230: It could have worked to prevent matches between minors and adults before sexual content was even sent, the judge said.
K-Brooks wrote that he took a “good Samaritan” approach “to implement reasonable measures to fight crime and other misuse.” That included “basic safety and anonymity,” as well as “a great deal of moderation behind the scenes” that used both AI and human moderators. “Omegle punched above its weight in content moderation, and I’m proud of what we accomplished,” he wrote.
Omegle ultimately was brought down by a lawsuit from a sexual abuse survivor. But abusive content will still circulate around the web, and it shows how far away a long-term solution is. “We’ve got to ask ourselves some pretty good questions about how we even permitted this for so long,” said Signy Arnason, associate executive director of the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, a charity focused on reducing sexual abuse and exploitation of children. “If we don’t address things at the regulatory level, we’re just waiting for another site to backfill what Omegle did.”
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antiradqueerguy · 1 month
does anyone know toji's new account,,,, ive already reported to the cybertipline and everything but im trying to keep updates and archive anything new
has a new toji account been spotted by anyone yet?
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weebsinstash · 2 years
whenever i see someone complain about ao3 'hosting cp' im just like- okay. report it then. you can file a report with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children at cybertipline(.)com or by calling 1-800-843-5678. do it. seriously. do it. if you legitimately think a website is hosting cp, why is your only reaction yelling about it on twitter and trying to convince the website in question to start controlling their content. if they are hosting cp, do you think asking nicely is going 1/2
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For one thank you for including the agency name and number, im sure we all appreciate being able to have this resource on hand. Although thankfully I've never actually encountered cp before even when I've been on some. Extreme websites. But definitely a good resource to have.
I uh. Unfortunately wanted to confirm that this was an actual thing that people did and uh
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Yikes. Like not every single one of those fics is underage of the actual RPF person themselves, the fictional character might be the younger one, still creepy though, and god knows I'm not going to go through this entire list or put myself on a watch list trying to dig, but uh. Jesus that's a higher number than I was expecting, though much much MUCH lower than what I was fearing? Although there's a creeping feeling in my gut that there's a lot more and it probably is just tagged a certain way. Like when pedophiles like active actual encouraging disgustingly proud ones started calling themselves MAPs and using a pear emoji
I can't say I even remotely understand it or condone it and yeah I would argue that some of these people almost definitely Have Serious Issues And Maybe Should Be Turned Over To Their Local Authorities, but, to use this as a preface to essentially having all "dark fanfiction" removed from the site? To promote a blanket censorship that would eventually mean removing nsfw content period, from one of the only havens that allows it anymore? For what? What would that actually accomplish, who would that actually save? It's just kind of like. Wow could you not find an actual issue to address that you had to pick something so inconsequential and ultimately performative to get up on a podium about
And the weird thing is, and what really makes me not listen to anyone speaking on the other side about this issue at all, is this immediate reaction of "oh you don't think any one individual should be considered personally responsible for what some random stranger's unsupervised kid happens to see? You're definitely a kiddy diddler for disagreeing with me"
Like genuinely it feels like this is one of those arguments that people start having just to make themselves look good without actually saying or doing anything. Donate to a children's hospital if you want to do like, actual activism 🤦‍♀️
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twothirdsgenius · 1 year
i will absolutely give the democratic party shit every chance i get but it’s absolutely insane to just pick a random senator from either party and look at their sponsored bills and recent yes votes. it’s like well here we have jon ossoff (D) who sponsored a bill for universal background checks for guns and a bill to strengthen the reporting process of cybertipline to combat the online sexual exploitation of children
