#cyn x uzi
One of the lyrics in the final battle is, "You need me!"
Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but Uzi and Cyn definitely don't realise how much the other, in a fucked up way, cares for the other.
In the battle, it goes from teasing to Cyn actually, genuinely, enjoying the fight. And Uzi too, at times.
They need each other to feel alive.
Or maybe I'm too deep in the Uzi/Cyn rabbit hole lol
Seeing as Cyn literally threw Uzi back her pickaxe to keep fighting, absolutely. Cyn may not inherently realize it, but she needs Uzi to keep foiling her plans, and put up a fight. A resistance to give her plan meaning. Plus she probably also sees herself as one with the Absolute Solver, thus the source of Uzi's power. Uzi needs her if she wants to be more than just a nobody.
If the patch wasn't destroyed, Uzi would have probably been able to kill Cyn, still have her powers, and that's that. Cyn would be gone thanks to Uzi finding some device the humans made. But instead she absorbed Cyn through her own strength, has her's and Cyn's power, and is fucking ecstatic about being an eldritch god. She definitely doesn't think she needs Cyn, but she absolutely needs the adrenaline and chaos only Cyn can provide. And now, quite literally Cyn needs her to live.
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murderdroneluv3r · 5 months
CynUzi because there isnt enough of it!
She's their love child lol :33
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grazinight · 5 months
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thecosmiccrow · 6 months
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wdym this isnt what happened
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critinikaqwq · 6 days
A Human's Touch (Is this Jessa? Idk, probably)
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N bro??
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shatteredstarsart · 5 months
So MD fandom, how are we feeling after episode 7
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wayward-delver · 6 months
MD Ep7 Spoilers:
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sarahth2 · 29 days
Murder Drones 'Final' episode in short summary by creator Liam Vickers.
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weebie-arts · 2 months
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Cyn made a lil drawing for Uzi and N.
She still has trouble with her movement motorics and somehow she needs to train them! So Uzi decided that drawing and writting would be a great practice for a start
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rdctvvv · 4 months
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beep boop 📀🔌
( i take commissions!! dm if you are interested )
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Thoughts on Uzi x Doll x Cyn?
As a polycule, it definitely would have a different dynamic than just Dollzi on its own. So rn, I'll focus on the polycule, and can go into Dollzi in of itself some other time, especially due to having AU headcanons for those two.
So for this ship, Cyn likes her Disassembly Drones like pets. Precious to her, good companions, but a novelty more than anything. Other hosts for Absolute Solver however? Those are her dear, dear possessions. Beloved drones whom she so eagerly sees as a part of herself.
What could be more intimate and close than literally sharing a consciousness with someone? Their mind rewritten with traces of your own code? A constant presence in their mind, physically unable to be separated.
This would make Nori and Yeva her exes in Cyn's pov, as they were the only ones able to literally eject her from their code via the patch. A harsh and cruel way to break up with someone who simply wanted to provide for them.
But it doesn't matter now, because she has Uzi and Doll, and Cyn will not let them go so easily. She happily keeps them both on a short leash, depriving them of everything, good friends, caring family, and other necessities, so that they are forced to rely on her, and crave her love. Of course, Cyn also wants her beloveds to get along, and with both of them being so isolated and going through similar struggles, it's easy for the two to bond. There was a major bump at the start, as with them both being isolated for such a long time, both Doll and Uzi had severe trust issues, and aggression issues. But after realizing they both were connected with Cyn, things fell into place.
Once their bond became more relaxed, and secured, the two fell fast and hard for each other. Cyn's body still hasn't arrived to Copper9 yet, and couldn't tangibly be there for them outside of using Absolute Solver. So they were extremely touch starved, and desperate for that physical reassurance. Cyn adores her little possessions, and would give them the universe. No one else is allowed to have them or harm them. She won't loose them this time, not like with previous possessions.
She thought it would be fine to let her possessions befriend some of her favorite pets. Now everything is starting to go wrong.
Uzi and Doll are so conflicted. For the longest time, Cyn was all they had. They love her, they owe her everything. But they are so tired. They hadn't noticed all the little ways Cyn has been hurting them, and having the truth all laid out like that by N and V is overwhelming. They know they need to break things off with Cyn, but how does one even do that when she's bound to their code? And if they broke things off, then what? What would happen to them? They have each other, but they both have relied on Cyn for so long. They would need to relearn so many things. Who would they even be without her?
Cyn is deeply hurt. Her dear possessions are trying to leave her again. She won't let that happen. She will keep them as part of her, even if she has to destroy them to do it.
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hatsunemikukrakuda · 6 months
What really happend in cyn's revelation:
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thecosmiccrow · 6 months
character textpost again
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i legit spent 2 hours taking screenshots of this episode. i have 106 which, admittedly, isnt a lot. art soon maybe if i string my consciousness back together enough
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facelessmime · 14 hours
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I think Uzi would give away her feelings with her tail a lot despite her edgy persona. And I wonder what that means for Cyn sometimes 🤣
I genuinely think Cyn would probably enjoy this, yelling "wee!" Even haha-- but it was too funny not to visualize this way.
Bonus Below!
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prittiswaggy-co · 15 days
Fuck it, Stylize'd your Jessa in my oc's style >:)
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