ffxivtribehydrae · 1 year
🔮 = Does your character buy into destinies, fate, or prophecies? Why or why not? -For Dusk
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It depends entierly on the situation and who or what tells them.
If someone looks like a legit priest/ess or other person who could foretell such things, he'd believe them with little hesitation. But anyone else claiming to know prophecies and fates of others, he'd be rather quick to dismiss, even find them rather rude. Unless they could prove that their knowledge is legit.
He is also a lot more ready to deny these kinds of foretellings if they in any way are negative to him. But that also implies that he to some extent still believes in them.
Considering he grew up in a tribe with a priestess that would foretell the heavens and hear the prophecies spoken by their Goddess, of course destiny, fate and all that has to be real! But he also don't believe these things are set in stone, he do believe he personally have the power to shape his destiny.
- Fantasy Character Development -
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locke-rinannis · 2 years
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A Beast with Hidden Legendary Wisdom
examples of this include sphinxes, manticores, basilisks, firebirds, etc. you're unfairly perceived as monstrous, but really, you Get things like nobody else. your wisdom and understanding is valued, and is why people respect you. you are terrible at winning fights, though. perhaps you can allow yourself to be less wise sometimes and come back to earth and be selfish more often. but only if you want.
[ Quiz Here! ] Tagged by: @seascrapes (Thank you!!) Tagging: @alun-ura | @meandering-mind | @hithren | @glass-arcana | @thegildenheart | @grumpy-limsan-customs-cat | @cynicaldjinn | @mai-takeda | @io-saar | @cigarettes-n-daisies | @ironeaters | @haila-wetyios | @cadrenebula | @kibuto | @ffxivaltstars | @honoura | @bride-and-bride | @siegryn | Any others who would like to try!
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cadrenebula · 2 years
⛈— How often do they get emotional? Are they open with their partner about it? (For Lancefer)
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Despite being Ishgardian and having gotten very good at wearing a mask over his feelings... He's gotten used to being very open with Kyna. I mean it does help that she was his therapist for a while so he's used to opening up to her. But being around the Loches as part of a real and loving family, he was already getting used to letting that mask drop around those he cares about and feels safe with.
He was very used to hiding feelings that weren't anger and annoyance or just plain indifference. His birth parents made it clear to him that he was the black sheep very early on. They were hard on him as the eldest child and even harder still when he went to serve Haillenarte. So now he tends to have more emotional moments than he used but he still sometimes falls into bad habits of bottling things up.
Thanks for the ask @cynicaldjinn
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high-stakes-gambler · 4 years
What if Teledji could read minds? Would he pry, or would he try to find a way to turn the ability off?
[[ What if Meme!]][[ What a powerful ability !!! Teledji will of course leap into the idea and pry right away! What secrets he may find~?Unfortunately he is likely to bite more than he could chew and soon find this ability is really best turned off… ]]
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jasleh · 4 years
17. Favorite minion?
ooh, I have a lotta favorite minions, but the ones that spring to mind first are
1) Midgardsormr 
2) wind-up dragonet
3) white ferret (not exact name, but you know what I mean)
4) the little succulent hedgehog thing from Dohn Mheg 
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dennydraws · 5 years
cynicaldjinn replied to your post: S-sweet? They were... they were LITERALLY throwing...
Everyone: Liking what they like and being okay with it. This Anon: BUUURN THE HERETIC SO MINE EYES SHALT NOT CONSUME THAT WHICH IS CHAAAAAAAI!
It’s both hilarious and kind of sad. It just makes me reblog more Chai arts. :’D; Me: -breathes- I like chai Anon: FILTHY CHAIS Me: I meant the drink.. Anon: DIE!!
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blindkarakul · 5 years
9. If they were to make a timeline with their life events, which ones would they list? Which would they leave out?
“What point is therrre in denial?”
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“Terrrible things happen. To all of us. The morrre you push them away, the morrre you prrretend they do not exist and they neverrr happened at all... they dig into yourrr hearrrt. Like a deep burrr. You arrre going to get cuts and scrrrapes forrr walking the path of life-- you do not tend to them by ignorrring them and hoping they disappearrr.”
“Now... events I would rrratherrr not speak of? That is a differrrent storrry.”
“I am M’yhe. I was borrrn in the Lochs. My motherrrs took me in frrrom the sun sickness and the vulturrres. I lived on the mesa with my trrribe for some time, until we could not. We lived as nomads. On my tenth nameday, I think, I was sent with my brrrotherrrs on a warrriorrr’s pilgrrrimage. My brrrotherrr M’iaho and I joined the Rrresistence for a few years. We trained. We fought when we werrre olderrr. We tasted defeat. We had to rrrun away.”
“We rrreunited with ourrr family. Infection took ourrr motherrr. Then it took our Nunh too. But that did not matterrr for long-- we werrre scatterrred to the ashes. I was... capturrred. I toiled until I could not. I escaped, made it to the city. And then I learrrned people can be crrruel. I found love, and then learrrned that life can be crrruelerrr. Then... I made it to Eorrrzea.”
“And I rrread, and I drrrank, and I hoped forrr... something. It is all a blurrr. But now? I have grrreat frrriends, I do good worrrk. I found a love that only makes my hearrrt swell and feel full.”
