#cybrog franky
danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece Chapter 1019 - Initial Thoughts
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And we return!
A week break and an excellent anime episode later and we can continue on from the raid to settle more fights.
One hopes that 1020 is gonna bring us something huge like 1000 and 1010 but we'll have to get through this one first and see
Spoilers for the Chapter, Please also support the Official
Starting this one with a color spread this time, a fancy bikini shot for the ladies as they ride on Jimbei's shark bros with the rest of the crew. Nothing to look too deeply into I don't think
Starting with the chapter we have Sanji vs Queen about to commence, as well as Miyagi trying to give the healing remedy to Zoro through the bandages in vain
What's the bet that Zoro will be pissed at Sanji for bandaging him up so thick that it took longer for him to get back in the fight?
In the Polar Tang Luffy is urged to wake up too, but of course when he does it's one thing on his mind: Meshi!
But Sanji's mention of Franky being intrigued by Queen's lasers leads into his fight with Sasaki
Sasaki doesn't like that his Armoured Squadron has turned on him and is ready to kill anyone regardless of whether they're controlled, though Franky can at least plea ignorance since he hasn't seen Tama's power before
New Sword though, WW had the disappointing dagger but Sasaki has a kinda drill sword
And he's in his hybrid form, which is twice the size of General Franky
Whaaaaaaaaaaaa? He's using his triceratops frame to spin like a propeller...he's literally hovering with his neck...
Paired with his sword the 'Triceracopter' attack is effective, but Oda really is drinking the wild juice today
'The Triceratops is a pretty special breed of dinosaur' - maybe, but it don't fucking fly Sasaki!
Sasaki looks to prepare a tackle, but as Franky guards himself with his mini-shield, Sasaki is using his propulsion to get more distance instead, charging Franky with more momentum
The mech suit is taking some damage, but Franky uses that momentum to hit a headache of a German Suplex
He tries for the Victory Slash again, but Sasaki copters out and his sword is broken
Pushed to a corner, this means Franky has to use his big guns: the big gun
Also interesting note that they're near the performance floor, the battle is once again converging into the same spot
The General Cannon sends Sasaki in the air, but not KO'd and hammers head first into Franky
Also noticing that there are some weapon-themed names among the flying six; X-Calibur, Ulti Mortar, Fang Pistol, now Tricera Bullet/Magnum
The mech is lost but Franky ejects out of it, leaving Sasaki open to a Radical Beam
That finishes Sasaki off, for now at least, I don't think you can write off most of the Flying Six being KO'd for good right now. But still, 4 down, Black Maria to go
Finally back up to Kaido and Yamato and Kaido is lamenting how Yamato refuses to be a feather in his military cap, and that he even went out of his way to get a devil fruit for him
But Yamato also sees it differently, he only ate it because Kaido starved him, and was unaware of its powers too - since he likely spent most of his life in Wano which is mostly ignorant to what DFs are
We finally get to see it though, at first I thought he was a Kitsune but Devon has that, so my guess is that Yamato has the Inu Inu no Mi: Model Okami
So a fair bit of coverage there.
Luffy's awake, Zoro is being delayed a little, Franky got his win and we know what Yamato's Zoan form looks like.
While I understand that people wanted more from Sasaki character wise I won't fault Oda because we envisioned a narrative he wasn't following. Would it have been cool for him to be related to Kokoro? Sure, but it wasn't all necessary, and we can't undermine Sasaki's durability; he was jumped by Denjiro first (who is still AWOL), had his belly cut open early into the fight, got suplexed right on the head, plus he took a General Cannon and survived - the same kinda attack that even knocked Big Mom back a bit. Franky was clever in his fight too, using the deception of his mechsuit to carve an opening - I do however wonder if the suit will return into play, the docking system is already jammed by the Numbers and now the shoulder cannon and shield are tattered, maybe it's cause for an upgrade?
Luffy being awake will of course set us on a path to get him back in the fight, and Zoro's delay seems to be leading to him arriving only at a decisive moment - perhaps when King comes to outnumber Sanji or someone attacks Tiny Tiny Chopper.
Yamato's Zoan form looks cool, though I do worry like others about how feminine it looks. I trust Oda not to make Yamato go back to identifying as a woman when Kaido's defeated but it is a small voice in the back of the mind, I know a lot were set on the White Tiger as well to counter the Azure Dragon and it might still be the case but it does look to be more canine. It is kinda strange how similar it looks to Su Long as well, the argument of Yamato or Carrot continues in that regard and maybe a plus for whoever thinks that Momo and Tama will join the crew as apprentices with Carrot and Yamato as retainers to parallel Oden, Toki, Inu and Neko (Yamato being Inu as the Okami and Carrot being Neko since Su Long is Moon Lion).
Alas, more questions will be due for next week, one expects Robin to get that W over Maria next time around, though the fact that we're running out of big names is still cause for worry, their converging on the Performance Hall implies there might be a battle royale at the end, army vs 2 yonko or something? No Week break for now so we shall have to wait and see.