and then on the other hand you have senator Dick Moneybags (R) who voted no on turning off the People Grinding Machine, a machine that grinds up people and turns them into little beef patties and sponsored a bill to increase the capabilities of the People Grinding Machine to grind up even more people
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miwisconsin · 2 days
Recomendaciones para combatir explotación infantil en línea no contemplan presupuesto, ni leyes
Photo Credit: HLS Después de conocerse un informe de la Universidad de Stanford para arreglar el sistema de denuncia de explotación infantil en línea, el Consejo Asesor de Seguridad Nacional (HSAC) publicó algunas recomendaciones que buscan combatir el delito.   El Consejo Asesor de Seguridad Nacional presentó una serie de recomendaciones para enfrentar la explotación y abuso sexual infantil en línea.  El anuncio se conoce a menos de dos meses de la publicación de un informe de la Universidad de Stanford en el que aseguran que CyberTipline, el  sistema del Centro Nacional para Niños Desaparecidos y Explotados (NCMEC por sus siglas en inglés) donde toda la ciudadanía puede denunciar dicho delito, tiene evidentes falencias y debilidades.   El estudio de la Universidad publicado en abril de este año indica que, es “enormemente valioso y conduce al rescate de niños y al procesamiento de delincuentes”, pero que los agentes además de estar abrumados con la cantidad de reportes que reciben, se enfrentan con “desafíos para implementar rápidamente mejoras tecnológicas que ayudarían a la aplicación de la ley”. De esta manera, sugirieron inversión en herramientas que garanticen “un proceso preciso, con información del delincuente, información de la víctima, hora del incidente…”. Igualmente, explicaron que muchos de los informes cargados a CyberTipeline son de muy baja calidad e indicaron que hay limitaciones legales del NCMEC y de las autoridades encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley. Las recomendaciones que sugiere el Consejo Asesor de Seguridad Nacional son las siguientes: Establecer y empoderar una oficina en el DHS para liderar los esfuerzos de todo el DHS para combatir la CSEA en línea y crear un organismo unificado, similar a un Centro Fusión, para coordinar el enfoque de todo el gobierno para responder a este delito. Implementar soluciones que vayan más allá de la mera actividad policial para reunir a socios del sector público y privado para abordar estos delitos. Coordinar con las autoridades y los proveedores de plataformas para crear un sistema unificado para revisar las investigaciones de CSEA y la información relevante. Garantizar que el personal policial y de primera línea que colabora con CSEA en sus funciones tenga acceso a recursos de apoyo para el bienestar y la salud mental. Continuar desarrollando Know2Protect, la campaña de concientización pública del Departamento para combatir la explotación y el abuso sexual infantil en línea. Posicionar al DHS para que desempeñe un papel fundamental en la coordinación y el reclutamiento de otras agencias y departamentos estadounidenses en la lucha contra la CSEA. Aunque algunas de las recomendaciones planteadas por el ente estatal atienden las sugerencias de la Universidad, otras como, por ejemplo, el aumento del presupuesto del NCMEC para “permitirle contratar de manera más competitiva en la división técnica y dedicar más recursos al desarrollo de la infraestructura técnica”, no se ven reflejadas. Del mismo modo, sobre el reparo de que el Congreso “debería aprobar una legislación que extienda el período de conservación requerido a al menos 180 días, pero preferiblemente a un año, no hubo ningún pronunciamiento. CIFRAS De acuerdo a un informe publicado el año pasado por el Centro Nacional para Niños Desaparecidos y Explotados se registraron 36 millones en Estados Unidos de informes de sospecha de explotación y abuso sexual infantil en línea dichas cifras reflejan un incremento de más del 300 por ciento comparado con datos de los últimos 10 años. Con relación a lo que comprende específicamente Wisconsin, el informe publicado en el sistema del NCMEC fueron registrados 12.539 casos sospechosos del delito en contra de los menores.    FUENTES: DHS Read the full article
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insurgentepress · 2 months
Piden solucionar el sistema para denunciar la explotación infantil en línea en EEUU
Un nuevo informe del "Stanford Internet Observatory" (@FSIStanford) examina cómo mejorar el canal CyberTipline a partir de docenas de entrevistas con empresas de tecnología, autoridades policiales y la organización sin fines de lucro que administra el sistema de denuncia de abuso infantil en línea de EEUU.