“Bad things happen. To all of us. But they make the good times taste like honey on ourrr tongues in comparrrison.”
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dylan-xiv · 5 years
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
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“Hnnn~!! This is such a difficult question because I really do love the ocean, but I’m not sure if I’d wanna live beneath the waves forever, I prefer to wander..” Dylan rubbed her chin in thought then gave a warm smile. 
“If I were a fairy I could go to see the ocean whenever I’d like and I would be able to fly through the endless blue sky~! Yes! I’d much rather be a fairy~!”
Thank you for the prompt, @cynicaldjinn ♥
[Sweet and Pure Asks]
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ayyymeric · 5 years
cynicaldjinn replied to your post: anyone remember how to turn off the white arrows...
Character Config > Display Name Settings > NPCs > Housing Furniture > Never
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bloodsworn-marshal · 5 years
Do you hoard gear and items?
Gods yes… mostly glam and especially housing items I have a difficult time getting rid of! I adore decorating and making interesting outfit combinations… so I hold onto anything that I think I may use at some point.
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thegoddamnhawkman · 5 years
8. Favorite BGM/vocal track?
i’m gonna pick one from every expansion because honestly shadowbringers music is so good it’s unfair (spoilers in the shadowbringers links because people keep uploading the songs attached to game video)
Shadowbringers: literally everything, but particularly the Story Mission version of the main theme. special mention to A Long Fall and THE PRIMALS - Locus (The Twinning)
Stormblood: “Drowning In The Horizon” (Azim Steppe)
Heavensward: “The Mushroomery” (Matoya’s Cave)
ARR: “Ripples in the Sea” (Merlwyb’s theme)
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
Send 🎀 to see them in a cute outfit - For Dusk
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Anything cuter than a warm sweater in this cold times?
- Screenshot Meme -
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ze-dominant-demon · 5 years
✼ - Do you think the character/characters you role play as reflect who you are?
Oh yes, there is a lot about Zeph that is a reflection of things within myself, an outlet for things that aren’t feasible in real life. To be fair though, I don’t think anyone can create a character that is 100% free of something from within their creator.
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cadrenebula · 5 years
“My turn!” (For Ru and Dest)
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Destiney Koellian and Samuru Lantis have joined your party!
Dest and Ru have been friends for years now. Enjoying quiet time at Ru’s house for tea when their lives give them that luxury of time free. Depending upon the role needed for the party, Dest would either join as a SCH or as a RDM.
• Starting Dungeon: “Ru! It’s so good to see you joining for this adventure.”
• Assisting: ”I got your back, Ru!”
• Being Assisted: “Thanks… I must have missed that one. Can always trust you to be there when needed.”
• Idle Dialogue: “So how is your daughter doing? We really should get together for tea. Isen too of course.”
• Witnessing Samuru KO: “No! Hold on, Ru!”
• Reviving Samuru: “I’ve got you. You’re not joining the lifestream yet, my friend.”
• Finishing Dungeon: “Phew. That was interesting but let’s pick something more calm for our next get together. Like tea.”
Send “My Turn!“ for Dialogue my muse would have while in Party with yours.
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high-stakes-gambler · 4 years
[[ @samurulantis Ru! \o/!! ]]
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It was high noon when Samuru was strolling though Gridania, well familiar paths for him no doubt. What was unfamiliar however was hearing a very tiny and pleading voice from not too far away tree.
“H-help... Someone... anyone...” Teledji whimpered, hanging on to a tree branch for dear life. 
Blasted be these huge Gridanian trees, they were as tall as mountains - not meant for little folk such as he. And as the former syndicate was about to count is prayers he spot a familiar face.
“S-samuru? Samuru my friend, my savior, my tall saint...!” Teledji beamed, eyes tearing - he was saved! Or so he thought as he watched the fair elezen step closer, surrounded by sunlight breaking through the trees, bathing him in ethereal glimmer... and one could swear Teledji heard a choir of angels upon that view “I thought I was going to die here... blessed be the Twelve!”
The situation would have seemed more dire... if the lalafellin man wasn’t in height that was in fact fairly reachable for the elezen man. 
And then the question came... “....How?”
Teledji quickly snapped out of his trance and if he could fold arms without letting go, he would have done that but instead offered a simple pout. “I was punt...”
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ylaziel · 5 years
💘 – What is a romantic AU you’ve always wanted to write, but haven’t yet?
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I always wanted to write a slow burning couple that starts out more as companions and/or rivalry and emotions are really held back, bottled up until they just suddenly pop and bloom and those colder, teasing moments turn into more affectionate, romantic ones. Something that forges a really romantic bond between the characters and makes them stick out for each other proper.I just find it amusing and really beautiful how two characters can grow together, see their moments where you have that underlying but extremely strong affection and dynamic that develops, yet it remains subtle still significant.
Like sparring, teaching each other how to get better and you can just have these moments of accidental closeness and just a little of that affection show and then disappears into the next trade of punches.
Eventually i would also love to have Yla get to a point to have family, but.. That’s far in the future and perhaps will never happen just remain and AU fantasy.
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