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece Chapter 1005 - Initial Thoughts
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Bit of a brow raiser this one Oda, like you relish subverting expectation
But One Piece is back after a long week break (and a less good official translation) as we continue matters with the Flying Six, meaning Hybrid Kaido still eludes us...
but let’s see what we got out of this one huh?
Spoilers for Chapter 1005, Support the Official Release too
Starting off with Katakuri on the cover page, which was nice and cute
Sticking with Black Maria we see the details of how she intends to capture Robin, basically a full on web room, the access to Tranquilizers seems interesting to me too, could use those against them
Dang those are some big brass knuckles
You just knew Oda was gonna do something else when the ladies watching were slowly turning to favour Sanji’s reluctance to talk
And...yeah, it’s disappointing that he does in the end comply with Maria’s request. Calling for help from Robin to save him after doing the ‘don’t underestimate Nico Robin’ scene from last chapter - even Maria herself is surprised
Man, Drake and Apoo are still going at it? Where’s Queen in all this too?
Chopper hard at work though, is the virus back to spreading though
Yeah Heat...we’re kinda feeling that too
Bepo noting it though could call for a surprise Heart Pirates rescue attempt, since they are allies
Marco still out here handling King though it seems
Jimbei don’t look away from the Cat man, that bite is gonna hurt regardless of Armament Haki
Sasaki got up quickly from that belly slash didn’t he?
Nami knows how it is, probably getting Enies Lobby flashbacks from it, but Usopp’s spotted the face tag creatures, maybe he’ll do something with them?
Power Pose Leg
See Sanji this is why you negotiate, you really thought Maria was gonna let you go?
Kinda expected Maria to have a harem of captives though, apparently monogamy was Sanji’s dealbreaker
Slap that bitch Robin!
If Robin’s bloomed past the trap doesn’t that mean that’s Clone Robin?
God it’s been too long to see Assassin Robin come out
And Brook’s here too, freeing Sanji from the webbing because he’s not a mega simp
So I think the sell for Sanji is meant to be he complied because he knew Robin could handle herself and trusted her to come out on top, but I don’t think it landed that way enough
I’m a little confused by Yamato’s explanation, are we saying that all the eye tags are ‘cyborgs’? Does that mean Bao Huang is a cyborg? Or just the tiny animals? Does that mean Kaido experimented on small animals to turn them into a recon unit?
‘Everything they see is seen by their human counterparts’ - so each Mary is assigned to another user? It can’t be animal based because Bao Huang found the Akazaya thought a mouse Mary
Finding a Mary though means that Yamato’s group has been spotted, time to bounce
Yamato my dude you are giving Momo a new wave of confusion by having him hide in your tits
And Jack is back, wanting to get his revenge on the weakened Akazaya. Guessing this is where Sanji redeems himself, an Injured Jack vs an injured Sanji, should suffice though given that Jack is a 1bn Beri bounty
Jesus christ everyone’s getting their tits out this chapter XD Oda’s definitely maintaining himself as a boob guy
Is that a legit head on her flaming weapon as well? That’d be grim
Badass Nico Robin and Simp Brook having to face the giant spider lady
So to get it out of the way, yes it was upsetting with the Sanji stuff
but this was still a good chapter, in fact it feels like Oda intentionally wants us pissed off at Sanji because of this - given how blatant he made out the dialogue being similar to public thinking. 
I am glad Robin’s finally gonna get a legitimate fight as well, she hasn’t had a real fight since Fishman Island, maybe you can count Trebol and Sugar but she was more dodging and trying to grab them than fight. And Oda’s made sure she looks badass as hell here. I wonder if Brook is gonna wander off too though, 2v1 seems like it could dampen Robin getting a W. I mean Brook is probably staying to make sure Robin doesn’t get kidnapped but they need to support Luffy too
As I said, Jack vs Sanji seems imminent, and with the rest of the Tobi Roppo busy that means Brook doesn’t really have anyone to fight, unless he walks into Queen or Hawkins (still maintaining though that Hawkins will turn on Kaido), Carrot and Wanda have been fighting Perospero on the outside for a long time too I wonder how that’s going. Yamato is also on the move too, he’s gotta find a new hiding spot though he could too be motivated to go to the Akazaya, I doubt there’s many more hiding places in Onigashima given that it’s hundreds of feet in the air.
but no break next week, I’m guessing we’ll have some of the Maria fight, maybe move to Jimbei too and hopefully Carrot - though if I were to bet I think Marco or Drake/Chopper is more likely from the chapter - before we return to whatever wreckage Hybrid Kaido and BM have left for our supernova
Man why can’t the chapters come quicker? Like just clone Oda 10 times over and then get 10 chapters a week XD the waits are painstaking, and we don’t even know who the shadowed figure Robin and Jimbei saw was let alone who the new shadowed person with the Akazaya is
such a freaking tease...
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One Piece Stampede Chacther Designs 2
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One Piece Stampede Chacther Designs 1
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