Agencias, Ciudad de México.- Un sistema de denuncias creado hace 26 años para combatir la explotación infantil en internet no ha estado a la altura de su potencial y necesita mejoras tecnológicas y de otro tipo para ayudar a las autoridades a perseguir a los abusadores y rescatar a las víctimas, encontró un informe del Stanford Internet Observatory, un programa de investigación, enseñanza y…
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tamarovjo4 · 2 months
Stanford Internet Observatory: federally authorized CSAM clearinghouse CyberTipline, which gets tens of millions of tips per year, could be overrun by AI images (Will Oremus/Washington Post)
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swamyworld · 2 months
Report urges fixes to online child exploitation CyberTipline before AI makes it worse
A tipline set up 26 years ago to combat online child exploitation has not lived up to its potential and needs technological and other improvements to help law enforcement go after abusers and rescue victims, a new report from the Stanford Internet Observatory has found. The fixes to what the researchers describe as an “enormously valuable” service must also come urgently as new artificial…
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alexpolisonline · 4 months
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barilobarilonoticias · 10 months
Allanamientos por investigación de distribución y tenencia de imágenes de abuso sexual infantil
A primera hora se llevaron a cabo en tres domicilios de nuestra ciudad diversos allanamientos y requisas vehiculares con el fin de colectar evidencia de utilidad para la investigación que se lleva adelante por la supuesta distribución y tenencia de imágenes de abuso sexual infantil. Esta pesquisa tuvo origen en la recepción de reportes denominados “CyberTipLine de la Ong NCMEC (National Center…
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articleshubspot · 10 months
The Impact of Suicide Videos on Society
Suicide videos can have a significant impact on society. They can increase the risk of suicide for people who are already struggling, and they can also normalize suicide, making it seem like a more viable option than it really is.
A study published in the journal "Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior" found that exposure to suicide videos was associated with an increased risk of suicide ideation and attempts in young people. The study also found that the risk of suicide was higher for people who watched suicide videos that were graphic or realistic.
Another study, published in the journal "The Lancet Psychiatry," found that exposure to suicide videos on social media was associated with an increased risk of suicide in young people. The study also found that the risk of suicide was higher for people who watched suicide videos that were shared by friends or family members.
These studies suggest that suicide videos can have a real impact on the risk of suicide. They can also contribute to the normalization of suicide, making it seem like a more viable option than it really is.
The normalization of suicide can be harmful for society as a whole. It can make people less likely to seek help for suicidal thoughts, and it can also make people more likely to attempt suicide. This can lead to an increase in the number of suicides, which can have a devastating impact on families, communities, and society as a whole.
It is important to be aware of the dangers of suicide videos and to take steps to prevent them from being shared online. If you see a suicide video online, please report it to the website or platform where it is hosted. You can also report it to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline or the CyberTipline.
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Watch The Shuaiby Aslam Video
Together, we can help to prevent suicide and keep people safe.
Here are some additional things that we can do to address the impact of suicide videos on society:
Educate people about the dangers of suicide videos. People need to be aware of the risks associated with watching suicide videos. They should also know that there are resources available to help them if they are struggling with suicidal thoughts.
Promote positive messages about mental health. We need to promote positive messages about mental health and to challenge the stigma associated with suicide. This can help to reduce the risk of suicide and to make people feel more comfortable talking about it.
Support suicide prevention programs. There are many suicide prevention programs that are working to reduce the risk of suicide. We can support these programs by donating money, volunteering our time, or simply spreading the word about their work.
By taking these steps, we can help to create a more suicide-preventive society. We can also help to reduce the impact of suicide videos on individuals and on society as a whole.
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mystlnewsonline · 11 months
Johnathan Alexander Wade - Arrested - Sexual Exploitation
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Summerville, SC Man, Johnathan Alexander Wade, Arrested on Child Sexual Abuse Material Charges COLUMBIA, S.C. (STL.News) - South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson announced the arrest of Johnathan Alexander Wade, 34, of Summerville, S.C., on 20 charges connected to the sexual exploitation of minors. Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force investigators with the Dorchester County Sheriff's Office made the arrest. Investigators with the Attorney General's Office, also a member of the state's ICAC Task Force, assisted with the investigation. Investigators received a CyberTipline report from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), which led them to Wade. Investigators state Wade possessed files of child sexual abuse material. Wade was arrested on July 10, 2023. He is charged with 20 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor third-degree (§16-15-410), a felony offense punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment on each count. This case will be prosecuted by the Attorney General's Office. Attorney General Wilson stressed all defendants are presumed innocent unless and until they are proven guilty in a court of law. SOURCE: South Carolina Attorney General Read the full article
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